Currently browsing: Education
2025To Top
Chappell, Kerry; Cremin, Teresa and Crickmay, Ursula
Dennis, Carol Azumah and Chandler, Judy
Dery, Portia; Hedges, Claire and Okada, Alexandra (2025). Catch Up Learning Programmes: A Landscape Review in the NGO Space – Research Report. The Open University.
Dorrian, Jane (2025). Why getting active with children is good for parents too. OpenLearn.
Gibson, Poppy
Glover, Alison; Bleasdale, Catharine; Clifton, Grace and Thomas, Angela
Howard, Neil; Roelen, Keetie; Ton, Giel; Espinoza Hermoza, Mauricio; Al Mamun, Saklain; Chowdhury, Kabita; Aktar, Taslima and Huq, Lopita
Howard, Neil; Roelen, Keetie; Ton, Giel; Hermoza, Mauricio Espinoza; Al Mamun, Saklain; Chowdhury, Kabita; Aktar, Taslima and Huq, Lopita
Lee, Clare and Morgan, John
Mumtaz, Zahid and Roelen, Keetie
Okada, Alexandra (2025). Cartografia do conhecimento para jovens pensadores: Questões de sustentabilidade, técnicas de mapeamento e inteligência artificial. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra (2025). Knowledge Cartography for Young Thinkers: Sustainability Issues, Mapping Techniques and AI Tools. Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing. Switzerland: Springer.
Okada, Alexandra (2025). Catch Up Education: Research Evaluation Framework. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Ebubedike, Margaret; Hedges, Claire and Zwier, Janelle (2025). Catch Up Education Research Report: Foundational Literacy, Numeracy, and Social Emotional Learning Skills in Vulnerable, Conflict, and Migrant Settings. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Ebubedike, Margaret; Hedges, Claire and Zwier, Janelle (2025). Catch Up Education in Ethiopia: Addressing Foundational Literacy, Numeracy, and Social Emotional Learning Skills in Conflict Affected Areas – Research Report. . The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Ebubedike, Margaret; Hedges, Claire and Zwier, Janelle (2025). Catch Up Education in Zimbabwe: Addressing Foundational Literacy, Numeracy, and Social Emotional Learning Skills in Vulnerable Settings – Research Report. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Ebubedike, Margaret; Hedges, Claire and Zwier, Janelle (2025). Catch Up Education in Chile: Addressing Foundational Literacy, Numeracy, and Social Emotional Learning Skills in Vulnerable Settings – Research Report. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Sherborne, Tony; Panselinas, Giorgos and Kolionis, George
Rienties, Bart; Roelen, Keetie; Oakley, Ben; Duncan, Elaine and Pengel, Liset
Rodriguez Leon, Lucy and Plowright-Pepper, Linda
Roelen, Keetie and Rodriguez, Karol
Sams, Lorna; Langdown, Ben L.; Simons, Joan and Vseteckova, Jitka
Stutchbury, Kris; Ebubedike, Margaret; Chamberlain, Liz and Amos, Sandra
Swift, Di
2024To Top
Johnston-Wilder, Sue and Lee, Clare eds. (2024). The Mathematical Resilience Book: How Everyone Can Progress in Mathematics. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge.
Musgrave, Jackie; Dorrian, Jane; Josephidou, Jo; Langdown, Ben and Rodriguez Leon, Lucy eds. (2024). Promoting Physical Development and Activity in Early Childhood: Practical Ideas for Early Years Settings. Little Minds Matter, 1. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Addis, Mark and Eckert, Claudia
Aggleton, Jen; Mannard, Emily; Aljanahi, Mona Humaid and Ehret, Christian
Aktar, Afrin; Roelen, Keetie and Ton, Giel
Alcock, Sarah; Rienties, Bart; Aristeidou, Maria and Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Soraya
Alla-Mensah, Joyceline and Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric
Ashley, Kelly; Cremin, Teresa; Jealous, Jenni and Jordan, Curtis
Baker, Sally; Burke, Rachel; Cabiles, Bonita; Fox, Alison and Molle, Tebeje
Batra, Namrita
Bhandari, Renu; Butcher, John; Foley, Karen and McCormick, Mick
Buckler, Alison and Mkwananzi, Faith (2024). “But here, we think in pictures first”: principles and practices for text-free storytelling workshops. The Ibali Knowledge Hub.
Bugallo, Lucía; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Scheuer, Nora; Cremin, Teresa; Montoro, Virginia; Golinkoff, Roberta; Preston, Marcia; Wah Cheng, Doris Pui and Popp, Jill
Burke, Rachel; Baker, Sally; Molla, Tebeje; Cabiles, Bonita and Fox, Alison
Butcher, John; Bhandari, Renu; Foley, Karen; McCormick, Mick and Curry, George
Chandler, Judith
Charania, Amina; Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda; Sen, Sohini and Adinolfi, Lina
Clare, Lee
Clare, Lee
Clifton, Grace and Bleasdale, Catharine
Cole-Jones, Nia; Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jones, Mathew and Wallis, Rachel
Cremin, Teresa (2024). The Open University literacy research. Doorstep Library.
Cremin, Teresa (2024). Writing poetry for pleasure. In Children's Poetry Summit Children's Poetry Summit.
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa (2024). Let’s talk about it: Reading for Pleasure and book talk. Collins, Book Squad website.
Cremin, Teresa and Hendry, Helen
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Hulston, Samantha Jayne
Cremin, Teresa; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Aerila, Juli‐Anna; Kauppinen, Merja; Siipola, Mari and Lähteelä, Johanna
Cremin, Teresa and Scholes, Laura
Defis, Nerys
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah; Aubrey-Smith, Fiona; Álvarez, Inma; Waterhouse, Philippa and Ferguson, Gillian
Doka, Jane S.
Dorrian, Jane
Dorrian, Jane (2024). What is a tutorial? Exposing the hidden curriculum of higher education. British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK.
Dowdeswell, Emily
Downing, Verity
Ebubedike, Margaret; Akyeampong, Albert; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Dery, Portia; Boateng, Felicia and Doka, Jane
Power of Parents: Exploring the potential role of parents and caregivers in strengthening language development and literacy acquisition for children aged 3-12 in Sub-Saharan Africa
Extended Literature Review.
The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Ebubedike, Margaret; Dawadi, Saraswati; Alla-Mensah, Joyceline; Kwaibwe, Henry N.; Kamunvi, Eric-Robert; Cingtho, Diana; Mwesi Habagaya, Yosia; Kyaidhi, Lilian and Ngobi, Prossy (2024). Report on stakeholders' consultative engagement on trafficking in persons in Uganda. The Open University.
Emke, Martina and Kelly, Olivia
Gibson, Poppy (2024). Nurturing Wellbeing in Academia: How to Prioritise Your Mental Health. Surviving and Thriving in Academia. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Gibson, Poppy (2024). Who am I teaching? Sage (In press).
Gibson, Poppy
Gibson, Poppy
Gibson, Poppy (2024). Girls Online: An Exploration into the Relationships between Social Media Use and Wellbeing for 8–11-Year-Old Girls. In SSRN SSRN.
Gibson, Poppy
Gibson, Poppy and Carter, Jayne
Gibson, Poppy; Scott, Mike and Clarkson, Rebecca
Glover, A.; Jones, M.; Thomas, A. and Worrall, L.
Glover, Alison and Lee, Clare
Glover, Alison and Stewart, Sarah
Glover, Alison and Stewart, Sarah (2024). Addressing teacher education recruitment in Wales – two new paths to teaching. British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK.
Greenhalgh, Marie and Gibson, Poppy (2024). All the Things They Never Told You About Teaching: Facilitating Conversations Around Sensitive Topics With Our Learners. London: Routledge.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Harrison, Neil; Baker, Zoe; Ellis, Katie and Stevenson, Jacqueline
Hathaway, Tanya; Jones, Lowri; Glover, Alison; Ayres, Julian and Jones, Mathew
Hedges, Claire; Rahman, Hafiz; Power, Tom and Stevenson, Jacqueline (2024). Maximising the impact of online teacher development courses to improve teaching and learning: lessons for national directors and education officers. CSGD Policy Brief #2. The Open University.
Hedges, Claire; Rahman, Hafiz; Power, Tom and Stevenson, Jacqueline (2024). Realising the potential of online teacher development courses to improve student learning: lessons for Local Education Officers. CSGD Policy Brief #3. The Open University.
Hendry, Helen; Teszenyi, Eleonora; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy; Maynes, Mary-Louise; Dorrian, Jane and Edwards, Tracey
Horsley, Karen (2024). Waitangi Day- learning in collaboration with kaiako (educators), tamariki (children) and places in two Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres in New Zealand. Early Childhood Blog, EC@OU; The Open University.
Horsley, Karen
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Upadhaya, Anu; O'Hagan, Lauren Alex; Wingrove, Peter; Adamu, Amina; Greenfield, Mari; Lombardozzi, Lorena; Sah, Pramod K.; Tsiga, Ismaila A.; Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda
Jones, Lowri; Hathaway, Tanya; Glover, Alison; Ayres, Julian; Williams, Gwawr and Jones, Mathew (2024). An evaluation of the emergency online teaching provision in Wales’ Initial Teacher Education courses. Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Jones, Megan and Worrall, Leigh
Josephidou, Joanne and Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy
Josephidou, Joanne; Teszenyi, Eleonora; Buck, Julie; Dorrian, Jane; Plowright-Pepper, Linda and Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy (2024). The Early Childhood Student Journey (Phase 1). The Open University.
Kroese, Ingeborg C.
Kroese, Ingeborg C.
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Power, Tom; Dawadi, Saraswati; Rahman, S. M. Hafizur and Parvin, Tauhida
Lee, Clare
Lee, Clare and Sue, Johnston-Wilder
Lee, Clare and Sue, Johnston-Wilder
Lister, Kate; Riva, Elena; Hartley, Alison; Waterhouse, Philippa; Moller, Naomi; Downes, Leigh; Coughlan, Tim; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; McPherson, Elaine; Macdonald, Ian; Jones-Tinsley, Sophie; Brown, Cath and Tudor, Ruth
Loh, Chin Ee; Cremin, Teresa and Scholes, Laura
MacKenzie, Alison; Owaineh, Mohammed and Bower, Christine
Mcallister, Katie
Moore, Rhiannon
Musgrave, Jackie (2024). Early Childhood Health Promotion: A Toolkit for Early Childhood Education and Care Practitioners. The Open University.
