Currently browsing: Social Work

Number of items at this level: 177.
Generated on Sat Sep 14 05:40:11 2024 BST.

2025To Top

Thomas, Ian and Rogers, Justin (2025). Self-inflicted death of care experienced men in custody, through a lens of loss. In: Jones, Kerry and Robb, Martin eds. Men and Loss: New perspectives on bereavement, grief and masculinity. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 124–135.

2024To Top

Alam, Fakhrul and Haider, Sharif (2024). The Role of First-Line Managers in a Pandemic in Reducing the Spread of Infections and Promoting the Health and Well-Being of Rohingya Refugees. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance (Early Access).

Braun, Martin; Dawes, Anita; Jordan, Sally; Wood, Carlton; Andrianova, Olga; Nita, Maria; Gough, Georgina; Calder, Kathleen; Astles, Paul; Meade, Rosie; Cox, Teresa and Elliott, Anna (2024). Developing reflective assessment tasks to engage physics students with the key sustainability competencies. In: Advance HE’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: Future-Focused Education: Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact, 2-4 Jul 2024, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Butcher, John; Bhandari, Renu; Foley, Karen; Curry, George and McCormick, Michael (2024). Preparing for success: understanding the impact of Y032 on WELS students. In: Praxis Festival of scholarship 2024, 13 May 2024, The Open University [online].

Coughlan, Tim; Kubiak, Christopher; Haider, Sharif; Almond, Esther and Wild, Fridolin (2024). Embedding and Evaluating Virtual Reality Sepsis Simulations into Online and Distance Learning across Multiple Healthcare Professions. In: 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, 10-13 Jun 2024, Glasgow, Scotland, Immersive Learning Research Network (ILRN).

Ferguson, Gillian and Giddings, Lindsay (2024). Social work education, regulation and the climate emergency – responsibility and action. In: BASW Conference 2024: A Sustainable Future for Social Work, 18-19 Jun 2024, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh.

Ferguson, Gillian and Sicat, Sherwyn (2024). Practice education in social work. In: Wareing, Mark Philip ed. Practice Supervision and Assessment in Nursing, Health and Social Care. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 116–126.

Ferguson, Gillian and Vicary, Sarah (2024). Introducing a holistic model for Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in social work practice and research. In: Authentic Care in Health and Social Care, and Education Conference, 28 Jun 2024, University of Greenwich: Institute of Life Course Development, London, UK.

Haider, Sharif (2024). Teaching risk assessment and management skills to social care students using virtual reality simulations. In: Baikady, Rajendra and Przeperski, Jarosław eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 152–172.

Haider, Sharif (2024). Exploring opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in social work education. In: Baikady, Rajendra and Przeperski, Jarosław eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 46–62.

McCulloch, Trish; Grant, Scott; Daly, Maura; Sen, Robin and Ferguson, Gillian (2024). Embedding Learning as a Practice of Value: Learning from the Experiences of Early Career Social Workers in Scotland. The British Journal of Social Work (Early access).

Page, Sarah; Ferguson, Gillian; Shanley, Kirsty and Horton Ifekoya, Ayana (2024). Learning in non-assessed, virtual and alternate environments. In: Wareing, Mark Philip ed. Practice Supervision and Assessment in Nursing, Health and Social Care. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 194–203.

Roulston, A.; Ross, J.; McFadden, P.; Boyle, S.; Mackle, D.; MacDermott, D.; Montgomery, L. and Hayes, D. (2024). A baseline survey of levels of motivation, well-being, and employment preferences of newly qualified social workers in the UK. Social Work Education (Early access).

Ryan-Blackwell, Gemma; Jessica, Jackson and Haider, Sharif (2024). When and in what circumstances is Patient-Targeted Googling acceptable for health and social care professionals? A narrative review and thematic analysis. Health Informatics Journal (In Press).

Wareing, Mark Philip and Ferguson, Gillian (2024). Learning environments. In: Wareing, Mark Philip ed. Practice Supervision and Assessment in Nursing, Health and Social Care. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 27–39.

