Currently browsing: Languages and Applied Linguistics
2025To Top
Barkanyi, Z. and G. Kiss, Z.
Giaxoglou, Korina
Hampel, Regine
Haugh, Michael and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Haugh, Michael and Márquez-Reiter, Rosina eds. (2025). Morality in Discourse. Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Panichelli-Batalla, Stephanie
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Lillis, Theresa and Tuck, Jackie
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Bou-Franch, Patricia
Pleines, Christine and Vialleton, Elodie
Singh, Jaspal and Cardozo, Elloit
Tagg, Caroline
2024To Top
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna; Galindo Merino, M. Mar and Pérez-Bernabeu, Aarón eds. (2024). La integración de la pronunciación en el aula de ELE. IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature (42). Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Fayram, Jo; Austen, Samantha and Phillips, Helen eds. (2024). Online Teaching and Learning in a Changing Pedagogic and Linguistic Landscape. Developing Online Language Pedagogies. Castledown.
Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. (2024). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury handbooks. London, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Cerezo, Luis eds. (2024). La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la inteligencia artificial (IA). Routledge Advances in Spanish Language Teaching. Routledge.
Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Cerezo, Luis eds. (2024). Teknologiak bideratutako hizkuntzen irakaskuntza. Justizia sozialetik adimen artifizialera (AA). Gipuzkoa (Donostia), Spain: HABE.
Yuksel, Dogan; Altay, Mehmet and Curle, Samantha eds. (2024). Multilingual and Translingual Practices in English-Medium Instruction: Perspectives from Global Higher Education Contexts. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Altay, Mehmet and Yuksel, Dogan
Álvarez, Inma; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Gallardo Barbarroja, Matilde
Andújar Molina, Olvido and Tudela Isanta, Anna
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Astruc, Lluïsa and García, M. Paz Marín
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna
Charania, Amina; Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda; Sen, Sohini and Adinolfi, Lina
Cobb, Jane and Tuck, Jackie
Curle, Samantha; Altay, Mehmet and Yuksel, Dogan
Curle, Samantha; Rose, Heath and Yuksel, Dogan
Curle, Samantha; Xie, Wanying; Huang, Hongdu and Yuksel, Dogan
Devaux, Jérôme; Cox, Sarah and Halil, Ahmed
Diallo, Ibrahima
Fayram, Jo; Austen, Samantha and Phillips, Helen
Frost, Friederike and Singh, Jaspal
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
Grandbastien, Monique; Pulker, Hélène and Vialleton, Elodie
Grandbastien, Monique; Pulker, Hélène and Vialleton, Elodie
Hampel, Regine
Hampel, Regine and Lee, Helen
Hardie, Liz; Lowe, Jonquil; Pride, Mychelle; Waugh, Kevin; Hauck, Mirjam; Ryan, Francine; Gooch, Daniel; Patent, Volker; McCartney, Kieran; Maguire, Claire; Richards, Mike and Richardson, Heather (2024). Developing robust assessment in the light of Generative AI developments. NCFE; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Hernaiz, Rodrigo
Hernaiz Gomez, Rodrigo
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Habibie, Pejman
Hultgren, Federico and Habibie, Pejman eds. (2024). Women in Scholarly Publishing: A Gender Perspective. Routledge.
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Upadhaya, Anu; O'Hagan, Lauren Alex; Wingrove, Peter; Adamu, Amina; Greenfield, Mari; Lombardozzi, Lorena; Sah, Pramod K.; Tsiga, Ismaila A.; Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda
Hunt, Sally
Kaya, Sibel; Eryılmaz, Nurullah and Yuksel, Dogan
Kaya, Sibel; Eryilmaz, Nurullah and Yuksel, Dogan
Konaklı, Tuğba; Alkanat Akman, Tuba; Mert, Mahmut and Yuksel, Dogan
Lampropoulou, Sofia; Giaxoglou, Korina and Johnson, Paige
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
Leedham, Maria; Shrestha, Prithvi; Therova, Dana; Tuck, Jackie and Ullmann, Thomas
Li, Hongqin; Pan, Lin; Seargeant, Philip and Block, David
Lillis, Theresa and Leedham, Maria
Lyons, Agnieszka and Tagg, Caroline
Maci, Stefania M.; Demata, Massimiliano; Seargeant, Philip and McGlashan, Mark
Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2024). Leveraging Relations in Diaspora. Elements in Pragmatics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Iveson, Mandie
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Manrique, Elizabeth
Martín-Rojo, Luisa; Prego, Gabriela and Tudela, Anna
Mert, Mahmut; Alkanat Akman, Tuba and Yuksel, Dogan
Monaghan, Frank
Morris, Andrea Easley and Evans, Ben
Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Hunt, Sally and Leedham, Maria
Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Hunt, Sally and Leedham, Maria
Muñoz-Basols, Javier and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Language Teaching and Learning.
Muñoz-Basols, Javier and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara and Cerezo, Luis
Özturan, Tuba and Shrestha, Prithvi
Pacini, Adele; Broker, Hayley and Shrestha, Prithvi
Pacini, Adele and Shrestha, Prithvi
Pan, Lin and Seargeant, Philip
Panchenko, Yuri; García Folgado, María José and Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara
Parmaxi, Antigoni; Berns, Anke; Adinolfi, Lina; Gruber, Alice; Fominykh, Mikhail; Voreopoulou, Angeliki; Wild, Fridolin; Vassiliou, Paraskevi; Christou, Eirini; Valero‐Franco, Concepción; Aagaard, Tormod and Hadjistassou, Stella
Paterson, Laura L and Turner, Georgina
Paterson, Laura L and van der Bom, Isabelle
Paterson, Laura L.
Paterson, Laura L ed. (2024). The Routledge Handbook of Pronouns. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Paterson, Laura L.
Paterson, Laura L. and McGlashan, Mark
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa
Phyak, Prem and Sah, Pramod K.
Pleines, Christine
Pulker, Hélène and Vialleton, Elodie
Pulker, Hélène and Vialleton, Elodie
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip and Giaxoglou, Korina
Seargeant, Philip; Smith, Donna and Moore, Dylan
Shrestha, Prithvi
Shrestha, Prithvi; Rahman, Sayeedur and Shrestha, Bharat Babu
Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Soruç, Adem; Yuksel, Dogan; Horzum, Barış; McKinley, Jim and Rose, Heath
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
Stickler, Ursula
Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine
Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine
Stickler, Ursula; Kotschi, Susan and St John, Elke
Stickler, Ursula and Shi, Lijing
Tagg, Caroline
Tagg, Caroline and Lyons, Agnieszka
Thomas, Nathan; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Beach, Derek
Tuck, Jackie
Tuck, Jackie
Uth, Melanie; Blestel, Élodie and Sánchez Moreano, Santiago
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina and Gargett, Andrew
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice; Nao, Marion; Yuksel, Dogan; Littvay, Levente and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Yuksel, Dogan and Altay, Mehmet
Yuksel, Dogan; Dikilitas, Kenan; Webb, Rhian and Kaya, Sibel
Yuksel, Dogan; Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna K.
2023To Top
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra; Giaxoglou, Korina and Patron, Sylvie eds. (2023). Small Stories Research: Tales, Tellings, and Tellers Across Contexts. Routledge Research in Narrative, Interaction, and Discourse. New York, USA: Routledge.
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Lehr, Caroline eds. (2023). The Psychology of Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach. London: Routledge.
Leedham, Maria; Tagg, Caroline and Tuck, Jackie eds. (2023). Online Pedagogy and the Student Experience: Teaching Applied Linguistics and Beyond. London, UK: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill.
Maci, Stefania M.; Demata, Massimiliano; McGlashan, Mark and Seargeant, Philip eds. (2023). The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Patiño-Santos, Adriana eds. (2023). Language Practices and Processes among Latin Americans in Europe. Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. Oxon and New York: Routledge.
Paterson, Laura L and Turner, Georgina eds. (2023). Approaches to Discourses of Marriage. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge.
Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina eds. (2023). Online Language Teaching: Crises and Creativities. Developing Online Language Pedagogies, 1. London: Castledown.
Williams, Quentin and Singh, Jaspal Naveel eds. (2023). Global Hiphopography. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Adinolfi, Lina; Wolfenden, Freda and Dawadi, Saraswati (2023). Assessment: The forgotten component in large scale teacher professional development? The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET).
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes and Blanchard, Philippe (2023). Careers of the Professoriate. Academic pathways of the linguists and sociologists in Germany, France and the UK. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Angermuller, Johannes and Wroblewska, Marta
Austen, Samantha and Griffin, Lynda
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltán
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Kiss, Z. G.
Brash, Bärbel and Strasser, Thomas
Charitonos, K.; Gillespie, M.; Dancu, L.; O'Malley, O.; Al-Rashid, A.; Martin, S.; Wilding, C.; Graffin, N.; Mutwarasibo, F. and Babjak, M.
Charitonos, Koula; Gillespie, Marie; Graffin, Neil; Wilding, Colin; O'Malley, Olwyn; Al-Rashid, Ahmad; Martin, Shannon; Mutwarasibo, Fidèle; Babjak, Mahlea and Dancu, Lidia (2023). Researching transitions to distance higher education with students from refugee backgrounds: A case from the Sanctuary programme at the Open University. The Open University.
Curle, Samantha; Yuksel, Dogan; Aizawa, Ikuya; Thompson, Gene and Rakhshandehroo, Mahboubeh
Fayram, Joanna and Adinolfi, Lina
Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara; Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Moreno Clemons, Aris
Gargett, Andrew
Genc, Eda; Yuksel, Dogan and Curle, Samantha
Giaxoglou, Korina and Tagg, Caroline
Hauck, Mirjam
Henning, Lucy
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2023). Emotional skills training – it matters to all language professionals. In CIOL Voices Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL).
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2023). What the 2024 Paris Olympics can tell us about French language policy today. In OpenLearn OpenLearn.
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan and Zuaro, Beatrice
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan and Zuaro, Beatrice
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Upadhaya, Anu; O'Hagan, Lauren Alex; Wingrove, Peter; Adamu, Amina; Greenfield, Anne-Mari; Lombardozzi, Lorena; Sah, Pramod; Tsiga, Ismaila; Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda
[English education and the perpetuation of girls' inequality: parental investment and gender aspirations in Nepal].
Kaya, Sibel; Yuksel, Dogan and Curle, Samantha
Kubota, Ryuko; Corella, Meghan; Lim, Kyuyun and Sah, Pramod K.
Lee, Helen and Hampel, Regine
Leedham, Maria (2023). How negative perceptions of social workers are reinforced in the media. In Community Care Community Care.
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria; Hunt, Sally and Mukherjee, Sarah Jane
Leedham, Maria; Tuck, Jackie; Shrestha, Prithvi; Therova, Dana and Ullmann, Thomas
Leedham, Maria; Tuck, Jackie; Shrestha, Prithvi; Therova, Dana and Ullmann, Thomas
Lillis, Theresa; Twiner, Alison; Balkow, Michael; Lucas, Gillian; Smith, Miriam and Leedham, Maria
Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina von; Pulker, Hélène and Vialleton, Elodie
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina; Cordeje-Manrique, Elizabeth and Cantarutti, Marina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina; Hidalgo Downing, Raquel and Iveson, Mandie
Militello, Jacqueline Marie White; Theng, Andre Joseph; Kong, Yik Lam Charmaine and Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Muñoz-Basols, Javier and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Muñoz-Basols, Javier; Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara; Strawbridge, Tripp and Acosta Ortega, Laura
Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan; Zuaro, Beatrice and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nao, Marion; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan; Zuaro, Beatrice and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nao, Marion; Yuksel, Dogan; Zuaro, Beatrice; Wingrove, Peter and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Nguyen, An
Özturan, Tuba; Uysal, Hacer Hande and Shrestha, Prithvi N.
Pan, Lin and Seargeant, Philip
Parry, John and Shrestha, Prithvi
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa; Edwards, Chris and Luelmo del Castillo, Maria José
Pleines, Christine and Kan, Qian
Rets, Irina; Coughlan, Tim; Stickler, Ursula and Astruc, Lluïsa
Sah, Pramod K. and Karki, Jeevan
Sánchez Moreano, Santiago and Léglise, Isabelle
Sánchez Moreano, Santiago; Miranda, Norbella; Tejada-Sánchez, Isabel; Barrera, John; González, Adriana; Hernández, Olga Camila; Ortega, Yecid and Cortés, Yenny
Satar, Müge; Hauck, Mirjam and Bilki, Zeynep
Seargeant, Philip (2023). The Future of Language: How Technology, Politics and Utopianism are Transforming the Way we Communicate. London: Bloomsbury.
Seargeant, Philip (2023). Crisis Leadership: Boris Johnson and Political Persuasion during the Covid Pandemic. Elements in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip; Giaxoglou, Korina and Monaghan, Frank (2023). Political Activism and the Linguistic Landscape: Or, how to use Public Space as a Medium for Protest. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Shi, Lijing and Kan, Qian
Shrestha, Prithvi
Shrestha, Prithvi; Kotecki, Claire; Jahan, Rubaiyat; Homyara, Halida; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Mitu, Nasreen Sultana
Shrestha, Prithvi; Kotecki, Claire; Jahan, Rubaiyat; Homyara, Halida; Hultgren, Kristina and Mitu, Nasreen Sultana (2023). Bridging the STEM gap in higher education in Bangladesh: Exploring female underrepresentation in STEM subjects. In UKFIET Blog UKFIET, Online.
Singh, Jaspal
Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina
Strasser, Thomas and Brash, Bärbel
Tagg, Caroline and Giaxoglou, Korina
Thomas, Nathan; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Beach, Derek
Tuck, Jackie
Tuck, Jackie and Shrestha, Prithvi
Tuck, Jackie; Tagg, Caroline and Leedham, Maria
Tudela-Isanta, Anna and Andújar-Molina, Olvido
Webb, Rhian; Yuksel, Dogan and Dikilitaş, Kenan
Williams, Quentin and Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Yuksel, Dogan and Altay, Mehmet
Yuksel, Dogan; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice and Nao, Marion
Yuksel, Doğan; Soruç, Adem; Altay, Mehmet and Curle, Samantha
Yuksel, Dogan; Soruç, Adem; Horzum, Barış and McKinley, Jim
Yuksel, Dogan; Soruç, Adem and McKinley, Jim
Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Zuaro, Beatrice; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Zuaro, Beatrice
Zuaro, Beatrice
Zuaro, Beatrice; Wingrove, Peter; Yuksel, Dogan; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Zuaro, Beatrice; Yuksel, Dogan; Wingrove, Peter; Nao, Marion and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Γιαξόγλου, Κορίνα and Σπηλιώτη, Τερέζα
2022To Top
Adinolfi, Lina; Bhattacharya, Usree and Phyak, Prem eds. (2022). Multilingual Education in South Asia: At the Intersection of Policy and Practice. Oxford: Routledge.
Habibie, Pejman and Hultgren, Anna Kristina eds. (2022). The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Pun, Jack; Curle, Samantha and Yuksel, Dogan eds. (2022). The use of technology in English medium education. English Language Education (ELED), 27. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. (2022). Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. London: Routledge.
Adinolfi, Lina; Bhattacharya, Usree and Phyak, Prem
Al Issa, Hafez Alhammadeh; Kairouz, Hazem and Yuksel, Dogan
Alami, Nael; Albuquerque, Josmario; Ashton, Loye; Elwood, James; Ewoodzie, Kwesi; Hauck, Mirjam; Karam, Joanne; Klimanova, Liudmila; Nasr, Ramona and Satar, Müge
Altay, Mehmet; Curle, Samantha; Yuksel, Dogan and Soruc, Adem
Altay, Mehmet and Yuksel, Dogan
Álvarez, Inma; Cobo Palacios, Isabel; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Puntil, Donata
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna; Brash, Baerbel and Kotschi, Susan (2022). Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety - PRAXIS Project Report. The Open University.
