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Ahier, J.; Beck, J. and Moore, R. (2002). Graduate Citizens. Oxford, UK: Routledge.

Aldgate, Jane and Stratham, Jane (2001). The Children Act now: messages from research. London, UK: Stationery Office.

Allen, Isobel; Hogg, Debra and Peace, Sheila (1992). Elderly people: Choice, participation and satisfaction. London: Policy Studies Institute.

Anderson, Lesley; Briggs, Ann R.J. and Burton, Neil (2001). Managing finance, resources and stakeholders in education. Education Management Research & Practice. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Andrews, R.; Burn, A.; Leach, J.; Locke, T.; Low, G. and Torgerson, C. (2002). A systematic review of the impact of networked ICT on 5-16 year olds' literacy in English. London, UK: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education..

Angermuller, Johannes (2015). Why there is no poststructuralism in France. The making of an intellectual generation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury.

Angermuller, Johannes (2014). Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis: Subjectivity in Enunciative Pragmatics. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Angermuller, Johannes; Buckel, Sonja and Rodrian-Pfennig, Margit (2012). Solidarische Bildung. Crossover: Experimente selbstorganisierter Wissensproduktion. Münster: VSA-Verlag.

Angermuller, Johannes; Maesse, Jens and Standke, Jan (2011). Moving (Con)Texts: Produktion und Verbreitung von Ideen in der globalen Wissensökonomie. Culture, discourse, history (2). Berlin: Logos.

Angermuller, Johannes; Nonhoff, Martin; Herschinger, Eva; Macgilchrist, Felicitas; Reisigl, Martin; Wedl, Juliette; Wrana, Daniel and Ziem, Alexander (2014). Diskursforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Band 1: Theorien, Methodologien und Kontroversen. DiskursNetz, Band 1. Bielefeld: transcript.

Ashley, Joan; De Geest, Els and Lee, Clare (2021). Motivation and Engagement. London: Pearson.

Bax, Stephen (2013). Researching Intertextual Reading. Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, 25. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Bax, Stephen (2010). Discourse and Genre: Using Language in Context. Perspectives on the English Language. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn (2011). Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice. Leicester: UKLA.

Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn (2016). Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice (2nd edition). Ideas in practice. Leicester: UKLA.

Bearne, Eve; Dombey, Henrietta and Grainger, Teresa (2003). Classroom Interactions in Literacy. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.

Black, Paul; Harrison, Christine; Lee, Clara; Marshall, Bethan and William, Dylan (2003). Assessment for Learning- putting it into practice. Maidenhead, U.K.: Open university Press.

Black, Paul; Harrison, Christine; Lee, Clare; Marshall, Bethan and William, Dylan (2002). Working Inside the Black Box- Assessment for Learning in the Classroom. London, U.K.: GL assessment.

Boahen, Godfred and Wiles, Fran (2018). Professionalism and Self-Management. Social Work Skills in Practice. Open University Press.

Bolshaw, Polly and Josephidou, Jo (2018). Introducing research in early childhood. SAGE.

Brash, Bärbel and Pfeil, Andrea (2017). Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien. DLL Deutsch Lehren Lernen, 9. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag.

Buckingham, David and Bragg, Sara (2004). Young People, Sex and the Media: the facts of life? Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Burgess, Hilary; Sieminski, Sandy and Arthur, Lore (2006). Achieving Your Doctorate in Education. study skills. London, UK: Sage in association with the Open University.

Cable, Carrie and Eyres, Ian (2005). Primary teaching assistants; curriculum in context. UK: David Fulton Publishers.

Cameron, Lynne (2003). Metaphor in educational discourse. Advances in Applied Linguistics. London, UK: Continuum.

Cameron, Lynne (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Canning, Natalie (2020). Children's Empowerment in Play. TACTYC. Oxon: Routledge.

Cavaye, Joyce (2006). Hidden Carers. Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care, 3. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.

Chamberlain, Liz (2016). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Exeter: Sage Publications.