2023To Top

Ferguson, Gillian (2023). "When David Bowie created Ziggy Stardust" Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning: Papers from the International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health and Social Work, 20(1) pp. 67–87.

Giddings, Lindsay (2023). Making writing a visible dimension of professional social work practice. In: The BASW UK Annual Conference 2023, 13 Jun 2023, Aston University, Birmingham.

Giddings, Lindsay (2023). Writing your life: Developing social workers’ writing skills. In: The Social Work Show, 2 Oct 2023, Manchester, UK.

Giddings, Lindsay (2023). Fake it until you make it? Developing a SoTL identity. In: ISSOTL23: Context Matters, 8-11 Nov 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Haider, Sharif (2023). The Impact of Terrorism Policies on Health and Social Care Practitioners in the UK. In: Baikady, Rajendra; Sajid, S. M.; Przeperski, Jaroslaw; Nadesan, Varoshini; Islam, M. Rezaul and Gao, Jianguo eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hanley, Joe (2023). More of memes than schemes: Networked propogation in children's social care. In: Sen, Robin and Kerr, Christian eds. The Future of Children's Care: Critical Perspectives on Children's Services Reform. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 38–59.

Hanley, Joe; Dominelli, Lena; Ismail, Nashwa; Raja, Mariam; Pierre, Rebekah; Stratulis, Maris and Moorghen, Gavin (2023). Piloting free continuing professional development (CPD) resources to support social workers involved in disasters. British Association of Social Workers (BASW), Birmingham.

Hanley, Joe and Kerr, C (2023). Same game, same players, different fields: Social work education in crisis. In: Ellis, V ed. Teacher Education in Crisis: The state, the market and universities in England. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 75–98.

Rogers, Justin and Ali, Mariya (2023). The seeds of reform; the evolution of the alternative care system in the Maldives. Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond, 10(2) pp. 154–163.

Simpson, J. E.; Haider, S. and Giddings, L. (2023). Development of a virtual reality simulation for practitioners. Social Work Education; The International Journal [Early Access].

2022To Top

Duffy, Joe; Cameron, Colin; Casey, Helen; Beresford, Peter and McLaughlin, Hugh (2022). Service User Involvement and COVID-19—An Afterthought? The British Journal of Social Work, 52(4) pp. 2384–2402.

Ferguson, Gillian (2022). The importance of workplace learning for social workers. Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services, Glasgow, Scotland.

Hanley, Joe (2022). [Book review]Writing skills for social work students by Bella Ross. Journal of Social Work, 22(5) pp. 1315–1316.

2021To Top

Carr, Sam; Rogers, Justin and Hickman, Caroline (2021). Reflections on a community-based participatory research project with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. In: Montero-Sieburth, Martha; Mas Giralt, Rosa; Garcia-Arojna, Noemi and Eguren, Joaquín eds. Family Practices in Migration: Everyday Lives and Relationships. Routledge, pp. 192–208.

Hanley, J; Bald, C; Kerr, C; Sen, R and Webb, C (2021). The Interdependence of Independence: A Network Map of Children’s Services. Network Ethnography.

Hanley, Joe; De Luca-Ruane, Alissa and Moth, Rich (2021). Why we are worried about the ‘Independent’ Review of Children’s Social Care in England – and why we think you should be too. Critical and Radical Social Work, 9(2) pp. 301–306.

Hanley, Joe; McGrath-Brookes, Michael and Higgins, Martyn (2021). Dismantling the Blueprint: Buurtzorg in English child protection social work. European Journal of Social Work, 24(6) pp. 990–1000.

McCormick, Michael (2021). Employability: identity and student agency. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.

McCormick, Michael; Meade, Rosie and Tunnah, Edward (2021). Employability framework and personal development planning: closing the loop. In: Employability: breaking the mould (Norton, Stuart and Dalrymple, Roger eds.), Advance HE, pp. 67–75.

