Currently browsing: Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS)
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Ahier, J.; Beck, J. and Moore, R. (2002). Graduate Citizens. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Aldgate, Jane and McIntosh, Miranda (2006). Time well spent: a study of well-being and children's daily activities. Edinburgh, UK: Social Work Inspection Agency.
Aldgate, Jane and McIntosh, Miranda (2006). Looking after the family: a study of children looked after in kinship care in Scotland. Edinburgh, UK: Astron.
Aldgate, Jane and Stratham, Jane (2001). The Children Act now: messages from research. London, UK: Stationery Office.
Allen, Isobel; Hogg, Debra and Peace, Sheila (1992). Elderly people: Choice, participation and satisfaction. London: Policy Studies Institute.
Anderson, Lesley; Briggs, Ann R.J. and Burton, Neil (2001). Managing finance, resources and stakeholders in education. Education Management Research & Practice. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Andrews, R.; Burn, A.; Leach, J.; Locke, T.; Low, G. and Torgerson, C. (2002). A systematic review of the impact of networked ICT on 5-16 year olds' literacy in English. London, UK: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education..
Angermuller, Johannes and Blanchard, Philippe (2023). Careers of the Professoriate. Academic pathways of the linguists and sociologists in Germany, France and the UK. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Angermuller, Johannes (2017). Neden Fransa’da Postyapısalcılık Yok? Heretik.
Angermuller, Johannes (2016). Análise de discurso pós-estruturalista. As vozes do sujeito na linguagem em Lacan, Althusser, Foucault, Derrida e Sollers. São Paulo: Pontes.
Angermuller, Johannes (2015). Why there is no poststructuralism in France. The making of an intellectual generation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury.
Angermuller, Johannes (2014). Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis: Subjectivity in Enunciative Pragmatics. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Angermuller, Johannes (2013). Analyse du discours poststructuraliste. Les voix du sujet dans le langage chez Lacan, Althusser, Foucault, Derrida, Sollers. Limoges: Éditions Lambert-Lucas.
Angermuller, Johannes (2013). Le champ de la théorie: Essor et déclin du structuralisme en France. Paris: Hermann Éditeurs.
Angermuller, Johannes (2010). Diskursanalyse meets Gouvernementalitätsforschung: Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Subjekt, Sprache, Macht und Wissen. Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verl.
Angermuller, Johannes (2007). Nach dem Strukturalismus: Theoriediskurs und intellektuelles Feld in Frankreich. Sozialtheorie. Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl.
Angermuller, Johannes (2019). ¿Quien dijo posestructuralismo? La creación de una generación intelectual. Madrid: Dado Ediciones.
Angermuller, Johannes; Buckel, Sonja and Rodrian-Pfennig, Margit (2012). Solidarische Bildung. Crossover: Experimente selbstorganisierter Wissensproduktion. Münster: VSA-Verlag.
Angermuller, Johannes; Maesse, Jens and Standke, Jan (2011). Moving (Con)Texts: Produktion und Verbreitung von Ideen in der globalen Wissensökonomie. Culture, discourse, history (2). Berlin: Logos.
Angermuller, Johannes; Nonhoff, Martin; Herschinger, Eva; Macgilchrist, Felicitas; Reisigl, Martin; Wedl, Juliette; Wrana, Daniel and Ziem, Alexander (2014). Diskursforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Band 1: Theorien, Methodologien und Kontroversen. DiskursNetz, Band 1. Bielefeld: transcript.
Angermuller, Johannes and Philippe, Gilles (2015). Analyse du discours et dispositifs d?énonciation. Autour des travaux de Dominique Maingueneau. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas.
Arthur, Lore (2002). Work-Life balance: towards an agenda for policy learning between Britain and Germany. London, UK: Anglo-German Foundation.
Ashley, Joan; De Geest, Els and Lee, Clare (2021). Motivation and Engagement. London: Pearson.
Banks, Frank and Barlex, David (2014). Teaching STEM in the Secondary School: helping teachers meet the challenge. Abingdon: Routledge.
Banks, Frank and Barlex, David (2020). Teaching STEM in the Secondary School: helping teachers meet the challenge, 2nd edition. Abingdon: Routledge.
Barbour, Rosaline (2008). Introducing Qualitative Research: A Student Guide to the Craft of Doing Qualitative Research. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Bax, Stephen (2013). Researching Intertextual Reading. Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, 25. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Bax, Stephen (2010). Discourse and Genre: Using Language in Context. Perspectives on the English Language. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn (2011). Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice. Leicester: UKLA.
Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn (2016). Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice (2nd edition). Ideas in practice. Leicester: UKLA.
Bearne, Eve; Dombey, Henrietta and Grainger, Teresa (2003). Classroom Interactions in Literacy. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
Black, Paul; Harrison, Christine; Lee, Clara; Marshall, Bethan and William, Dylan (2003). Assessment for Learning- putting it into practice. Maidenhead, U.K.: Open university Press.
Black, Paul; Harrison, Christine; Lee, Clare; Marshall, Bethan and William, Dylan (2002). Working Inside the Black Box- Assessment for Learning in the Classroom. London, U.K.: GL assessment.
Blundel, Richard; Ippolito, Kate and Donnarumma, David (2013). Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, principles and practices (4th edition). Harlow: Pearson.
Boahen, Godfred and Wiles, Fran (2018). Professionalism and Self-Management. Social Work Skills in Practice. Open University Press.
Bolshaw, Polly and Josephidou, Jo (2023). Understanding the Media in Young Children’s Lives: An Introduction to the Key Debates. Abingdon: Routledge.
Bolshaw, Polly and Josephidou, Jo (2018). Introducing research in early childhood. SAGE.
Brash, Bärbel and Pfeil, Andrea (2017). Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien. DLL Deutsch Lehren Lernen, 9. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag.
Buckingham, David and Bragg, Sara (2004). Young People, Sex and the Media: the facts of life? Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Buckler, Alison (2015). Quality Teaching and the Capability Approach: Evaluating the Work and Governance of Women Teachers in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Routledge Research in Education, 140. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Bucknall, Sue (2012). Children as Researchers in Primary Schools: Choice, Voice and Participation. Routledge.
Burgess, Hilary; Sieminski, Sandy and Arthur, Lore (2006). Achieving Your Doctorate in Education. study skills. London, UK: Sage in association with the Open University.
Butcher, John (2004). Developing effective 16-19 Teaching Skills. RoutledgeFalmer.
Cable, Carrie and Eyres, Ian (2005). Primary teaching assistants; curriculum in context. UK: David Fulton Publishers.
Cameron, Lynne (2003). Metaphor in educational discourse. Advances in Applied Linguistics. London, UK: Continuum.
Cameron, Lynne (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Cameron, Lynne (2011). Metaphor and Reconciliation: The Discourse Dynamics of Empathy in Post-Conflict Conversations. Routledge Studies in Linguistics. New York, USA: Routledge.