Chamberlain, Liz (2017). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Sydney, Australia: Primary English Teaching Association Australia.

Chamberlain, Liz (2019). Inspiring Writing in Primary School. Exeter: Learning Matters.

Chambers, Ellie and Northedge, Andrew (2008). The Arts Good Study Guide (2nd ed). Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Worldwide.

Chappell, Kerry; Rolfe, Linda; Craft, Anna and Jobbins, Veronica (2011). Close Encounters: Dance Partners for Creativity. Stoke on Trent: Trentham.

Chappell, Kerry; Rolfe, Linda; Craft, Anna and Jobbins, Veronica (2011). Close Encounters: Dance Partners for Creativity. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books.

Clark, A. and Moss, P. (2001). Listening to young children: the Mosaic approach. London: National Children's Bureau for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Clark, Alison and Moss, Peter (2005). Spaces to play: More listening to young children using the Mosaic approach. London, UK: National Children’s Bureau.

Clark, Alison and Moss, Peter (2011). Listening To Young Children: The Mosaic Approach (2nd ed.). London: National Children's Bureau.

Cleaver, Hedy; Walker, Steve; Scott, Jane; Cleaver, Daniel and Rose, Wendy (2008). The integrated children's system: Enhancing social work and inter-agency practice. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Coffin, Caroline (1996). Exploring Literacy in School History. Erskineville, NSW, Australia: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program, NSW Dept. of School Education.

Coffin, Caroline; Brook, Rosemary and Humphrey, Sally (1996). The Australian Identity: A Unit of Work for Junior Secondary History. Write it right: resources for literacy and learning. Erskineville, NSW, Australia: Disadvantaged Schools Program, Metropolitan East Region, NSW Dept. of School Education.

Coffin, Caroline and Donohue, James (2014). A Language as Social Semiotic Based Approach to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Language Learning Monograph Series. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons Inc..

Collins, Janet; Harkin, Joe and Nind, Melanie (2002). Manifesto for learning: fundamental principles. London, UK: Continuum.

Conradie, Liesl and Golding, Tyrrell (2013). The Short Guide to working with Children and Young People. Short Guide Series. Bristol: Policy Press.

Cook, Guy (2001). The discourse of advertising. 2nd edition. Interface. London, UK: Routledge.

Cook, Guy (2003). Applied Linguistics. Oxford Introductions to Language. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Cook, Guy (2000). Language Play, Language Learning. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Cornock, Marc (2023). Confidentiality: a pocket guide for nursing and health care. pocket guides for nursing and health care. London: Lantern Publishing Ltd.

Cox, Gerry R and Thompson, Neil (2022). Managing Death: International Perspectives. Springer, Cham.

Craft, Anna (2002). Creativity and Early Years Education: A lifewide foundation. Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning. London, UK: Continuum.

Craft, Anna (2008). Voyages of Discovery: Looking at Models of Engagement. London: Creative Partnerships London North.

Craft, Anna (2000). Continuing Professional Development: A Pracical Guide for Teachers and Schools (2nd edition). London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge Falmer in association with The Open University.

Cremin, Teresa (2009). Teaching English Creatively. Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series. London: Routledge.

Cremin, Teresa and Dombey, Henrietta (2007). Handbook of Primary English in Initial Teacher Education. Cambridge: NATE and UKLA.

Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona and Powell, Sacha (2008). Building Communities of Readers. Leicester, UK: PNS/United Kingdom Literacy Association.

Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona M.; Powell, Sacha and Drury, Rose (2014). Researching Literacy Lives: Building Communities between Home and School. Abingdon: Routledge.

Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona M.; Powell, Sacha and Safford, Kimberly (2014). Building Communities of Engaged Readers: Reading for pleasure. Abingdon: Routledge.

Cremin, Teresa and Myhill, Debra (2011). Writing Voices: Creating Communities of Writers. London: Routledge.