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltan
[Homophony avoidance in the production of voicing].
Batsila, Marianthi and Shrestha, Prithvi
Byrne, Steven; Bertran, Aleida and Tudela Isanta, Anna
Cantarutti, Marina N. and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Chernysheva, Daria
Chernysheva, Daria
Cross, Simon; Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Adinolfi, Lina; Sen, Sohini and Sarkar, Durba (2022). Digital Badges for TPD at scale in the Global South: a framework for implementation and field study in Assam, India. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda; Charania, Amina; Adinolfi, Lina; Sen, Sohini and Sarkar, Durba
Devaux, Jerome and Lee, Robert
Ege, Fatma; Yuksel, Dogan and Curle, Samantha
Evans, Ben; Frumkin, Lara; Coopamootoo, Kovila; Jesus, Vitor and Little, Sabine (2022). Digital technologies, power and control: A review of how organisations can empower individuals and communities to develop trust, uphold their privacy and curate their identity in a secure digital environment. University of Manchester.
Fang, Fan; Zhang, Lawrence Jun and Sah, Pramod K
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
[Small stories of mourning and remembrance in online contexts].
Habibie, Pejman and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Haugh, Michael; Kádár, Dániel Z. and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Helm, Francesca and Hauck, Mirjam
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Molinari, Julia
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Nao, Marion; Sah, Pramod and Beach, Derek
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Owen, Nathaniel; Shrestha, Prithvi; Kuteeva, Maria and Mezek, Spela
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Wilkinson, Robert
Katz, Silvina and Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Kaya, Sibel; Eryilmaz, Nurullah and Yuksel, Dogan
Kaya, Sibel and Yuksel, Dogan
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria
Luelmo del Castillo, M. J. and Pérez Cavana, M. L.
Major, L.; Twiner, A. and Wegerif, R.
Major, Louis; Twiner, Alison; Wegerif, Rupert and Waters, Mark
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Kádár, Dániel Z.
Milà-Garcia, Alba and Tudela-Isanta, Anna
Moore, Dylan; Seargeant, Philip and Smith, Donna (2022). Citizens’ voices, people's news: making the media work for Wales. OU Wales / Institute of Welsh Affairs.
Mueller-Hartmann, Andreas and Hauck, Mirjam
Nao, Marion
Nao, Marion
Orthaber, Sara and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Pacini, Adele and Shrestha, Prithvi
Phyak, Prem; Sah, Pramod K; Ghimire, Nani Babu and Lama, Anju
Pilcher, Madeleine
Põldvere, Nele; De Felice, Rachele and Paradis, Carita (2022). Advice in Conversation: Corpus Pragmatics Meets Mixed Methods. Elements in Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Porsché, Yannik; Scholz, Ronny and Singh, Jaspal eds. (2022). Institutionality: Studies of Discursive and Material (Re-)ordering. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rets, Irina; Astruc, Lluïsa; Coughlan, Tim and Stickler, Ursula
Rets, Irina; Stickler, Ursula; Coughlan, Tim and Astruc, Lluïsa
Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise
Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise
Sah, Pramod and Kubota, Ryuko
Sah, Pramod K.
Sah, Pramod K.
Sah, Pramod K.
Sah, Pramod K.
Sah, Pramod K. and Li, Guofang
Sah, Pramod K. and Phyak, Prem
Seargeant, Philip
Shrestha, Prithvi
Shrestha, Prithvi N. and Gautam, Ganga Ram (2022). English language teaching, learning and assessment in Nepal: Policies and practices in the school education system. Kathmandu: British Council.
Singh, Jaspal and Campbell, Cameron
Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Soruç, Adem; Pawlak, Mirosław; Yuksel, Dogan and Horzum, Barış
Stickler, Ursula (2022). Technology and Language Teaching. Elements in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine
Tagg, Caroline and Lyons, Agnieszka (2022). Mobile Messaging and Resourcefulness: A Post-digital Ethnography. Routledge.
Tang, Xiaolong and Kan, Qian
Tuck, Jackie
Tuck, Jackie
Tudela Isanta, Anna and Milà Garcia, Alba
Tudela-Isanta, Anna and Arias-Badia, Blanca
Twiner, Alison; Major, Louis and Wegerif, Rupert
Unal, Ayca and Yuksel, Dogan
Vogiatzis, Dimitrios; Charitonos, Koula; Giaxoglou, Korina and Lewis, Tim
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina; Stickler, Ursula and Winchester, Susanne
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wingrove, Peter
Wingrove, Peter
Wingrove, Peter
Wingrove, Peter and Crosthwaite, Peter
Young, Tony Johnstone; Ganassin, Sara; Schneider, Stefanie; Schartner, Alina and Walsh, Steve (2022). Intercultural Challenges for the Reintegration of Displaced Professionals: A Response to the Language Learning Needs of Refugees in Europe. Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication. New York: Routledge.
Yuksel, Dogan; Altay, Mehmet and Curle, Samantha
Zuaro, Beatrice
Zuaro, Beatrice
Zuaro, Beatrice; Soler, Josep and Björkman-Nylén, Beyza
2021To Top
Blaj-Ward, Lia; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Arnold, Ruth and Reichard, Bella eds. (2021). Narratives of innovation and resilience: Supporting student learning experiences in challenging times. Renfrew: BALEAP.
Sanchez Moreano, Santiago and Blestel, Élodie eds. (2021). Prácticas lingüísticas heterogéneas: Nuevas perspectivas para el estudio del español en contacto con lenguas amerindias. Contact and Multilingualism, 4. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Altay, Mehmet and Yüksel, Doğan
Angermuller, Johannes
Austen, Samantha and Jarvis, Scott
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna (2021). Teaching Spanish Pronunciation Praxis Project Report. In manuscript The Open University.
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna and Kiss, Zoltán G.
Beavers, Sian and Warnecke, Sylvia
Carden, Catherine; Gumbrell, David; Twiselton, Sam and Taylor, Andrew (2021). The Story Behind the Story: Back to school and teacher and pupil mental health. Shawmind.
Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Sarkar, Durba; Cross, Simon; Sen, Sohini and Adinolfi, Lina
Chua, Shi Min
Coleman, Lynn and Tuck, Jackie
Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina; Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Ramchand, Mythili; Sen, Sohini; Paltiwale, Sumegh; Coughlan, Emily; Shende, Satej; Sarkar, Durba; Chatterjee, Ananya and Balli, Omkar (2021). Teachers’ professional learning during and after Covid: A role for open digital badges. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Devaux, Jerome
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Kling, Joyce
Emke, M. and Stickler, U.
Fernández-Toro, Maria and Duensing, Annette
Floriano Ramos, Carmen and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara; Soler Montes, Carlos and Klee, Carol A.
Genc, Eda and Yuksel, Dogan
Giaxoglou, Korina (2021). A Narrative Approach to Social Media Mourning: Small Stories and Affective Positioning. Routledge Research in Narrative, Interaction, and Discourse. New York, USA: Routledge.
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina and Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
Hall, Johanna; Stickler, Ursula; Herodotou, Christothea and Iacovides, Ioanna
Hassan, Xavière; Eardley, Annie and Combe, Christelle
Hauck, Mirjam; Satar, Muge and Kurek, Malgorzata
Hernaiz, Rodrigo
Hernáiz, Rodrigo
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2021). Emotions and the affective side of Translation and Interpreting. In EST Newsletter European Society for Translation Studies.
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2021). Position statement on translators’ mental health and wellbeing. ITI.
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Devaux, Jerome
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Lehr, Caroline (2021). Improving the Emotional Intelligence of Translators: A Roadmap for an Experimental Training Intervention. Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting. Cham, Switzerland: Spinger.
Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2021). Tracing the causes of the rise of English as an international language. In BAAL Newsletter British Association for Applied Linguistics.
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hunt, Sally
Hunt, Sally
Kádár, Dániel Z.; Parvaresh, Vahid and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
Lewis, Tim and Qian, Kan
Linn, Andrew; Shrestha, Prithvi; Bezborodova, Anastasiya and Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2021). Current practice in English-medium education in higher education: Case studies from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. TeachingEnglish. London: British Council.
Luelmo del Castillo, Maria Jose and Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa
Lyons, Agnieszka; Tagg, Caroline and Hu, Rachel
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Cantarutti, Marina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Felix-Brasdefer, J. Cesar
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Hidalgo Dowing, Raquel
Murphy, Amanda C. and Zuaro, Beatrice
Owen, Nathaniel; Shrestha, Prithvi and Bax, Stephen
Owen, Nathaniel; Shrestha, Prithvi and Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2021). Researching Academic Reading in Two Contrasting English as a Medium of Instruction Contexts at a University Level. In ETS Research Report Series (TOEFL Research Report No. RR-91). Educational Testing Service.
Owen, Nathaniel; Shrestha, Prithvi and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Paterson, Laura L
Paterson, Laura L
Pulker, Helene; Stickler, Ursula and Vialleton, Elodie
Sah, Pramod K.
Salgado, Luciana Salazar
Sanchez Moreano, Santiago
Sanchez Moreano, Santiago and Blestel, Élodie
Satar, Muge and Hauck, Mirjam
Seargeant, Philip
Shi, Lijing and Stickler, Ursula
Singh, Jaspal
Singh, Jaspal
Singh, Jaspal
Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Singh, Jaspal Naveel (2021). Transcultural Voices: Narrating Hip Hop Culture in Complex Delhi. Encounters, 22. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Smirnova, Natalia V.; Lillis, Theresa and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Soruç, Adem; Altay, Mehmet; Curle, Samantha and Yuksel, Dogan
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
Stickler, Ursula
Szabo, Csaba Z.; Stickler, Ursula and Adinolfi, Lina
Tagg, Caroline; Lee, Carmen; Vásquez, Camilla; Eriksson, Göran; Anderson, Clare and Fitzgerald, Richard
Tagg, Caroline and Lyons, Agnieszka
Tagg, Caroline and Lyons, Agnieszka
Tagg, Caroline and Seargeant, Philip
Tang, Jinlan; Kan, Qian; Wang, Na and Hu, Xiaona
Twiner, Alison; Major, Louis; Irvan, Ryan and Wegerif, Rupert
Twiner, Alison; Major, Louis and Wegerif, Rupert (2021). ‘Collaborating2Create’: A conceptual tool to develop learners’ capacity for collaborative creativity through Virtual Internships in schools. In Online repository of the American Educational Research Association Online repository of the American Educational Research Association.
Twiner, Alison; Major, Louis and Wegerif, Rupert
Twiner, Alison; Waters, Mark; Major, Louis; Podmore, Jason and Wegerif, Rupert
van der Bom, Isabelle and Paterson, Laura
van der Bom, Isabelle and Paterson, Laura L.
Viana, Vander; Stickler, Ursula and Michael, Maureen
Yuksel, Dogan; Curle, Samantha and Kaya, Sibel
Yüksel, Doğan; Soruç, Adem and McKinley, Jim
2020To Top
Barnden, John and Gargett, Andrew eds. (2020). Producing Figurative Expression: Theoretical, experimental and practical perspectives. Figurative Thought and Language, 10. John Benjamins.
Lallana, Amparo; Hernández Martín, Lourdes and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara eds. (2020). Five years of ELEUK conferences: a selection of short papers from 2019.
Alvarez, Inma., Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara. and Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna. (2020) Supporting the teaching of pronunciation in the language curriculum. in Ubachs, George (ed.) The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities (4th Edition). Maastricht, The Netherlands, European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, pp.12-14.
Angermuller, Johannes
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltan
Carden, Catherine; Twiselton, Sam; Gumbrell, David and Bethune, Adrian (2020). Reframing the Debate on Teacher Mental Health and Wellbeing. Shawmind.
Coleman, Lynn and Tuck, Jackie
Comas-Quinn, Anna
Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina; Charania, Amina; Ramchand, Mythili; Wolfenden, Freda; Sen, Sohini; Paltiwale, Sumegh; Balli, Omkar and Chatterjee, Ananya (2020). Digital Badges for Teacher Professional Development in India: Interim Project Report. The Open University & Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Culpeper, Jonathan and Kan, Qian
Dattatreyan, Ethiraj Gabriel and Singh, Jaspal
Evans, Mel and Tagg, Caroline
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and García Folgado, María José
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and García Folgado, María José (2020). Enseñanza de la gramática en ELE: resultados de investigación y nuevas propuestas. In Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and García Folgado, María José eds. Revista de Didáctica Español Lengua Extranjera MarcoELE, Valencia.
Gagne, Christophe and Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia (2020). English to French Translation: A Practical Manual. Abingdon: Routledge.
Garcia-Ponce, Edgar Emmanuell and Tagg, Caroline
Gargett, Andrew; Firth, Rob and Aletras, Nikolaos
Gargett, Andrew and Leung, Tommi
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina and Johansson, Marjut
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
Gregory, Ian N. and Paterson, Laura L.
Hall, Johanna; Stickler, Ursula; Herodotou, Christothea and Iacovides, Ioanna
Hall, Johanna; Stickler, Ursula; Herodotou, Christothea and Iacovides, Ioanna
Hampel, Regine
Hauck, Mirjam and Müller-Hartmann, Andreas
Hauck, Mirjam; Müller-Hartmann, Andreas; Rienties, Bart and Rogaten, Jekaterina
Henning, Lucy
Hernáiz, Rodrigo (2020). Studies on linguistic and orthographic variation in Old Babylonian letters. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 465. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
Hernaiz Gomez, Rodrigo
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on linguists and their mental health. In OpenLearn OpenLearn.
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine and Devaux, Jerome
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Kan, Qian and Tang, Jinlan
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
Leedham, Maria
Li, Guofang and Sah, Pramod K.
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Frohlich, David M.
Matras, Yaron; Howley, Gerry and Jones, Charlotte
Morgana, Valentina and Shrestha, Prithvi N.
Nao, Marion
Pacini, A. M. and Shrestha, P. (2020). Mental Health Interventions for Schools in Nepal: A Scoping Review Protocol. Centre for Open Science Repository.
Paterson, Laura L.
Paterson, Laura L.
Paterson, Laura L.
Paterson, Laura L. and Turner, Georgina
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa
Pleines, Christine
Pulker, Hélène and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Ratle, Olivier; Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Kerr, Ron
Sánchez Moreano, Santiago
Sánchez Moreano, Santiago
Schneider, Stefanie
Seargeant, Philip (2020). The Art of Political Storytelling: Why Stories Win Votes in Post-truth Politics. London: Bloomsbury.
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip and Edwards, Alison
Shrestha, Prithvi (2020). Dynamic Assessment of Students’ Academic Writing: Vygotskian and Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspectives. Cham: Springer.
Shrestha, Prithvi
Shrestha, Prithvi N.
Singh, Jaspal
Singh, Jaspal
Spicer, Barbara
Spicer, Barbara (2020). All about Eve: Evolutionary anatomy of a literary translation from first draft to published product through a feminist lens. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.
Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine and Emke, Martina
Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine; Heiser, Sarah; Ernest, Pauline; Hopkins, Joseph; Germain-Rutherford, Aline and Emke, Martina
Tagg, Caroline
Tagg, Caroline
Tagg, Caroline and Evans, Mel eds. (2020). Message and Medium: English Language Practices Across Old and New Media. Topics in English linguistics, 105. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Tagg, Caroline and Evans, Mel
van der Bom, Isabelle and Paterson, Laura L.