Musgrave, Jackie
Okada, Ale; Ebubedike, Margaret; Hedges, Claire and Zwier, Janelle (2024). Catch Up Programme: Addressing Foundational Literacy, Numeracy, and Social Emotional Skills in Conflict Affected Areas of Ethiopia – Research Report. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Okada, Alexandra
Okada, Alexandra
Okada, Alexandra
Okada, Alexandra ed. (2024). Escolarização Aberta e Inclusiva com Ciência Engajadora e orientada para o Futuro: Práticas baseadas em evidências, Princípio e Artefatos. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Hedges, Claire; Zwier, Janelle; Mukandakanda, Blessing and Chokera, Richard (2024). Research Brief: Co-Evaluation of the World Vision Catch-Up Programme in Zimbabwe. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Panselinas, Giorgios; Bizoi, Mihai; Malagrida, Rosina and Torres, Patricia
Okada, Alexandra; Panselinas, Giorgios; Bizoi, Mihai; Malagrida, Rosina and Torres, Patricia
Okada, Alexandra; Panselinas, Giorgios; Bizoi, Mihai; Malagrida, Rosina and Torres, Patricia
Okada, Alexandra; Panselinas, Giorgios; Bizoi, Mihai; Malagrida, Rosina and Torres, Patricia
Okada, Alexandra; Panselinas, Giorgos; Bizoi, Mihai; Malagrida, Rosina and Torres, Patricia Lupion
O’Reilly, Michelle; Levine, Diane; Batchelor, Rachel and Adams, Sarah
Payler, Jane; Cooper, Victoria and Bennett, Stephanie
Pearson, Emma; Rao, Nirmala; Siraj, Iram; Aboud, Frances; Horton, Caroline and Hendry, Helen
Pountney, Richard and Swift, Diane
Power, Tom; Rahman, Hafiz and Stevenson, Jacqueline (2024). Realising the potential of online teacher development courses to improve student learning — a brief for eLearning providers. CSGD Policy Brief #4. The Open University.
Rienties, Bart; Duncan, Elaine; Judd, Perry; Oakley, Ben; Pengel, Liset H. M.; Roelen, Keetie and Topley, Nicholas
Rodrigo, Coomerene; Buckler, Alison and Agbaire, Jennifer (2024). Beyond binaries: navigating inclusion/exclusion at the intersection of our personal and professional lives. The Ibali Knowledge Hub.
Rodriguez Leon, Lucy
Rodriguez Leon, Lucy
Roelen, Keetie
Roelen, Keetie; Ahmed, Shakil Md.; Chowdury, Kabita; Diwakar, Vidya; Huq, Lopita; Al Mamun, Saklain; Rabbi, Abu Sayem; Rahman, Nuzaba Tahreen; Rownak, Raisa; Sultan, Maheen and Sumanthiran, Shilohni (2024). Social Protection Experiences of and Attitudes Towards New Urban Poor After Covid-19 in Bangladesh. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
Roy, James and Griffin, Lynda
Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel; Roelen, Keetie; Lind, Jeremy and Devereux, Stephen
Scheuer, Nora and Cremin, Teresa
Smith, Lee; López Sánchez, Guillermo Felipe; Soysal, Pinar; Veronese, Nicola; Jacob, Louis; Kostev, Karel; Rahmati, Masoud; Barnett, Yvonne; Keyes, Helen; Gibson, Poppy; Butler, Laurie; Shin, Jae Il and Koyanagi, Ai
Stewart, Sarah
Stewart, Sarah; MacDonald, Natalie and Waters-Davies, Jane
Stewart, Sarah; MacDonald, Natalie and Waters-Davies, Jane
Storkey, Annie
Stutchbury, Kris and Agbaire, Jennifer
Stutchbury, Kris; Gallastegi, Lore; Woodward, Clare; Biard, Olivier and Phiri, John
Stutchbury, Kris; Woodward, Clare; Biard, Olivier and Gallastegi, Lore (2024). Implementation research for sustainability: encouraging holistic thinking. UKFIET - the Education and Development Forum, UK.
Sue, Johnston-Wilder and Clare, Lee
Sue, Johnston-Wilder and Clare, Lee
Swift, Diane; Clowes, Gemma; Gilbert, Sarah and Lambert, Alex
Swift, Diane and Rawlings Smith, Emma
Teszenyi, Eleonora
Thomas, Angela; Bleasdale, Catharine; Clifton, Grace and Glover, Alison (2024). Professional conversations: Improving practice through collaborative reflection. The Open University, Wales-PGCE, Cardiff: UK.
Traianou, Anna and Hammersley, Martyn
Tudor, Ruth
Wheeler, Joanna and Buckler, Alison (2024). Transformative Storywork: An online guide to storytelling for researchers, educators and practitioners. Ibali / TransformativeStory.
Wilson, Susannah
Wolfenden, Freda; Buckler, Alison; Gnawali, Laxman; Cotter Otieno, Jennifer; Prasad Subedi, Basu and Seluget, Chebet (2024). Learning Teams to support children's learning and wellbeing. Learning Generation Initiative / EDC, Walton, MA, USA.
Wolfenden, Freda; Castillo Canales, Dante; Roque Gutierrez, Ernesto; Conde Gafaro, Barbara; Fletcher, Jonathan; Moncada, Rosa Maria; Namazov, Bakhityor; Smith, Wendy; Khamidova, Dilfuza; Alas Solis, Mario and Ping Lim, Cher (2024). A Framework for Strengthening Teacher Professional Development Systems with ICT. Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development Inc (FIT-ED), Manila, Philippines.
Wolfenden, Freda; Cooper, Deborah; Dawadi, Saraswati and Noacco, Elena (2024). School Leaders as agents of change towards equity and inclusion. Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development Inc (FIT-ED), Manila, Philippines.
Wolfenden, Freda; Cooper, Deborah; Dawadi, Saraswati and Noacco, Elena (2024). How can Networked Improvement Communities help School Leaders address inclusion challenges in their schools? Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development Inc (FIT-ED), Manila, Philippines.
2023To Top
Adinolfi, Lina; Wolfenden, Freda and Dawadi, Saraswati (2023). Assessment: The forgotten component in large scale teacher professional development? The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET).
Aerila, Juli-Anna; Kauppinen, Merja; Cremin, Teresa; Siipola, Mari; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane and Lahteela, Johanna
Aggleton, Jen; Carter, Carol and Grieve, Mary Rose
Ahmad, Mufleha (2023). Exploring scientific resilience with KS3 students. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.
Alla-Mensah, Joyceline and McGrath, Simon
Amrane-Cooper, Linda; Hatzipanagos, Stylianos and Tait, Alan
Ashley, Kelly (2023). What on Earth! Magazine. RfP Engagement Study – Phase 1 report. Reading for Pleasure, The Open University.
Ashley, Kelly
Austen, Samantha and Griffin, Lynda
Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Moore, Rhiannon and Vaidya, Gayatri
Barton, Dionne
Batra, Namrita
Bolshaw, Polly and Josephidou, Jo (2023). Understanding the Media in Young Children’s Lives: An Introduction to the Key Debates. Abingdon: Routledge.
Bozkurt, Aras; Gjelsvik, Torunn; Adam, Taskeen; Asino, Tutaleni I.; Atenas, Javiera; Bali, Maha; Blomgren, Constance; Bond, Melissa; Bonk, Curtis J.; Brown, Mark; Burgos, Daniel; Conrad, Dianne; Costello, Eamon; Cronin, Catherine; Czerniewicz, Laura; Deepwell, Maren; Deimann, Markus; DeWaard, Helen J.; Dousay, Tonia A.; Ebner, Martin; Farrow, Robert; Gil-Jaurena, Inés; Havemann, Leo; Inamorato, Andreia; Irvine, Valerie; Karunanayaka, Shironica P.; Kerres, Michael; Lambert, Sarah; Lee, Kyungmee; Makoe, Mpine; Marín, Victoria I.; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Mishra, Sanjaya; Naidu, Som; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Nichols, Mark; Olcott, Don; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Otto, Daniel; Padilla Rodriguez, Brenda Cecilia; Paskevicius, Michael; Roberts, Verena; Saleem, Tooba; Schuwer, Robert; Sharma, Ramesh C.; Stewart, Bonnie; Stracke, Christian M.; Tait, Alan; Tlili, Ahmed; Ubachs, George; Weidlich, Joshua; Weller, Martin; Xiao, Junhong and Zawacki-Richter, Olaf
Buckler, Alison and Mkwanazi, Faith (2023). ‘Out-of-school girls’: do we need to re-think the terminology? UKFIET Knowledge Hub.
Caton, Lucy and Green, Mel
Chamberlain, Liz; Buckler, Alison; Worwood, Kelly; Chigodora, Obert; Chishava, Charlotte and Hedges, Claire
Chapman, Susan; Ellis, Rosy; Beacuchamp, Gary; Sheriff, Lisa; Stacey, David; Waters-Davies, Jane; Lewis, Adam; Jones, Catherine; Griffiths, Merris; Chapman, Sammy; Wallis, Rachel; Sheen, Elizabeth; Crick, Tom; Lewis, Helen; French, Graham and Atherton, Stephen
Chapman, Susan; Ellis, Rosy; Beauchamp, Gary; Sheriff, Lisa; Stacey, David; Waters-Davies, Jane; Jones, Cath; Griffiths, Meris; Chapman, Sammy; Wallis, Rachel; Sheen, Elizabeth; Crick, Thomas; Lewis, Helen; French, Graham and Atherton, Stephen
Charitonos, Koula; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Huxley, Sarah; Hedges, Claire; Law, Patrina; Power, Tom; Akyeampong, Kwame; Mwoma, Teresa; Al-Awidi, Hamid and Whitelock, Denise (2023). Consultation for the 2023 GEM Report on Technology and Education. The Open University.