Davey, Graham; Albert, Ian P.; Chandler, Chris; Jones, Dai; Stirling, Chris; Messer, David J. and Moore, Simon (2008). Complete Psychology, Second Edition. London, UK: Hodder Education.

Dawes, Lyn and Sams, Claire (2004). Talk box: speaking and listening activities for learning at Key Stage 1. UK: David Fulton Publishers Ltd.

Douglas, Jenny (1987). Food and diet in a multiracial society: Training in Health and Race, Project. Caribbean food and diet. Cambridge: National Extension College for Training in Health and Race.

Earle, Rod (2016). Convict Criminology - Inside and Out. New Horizons in Criminology. UK: Policy Press.

Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith (2007). Sex in Cyberspace: Men who pay for sex. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Edwards, Ros; Hadfield, Lucy and Mauthner, Melanie (2006). Children talking about brothers and sisters. London: Family Planning Institute.

Edwards, Rosalind; Hadfield, Lucy; Lucey, Helen and Mauthner, Melanie (2006). Sibling Identity and Relationships: Sisters and Brothers. Relationships and Resources. Oxford, UK: Routledge.

Fernandez-Toro, Maria and Jones, Francis R. (2001). DIY techniques for language learners. London, UK: CILT Publications.

Fielding, Michael and Bragg, Sara (2003). Students as Researchers: Making a difference. Consulting Pupils about Teaching and Learning. Cambridge, UK: Pearson Publishing.

Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity; Whitby, Karen; White, Kerensa and Chamberlain, Tamsin (2007). Review of International Literature on Admissions. Reading: CfBT.

Foster, Peter; Gomm, Roger and Hammersley, Martyn (1996). Constructing educational inequality: An assessment of research on school processes. Social research & educational studies, 15. London: Falmer.

Gagne, Christophe and Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia (2020). English to French Translation: A Practical Manual. Abingdon: Routledge.

Gargett, Andrew (2011). A Salvage Grammar of Malgana - The Language of Shark Bay, Western Australia. Pacific linguistics, 624. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University.

Giaxoglou, Korina (2021). A Narrative Approach to Social Media Mourning: Small Stories and Affective Positioning. Routledge Research in Narrative, Interaction, and Discourse. New York, USA: Routledge.

Gillen, Julia (2003). The Language of children. Intertext. London, UK: Routledge.

Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil (2003). Language, literacy and education: A reader. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books in association with The Open University.

Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew (2005). Creativity and writing: developing voice and verve in the classroom. Oxfordshire,UK: Routledge.

Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew (2004). Creative Activities for Plot, Character and Setting, 5-7. Milton Keynes: Scholastic.

Grainger, Teresa and Pickard, Angela (2004). Drama, Reading and Writing and talking our way forwards. Cambridge, UK: UKLA Publications.

Grant, Janet (2006). Principles of curriculum design. Understanding Medical Education monograph series. Oxford: Association for the Study of Medical Education, Blackwells Press.

Grant, Janet; Jones, Helen and Lambert, Trevor (2002). An analysis of trends in applications to medical school. Open University, Centre for Education in Medicine.

Hammersley, Martyn (2013). What is Qualitative Research? What Is? Research Methods. London: Continuum/Bloomsbury.

Hammersley, Martyn (2013). The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice. Social Research Methods. London: Sage.

Hammersley, Martyn (2019). The Concept of Culture: A History and Reappraisal. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hammersley, Martyn and Atkinson, Paul (1983). Ethnography: Principles in practice. London: Tavistock.

Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1986). The impact of examinations on secondary school teaching: A research report. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Hammick, Marilyn; Freeth, Della; Copperman, Jeanette and Goodsman, Danë (2009). Being Interprofessional. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

Happer, Helen; McCreadie, Joanna and Aldgate, Jane (2006). Celebrating success: what helps looked after children succeed. Edinburgh, UK: Social Work Inspection Agency.

Harrington, Anne and Price, Bob (2010). Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students. Transforming Nursing Practice. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.

