Currently browsing: Nursing

Number of items at this level: 297.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 08:34:11 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah; Mooney, Evelyn; Salter, Abigail; Reid, Kristen; Marshall, Helen and Smith, Maria (2025). Employing a world-café for research purposes: warts and all. In: Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), 28 Jan 2025-29 Jan 2025, University of Bath, UK.

Carruthers, Helen; Derry, David and Astin, Felicity (2025). Pushing and guiding me towards home; patients’ perspectives of person-centred physiotherapy in Intensive Care. Disability and Rehabilitation (In press).

2024To Top

Alderson, Priscilla; Bellsham-Revell, Hannah; King, Liz; Vigneswaran, Trisha and Wray, Jo (2024). Children’s ages of consent to non-urgent heart surgery: The views of two paediatric cardiology teams. Children and Society, 38(2) pp. 487–504.

Bloomfield, Sarah and Mooney, Evelyn (2024). Maximising the opportunity provided by the ‘tripartite relationship’ in degree apprenticeships. In: Pan University project dissemination event, 25 Nov 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Daffu-O'Reilly, Amrit; Bharj, Kuldip; Horne, Maria; O'Connor, Daryl; Conner, Mark and Astin, Felicity (2024). Exploring the religious practice of langar as a route to health promotion in the Sikh community in Northern England: A qualitative study. Journal of Religion and Health (Early access).

Harris, Emma; Benham, Alex; Stephenson, John; Conway, Dwayne; Chong, Aun-Yeong; Curtis, Helen and Astin, Felicity (2024). Patient Decision Aids for Aortic Stenosis and Chronic Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 23(6) pp. 561–581.

King, Elizabeth; Goldstein, Emily and McKeever, Stephen (2024). Exploring the implementation of child life services with facility dogs [Podcast]. In Journal of Child Health Care Journal of Child Health Care, Journal of Child Health Care.

King, Liz (2024). Communication with children and young people. In: Watson, Naomi Anna ed. Effective Communication for Nursing Practice. Transforming Nursing Practice, 1. London, UK: Learning Matters, pp. 81–96.

King, Liz; McKeever, Stephen; Devery, Kim and Winsall, Megan (2024). "Holding back my own emotions": Evaluation of an online education module in pediatric end-of-life care [Podcast]. In Journal of Child Health Care SAGE, London, UK.

King, Liz; Pettersson, Miriam; Eriksson, Mats and McKeever, Stephen (2024). Parental experiences of home phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia [Podcast]. Journal of Child Health Care, SAGE.

McKeever, Stephen; King, Liz and Reeder, Jim (2024). Are we at risk of commodifying lived experience in childhood disability research? [Podcast]. In Journal of Child Health Care Sage Journals, London, UK.

Messenger, Julie (2024). Impact on identity for those working as healthcare professionals when taking on the role of carer. In: jones, Kerry and Horne, Joanna eds. Understanding the Grief and Loss Experiences of Carers. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Safety. London: Routledge, pp. 15–26.

Orton, Helen; Deaves, Amanda; Barnes-Brown, Vikki; Edge, Christopher; Rees, Anna and Prescott, Denise (2024). Experiences of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Undergraduates and Placement Educators of Blended Practice-Based Learning. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care, 12(2) pp. 49–71.

2023To Top

Boyle, Geraldine and Mozdiak, Elizabeth (2023). Young Adult Carers Services in England: Facilitating Choice over Future Caring? Health & Social Care in the Community, 2023, article no. 1466336.

Cook, Jane and Lewitt, Moira (2023). Intersectionality, governmentality and neoliberalism - a reality based framework for nurse education. In: 26th International Philosophy in Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference, 27-29 Sep 2023, Sydney, Australia.

King, Liz and Chadd, Holly (2023). How can the RCN help support nurses who require reasonable adjustments for learning? [Podcast]. Reasonable Adjustments In Nursing Education (RAINE) / Podbean.

King, Liz and Dadich, Ann (2023). Clinician and carer moral concerns when caring for children who tube-feed [Podcast]. Journal of Child Health Care Podcast, SAGE.

King, Liz; Kanaris, Costas and McKeever, Stephen (2023). Mind the power gap: How hierarchical leadership in healthcare is a risk to patient safety [Podcast]. Journal of Child Health Care, SAGE.

King, Liz and Smale, Allison (2023). Dyscalculia, maths anxiety and numerophobia in nursing practice. [Podcast]. Reasonable Adjustments In Nursing Education (RAINE) / Podbean.

