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Number of items at this level: 69.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 11:45:26 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Kershaw, Stephen; Patel, Andrea and Warren, James (2025). Identifying threshold concepts in final year engineering projects. In: The 13th eSTEeM Annual Conference Proceedings: Sharing Best Practice - Implementing What Works (Pawley, Susan and Chang, Daphne eds.), 10-11 Apr 2024, The Open University, UK, pp. 39–45.

2024To Top

Kinnear, George; Jones, Ian; Sangwin, Chris; Alarfaj, Maryam; Davies, Ben; Fearn, Sam; Foster, Colin; Heck, Andre; Henderson, Karen; Hunt, Tim; Iannone, Paola; Kontorovich, Igor; Larson, Niclas; Lowe, Tim; Meyer, John; O'Shea, Ann; Rowlett, Peter; Sikurajapathi, Indunil and Wong, Thomas (2024). A collaboratively-derived research agenda for e-assessment in undergraduate mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 10 pp. 201–234.

2023To Top

Tsiodra, Maria; Panda, Sakshyam; Chronopoulos, Michail and Panaousis, Emmanouil (2023). Cyber Risk Assessment and Optimization: A Small Business Case Study. IEEE Access, 11 pp. 44467–44481.

2022To Top

Boroowa, A. and Herodotou, C. (2022). Learning Analytics in Open and Distance Higher Education: The Case of the Open University UK. In: Prinsloo, P.; Slade, S. and Khalil, M. eds. Learning Analytics in Open and Distributed Learning. SpringerBriefs in Education. Singapore: Springer, pp. 46–62.

2021To Top

Dragomir, Ionut; Akbar, Adnan; Cassidy, John W.; Patel, Nirmesh; Clifford, Harry W. and Contino, Gianmarco (2021). Identifying Cancer Drivers Using DRIVE: A Feature-Based Machine Learning Model for a Pan-Cancer Assessment of Somatic Missense Mutations. Cancers, 13(11), article no. e2779.

2020To Top

Law, Patrina; Page, Anna and Storrar, Rosie (2020). Using an Open Educational Resources Platform to Support Underserved Groups. In: Sengupta, E.; Blessinger, P. and Makhanya, M. eds. Integrating Community Service into Curriculum: International Perspectives on Humanizing Education. IHETL, 25. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 51–72.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Thomas, Rhodri and Gipson, Zoe (2018). Online Rooms: Adobe Connect. In: AL Staff Development Event series, 15-16 Jun 2018, Cardiff.

2017To Top

Gilmour, Alison; MacLeod, Lucy; Naydenova, Galina; Boroowa, Avinash; Ward, Rebecca and Herodotou, Christothea (2017). Predictive modelling and student retention: A collaborative enhancement project. In: 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference, 6-8 Jun 2017, Glasgow, UK.

Herodotou, Christothea; Rienties, Bart; Boroowa, Avinash; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Hlosta, Martin and Naydenova, Galina (2017). Implementing predictive learning analytics on a large scale: the teacher's perspective. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, ACM, NY, pp. 267–271.

Thomas, Rhodri and Spencer, Clare (2017). Online Rooms. In: All‐Wales AL Staff Development Event (Aling, Kim ed.), 16-17 Jun 2017, Cardiff.

2016To Top

Rienties, Bart; Boroowa, Avinash; Cross, Simon; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Herodotou, Christothea; Prescott, Lynda; Mayles, Kevin; Olney, Tom; Toetenel, Lisette and Woodthorpe, John (2016). Reviewing three case-studies of learning analytics interventions at the open university UK. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM, New York, pp. 534–535.

2015To Top

Thomas, Rhodri (2015). Mobile usage – where are we now? In: eLearning Community: Handheld and mobile devices - pedagogy and practice, 14 Apr 2015, OU Library, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes.

2014To Top

Thomas, Rhodri (2014). Mobile Impact: 2013 and beyond. In: eLearning Community: Mobile Devices, 11 Feb 2014, OU Library, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes.

2013To Top

Butcher, Philip; Sangwin, Christopher and Hunt, Tim (2013). Embedding and enhancing eAssessment in the leading open source VLE. In: Proceedings of the HEA STEM Conference, Higher Education Academy, 2013.

Mwanza-Simwami, Daisy; Kirkwood, Adrian; Thomas, Rhodri; Woods, William and Cross, Simon (2013). Understanding mobile VLE usage in distance education: A pilot study. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2013, 24-27 Jun 2013, Victoria, Canada, 601 -610.

2012To Top

Hall, Marion; Nix, Ingrid and Baker, Kirsty (2012). Are learner perceptions of digital literacy skills teaching affected by demographic factors? In: The Seventh International Blended Learning Conference: “Reflecting on Our Achievements - What's Next for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching?”, 13-14 Jun 2012, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK.

Hall, Marion; Nix, Ingrid and Baker, Kirsty (2012). "Why should I?" Engaging learners in digital literacy skills development. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Learning, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 26-27 October 2012 (ed. by H. Belduis), 26-27 Oct 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Nix, Ingrid; Hall, Marion and Baker, Kirsty (2012). “Why bother?” Learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development - learning design implications. In: 11th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL- 2012, 26-27 Oct 2012, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Thomas, Rhodri (2012). Deploying Google Apps into the curriculum. In: Google Apps for EDU European User Group, 15 Jun 2012, Portsmouth.