Harvey-Lloyd, Jane M.; Strudwick, Ruth M. and Preston, Scott J. (2024). Fundamentals of Radiographic Positioning and Anatomy. Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell.

Hawkridge, David; Newton, Wendy and Hall, Carole (1988). Computers in Company Training. Croom Helm.

Helleve, Arnfinn; Sandberg, Helena; Berg, Christina; Prell, Hillevi; Ólafsdóttir, Steingerður; Gísladóttir, Elva; Andersen, Morten C.; Jewell, Jo; Breda, João; Marniemi, Annikka; Gabrijelcic, Mojca and Tatlow-Golden, Mimi (2018). Monitoring food marketing to children: A joint Nordic monitoring protocol for marketing of foods and beverages high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) towards children and young people. TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692 ; 2018:504. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordisk Ministerråd.

Henderson, Sheila J.; Holland, Janet; McGrellis, Sheena; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (2006). Inventing adulthoods: a biographical approach to youth transitions. London, UK: Sage Publications in association with the Open University.

Hernáiz, Rodrigo (2020). Studies on linguistic and orthographic variation in Old Babylonian letters. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 465. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.

Hewings, Ann and Hewings, Martin (2005). Grammar and Context. London, UK: Routledge.

Hoggart, Lesley (2003). Feminist Campaigns for Birth Control and Abortion Rights in Britain. Studies in British History, 69. The Edwin Mellen Press.

Holland, Caroline; Clark, Andrew; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila (2007). Social interactions in urban public places. Public Spaces. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1998). The male in the head: Young people, heterosexuality and power. London: Tufnell Press.

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Lehr, Caroline (2021). Improving the Emotional Intelligence of Translators: A Roadmap for an Experimental Training Intervention. Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting. Cham, Switzerland: Spinger.

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2017). Translation and Emotion - A Psychological Perspective. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies. Routledge.

Hustinx, Wouter; Rosius, Hanne; Peoples, Martin; McCartney, Kieran; Ivanusa Kline, Darja; Gorissen, Pierre; Can, Tuncer; Şimşek, Irfan; Venturella, Chiara and Koenraad, Ton (2019). Tablio: Realising Classroom Differentiation and Inclusion with Tablets. Hasselt, Belgium: PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Ibbotson, Paul (2020). What it Takes to Talk: Exploring Developmental Cognitive Linguistics. Cognitive Linguistics Research [CLR], 64. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Ivinson, Gabrielle and Murphy, Patricia (2007). Rethinking single sex teaching. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.

James, M.; Black, P; Carmichael, P.; Conner, C.; Dudley, P.; Fox, A.; Frost, D.; Honour, L.; MacBeath, J.; McCormick, R.; Marshall, B.; Pedder, D.; Proctor, R.; Swaffield, S. and Wiliam, D. (2006). Learning how to learn: Tools for schools. Improving Practice (TLRP). London, UK: Routledge.

James, M.; McCormick, R.; Black, P.; Carmichael, P.; Drummond, M. J.; Fox, A.; MacBeath, J.; Marshall, B.; Pedder, D.; Proctor, R.; Swaffield, S.; Swann, J. and Wiliam, D. (2007). Improving learning how to learn: Classrooms, schools and networks. TLRP Improving Learning Series. London, UK: Routledge.

Johnson, Julia; Rolph, Sheena and Smith, Randall (2010). Residential Care Transformed: Revisiting 'The Last Refuge'. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jones, Emma; Graffin, Neil; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs (2020). Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession. Bristol Shorts Research. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Jones, Linda J. (1994). The Social context of health and health work. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kan, Qian (2007). Colloquial Chinese 2. London, UK: Routledge.

Kan, Qian and Yuan, Boping (2013). Developing Writing Skills in Chinese (2nd Edition). Abington: Routledge.

KE206 Module Team (2017). Children and young people's wellbeing [KE2016 Books 1 & 2]. Milton Keynes: Open University.