Canning, Natalie (2020). Children's Empowerment in Play. TACTYC. Oxon: Routledge.
Carter, Bernie and Simons, Joan (2014). Stories of Children’s Pain: Linking Evidence to Practice. London: Sage.
Cavaye, Joyce (2006). Hidden Carers. Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care, 3. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.
Chamberlain, Liz (2016). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Exeter: Sage Publications.
Chamberlain, Liz (2017). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Sydney, Australia: Primary English Teaching Association Australia.
Chamberlain, Liz (2019). Inspiring Writing in Primary School. Exeter: Learning Matters.
Chambers, Ellie and Northedge, Andrew (2008). The Arts Good Study Guide (2nd ed). Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Worldwide.
Chappell, Kerry; Rolfe, Linda; Craft, Anna and Jobbins, Veronica (2011). Close Encounters: Dance Partners for Creativity. Stoke on Trent: Trentham.
Chappell, Kerry; Rolfe, Linda; Craft, Anna and Jobbins, Veronica (2011). Close Encounters: Dance Partners for Creativity. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books.
Clark, A. and Moss, P. (2001). Listening to young children: the Mosaic approach. London: National Children's Bureau for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Clark, Alison (2010). Transforming Childrens' Spaces: Children's and Adults' Participation in Designing Learning Environments. London: Routledge.
Clark, Alison and Moss, Peter (2005). Spaces to play: More listening to young children using the Mosaic approach. London, UK: National Children’s Bureau.
Clark, Alison and Moss, Peter (2011). Listening To Young Children: The Mosaic Approach (2nd ed.). London: National Children's Bureau.
Cleaver, Hedy; Walker, Steve; Scott, Jane; Cleaver, Daniel and Rose, Wendy (2008). The integrated children's system: Enhancing social work and inter-agency practice. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Coffin, Caroline (2006). Historical discourse: the language of time, cause and evaluation. Continuum Discourse. UK: Continuum.
Coffin, Caroline (1996). Exploring Literacy in School History. Erskineville, NSW, Australia: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program, NSW Dept. of School Education.
Coffin, Caroline; Brook, Rosemary and Humphrey, Sally (1996). The Australian Identity: A Unit of Work for Junior Secondary History. Write it right: resources for literacy and learning. Erskineville, NSW, Australia: Disadvantaged Schools Program, Metropolitan East Region, NSW Dept. of School Education.
Coffin, Caroline; Curry, Mary Jane; Goodman, Sharon; Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Swann, Joan (2003). Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education. London, UK: Routledge.
Coffin, Caroline and Donohue, James (2014). A Language as Social Semiotic Based Approach to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Language Learning Monograph Series. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons Inc..
Coffin, Caroline; Donohue, James and North, Sarah (2009). Exploring Grammar: From Formal to Functional. Routledge.
Collins, Janet and Hancock, Roger (2004). Primary teaching assistants: learners and learning. David Fulton Publishers Ltd.
Collins, Janet; Harkin, Joe and Nind, Melanie (2002). Manifesto for learning: fundamental principles. London, UK: Continuum.
Conradie, Liesl and Golding, Tyrrell (2013). The Short Guide to working with Children and Young People. Short Guide Series. Bristol: Policy Press.
Cook, Guy (2004). Genetically Modified Language: the discourse of arguments for GM crops and food. London, UK: Routledge.
Cook, Guy (2001). The discourse of advertising. 2nd edition. Interface. London, UK: Routledge.
Cook, Guy (2003). Applied Linguistics. Oxford Introductions to Language. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Cook, Guy (2000). Language Play, Language Learning. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Cook, Guy (2010). Translation in Language Teaching: An Argument for Reassessment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cooper, Barry (2009). The Problem of Assessment in Social Work: Practice, Education and Continuing Professional Development. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Publishing House Ltd.
Cooper, Victoria L.; Montgomery, Heather and Sheehy, Kieron (2018). Parenting the First Twelve Years: What the Evidence Tells Us. Pelican.
Cornock, Marc (2021). Key Questions in Healthcare Law and Ethics. London: Sage.
Cornock, Marc (2023). Accountability and Professionalism in Nursing and Healthcare. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Cornock, Marc (2023). Consent: A Pocket Guide for Nursing and Health Care. London: Lantern Publishing Ltd.
Cornock, Marc (2023). Confidentiality: a pocket guide for nursing and health care. pocket guides for nursing and health care. London: Lantern Publishing Ltd.
Cornock, Marc (2024). Records and record-keeping: a pocket guide for nursing and healthcare. Banbury, UK: Lantern Publishing Ltd.
Cornock, Marc and Giddings, Lindsay (2023). A Straightforward Guide to Healthcare Rights and Law for Patients, Carers and Practitioners. UK: Straightforward Publishing.
Cornock, Marc and Nichols, Andy (2024). A Straightforward Guide to Negligence in Healthcare: A simple guide for Patients, Carers and Practitioners. London, UK: Straightforward Publishing.
Cox, Gerry R and Thompson, Neil (2022). Managing Death: International Perspectives. Springer, Cham.
Cox, Sarah (2023). Meeting the Needs of Reunited Refugee Families: An Ecological, Multilingual Approach to Language Learning. Researching Multilingually, 8. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Craft, A (2005). Creativity in Schools: Tensions and Dilemmas. Abingdon: Routledge.
Craft, Anna (2005). Creativity in schools: tensions and dilemmas. UK: Routledge.
Craft, Anna (2002). Creativity and Early Years Education: A lifewide foundation. Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning. London, UK: Continuum.
Craft, Anna (2010). Creativity and Education Futures: Learning in a Digital Age. Stoke-on-Trent, UK: Trentham Books.
Craft, Anna (2008). Voyages of Discovery: Looking at Models of Engagement. London: Creative Partnerships London North.
Craft, Anna (2000). Continuing Professional Development: A Pracical Guide for Teachers and Schools (2nd edition). London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge Falmer in association with The Open University.
Craft, Anna (2000). Creativity Across the Primary Curriculum: Framing and Developing Practice. London: Routledge.
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela (2007). Creative learning 3-11: and how we document it. UK: Trentham.
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia (2023). Reading Teachers: Nurturing Reading for Pleasure. Abingdon: Routledge.
Cremin, Teresa (2009). Teaching English Creatively. Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series. London: Routledge.
Cremin, Teresa; Barnes, Jonathan and Scoffham, Stephen (2009). Creative Teaching for Tomorrow: Fostering a Creative State of Mind Deal. Kent, UK: Future Creative.
Cremin, Teresa and Dombey, Henrietta (2007). Handbook of Primary English in Initial Teacher Education. Cambridge: NATE and UKLA.
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona and Powell, Sacha (2008). Building Communities of Readers. Leicester, UK: PNS/United Kingdom Literacy Association.
