Currently browsing: Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships (CICP)

Number of items at this level: 23.
Generated on Fri Jan 17 04:53:32 2025 GMT.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Marr, Liz and Harvey, Morag (2012). Whose University is it anyway? The complex world(s) of lifelong (higher) learning, government policy and institutional habitus. In: Access to Higher Education: is it a right, a privilege or a necessity?” EAN 21st Annual Conference, 27-29 Jun 2012, Zagreb, Croatia.

Marr, Elizabeth; Mossidiss, Sonia and Harvey, Morag (2012). Opening up universities: a comparative study of barriers to lifelong learning in Germany and England. In: Jones, Bill and Oosthuizen, Susan eds. Part-Time study: the new paradigm for higher education. UALL 2011 conference proceedings. Leicester: Universities Association of Lifelong Learning, pp. 92–107.

2011To Top

Pegg, Ann and Di Paolo, Terry (2011). Narrating unfinished business: the accumlation of credentials and re-imagined horizons across the life-course. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference 2011: Positive Futures for Higher Education; Connections, Communities and Criticality, 7-9 Dec 2011, Newport, Wales, UK.

2010To Top

Di Paolo, Terry and Pegg, Ann (2010). Transferring, transforming and transitioning: the motivations and aspirations of credit transfer students. In: 2010 SRHE Annual Research Conference: ‘Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?’ Exploring Meaning, Identities and Transformation in Higher Education, 14-16 Dec 2010, Newport, UK.

2009To Top

Di Paolo, Terry; Hills, Mils and Mahrra, Jas (2009). Changing lives on the 'Degree of Choice': older first generation learners on the Open Programme. In: BERA Annual Conference 2009, 2-5 Sep 2009, Manchester, UK.

Di Paolo, Terry; Hills, Mils and Mahrra, Jas (2009). The experiences of older first-generation students in higher education: findings from interviews and an online survey of distance learners in the UK. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, 8-10 Dec 2009, Newport, Wales.

2008To Top

Di Paolo, Terry (2008). Young, white and invisible: experiences of young Italian migrants in the UK in transition to higher education. In: BERA Annual Conference, 3-6 Sep 2008, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.

2007To Top

2006To Top

Coats, Maggie and Stevenson, Anne (2006). Towards outcomes-based assessment:an unfinished story of triangulation and transformation. In: Association for the Study of Evaluation and Assessment in Education in Southern Africa (ASEASA) Conference on Evaluating Assessment: Reflecting on Outcome-Based Education and Assessment, Jul 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa.

2005To Top

2004To Top

2003To Top

Blake, Canan Tosunoglu; Davies, C.; Jones, A.; Morris, E. and Scanlon, E. (2003). Evaluating complex digital resources. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 11(1) pp. 4–16.

Coats, Maggie and Stevenson, Anne (2003). Practitioner enquiry and professional development: 'action research' re-visited and re-viewed in the context of outcomes-based education. In: Conference paper for the Association for the Study Evaluation Assessment in Education in Southern Africa (ASEASA), Dec 2003, Cape Town, South Africa.

Colwell, Chetz; Di Paolo, Terry; Scanlon, Eileen; Cooper, Martyn; Uren, Victoria and Jelfs, Anne (2003). Redesigning practical work: web-based remote experimentation. In: Scanlon, Eileen and Holliman, Richard eds. Mediating science learning through information and communications technology. London: Routledge, pp. 169–187.

2002To Top

Coats, Maggie (2002). Enhancing student learning through the assessment of outcomes: developing and demonstrating essay writing skills. In: Association for the Study of Evaluation in Education in Southern Africa (ASEESA) International Conference, Jul 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa.

1999To Top

van der Zwan, Robert; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Di Paolo, Terry; Evers, Vanessa and Clarke, Sarah (1999). The Informedia Digital Video Library System at the Open University. In: Harper, D.J. and Eakins, J.P. eds. CIR-99: The Challenge of Image Retrieval. The University of Northumbria, Newcastle-on-Tyne: BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWIC).


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