Comfort, Catherine Jean
Cooper, Deborah; Wolfenden, Freda and Dawadi, Saraswati (2023). Thinking Again About Agency For Inclusion: Analysing Leadership Data Through Local And Global Perspectives. UKFIET.
Cooper, Victoria; Payler, Jane; Bennett, Stephanie Jane and Taylor, Lottie (2023). From arrest to release, helping families feel less alone: An evaluation of a Worcestershire pilot support project for families affected by parental imprisonment. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Cooper, Victoria and Preece, Vicky
Coughlan, Tim; Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Mwoma, Teresa; Makoe, Mpine; Aubrey-Smith, Fiona and Tanglang, Nebath
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa (2023). Reading for pleasure and its impact on student outcomes. In SecEd SecED.
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa; Chamberlain, Liz; Rowe, Deborah and Gardner, Paul
Cremin, Teresa; Harris, Ben and Courtney, Matthew
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen and Chamberlain, Liz (2023). Reading and Writing for Pleasure: A Framework for Practice. The Mercers' Company, London.
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Chamberlain, Liz and Hulston, Samantha (2023). Approaches to Reading and Writing for Pleasure: An Executive Summary of the Research. The Mercers' Company, London.
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia (2023). Reading Teachers: Nurturing Reading for Pleasure. Abingdon: Routledge.
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia
Cullen, Jane; Ocloo, Augustine; Owusu, Kofi; Murphy, Kerry; Velasco, Maria; Davies, Sarah-Jane and Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric
Cumper, Peter; Adams, Sarah; Onyejekwe, Kerry and O’Reilly, Michelle
Defis, Nerys and Glover, Alison
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah; Chandler, Kathy and Puntil, Donata
Domínguez, Ana; Pacho, Guillermo; Bowers, Lisa; Wild, Fridolin; Alcock, Sarah; Chiazzese, Giuseppe; Farella, Mariella; Arrigo, Marco; Ross, David; Treacy, Rita; Yegorina, Darya; Mangina, Eleni and Masneri, Stefano
Dorrian, Jane (2023). Why getting children active is good for parents too. Centre for Research in Early Childhood, Birmingham, UK.
Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned (2023). Evaluation of Progress for Success. The Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Ebubedike, Margaret; Akanji, Tajudeen; Kunock, Afu Isaiah and Fox, Alison
Fox, Alison
Gann, David A.
Gibson, Poppy; Wood, Abigail; Gray, Leanne; Bowser-Angermann, Joanne; Fossey, Matt and Godier-McBard, Lauren
Glover, A.; Thomas, A.; Bleasdale, C.; Jones, M.; Stewart, S. and Rees-Davies, T. (2023). Using video in Initial Teacher Education: Investigating the use of video technology for reflection on lessons. Wales-PGCE, Cardiff, Wales.
Glover, Alison
Glover, Alison
Glover, Alison and Dorrian, Jane (2023). Mind Your Policy Language. In PolicyWISE The Open University.
Glover, Alison and Hutchinson, Steven
Glover, Alison; Jones, Megan; Thomas, Angela and Worrall, Leigh
Glover, Alison; Stewart, Sarah; Thomas, Angela and Thomas, Rachel
Green, Melissa and Malcolm, Claire
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hendry, Helen
Hendry, Helen; Thompson, Sonia and Truby, Andrew
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Upadhaya, Anu; O'Hagan, Lauren Alex; Wingrove, Peter; Adamu, Amina; Greenfield, Anne-Mari; Lombardozzi, Lorena; Sah, Pramod; Tsiga, Ismaila; Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda
[English education and the perpetuation of girls' inequality: parental investment and gender aspirations in Nepal].
Iniesto, Francisco; Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Devine, Peter; Freear, Nicholas D.; Greenwood, Richard; Holmes, Wayne; Kenny, Ian; McLeod, Kevin and Tudor, Ruth
Jones, Rebecca L.; Bbaale, Leilah; Charitonos, Koula; Alla-Mensah, Joyceline; Hewitt, Jenny; Matova, Quraish; Daira Marylyn, Fanta; Ireen, Munyandinda; Blessing, Miskat Mariata and Pross, Ninsiima (2023). Knowledge, resources and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights: The views and experiences of young refugees living in Kyangwali refugee settlement, Western Uganda. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Josephidou, Jo and Kemp, Nicola
Kemp, Nicola and Josephidou, Jo
Kemp, Nicola and Josephidou, Joanne
Kemp, Nicola; Josephidou, Joanne and Bolshaw, Polly (2023). From Weeds to Tiny Flowers: Rethinking the Place of the Youngest Children Outdoors. The Froebel Trust, London.
Kroese, Ingeborg
Kroese, Ingeborg
Kucirkova, Natalia; Rodriguez Leon, Lucy and Chinula, Neema Mwenda
Kucirkova, Natalia and Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy
Lee, Elisabeth
Lumsden, Eunice and Musgrave, Jackie
Moore, Rhiannon
Moore, Rhiannon
Morriss, Charlotte
Mukherjee, Sarah J.; Bugallo, Lucía; Scheuer, Nora; Cremin, Teresa; Montoro, Virginia; Ferrero, Martha; Preston, Marcia; Cheng, Doris; Golinkoff, Roberta and Popp, Jill
Musgrave, Jackie (2023). Health and Wellbeing for Babies and Children: Contemporary Issues. Abingdon: Routledge.
Myhill, Debra; Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Myhill, Debra; Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Myhill, Debra; Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Nebe, Jane; Agbaire, Jennifer and Buckler, Alison (2023). International Research Teams and Vis-aaaaaaaaaarghs. The Ibali Knowledge Hub.
Nisbett, Nicholas; Salm, Leah; Roelen, Keetie; Baldi, Giulia; Mejia, Carla; Gonzalo Jaramillo Mejia, Juan; Paredes Cauna, Fiorella; Gelli, Aulo; Olney, Deanna and Vooris, Emily (2023). Social Protection Pathways to Nutrition. Synthesis report. IDS, WFP & IFPRI, Brighton.
Nisbett, Nicholas; Salm, Leah; Roelen, Keetie; Baldi, Giulia; Mejia, Carla; Juan, Gonzalo Jaramillo Mejia; Fiorella, Paredes Cauna; Gelli, Aulo; Olney, Deanna; Vooris, Emily; Casu, Laura and Ruel, Marie (2023). Social Protection Pathways to Nutrition: Rapid evidence review. IDS, WFP & IFPRI, Brighton.
Nisbett, Nicholas; Salm, Leah; Roelen, Keetie; Baldi, Giulia; Mejia, Carla; Mejia, Juan Gonzalo Jaramillo; Cauna, Fiorella Parades; Gelli, Aulo; Olney, Deanna and Vooris, Emily (2023). Social Protection Pathways to Nutrition Case studies. IDS, WFP & IFPRI, Brighton, UK.
Nye, Zoe Michelle
O'Reilly, Michelle; Adams, Sarah; Batchelor, Rachel and Levine, Diane
Okada, A. (2023). CONNECT open schooling networks for Climate Change and Sustainable Education supported by the CARE-KNOW-DO framework. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra ed. (2023). Inclusive Open Schooling with engaging and future-oriented science: Evidence-based Practices, Principle & Tools. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra and Gray, Peter Barry
Okada, Alexandra; Malagrida, Rosina; Vives-Adrián, Laia; Neuhaus, Sigrid; Alliaj, Greta; Mossuti, Giuseppe; Cakmakci, Gultekin; Gray, Peter and Kolionis, George (2023). Open Schooling Declaration. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Okada, Alberto; Muller, Riulma; Moura, Rossana; Castro, Thais; Ferreira, Luciana; Oliveira, Eila; Vaz, Giseli; Benaian, Regina; Castro, Silvana; Almeida, Jaqueline and Rodrigues, Tayanne (2023). Open Schooling in the Amazon for Community Empowerment: A Case Study in the TUPÉ Sustainable Development Reserve. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Okada, Alberto; Muller, Riulma; Moura, Rossana; Castro, Thais; Ferreira, Luciana; Oliveira, Eila; Vaz, Giseli; Benaian, Regina; Castro, Silvana; Almeida, Jaqueline and Rodrigues, Tayanne (2023). Escolarização Aberta na Amazônia para Empoderamento Comunitário: Um Estudo de Caso na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável TUPÉ. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Souza, Karine Pinheiro de; Struchiner, Miriam; Rabello, Cíntia and Rosa, Luziana Quadros da
Okada, Alexandra; Steimber de Pereira Okada, Alberto Erich and Oliveira Campolina, Luciana de
Okada, Alexandra; Struchiner, Miriam; Almeida, Maria Elizabeth; Castro, Thais and Pianovski Vieira, Alboni Marisa Dudeque
Parry, John and Shrestha, Prithvi
Peace, Sheila (2023). The Environments of Ageing: Space, Place and Materiality. Ageing in a Global Context. Policy Press.
Rabello, Cintia Regina Lacerda and Okada, Alexandra
Rix, Jonathan
Rix, Jonathan
Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy
Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Biddle, Jon
Roelen, Keetie
Roelen, Keetie; Barnett, Inka; Johnson, Vicky; Lewin, Tessa; Thorsen, Dorte and Ton, Giel
Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel; Roelen, Keetie; Mitchell, Rebecca and Warmington, Amy
Sams, Lorna; Langdown, Ben L.; Simons, Joan and Vseteckova, Jitka
Sheehy, Kieron; Mclanachan, Abigail; Okada, Alexandra; Tatlow-Golden, Mimi and Harrison, Stephen
Sheehy, Kieron; Rix, Jonathan; Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity; Crisp, Martin and Harper, Amanda
Singh, Arvind; Daniel, Rohit and Moore, Rhiannon
Smith, Elizabeth
Stevenson, Jacqueline; Power, Tom; Rahman, Hafiz; Tahsin Haider, Arosa; Kawser, Masud; Hoque Fahad, Sameul; Farhana, Susan; Parvin, Tauhida and Khanam, Tahmina (2023). Evidence Café 2: Report. The Open University.