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina; Pulker, Hélène; Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna; Pleines, Christine and Vialleton, Elodie (2020). Tookit "Moving your Language Teaching Online". Open Learn Create.
Wolfenden, Freda; Adinolfi, Lina and Cross, Simon
2019To Top
Briz, Antonio; Martínez Alcalde, María José; Mendizábal, Nieves; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara; Blas, José Luis and Porcar, Margarita eds. (2019). Estudios lingüísticos en homenaje a Emilio Ridruejo. Valencia: Universitat de València.
Comas-Quinn, Anna; Beaven, Ana and Sawhill, Barbara eds. (2019). New case studies of openness in and beyond the language classroom.
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes (2019). ¿Quien dijo posestructuralismo? La creación de una generación intelectual. Madrid: Dado Ediciones.
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes and Hamann, Julian
Angermuller, Johannes and Kollmorgen, Raj
Ashery, Oreet and Giaxoglou, Korina
Asprey, Esther and Tagg, Caroline
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara
Baroni, Alice; Dooly, Melinda; Garcés García, Pilar; Guth, Sarah; Hauck, Mirjam; Helm, Francesca; Lewis, Tim; Mueller-Hartmann, Andreas; O’Dowd, Robert; Rienties, Bart and Rogaten, Jekaterina (2019). Evaluating the impact of virtual exchange on initial teacher education: a European policy experiment.
Beaven, Tita
Clifford, Elisabeth; Pleines, Christine; Thomas, Hilary and Winchester, Susanne
Comas-Quinn, Anna
Comas-Quinn, Anna; Beaven, Ana and Sawhill, Barbara
Comas-Quinn, Anna and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina and Wolfenden, Freda (2019). TESS-India: An approach to supporting teacher development and improving classroom practice. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
De Felice, Rachele and Moreton, Emma
Degano, Chiara and Zuaro, Beatrice
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Hasan Chowdhury, Qumrul; Solly, Mike and Seargeant, Philip
Ernest, Pauline; Hopkins, Joseph; Emke, Martina; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Heiser, Sarah; Robbins, Jackie and Stickler, Ursula
Ernesto, Macaro; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Andy, Kirkpatrick and David, Lasagabaster
Fernández-Toro, Maria
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra and Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Guth, Sarah; Hauck, Mirjam; Helm, Francesca; Hubbard, Phil; Pegrum, Mark and Ohashi, Louise
Hampel, Regine (2019). Disruptive Technologies and the Language Classroom: A Complex Systems Theory Approach. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hampel, Regine
Hauck, Mirjam
Hauck, Mirjam
Henning, Lucy
Henning, Lucy (2019). Researching Early Childhood Literacy in the Classroom: Literacy as a Social Practice. Routledge Research in Literacy. Abingdon: Routledge.
Hernáiz, Rodrigo
Hernaiz Gomez, Rodrigo
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2019). Emotional Intelligence. Chartered Institute of Linguists.
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Owen, Nathaniel and Shrestha, Prithvi
Karamifar, Banafsheh; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Heiser, Sarah; Emke, Martina; Hopkins, Joseph; Ernest, Pauline; Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine
Lanvers, Ursula; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Gayton, Angela Mary
Lee, Helen; Hampel, Regine and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
Lyons, Agnieszka and Tagg, Caroline
Márquez Reiter, R.
Márquez Reiter, R. and Martín Rojo, L.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Haugh, Michael
Martín Rojo, L. and Márquez Reiter, R.
Millonig, Diana; Stickler, Ursula and Coleman, James A.
Murphy, M. Lynne and De Felice, Rachele
Nao, Marion (2019). [Book Review] Social interaction and English language teacher identity by Tom Morton and John Gray. In BAAL News BAAL.
Paterson, Laura L
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa and Lowe, Sue
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa
Pulker, Hélène
Sah, Pramod K.
Sanchez Moreano, Santiago
Sanchez Moreano, Santiago
Seargeant, Philip (2019). The emoji revolution: how technology is shaping the future of communication. Cambridge University Press.
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip and Chapman, Catherine
Seargeant, Philip and Giaxoglou, Korina
Seargeant, Philip and Tagg, Caroline
Shi, Lijing and Stickler, Ursula
Shrestha, Prithvi and Parry, John
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
Stickler, Ursula
Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine
Swann, Joan
Tuck, Jackie
Wilson, Sonia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
2018To Top
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Blastik, Santosné eds. (2018). Palabras enlazadas: estudios en homenaje al profesor László Scholz. Szeged: Jate Press.
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando; Beaven, Tita and Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara eds. (2018). Innovative Language Teaching And Learning At University: Integrating Informal Learning Into Formal Language Education.
Seargeant, Philip; Hewings, Ann and Pihlaja, Stephen eds. (2018). The Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies. Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies. London: Routledge.
Adinolfi, L., Link, H., and St John, O. (Eds) (2018) Special issue on the theme: Researchers and practitioners in dialogue, Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, Vol. 4 (3)
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes and van Leeuwen, Thed
Attar, Dena
Bain, Tanya J. and Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita and Simcott, Richard
Cheshire, Jenny and Secova, Maria
Coleman, Jim; Hultgren, Kristina; Li, Wei; Tsui, Cheng-Fang Cynthia and Shaw, Philip
Comas-Quinn, Anna
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Swann, Joan; Faulkner, Dorothy and Kucirkova, Natalia
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Dawadi, Saraswati and Shrestha, Prithvi N.
De Felice, Rachele and Garretson, Gregory
de los Arcos, Beatriz; Faems, Bram; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Pulker, Hélène
Demouy, Valérie and Eardley, Annie (2018). How we develop tuition strategies: a case study of L310. The Open University.
Devaux, Jerome
Devaux, Jerome
Devaux, Jerome
Erling, E. J.; Adinolfi, L.; Hultgren, A. K.; Buckler, A. and Mukorera, M.
Fayram, Jo; Boswood, Nel; Kan, Qian; Motzo, Anna and Proudfoot, Anna
Gardner-Chloros, Penelope and Secova, Maria
Giaxoglou, K. and Spilioti, T.
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina and Döveling, Katrin
Goodson, Lisa and Tagg, Caroline
Green, Hannelore; Harper, Felicity and Fernández-Toro, Maria
Hamann, Julian; Maesse, Jens; Scholz, Ronny and Angermuller, Johannes
Hauck, Mirjam and Satar, H. Müge
Hernáiz, Rodrigo
Hewings, Ann
Hewings, Ann and Prescott, Lynda
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine E. (2018). Why Donald Trump desperately needs interpreters for his ‘chat’ with Kim. The Conversation.
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Kan, Qian and Tang, Jinlan
Kan, Qian; Owen, Nathaniel and Bax, Stephen
Karamifar, Banafsheh; Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hopkins, Joseph; Heiser, Sarah; Ernest, Pauline; Emke, Martina and Pellerin, Martine
Lanvers, Ursula and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Lanvers, Ursula and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Leedham, Maria; Lillis, Theresa and Twiner, Alison
Lillis, Theresa; McMullan, Jenny and Tuck, Jackie
Littlemore, Jeannette and Tagg, Caroline
Márquez Reiter, R. and Orthaber, S.
Monaghan, Frank
Monaghan, Frank
Morgana, Valentina and Shrestha, Prithvi N.
Nao, Marion
Oliveira, Helio and Angermuller, Johannes
Paterson, Laura
Paterson, Laura L. and Coffey-Glover, Laura
Paterson, Laura L. and Gregory, Ian N. (2018). Representations of Poverty and Place: Using Geographical Text Analysis to Understand Discourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Patiño-Santos, A. and Márquez Reiter, R.
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa and Lowe, Sue
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Sah, Pramod Kumar and Li, Guofang
Samardzhiev, Krasen; Gargett, Andrew and Bollegala, Danushka
Sampurna, Jessica; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Stickler, Ursula
Sánchez Moreano, Santiago
[Negotiating social positions (stances) through the phoneme /s/ reduction in the Spanish spoken by Ecuadorian Quichuas in Cali (Colombia)].
