Currently browsing: Business Development Unit

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Generated on Tue Feb 11 13:13:29 2025 GMT.

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Kellett, Mary and Ding, Sharon (2004). Middle childhood. In: Fraser, Sandy; Lewis, Vicky; Ding, Sharon; Kellett, Mary and Robinson, Chris eds. Doing Research with Children and Young People. London, UK: Sage, pp. 161–175.

Lane, Andy and Law, Andrew (2012). Collaborating over rich media: The Open University and BBC partnership. In: Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa and Scott, Peter J. eds. Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources. IGI Global, pp. 357–368.

Vogiatzis, Dimitrios; Charitonos, Koula; Giaxoglou, Korina and Lewis, Tim (2022). Can WhatsApp facilitate interaction? A case study of adult language learning. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 44–62.

Whitelock, Denise M; Mackenzie, Don; Whitehouse, Christine; Ruedel, Cornelia and Rae, Simon (2006). Identifying innovative and effective practice in e-assessment: findings from seventeen UK case studies. In: Danson, Myles ed. Proceedings of the 10th CAA International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference. Loughborough, UK: Professional Development, Loughborough University, pp. 505–511.

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Law, Patrina; Perryman, Leigh-Anne and Law, Andrew (2015). Badging and employability at The Open University. European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, Best of EDEN 2013-2014, article no. 704.

Quinn, Barry; McKitterick, Lynsey; Tregear, Angela and McAdam, Rodney (2021). Trust in the programme: An exploration of trust dynamics within rural group-based support programmes. Journal of Rural Studies, 88 pp. 326–336.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Brandon, Mark; Smith, Joe; Garrow, Kat and Law, Andrew (2013). Broadcasting environmental knowledge: Open University & BBC collaborations serving massive global audiences. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013., 9-13 Dec 2013, San Francisco.

Law, Patrina and Law, Andrew (2014). Digital badging at The Open University: recognition for informal learning. In: The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2014: 'New Technologies and the Future of Teaching and Learning ', 23-24 Oct 2014, Krakow, Poland.

Law, Patrina; McAndrew, Patrick; Law, Andrew; Warner, Kathy; Runyon, Jean; Lascu, David; Arundel, Anne and Muramatsu, Brandon (2012). A bridge to success. In: Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact – Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education, a joint meeting of OER12 and OpenCourseWare Consortium Global 2012, 16-18 Apr 2012, Cambridge, UK.

Law, Patrina; Perryman, Leigh-Anne and Law, Andrew (2013). Open educational resources for all? Comparing user motivations and characteristics across The Open University’s iTunes U channel and OpenLearn platform. In: Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013, 23-25 Oct 2013, Paris, France, European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), pp. 204–219.

Marr, Elizabeth and Streater, Kevin (2012). Growing your own graduates: opportunities and challenges for flexible higher education in the new funding environment. In: Higher education for the social good? The place of lifelong learning, UALL Annual Conference, 18-20 Mar 2012, Cambridge.

Perryman, Leigh-Anne; Law, Patrina and Law, Andrew (2013). Developing sustainable business models for institutions’ provision of open educational resources: Learning from OpenLearn users’ motivations and experiences. In: Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013, 23-25 Oct 2013, Paris, France, European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), pp. 270–286.

Woodman, Mark; Law, Andrew; Holland, Simon and Griffiths, Rob (1997). The Object Shop – Using CD-ROM Multimedia To Introduce Object Concepts. In: SIGCSE 97: Proceedings of the twenty-eighth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education (Miller, James E. ed.), ACM, New York, pp. 345–349.

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