Stewart, Sarah
Stewart, Sarah (2023). Curriculum for Wales: Children's Rights. University of Wales Trinity St David.
Stewart, Sarah and Bleasdale, Catharine
Stutchbury, Kris; Gallastegi, Lore; Woodward, Clare and Phiri, John (2023). Zambian Education School-based Training: Endline Evaluation Report. The Open University.
Stutchbury, Kris; Woodward, Clare; Phiri, John; Sampa, Francis; Biard, Olivier and Gallastegi, Lore (2023). Instructional leadership - what it is and why it matters. UKFIET - the Education and Development Forum, UK.
Stutchbury, Kristina and Biard, Olivier
Sumanthiran, Shilohni and Roelen, Keetie (2023). Coaching in Economic Inclusion: Learning from Existing Models and Casting a Way Forward. PEI In Practice; World Bank, Washington DC.
Teszenyi, Eleonora
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; McAlister-Wilson, Sam; Roberts, Lois; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison (2023). Research with schools on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales: Wave 1 report. Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; McAlister-Wilson, Sam; Roberts, Lois; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison (2023). Research on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales: Wave 2 report. Social Research Number: 88/2023; Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Tlili, Ahmed; Garzón, Juan; Salha, Soheil; Huang, Ronghuai; Xu, Ling; Burgos, Daniel; Denden, Mouna; Farrell, Orna; Farrow, Robert; Bozkurt, Aras; Amiel, Tel; McGreal, Rory; López-Serrano, Aída and Wiley, David
Wainwright, Jodi Emma
Wallis, Rachel (2023). Design research: A ‘tomorrow’ approach that needs consideration ‘today’? BERA Research Bites.
Wason, Hilary
Wheeler, Joanna and Buckler, Alison (2023). 13 practical tips for online storytelling workshops. The Ibali Knowledge Hub.
Wolfenden, Freda; Walley, Paul; Agbaire, Jennifer and Hartley, Jean (2023). Strengthening school leadership towards improved school resiliency: final technical report. Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development, Quezon City, Philippines.
2022To Top
Aggleton, Jen
Akyeampong, Albert; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Cullen, Jane and Hendry, Helen (2022). Partners in Play Baseline Evaluation Report. Open University, UK.
Banks, Frank
Barnett, Inka; Meeker, Jessica; Roelen, Keetie and Nisbett, Nick
Barros, Daniela Melaré Vieira; Ikeshoji, Elisangela Aparecida Bulla; Santos, Vanessa Matos dos; Mello, Diene Eire; Santo, Eniel do Espírito and Okada, Alexandra
Batra, Namrita
Buckler, Alison (2022). Embracing ‘yes, and…’ as a researcher. WELS Research Conversations, UK.
Buckler, Alison (2022). Researching in the Open: what this means to the Ibali team. In The Ibali Knowledge Hub The Ibali Knowledge Hub / The Open University.
Buckler, Alison; Agbaire, Jennifer; Wheeler, Joanna; Mkwananzi, Faith and Yusra, Price (2022). Storytelling research in international education and development studies: a resistance to, or reproduction of coloniality? UKFIET, UKFIET Blog.
Buckler, Alison; Chamberlain, Liz; Mkwananzi, Faith; Chigodora, Obert and Dean, Caroline
Busher, Hugh and Fox, Alison
Busher, Hugh; Fox, Alison and Capewell, Carmel
Canning, Natalie
Canning, Natalie and Gomez, Chris (2022). When two worlds come together: Young children’s language, literacy and numeracy development through creative, inclusive, theatre methods. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Canning, Natalie and Rekers, Angela
Canning, Natalie; Teszenyi, Eleonora and Pálfi, Sandor
Carroll, Tricia and Josephidou, Joanne
Chamberlain, Liz; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Woodward, Clare
Chamberlain, Liz; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Woodward, Clare
Cole Jones, Nia (2022). One of the Million: Developing Welsh Language Skills Amongst ITE Students. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Cole Jones, Nia; Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jones, Mathew; Wallis, Rachel and Williams, Amanda
Cremin, Teresa and Hendry, Helen
Cross, Simon; Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Adinolfi, Lina; Sen, Sohini and Sarkar, Durba (2022). Digital Badges for TPD at scale in the Global South: a framework for implementation and field study in Assam, India. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda; Charania, Amina; Adinolfi, Lina; Sen, Sohini and Sarkar, Durba
Dawadi, Saraswati and Wolfenden, Freda (2022). Capacity building of school leaders on equity and inclusion in developing countries. TPD@Scale.
Defis, Nerys (2022). Our journey of learning. Curriculum for Wales, Welsh Government.
Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jennings, Carys; Stewart, Sarah; Wallis, Rachel; Craggs, Ben; Hay, Ceris; Linton, Beth; Powell, Thomas and Williams, Amanda
Dorrian, Jane (2022). Evaluation of the HAF/Welsh Active Early Years Programme. Early Years Wales (In Press).
Dorrian, Jane
Dorrian, Jane
Duggan, Brett; Thomas, Hefin; Davies-Walker, Morgan; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison (2022). Practitioner survey on preparations for Curriculum and Assessment Reforms 2022: final report. Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Duggan, Brett; Thomas, Hefin; Davies-Walker, Morgan; Sinnema, Claire; Stewart, Sarah; Cole Jones, Nia; Glover, Alison and Griffiths, Mike (2022). Scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales: final report. Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Forbes, Tina; Fox, Alison; Comfort, Catherine; Taylor, Louise and Mott, Natalie (2022). The language and practice of student support for one another: Diverse options for diverse purposes. A practice insight working paper. In CollectivED working papers issue 13 CollectivED, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.
Fowle, Wendy
Fox, Alison and Busher, Hugh
Fox, Alison and Busher, Hugh
Fox, Alison; Busher, Hugh and Capewell, Carmel
Fox, Alison; Comfort, Catherine; Forbes, Tina; Taylor, Louise and Mott, Natalie (2022). Taking an ecological view of student (peer) mentoring. In CollectiveED working papers CollectivED, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.
Fox, Alison; Hendry, Helen and Cooper, Deborah (2022). Harnessing Professional Development for Educators: A Global Toolkit. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Fox, Alison; Jewitt, Katharine; Kagoya, Anne; Burrell, Susannah; Stutchbury, Kris and Ruiz Martinez, Alejandro Tomas
Fox, Alison; Sida-Nicholls, Kate and Loe, Rob
Freel, Louise; O’Reilly, Michelle; Fleury, Juliana; Adams, Sarah and Vostanis, Panos
Gallastegi, Lore; Gaved, Mark; Woodward, Clare; Stutchbury, Kris and Henry, Fiona
Gallastegi, Lore; Stutchbury, Kris; Woodward, Clare and Henry, Fiona
Gillespie, Anna
Gillie, Sarah
Glover, Alison
Glover, Alison; Jones, Megan; Thomas, Angela and Worrall, Leigh (2022). Effective mentoring in Initial Teacher Education: What works and why. The Open University, Cardiff, Wales.
Gopinath, Manik; Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila
Griffin, Lynda and Roy, James
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Harrison, Stephen; Buckler, Alison and Curran, Sheila
Hedges, Claire and Power, Tom (2022). Print. Resource Pack to Support Remote Learning. Resource Packs to Support Remote Learning; UNICEF & The World Bank.
Hedges, Claire; Power, Tom; Dawadi, Saraswati; Rahman, Hafiz and Siddique, Nure Alam (2022). 3MPower PEER Researcher Workshop Report. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Hedges, Claire; Power, Tom; Haider, Arosa Tahsin; Shifat, Nazmuzzaman; Kawser, Masud; Galib, Sabir Hasan; Fahad, Sameul Hoque; Munira, Sirajam and Parvin, Tauhida (2022). 3MPower Evidence Café 1: Report. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Horsley, Karen
Jennings, Carys (2022). These are our stories: Affording children and teachers’ voices in participatory research. In BERA Blog BERA Blog.
Jennings, Carys
Jonathan, Rix
Jones, Megan
Jones, Megan and Worrall, Leigh (2022). Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education: What works and why? Case Studies from The Open University Partnership in WALES PGCE Programme. The Open University in Wales, Cardiff, Wales.
Jones, Megan and Worrall, Leigh
Jones, Megan and Worrall, Leigh
Josephidou, Joanne and Kemp, Nicola
Josephidou, Joanne; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy; Bennett, Stephanie; Bolshaw, Polly; Musgrave, Jackie and Rix, Jonathan (2022). Where measurement stops: A review of systematic reviews exploring international research evidence on the impact of staff qualification levels in ECEC on the experiences of, and outcomes for, children and families. TACTYC, United Kingdom.
Kear, Karen; Donelan, Helen; Rosewell, Jonathan; Mooney, Allan; Cuffe, Paige; Sheehy, Kieron; Amor, Kevin; Elder, Tracey; Edwards, Carol; Okada, Alexandra and King, David
Kemp, Nicola; Josephidou, Jo and Watts, Tansy (2022). Developing an ECEC response to the global environmental crisis: The potential of the Froebelian-inspired ‘NENE Pedagogy'. The Froebel Trust, London.
Kroese, Ingeborg
Kroese, Ingeborg
Kuzmičová, Anežka and Cremin, Teresa
Lee, Clare and Ward-Penny, Robert
Leer, Jon (2022). Seclusion as a means of restraint in in special schools and alternative provision in England: A study of the lived experience of parents and practitioners. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.
Lister, Kate
Lustenberger, Andrea
Macnee, Helen (2022). Dive into my Professional Doctorate research. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.
Marshall, Lydia and Moore, Rhiannon
McGrath, Simon; Powell, Lesley; Alla-Mensah, Joyceline; Hilal, Randa and Suart, Rebecca
Meister, Izabel and Okada, Alexandra
Mohamud, Khadija; Buckler, Alison; Pitt, Beck and Twining, Peter
Moore, Rhiannon
Moore, Rhiannon
Nicholson, Philip and Hendry, Helen
Okada, Alexandra
Education during COVID-19.