Neubeck, Lis; Ross, Catherine; Jones, Jennifer; Simpson, Maggie; Mindham, Richard; Jaarsma, Tiny; Uchmanowicz, Izabella; Hinterbuchner, Lynne and Astin, Felicity (2023). The Core Curriculum for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(7) e62-e113.

Pawlyn, Jillian (2023). Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (PIMD/ PMID/ PMLD). In: Barksby, J. and Charnock, C. eds. Learning Disability Case Studies. McGraw-Hill (In press).

Ryan-Blackwell, Gemma and Wallace, Louise (2023). A content analysis of professional regulator information for public witnesses in a fitness to practise hearing. In: Professional Standards Authority ‘How can regulation research contribute to safer care for all?,, 14 Nov 2023.

2022To Top

Alderson, P.; Bellsham-Revell, H.; Brierley, J.; Dedieu, N.; Heath, J.; Johnson, M.; Johnson, S.; Katsatis, A.; Kazim, R.; King, L.; Mendizabal, R.; Sutcliffe, K.; Trowell, J.; Vigneswaren, T.; Wellesley, H. and Wray, J. (2022). Children's informed, signified and voluntary consent to heart surgery: Professionals’ practical perspectives. Nursing Ethics, 29(4) pp. 1078–1090.

Alderson, Priscilla; Bellsham-Revell, Hannah; Dedieu, Nathalie; King, Liz; Mendizabal, Rosa and Sutcliffe, Katy (2022). Children’s understanding and consent to heart surgery: Multidisciplinary teamwork and moral experiences. Journal of Child Health Care, 27(2) pp. 197–211.

Azuike, Priscilla; Anjoyeb, Mahmood and King, Liz (2022). Bereavement and children’s mental health: Recognising the effects of early parental loss. Nursing Children and Young People, 34(1) pp. 26–32.

Blanchard, Howard T; Carroll, Diane L and Astin, Felicity (2022). Patient experience of informed consent for diagnostic coronary angiogram and follow-on treatments. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 28(11) pp. 305–311.

Dalton O'Connor, Caroline; Caples, Maria and Pawlyn, Jillian (2022). Physical health. In: Atherton, Helen. L. and Crickmore, Debbie. J. eds. Intellectual Disabilities: Towards Inclusion (7th ed.). Elsevier Ltd, pp. 191–212.

Garcia, Rebecca (2022). Chapter 6: Social Determinants of Health. In: Gary, Faye A. and Lotas, Marylin J. eds. A Population Health Approach to Health Disparities for Nurses: Care of Vulnerable Populations. Springer, pp. 105–130.

Garcia, Rebecca; Mozdiak, Elizabeth; Taylor, Anne and Vseteckova, Jitka (2022). A systematic review Protocol to determine interventions that are used to support the spiritual well-being of nurses. In PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews NIHR/PROSPERO.

King, Liz (2022). Benefits of podcasts for healthcare professionals. Journal of Child Health Care, 26(3) pp. 341–342.

King, Liz and Liverpool, Shaun (2022). Associations between child mental health, carer worry and help-seeking [Podcast]. Journal of Child Health Care, SAGE.

King, Liz and Van Schandevyl, Guy (2022). A medication adherence-enhancing simulation intervention in pediatric cystic fibrosis [Podcast]. Journal of Child Health Care, SAGE.

Manderson, Grace and King, Liz (2022). Mobile phone interventions to promote adherence to HIV treatment: mitigating the challenges. Nursing Standard, 37(2) pp. 45–50.

Milne, Pauline and Twycross, Alison (2022). Effectiveness of flipped classroom techniques in nurse education. Evidence-Based Nursing, 25(2) pp. 46–47.

Smeland, Anja H.; Twycross, Alison; Lundeberg, Stefan; Småstuen, Milada C. and Rustøen, Tone (2022). Educational Intervention to Strengthen Pediatric Postoperative Pain Management: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Pain Management Nursing, 23(4) pp. 430–442.

2021To Top

Baker, Ricky; King, Elizabeth and Munn, Flavia (2021). Clinical placements: support for students with a disability or impairment [Podcast]. In Nursing Standard RCNi.

Garbrah, William; Välimäki, Tarja and Kankkunen, Päivi (2021). Facilitating students’ interest in older people nursing: Gerontological nurse teachers under scrutiny. Nurse Education in Practice, 50, article no. 102929.

Garcia, Rebecca; Mahon, Aiofe; ; and (2021). Frailty and spousal/partner bereavement in older people: a scoping review. Journal of Health and Social Care Improvement, 4(1) pp. 14–23.

King, Liz and Whiting, Lisa (2021). Factors influencing nurse retention within children’s palliative care [Podcast]. Journal of Child Health Care, SAGE.