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona M.; Powell, Sacha and Drury, Rose (2014). Researching Literacy Lives: Building Communities between Home and School. Abingdon: Routledge.
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona M.; Powell, Sacha and Safford, Kimberly (2014). Building Communities of Engaged Readers: Reading for pleasure. Abingdon: Routledge.
Cremin, Teresa and Myhill, Debra (2011). Writing Voices: Creating Communities of Writers. London: Routledge.
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa (2013). A scholars’ guide to getting published in English: critical choices and practical strategies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Davey, Graham; Albert, Ian P.; Chandler, Chris; Jones, Dai; Stirling, Chris; Messer, David J. and Moore, Simon (2008). Complete Psychology, Second Edition. London, UK: Hodder Education.
Davies, Celia; Wetherell, Margie and Barnett, Elizabeth (2006). Citizens at the centre: deliberative participation in healthcare decisions. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Dawes, Lyn and Sams, Claire (2004). Talk box: speaking and listening activities for learning at Key Stage 1. UK: David Fulton Publishers Ltd.
Dawes, Lyn and Wegerif, Rupert (2004). Thinking and learning with ICT: raising achievement in primary classrooms. UK: Routledge.
Demjen, Zsofia (2015). Sylvia Plath and the Language of Affective States: Written Discourse and the Experience of Depression. Advances in Stylistics. London: Bloomsbury.
Douglas, Jenny (1987). Food and diet in a multiracial society: Training in Health and Race, Project. Caribbean food and diet. Cambridge: National Extension College for Training in Health and Race.
Drury, Rose (2007). Young bilingual learners at home and school researching multilingual voices. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books.
Earle, Rod (2016). Convict Criminology - Inside and Out. New Horizons in Criminology. UK: Policy Press.
Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith (2007). Sex in Cyberspace: Men who pay for sex. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Edwards, Ros; Hadfield, Lucy and Mauthner, Melanie (2006). Children talking about brothers and sisters. London: Family Planning Institute.
Edwards, Rosalind; Hadfield, Lucy; Lucey, Helen and Mauthner, Melanie (2006). Sibling Identity and Relationships: Sisters and Brothers. Relationships and Resources. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Adinolfi, Lina and Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2017). Multilingual classrooms: opportunities and challenges for English medium instruction in low and middle income contexts. Reading: Education Development Trust/British Council.
Featherstone, Brid (2009). Contemporary fathering: theory, policy and practice. Bristol: Policy Press.
Featherstone, Brigid (2003). Family Life and Family Support: A Feminist Analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fernández-Toro, Maria (1999). Training Learners for Self-Instruction. London, UK: CILT.
Fernandez-Toro, Maria and Jones, Francis R. (2001). DIY techniques for language learners. London, UK: CILT Publications.
Fielding, Michael and Bragg, Sara (2003). Students as Researchers: Making a difference. Consulting Pupils about Teaching and Learning. Cambridge, UK: Pearson Publishing.
Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity; Soler, Janet and Reid, Gavin (2009). Approaching Difficulties in Literacy Development: Assessment, Pedagogy and Programmes. London: Sage.
Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity; Whitby, Karen; White, Kerensa and Chamberlain, Tamsin (2007). Review of International Literature on Admissions. Reading: CfBT.
Foster, Peter; Gomm, Roger and Hammersley, Martyn (1996). Constructing educational inequality: An assessment of research on school processes. Social research & educational studies, 15. London: Falmer.
Fox, Alison; Hendry, Helen and Cooper, Deborah (2022). Harnessing Professional Development for Educators: A Global Toolkit. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Gagne, Christophe and Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia (2020). English to French Translation: A Practical Manual. Abingdon: Routledge.
Gallardo-Barbarroja, M (2003). Introducción y desarrollo del espanol en el sistema universitario ingles durante el siglo XIX. Estudios de Linguistica del Espanol, 20. Madrid: RedIRIS.
Gargett, Andrew (2011). A Salvage Grammar of Malgana - The Language of Shark Bay, Western Australia. Pacific linguistics, 624. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University.
Giaxoglou, Korina (2021). A Narrative Approach to Social Media Mourning: Small Stories and Affective Positioning. Routledge Research in Narrative, Interaction, and Discourse. New York, USA: Routledge.
Gillen, Julia (2003). The Language of children. Intertext. London, UK: Routledge.
Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil (2003). Language, literacy and education: A reader. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books in association with The Open University.
Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew (2005). Creativity and writing: developing voice and verve in the classroom. Oxfordshire,UK: Routledge.
Grainger, Teresa (2004). The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Language and Literacy. London, UK: Routledge.
Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew (2004). Creative Activities for Plot, Character and Setting, 5-7. Milton Keynes: Scholastic.
Grainger, Teresa and Pickard, Angela (2004). Drama, Reading and Writing and talking our way forwards. Cambridge, UK: UKLA Publications.
Grant, Janet (2006). Principles of curriculum design. Understanding Medical Education monograph series. Oxford: Association for the Study of Medical Education, Blackwells Press.
Grant, Janet; Jones, Helen and Lambert, Trevor (2002). An analysis of trends in applications to medical school. Open University, Centre for Education in Medicine.
Gunter, Anthony (2017). Race, Gangs and Youth Violence: Policy, Prevention and Policing. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Gunter, Anthony (2010). Growing Up Bad?: Black Youth, 'road' Culture and Badness in an East London Neighbourhood. London, UK: Tufnell Press.
Haider, Sharif (2022). Sensitive Research in Social Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hammersley, Martyn (2002). Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice. London: Paul Chapman.
Hammersley, Martyn (2006). Media bias in reporting social research?: the case of reviewing ethnic inequalities in education. London, UK: Routledge.
Hammersley, Martyn (2008). Questioning Qualitative Research: Critical Essays. London, UK: Sage.
Hammersley, Martyn (1989). The dilemma of qualitative method: Herbert Blumer and the Chicago tradition. London: Routledge.
Hammersley, Martyn (1990). Classroom ethnography: Empirical and methodological essays. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Hammersley, Martyn (1990). Reading ethnographic research: A critical guide. London: Longman.
Hammersley, Martyn (1992). What's wrong with ethnography? London: Routledge.
Hammersley, Martyn (1995). The politics of social research. London: Sage.
Hammersley, Martyn (2000). Taking sides in social research: Essays on partisanship and bias. London: Routledge.
Hammersley, Martyn (2011). Methodology: Who Needs It? London, UK: Sage.
Hammersley, Martyn (2013). What is Qualitative Research? What Is? Research Methods. London: Continuum/Bloomsbury.
Hammersley, Martyn (2013). The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice. Social Research Methods. London: Sage.
Hammersley, Martyn (2014). The Limits of Social Science: Causal Explanation and Value Relevance. London: Sage.
Hammersley, Martyn (2018). The Radicalism of Ethnomethodology: An assessment of sources and principles. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Hammersley, Martyn (2019). The Concept of Culture: A History and Reappraisal. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hammersley, Martyn and Atkinson, Paul (1983). Ethnography: Principles in practice. London: Tavistock.
Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1986). The impact of examinations on secondary school teaching: A research report. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Hammick, Marilyn; Freeth, Della; Copperman, Jeanette and Goodsman, Danë (2009). Being Interprofessional. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Hampel, Regine (2001). 'I write therefore I am?' Fictional autobiography and the idea of selfhood in the postmodern age. Bern: Peter Lang Publishing.
Hampel, Regine (2019). Disruptive Technologies and the Language Classroom: A Complex Systems Theory Approach. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hann, David (2019). Spontaneous Play in the Language Classroom: Creating a Community. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Happer, Helen; McCreadie, Joanna and Aldgate, Jane (2006). Celebrating success: what helps looked after children succeed. Edinburgh, UK: Social Work Inspection Agency.
Harrington, Anne and Price, Bob (2010). Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students. Transforming Nursing Practice. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.
Harvey-Lloyd, Jane M.; Strudwick, Ruth M. and Preston, Scott J. (2024). Fundamentals of Radiographic Positioning and Anatomy. Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Hawkridge, David; Newton, Wendy and Hall, Carole (1988). Computers in Company Training. Croom Helm.
Helleve, Arnfinn; Sandberg, Helena; Berg, Christina; Prell, Hillevi; Ólafsdóttir, Steingerður; Gísladóttir, Elva; Andersen, Morten C.; Jewell, Jo; Breda, João; Marniemi, Annikka; Gabrijelcic, Mojca and Tatlow-Golden, Mimi (2018). Monitoring food marketing to children: A joint Nordic monitoring protocol for marketing of foods and beverages high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) towards children and young people. TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692 ; 2018:504. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordisk Ministerråd.
Henderson, Sheila J.; Holland, Janet; McGrellis, Sheena; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (2006). Inventing adulthoods: a biographical approach to youth transitions. London, UK: Sage Publications in association with the Open University.
Henning, Lucy (2019). Researching Early Childhood Literacy in the Classroom: Literacy as a Social Practice. Routledge Research in Literacy. Abingdon: Routledge.
Hernáiz, Rodrigo (2020). Studies on linguistic and orthographic variation in Old Babylonian letters. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 465. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
Hewings, Ann and Hewings, Martin (2005). Grammar and Context. London, UK: Routledge.
Hoggart, Lesley (2003). Feminist Campaigns for Birth Control and Abortion Rights in Britain. Studies in British History, 69. The Edwin Mellen Press.
Holland, Caroline; Clark, Andrew; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila (2007). Social interactions in urban public places. Public Spaces. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1998). The male in the head: Young people, heterosexuality and power. London: Tufnell Press.
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Lehr, Caroline (2021). Improving the Emotional Intelligence of Translators: A Roadmap for an Experimental Training Intervention. Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting. Cham, Switzerland: Spinger.
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2017). Translation and Emotion - A Psychological Perspective. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies. Routledge.
Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2013). Parallelsproglighed på danske universiteter: En statusrapport 2013 [Parallel language use at Danish universities: A status report 2013]. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Studies of Bilingualism.
Hustinx, Wouter; Rosius, Hanne; Peoples, Martin; McCartney, Kieran; Ivanusa Kline, Darja; Gorissen, Pierre; Can, Tuncer; Şimşek, Irfan; Venturella, Chiara and Koenraad, Ton (2019). Tablio: Realising Classroom Differentiation and Inclusion with Tablets. Hasselt, Belgium: PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Ibbotson, Paul (2022). Language Acquisition: The Basics. London: Routledge.
Ibbotson, Paul (2020). What it Takes to Talk: Exploring Developmental Cognitive Linguistics. Cognitive Linguistics Research [CLR], 64. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Ivinson, Gabrielle and Murphy, Patricia (2007). Rethinking single sex teaching. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
James, M.; Black, P; Carmichael, P.; Conner, C.; Dudley, P.; Fox, A.; Frost, D.; Honour, L.; MacBeath, J.; McCormick, R.; Marshall, B.; Pedder, D.; Proctor, R.; Swaffield, S. and Wiliam, D. (2006). Learning how to learn: Tools for schools. Improving Practice (TLRP). London, UK: Routledge.
James, M.; McCormick, R.; Black, P.; Carmichael, P.; Drummond, M. J.; Fox, A.; MacBeath, J.; Marshall, B.; Pedder, D.; Proctor, R.; Swaffield, S.; Swann, J. and Wiliam, D. (2007). Improving learning how to learn: Classrooms, schools and networks. TLRP Improving Learning Series. London, UK: Routledge.
Jeffrey, Bob and Woods, Peter (2003). The Creative school: a framework for success, quality and effectiveness. London, UK: Routledge.
Jeffrey, Bob and Woods, Peter (2009). Creative Learning in the Primary School. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Jeffrey, Bob and Woods, Peter (1998). Testing Teachers: The effect of school inspections on primary teachers. London: Routledge.
Johnson, Julia; Rolph, Sheena and Smith, Randall (2010). Residential Care Transformed: Revisiting 'The Last Refuge'. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jones, Emma; Graffin, Neil; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs (2020). Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession. Bristol Shorts Research. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Jones, Linda J. (1994). The Social context of health and health work. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Josephidou, Jo and Bolshaw, Polly (2020). Understanding gender and early childhood: an introduction to the key debates. Routledge.
Kan, Qian (2007). Colloquial Chinese 2. London, UK: Routledge.
Kan, Qian and Yuan, Boping (2013). Developing Writing Skills in Chinese (2nd Edition). Abington: Routledge.
Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline; Peace, Sheila and Taylor, Emily (2011). A Better Life - What Older People With High Support Needs Value. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
KE206 Module Team (2017). Children and young people's wellbeing [KE2016 Books 1 & 2]. Milton Keynes: Open University.
Kehily, Mary (2002). Sexuality, Gender and Schooling: Shifting Agendas in Social Learning. London: Routledge.
Kellett, Mary (2005). How to Develop Children as Researchers: a step by step guide to teaching the research process. London, UK: Sage.
Kellett, Mary (2005). How to Develop Children as Researchers. London, UK: Paul Chapman Educational Publishing.
Kellett, Mary (2010). Rethinking Children and Research. London: Continuum.
Kellett, Mary (2011). Children's Perspectives on Integrated Services: Every child matters in policy and practice. Interagency working in health and social care. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kellett, Mary and Nind, Melanie (2003). Implementing intensive interaction in schools: guidance for practitioners, managers and coordinators. London: David Fulton.
Kim, Chae-Young; Sheehy, Kieron and Kerawalla, Lucinda (2017). Developing Children as Researchers: A Practical Guide to Help Children Conduct Social Research. Abingdon: Routledge.
Kucirkova, Natalia (2021). The Future of the Self: Understanding Personalization in Childhood and Beyond. Emerald Books.