Power, Tom (2022). Introduction. Resource Pack to Support Remote Learning. Resource Packs to Support Remote Learning; UNICEF & The World Bank.
Power, Tom and Hedges, Claire (2022). Digital. Resource Pack to Support Remote Learning. Resource Packs to Support Remote Learning; UNICEF & The World Bank.
Power, Tom and Hedges, Claire (2022). Mobile. Resource Pack to Support Remote Learning. Resource Packs to Support Remote Learning; UNICEF & The World Bank.
Power, Tom; Rahman, Hafizur; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Siddique, Nure Alam; Hedges, Claire and Dawadi, Saraswati (2022). 3MPower Inception Report. Mobile Learning for the Empowerment of Marginalised Mathematics Educators, Bangladesh. EdTech Hub, London.
Regan, Lynne Mary
Rix, Jonathan; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Sheehy, Kieron; Seale, Jane and Hayhoe, Simon
Robertson, Derek James
Roelen, Keetie and Carter, Becky (2022). Social Assistance in Response to Covid-19: Reaching the Furthest Behind First? Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton.
Roelen, Keetie; Leon-Himmelstine, Carmen and Kim, Sung Kyu
Sheehy, Kieron; Mclanachan, Abigail; Okada, Alexandra; Tatlow-Golden, Mimi and Harrison, Stephen
Simpson, Alyson and Cremin, Teresa Mary
Solomon, Jacob
Stevens, Jane (2022). The role of appraisal: accountability or autonomy? A case study in the English Independent sector. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.
Stutchbury, Kris; Gallastegi, Lore; Woodward, Clare and Gaved, Mark
Stutchbury, Kristina
Teszenyi, Eleonora; Varga Nagy, Anikó and Pálfi, Sándor
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; Davies-Walker, Morgan; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison (2022). Qualitative Research with Practitioners on Preparations for Curriculum and Assessment Reforms 2022: final report. GSR report number 45/2022; Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Tope, Clare (2022). Scoping Review, Systematic Review or Review of the Literature what is the difference? Research Conversations: by and for Education researchers.
Travnicek, Cornelia; Stoll, Daniela; Reichinger, Andreas and Rix, Jonathan
Varga Nagy, Anikó; Pálfi, Sándor and Teszenyi, Eleonora
Waterhouse, Philippa; Dennis, Carol Azumah and Álvarez, Inma
Wolfenden, Freda (2022). Innovation in teacher policy and practice in education recovery. International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, Paris.
Wolfenden, Freda (2022). TPD@Scale: Designing teacher professional development with ICTs to support system-wide improvement in teaching. In TPD@Scale: Designing teacher professional development with ICTs to support system-wide improvement in teaching Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development, Inc., Philippines.
Wolfenden, Freda and Boateng, Pearl (2022). TPD@Scale Compendium. Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development, Manila, Philippines.
Wolfenden, Freda; Cooper, Deborah; Dawadi, Saraswati; Mazeed, Zahid; Ibrahimi, Munir and Shrestha, Sushil
Wolfenden, Freda; Walley, Paul; Agbaire, Jennifer and Hartley, Jean (2022). Strengthening school leadership towards improving school resiliency : final technical report. Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development, Inc..
Woodward, Clare; Gaved, Mark; Hanson, Rachel; Gallastegi, Lore and Stutchbury, Kris
Worrall, Leigh
2021To Top
Fox, Alison; Busher, Hugh and Capewell, Carmel eds. (2021). Thinking Critically and Ethically about Research for Education: Engaging with Voice and Empowerment in International Contexts. Abingdon: Routledge.
Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Cullen, Jane; Mallet, Joshua and Owusu-Agyemfra, Augustus
Akyeampong, Kwame; Cullen, Jane; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Hendry, Helen; Kwaah, Christopher Yaw and Avornyo, Esinam Ami (2021). Play-based Learning in Ghana - The Evidence and Policy Implications. The Open University.
Alla-Mensah, Joyceline
Alla-Mensah, Joyceline; McGrath, Simon and Henderson, Holly (2021). Technical and vocational education and training for disadvantaged youth. In Technical and vocational education and training for disadvantaged youth UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Bonn, Germany.
Álvarez, Inma; Dennis, Carol Azumah and Waterhouse, Philippa
Ashley, Joan; De Geest, Els and Lee, Clare (2021). Motivation and Engagement. London: Pearson.
Aubrey-Smith, Fiona
Baldwin, Catherine Anne
Bower, Christine
Buckler, Alison; Stutchbury, Kris; Kasule, George; Cullen, Jane and Kaije, Doris
Calcutt, Jane
Canning, Natalie and Robinson, Beryl
Chamberlain, Liz; Buckler, Alison and Mkwananzi, Faith
Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Sarkar, Durba; Cross, Simon; Sen, Sohini and Adinolfi, Lina
Cobb, Rachel Jane
Cooper, Deborah (2021). From the Community and for the Community: Newly Qualified Female Teachers in Sierra Leone. UKFIET.
Coughlan, Tim; Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Mwoma, Teresa; Makoe, Mpine; Tanglang, Nebath; Bonney, Solomon; Aubrey-Smith, Fiona and Biard, Olivier (2021). Digital Decision: Understanding and supporting key choices in online and blended teaching in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa and Chappell, Kerry
Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina; Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Ramchand, Mythili; Sen, Sohini; Paltiwale, Sumegh; Coughlan, Emily; Shende, Satej; Sarkar, Durba; Chatterjee, Ananya and Balli, Omkar (2021). Teachers’ professional learning during and after Covid: A role for open digital badges. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Cuesta, Jose; Devereux, Stephen; Abdulai, Abdul‐Gafaru; Gupte, Jaideep; Ragno, Luigi Peter; Roelen, Keetie; Sabates‐Wheeler, Rachel and Spadafora, Tayllor
Cullen, Jane; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Murphy, Kerry and Biard, Olivier
Daniels, Patricia
Defis, Nerys (2021). Distance learning & initial teacher education: Making connections in a virtual world. British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK.
Defis, Nerys
Defis, Nerys; Jennings, Carys and Jones, Mathew R.
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah and Clifton, Gill
Dorrian, Jane
Erling, Elizabeth; Gowland, S; Hedges, Claire; Eyres, Ian; Solly, Michael and Rahman, Md. Shajedur
Fox, Alison
Gallastegi, Lore; Cooke, Carolyn; Saunders, Claire; Addison-Pettit, Paula; Tope, Clare; McPhilemy, Roisin; Henry, Fiona; Moore, Lorraine; Reddin, Mandy and Delsoldato, Jill (2021). Who are our Education Studies (Primary) concurrent students? PRAXIS, Open University.
Gallastegi, Lore; Woodward, Clare and Stutchbury, Kris (2021). Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) Project: Midline Evaluation, May 2021. The Open University.
Garcia Carrizosa, Helena
Glatter, Ron
Glover, Alison (2021). Editorial: Embedding sustainability education in practice. British Educational Research Association.
Glover, Alison
Glover, Alison; Thomas, Angela and Thomas, Rachel
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn and Kim, Chae-Young
Hedges, Claire; Power, Tom and Tengenesha, Martha (2021). Improving Gender Attitudes, Transition and Education Outcomes (IGATE-T) Case Studies: Changing Learning. The Open University, Great Britain.
Horne, Judith Rye
Horsley, Karen
Horsley, Karen
Hughes, Sioned; Makara Fuller, Kara; Morrison-Love, David and Wallis, Rachel
Ingram, J.; Burn, K.; Fiddaman, J.; Penfold, C. and Tope, C.
Jennings, Carys (2021). The Happy Child. In Bradbury, Aaron ed. Early Years Reviews Early Years Reviews.
Johnston-Wilder, Susan; Lee, Clare and Mackrell, Kate
Jones, Darren Thomas
Jones, Ruth
Josephidou, Jo; Kemp, Nicola and Durrant, Ian
Kambouri, Maria; Wilson, Teresa; Pieridou, Myria; Flannery Quinn, Suzanne and Liu, Jie
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
Laamanen, Merja; Ladonlahti, Tarja; Uotinen, Sanna; Okada, Alexandra; Bañeres, David and Koçdar, Serpil
Ladenika, Temitope
Lee, Clare; Addison-Pettit, Paula and Tyler, Dave (2021). PGCE Practice Tutors – preconceptions, perceptions and actuality. In Praxis Report PRAXIS, Milton Keynes.
Lind, Jeremy; Roelen, Keetie and Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel
Lister, Kate; Coughlan, Tim; Kenny, Ian; Tudor, Ruth and Iniesto, Francisco
Little, Madison T.; Roelen, Keetie; Lange, Brittany C. L.; Steinert, Janina I.; Yakubovich, Alexa R.; Cluver, Lucie and Humphreys, David K.
Mackay, Lorna; Langdown, Ben; Simons, Joan and Vseteckova, Jitka (2021). The effect of percussive therapy on musculoskeletal performance and perceptions of pain: A systematic narrative literature review. In Prospero International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews NIHR.
Moore, Lucy
Moore, Rhiannon and Kameshwara, Kalyan Kumar
Moore, Rhiannon; Rolleston, Caine and Grijalva, Ana
Mukherjee, Sarah Jane and Cremin, Teresa
Musgrave, Jackie and Payler, Jane
Okada, Alexandra and da Matta, Cláudia Eliana
Okada, Alexandra and Matta, Claudia Eliane
Parry, John
Power, Tom; Buckler, Alison; Ebubedike, Margaret; Tengenesha, Martha; Jama, Mbuso; Ndlovu, America; Mukoyi, Jane; Ndou, Mashudu and Mubaira, Simbarashe (2021). Community Help for Inclusive Learning and Development (CHILD): A Study of How Mobile Phones Were Used to Recruit and Equip Community Volunteers to Support Children’s Learning During Covid-19 School Closures in Zimbabwe. The EdTech Hub, London.