Parker, Roses S; McKeever, Stephen; Twycross, Alison and Wiseman, Theresa (2021). Understanding the toolbox: A mixed methods study of attitudes, barriers and facilitators in parental intervention of children’s cancer pain at home. Journal of Child Health Care, 25(1) pp. 126–145.

Pawlyn, Jillian (2021). Reflections on writing journal articles. Learning Disability Practice, 24(5), article no. e2074.

Qureshi, Irtiza; Garcia, Rebecca; Ali, Nasreen and Randhawa, Gurch (2021). Understanding the disproportionate effects of COVID-19 on nurses from ethnic minority backgrounds. Nursing Standard, 36(9) pp. 29–34.

Twycross, Alison (2021). Living with long Covid: some reflections 14 months down the line. Evidence Based Nursing, 24(3) pp. 69–70.

Twycross, Alison and Barrett, David (2021). Effectiveness of empathy education for undergraduate nursing students. Evidence Based Nursing, 24(4) p. 119.

2020To Top

Barrett, David and Twycross, Alison (2020). Student mental health and well-being: are universities doing enough? Evidence-Based Nursing, 23 pp. 33–34.

Garbrah, William; Kankkunen, Päivi and Välimäki, Tarja (2020). Development and validation of gerontological nurse teacher scale. Nurse Education in Practice, 44, article no. 102763.

Haroune, Valerie and King, Liz (2020). Factors contributing to parental ‘vaccine hesitancy’ for childhood immunisations. Nursing Children and Young People, 32(4) pp. 20–25.

Kubiak, Chris; Walker, Susan; Draper, Jan; Acton, Faye; Clark, Elisabeth; Rogers, Jill; Rogers, Melanie and Dearnley, Christine (2020). They come with their own ideas of what they want’: Healthcare educator, advanced practice student and manager perspectives on learning outcomes. Journal of Education and Work, 33(4) pp. 312–325.

Parker, Roses S; Wiseman, Theresa; Twycross, Alison and McKeever, Stephen (2020). Manifestation and parental assessment of children’s cancer pain at home: an exploratory mixed methods study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(21-22) pp. 4128–4147.

Qureshi, Irtiza; Ali, Nasreen; Garcia, Rebecca and Randhawa, Gurch (2020). Interventions to Widen Participation for Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Men into the Nursing Profession: A Scoping Review. Diversity and Equality in Healthcare, 17(2) pp. 107–114.

2019To Top

Boyle, Geraldine (2019). Beyond lipstick and woodwork: Why gender matters when living with dementia. In: Pickard, Susan and Robinson, Jude eds. Ageing, the Body and the Gender Regime: Health, illness and disease across the life course. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 113–127.

Constantinou, Georgina; Garcia, Rebecca; Cook, Erica and Randhawa, Gurch (2019). Children’s unmet palliative care needs: a scoping review of parents’ perspectives. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 9(4) pp. 439–450.

Ryan, Gemma S (2019). e-professionalism & nursing education: The Awareness to Action (A2A) educational framework. In: Dyson, Susan and McCallister, Margaret eds. Routledge International Handbook of Nurse Education. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Watson, Naomi Anna (2019). Communication and diversity. In: Norman, Kay ed. Communication Skills for Nursing and Healthcare Students. Banbury: Lantern Publishing, pp. 105–123.

2018To Top

Ali, Nasreen; Quereshi, Iritza; Sidika, Tamanna; Mondokova, Andrea; Muhmood, Sultan; Jan, Azra; Garcia, Rebecca; Cook, Erica; Burden, Barbara; Reid, Caroline and Randhawa, Gurch (2018). Barriers and Enablers for UK Home Grown South Asian Prospective Students Choosing Nursing and Midwifery Courses and Careers. Diversity and Equality in Healthcare, 15(4) pp. 190–197.

Clark, Elisabeth; Draper, Janet and Taylor, Ruth (2018). Editorial: Healthcare education research: The case for rethinking hierarchies of evidence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(11) pp. 2480–2483.

King, Liz (2018). Exploring student nurses’ and their link lecturers' experiences of reasonable adjustments in clinical placement. In: North West London Research Symposium, 27 Sep 2018, Imperial College, London.

King, Liz (2018). Exploring student nurses’ and their link lecturers' experiences of reasonable adjustments in clinical placement. In: Imperial College Healthcare Trust Nursing Conference, 22 Nov 2018, Hammersmith Hospital.

Pekkola, Maarit and Garbrah, William (2018). Social support experiences of breast cancer patients. JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies e72-e79.