Sánchez Moreano, Santiago
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip; Hewings, Ann and Pihlaja, Stephen
Seargeant, Philip and Tagg, Caroline
Secova, Maria; Gardner-Chloros, Penelope and Atangana, Frédérique
Secova, Maria
Shi, Lijing and Stickler, Ursula
Shrestha, Prithvi
Shrestha, Prithvi
Singh, Jaspal and Bartlett, Tom
Tagg, Caroline and Lyons, Agnieszka
Tuck, Jackie
Turner, Georgina; Mills, Sara; van der Bom, Isabelle; Coffey-Glover, Laura; Paterson, Laura L and Jones, Lucy
van der Bom, Isabelle; Paterson, Laura L; Peplow, David and Grainger, Karen
2017To Top
Kan, Qian and Bax, Stephen eds. (2017). Beyond the language classroom: researching MOOCs and other innovations.
Patterson, Jonathan and Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia eds. (2017). Early Modern French Studies, Vol.39, No.2. Special Issue: Variations of Vileness. Routledge.
Adinolfi, Lina and Astruc, Lluïsa
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes (2017). Neden Fransa’da Postyapısalcılık Yok? Heretik.
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes and Glady, Marc
Austen, Samantha
Austin, Nick; Hampel, Regine and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Melchor-Couto, Sabela
Batsila, Marianthi
Baumann, Uwe and Vialleton, Elodie
Beaven, Tita; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Motzo, Anna
Brash, Bärbel and Pfeil, Andrea (2017). Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien. DLL Deutsch Lehren Lernen, 9. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag.
Chan, Sathena; Bax, Stephen and Weir, Cyril (2017). Researching participants taking IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 (AWT2) in paper mode and in computer mode in terms of score equivalence, cognitive validity and other factors. IELTS Partners: British Council, Cambridge English Language Assessment and IDP: IELTS Australia.
Chernysheva, Daria
Chua, Shi-Min; Tagg, Caroline; Sharples, Mike and Rienties, Bart
Comas-Quinn, Anna; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and McGill, Lou
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
Devaux, Jerome
Devaux, Jerome
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Adinolfi, Lina and Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2017). Multilingual classrooms: opportunities and challenges for English medium instruction in low and middle income contexts. Reading: Education Development Trust/British Council.
Fayram, Joanna
Gallardo, Matilde; Heiser, Sarah and Arias-Mclaughlin, Ximena
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina; Döveling, Katrin and Pitsillides, Stacey
Gregoriou, Christiana and Paterson, Laura L.
Handforth, Rachel; Paterson, Laura L.; Coffey-Glover, Laura and Mills, Sara
Hauck, Mirjam and Kurek, Malgorzata
Hernáiz, Rodrigo
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2017). Translation and Emotion - A Psychological Perspective. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies. Routledge.
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2017). Trumpslation: why Donald Trump’s words give translators so much trouble. In The Conversation The Conversation.
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Jilg, Timothy and Southgate, Margaret
Jones, Lucy; Mills, Sara; Paterson, Laura L.; Turner, Georgina and Coffey-Glover, Laura
Kan, Qian and Bax, Stephen
Lanvers, Ursula
Lanvers, Ursula and Coleman, James A.
Leedham, Maria and Fernandez-Parra, Maria
Léglise, Isabelle and Sánchez Moreano, Santiago
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
Márquez Reiter, R. and Patiño-Santos, A.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Bou-Franch, Patricia
Motzo, Anna and Proudfoot, Anna
Nao, Marion
O'Rourke, Breffni and Stickler, Ursula
Paterson, Laura L.; Peplow, David and Grainger, Karen
Patterson, Jonathan and Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa and Edwards, Chris
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Sah, Pramod Kumar
Sánchez Moreano, Santiago
[OV constructions and stance in the Spanish spoken by Ecuadorian Quichuas in Cali (Colombia)].
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias; Reitz, Tilman; Maeße, Jens and Angermuller, Johannes
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip
Seargeant, Philip; Erling, Elizabeth J.; Solly, Mike and Chowdhury, Qumrul Hasan
Seargeant, Philip; Erling, Elizabeth J.; Solly, Mike; Chowdhury, Qumrul Hasan and Rahman, Sayeedur
Secova, Maria
Secova, Maria
Semino, Elena; Demjen, Zsofia; Demmen, Jane; Koller, Veronika; Payne, Sheila; Hardie, Andrew and Rayson, Paul
Shi, Lijing; Stickler, Ursula and Lloyd, Mair E.
Shrestha, Prithvi N.
Solly, Mike; Hasan Chowdhury, Qumrul; Erling, Elizabeth J. and Seargeant, Philip
Stickler, Ursula
Stickler, Ursula and Shi, Lijing
Tagg, Caroline; Lyons, Agnieszka; Hu, Rachel and Rock, Frances
Tagg, Caroline; Seargeant, Philip and Brown, Amy Aisha (2017). Taking Offence on Social Media: Conviviality and Communication on Facebook. Pivot. Palgrave Macmillan.
Tuck, Jackie (2017). Academics Engaging with Student Writing: Working at the Higher Education Textface. Routledge Research in Higher Education. London: Routledge.
Tuck, Jackie
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina (2017). Klaus Mann.
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia (2017). Jean-Baptiste Poquelin: Dom Juan, ou le festin de Pierre [Don Juan]. The Literary Encylopedia.
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia
Wilton-Godberfforde, Emilia (2017). Mendacity and the Figure of the Liar in Seventeenth-Century French Comedy. Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture (37). Abingdon: Routledge.
Wingrove, Peter
Wolfenden, Freda; Adinolfi, Lina; Cross, Simon; Lee, Clare; Paranjpe, Sandhya and Safford, Kimberly (2017). Moving towards more participatory practice with Open Educational Resources: TESS-India Academic Review. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
2016To Top
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan eds. (2016). Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language, literacy, and classroom culture. London and New York: Routledge.
Hewings, Ann; Prescott, Lynda and Seargeant, Philip eds. (2016). Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in Higher Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Semino, Elena and Demjén, Zsófia eds. (2016). The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics. London: Routledge.
Singh, Jaspal; Cserzo, Dorottya and Kantara, Argyro eds. (2016). Downscaling Culture: Revisiting Intercultural Communication. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
Adinolfi, Lina
Angermuller, Johannes (2016). Análise de discurso pós-estruturalista. As vozes do sujeito na linguagem em Lacan, Althusser, Foucault, Derrida e Sollers. São Paulo: Pontes.
Astruc, Lluïsa and del Mar Vanrell, Maria
Astruc, Lluisa; Vanrell, Maria del Mar and Prieto, Pilar
Attar, Dena and Maybin, Janet
Baumann, Uwe
Bax, Stephen and Chan, Sathena (2016). Researching the cognitive validity of GEPT High-Intermediate and Advanced Reading: an eye tracking and stimulated recall study. The Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC) Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C).
Beaven, Tita
Cámara de la Fuente, Lidia and Comas-Quinn, Anna
Comas-Quinn, Anna
Cremin, Teresa; Swann, Joan; Colvert, Angela and Oliver, Lucy (2016). Evaluation Report of Prospero’s Island: an Immersive Approach to Literacy at Key Stage 3. Hackney Learning Trust, London.
Cremin, Teresa and Flewitt, Rosie
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
Demjen, Zsofia
Demjen, Zsofia
Demjén, Zsófia and Hardaker, Claire
Demjén, Zsófia and Semino, Elena
Demjén, Zsófia and Semino, Elena
Demjen, Zsofia; Semino, Elena and Koller, Veronika
Demouy, Valérie; Jones, Ann; Kan, Qian; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Eardley, Annie
Devaux, Jérôme
Diop, Dame
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Adinolfi, Lina; Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Buckler, Alison and Mukorera, Mark
Flewitt, Rosie; Cremin, Teresa and Mardell, Ben
Hassan, Xavière
Hauck, Mirjam; Galley, Rebecca and Warnecke, Sylvia
Hauck, Mirjam and MacKinnon, Teresa
Hauck, Mirjam and O'Dowd, Robert
Hewings, Ann and Seargeant, Philip
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine (2016). Titty or Tatty: What's in a name? In Open Learn The Open University.