Ramsamy-Iranah, S. D.; Maguire, M.; Peace, S. and Pooneeth, V.
Rix, Jonathan; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Hayhoe, Simon; Seale, Jane and Sheehy, Kieron
Rix, Jonathan and Ingham, Nigel
Robinson, Ian Wright
Rodriguez Leon, Lucy
Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Payler, Jane
Roelen, Keetie
Roelen, Keetie and Saha, Amrita
Seale, Jane; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonathan; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon
Stafford, Mary
Stutchbury, Kris
Stutchbury, Kris; Gallastegi, Lore and Woodward, Clare (2021). Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) Project: Cohort 3 Evaluation, May 2021. The Open University.
Stutchbury, Kris; Woodward, Clare; Gallastegi, Lore and Hanson, Rachel (2021). Supporting Teachers' Professional Development in Zambia in Covid Times. UKFIET - the Education and Development Forum, Cambridge, UK.
Tan, Laura Terzhao
Therova, Dana
Tope, Clare
Traianou, Anna and Hammersley, Martyn
Turner, Wendy; Hallawell, Bob and Haider, Sharif (2021). Simulation: informing and enhancing curriculum in Health, Wellbeing and Social Care. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Wallis, Rachel
Waterkeyn, Tamsin
Wolfenden, Freda (2021). Innovation in teacher policy and practice for education recovery. TTF, Paris.
2020To Top
Acevedo, Margaret Claire
Adams, Sarah
Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric
Baker, Sally; Jack, Victoria; Moser-Mercer, Barbara; Charitonos, Koula and Fox, Alison (2020). Ethics-in-practice in fragile contexts: The value of the CERD ethical appraisal framework. In BERA News BERA.
Banks, Frank and Barlex, David (2020). Teaching STEM in the Secondary School: helping teachers meet the challenge, 2nd edition. Abingdon: Routledge.
Bentinck, Valerie Ann
Body, Alison; Lau, Emily and Josephidou, Joanne
Bourchak, Mokhtar
Bridgman, Sarah
Brooks, Nicola Jane
Buckler, Alison
Buckler, Alison; Chamberlain, Liz; Stutchbury, Kris and Hedges, Claire (2020). Minimising the ‘distance’ in distance learning during a global health crisis: Framing an international education response to Covid-19. UKFIET The Education and Development Forum.
Buckler, Alison and Mkwananzi, Faith
Busher, Hugh and Fox, Alison
Canning, Natalie (2020). The significance of children’s play and empowerment: An observational tool. In TACTYC Occassional Paper Series Occassional Paper 14, TACTYC.
Canning, Natalie (2020). Children's Empowerment in Play. TACTYC. Oxon: Routledge.
Chamberlain, Liz (2020). Findings from research: Capturing children and young people's views on rights. In @InnovateJournal Journal of Innovate Teaching School Partnership, Milton Keynes.
Chamberlain, Liz; Lacina, Jan; Bintz, William P.; Jimerson, JoBeth; Payne, Kim and Zingale, Remy
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa and Durning, Aimee
Cremin, Teresa; Myhill, Debra; Eyres, Ian; Wilson, Anthony; Oliver, Lucy and Nash, Tricia
Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina; Charania, Amina; Ramchand, Mythili; Wolfenden, Freda; Sen, Sohini; Paltiwale, Sumegh; Balli, Omkar and Chatterjee, Ananya (2020). Digital Badges for Teacher Professional Development in India: Interim Project Report. The Open University & Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
de Leeuw, Renske R.; Little, Cathy and Rix, Jonathan
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah; Springbett, Octavia and Walker, Lizzie
Dolton, Alice; Adams, Sarah and O'Reilly, Michelle
Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison and Grover, Tanwen (2020). Evaluation of the School Based Supply Cluster Model Project: Follow-up report. The Welsh Government.
Erle, Sibylle and Hendry, Helen
Ferguson, Rebecca; Childs, Mark; Okada, Alexandra; Sheehy, Kieron; Tatlow-Golden, Mimi and Childs, Anna
Fox, Alison; Charitonos, Koula; Baker, Sally; Moser-Mercer, Barbara and Jack, Victoria
Fox, Alison and Poultney, Val
Garcia, Rebecca; Ali, Nasreen; Guppy, Andrew; Griffiths, Malcolm and Randhawa, Gurch
Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Sheehy, Kieron; Rix, Jonathan; Seale, Jane and Hayhoe, Simon
Gaved, Mark; Hanson, Rachel and Stutchbury, Kris
Gibbons, Wayne
Golding, Tyrrell
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hayward, Louise; Makara, Kara; MacBride George; Morrison-Love, David; Spencer, Ernie; Barnes, Jan; Davies, Heddwen; Hughes, Sioned; Ryder, Nanna; Sharpling, Elaine; Stacey, David and Wallis, Rachel (2020). So Far So Good: Building the Evidence Base to Promote a Successful Future for the Curriculum for Wales. University of Glasgow and University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Hempel-Jorgensen, Amelia; Swann, Joan; Plowright-Pepper, Linda; Cremin, Teresa; Safford, Kimberly; Mittelmeier, Jenna and Canning, Natalie (2020). Evaluation of Hackney Learning Trust's Reading Programmes. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Hendry, Helen
Horsley, Karen (2020). Seeing the bigger picture: exploring the knowledge and stories of young children from migrant backgrounds through documentary photography. The Open University.
Jones, Charlotte; Naylor, Ruth; Rafaeli, Tal; Mlambo, Yeukai; Nielsen, Ann; Wolfenden, Freda and Godwin, Katie (2020). 'Redesigning the Education Workforce' Background Paper for Transforming the Education Workforce: Learning Teams for a Learning Generation. Transforming the Education Workforce Report; The Education Commission, New York.
Josephidou, Jo and Bolshaw, Polly (2020). Understanding gender and early childhood: an introduction to the key debates. Routledge.
Josephidou, Joanne
Kambouri-Danos, Maria and Pieridou, Myria
Kemp, Nicola; Durrant, Ian and Josephidou, Jo (2020). Making connections with their world: outdoor provision for under-twos in early childhood settings in Kent. Froebel Trust.
Kemp, Nicola and Josephidou, Jo (2020). Where are the babies? Engaging the under twos with the outdoors. The Froebel Trust.
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa (2020). Children Reading for Pleasure in the Digital Age: Mapping Reader Engagement. SAGE.
Lekobane, Khaufelo Raymond and Roelen, Keetie
MacKenzie, Alison; Bower, Christine and Owaineh, Mohammed
MacKenzie, Alison; Bower, Christine and Owaineh, Mohammed
Malibha-Pinchbeck, Memory
Marshall, Lydia; Outhred, Rachel and Moore, Rhiannon (2020). Interrupted Education in India (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana): Support for Students During the COVID-19 School Shutdowns. Headlines Report; Young Lives, Oxford.
Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Okada, Alexandra; Correa, Andre and Scott, Peter
Mlambo, Yeukai; Neilsen, Ann; Silova, Iveta; Wolfenden, Freda; Rafaeli, Tal and Jones, Charlotte (2020). Redesigning the Education Workforce: A Design Thinking Approach Background Paper: Transforming the Education Workforce. In Redesigning the Education Workforce: A design thinking approach The Education Commission, New York.
Morrison, Sipho A.
Murphy, Kerry; Cullen, Jane; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Stutchbury, Kris; Velasco, Maria; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Ansine, Janice; Herman, Clem; Biard, Olivier and Mallet, Joshua
Musgrave, Jackie and Levy, Rachael
Okada, Alexandra; Quadros da Rosa, Luziana and Vieira de Souza, Marcio
Okada, Alexandra and Sheehy, Kieron
Okada, Alexandra and Sheehy, Kieron
Outhred, Rachel; Marshall, Lydia and Moore, Rhiannon (2020). Interrupted Education in Ethiopia: Support for Students During COVID-19 School Closures. Headline Report; Young Lives, Oxford.
Payler, Jane and Bennett, Stephanie (2020). Workforce composition, qualifications and professional development in Montessori early childhood education and care settings in England. Montessori St. Nicholas Charity and The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Payler, Jane; Cooper, Victoria and Bennett, Stephanie
Peace, Sheila and Darton, Robin
Rahman, Md Shajedur
Rix, Jonathan
Rix, Jonathan; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Seale, Jane; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon
Rix, Jonathan; Parry, John and Malibha-Pinchbeck, Memory
Rodriguez León, Lucy Jane
Roelen, Keetie; Ackley, Caroline; Boyce, Paul; Farina, Nicolas and Ripoll, Santiago
Roelen, Keetie and Taylor, Emily
Rosa, Luziana Quadros da; Souza, Marcio Vieira de and Okada, Alexandra
Seaward, Phillippa Jane
Smith, Elizabeth; Critten, Valerie and Vardill, Robert
Stutchbury, Kris; Chamberlain, Liz and Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy (2020). Supporting the teaching of early reading: An evaluation of the TESSA: Teaching Early Reading with African Storybook Badged Online Course (BOC). The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Stutchbury, Kris and Gallastegi, Lore (2020). Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) Project: Cohort 2 Evaluation, April 2020. The Open University.
Teszenyi, Eleonora; Devecchi, Christina and Richardson, Tanya
Whitelock, Denise; Edwards, Chris and Okada, Alexandra
Wolfenden, Freda; Adinolfi, Lina and Cross, Simon
2019To Top
Busher, Hugh and Fox, Alison eds. (2019). Implementing Ethics in Educational Ethnography: Regulation and Practice. London: Routledge.
Eyres, Ian; McCormick, Robert and Power, Tom eds. (2019). Sustainable English Language Teacher Development at Scale: Lessons from Bangladesh. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Lee, Clare and Ward-Penny, Robert eds. (2019). A practical guide to teaching mathematics in the secondary school. 2nd edition. Routledge Teaching Guides. London: Routledge.
Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Cullen, Jane and Abreh, Might Kojo
Aggleton, Jen
Baker-Oxley, Deavon Rose
Body, A; Lau, E and Josephidou, Joanne (2019). Our Charitable Children. University of Kent; Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.
