Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider

45 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 15:09:01 2025 GMT.

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Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Golestanian, Ramin and Vilfan, Andrej (2024). Hydrodynamic efficiency limit on a Marangoni surfer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 986, article no. A32.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Tjhung, Elsen; Richter, Thomas and Menzel, Andreas M. (2024). Hydrodynamics of a disk in a thin film of weakly nematic fluid subject to linear friction. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36, article no. 445101.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Golestanian, Ramin and Vilfan, Andrej (2023). Minimum entropy production by microswimmers with internal dissipation. Nature Communications, 14, article no. 6060.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Nasouri, Babak; Vilfan, Andrej and Golestanian, Ramin (2021). Optimal swimmers can be pullers, pushers or neutral depending on the shape. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 922, article no. R5.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Löwen, Hartmut and Menzel, Andreas M. (2020). Dynamics of a microswimmer–microplatelet composite. Physics of Fluids, 32(2), article no. 021902.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Sprenger, Alexander R.; Amarouchene, Yacine; Salez, Thomas; Schönecker, Clarissa; Richter, Thomas; Löwen, Hartmut and Menzel, Andreas M. (2020). Axisymmetric Stokes flow due to a point-force singularity acting between two coaxially positioned rigid no-slip disks. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 904, article no. A34.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej and Mathijssen, Arnold J. T. M. (2020). Tuning the Upstream Swimming of Microrobots by Shape and Cargo Size. Physical Review Applied, 14, article no. 024071.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Liebchen, Benno; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut (2019). Theory of active particle penetration through a planar elastic membrane. New Journal of Physics, 21(8), article no. 083014.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Kurzthaler, Christina; Hoell, Christian; Zöttl, Andreas; Mirzakhanloo, Mehdi; Alam, Mohammad-Reza; Menzel, Andreas M.; Löwen, Hartmut and Gekle, Stephan (2019). Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elastic boundary: Implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer near an elastic interface. Physical Review E, 100(3), article no. 032610.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Kaoui, Badr and Löwen, Hartmut (2019). Axisymmetric Flow due to a Stokeslet Near a Finite-Sized Elastic Membrane. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 88, article no. 054401.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Goh, Segun; Liebchen, Benno; Hoell, Christian; Mathijssen, Arnold J. T. M.; Guzmán-Lastra, Francisca; Scholz, Christian; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut (2019). Membrane penetration and trapping of an active particle. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150(6), article no. 064906.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Gekle, Stephan; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut (2018). Hydrodynamic coupling and rotational mobilities near planar elastic membranes. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, article no. 014901.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Hoell, Christian and Löwen, Hartmut (2018). Swimming trajectories of a three-sphere microswimmer near a wall. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, article no. 134904.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Löwen, Hartmut and Gekle, Stephan (2018). Creeping motion of a solid particle inside a spherical elastic cavity. The European Physical Journal E, 41(9), article no. 104.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Mathijssen, Arnold J. T. M.; Hoell, Christian; Goh, Segun; Bławzdziewicz, Jerzy; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut (2018). State diagram of a three-sphere microswimmer in a channel. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, article no. 254004.

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej and Gekle, Stephan (2017). Mobility of an axisymmetric particle near an elastic interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 811 pp. 210–233.

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Gürbüz, Ali; Lemus, Andrew; Demir, Ebru; Shun Pak, On and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah (2023). The effect of axisymmetric confinement on propulsion of a three-sphere microswimmer. Physics of Fluids, 35, article no. 081907.

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Hosaka, Yuto; Golestanian, Ramin and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah (2023). Hydrodynamics of an odd active surfer in a chiral fluid. New Journal of Physics, 25, article no. 083046.

Hoell, Christian; Löwen, Hartmut; Menzel, Andreas M. and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah (2019). Creeping motion of a solid particle inside a spherical elastic cavity: II. Asymmetric motion. The European Physical Journal E, 42, article no. 89.

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Liao, Chih-Tang; Lemus, Andrew; Gürbüz, Ali; Tsang, Alan C. H.; Pak, On Shun and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah (2024). Propulsion of a three-sphere microrobot in a porous medium. Physical Review E, 109(6), article no. 065106.

STo Top

Sharan, Priyanka; Daddi‐Moussa‐Ider, Abdallah; Agudo‐Canalejo, Jaime; Golestanian, Ramin and Simmchen, Juliane (2023). Pair Interaction between Two Catalytically Active Colloids. Small, 19(36), article no. 2300817.

Schmidt, Falko; Callegari, Agnese; Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Munkhbat, Battulga; Verre, Ruggero; Shegai, Timur; Käll, Mikael; Löwen, Hartmut; Gambassi, Andrea and Volpe, Giovanni (2023). Tunable critical Casimir forces counteract Casimir–Lifshitz attraction. Nature Physics, 19 pp. 271–278.

Sprenger, Alexander R.; Shaik, Vaseem A.; Ardekani, Arezoo M.; Lisicki, Maciej; Mathijssen, Arnold J.T.M.; Guzmán-Lastra, Francisca; L¨owen, Hartmut; Menzel, Andreas M. and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah (2020). Towards an analytical description of active microswimmers in clean and in surfactant-covered drops. The European Physical Journal E, 43, article no. 58.

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Villa, Stefano; Blanc, Christophe; Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Stocco, Antonio and Nobili, Maurizio (2023). Microparticle Brownian motion near an air-water interface governed by direction-dependent boundary conditions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 629(Part B) pp. 917–927.


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