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine and Panichelli-Batalla, Stephanie
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine and Panichelli-Batalla, Stephanie
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Erling, Elizabeth J. and Chowdhury, Qumrul Hasan
Koruyan, Kasim
Lanvers, Ursula
Lillis, T.; Leedham, M.; Twiner, A.; Moore, J. and Whitehead, M.
Lillis, Theresa; Leedham, Maria and Twiner, Alison
Lillis, Theresa and Tuck, Jackie
Márquez Reiter, R.; Ganchenko, K. and Charalambidou, A.
Mukherjee, Sarah Jane
Nao, Marion
Nao, Marion (2016). [Book Review] Discourse Analysis: Putting Our Worlds into Words by Susan Strauss and Parastou Feiz. In BAAL News BAAL.
Orthaber, Sara and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Paterson, Laura L.; Coffey-Glover, Laura and Peplow, David
Peplow, David; Swann, Joan; Trimarco, Paola and Whiteley, Sara (2016). The discourse of reading groups: Integrating cognitive and sociocultural perspectives. Routledge.
Prescott, Lynda; Hewings, Ann and Seargeant, Philip
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando and Kan, Qian
Seargeant, Philip
Shrestha, Prithvi
Singh, Jaspal
Singh, Jaspal Naveel and Dattatreyan, Ethiraj Gabriel
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
Stickler, Ursula and Shi, Lijing
Stickler, Ursula; Smith, Bryan and Shi, Lijing
Tagg, Caroline
Tagg, Caroline and Seargeant, Philip
Tuck, Jackie
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
von Lindeiner-Stráský, Karina
Walker, Miranda Jane
2015To Top
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Perényi, Katalin eds. (2015). Határvidékek: köztes világok, köztes kategóriák [Borderlands: intermediate worlds, intermediate categories]. Lazarillo, 6. Budapest, Hungary: Eötvös Kiadó.
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Jensen, Christian eds. (2015). English-Medium Instruction in European Higher Education. Language and Social Life, 4. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta; Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Norberg, Ulf eds. (2015). Describing Cognitive Processes in Translation. John Benjamins.
Everhard, Carol J. and Murphy, Linda eds. (2015). Assessment and Autonomy in Language Learning. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. (2015). Developing Online Language Teaching: Research-Based Pedagogies and Reflective Practices. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Shrestha, Prithvi N. ed. (2015). Current Developments in English for Academic and Specific Purposes: Local Innovations and Global Perspectives. Reading: Garnet Education.
Álvarez, Inma and Pérez Cavana, Maria
Angermuller, Johannes (2015). Why there is no poststructuralism in France. The making of an intellectual generation. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury.
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes and Maeße, Jens
Angermuller, Johannes and Philippe, Gilles (2015). Analyse du discours et dispositifs d?énonciation. Autour des travaux de Dominique Maingueneau. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas.
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltan
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna and G. Kiss, Zoltán
Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna and Štefan, Beňuš
Beaven, Tita
Comas-Quinn, Anna and Borthwick, Kate
Demjen, Zsofia (2015). Sylvia Plath and the Language of Affective States: Written Discourse and the Experience of Depression. Advances in Stylistics. London: Bloomsbury.
Demjen, Zsofia and Semino, Elena
Demmen, Jane; Semino, Elena; Demjen, Zsofia; Koller, Veronika; Hardie, Andrew; Rayson, Paul and Payne, Sheila
Demouy, Valérie; Kan, Qian; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Eardley, Annie
Devaux, Jerome
Devaux, Jerome
of their role in videoconference interpreting.
Dimova, Slobodanka; Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Jensen, Christian
Drasovean, Anda and Tagg, Caroline
Emke, Martina; Stickler, Ursula and the MoreDOTS project team
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Seargeant, Philip; Solly, Michael; Chowdhury, Qumrul Hasan and Rahman, Sayeedur (2015). English for economic development: a case study of migrant workers from Bangladesh. ELT Research Papers 15.03; British Council.
Fernández-Toro, María and Furnborough, Concha
Flewitt, Rosie; Messer, David and Kucirkova, Natalia
Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara
Gallardo, Matilde; Heiser, Sarah and Arias-Mclaughlin, Ximena
Gargett, Andrew and Barnden, John
Gargett, Andrew and Barnden, John
Gargett, Andrew; Mille, Simon and Barnden, John
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Hampel, Regine
Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Englund-Dimitrova, Birgitta and Norberg, Ulf
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Jensen, Christian and Dimova, Slobodanka
Kádár, Dániel Z. and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Norris, Lucy and Donohue, Jim (2015). Mobile pedagogy for English language teaching: a guide for teachers. ELT Research Papers 14.07; British Council 2015, London.
Leedham, M. (2015). Chinese Students’ Writing in English: Implications from a Corpus-Driven Study. Abingdon: Routledge.
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria
Lewis, Timothy; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Hauck, Mirjam
Mády, Katalin and Barkanyi, Zsuzsanna
Mansur, Saba Bahareen and Shrestha, Prithvi N.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Martín Rojo, Luisa (2015). A sociolinguistics of diaspora. Latino practices, identities and ideologies. New York: Routledge.
Márquez-Reiter, Rosina; Orthaber, Sara and Kádár, Dániel Z.
Murphy, Linda
Murphy, Linda
Nao, Marion
Nao, Marion
Nao, Marion
O'Rourke, Breffni; Prendergast, Claire; Shi, Lijing; Smith, Bryan and Stickler, Ursula
Orthaber, Sara and Márquez Reiter, Rosina
Pulker, Hélène and Vialleton, Elodie
Rahman, Mizanoor; Shrestha, Prithvi and Khalid, Iftekhar
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando and Kan, Qian
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando
Secova, Maria
Shrestha, Prithvi; Fayram, Joanna and Demouy, Valérie
Shrestha, Prithvi
Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine
Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina
Stickler, Ursula and Hampel, Regine
Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine and Murphy, Linda
Stickler, Ursula and Shi, Lijing
Tagg, Caroline (2015). Exploring Digital Communication: language in action. Abingdon: Routledge.
Tagg, Caroline and Seargeant, Philip
Tuck, Jackie
van der Bom, Isabelle; Coffey-Glover, Laura; Jones, Lucy; Mills, Sara and Paterson, Laura L.
Walsh, Christopher S.; Woodward, Clare; Solly, Michael and Shrestha, Prithvi
2014To Top
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Gregersen, Frans and Thøgersen, Jacob eds. (2014). English in Nordic Universities: Ideologies and Practices. Studies in World Language Problems, 5. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Seargeant, Philip and Tagg, Caroline eds. (2014). The Language of Social Media: Identity and Community on the Internet. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Adams, Helga and Nicolson, Margaret
Al-Youssef, Joanna; Colin, Mindy; Garrido, Cecilia and Savvides, Nicola
Angermuller, Johannes (2014). Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis: Subjectivity in Enunciative Pragmatics. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Angermuller, Johannes; Nonhoff, Martin; Herschinger, Eva; Macgilchrist, Felicitas; Reisigl, Martin; Wedl, Juliette; Wrana, Daniel and Ziem, Ziem eds. (2014). Diskursforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Band 2: Methoden und Analysepraxis. Perspektiven auf Hochschulreformdiskurse. DiskursNetz, Band 2. Bielefeld: transcript.
