Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Agnes Czajka

21 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Oct 5 09:33:04 2024 BST.

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Czajka, Agnes and O'Brien, Aine eds. (2022). Art, Migration and the Production of Radical Democratic Citizenship. Frontiers of the Political. Rowman and Littlefield International.

Czajka, Agnes and Isyar, Bora eds. (2013). Europe After Derrida: Crisis and Potentialities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book SectionTo Top

Czajka, Agnes (2020). Rituals of resistance and the struggle over democracy in Turkey. In: Pike, Sarah M.; Salomonsen, Jone and Tremlett, Paul-François eds. Ritual and Democracy: Protests, Publics and Performances. Equinox Publishing, pp. 11–30.

Czajka, Agnes (2020). Hospitable Democracy: Democracy and Hospitality in Times of Crisis. In: Salomonsen, Jone; Houseman, Michael; Pike, Sarah M and Harvey, Graham eds. Reassembling Democracy: Ritual as Cultural Resource. Bloomsbury Academic.

Czajka, Agnes and Isyar, Bora (2013). Introduction: What will become of Europe? In: Czajka, Agnes and Isyar, Bora eds. Europe After Derrida: Crisis and Potentiality. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1–8.

Czajka, Agnes (2013). The potential of sanctuary: acts of sanctuary through the lens of camp. In: Lippert, Randy K. and Rehaag, Sean eds. Sanctuary Practices in International Perspectives: Migration, Citizenship and Social Movements. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 43–56.

Czajka, Agnes (2009). Europe’s Other: Europe, Europeanization and the Refugee. In: Arslan, Savaş; Aytar, Volkan; Karaosmanoğlu, Defne and Kırca Schroeder, Süheyla eds. Beyond Boundaries: Media, Culture and Identity in Europe. Istanbul: Bahçeşehir University Press, pp. 62–70.

Journal ItemTo Top

Czajka, Agnes and Suchland, Jennifer (2017). Mapping the Margins of Europe: Race, Migration and Belonging. philoSOPHIA: Journal of Continental Feminism, 7(2) pp. 205–214.

Czajka, Agnes (2016). Europe beyond universalism and particularism. Contemporary Political Theory, 15(1) e29-e31.

Czajka, Agnes and Isyar, Bora (2012). Revisiting Lausanne: the Greece-Turkey population exchange. Near East Quarterly(9)

Czajka, Agnes (2012). Discursive constructions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon: from the Israel-Hezbollah war to the struggle over Nahr al-Bared. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 32(1) pp. 238–254.

Czajka, Agnes (2005). Inclusive exclusion: citizenship and the American prisoner and prison. Studies in Political Economy, 76 pp. 111–142.

OtherTo Top

Czajka, Agnes and Isyar, Bora (2013). Everywhere is Taksim, resistance everywhere. Jadaliyya.

Czajka, Agnes (2012). The love affair with Erdoğan (Part 2). In Jadaliyya Jadaliyya.

Czajka, Agnes (2012). The love affair with Erdoğan (Part 1). In Jadaliyya Jadaliyya.

Czajka, Agnes and Isyar, Bora (2011). Turkish democracy: a flawed model. In Open Democracy Open Democracy.


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