Ryan, Gemma S and Cornock, Marc (2018). Awareness into Action (A2A): a tool for making decisions about professionalism on social media. In: 2nd Digital Health and Wellbeing Conference, 1-3 May 2018, Open University, Milton Keynes.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2018). Professionalism in Social Media: The 3Cs rule. In: RCN International Research Conference, 16-18 Apr 2018, University of Birmingham Medical School.

Tauber-Gilmore, Marcelle; Norton, Christine; Procter, Sue; Murrells, Trevor; Addis, Gulen; Baillie, Lesley; Velasco, Pauline; Athwal, Preet; Kayani, Saeema and Zahran, Zainab (2018). Development of tools to measure dignity for older people in acute hospitals. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(19-20) pp. 3706–3718.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Deepak-Gopinath, Manik; Dadova, Klara; Borgstrom, Erica; Ryan, Gemma; Gracia, Rosaria and Holland, Caroline (2018). Barriers and facilitators to adherence to walking group exercise in older people living with dementia in the community: a systematic review protocol. In PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews Prospero - International Prospective register of Systematic Reviews.

2017To Top

Boyle, Geraldine (2017). Revealing gendered identity and agency in dementia. Health and Social Care in the Community, 25(6) pp. 1787–1793.

Boyle, Geraldine and Warren, Lorna (2017). Showing how they feel: the emotional reflexivity of people with dementia. Families, Relationships and Societies, 6(1) pp. 3–19.

Darch, Joy; Baillie, Lesley and Gillison, Fiona (2017). Nurses as role models in health promotion: a concept analysis. British Journal of Nursing, 26(17) pp. 982–988.

Garbrah, William; Välimäki, Tarja; Palovaara, Marjo and Kankkunen, Päivi (2017). Nursing curriculums may hinder a career in gerontological nursing: An integrative review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 12(3), article no. e12152.

King, Liz (2017). Link lecturers' views on supporting student nurses who have a learning difficulty in clinical placement. In: North West London Research Symposium, 20 Sep 2017, Imperial College, London.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2017). Critical realist ethnography: from philosophy to the practice of research analysis. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference and Exhibition 2017, 4-7 Apr 2017, Oxford.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2017). Professional socialisation, accountability and social media: what’s the relationship and should we care? In: Nursing education and professional development: the global perspective Conference and exhibition hosted by the RCN Education Forum, 21-22 Mar 2017, Cardiff, Wales.

Sfar-Gandoura, Hanah; Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Melvin, Gail (2017). Evaluation of a drop-in clinic for young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Nursing Children & Young People, 29(5) pp. 24–32.

Stewart-Lord, Adéle; Baillie, Lesley and Woods, Sandie (2017). Health care staff perceptions of a coaching and mentoring programme: a qualitative case study evaluation. International Journal of Evidence-based Coaching and Mentoring, 15(2) pp. 70–85.

Sykes, Susie; Baillie, Lesley; Thomas, Beth; Scotter, Judith and Martin, Fiona (2017). Enhancing Care Transitions for Older People through Interprofessional Simulation: A Mixed Method Evaluation. International Journal of Integrated Care, 17(6), article no. 3.

Tauber-Gilmore, Marcelle; Addis, Gulen; Zahran, Zainab; Black, Sally; Baillie, Lesley; Procter, Sue and Norton, Christine (2017). The views of older people and health professionals about dignity in acute hospital care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(1-2) pp. 223–234.

2016To Top

Draper, Janet; Clark, Liz and Rogers, Jill (2016). Manager's role in maximizing investment in continuing professional education. Nursing Management, 22(9) pp. 30–36.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Cuthbert, Kate; Dryden, Tanya; Baker, Denise and Forman, Dawn (2016). Going 4D: Embedding the Four Dimensional Framework for Curriculum Design. In: Forman, Dawn; Jones, Marion and Thistlethwaite, Joan eds. Leading Research and Evaluation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99–121.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Sfar-Gandoura, Hanah (2016). Engaging, Listening, Informing: Using social media in disseminating clinical research to patients & the public. In: 2nd International Health Forum; International Health Conference 2016, 20-22 Jun 2016, Kings College London.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Sfar-Gandoura, Hanah (2016). ADHD One Stop Shop: a nurse-led, multi-agency drop in clinic for young people with ADHD. In: RCN International Research Conference 2016, 6-8 Apr 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sieminski, Sandy; Messenger, Julie and Murphy, Sam (2016). Case study: what supports students to improve their grades? Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 31(2) pp. 141–151.