Thomas, Rhodri (2012). Curriculum integration of Google Apps. In: Google Apps for Education: European Summit, 13-14 Oct 2012, International School of Prague, Czech Republic.

Worthington, Jenny; Silvertown, Jonathan; Cook, Laurence; Cameron, Robert; Dodd, Mike; Greenwood, Richard; McConway, Kevin and Skelton, Peter (2012). Evolution MegaLab: a case study in citizen science methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3(2) pp. 303–309.

2011To Top

Silvertown, Jonathan; Cook, Laurence; Cameron, Robert; Dodd, Michael; McConway, Kevin; Worthington, Jennifer; Skelton, Peter; Anton, Christian; Bossdorf, Oliver; Baur, Bruno; Schilthuizen, Menno; Fontaine, Benoît; Sattmann, Helmut; Bertorelle, Giorgio; Correira, Maria; Oliveira, Cristina; Pokryszko, Beata; Ozgo, Malgorzata; Stalažs, Arturs; Gill, Eoin; Rammul, Üllar; Sólymos, Péter; Féher, Soltan and Juan, Xavier (2011). Citizen science reveals unexpected continental-scale evolutionary change in a model organism. PLoS ONE, 6(4), article no. e18927.

Zablith, Fouad; d'Aquin, Mathieu; Brown, Stuart and Green-Hughes, Liam (2011). Consuming Linked Data within a Large Educational Organization. In: Second International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD) at 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011), 23-27 Oct 2011, Bonn, Germany.

2010To Top

2009To Top

Demouy, Valérie; Eardley, Annie; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Thomas, Rhodri (2009). The L120 Mobile Project. In: Mobile Learning and autonomy in second language acquisition (MLASLA), 17-19 Sep 2009, Toledo, Spain.

Power, Tom; Porteus, Kimberley; Ramadiro, Brian; Thsume, Nomakholwa; Makalema, Shumi and Thomas, Rhodri (2009). Is there a role for information and communications technologies (ICTs) in the education and development or disadvantaged rural communities? In: Vrasidas, Charalambos; Zembylas, Michalinos and Glass, Gene V. eds. ICT for Education, Development and Social Justice. Charlotte, NC, USA: Information Age Publishing, pp. 85–102.

Thomas, Rhodri (2009). Mobilising The Open University. In: Handheld Learning 2009, 5-7 Oct 2009, London, UK.

2008To Top

Mills, Keren; Scantlebury, Non and Thomas, Rhodri (2008). Digilab: a case study in encouraging mobile learning through library innovation. In: Needham, Gill and Ally, Mohamed eds. M-libraries: libraries on the move to provide virtual access. Facet, pp. 229–242.

2007To Top

Power, Tom and Thomas, Rhodri (2007). The classroom in your pocket? Curriculum Journal, 18(3) pp. 373–388.

2006To Top

Power, Tom and Thomas, Rhodri (2006). mLearning: the classroom in your pocket? In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 3-6 Sep 2008, Warwick, UK.

2005To Top

2004To Top

Morgan, L. K.; Thompson, M. A.; Urquhart, J. S.; White, G. J. and Miao, J. (2004). A radio and mid-infrared survey of northern bright-rimmed clouds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 426(2) pp. 535–545.

2003To Top

Rosewell, Jonathan; Bromley, Jane; Marshall, Sam and Smith, Steve (2003). Information and communication technologies: software for an Open University course. In: Computers and Learning 2003: 21st Century Learning, 8-10 Apr 2003, Queen's University, Belfast.

2002To Top

Buckingham Shum, Simon; Marshall, Samuel; Brier, John and Evans, Tony (2002). Lyceum: internet voice groupware for distance learning. In: Euro-CSCL 2001: 1st European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 22-24 Mar 2001, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

2001To Top

Jones, Linda and Davis, Adrian (2001). Young people, transport and environmental risk. In: Heller, Tom; Muston, Rosemary; Sidell, Moyra and Lloyd, Cathy eds. Working for Health. Published in association with The Open University. London: Sage, pp. 144–153.

Phillips, Donna and Economou, Anastasia (2001). Conducting research into EU education and training policy: some theoretical and methodological considerations. In: Watson, Kevin ed. Doing comparative education research: issues and problems. Wallingford, UK: Symposium Books.

Still, Martin; O'Brien, Kieran; Horne, Keith; Boroson, Bram; Titarchuk, Lev G.; Engle, Kimberly; Vrtilek, Saeqa Dil; Quaintrell, Hannah and Fiedler, Hauke (2001). Atmospheric reflection during an anomalous low state of Hercules X-1. Astrophysical Journal, 554(number 1,) pp. 352–361.

Still, Martin; O'Brien, Kieran; Horne, Keith; Hudson, Danny; Boroson, Bram; Vrtilek, Saeqa Dil; Quaintrell, Hannah and Fiedler, Hauke (2001). RXTE observations of Hercules X-1 during the 1998 July short high state. Astrophysical Journal, 553(number 2,) pp. 776–787.

Vrtilek, S.D; Quaintrell, H.; Boroson, B.; Still, M.; Fiedler, H.; O'Brien, K. and McCray, R. (2001). Multiwavelength studies of Hercules X-1 during short high and anomalous low states: on-again, off-again. Astrophysical Journal, 549(number 1,) pp. 522–536.

1999To Top


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