Kellett, Mary (2005). How to Develop Children as Researchers. London, UK: Paul Chapman Educational Publishing.

Kellett, Mary (2011). Children's Perspectives on Integrated Services: Every child matters in policy and practice. Interagency working in health and social care. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kurcikova, Natalia; Audain, Jon and Chamberlain, Liz (2016). Jumpstart! Apps: Creative learning, ideas and activities for ages 7-11. Jumpstart!. London: Routledge.

Larkin, Mary (2011). Social Aspects of Health, Illness and Healthcare. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Larkin, Mary (2009). Vulnerable Groups in Health and Social Care. London: Sage Publications.

Larsen-Freeman, Diane and Cameron, Lynne (2008). Complex Systems and Applied Linguistics. Oxford Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Lee, Clare S. (1998). Discussion in a Mathematics Classroom: Developing a Teacher's Awareness of the Issues and Characteristics. CMER occational papers (1). Oxford, U.K.: Centre for Mathematics Education Research, University of Oxford.

Lewis, Vicky (2002). Development and disability. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.

Light, Paul and Littleton, Karen (1999). Social Processes in Children's Learning. Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development, 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lillis, Theresa (2003). Analysing language in context: A student workbook. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books/Open University Press.

Lillis, Theresa (2013). The Sociolinguistics of Writing. Edinburgh Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Lomax, Robert and Jones, Karen (2014). Surviving Your Social Work Placement. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lomax, Robert; Jones, Karen; Leigh, Sarah and Gay, Chris (2010). Surviving Your Social Work Placement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Long, Martyn; Wood, Clare; Littleton, Karen; Passenger, Terri and Sheehy, Kieron (2010). The Psychology of Education: The Evidence Base for Teaching and Learning (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.

Lucassen, Mathijs; Doherty, Iain and Merry, Sally (2005). Child and adolescent mental health in Aotearoa/New Zealand: an overview. Auckland: Pearson Education New Zealand.

MacKian, Sara; Bartolini, Nadia; Pile, Steve and Sambo, Daniele (2016). Spiritualism in Stoke-on-Trent. Glasgow: TWTD Press.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2024). Leveraging Relations in Diaspora. Elements in Pragmatics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Márquez Reiter, R. and Placencia, M. E. (2004). Current trends in the pragmatics of Spanish. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 123. John Benjamins Publishing Co.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Placencia, María Elena (2005). Spanish Pragmatics. Palgrave.

Marr, Liz and Forsyth, Rachel (2011). Identity Crisis: Working in Higher Education in the 21st Century. Stoke-on-Trent, U.K.: Trentham Books.

Marston, Hannah R.; Shore, Linda; Stoops, Laura and Turner, Robbie S. (2022). Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Maybin, Janet (2006). Children's voices: talk, knowledge and identity. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

McCormick, Robert; Fox, Alison; Carmichael, Patrick and Procter, Richard (2010). Researching and Understanding Educational Networks. New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction. Abingdon: Routledge.

McGrellis, Sheena; Henderson, Sheila; Holland, Janet; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (2001). Through the moral maze: A qualitative study of young people's moral values. London: Tufnell Press.

McPhail, Mo (2008). Service User and Carer Involvement: Beyond Good Intentions. Policy and Practice in Health and Social care (4). Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic press.

Mesthrie, Rajend; Swann, Joan; Deumert, Ana and Leap, William (2009). Introducing Sociolinguistics (2nd Edition). Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.

Milne, Alisoun and Larkin, Mary (2023). Family Carers and Caring: What it’s all about. SocietyNow. UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.

Monaghan, Frank (2004). Practical Ways to Support New Arrivals. Reading: National Centre for Language and Literacy.

Montgomery, Heather (2001). Modern Babylon?: Prostituting children in Thailand. Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality, 2. Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books.

Moon, Bob (2001). A Guide to the National Curriculum (4th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Moon, Bob and Leach, Jenny (2008). The Power of Pedagogy. London: Sage.