2015To Top

Harrison-White, Karen and King, Elizabeth (2015). Hub and spoke model for nursing student placements in the UK, Nursing Children and Young People. Nursing Children and Young People, 27(2) pp. 24–29.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2015). International perspectives on social media guidance for nurses: a content analysis. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2015, 20-22 Apr 2015, Nottingham, UK.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Haroon, Munib and Melvin, Gail (2015). Evaluation of an educational website for parents of children with ADHD. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84(11) pp. 974–981.

Ryan, Gemma (2015). Permission to be proud. Health Times.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2015). 4Es of good degrees: what makes pre-registration nurses successful in achieving good degrees. In: RCN Education forum international conference and exhibition 2015, 10-11 Mar 2015, Nottingham, UK.

2014To Top

Ryan, Gemma; Burton, Louise and Bromley, Debbie (2014). A nurse-led sleep service for children and young people with disability. Primary Health Care, 24(6) pp. 16–23.

Ryan, Gemma and Cashin-Garbutt, April [Interviewer] (2014). ADHD information on social media: An interview with Gemma Ryan. News

Ryan, Gemma Sinead (2014). Can the use of a Facebook group in addition to classroom teaching enhance exam success in a Drug Calculations module? In: The 5th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP 2014), 22-25 Jun 2014, Noordwijekhout, Netherlands.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead and Davies, Fiona (2014). SOS: SignpOSt - Support & advice needs of Nursing Students; focus group perspectives in developing an online, interactive support tool. In: The 5th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP 2014), 22-25 Jun 2014, Noordwijekhout, Netherlands.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Melvin, Gail; Hartwell, Lynne; Pringle, Thomas and Haroon, Munib (2014). Achieving ‘Time and Target’: Lessons Learnt from a community based, observational multi-site NIHR portfolio research study. In: Health Services Research Network Symposium 2014, 19-20 Jun 2014, Nottingham.

Williams, Val; Boyle, Geraldine; Jepson, Marcus; Swift, Paul; Williamson, Toby and Heslop, Pauline (2014). Best interests decisions: professional practices in health and social care. Health & Social Care in the Community, 22(1) pp. 78–86.

2013To Top

McIntosh-Scott, Annette; Mason, Tom; Mason-Whitehead, Elizabeth and Coyle, David eds. (2013). Key Concepts in Nursing and Healthcare Resesarch. SAGE Key Concepts series. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Boyle, Geraldine (2013). Facilitating decision-making by people with dementia: is spousal support gendered? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 35(2) pp. 227–243.

Boyle, Geraldine (2013). Still a woman’s job: the division of housework in couples living with dementia. Families, Relationships & Societies, 2(1) pp. 5–21.

Coyle, David (2013). Evaluation Research. In: McIntosh-Scott, Annette; Mason, Tom; Mason-Whitehead, Elizabeth and Coyle, David eds. Key Concepts in Nursing and Healthcare Resesarch. SAGE Key Concepts series. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 39–43.

Draper, Jan and Clark, Liz (2013). Continuing professional education: optimising impact on healthcare practice. In: 16th Australasian Nurse Educators Conference, 9-11 Oct 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

King, Liz (2013). Parental Refusal of Consent for their Child's Medical Treatment: An Ethical, Professional and Legal Dilemma. British Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing, 14(8) pp. 11–17.

Rowe, John (2013). Enhancing carers' experiences of mental health services. Mental Health Practice, 17(2) pp. 24–26.

Watson, Naomi (2013). The personal costs of caring: nurses and nursing work. In: Caribbean Studies Association 38th Annual Conference, 3-7 Jun 2013, Grenada.

2012To Top

Jones, Linda and Douglas, Jenny eds. (2012). Public Health: Building Innovative Practice. Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications.

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Jan (2012). Enhancing the impact of continuing professional education on practice: whose responsibility is it? In: ISSOTL12 (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning): Research on Teaching & Learning: Integrating Practices, 24-27 Oct 2012, Hamilton, ON, Canada.

Clark, Elisabeth (2012). Innovation and its contribution to the scholarship of learning and teaching. Nurse Education Today, 32(7) pp. 729–731.

Haroon, M.; Ryan, G.; Randell, M.; Wilson, J. and Khatau, T. (2012). What is the effectiveness of dimethylglycine in treating autistic symptoms in children: a systematic review. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl 2) A183-A184.

Rowe, John (2012). A covenant between mental health services and family carers. Mental Health Practice, 16(2) pp. 22–23.

Ryan, Gemma Sinead; Melvin, Gail and Hartwell, Lynne (2012). Proposed research study into the age at death and cause of death in Gypsies & Travellers. In: Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Annual Research Conference, May 2012, Leicester, UK.

