Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Andrew Lane
ATo Top
Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; Boskurt, Aras and Lane, Andy
BTo Top
Bell, Simon; Lane, Andy; Collins, Kevin; Berardi, Andrea and Slater, Rachel
Blackmore, Chris; Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond and Lane, Andrew
Bateman, Peter; Lane, Andrew and Moon, Robert
Bateman, Peter; Lane, Andrew and Moon, Robert
Bardach, Dendev; Knyazeva, Svetlana and Lane, Andy
Bell, Simon and Lane, Andrew
Bell, Simon and Lane, Andrew
CTo Top
Cooke, Helen; Lane, Andrew and Taylor, Peter
Caird, Sally; Lane, Andy; Swithenby, Ed; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Caird, Sally; Swithenby, Edward and Lane, Andrew (2015). The SusTEACH Methodology: Assessment of the environmental impacts of Higher Education Teaching Models and development of an Environmental Appraisal toolkit. The Open University.
Caird, Sally; Lane, Andrew and Swithenby, Edward
Caird, Sally and Lane, Andrew
Caird, Sally; Lane, Andrew and Swithenby, Ed
Connolly, Teresa; Lane, Andrew; Hasseler, Bjorn; Hennesy, Sarah and Connolly, Teresa
Caird, Sally; Lane, Andrew; Potter, Stephen and Sackett, Mike (2013). SusTEACH at the Open University. The Open University.
GTo Top
Gregson, Jon; Lane, Andy and Foster, Matthew
Gourley, Brenda and Lane, Andrew
KTo Top
Kirschner, Paul; Varvick, Peter; van Dorp, Kees-Jan and Lane, Andrew
LTo Top
Lwin, Bo; Lane, Andy and Slater, Rachel
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy and Collins, Kevin
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andy and Fawssett, Susan
Lane, Andy and Gregson, Jon
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy; Slater, Rachel and Oreszczyn, Sue
Lane, Andy and Reynolds, Martin
Lane, Andy (2017). Reframing conservation land management through systems thinking. Conservation Land Management 15 (3), British Wildlife Publishing, Totnes, UK.
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Thomson, Simon
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andy; Caird, Sally and Weller, Martin
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Carter, Jackie
Lane, Andrew and Oreszczyn, Sue
Lane, Andrew and Law, Andrew
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andrew and Darby, Jonathan
Lane, Andy (2012). Collaborative Development of Open Educational Resources for Open and Distance Learning. Higher Education Academy.
Lane, Andy and Law, Andrew (2012). Open Engagement Through Open Media. Higher Education Academy.
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy and Law, Andrew
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andrew (2011). Best Practice Report on Widening Participation in Higher Education Study through Open Educational Resources. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Heerlen, Netherlands.
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy and van Dorp, Cornelis Adrianus
Lane, Andrew and Law, Andrew
Lane, A. and Van Dorp, K. J.
Lane, Andy and McAndrew, Patrick
Lane, Andy (2010). Global trends in the development and use of open educational resources to reform educational practices. UNESCO, Moscow.
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andrew; Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle; McAndrew, Patrick and Wilson, Tina
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andy
Lane, Andrew; McAndrew, Patrick and Santos, Andreia
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew; Oreszczyn, Sue and Carr, Susan (2007). Farmers' understandings of genetically modified crops within local communities. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Swindon, UK.
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew
Lane, Andrew; Oreszczyn, Sue and Carr, Susan (2007). Farmers' understandings of genetically modified crops within local communities. ESRC.
Lane, A.B. and Oreszczyn, S.M.
Lane, Andy and Morris, Dick
Lane, Andrew and Oreszczyn, Sue
MTo Top
McAndrew, P.; Santos, A.; Lane, A.; Godwin, S.; Okada, A.; Wilson, T.; Connolly, T.; Ferreira, G.; Buckingham Shum, S.; Bretts, J. and Webb, R. (2009). OpenLearn Research Report 2006-2008. The Open University, Milton Keynes, England.
Morris, R. M.; Oreszczyn, S. M.; Stoate, C. and Lane, A. B.
OTo Top
O'Flynn, Trish; Macken-Walsh, Áine; Lane, Andy and High, Chris
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. (2017). Mapping environmental sustainability: Reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research. Bristol: Policy Press.
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andrew (2012). Mapping knowledge exchange in the UK hedgerow management system: a report on a Workshop held at Hedgerow Futures, the first International Hedgelink Conference. The Open University.
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andrew (2012). The role of contexts in knowledge brokering systems. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa and Lane, Andy
Oreszczyn, Sue; Lane, Andrew and Carr, Susan
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andrew
Oreszczyn, S. and Lane, A.B.
Oreszczyn, S. and Lane, A.B.
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andrew
Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andrew
PTo Top
Potters, Jorieke; Collins, Kevin; Schoorlemmer, Herman; Stræte, Egil Petter; Kilis, Emils; Lane, Andrew and Leloup, Heloise
STo Top
Seale, Catherine; Lane, Andy; High, Chris; Macken-Walsh, Aine and Reynolds, Martin
Singh, Namita; High, Chris; Lane, Andy and Oreszczyn, Sue
Schuwer, Robert; Lane, Andrew; Counotte-Potman, Anda and Wilson, Martina
Schuwer, Robert; Wilson, Tina; Valkenberg, Wllem van and Lane, Andrew
TTo Top
Taylor, Peter Geoffrey; Cooke, Helen and Lane, Andy
Thomas, Christine; Lane, Andrew; Oreszczyn, Sue; Schiller, Frank and Yoxon, Mark (2009). Attitudes to the use of organic waste resources to land. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
Thomas, Christine; Lane, Andrew; Oreszczyn, Sue; Schiller, Frank and Yoxon, Mark
VTo Top
Van Dorp, Kees-Jan and Lane, Andy