Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Alice Paige-Smith

43 items in this list.
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Craft, Anna and Paige-Smith, Alice (2008). What does it mean to reflect on our practice? In: Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 13–24.

Craft, Anna and Paige-Smith, Alice (2008). Reflective practice. In: Miller, Linda and Cable, Carrie eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. London: Hodder Arnold, pp. 87–97.

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Devereux, Jane; Paige-Smith, Alice; Miller, Linda and Cable, C. E. (2004). The effect of the Open University certificate of early years on practice: Issues for the profession. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), 1-4 Sep 2004, Malta.

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Miller, Linda; Devereux, Jane; Paige-Smith, Alice and Soler, Janet (2009). Approaches to curricula in the early years. In: Cable, Carrie; Miller, Linda and Goodliff, Gill eds. Working with Children in the Early Years, 2nd Edition. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 75–87.

Miller, Linda and Paige Smith, Alice (2004). Practitioners' beliefs and children’s experiences of literacy in four early years settings. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 24(2) pp. 121–133.

Miller, Linda; Devereux, Jane; Paige-Smith, Alice and Soler, Janet (2002). Approaches to curricula in the early years. In: Devereux, Jane and Miller, Linda eds. Working with children in the early years. London, UK: David Fulton Publishers, pp. 113–127.

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Paige-Smith, A. (2010). Parent partnership and inclusion in the early years. In: Miller, L. and Cable, C. eds. Supporting Children's Learning in the Early Years (2nd Edition). London/New York: Routledge, pp. 39–46.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna (2009). Reflection and developing a community of practice. In: Miller, Linda; Cable, Carrie and Goodliff, Gill eds. Supporting Children's Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 192–198.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Rix, Jonathan (2009). Researching early intervention and young children's perspectives: Developing and using a 'listening to children approach'. In: British Education Research Association Conference, 2-5 Sep 2009, University of Manchester.

Paige-Smith, Alice; Rix, Jonathan and Craft, Anna (2008). Reflective Family-Centred Practices: parents' perspectives and early intervention. In: Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. UK: Open University Press, pp. 145–159.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna (2008). Developing reflective practice. In: Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill,/Open University Press, pp. 25–39.

Paige-Smith, A; Rix, J and Craft, A (2008). Reflective family-centered practices: parents' perspectives and early intervention. In: Paige-Smith, A and Craft, A eds. Developing Practice in the Early Years. Berkshire: McGraw Hill, Open University, pp. 145–159.

Paige-Smith, A. and Craft, A. (2008). Reflection and developing a community of practice. In: Paige-Smith, A and Craft, A eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Berkshire: McGraw Hill, Open University, pp. 170–178.

Paige-Smith, A; Craft, A and Craft, M (2008). Democratic reflective practice in the early years. In: Paige-Smith, A and Craft, A eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Berkshire: McGraw Hill, Open University, pp. 179–186.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna (2007). Postscript: democratic reflective practice in the early years. In: Paige-Smith, Alice; Craft, Anna and Craft, Michael eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press / McGraw Hill, pp. 179–186.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Rix, Jonathan (2006). Parents' perceptions and children's experiences of early intervention – inclusive practice? Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 6(2) pp. 92–98.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Rix, Jonathan (2005). Parents perceptions and children’s experiences of early intervention – inclusive practice? In: 4th International Conference on Developmental Issues in Down Syndrome, The Down Syndrome Educational Trust, 15-18 Sep 2005, University of Portsmouth, UK.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Rix, Jonathan (2005). Parents perceptions and children's experiences of early intervention – inclusive practice? In: Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress: International Special Education Conference - Inclusion: Celebrating Diversity?, 1-4 Aug 2005, Glasgow, Scotland.

Paige-Smith, Alice (2004). Parent partnership and inclusion in the early years. In: Miller, Linda and Devereux, Jane eds. Supporting children's learning in the early years. UK: Routledge, pp. 45–53.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Miller, Linda (2003). Literacy in four early years settings. In: Miller, Linda and Devereux, Jane eds. Supporting children's learning in the early years. London: David Fulton, pp. 124–136.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Wolfendale, S (2003). Supporting all children: moving towards inclusion in the early years. In: Miller, Linda and Devereux, Jane eds. Supporting children's learning in the early years. London: David Fulton, pp. 33–44.

Paige-Smith, A. (2003). Early intervention and inclusive education: raising standards of literacy in the early years? In: BERA, 10-13 Sep 2003, Harrot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K..

Paige-Smith, Alice (2002). Parental involvement and inclusion in the early years. In: Miller, Linda; Drury, Rose and Campbell, Robin eds. Exploring Issues in Early Years Education and Care. UK: David Fulton.

Paige-Smith, Alice (2002). Supporting pupils with difficulties in literacy, the policy and practice of the early literacy strategy. In: International Reading Association: World Congress on Reading, International Literacy Links, 2002, University of Edinburgh.

Paige-Smith, A. (2002). Teacher beliefs and early childhood literacy. In: BERA, 11-12 Sep 2002, Exeter, U.K..

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Rix, Jonathan and Paige-Smith, Alice (2011). Exploring barriers to reflection and learning – developing a perspective lens. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 11(1) pp. 30–41.

Rix, Jonathan and Paige-Smith, Alice (2007). Change and Compromise? Parental agency and early intervention. In: International Transitions Research Conference, 11-14 Apr 2007, University of Strathclyde.

Rix, J and Paige-Smith, A (2006). Parental agency and early intervention. In: BERA Conference 2006, 6-9 Sep 2006, Warwick, UK.

Rix, Jonathan; Paige-Smith, Alice and Jones, Helen (2005). Approaches to supporting children’s learning in early childhood – the role of parents and professionals. In: 4th International Conference On Developmental Issues In Down Syndrome, The Down Syndrome Educational Trust, 15-18 Sep 2005, University of Portsmouth.

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Soler, Janet and Paige-Smith, Alice (2005). The Early Literacy Support programmes (ELS) and the blend and clash of national educational policy ideologies. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 25(1) pp. 43–54.

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