McGrath-Brookes, Michael; Hanley, Joe and Higgins, Martyn (2021). A Fisher-eye lens on social work reform. Journal of Social Work, 21(5) pp. 1261–1277.

Rogers, Justin; Whitelaw, Robert; Karunan, Victor and Ketnim, Pryn (2021). Children’s experiences of alternative care in mainland Southeast Asia – A scoping review of literature. Children and Youth Services Review, 120

Stevens, Emma; Price, Elizabeth and Walker, Liz (2021). Dressings and dignity in community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing, 26(11) pp. 526–531.

2020To Top

Hanley, Joe (2020). The negative impact of student evaluations on higher education research. In: Luo, Y.; Saengkhattiya, T.; Bonful, L; Yu, W.; Li, L.; Fazal, N.; Ahmed, H. and Watts, M. eds. The Voice of Educators and Education Students. London: Brunel University, pp. 178–184.

Rawles, Joanna (2020). Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice. In: Parker, Jonathan ed. Introducing Social Work. London: Sage, pp. 102–112.

Rogers, Justin Mark and Cheung, Johnson Chun-Sing (2020). Civic Crowdfunding for Social Work Research: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies. The British Journal of Social Work, 51(7) pp. 2782–2801.

2019To Top

Ang, Jen and Copperman, Jeanette (2019). How we can help vulnerable EU citizens living in the UK. Professional Social Work Magazine.

Giddings, Lindsay (2019). Top tips for newly qualified social workers. In Community Care Community Care.

McCormick, Mick and Daniels, Leanne (2019). Developing an Institutional Employability Strategy – Supporting Diverse Student Cohorts. In: 9th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning - Innovations for Quality Education and Lifelong Learning (PCF9), 9-13 Sep 2019, Edinburgh.

2018To Top

Vicary, Sarah; Copperman, Jeanette and Higgs, Alison (2018). Social work education through distance learning: the challenges and opportunities. Social Work Education; The International Journal, 37(6) pp. 685–690.

2017To Top

Copperman, Jeanette (2017). Documenting Women's Health Activism in the UK from the 1970s. Bulletin of the Social Work History Network, 4(1) pp. 12–19.

Haider, Sharif (2017). ‘How hard can it be’ - managing conflict in an interprofessional discharge team in England. In: MIRDEC-6th, International Academic Conference on Social Sciences (Global Meeting of Social Science Community) Social Sciences, Multidisciplinary, Economics, Business and Finance Studies, 27-29 November 2017, Lisbon, Portugal., 27-29 Nov 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.

Rogers, Justin M. (2017). Memorial. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 18(1) pp. 81–82.

2016To Top

Higgs, Alison and Martin, Anne (2016). Teaching ethics for social work: whose values? In: Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference (JSWEC) 2016, 15 Jul 2016.

McCormick, Michael (2016). [Book Review] Malcolm Golightley, Social work and mental health. Journal of Social Work, 16(1) pp. 124–125.

2015To Top

Higgs, Alison (2015). Effective Feedback in Blended learning. In: Conference Proceedings: The Future of Education,, Padova.

Higgs, Alison (2015). Social justice. In: Bell, Linda and Hafford-Letchfield, Trish eds. Ethics, Values And Social Work Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 112–121.

Higgs, Alison (2015). Social justice. In: Bell, Linda and Hafford-Letchfield, Trish eds. Ethics, Values And Social Work Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 112–121.

Higgs, Alison; McCormick, Mick and Sieminski, Sandy (2015). Changing identities changing contexts: the roles and identities of expert patients, service users and volunteer school governors. In: JSWEC Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference 2015: Social work education and research across boundaries, 15-17 Jul 2015, Open University, Milton Keynes.

Higgs, Alison and Twomey, Mary (2015). Editorial. Ethics and Social Welfare, 9(3) pp. 223–224.

Rawles, Joanna (2015). Whose students are they anyway? The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 11(3) pp. 59–78.

