Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Alan Floyd

48 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 06:50:18 2025 GMT.

2023To Top

2021To Top

Baxter, J A; Floyd, Alan and Jewitt, Katharine (2021). Educational leadership for the future. In: Educational leadership for the future: World Education Leadership symposium 2021, 28-30 Sep 2021, Geneva.

Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan (2021). Strategic management of online education in English secondary schools during Covid 19 and beyond. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, IATED Academy, pp. 765–772.

Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan (2021). Leading School Online Learning beyond Covid-19. In: The Northern Celebration of Education: CelebrateEd 2021, 30 Jun 2021, Online.

Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan (2021). Inequalities in secondary school online learning through Covid-19. In: The Open University Covid-19 response research: social inequalities in a pandemic event, 25 Jun 2021, [Online].

Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan (2021). What are the “Covid Keepers” for September? In: The Open University Children and Covid-19: A conversation event, 3 Jun 2021, [Online].

2019To Top

Lindsay, Hilary and Floyd, Alan (2019). Experiences of using the researching professional development framework. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 10(1) pp. 54–68.

Floyd, Alan and Preston, Diane (2019). Why do UK academics become Associate Deans and what are their future career plans? Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 41(4) pp. 430–443.

2018To Top

2017To Top

2016To Top

Floyd, Alan and Fuller, Carol (2016). Leadership identity in a small island developing state: the Jamaican context. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(2) pp. 251–271.

Floyd, Alan and Fung, Dilly (2016). Leading the Performance Review process: professional development or performativity. In: New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society Conference, 20-22 Apr 2016, Dunedin, New Zealand.

2015To Top

Fung, Dilly and Floyd, Alan (2015). Exploring distributed leadership in an English university. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference, 9-11 Dec 2015, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport in South Wales, United Kingdom.

2014To Top

Floyd, Alan and Preston, Diane (2014). Exploring The Role Of Associate Deans In UK Universities - end of project report. Small Development Projects; The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, London. (Submitted)

Floyd, Alan (2014). Leading professional practice in education, Edited by C. Wise, P. Bradshaw and M. Cartwright. British Journal of Educational Studies, 62(2) pp. 209–210.

Floyd, Alan and Preston, Diane (2014). Exploring the role of Associate Dean in UK Universities - End of Project Findings. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, 11-13 Dec 2014, Celtic Manor Resort, Wales.

Floyd, Alan and Preston, Diane (2014). Doing some good? Exploring the role of Associate Dean in UK Universities. In: British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference, 11-13 Jul 2014, Stratford upon Avon.

Floyd, Alan and Fung, Dilly (2014). Mentor or manager: perspectives of distributed leadership in a UK University. In: New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society Conference, Apr, Wellington, New Zealand.

2013To Top

Floyd, Alan (2013). Narratives of academics who become department heads. In: Gornall, Lynne; Cook, Caryn; Daunton, Lyn; Salisbury, Jane and Thomas, Brychan eds. Academic Working Lives: Experience, Practice and Change. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 86–93.

Floyd, Alan and Fung, Dilly (2013). On leading and being led: exploring distributed leadership in a UK university. In: British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference, 12-14 Jul 2013, Edinburgh.

Floyd, Alan and Preston, Diane (2013). Exploring the role of Associate Dean in UK Universities - Initial Findings. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, 11-13 Dec 2013, Celtic Manor Resort, Wales.

2012To Top

Floyd, Alan and Arthur, Linet (2012). Researching from within: external and internal ethical engagement. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 35(2) pp. 171–180.

Floyd, Alan (2012). Narrative and life history. In: Briggs, Ann; Coleman, Marianne and Morrison, Marlene eds. Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management (3rd ed). London: Sage, pp. 223–235.

Floyd, Alan and Fung, Dilly (2012). Focusing the kaleidoscope: Investigating the newly formed role of “Academic Lead” at a research-led University. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, 10-12 Dec 2012, Celtic Manor Resort, Wales.

Floyd, Alan and Morrison, Marlene (2012). Inter-professional identities and cultures in Education, Health and Social Care: implications for higher education research and practice. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, 11-13 Dec 2012, Celtic Manor Resort, Wales.

Floyd, Alan and Fuller, Carol (2012). Leadership development in a Small Island Developing State: the Jamaican context. In: BELMAS Annual Conference, 11-13 Jul 2012, Manchester.

Floyd, Alan (2012). Supporting middle leaders in higher education: Do we care? In: New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society Conference, 20-22 Apr 2012.

2011To Top

Floyd, Alan (2011). Leadership in Higher Education - Voices from the Middle. In: SRHE South West Higher Education Network Seminar Series, 8 May 2011, Bristol.

Floyd, Alan (2011). Narratives of academics who become department heads in a chartered UK university. In: Centre for Excellence in Preparing for Academic Practice 4th International Conference - Academia as workplace: linking past, present and future, 18 Apr 2011, Oxford.

2010To Top

Floyd, Alan and Arthur, Linet (2010). Researching from Within: Moral and Ethical Issues and Dilemmas. In: SRHE Annual Conference, 11-13 Dec 2010, Celtic Manor Resort, Wales.

Arthur, Linet; Floyd, Alan; Glenny, G. and Morrison, Marlene (2010). The Leadership and Management of Inter-professional Education and Collaborative Professional Practice. In: BELMAS Annual Conference, 11-13 Jul 2010, Reading.

2009To Top

Floyd, Alan (2009). "Turning Points": the personal and professional circumstances that lead academics to become HoDs at a UK University. In: Beyond Teaching and Research - Inclusive Understandings of Academic Practice Conference, 21 May 2009, Oxford.

2008To Top

Floyd, Alan (2008). Karma Chameleons: Changing Identities of Academics who become Heads of Department. In: Academic Identities in Crisis? Conference, 20-22 Apr 2008, University or Central Lancashire.

2007To Top

Floyd, Alan (2007). Career Trajectories of Academics who become Heads of Department - Initial Findings. In: BERA Annual Conference, 5-7 Sep 2007, University of London.

2006To Top

Floyd, Alan (2006). Heading the Department: A need for Investigation. In: BERA Annual Conference, 5-7 Sep 2006, University of Warwick.


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