Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ann Jones

116 items in this list.
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2021To Top

Jordan, Katy and Jones, Ann (2021). Editorial: Learning from Lockdown Special Collection. Editorial: Learning from Lockdown Special Collection. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1(6) pp. 1–3.

2019To Top

Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Ferguson, Rebecca (2019). Introduction. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: Lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 1–12.

Rienties, Bart and Jones, Ann (2019). Evidence -Based Learning: Futures. Using learning design and learning analytics to empower teachers to meet students’ diverse needs. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 109–125.

Jones, Ann; Rienties, Bart and Blake, Canan (2019). Evidence-based Learning: Foundations. In: Ferguson, Amy; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 93–108.

2018To Top

Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Charitonos, Koula (2018). Learning across locations and settings. In: Luckin, Rosemary ed. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: What the Research Says. UCL IOE Press.

2017To Top

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Gaved, Mark; Jones, Ann; Norris, Lucy and Peasgood, Alice (2017). Mobile language learning experiences for migrants beyond the classroom. In: The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants / L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes: Some lessons from research / Les enseignements de la recherche (Beacco, Jean-Claude; Krumm, Hans-Jürgen; Little, David and Thalgott, Philia eds.), De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 219–224.

Curtis, Vickie; Holliman, Richard; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen (2017). Online citizen science: participation, motivation, and opportunities for informal learning. In: Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 7–24.

2016To Top

2015To Top

2014To Top

Gaved, Mark; Luley, Patrick; Efremidis, Sofoklis; Georgiou, Iakovos; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen (2014). Challenges in context-aware mobile language learning: the MASELTOV approach. In: 13th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2014, 3-5 Nov 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.

FitzGerald, Elizabeth and Jones, Ann (2014). Guest editorial preface: special issue on mobile learning and educational mobile HCI. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 6(3) iv-v.

Jones, Ann; Gaved, Mark; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Scanlon, Eileen; Pearson, Charlie; Lameras, Petros; Dunwell, Ian and Jones, Jan (2014). Creating Coherent Incidental Learning Journeys on Smartphones Using Feedback and Progress Indicators:. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 6(4) pp. 75–92.

Pearson, Charlie; Gaved, Mark; Brasher, Andrew; Jones, Ann; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Janet; Neumann, Lukas and Busta, Michal (2014). Mobile Situated Language Learning. MASELTOV Deliverable Report 7.5.2; MASELTOV Consortium, Graz, Austria.

Scanlon, Eileen; Gaved, Mark; Jones, Ann; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Paletta, Lucas and Dunwell, Ian (2014). Representations of an incidental learning framework to support mobile learning. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Learning 2014, IADIS Press, pp. 238–242.

2013To Top

Gaved, Mark; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen; Dunwell, Ian; Lameras, Petros and Akiki, Oula (2013). Creating coherent incidental learning journeys on mobile devices through feedback and progress indicators. In: 12th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2013), 22-24 Oct 2013, Doha, Qatar,

Blake, Canan; Scanlon, Eileen; Twiner, Alison; Collins, Trevor; Jones, Ann and Kerawalla, Lucinda (2013). Analysis of learners’ fieldtrip talk during a collaborative inquiry task. In: EC-TEL 2013 Eighth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 17-21 Sep 2013, Paphos (Cyprus), pp. 32–42.

2012To Top

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Gaved, Mark; Brasher, Andrew; Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Paletta, Lucas (2012). Designing for inclusion through incidental language learning. In: ICT for Language Learning (5th Edition), 15-16 Nov 2012, Florence, Italy.

Charitonos, Koula; Blake, Canan; Scanlon, Eileen and Jones, Ann (2012). Trajectories of learning across museums and classrooms. In: The Transformative Museum, 22-25 May 2012, Roskilde, Denmark, DREAM - Danish Research Center on Education and Advanced Media Materials.

2011To Top

Jones, Ann; Blake, Canan and Petrou, Marilena (2011). Inquiry learning in semi-formal contexts. In: Littleton, Karen; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike eds. Orchestrating Inquiry Learning. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 192–213.

Scanlon, Eileen; Blake, Canan; Twiner, Alison; Collins, Trevor; Jones, Ann and Kerawalla, Lucinda (2011). Collaboration in communities of inquirers: an example from a geography field trip. In: 9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, 04-08 Jul 2011, Hong Kong.

Charitonos, Koula; Blake, Canan; Scanlon, Eileen and Jones, Ann (2011). Museum learning 2.0: how (can) Web 2.0 technologies be used for enhancing the museum learning experience? In: EVA London 2011: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, 6-8 Jul 2011, London, UK.

2010To Top

Kozinska, K.; Kursun, E.; Wilson, T.; McAndrew, P.; Scanlon, E. and Jones, A. (2010). Are open educational resources the future of e-learning? In: 3rd International Future-Learning Conference: Innovations in Learning for the Future, 10-14 May 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.