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Adinolfi, Lina; Bhattacharya, Usree and Phyak, Prem
Adinolfi, Lina
Adinolfi, Lina; Pleines, Christine; Harper, Felicity; Beaven, Tita; Smith, Pete; Hassan, Xaviere; Adams, Helga and Nicolson, Margaret
Agbaire, Jennifer
Aggleton, Jen; Carter, Carol and Grieve, Mary Rose
Akyeampong, Kwame
Akyeampong, Kwame
Al Issa, Hafez Alhammadeh; Kairouz, Hazem and Yuksel, Dogan
Albright, James; Purohit, Kiran and Walsh, Christopher
Albright, James; Walsh, Christopher S. and Purohit, Kiran D.
Albright, James J.; Walsh, Christopher S. and Purohit, Kiran D.
Aldgate, Jane
Aldgate, Jane
Alleyn, Chrissy and Jones, Rebecca L.
Allington, Daniel
Allington, Daniel
Allington, Daniel
Allington, Daniel
Allington, Daniel and Benwell, Bethan
Allington, Daniel and Hewings, Ann
Allington, Daniel and Swann, Joan
Almack, Kathryn; Jones, Rebecca L. and Scicluna, Rachael
Altay, Mehmet and Yuksel, Dogan
Altay, Mehmet and Yuksel, Dogan
Álvarez, Inma; Cobo Palacios, Isabel; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Puntil, Donata
Álvarez, Inma; Dennis, Carol Azumah and Waterhouse, Philippa
Álvarez, I.
Álvarez, Inma
Álvarez, Inma
Alvarez, Inma
Alvarez, Inma
Álvarez, Inma
Álvarez, Inma
Álvarez, Inma and Beaven, Tita
Álvarez, Inma; Beaven, Tita and Garrido, Cecilia
Álvarez, Inma and Garrido, Cecilia
Álvarez, Inma and Kan, Qian
Amoraga-Piqueras, Maria-Rosa; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Southgate, Margaret
Amos, Sandra
Amos, Sandra and Boohan, Richard
Anamuah-Mensah, Jophus; Banks, Frank; Moon, Robert and Wolfenden, Freda
Anderson, John and McCormick, Robert
Anderson, John and McCormick, Robert
Anderson, John and McCormick, Robert
Anderson, Lesley
Anderson, Lesley
Anderson, Lesley
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes and Kollmorgen, Raj
Angermuller, Johannes and Maeße, Jens
Angermuller, Johannes; Maingueneau, Dominique and Wodak, Ruth
Angermuller, Johannes and Scholz, Ronny
Angermuller, Johannes and van Leeuwen, Thed
Anwar, Kubra and Wallace, Louise M.
Armstrong, Alan; Collis, Anne and Walmsley, Jan
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arvinen-Barrow, Monna; Walker, Natalie C. and Heaney, Caroline
Ashbridge, Jan and Josephidou, Jo
Ashbridge, Jan and Josephidou, Jo
Ashery, Oreet and Giaxoglou, Korina
Astruc, Lluïsa and García, M. Paz Marín
Astruc, Lluisa; Vanrell, Maria del Mar and Prieto, Pilar
Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy
Atkinson, Dorothy; Cooper, Mabel and Ferris, Gloria
Atkinson, Dorothy and Rolph, Sheena
Attar, Dena and Maybin, Janet
Austen, Samantha and Griffin, Lynda
Baker, Sally and Cremin, Teresa
Baldwin, Lisa and Chamberlain, Liz
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank
Banks, Frank and Chikasanda, Vanwyk K. M.
Banks, Frank and Dheram, Premakumari
Banks, Frank and McCormick, Robert
Banks, Frank and Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth
Banks, Frank and Plant, Malcolm
Banks, Frank and Williams, John
Barbour, Rosaline S.
Barbour, Rosaline S. and Schostak, John
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna In: De Beni, Matteo; Hourani Martín, Dunia and Sartor, Elisa eds. Comunicación, traducción pedagógica y humanidades digitales en la enseñanza del español como LE/L2/LH. Verona: QuiEdit, pp. 43–51.
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltán
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Melchor-Couto, Sabela
Barnard, Katharine and Lloyd, Cathy E.
Barnard, Katharine D.; Lloyd, Cathy E. and Holt, Richard I. G.
Barnes, Peter and Kehily, Mary
Barrow, Pat and Cooper, Barry
Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve
Baumann, U.
Baumann, Uwe
Baumann, Uwe
Baumann, Uwe and Hampel, Regine
Baumann, Uwe and Shelley, Monica
Beaumont, Kythe
Beaumont, Kythe; Douglas, Jenny; Heller, Tom and Jones, Linda
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita; Codreanu, Tatiana and Creuzé, Alix
Beaven, Tita; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Motzo, Anna
Beaven, Tita and Garrido, Cecilia
Beaven, Tita and Simcott, Richard
Beavers, Sian and Warnecke, Sylvia
Becirevic, Majda and Dowling, Monica
Becker, D; Orchard, T and Lloyd, Cathy
Bell, L. and Birch, M.
Bennett, Kay; Brown, Zeta and Edwards, Tracey
Bennett, Kay; Mander, Sarah and Richards, Lynn
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel
Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley
Beretta, Ruth
Beretta, Ruth
Betts, Lucy; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Stiller, James; Larkin, Rebecca and Williams, Gareth
Birch, M.; Gallagher, A. and Finlay, L.
Birch, Maxine
Birch, Maxine
Birch, Maxine
Birch, Maxine and Miller, Tina
Birch, Maxine; Miller, Tina; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie
Birch, Maxine; Miller, Tina; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie
Birch, Maxine; Miller, Tina; Mauthner, Melanie and Jessop, Julie
Birch, Maxine and Nissen, Nina
Bird, Margaret; Esland, Geoff; Greenberg, Jane; Sieminski, Sandy and Yarrow, Karen
Boampong, Michael
Boampong, Michael
Boampong, Michael
Boampong, Michael
Bond, J; Coleman, P and Peace, Sheila
Borgstrom, Erica
Borgstrom, Erica; Sowden, Ryann and Selman, Lucy
Borgstrom, Erica
Borgstrom, Erica
Bornat, Joanna
Bornat, Joanna and Wilson, Gail
Bornat, Joanna
Bornat, Joanna
Bornat, Joanna
Bornat, Joanna; Dimmock, B; Jones, D and Peace, Sheila
Bornat, Joanna; Dimmock, Brian; Jones, David and Peace, Sheila
Bornat, Joanna; Dimmock, Brian; Jones, David and Peace, Sheila
Bornat, Joanna and Jones, Rebecca L.
Bornat, Joanna and Walmsley, Jan
Bottomley, A and Roche, Jeremy
Boulton, David and Hammersley, Martyn
Boyd, Lesley G. and Fresen, Jill W.