Musgrave, Jackie and Stobbs, Nicola (2015). Early Years Placements: A Critical Guide to Outstanding Work-based Learning. Early Years. Northwich: Critical Publishing.

Norgate, Sarah (2006). Beyond nine to five: your life in time. Mind & Brain Series. Orion.

Noriega Sanchez, Maria Ruth (2002). Challenging realities: magic realism in contemporary American women’s fiction. Biblioteca Javier Coy d'estudis nord-americans. València, Spain: Universitat de València.

O'Halloran, Kieran (2003). Critical discourse analysis and language cognition. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

O'Sullivan, Olivia and Safford, Kimberly (2008). Creative Projects: Getting Parents Involved. London: Centre for Literacy in Primary Education.

Okada, Alexandra; Okada, Alberto; Muller, Riulma; Moura, Rossana; Castro, Thais; Ferreira, Luciana; Oliveira, Eila; Vaz, Giseli; Benaian, Regina; Castro, Silvana; Almeida, Jaqueline and Rodrigues, Tayanne (2023). Open Schooling in the Amazon for Community Empowerment: A Case Study in the TUPÉ Sustainable Development Reserve. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Okada, Alexandra; Okada, Alberto; Muller, Riulma; Moura, Rossana; Castro, Thais; Ferreira, Luciana; Oliveira, Eila; Vaz, Giseli; Benaian, Regina; Castro, Silvana; Almeida, Jaqueline and Rodrigues, Tayanne (2023). Escolarização Aberta na Amazônia para Empoderamento Comunitário: Um Estudo de Caso na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável TUPÉ. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.

Owton, Helen (2014). Studying as a Parent: A Handbook for Success. Palgrave Student to Student. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Owton, Helen (2017). Doing Poetic inquiry. Palgrave Pivot. Palgrave.

Peace, Sheila (2023). The Environments of Ageing: Space, Place and Materiality. Ageing in a Global Context. Policy Press.

Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie (2006). Environment and Identity in Later Life. Growing Older. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.

Peace, Sheila; Kellaher, Leonie and Willcocks, Dianne (1997). Re-evaluating residential care. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Pells, Kirrily and Woodhead, Martin (2014). Changing Children's Lives: Risks and Opportunities. Oxford: Young Lives, Department for International Development, University of Oxford.

Põldvere, Nele; De Felice, Rachele and Paradis, Carita (2022). Advice in Conversation: Corpus Pragmatics Meets Mixed Methods. Elements in Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pollard, Andrew; Collins, Janet; Simco, Neil; Swaffield, Sue; Warin, Jo and Warwick, Paul (2002). Reflective Teaching: Effective and Evidence-Informed Professional Practice. UK: Continuum.

Power, Tom; Babu, Rasel and Chowdhury, Tanjeeba (2017). An Evaluation of Computer Aided Learning (BRAC-CAL) in Secondary Schools in Bangladesh. Research Monograph Series (73). Dhaka, Bangladesh: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.

Power, Tom; Gater, Rosalind; Grant, Catherine and Winters, Niall (2014). Educational Technology Topic Guide. HEART Topic Guides. London: The Health & Education Advice & Resource Team (HEART).

Proudfoot, Anna (2005). Modern Italian Grammar Workbook (2nd edition). Modern Grammars. London: Routledge.

Proudfoot, Anna (2010). Essential Italian Grammar. Hodder Education.

Proudfoot, Anna; Batelli-Kneale, Tania; Di Stefano, Anna and Treveri-Gennari, Daniela (2004). The Routledge Intensive Italian Course. Routledge Intensive Language Courses. London: Routledge.

Proudfoot, Anna and Cardo, Francesco (2005). Modern Italian Grammar: a practical guide (2nd edition). Modern Grammars. London: Routledge.

Rai, Lucy (2021). Writing for Social Work. Transforming Social Work. London: SAGE.

Rai, Lucy (2014). Effective writing for social work: Making a difference. Social work in practice. Bristol: Policy Press.