2014To Top

Hanley, Joe and Marsland, David (2014). Unhappy anniversary? The Journal of Adult Protection, 16(2) pp. 104–112.

Rawles, Joanna (2014). The 'Missing Bit' - Emotional Intelligence as Counterbalance to Managerialism. In: Hessle, Sven ed. Global Social Transformation and Social Action: The Role of Social Workers. Social Work - Social Development, III. Ashgate, pp. 178–182.

Rogers, Justin M. (2014). Fostering and adoption. In: Teater, Barbra ed. Contemporary Social Work Practice: A Handbook for Students. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 27–39.

Stevens, Emma and Hebblewhite, Gillian (2014). Empowering adults under the Mental Capacity Act. Learning Disability Practice, 17(8) pp. 16–20.

2013To Top

Domac, Sezer and Haider, Sharif (2013). Interagency safeguarding adults training for protection and prevention. Journal of interprofessional care, 27(6) pp. 520–522.

Stevens, Emma (2013). Conducting interviews with failing students. Nursing Times, 109(8) pp. 22–24.

2012To Top

Hall, Marion; Nix, Ingrid and Baker, Kirsty (2012). Are learner perceptions of digital literacy skills teaching affected by demographic factors? In: The Seventh International Blended Learning Conference: “Reflecting on Our Achievements - What's Next for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching?”, 13-14 Jun 2012, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK.

Hall, Marion; Nix, Ingrid and Baker, Kirsty (2012). "Why should I?" Engaging learners in digital literacy skills development. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Learning, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 26-27 October 2012 (ed. by H. Belduis), 26-27 Oct 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Higgs, Alison (2012). E-learning, ethics and 'non-traditional' students: space to think aloud. Ethics and Social Welfare, 6(4) pp. 386–402.

Nix, Ingrid; Hall, Marion and Baker, Kirsty (2012). “Why bother?” Learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development - learning design implications. In: 11th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL- 2012, 26-27 Oct 2012, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

2011To Top

Maluccio, Anthony N.; Canali, Cinzia; Vecchiato, Tiziano; Lightburn, Anita; Aldgate, Jane and Rose, Wendy eds. (2011). Improving Outcomes for Children and Families: Finding and Using International Evidence. Child Welfare Outcomes. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Copperman, Jeanette (2011). Have you heard?...reflections on the Kerr/Haslam Inquiry. In: Dunk-West, Priscilla and Hafford-Lechfield, Trish eds. Sexual Identities and Sexuality in Social Work: Research and Reflections from Women in the Field. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, pp. 89–104.

Gosling, Clari and Nix, Ingrid (2011). Supported open learning: developing an integrated information literacy strategy online. In: Mackey, Thomas P. and Jacobson, Trudi E. eds. Teaching Information Literacy Online. New York: Neal Schuman, pp. 91–108.

McCormick, Mick (2011). Policies and practice with 'vulnerable adults'. In: Seden, Janet; Matthews, Sarah; McCormick, Michael and Morgan, Alun eds. Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Post-qualifying Social Work. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 104–109.

McCormick, Mick and Fraser, Sandy (2011). Reflections on values and ethics in social work practice. In: Seden, Janet; Matthews, Sarah; McCormick, Michael and Morgan, Alun eds. Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 24–29.

Seden, Janet and McCormick, Mick (2011). Caring for yourself, being managed and professional development. In: Seden, Janet; Matthews, Sarah; McCormick, Michael and Morgan, Alun eds. Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 171–177.

2010To Top

Gordon, Jean; Miller, Christina; Dumbleton, Sue; Kelly, Timothy B. and Aldgate, Jane (2010). A smooth transition? Students’ experiences of credit transfer into a social work degree in Scotland. Social Work Education, 30(1) pp. 55–69.

Higgs, Alison (2010). The ethics of e-learning: exploiting the potential benefits, avoiding harm and thinking about intent. In: ICERI 2010 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation), 15-17 Nov 2010, Madrid, Spain.