Boyle, Geraldine
Bradshaw, Pete
Bradshaw, Pete
Bradshaw, Pete
Bradshaw, Pete
Bradshaw, Pete; Powell, Stephen and Terrell, Ian
Bragg, Sara
Bragg, Sara
Bragg, Sara
Bragg, Sara
Bragg, Sara and Buckingham, David
Bragg, Sara and Buckingham, David
Bragg, Sara and Buckingham, David
Bragg, Sara and Buckingham, David
Bragg, Sara; Buckingham, David; Russell, Rachel and Willett, Rebekah
Bragg, Sara and Fielding, Michael
Brash, Barbel and Nicolson, Margaret
Breckenridge, Yvonne and Erling, Elizabeh J.
Brereton, John; Donahue, Christiane; Gannett, Cinthia; Lillis, Theresa and Scott, Mary
Brigham, Lindsay
Brigham, Lindsay
Brigham, Lindsay
Brimacombe, Kayte and Hancock, Roger
Brooks, Fiona and Lomax, Helen
Browne, Naima; Paige-Smith, Alice and Cooper, Victoria
Brownlow, Charlotte; O'Dell, Lindsay and Abawi, Ding
Buckingham, D and Bragg, Sara
Buckingham, David and Bragg, Sara
Buckingham Shum, Simon and Okada, Alexandra
Buckler, Alison S.
Budiyanto and Sheehy, Kieron
Burgess, H.
Burgess, H.
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary
Burgess, Hilary; Southworth, Geoff and Webb, Rosemary
Burnard, Pamela and Cooke, Carolyn
Burr, Rachel and Montgomery, Heather
Burr, Rachel and Montgomery, Heather
Burton, Sonia; Eyres, Ian and McCormick, Robert
Bush, Tony and Anderson, Lesley
Busher, Hugh; Fox, Alison and Capewell, Carmel
Busher, Hugh and Fox, Alison
Butcher, J. and Curry, G.
Butcher, John
Butcher, John and Clarke, Anactoria
Butcher, John and Curry, George
Butcher, John
Butcher, John
Butcher, John
Butcher, John and Fowle, Wendy
Butcher, John; Sinclair, Stefanie and Clarke, Anactoria
Bytheway, Bill
Bytheway, Bill
Bytheway, Bill
Bytheway, Bill and Johnson, Julia
Cable, Caroline
Cable, Carrie; Drury, Rose and Helavaara Robertson, Leena
Cable, Carrie and Goodliff, Gill
Cable, Carrie and Miller, Linda
Calvi, Anna; Motzo, Anna and Silipo, Sandra
Cámara de la Fuente, Lidia and Comas-Quinn, Anna
Cameron, Catherine Ann; Talay-Ongan, Ayshe; Hancock, Roger and Tapanaya, Sombat
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne
Cameron, Lynne
Candlin, C
Candlin, C and Pilmer, D
Candlin, C and Plum, G
Candlin, C and Sarangi, S.
Candlin, C. and Sarangi, S.
Candlin, C. N.
Candlin, Christopher; Bhatia, Vijay and Jensen, Christian
Candlin, Christopher N.
Canning, Natalie and Rekers, Angela
Canning, Natalie
Canning, Natalie
Canning, Natalie
Canning, Natalie
Cantarutti, Marina and Szczepek-Reed, Beatrice
Cantarutti, Marina Noelia
Carden, Catherine
Carden, Catherine and Bethune, Adrian
Carden, Catherine and Bower, Virginia
Carr, Sam; Rogers, Justin and Hickman, Caroline
Carroll, Tricia and Josephidou, Joanne
Casserley, Niall and Rixon, Andrew
Caton, Lucy and Green, Mel
Catt, Robert
Cavaye, Joyce
Cavaye, Joyce
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz; Buckler, Alison and Mkwananzi, Faith
Chamberlain, Liz; Buckler, Alison; Worwood, Kelly; Chigodora, Obert; Chishava, Charlotte and Hedges, Claire
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz and Harrett, Jacqueline
Chamberlain, Liz and Harrett, Jacqueline
Chamberlain, Liz and McDonald, Roger
Chamberlayne, Prue
Chamberlayne, Prue
Chapman, Rohhss; Ledger, Susan and Nind, Melanie
Chapman, Sherry Ann and Peace, Sheila
Chatterton, Claire
Chatterton, Claire
Clare, Lee
Clare, Lee
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison
Clark, Alison and Gallacher, Lesley-Anne
Clark, Alison and Kehily, Mary Jane
Clark, Andrew; Holland, Caroline and Ward, Richard
Clark, E. and Gournay, K.
Clark, E. and Sleep, J.
Clark, Elisabeth
Clark, Elisabeth
Clark, Elisabeth
Clark, Elisabeth
Clark, Elisabeth
Clark, Elisabeth and Montague, Susan
Claxton, Guy; Craft, Anna and Gardner, Howard
Clough, Helen and Foley, Karen
Cochrane, Pat; Craft, Anna and Jefferey, Graham
Coelho, Jorge A. P. M.; Souza, Gustavo H. S. and Albuquerque, Josmário
Coffin, C.
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline
Coffin, Caroline and Derewianka, Beverley
Coffin, Caroline and Derewianka, Beverly
Coffin, Caroline and Goodman, Sharon
Coffin, Caroline and Hewings, Ann
Coffin, Caroline and Hewings, Ann
Coffin, Caroline and Hewings, Ann
Coffin, Caroline and Mayor, Barbara
Coffin, Caroline and O'Halloran, Kieran
Coffin, Caroline and O'Halloran, Kieran
Coffin, Caroline and O'Halloran, Kieran
Coleman, James A and Klapper, John
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, James A. and Baumann, Uwe
Coleman, James A. and Chafer, Tony
Coleman, James A.; Grotjahn, Rudiger and Raatz, Ulrich
Coleman, James A.; Hampel, Regine; Hauck, Mirjam and Stickler, Ursula
Coleman, James A. and Hauge, E.
Coleman, James A. and Head, David
Coleman, James A. and Klapper, John
Coleman, James A. and Parker, Linda
Coleman, James A. and Perez, I.
Coleman, James A. and Vialleton, Elodie
Colucci-Gray, Laura and Cooke, Carolyn
Colwell, Chetz; Di Paolo, Terry; Scanlon, Eileen; Cooper, Martyn; Uren, Victoria and Jelfs, Anne
Colwell, Chetz and Petrie, H
Comas-Quinn, Anna
Comas-Quinn, Anna
Comas-Quinn, Anna; Beaven, Ana and Sawhill, Barbara
Comas-Quinn, Anna and Borthwick, Kate
Comas-Quinn, Anna and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Comas-Quinn, Anna and Mardomingo, Raquel
Conde Gafaro, Barbara
Conde Gafaro, Barbara
Conde Gafaro, Barbara
Cook, Deirdre
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cook, Guy
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn and Burnard, Pam
Cooke, Carolyn and Philpott, Chris
Cooke, Carolyn and Philpott, Chris
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn
Cooke, Carolyn and Spruce, Gary
Cooper, Victoria
Cooper, Victoria
Cooper, Victoria; Montgomery, Heather and Tatlow-Golden, Mimi
Cooper, Victoria and Preece, Vicky
Cooper, Barry
Cooper, Barry
Cooper, Barry
Cooper, Barry
Cooper, Barry
Cooper, Barry
Cooper, Barry
Cooper, Barry; Gordon, Jean and Rixon, Andrew
Cooper, Barry and Hester, Richard
Cooper, V.