Bowden, Sandra Louise
Buckler, Alison; Mkwananzi, Faith; Chamberlain, Liz and Dean, Caroline
Buckler, Alison; Stutchbury, Kris; Kasule, George; Kaiije, Doris and Cullen, Jane
Burton, Sonia; Eyres, Ian and McCormick, Robert
Busher, Hugh and Fox, Alison
Bussey, Sonia
Canning, Natalie
Canning, Natalie
Canning, Natalie; Horsley, Karen and Payler, Jane
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz (2019). Inspiring Writing in Primary School. Exeter: Learning Matters.
Chamberlain, Liz; Afroze, Jiniya; Cooper, Victoria and Collins, Trevor (2019). Representing children's rights from discussion through to illustration and interpretation. The Open University Children’s Research Centre and Amnesty UK International, Milton Keynes.
Chamberlain, Liz and Cooper, Victoria
Chamberlain, Liz and Safford, Kimberly
Charitonos, Koula; Littlejohn, Allison; Kaatrakoski, Heli; Fox, Alison; Chaudhari, Vasudha; Seal, Timothy and Tegama, Natalie (2019). Technology-supported Capacity Building on AMR Surveillance: Findings from the Pilot Phase. The Open University.
Cooper, Victoria; Payler, Jane and Bennett, Stephanie
Cremin, Teresa (2019). Reading communities: why, what and how? NATE, Primary Matters Magazine.
Cremin, Teresa (2019). Helping teachers develop their knowledge of children’s literature and other texts. In Books for Keeps Books for keeps.
Cremin, Teresa (2019). Teachers’ knowledge of children’s literature: the cornerstone of reading for pleasure. Scottish Book Trust.
Cremin, Teresa (2019). Poetry, Pleasure and Play. The Children's poetry summit.
Cremin, Teresa and Twiner, Alison (2019). Less is More – focusing on feedback. Teachers as Writers.
Cremin, Teresa (2019). Reading communities: why, what and how? In Primary Matters NATE, Sheffield.
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa and Myhill, Debra
Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina and Wolfenden, Freda (2019). TESS-India: An approach to supporting teacher development and improving classroom practice. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Dawadi, Saraswati
De Geest, Els and Lee, Clare
Dennis, Carol Azumah; Springbett, Octavia and Walker, Lizzie
Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison; Grover, Tanwen and Feehan, Annalisa (2019). Evaluation of the School Based Supply Cluster Model Project. The Welsh Government.
Edwards, Chris; Whitelock, Denise; Brouns, Francis; Rodríguez, M. Elena; Okada, Alexandra; Baneres, David and Holmes, Wayne
Edwards, Chris; Whitelock, Denise and Okada, Alexandra
Evans, Tracey; Glover, Alison; Mattingley, Rebecca and Jones, Desmond
Eyres, Ian and Akhter, Rehnuma
Fox, Alison; Addison-Pettit, Paula; Lee, Clare and Stutchbury, Kris
Fox, Alison and Mitchell, Rafael
Gallastegi, Lore and Stutchbury, Kris (2019). Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) Project: Cohort 1 Evaluation, June 2019. The Open University.
Gallastegi, Lore; Stutchbury, Kris and Woodward, Clare
Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Diaz, Jara; Krall, Rotraut and Sisinni Ganly, Felicitas
Gardner, Marjorie Helen
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn (2019). The Concept of Culture: A History and Reappraisal. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Johnston-Wilder, Sue and Lee, Clare
Lee, Clare
Lee, Clare and Morrison, Sipho
Millonig, Diana; Stickler, Ursula and Coleman, James A.
Monbec, Laetitia
Musgrave, Jackie
Musgrave, Jackie
Myhill, Debra and Cremin, Teresa
Okada, A.; Rocha, K.; Fuchter, S.; Zucchi, S. and Wortley, D.
Okada, Alexandra and De Liddo, Anna (2019). LiteMap - Mapeamento do conhecimento. Open University.
Okada, Alexandra; Kowalski, Raquel Pasternak Glitz; Kirner, Claudio and Torres, Patrícia Lupion
Okada, Alexandra; Noguera, Ingrid; Aleksieva, Lyubka; Rozeva, Anna; Kocdar, Serpil; Brouns, Francis; Whitelock, Denise and Guerrero-Roldán, Ana-Elena
Okada, Alexandra and Whitelock, Denise
Okada, Alexandra and Whitelock, Denise
Okada, Alexandra; Whitelock, Denise; Holmes, Wayne and Edwards, Chris
Omolabake, Fakunle; Dollinger, Mollie; Alla-Mensah, Joyceline and Izard, Blair
Pálfi, S.; Rákó, E.; Varga Nagy, A. and Teszenyi, Eleonora
Power, Tom
Power, Tom
Power, Tom; Eyres, Ian and McCormick, Robert
Power, Tom; Griffiths, Malcolm and Seal, Timothy (2019). Educational Technology Landscape Review, Myanmar. DFID Myanmar-UK Partnership for Education.
Ramos, André L. M.; Korb, Thiago and Okada, Alexandra
Shaw, Erin
Sheehy, Kieron; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonathan; Seale, Jane and Hayhoe, Simon
Shrestha, Prithvi and Parry, John
Stewart, Sarah
Stutchbury, Kris; Chamberlain, Liz and Amos, Sandra
Stutchbury, Kris; Gallastegi, Lore and Woodward, Clare
Stutchbury, Kristina
Teszenyi, Eleonora and Pálfi, Sándor
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison; Lane, Jennifer; Conn, Carmel; Evans, Kathy; Drew, Sharon and Kelland, Amanda (2019). Research to establish a baseline of the SEN system in Wales. The Welsh Government.
Twining, Peter (2019). If school is the problem, what is the solution? The Open University.
van der Stouwe, Marc; Eyres, Ian and McCormick, Robert
Wambugu, Patricia; Stutchbury, Kris and Dickie, Joan
Ward-Penny, Robert and Lee, Clare
Wedekind, Volker; Fakoush, Haya and Alla-Mensah, Joyceline (2019). Human migration and TVET. In Human migration and TVET UNESCO-UNEVOC, UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET online library.
Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
2018To Top
Safford, Kimberly and Chamberlain, Liz eds. (2018). Learning and Teaching Around the World: Comparative and International Studies in Primary Education. Oxford: Routledge and the Open University.
Sykes, Gillian and Teszenyi, Eleonora eds. (2018). Young children and their communities. Understanding collective social responsibility. Abingdon: Routledge.
Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric and Fox, Alison
Aggleton, Jen
Akyeampong, Kwame; Vegas, Emiliana; Wolfenden, Freda; Saldanha, Kaitlynn; Dia Al-Attia, Haifa; Wigdortz, Brett; Oduro, Evelyn and Weinstein, Jose (2018). Qualities of effective teachers who teach disadvantaged students: insights from the Varkey Teacher Ambassador Community. The Varkey Foundation, UK.
Alshawabka, Khaled Elwalid
Ashbridge, Jan and Josephidou, Jo
Ashbridge, Jan and Josephidou, Jo
Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Moore, Rhiannon and Vaidya, Gayatri (2018). 'Functional English' Skills in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam: Comparing English Ability and Use Among 15 Year Olds in Three Countries. Working Paper 182; Young Lives, Oxford.
Baldwin, Lisa and Chamberlain, Liz
Bolshaw, Polly and Josephidou, Jo (2018). Introducing research in early childhood. SAGE.
Buckler, Alison S.
Butler, Deirdre; Leahy, Margaret; Twining, Peter; Akoh, Ben; Chtouki, Yousra; Farshadnia, Sara; Moore, Kanda; Nikolov, Roumen; Pascual, Carlos; Sherman, Barbara and Valtonen, Teemu
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz and McDonald, Roger
Coleman, Jim; Hultgren, Kristina; Li, Wei; Tsui, Cheng-Fang Cynthia and Shaw, Philip
Cooper, Victoria and Payler, Jane (2018). Providing Hope: Supporting Children and Young People living with a loved one who is seriously ill. In Children and Young People Today Children and Young People Today, UK.
Cremin, Teresa (2018). Do children have agency as authors? Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation.
Cremin, Teresa (2018). Living the Craft of Writing. Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation, Arvon website.
Cremin, Teresa (2018). Top Tips for reading aloud. The Open University.
Cremin, Teresa (2018). Do children have agency as authors? Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation.
Cremin, Teresa (2018). How well do you know your teachers as readers? School Library Association.
Cremin, Teresa (2018). Reading communities and books in common. NAAE - The National Association of Advisers in English, UK.
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Swann, Joan; Faulkner, Dorothy and Kucirkova, Natalia
Cremin, Teresa; Myhill, Debra; Eyres, Ian; Nash, Tricia; Wilson, Anthony and Oliver, Lucy (2018). Teachers as Writers research report. Arvon.
Cremin, T. and Barnes, J.
Cremin, Teresa (2018). How to become a reading role model. In Teach Reading and Writing Maze media
Cremin, Teresa and Moss, Gemma
Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Crossley, Michael; Gu, Qing; Barrett, Angeline M.; Brown, Lalage; Buckler, Alison; Christensen, Carly; Janmaat, Jan Germen; McCowan, Tristan; Preston, Rosemary; Singal, Nidhi and Trahar, Sheila
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Edwards, C.; Whitelock, D.; Okada, A. and Holmes, W.
Edwards, Chris; Holmes, Wayne; Whitelock, Denise and Okada, Ale
Elliott, Samantha; Hendry, Helen; Ayres, Chloe; Blackman, Kim; Browning, Francesca; Colebrook, Daisy; Cook, Colin; Coy, Nathan; Hughes, Jessica; Lilley, Natasha; Newboult, Devon; Uche, Oluchi; Rickell, Amber; Rura, Gagan-Preet; Wilson, Heidi and White, Philip
Erling, E. J.; Adinolfi, L.; Hultgren, A. K.; Buckler, A. and Mukorera, M.