Angermuller, Johannes; Maingueneau, Dominique and Wodak, Ruth
Angermuller, Johannes; Nonhoff, Martin; Herschinger, Eva; Macgilchrist, Felicitas; Reisigl, Martin; Wedl, Juliette; Wrana, Daniel and Ziem, Alexander (2014). Diskursforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Band 1: Theorien, Methodologien und Kontroversen. DiskursNetz, Band 1. Bielefeld: transcript.
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna
Beaven, Tita; Codreanu, Tatiana and Creuzé, Alix
Beaven, Tita; Hauck, Mirjam; Comas-Quinn, Anna; Lewis, Tim and de los Arcos, Beatriz
Coffin, Caroline and Donohue, James (2014). A Language as Social Semiotic Based Approach to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Language Learning Monograph Series. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons Inc..
Das, Sharmistha; Shaheen, Robina; Shrestha, Prithvi; Rahman, Arifa and Khan, Rubina
Demjen, Zsofia and Semino, Elena
Demjen, Zsofia
Demjen, Zsofia
Devaux, Jerome
Devaux, Jerome
Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine (2014). Translation and Interpreting Studies, Vol. 9, Issue 1. Special Issue: The Development of Professional Competence. In Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine eds. Translation and Interpreting Studies John Benjamins.
Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine
Erling, Elizabeth; Seargeant, Philip and Solly, Michael
Fayram, Joanna and Adams, Helga
Fernández-Toro, Maria and Furnborough, Concha
Fernández-Toro, Maria and Hurd, Stella
Flewitt, Rosie; Kucirkova, Natalia and Messer, David
Furnborough, Concha and Coleman, James A.
Gargett, Andrew and Barnden, John
Gargett, Andrew; Hellmuth, Sam and AlGethami, Ghazi
Gargett, Andrew; Ruppenhofer, Josef and Barnden, John
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
Hernáiz, Rodrigo
Hewings, Ann and Seargeant, Philip
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Leatherbarrow, Jill
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2014). [Book review] Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia - Trends of student mobility and impact on education governance, Edited by Ka Ho Mok & Kar Ming Yu. In Journal of Interactive Media in Education Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2014(2), p.Art. 2.
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Gregersen, Frans and Thøgersen, Jacob
Hultgren, Anna Kristina and Thøgersen, Jacob
Kan, Qian and McCormick, Robert
Koller, Veronika; Demjen, Zsofia; Demmen, Jane; Hardie, Andrew; Payne, Sheila; Rayson, Paul and Semino, Elena
Kühn, Barbel; Lang, Michael and Perez Cavana, Maria
Kurek, Malgorzata and Hauck, Mirjam
Lane, Andrew; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Thomson, Simon
Lanvers, Ursula and Hultgren, Anna Kristina (2014). SPEAKGLOBAL. Routes into Languages: free downloadable teacher pack.
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria
Leedham, Maria
Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Martín Rojo, Luisa
Monaghan, Frank
Montoro, Carlos; Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula
Murphy, Linda
Nao, Marion (2014). [Book Review] The Handbook of Business Discourse ed. by Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini. In BAAL News BAAL.
Nicolson, Margaret and Harper, Felicity
Nind, Melanie; Flewitt, Rosie and Theodorou, Fani
Paterson, Laura L (2014). British Pronoun Use, Prescription, and Processing: Linguistic and Social Influences Affecting 'They' and 'He'. Palgrave Macmillan.
Pérez Cavana, Maria and Edwards, Chris
Pulker, Helene and Vialleton, Elodie
Seargeant, Philip and Tagg, Caroline
Secova, Maria
Semino, Elena; Demjén, Zsófia and Koller, Veronika
Shrestha, Prithvi
Shrestha, Prithvi
Shrestha, Prithvi and Azim, Farhan
Tagg, Caroline and Seargeant, Philip
Vialleton, Elodie
Vialleton, Elodie and Lewis, Tim
Walsh, Christopher; Woodward, Clare; Solly, Michael and Shrestha, Prithvi
Wrana, Daniel; Ziem, Alexander; Reisigl, Martin; Nonhoff, Martin and Angermuller, Johannes (2014). DiskursNetz: Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären Diskursforschung. Suhrkamp Taschenbücher Wissenschaft. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
2013To Top
Beaven, Ana; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Sawhill, Barbara eds. (2013). Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom. Dublin; Voillans:
Clark, Alison; Flewitt, Rosie; Hammersley, Martyn and Robb, Martin eds. (2013). Understanding Research with Children and Young People. London: Sage.
Erling, Elizabeth J. and Seargeant, Philip eds. (2013). English and Development: Policy, Pedagogy and Globalization. Critical Language and Litearcy Studies. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Zourou, Katerina eds. (2013). Social Networking for Language Education. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Shrestha, Prithvi; Dhakal, Khagendra Raj; Ojha, Laxmi Prasad; Rana, Lal Bahadur and Rawal, Hima eds. (2013). NELTA Conference Proceedings 2013. Kathmandu: NELTA & Routledge.
Aguerre, Sandrine; Alder, Bill and Beaven, Tita
Alvarez, Inma; Beaven, Tita and Comas-Quinn, Anna
Angermuller, Johannes (2013). Analyse du discours poststructuraliste. Les voix du sujet dans le langage chez Lacan, Althusser, Foucault, Derrida, Sollers. Limoges: Éditions Lambert-Lucas.
Angermuller, Johannes (2013). Le champ de la théorie: Essor et déclin du structuralisme en France. Paris: Hermann Éditeurs.
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes
Angermuller, Johannes and Scholz, Ronny
Bax, Stephen (2013). Readers’ cognitive processes during IELTS reading tests: evidence from eye tracking. British Council ELT Reports 13-06; British Council, ELT Research Papers 13-06.
Bax, Stephen
Bax, Stephen (2013). Researching Intertextual Reading. Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, 25. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Beaven, Tita
Beaven, Tita; Comas-Quinn, Anna; de los Arcos, Bea; Hauck, Mirjam and Lewis, Timothy
Beaven, Tita; Comas-Quinn, Anna; Hauck, Mirjam; de los Arcos, Beatriz and Lewis, Timothy
Beaven, Ana and Comas-Quinn, Anna
Beaven, Tita
Blundel, Richard; Ippolito, Kate and Donnarumma, David (2013). Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, principles and practices (4th edition). Harlow: Pearson.
Clawson, David Ernest
Comas-Quinn, Anna and Fitzgerald, Alannah (2013). Open Educational Resources in Language Teaching and Learning. Open Educational Resources Case Study: Pedagogical developments from OER practice.; Higher Education Academy (HEA), York.
Comas-Quinn, Anna; Wild, Joanna and Carter, Jackie
Cremin, Teresa; Swann, Joan; Flewitt, Rosie; Faulkner, Dorothy and Kucirkova, Natalia (2013). Evaluation Report of MakeBelieve Arts Helicopter Technique of Storytelling and Storyacting. MakeBelieveArts/The Open University.
De Felice, Rachele
De Felice, Rachele; Darby, Jeannique; Fisher, Anthony and Peplow, David
Demouy, Valérie; Kan, Qian; Eardley, Annie and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes
Duensing, Annette; Gallardo, Matilde and Heiser, Sarah
Erling, Elizabeth J.; Hamid, M. Obaidul and Seargeant, Philip
Ernest, Pauline; Guitert Catasús, Montse; Hampel, Regine; Heiser, Sarah; Hopkins, Joseph; Murphy, Linda and Stickler, Ursula
Ferguson, Rebecca; Gillen, Julia; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter
Fernandez-Parra, Maria and Leedham, Maria
Fernández-Toro, Maria; Furnborough, Concha and Polisca, Elena (2013). eFEP Final Evaluation Report. Assessment and Feedback Programme; JISC.
Fernández-Toro, María; Truman, Michael and Walker, Mirabelle
Flewitt, Rosie; Hampel, Regine; Hauck, Mirjam and Lancaster, Lesley
Gargett, Andrew and Barnden, John A.
Hampel, Regine and Pleines, Christine
Harder, Peter and Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Harper, Felicity and Nicolson, Margaret