Cooper, Victoria
Cooper, Victoria
Cooper, Victoria
Cooper, Victoria
Cooper, Victoria and Ellis, Carole
Cooper, Victoria and Kellett, Mary
Cooper, Victoria; Payler, Jane and Bennett, Stephanie
Cooper, Victoria and Rixon, Andrew
Copperman, Jeanette
Copperman, Jeanette and Hill, F.
Copperman, Jeanette and Malies, Steven
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, Marc
Cornock, Marc and McAlinden, Orla
Cornock, Marc and Montgomery, Heather
Costa, Francesca and Coleman, James A.
Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin
Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin
Cox, Sarah
Coyle, David
Coyle, David
Coyle, David and Lunt, Julie
Craft, A.; Cremin, T.; Burnard, P. and Chappell, K.
Craft, A.
Craft, A.
Craft, A.
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna
Craft, Anna and Chappell, Kerry
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Chappell, Kerry
Craft, Anna; Gardner, Howard and Claxton, Guy
Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob
Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob
Craft, Anna and Paige-Smith, Alice
Craft, Anna and Paige-Smith, Alice
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa; Harris, Ben and Courtney, Matthew
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia
Cremin, T
Cremin, T.
Cremin, T. and Barnes, J.
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa and Barnes, Jonathan
Cremin, Teresa; Bearne, Eve; Mottram, Marilyn and Goodwin, Prue
Cremin, Teresa and Durning, Aimee
Cremin, Teresa and Flewitt, Rosie
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan
Cremin, Teresa; Lillis, Theresa; Myhill, Debra and Eyres, Ian
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry
Cremin, Teresa and Macdonald, Roger
Cremin, Teresa and Maybin, Janet
Cremin, Teresa and McDonald, Roger
Cremin, Teresa and Myhill, Debra
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
Critten, Valerie
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Crowther, Sheilagh and Eyres, Ian
Curle, Samantha; Altay, Mehmet and Yuksel, Dogan
Curle, Samantha; Xie, Wanying; Huang, Hongdu and Yuksel, Dogan
Curran, Sheila and Golding, Tyrrell
Curry, George and Butcher, John
Curry, Mary Jane and Hewings, Ann
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
Curry, Mary Jane and Lillis, Theresa
Dalton O'Connor, Caroline; Caples, Maria and Pawlyn, Jillian
Darko, Natalie
Darwin, Zoe and Greenfield, Mari
Davies, Celia; Wetherell, Margaret and Barnett, Elizabeth
Davis, Katie A.
Davis, Katie A. and Price, Rachel S.
Davis, Roger; Gordon, Jean and Walker, Gill
De Felice, Rachele
De Geest, Els and Lee, Clare
de Lappe, Joseph
Demjén, Zsófia and Hardaker, Claire
Demjén, Zsófia and Semino, Elena
Demjén, Zsófia and Semino, Elena
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah; Ballans, Jane; Bowie, Marie; Humphries, Sally and Stones, Sandra
Denny, Elaine and Earle, Sarah
Devaux, Jérôme; Cox, Sarah and Halil, Ahmed
Devaux, Jerome and Lee, Robert
Devaux, Jerome
Devaux, Jérôme
Devaux, Jerome
Develotte, Christine; Kern, Richard and Lamy, Marie-Noëlle
Devereux, Jane
Devereux, Jane
Devereux, Jane and Cable, Carrie
Devereux, Jane; Eyres, Ian and Price, Mike
Dimmock, Brian; Bornat, Joanna; Peace, Sheila and Jones, David
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Kling, Joyce
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Jensen, Christian
Dockrell, Julie E. and Messer, David A.
Doehler, Steph
Doehler, Steph
Dooly, Melinda and Hauck, Mirjam
Dorrell, Judith; Earle, Sarah; Katz, Jeanne and Reveley, Shirley
Dorrian, Jane
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Dowling, Monica
Dowling, Monica and Sextone, Parissa
Drake, Deborah H.; Darke, Sacha and Earle, Rod
Draper, Janet
Draper, Janet
Draper, Janet
Drury, R.
Drury, R.
Drury, Rose
Duensing, Annette; Gallardo, Matilde and Heiser, Sarah
Duensing, Annette and Harper, Felicity
Dumbleton, Sue
Dumbleton, Sue
Dumbleton, Sue
Dumbleton, Sue and McPhail, Mo
Dyer, Natalie; Mackenzie, Hollie; Teggi, Diana and de Vries, Patricia
Eardley, Annie; Adams, Helga and Nicolson, Margaret
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod; Darley, Danica; Davies, Bill; Honeywell, David and Schreeche-Powell, Ed
Earle, Rod; Parmar, Alpa and Phillips, Coretta
Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith
Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod
Earle, Rod and Drake, Deborah H.
Earle, Rod and Mehigan, James
Earle, Rod and Mehigan, James
Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
Earle, Rod and Phillips, Coretta
Earle, Rod and Wakefield, Alison
Earle, Sarah
Earle, Sarah
Earle, Sarah
Earle, Sarah and Church, Sarah
Earle, Sarah; Komaromy, Carol; Foley, Pam and Lloyd, Cathy E.
Earle, Sarah and Letherby, Gayle
Earle, Sarah and Lloyd, Cathy E.
Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith
Earle, Sarah and Sharp, Keith
Edwards, Ross and Hadfield, Lucy
Edwards, Tracey and Jones, Graham
Elliott, Jane; Holland, Janet and Thomson, Rachel
Ellis, Adam and Gunter, Anthony
Ellis, Adam; Marques, Olga and Gunter, Anthony
Ellis, Sharon and Hancock, Roger
Emke, Martina
Emke, Martina and Kelly, Olivia
Emke, Martina and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Emke, Martina
Erling, E. J.; Mukherjee, S. J.; Safford, K. and Tugli, F. M.
Erling, Elizabeth
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Safford, Kimberly and Tugli, Fritz Makafui
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Safford, Kimberly and Tugli, Fritz Makafui
Erling, E. J.; Adinolfi, L.; Hultgren, A. K.; Buckler, A. and Mukorera, M.
Erling, Elizabeth
Erling, Elizabeth J.
Erling, Elizabeth J.