Rainford, Jon and Guccione, Kay (2024). Thriving in Part-Time Doctoral Study: Integrating Work, Life and Research. Insider Guides to Success in Academia. Abingdon: Routledge.

Rea, Simon (2015). Sports Science: A Complete Introduction. Teach Yourself. London: John Murray Learning.

Rea, Simon (2019). Careers in Sports Science. United Kingdom: Adored Publishing.

Reynolds, Jill (2008). The Single Woman: a Discursive Investigation. Women and Psychology Series. London / New York: Routledge.

Rix, Jonathan (2015). Must Inclusion be Special? Rethinking Educational Support Within a Community of Provision. Current Debates in Educational Psychology. London: Routledge.

Rolph, Sheena; Atkinson, Dorothy; Nind, Melanie and Welshman, John [eds.] (2005). Witnesses to change: families, learning difficulties and history. UK: British Institute of Learning Disabilities Publications.

Rose, Wendy and Barnes, J (2007). Improving Safeguarding Practice: A Study of Serious Case Reviews 2001-2003. London, UK: Department for Education and Skills.

Rossade, Klaus-Dieter (2007). "Dem Zeitgeist Erlegen": Benno von Wiese und der Nationalsozialismus. Studien zur Wissenschafts- und Universitätsgeschichte, 9. Heidelberg: Synchron (Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren).

Safford, Kimberly and Barrs, Myra (2005). Creativty and Literacy - Many routes to meaning: Children’s language and literacy development in creative arts work. UK: Centre for Literacy in Primary Education and Creative Partnerships.

Safford, Kimberly and O'Sullivan, Olivia (2007). Their learning becomes your journey: Parents respond to children’s work in creative partnerships. UK: Centre for Literacy in Primary education.

Safford, Kimberly; O'Sullivan, Olivia and Barrs, Myra (2004). Boys on the Margin: Promoting boys’ literacy learning at Key Stage 2. UK: Centre for Literacy in Primary Education.

Seargeant, Philip (2023). Crisis Leadership: Boris Johnson and Political Persuasion during the Covid Pandemic. Elements in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Seargeant, Philip (2012). Exploring World Englishes: Language in a Global Context. Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Singh, Jaspal Naveel (2021). Transcultural Voices: Narrating Hip Hop Culture in Complex Delhi. Encounters, 22. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Sinka, Indra; Jarvis, J. and Lanataffi, A. (2002). Inclusion: what deaf pupils think. London, UK: RNID.

Soler, Janet and Openshaw, Roger (2006). Literacy crises and reading policies: Children still can't read! Abington, Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Stickler, Ursula (2022). Technology and Language Teaching. Elements in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Swann, Joan; Deumert, Ana; Lillis, Theresa and Mesthrie, Rajend (2004). A dictionary of sociolinguistics. Endinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

Temmar, Malika; Angermuller, Johannes and Lebaron, Frédéric (2013). Les discours de l'économie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Thompson, Neil (2022). Teaching Social Work. Elgar Guides to Teaching. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Thomson, Rachel; Kehily, Mary Jane; Hadfield, Lucy and Sharpe, Sue (2011). Making Modern Mothers. Bristol: Policy Press.

Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Bob and Beach, Dennis (2006). Researching Education Policy: Ethnographic Experiences. Ethnography and Education, 2. London, UK: Tufnell Press.

Tuck, Jackie (2017). Academics Engaging with Student Writing: Working at the Higher Education Textface. Routledge Research in Higher Education. London: Routledge.

Tunstill, Jane; Aldgate, Jane and Hughes, Marilyn (2007). Improving Children's Services Networks: lessons from Family Centres. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Underwood, Jean D. M. and Farrington-Flint, Lee (2015). Learning and the E-Generation. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.

Utting, David; Rose, Wendy and Pugh, Gillian (2001). Better Results for Children and Families: Involving Communities in Planning Services Based on Outcomes. London: National Council for Voluntary Child Care Organisation.

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