Vass, E.; Littleton, K. and Jones, A. (2010). The affectively and rationally constituted nature of interthinking. In: American Educational Research Association, 8-12 Apr 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Olakanmi, Eunice; Scanlon, Eileen; Blake, Canan and Jones, Ann (2010). Promoting co-and self-regulation among young science learners in a computer supported collaborative (CSCL) environment. In: STELLA workshop on Self-Regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: Problems and Promises, 1 Oct 2010, Barcelona, Shaker Verlag, pp. 71–85.

2009To Top

Clough, Gill; Jones, Ann; McAndrew, Patrick and Scanlon, Eileen (2009). Informal learning evidence in online communities of mobile device enthusiasts. In: Ally, Mohamed ed. Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training. Issues in Distance Education. Athabasca University Press, pp. 99–112.

2008To Top

Clough, G.; Jones, A. C; McAndrew, P. and Scanlon, E. (2008). Informal learning with PDAs and smartphones. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(5) pp. 359–371.

2007To Top

Jones, Ann and Issroff, Kim (2007). Learning Technologies: Affective and Social Issues. In: Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin eds. Contemporary Perspectives On E-learning Research. Open and Flexible Learning. Oxon, UK: Routledge, pp. 190–202.

Marshall, Christine; Issroff, Kim; Scanlon, Eileen; Blake, Canan; Holliman, Richard; Smidt, Samantha; Clough, Gill; Banks, Frank; Jones, Ann; Roche, Nel and Waycott, Jenny (2007). Investigating mobile science learning in workplace settings. In: CAL07: Development, Disruption and Debate - D3, 26-28 Mar 2007, Dublin, Ireland.

Scanlon, Eileen; Banks, Frank; Blake, Canan; Clough, Gill; Jones, Ann; Holliman, Richard; Issroff, Kim; Marshall, Christine; Roche, Nel; Smidt, Samantha and Waycott, Jenny (2007). PDAS as workplace tools for science teachers. In: IADIS International Conference - Mobile Learning 2007, 5-7 Jul 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.

Oliver, Martin; Harvey, Jen; Conole, Grainne and Jones, Ann (2007). Evaluation. In: Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin eds. Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research; themes, methods and impact on practice. Open and flexible learning series. Abingdon, Oxon: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 203–216.

Jelfs, Anne; Harvey, Jen and Jones, Ann (2007). Online communities of practice as a possible model to support the development of a portal for science teachers. In: Lambropoulo, Niki and Zaphiris, Panayiotis eds. User-Centered Design of Online Learning Communities. Hershey PA: Information Science Publishing, pp. 141–160.

2006To Top

Collins, Trevor; Potter, Stephen and Jones, Ann (2006). Research presentations. In: Potter, Stephen ed. Doing Postgraduate Research (2nd ed). London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 228–250.

Jones, Ann; Issroff, Kim; Scanlon, Eileen; Clough, Gill; McAndrew, Patrick and Blake, Canan (2006). Using mobile devices for learning in informal settings: is it motivating? In: IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning, 14-16 Jul 2006, Dublin, IADIS Press, pp. 251–255.

2005To Top

Waycott, Jenny; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen (2005). PDAs as lifelong learning tools: an activity theory based analysis. Learning, Media and Technology, 30(2) pp. 107–130.

2004To Top

Jones, Ann; Blake, Canan; Davies, Clare and Scanlon, Eileen (2004). Digital maps for learning: a review and prospects. Computers and Education, 43(1-2) pp. 91–107.

Hibberd, Ralph; Morris, Erica and Jones, Ann (2004). An evaluation of the use of concept maps to represent students' knowledge of research methods in psychology. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 3(3) pp. 276–296.

Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann and Waycott, Jenny (2004). Using mobile learning for collaboration in informal science contexts. In: International Symposium on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 6-10 Oct 2004, Lausanne.

2003To Top

Blake, Canan Tosunoglu; Davies, C.; Jones, A.; Morris, E. and Scanlon, E. (2003). Evaluating complex digital resources. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 11(1) pp. 4–16.

2001To Top

Jones, Ann and Price, Emma (2001). Bubble dialogue: using a computer application to investigate social information processing in children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. In: Hutchby, Ian and Moran-Ellis, Jo eds. Children, technology and culture: the impacts of technologies in children's everyday lives. The Future of childhood. UK: Falmer Press, pp. 133–150.

2000To Top

Jones, Ann; Barnard, Jane; Calder, Judith; Scanlon, Eileen and Thompson, Julie (2000). Evaluating learning and teaching technologies in further education. Research in Learning Technology, 8(3) pp. 56–66.

1999To Top

Jones, A.; Scanlon, E.; Tosunoglu, C.; Morris, E.; Ross, S.; Butcher, P. and Greenberg, J. (1999). Contexts for evaluating educational software. Interacting with Computers, 11(5) pp. 499–516.

Evers, Vanessa; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Jones, Ann (1999). Cross-Cultural Understanding of Interface Design: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Icon Recognition. In: Designing for Global Markets: 1st International Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems (Prahbu, G.V. and del Galdo, E.M. eds.), Rochester, NY, pp. 173–182.

1998To Top

Jones, Ann; Price, Emma and Selby, Carolyn (1998). Exploring children's responses to interpersonal conflict using bubble dialogue in a mainstream and EBD school. Computers & Education, 30(1/2) pp. 67–74.

Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Blake, Canan (1998). Reflections on a model of evaluating learning technologies. In: Oliver, Martin ed. Innovation in the Evaluation of Learning Technology. London: University of North London, pp. 25–40.

Scanlon, E.; Tosunoglu, C.; Jones, A.; Butcher, P.; Ross, S.; Taylor, J. and Murphy, P. (1998). Learning with computers: experiences of evaluation. Computers & Education, 30(1-2) pp. 9–14.

1997To Top

Robertson, S.; Calder, J.; Fung, P.; Jones, A. and O'Shea, T. (1997). The use and effectiveness of palmtop computers in education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 28(3) pp. 177–189.

Jones, Ann and Selby, Carolyn (1997). The use of computers for self–expression and communication. Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 8(2/3) pp. 199–214.

1996To Top

Robertson, S. I.; Calder, J.; Fungi, P.; Jones, A.; O'Shea, T. and Lambrechtst, G. (1996). Pupils, teachers & palmtop computers. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 12(4) pp. 194–204.

Jones, Ann (1996). The use of computers to support learning in children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Computers and Education, 26(1-3) pp. 81–90.

Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen; Blake, Canan; Butcher, Philip; Greenberg, Joel; Murphy, Pat and Ross, Shelagh (1996). Evaluating CAL at the Open University: 15 years on. Computers and Education, 26(1-3) pp. 5–15.

Kirkup, Gill and Jones, Ann (1996). New technologies for open learning: the superhighway to the learning society. In: Raggatt, Peter; Edwards, Richard and Small, Nick eds. The Learning Society: Challenges and Trends. Adult Learners, Education and Training (2). London: Routledge, pp. 272–291.

1995To Top

Robertson, S.Ian; Calder, Judith; Fung, Pat; Jones, Ann and O'Shea, Tim (1995). Computer attitudes in an English secondary school. Computers and Education, 24(2) pp. 73–81.

Jones, Ann (1995). Constructivist learning theories and IT. In: Heap, Nicholas; Thomas, Ray; Einon, Geoffrey; Mason, Robin and Mackay, Hugh eds. Information Technology and Society. London: Sage, pp. 249–265.

1994To Top

Jones, Ann and Petre, Marian (1994). Computer-based practical work at a distance: a case study. Computers and Education, 22(1-2) pp. 27–37.

Jones, A. and McMahon, H. (1994). The use of the computer as a therapeutic tool for children. In: Foot, H. C.; Howe, C. J.; Anderson, A.; Tolmie, A. and Warden, D. A. eds. Group and Interactive Learning. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 87–92.

Issroff, K.; Jones, A. and Scanlon, E. (1994). Case studies of children cooperating with computers: a time based analysis. In: Foot, H. C.; Howe, C. J.; Anderson, A.; Tolmie, A. K. and Warden, D. A. eds. Group and Interactive Learning. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 73–80.

1993To Top

Jones, Ann and Mercer, Neil (1993). Theories of learning and their implications. In: Scrimshaw, Peter ed. Language, Classrooms and Computers. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 11–28.

1992To Top

1990To Top

Jones, Ann (1990). Providing computing facilities for students at a distance. Education for Information, 8 pp. 313–324.

1988To Top

Jones, Ann and Scrimshaw, Peter eds. (1988). Computers in Education 5-13. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

1987To Top

Preece, Jenny and Jones, Ann (1987). Packages-learning at a distance. In: Taylor, C. A. ed. Science Education and Information Transfer. Science and Technology Education and Future Human Needs, 9. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 117–136.

Preece, Jenny and Jones, Ann (1987). Transfer with computer technology. In: Taylor, C. A. ed. Science Education and Information Transfer. Science and Technology Education and Future Human Needs, 9. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 93–108.

Jones, Ann (1987). Beginners’ mental models of a programming language. In: Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and O'Shea, Tim eds. The Computer Revolution in Education: New Technologies in Distance Education. Brighton: Harvester Press, pp. 198–213.

Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann and O'Shea, Tim (1987). Evaluating Computer-assisted learning at the British Open University. In: Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and O'Shea, Tim eds. The Computer Revolution in Education: New Technologies in Distance Education. Brighton UK: Harvester Press, pp. 263–276.

1986To Top

Jones, Ann and Preece, Jenny (1986). Relating research to curriculum and course development. Computers & Education, 10(1) pp. 149–163.

1985To Top

Preece, Jenny and Jones, Ann (1985). Training Teachers to Select Educational Computer Software: results of a formative evaluation of an Open University pack. British Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1) pp. 9–20.

1984To Top

Jones, Ann (1984). Computer Assisted Learning in Distance Education. In: Bates, Tony ed. The Role of Technology in Distance Education. Croom Helm, pp. 77–88.

Jones, Ann and Preece, Jenny (1984). The Educational Software Pack for the Open University Project, Micros in Schools. In: Lovis, F. B. and Tagg, E. D. eds. Informatics and teacher training. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 129–135.

1982To Top

Jones, Ann and O'Shea, Tim (1982). Barriers to the Use of Computer Assisted Learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 13(3) pp. 207–217.


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