Williams, Val; Boyle, Geraldine; Jepson, Marcus; Swift, Paul; Williamson, Toby and Heslop, Pauline (2012). Making Best Interests Decisions: People and Processes. Mental Health Foundation, London.

2011To Top

Alakeson, Vidhya and Coyle, David (2011). Personal health budgets and the role of nursing. Nursing Standard, 25(26) pp. 35–39.

Coyle, David (2011). Impact of person-centred thinking and personal budgets in mental health services: reporting a UK pilot. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 18(9) pp. 796–803.

2010To Top

Boyle, Geraldine (2010). Social policy for people with dementia in England: promoting human rights? Health and Social Care in the Community, 18(5) pp. 511–519.

Counihan, Sheila (2010). Maintaining connectivity and enhancing communication through the use of text messaging in an undergraduate nursing programme. In: RCN Joint Education Forums’ Conference and Exhibition. Partners in Practice, 21-22 Feb 2010, Blackpool.

Coyle, David and Lunt, Julie (2010). Person-Centred Planning. In: Talbot, Pat; Astbury, Geoff and Mason, Tom eds. Key Concepts in Learning Disabilities. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 193–198.

Mason, Tom; Worsley, Aidan and Coyle, David (2010). Forensic multidisciplinary perspectives of Tarasoff liability: a vignette study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 21(4) pp. 549–554.

Messenger, Julie and Waights, Verina (2010). Breaking circuits. In: Nurse Education Tomorrow, 7-9 Sep 2009, Cambridge, UK.

Rowe, John (2010). Information disclosure to family caregivers: Applying Thiroux's framework. Nursing Ethics, 17(4) pp. 435–444.

Rowe, John (2010). Commentary on Skar R (2010) The meaning of autonomy in nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(17-18) pp. 2662–2663.

Watson, Naomi (2010). User engagement and African Caribbean experiences in child and family services. In: Guishard-Pine, Jeune ed. Psychology, Race Equality and Working with Children. London: Trentham Books.

2009To Top

Cardwell, Mike; Clark, Liz and Meldrum, Claire eds. (2009). Psychology A2 for AQA A (4th ed.). London: HarperCollins.

Cardwell, Mike; Clark, Liz; Meldrum, Claire and Wadeley, Alison eds. (2009). Psychology for A2 Level for AQA (A) (4th ed.). London: HarperCollins.

Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah; Handsley, Stephen; Jones, Linda; Lloyd, Cathy E. and Spurr, Sue eds. (2009). A Reader in Promoting Public Health: Challenge and Controversy (2nd Edition). Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications Ltd..

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Janet (2009). Maximising the impact of continuing professional education on practice. In: New Types of Worker in Health and Social Care conference: First International Research Conference, 22-23 Jan 2009, London.

Coyle, David (2009). Public Health and Mental Health. In: Wilson, Frances and Mabhala, Mzwandile eds. Key Concepts in Public Health. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 225–229.

Draper, Janet and Clark, Elisabeth (2009). The Impact on Practice project. In: Higher Education Academic Festival of LEarning, 11 Mar 2009, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Messenger, Julie (2009). Online learning to support practice development. In: RCN Joint Education Forums’ 2nd International Conference and Exhibition, 11 Jun 2009, Glasgow.

Sparrow, Shelagh; Draper, Janet and Clark, Elisabeth (2009). Maximising the impact of continuing professional education on practice. In: Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice Conference First International Conference, 2 Apr 2009, National University of Ireland, Galway.

2008To Top

Boyle, Geraldine (2008). The Mental Capacity Act 2005: promoting the citizenship of people with dementia? Health and Social Care in the Community, 16(5) pp. 529–537.

Boyle, Geraldine (2008). Autonomy in long-term care: a need, a right or a luxury? Disability and Society, 23(4) pp. 299–310.

Clark, E. and Cunningham, G. (2008). Alliance is worthy of any Royal College. Nursing Standard, 22(20) pp. 26–27.

Clark, Elisabeth (2008). Leading by example. Nursing Management, 15(6) pp. 12–15.

Clark, Elisabeth (2008). Partners in practice. Nursing Management, 15(3) pp. 12–13.

Clark, Liz (2008). Distance learning: A modern and flexible way to learn. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 2(7) pp. 342–346.

Mason, T.; Coyle, D. and Lovell, A. (2008). Forensic psychiatric nursing: skills and competencies: II clinical aspects. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 15(2) pp. 131–139.

Mason, T.; Lovell, A. and Coyle, D. (2008). Forensic psychiatric nursing: skills and competencies: I role dimensions. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 15(2) pp. 118–130.

Watson, Naomi (2008). The contribution of Mary Seacole to nursing in the British health care system. In: Caribbean Studies Association Annual Conference, 26-30 May 2008, San Andrés Isla, Colombia.

2007To Top

Beaumont, Kythe; Douglas, Jenny; Heller, Tom and Jones, Linda (2007). Making and changing healthy public policy. In: Lloyd, Cathy E.; Handsley, Stephen; Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah and Spurr, Sue eds. Policy and Practice in Promoting Public Health. London: Sage/OU, pp. 65–93.

Clark, E.; Draper, J. and Attree, M. (2007). Evaluating the impact of healthcare education: Approaches and challenges. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, 1-4 May 2007, Dundee, Scotland.

Clark, E.; Draper, J. and Attree, M. (2007). Evaluating the impact of healthcare education: the challenges and a way forward. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, 1-4 May 2007, Dundee, Scotland.

Heller, Tom; Beaumont, Kythé; Earle, Sarah; Douglas, Jenny and Jones, Linda (2007). Addressing poverty and health. In: Lloyd, Cathy E.; Handsley, Stephen; Douglas, Jenny; Earle, Sarah and Spurr, Sue eds. Policy and Pactice in Promoting Public Health. London: Sage Publications, in association with The Open University, pp. 155–185.

2006To Top

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Janet (2006). The impact of continuing professional education on professional practice: A call for urgent action. In: 1st NETNEP International Nurse Education Conference, May 2006, Vancouver.

2005To Top

2004To Top

Boyle, Geraldine (2004). Facilitating choice and control for older people in long-term care. Health and Social Care in the Community, 12(3) pp. 212–220.

2001To Top

Jones, Linda and Davis, Adrian (2001). Young people, transport and environmental risk. In: Heller, Tom; Muston, Rosemary; Sidell, Moyra and Lloyd, Cathy eds. Working for Health. Published in association with The Open University. London: Sage, pp. 144–153.

Jones, Linda and Rose, Wendy (2001). Promoting Health through Social Services. In: Scriven, A. and Orme, J. eds. Health promotion: Professional Perspectives (2nd Edition). Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, pp. 95–104.

Rose, Wendy and Jones, Linda (2001). Social Services and health promotion: towards independence and empowerment. In: Scriven, Angela and Orme, Judy eds. Health Promotion: Professional Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 95–104.

Watson, Naomi A. (2001). Nursing in primary care: An introduction. In: Watson, Naomi A. and Wilkinson, Carol eds. Nursing in Primary Care: A Handbook for Students. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 1–28.

Watson, Naomi A. (2001). Equal value, equal care: Differences and diversity, primary care perspectives. In: Watson, Naomi A. and Wilkinson, Carol eds. Nursing in Primary Care: A Handbook for Students. Baskingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 119–138.

Watson, Naomi A. (2001). Assessing the needs of individuals and communities. In: Watson, Naomi A. and Wilkinson, Carol eds. Nursing in primary care: A handbook for students. Baskingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Watson, Nicola A. (2001). Coping with chronic illness in primary care settings. In: Watson, Naomi A. and Wilkinson, Carol eds. Nursing in Primary Care: A Handbook for Students. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 223–239.

Watson, Nicola A. (2001). Conclusion: The future of nursing in primary care. In: Watson, Naomi A. and Wilkinson, Carol eds. Nursing in Primary Care: A Handbook for Students. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

2000To Top

Clark, Elisabeth (2000). The historical context of research in midwifery. In: Proctor, S. and Renfrew, M. eds. Linking research and practice in midwifery: A guide to evidence-based practice. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall, pp. 35–54.

Czespura, A.; Johnson, M.; Miles, P.; Watson, N. and Pawar, A. (2000). An evaluation of the 1998 development programme for black and minority ethnic managers in the West Midlands NHS: the final report of a twenty month longitudinal study. Warwick Business School, Centre for Health Services Studies.

Jones, Linda; Davis, Adrian and Eyers, Tim (2000). Young people, transport and risk: comparing access and independent mobility in urban, suburban and rural environments. Health Education Journal, 59(4) pp. 315–328.

Jones, Linda and Tucker, Stan (2000). Exploring continuity and change. In: Brechin, Ann; Brown, Hilary and Eby, Maureen eds. Critical Practice in Health and Social Care. Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 3–24.

Tucker, Stan and Jones, Linda (2000). Reshaping welfare: Voices from the debate. In: Davies, Celia; Finlay, Linda and Bullman, Anne eds. Changing Practice in Health and Social Care. Published in association with The Open University. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 8–16.

1999To Top

1998To Top

Johns, Christopher (1998). Becoming an effective practitioner through guided reflection. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Jones, Linda J. (1998). Evaluating market principles in health care. In: Allott, Margaret and Robb, Martin eds. Understanding Health and Social Care. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 295–300.

Jones, Linda J. (1998). Changing health care. In: Brechin, Ann; Katz, Jeanne; Johnson, Julia and Peace, Sheila eds. Care Matters: Concepts, Practice and Research in Health and Social Care. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 154–170.

1997To Top

Jones, Linda and Sidell, Moyra eds. (1997). The challenge of promoting health: Exploration and action. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Anyanwu, E. and Watson, N. (1997). Alcohol dependence: A critical look at effects of alcohol metabolism. Reviews on Environmental Health, 12(3) pp. 201–213.

Clark, E. and Sleep, J. (1997). Determining effective care: The midwifery contribution. In: Sweet, B. and Tiran, D. eds. Mayes' Midwifery: A Textbook for Midwifery. London: Bailliere Trindall, pp. 1069–1086.

Jones, Linda (1997). From girl to woman to mother. In: Henderson, Christine and Jones, Kathleen eds. Essential Midwifery: A Woman Centred Approach. London: Mosby Ltd, pp. 25–52.

Jones, Linda (1997). Health promotion and public policy. In: Jones, Linda and Sidell, Moyra eds. The Challenge of Promoting Health: Exploration and Action. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 91–111.

1996To Top

Davis, A. and Jones, L. J. (1996). Children in the urban environment: an issue for the new public health agenda. Health & Place, 2(2) pp. 107–113.

Davis, Adrian and Jones, Linda (1996). Environmental constraints on health: Listening to children's views. Health Education Journal, 55(4) pp. 363–374.

Jones, Linda (1996). Professionals, the State and the Development of Mental Health Policy. In: Heller, Tom; Reynolds, Jill; Gomm, Roger; Muston, Rosemary and Pattison, Stephen eds. Mental Health Matters. London: Macmillan, pp. 125–149.

Jones, Linda (1996). Promoting health: Everybody's business? In: Katz, Jeanne and Peberdy, Alyson eds. Promoting Health: Knowledge and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–17.

Jones, Linda (1996). Putting transport on the social policy agenda. In: May, Margaret; Brinsdon, Edward and Gans, Gary eds. Social Policy Review 8, Volume 8. London: Social Policy Association, pp. 247–264.

1995To Top

Clark, E. and Gournay, K. (1995). The individual and health. In: Schober, Jane E. and Hinchliffe, Susan M. eds. Towards Advanced Practice: Key concepts for health care. London: Hodder Arnold, pp. 49–74.

Clark, Elisabeth (1995). Open learning: Educational opportunity or convenient solution to practical problems in higher education. In: Thomas, Diana ed. Flexible Learning Strategies in Higher and Further Education. London: Cassell, pp. 26–39.

Jones, Linda (1995). Business elites and political power: economic influences on urban policy-making. In: Jones, Helen and Lansley, John eds. Social Policy and the City. Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 1–26.

1994To Top

Clark, E. and Robinson, K. (1994). Open learning in nursing and midwifery: The state of the art. Nurse Education Today, 14(4) pp. 257–263.

Jones, Linda J. (1994). The Social context of health and health work. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

1993To Top

Beattie, Alan; Gott, Marjorie; Jones, Linda and Sidell, Moyra eds. (1993). Health and wellbeing: A reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Clark, Elisabeth and Montague, Susan (1993). The nature of stress and its implications for nursing practice. In: Hinchliff, Susan M.; Norman, Susan E. and Schober, Jane E. eds. Nursing Practice and Health Care (2nd edition). London: Edward Arnold, pp. 214–246.

Sleep, J. and Clark, E. (1993). Major new survey to identify and prioritise research issues for midwifery practice. Midwives' Chronicle, 106 pp. 217–218.

1992To Top

Clark, Elisabeth (1992). Psychological perspectives. In: Robinson, Kate and Vaughan, Barbara eds. Knowledge for Nursing Practice. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 89–109.

1991To Top

Clark, E. and Sleep, J. (1991). The what and how of teaching research. Nurse Education Today, 11(2) pp. 172–178.

1990To Top

Clark, E. (1990). Making sense of descriptive statistics. Nursing Standard, 4(46) pp. 36–41.

Clark, Elisabeth (1990). Research and common sense. In: Horne, E. ed. The Ward Sister’s Survival Guide. The Professional developments series. London: Austen Cornish, pp. 284–289.

Clark, Elisabeth (1990). Research awareness: Its importance in practice. In: Horne, E. ed. The Ward Sister’s Survival Guide. The Professional developments series. London: Austen Cornish, pp. 279–283.


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