Nix, Ingrid (2010). Technology-enhanced learning for social work education and practice. In: Seden, Janet; Matthews, Sarah; McCormick, Mick and Morgan, Alun eds. Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Post-qualifying Social Work. Abingdon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 150–156.

2009To Top

Hammick, Marilyn; Freeth, Della; Copperman, Jeanette and Goodsman, Danë (2009). Being Interprofessional. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

Higgs, Alison (2009). Changing identities in the student group: using creative writing. In: JSWEC 2009, 8-10 Jul 2009, University of Hertfordshire.

Nix, Ingrid (2009). The loss of Mango. In: Earle, Sarah; Bartholomew, Caroline and Komaromy, Carol eds. Making sense of Death, Dying and Bereavement: An Anthology. The Open University and Sage Publications, pp. 134–135.

Rose, Wendy; Aldgate, Jane; McIntosh, Miranda and Hunter, Helen (2009). High risk children with challenging behaviour : changing directions for them and their families. Child and Family Social Work, 14(2) pp. 178–188.

2008To Top

2007To Top

Aldgate, Jane; Healy, Lynne; Malcolm, Barris; Pine, Barbara; Rose, Wendy and Seden, Janet eds. (2007). Enhancing Social Work Management: Theory and Best Practice from the UK and the USA. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.

Copperman, Jeanette and Newton, Paul D. (2007). Linking social work agency perspectives on interprofessional education into a school of nursing and midwifery. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21(2) pp. 141–154.

Rose, Wendy; Aldgate, Jane and Barnes, Julie (2007). From policy visions to practice realities: the pivotal role of service managers in implementation. In: Aldgate, Jane; Healy, Lynne; Malcolm, Barris; Pine, Barbara; Rose, Wendy and Seden, Janet eds. Enhancing social work management: Theory and best practice from the UK and USA. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 263–289.

Tunstill, Jane; Aldgate, Jane and Hughes, Marilyn (2007). Improving Children's Services Networks: lessons from Family Centres. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

2006To Top

Aldgate, Jane; Jones, David; Rose, Wendy and Jeffery, Carole eds. (2006). The developing world of the child. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.

Aldgate, Jane (2006). Ordinary children in extraordinary circumstances. In: Iwaniec, Dorota ed. The Child's journey through care: placement stability, care planning, and achieving permanency. Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 17–39.

Copperman, Jeanette and Hill, F. (2006). Women and mental health. In: Jackson, Catherine and Hill, Kathryn eds. Mental Health Today: A Handbook. Brighton: Pavilion Publishing.

Happer, Helen; McCreadie, Joanna and Aldgate, Jane (2006). Celebrating success: what helps looked after children succeed. Edinburgh, UK: Social Work Inspection Agency.

Rose, W.; Aldgate, J. and Jones, D. P. H (2006). Developmental progression. In: Aldgate, J. and Jones, D. P. H eds. The Developing World of the Child. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 163–185.

Tew, Jerry; Gould, Nick; Abankwa, Deian; Barnes, Helen; Beresford, Peter; Carr, Sarah; Copperman, Jeanette; Ramon, Shula; Rose, Diana; Sweeney, Angela and Woodward, Louise (2006). Values and Methodologies for Social Research in Mental Health. Social Care Institute for Excellence, London.

2002To Top

Aldgate, Jane (2002). Measuring outcomes in short-term fostering services. In: Canali, Cinzia; Maluccio, Anthony N. and Vecchiato, Tiziano eds. Evaluation in child and family services: comparative client and program perspectives. Modern applications of social work. New York, USA: Aldine de Gruyter, pp. 67–85.

2001To Top

Aldgate, Jane and Stratham, Jane (2001). The Children Act now: messages from research. London, UK: Stationery Office.

2000To Top

Rose, Wendy and Aldgate, Jane (2000). Knowledge underpinning the assessment framework. In: Health, Department of ed. Assessing Children in Need and their Families: Practice Guidance. London: The Stationary Office, pp. 1–36.

1996To Top


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