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Hamid, M. Obaidul and Seargeant, Philip
Erling, Elizabeth J. and Hilgendorf, Suzanne K.
Ernest, Pauline; Hopkins, Joseph; Emke, Martina; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Heiser, Sarah; Robbins, Jackie and Stickler, Ursula
Evans, Mel and Tagg, Caroline
Eyres, Ian
Eyres, Ian
Eyres, Ian
Eyres, Ian and Akhter, Rehnuma
Farran, Emily K.; Critten, Valerie; Courbois, Yannick; Campbell, Emma and Messer, David
Farrington-Flint, Lee; Betts, Lucy; Larkin, Rebecca; Stiller, James; Torrance, Mark and Williams, Gareth
Fayram, Joanna and Adinolfi, Lina
Fearn, Lesley June
Featherstone, Brid
Featherstone, Brid
Featherstone, Brid
Featherstone, Brid and Green, Lorraine
Fensham-Smith, Amber
Fensham-Smith, Amber
Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Brigham, Lindsay; Jones, Sylvia and Smith, Ann
Ferguson, Gillian and Sicat, Sherwyn
Ferguson, Rebecca; Gillen, Julia; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter
Ferguson, Rebecca and Sheehy, Kieron
Ferguson, Rebecca; Sheehy, Kieron and Clough, Gill
Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity
Flewitt, R.
Flewitt, R. S.; Hampel, R.; Hauck, M. and Lancaster, L.
Flewitt, Rosie
Flewitt, Rosie
Flewitt, Rosie; Cremin, Teresa and Mardell, Ben
Flewitt, Rosie; Hampel, Regine; Hauck, Mirjam and Lancaster, Lesley
Floyd, Alan
Floyd, Alan
Foley, Karen
Foley, Karen
Foley, Karen and Fribbance, Ian
Foley, Pam; Parton, Nigel; Roche, Jeremy and Tucker, Stanley
Fowle, Wendy and Butcher, John
Fowle, Wendy and Butcher, John
Fox, Alison
Fox, Alison
Fox, Alison and Busher, Hugh
Fox, Alison; Busher, Hugh and Capewell, Carmel
Fox, Alison; Sida-Nicholls, Kate and Loe, Rob
Fox, Alison and Mitchell, Rafael
Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Fulcher, Norman Glenn and Owen, Nathaniel
Furnborough, Concha
Furnborough, Concha; Duensing, Annette and Truman, Mike
Gal, John; Kongeter, Stefan and Vicary, Sarah
Gale, Rodney and Grant, Janet
Gale, Rodney and Grant, Janet
Gallacher, Jim and Reeve, Fiona
Gallacher, Jim and Reeve, Fiona
Gallardo, M.
Gallardo, Matilde
Gallardo, Matilde; Heiser, Sarah and Nicolson, Margaret
Gallardo, Matilde; Heiser, Sarah and Nicolson, Margaret
Gallardo Barbarroja, Matilde
Galofré-Vilà, Gregori; Hinde, Andrew and Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera
Garcia, Rebecca
Gargett, Andrew
Garrido, Cecilia
Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary
Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary
Georgeson, Jan and Payler, Jane
Georgeson, Jan; Payler, Jane and Campbell-Barr, Verity
Georgeson, Jan; Røn Larsen, Maja and Payler, Jane
Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Karamifar, Banafsheh; Bañados, Emerita; Ernest, Pauline; Heiser, Sarah; Hopkins, Joe; Klinka, Tomáš; Rahimi, Mohamad; Robbins, Jackie and Uličná, Klára
Giaxoglou, Korina
[Small stories of mourning and remembrance in online contexts].
Giaxoglou, Korina and Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
Giaxoglou, Korina and Tagg, Caroline
Giaxoglou, K. and Spilioti, T.
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Gill, Paramjit S. and Lloyd, Cathy E.
Gillen, Julia
Gillen, Julia
Gillen, Julia; Accorti-Gamannossi, B. and Cameron, C. A.
Gillen, Julia; Ferguson, Rebecca; Clough, Gill; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter
Gillen, Julia; Ferguson, Rebecca; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter
Gillen, Julia and Hall, Nigel
Gillen, Julia and Hancock, Roger
Gillen, Julia and Petersen, A
Gjersoe, Nathalia and Havard, Catriona
Gjersoe, Nathalia L. and Hood, Bruce M.
Glatter, Ron
Glatter, Ron
Glatter, Ron
Glover, Alison
Glover, Alison
Glover, Alison and Peters, Carl
Goodfellow, Robin and Lamy, Marie-Noelle
Goodfellow, Robin and Lamy, Marie-Noelle
Goodliff, G. and Twining, P.
Goodliff, Gill and Twining, Peter
Goodman, Sharon
Goodman, Sharon
Goodman, Sharon
Goodman, Sharon and Swann, Joan
Goodson, Lisa and Tagg, Caroline
Gordon, Jean and Davis, Roger
Gordon, Jean; Rixon, Andrew and Cooper, Barry
Gosling, Clari and Nix, Ingrid
Graham, Helen; Green, Victoria; Headon, Kassie; Ingham, Nigel; Ledger, Susan; Minnion, Andy; Richards, Rowena and Tilley, Elizabeth
Grainger, Teresa and Barnes, Jonathan
Grainger, T. and Kendall-Seatter, S.
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa
Grainger, Teresa and Barnes, Jonathan
Grant, J. and Zachariah, A.
Grant, Janet
Grant, Janet
Grant, Janet
Grant, Janet
Green, Hannelore; St. John, Elke; Warnecke, Sylvia and Atkinson, Vikki
Gregory, Ian N. and Paterson, Laura L.
Groll, Anne; Bates, Sandi; Saunders, Claire and Smith, Rob
Gunter, Anthony
Gunter, Anthony
Gunter, Anthony
Gunter, Anthony and Holford, Naomi
Gunter, Anthony
Gunter, Anthony
Guntupalli, Aravinda and Baten, Jörg
Guntupalli, Aravinda and Chakraborty, Suchandrima
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera and Moradi, Alexander
Guntupalli, Aravinda Meera and Nachiappan, Karthik
Habibie, Pejman and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Haider, Sharif
Haider, Sharif
Haider, Sharif
Hall, Amanda K and Marston, Hannah R.
Hall, Kathy; Rix, Jonathan and Eyres, Ian
Hall, Kathy and Sheehy, Kieron
Hall, Kathy and Sheehy, Kieron
Hall, Thelma and Eyres, Ian
Hallawell, Bob
Hallawell, Bob
Hallawell, Bob
Hamann, Julian; Maesse, Jens; Scholz, Ronny and Angermuller, Johannes
Hamid, M. Obaidul and Erling, Elizabeth J.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, M
Hammersley, M.
Hammersley, M.
Hammersley, M.; Foster, P. and Gomm, R.
Hammersley, M.; Foster, P. and Gomm, R.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn