Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Alessio Gugliotta

33 items in this list.
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Book SectionTo Top

Dietze, Stefan; Domingue, John; Mrissa, Michael and Gugliotta, Alessio (2010). Context-aware semantic Web service discovery through metric-based situation representations. In: Sheng, Quan Z.; Yu, Jian and Dustdar, Schahram eds. Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and Technologies. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 365–391.

Pedrinaci, Carlos; Grenon, Pierre; Galizia, Stefania; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2010). A knowledge-based framework for web service adaptation to context. In: Sheng, Quan Z.; Yu, Jian and Dustdar, Schahram eds. Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and Technologies. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 421–447.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2009). Bridging the gap between mobile application contexts and Semantic Web resources. In: Stojanovic, Dragan ed. Context-Aware Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing for Enhanced Usability: Adaptive Technologies and Applications. Premier Reference Source. Information Science Reference, pp. 217–234.

Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John; Tanasescu, Vlad; Gutierrez Villarias, Leticia; Davies, Rob; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stinčić, Sandra (2008). Enabling data, information, and process integration with semantic web services: from a new technology infrastructure to a compelling demonstrator. In: Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Sassen, Anne-Marie; Traverso, Paolo and Zwegers, Arian eds. At Your Service: Service-oriented Computing from an EU Perspective. MIT Press, pp. 327–356.

Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John; Cabral, Liliana; Tanasescu, Vlad; Galizia, Stefania; Davies, Rob; Villarias, Leticia Gutierrez; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stincic, Sandra (2008). Deploying Semantic Web Services-Based Applications in the e-Government Domain. In: Spaccapietra, Stefano ed. Journal on Data Semantics X. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4900). Springer, pp. 96–132.

Tanasescu, Vlad; Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John; Gutiérrez Villarías, Leticia; Davies, Rob; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stin?i?, Sandra (2007). Geospatial data integration with Semantic Web services: the eMerges approach. In: Scharl, Arno and Tochtermann, Klaus eds. The Geospatial Web : how geobrowsers, social software and the Web 2.0 are shaping the network society. Advanced Information & Knowledge Processing. London, UK: Springer, pp. 247–256.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2007). A semantic web services-based infrastructure for context-adaptive process support. In: Zhang, Liang-Jie; Watson, T. J.; Birman, Kenneth P. and Zhang, Jia eds. IEEE International Conference on Web Services. Los Alamitos, Calif: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 537–544.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2007). Towards adaptive e-learning applications based on Semantic Web Services. In: Griffiths, David; Koper, Rob and Liber, Oleg eds. Service Oriented Approaches and Lifelong Competence Development Infrastructures. Bolton: The Institute for Educational Cybernetics, University of Bolton, pp. 75–83.

Journal ItemTo Top

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John and Mrissa, Michael (2011). Mediation spaces for similarity-based semantic web services selection. International Journal of Web Services Research, 7(4)

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Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John; Yu, Hong Qing and Mrissa, Michael (2010). An automated approach to Semantic Web Services mediation. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 4(4) pp. 261–275.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2009). Exploiting metrics for similarity-based semantic web service discovery. In: IEEE 7th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2009), 6-10 Jul 2009, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2008). Conceptual situation spaces for situation-driven processes. In: The 5th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008), 1-5 Jun 2008, Tenerife, Spain.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2008). Fuzzy context adaptation through conceptual situation spaces. In: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2008) within 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI2008), 1-6 Jun 2008, Hong Kong.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2008). Mobile situation spaces. In: International Workshop on the Role of Services, Ontologies, and Context in Mobile Environments (RoSOC-M '08) at The 9th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'08), 27 Apr 2008, Beijing, China.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2008). Towards context-aware semantic web service discovery through conceptual situation spaces. In: International Workshop on Context enabled Source and Service Selection, Integration and Adaptation (CSSSIA) at 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2008), 21-25 Apr 2008, Beijing, China.

Gugliotta, Alessio; Dietze, Stefan and Domingue, John (2008). A situations & goals semantic model for designing and implementing semantic web services-based processes. In: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, Los Alamitos, CA, pp. 581–582.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2007). A semantic web service oriented framework for adaptive learning environments. In: The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (Franconi, Enrico; Kifer, Michael and May, Wolfgang eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, pp. 701–715.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2007). Addressing context-awareness and standards interoperability in e-learning: a service-oriented framework based on IRS III. In: The 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2007) (Leung, Howard; Li, Frederick; Lau, Rynson and Li, Qing eds.), 15-17 Aug 2007, Edinburgh, UK.

Galizia, Stefania; Gugliotta, Alessio; Pedrinaci, Carlos and Domingue, John (2007). Applying Semantic Web Services. In: 4th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP 2007), 18-20 Dec 2007, Bari, Italy.

Dietze, Stefan; Gugliotta, Alessio and Domingue, John (2007). Context-aware process support through automatic discovery and invocation of semantic web services. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA'07), 19-20 Jun 2007, Newport Beach, California, USA.

Tanasescu, Vlad; Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John; Gutiérrez Villarías, Leticia; Davies, Rob; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stin?i?, Sandra (2006). Spatial integration of Semantic Web Services: the e-Merges approach. In: Terra Cognita 2006, 6 Nov 2006, Athens, Georgia, USA.

Tanasescu, Vlad; Gugliotta, Alessio; Domingue, John; Gutiérrez Villarías, Leticia; Davies, Rob; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stin?i?, Sandra (2006). A Semantic Web Services GIS based emergency management application. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4273 pp. 959–966.

Gugliotta, Alessio; Tanasescu, Vlad; Domingue, John; Davies, Rob; Gutiérrez-Villarías, Leticia; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stin?i?, Sandra (2006). Benefits and challenges of applying Semantic Web Services in the e-Government domain. In: Semantics 2006, 28-30 Nov 2006, Vienna, Austria.

Gugliotta, Alessio; Davies, Rob; Gutiérrez-Villarías, Leticia; Tanasescu, Vlad; Domingue, John; Rowlatt, Mary; Richardson, Marc and Stincic, Sandra (2006). Enhancing data and processes integration and interoperability in emergency situations: a SWS based emergency management system. In: First International Workshop on Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web (SEBIZ 2006), 6 Nov 2006, Athens, Georgia, USA.

Gugliotta, Alessio; Cabral, Liliana and Domingue, John (2006). Knowledge modelling for integrating e-government applications and Semantic Web Services. In: AAAI Spring Symposium Series “Semantic Web meets E-Government”, 27-29 Mar 2006, Stanford University, California, USA.

Roberto, V.; Rowlatt, M.; Davies, R.; Gugliotta, A.; Cabral, L. and Domingue, J. (2005). A semantic web service-based architecture for the interoperability of e-government services. In: Web Information Systems Modeling Workshop (WISM 2005) / 5th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2005), 25 Jul 2005, Sydney, Australia.

Gugliotta, Alessio; Cabral, Liliana; Domingue, John and Roberto, Vito (2005). A conceptual model for semantically-based e-government portals. In: 1st International Conference on eGovernment ICEG 2005, 27-28 Oct 2005, Ottawa, Canada.


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