Gallastegi, Lore and Stutchbury, Kris (2018). Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) Project: Baseline Study, March 2018. The Open University.
Glover, Alison
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart and Jones, Martin
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned (2018). Evaluation of the Early Implementation of the Childcare Offer for Wales. The Welsh Government.
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned (2018). Alignment of the Childcare Offer for Wales to the Foundation Phase. The Welsh Government.
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned (2018). Evaluation of the Early Implementation of the Childcare Offer for Wales: Holiday provision. The Welsh Government.
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned (2018). Evaluation of the Early Implementation of the Childcare Offer for Wales: Communication and Marketing of the Offer. The Welsh Government.
Gopinath, Manik; Peace, Sheila and Holland, Caroline
Grijalva, Ana; Moore, Rhiannon; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and Singh, Renu (2018). Classroom Observation Sub-study, 2017-18: Evidence from India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Grijalva, Ana; Moore, Rhiannon; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and Singh, Renu (2018). Design of the Classroom Observation Sub-study in India, 2017–18. Technical Note 47; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn (2018). The Radicalism of Ethnomethodology: An assessment of sources and principles. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hayward, Louise; Jones, Dylan E.; Waters, Jane; Makara, Kara; Morrison-Love, David; Spencer, Ernest; Barnes, Janine; Davies, Heddwen; Hughes, Sioned; Jones, Christine; Nelson, Sam; Ryder, Nanna; Stacey, David; Wallis, Rachel; Baxter, Jayne; MacBride, George; Bendall, Rachel; Brooks, Siân; Cooze, Angella; Davies, Linda; Denny, Helen; Donaldson, Peter; Lewis, Ishmael; Lloyd, Peter; Maitra, Srabani; Morgan, Catherine; James, Sue Pellew; Samuel-Thomas, Shan; Sharpling, Elaine; Southern, Alex; Stewart, Sarah; Valdera-Gil, Francisco and Wardle, Georgina (2018). Learning about Progression – Informing thinking about a Curriculum for Wales. The University of Glasgow, The University of Wales Trinity Saint David; CAMAU.
Holliman, Richard; Davies, Gareth; Ford, Diane; Russell, Mark; Steed, Anthony; Brown, Helen; Pearson, Victoria; Collins, Trevor; Stutchbury, Kris; Squires, Andrew; Scanlon, Eileen; Whitelegg, Liz; Ansine, Janice; Braithwaite, N St.J; Swithenby, Stephen; Dommett, Ellie; Sumner, Janet; Lee, Clare; Kendall, Joe; Green, Penny; Sharp, Damien; Bullivant, Mike; Devine, Peter and Hawthorne, Val (2018). Engaging Opportunities: Connecting young people with contemporary research and researchers. The Open University and the Denbigh Teaching School Alliance, Milton Keynes.
Kelly, Bethany Katherine
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
Lee, Clare and Richings, Lorraine (2018). Area 1: An Overview of Evidence for the National Approach to Professional Learning in Education. Welsh Government, Cardiff.
Lee, Clare
Lee, Clare and Johnston-Wilder, Sue (2018). Getting into and staying in the Growth Zone. NRICH.
Lee, Clare; Johnston-Wilder, Sue; Pardoe, Steve; Baker, Janet; Heshmati, Holly and Nyama, Joyce
McGrath, Simon; Alla-Mensah, Joyceline and Langthaler, Margarita (2018). Skills for decent work, life and sustainable development: Vocational education and the sustainable development goals. Austrian Foundation for Development Research.
Moore, Rhiannon and Rossiter, Jack (2018). Young Lives School Surveys, 2016-17. The Design and Development of Teacher Measures in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam. Technical Note 44; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Morgana, Valentina
Murray, J; Teszenyi, Eleonora; Nagy Varga, A; Pálfi, Sándor; Tajiyeva, M and Iskakova, A
Musgrave, Jackie
Musgrave, Jackie
O'Reilly, Michelle; Adams, Sarah; Whiteman, Natasha; Hughes, Jason; Reilly, Paul and Dogra, Nisha
Okada, Alexandra and De Liddo, Anna (2018). LiteMap Outreach and Usage by Brazilian Universities. Open University KMI.
Okada, Alexandra and Sherborne, Tony
Okada, Alexandra and Whitelock, Denise
Okada, Alexandra; Whitelock, Denise; Holmes, Wayne and Edwards, Chris
O’Reilly, Michelle; Svirydzenka, Nadzeya; Adams, Sarah and Dogra, Nisha
Panganayi, Mupenyu Felix
Power, T. J. M. P. and Hedges, C. L. (2018). English in Action School-Based Teachers Development - Body of Evidence. English in Aid (EIA); Open University.
Prowle, Alison and Musgrave, Jackie
Reichinger, Andreas; Garcia Carrizosa, Helena; Wood, Joanna; Schröder, Svenja; Löw, Christian; Luidolt, Laura Rosalia; Schimkowitsch, Maria; Fuhrmann, Anton; Maierhofer, Stefan and Purgathofer, Werner
Rocha, Ana Karine Loula Torres; Rocha, Ana Beatriz L. T. and Okada, Alexandra
Rolleston, Caine and Moore, Rhiannon (2018). Young Lives School Survey, 2016-17: Value-added Analysis in India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Rossiter, Jack; Woodhead, Martin; Rolleston, Caine and Moore, Rhiannon (2018). Delivering on Every Child’s Right to Basic Skills, Summative Report. Young Lives, Oxford.
Seale, Jane; Garcia-Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonty; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon
Serarols, Jordi; Gonzalez, Jordi; Welton, Nicola; Stewart, Sarah; Pauwells, Ellen; Runfola, Caterina; Mara, Elena Lucia and Mara, Daniel
Showunmi, Victoria and Fox, Alison
Stewart, Sarah
Stewart, Sarah
Stewart, Sarah and Ryder, Nanna
Stylianidou, Fani; Glauert, Esme; Rossis, Dimitris; Compton, Ashley; Cremin, Teresa; Craft, Anna and Havu-Nututinen, Sari
Tait, Alan
Wolfenden, Freda; Buckler, Alison; Santos, Cristina and Mittelmeier, Jenna (2018). Education Workforce Initiative: Initial Research. International Commission on Financing Education Opportunity (The Education Commission).
2017To Top
Johnston-Wilder, Sue; Lee, Clare and Pimm, David eds. (2017). Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (4th Edition). Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School. Routledge.
Moyles, Janet; Georgeson, Jan and Payler, Jane eds. (2017). Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning: In Early Years And Primary Education (5th edition). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Sarkar, Bikash Chandra; Hedges, Claire; Griffiths, Malcolm; Mathew, Rama and Biswas, Sudeb Kumar eds. (2017). Teachers' Voices. Capturing the Dynamics of Change. Dhaka, Bangladesh: English in Action, Bangladesh.
Aggleton, Jen
Aggleton, Jen (2017). Collecting and Preserving Digital Comics. The British Library, London.
Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Moore, Rhiannon and Iyer, Padmini (2017). Young Lives School Surveys, 2016–17: The Design and Development of Cross-Country Maths and English Tests in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam. Technical Note 39; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Bennett, Stephanie; Cooper, Victoria and Payler, Jane (2017). The need for support: Young people living through a family health crisis. Hope support services, UK.
Biswas, Sudeb Kumar; Griffiths, Malcolm; Hedges, Claire; Mathew, Rama and Sarkar, Bikash Chandra (2017). Teachers’ voices. Capturing the dynamics of change through classroom research. Report on teachers’ studies and 2017 conference. English in Action, Dhala Bangladesh.
Buckler, Alison Sarah
Canning, Natalie; Payler, Jane; Horsley, Karen and Gomez, Chris
Chamberlain, Liz (2017). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Sydney, Australia: Primary English Teaching Association Australia.
Chamberlain, Liz and Harrett, Jacqueline
Clifton, Grace (2017). Did Harry Potter's extra-curricular activities land him a job at the Ministry of Magic? Open Learn.
Clifton, Grace
Clifton, Grace
Clifton, Grace (2017). Introduction to Personal Development Planning. Employability Hub, The Open University.
Clifton, Grace and Kellett, Mary (2017). Measuring gains and employability for part-time students. WonkHE, London.
Cremin, Teresa (2017). Just enough writing time? Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation.
Cremin, Teresa (2017). What do you know about your writers? Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation.
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
Crisp, Martin; Safford, Kimberly and Wolfenden, Freda (2017). It takes a village to raise a teacher: the Learning Assistant programme in Sierra Leone. The Open University and Plan International.
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Duggan, Brett; Grover, Tanwen and Glover, Alison (2017). Formative Evaluation of the Pioneer Schools Model: Paper on Strand 1 and early Strand 2 activity. The Welsh Government.
Fox, Alison and Bird, Terese
Fox, Alison and Bird, Terese
Fox, Alison and Mitchell, Rafael
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hendry, Helen
Horsley, Karen
Iyer, Padmini and Moore, Rhiannon
Johnston-Wilder, Sue and Lee, Clare
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa (2017). How can digital library systems help teachers support-children's reading for pleasure. IOE London Blog, UCL, London.
Kucirkova, Natalia; Littleton, Karen and Cremin, Teresa
Lanvers, Ursula and Coleman, James A.
Lee, Clare and Johnston-Wilder, Sue
Lee, Clare and Ward-Penny, Robert
Lee, Clare and Ward-Penny, Robert
Lees, Amanda; Payler, Jane; Ballinger, Claire; Lawrence, Penny; Faust, Saul N. and Meads, Geoffrey
Leornardi, Sarah; Archer, Rachael; Tazzyman, Sarah; Burkin, Guy; Choudhoury, Arifa; Cork, Lorna and Fox, Alison (2017). Leadership Curriculum Evaluation: Final Report DFE- RR639. Department for Education, London.
Maher, Damian and Twining, Peter
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob and Villet, Charmaine
Moore, Rhiannon; Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and singh, Renu (2017). Young Lives School Survey, 2016-17: Evidence from India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Moore, Rhiannon; Buckler, Alison; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Singh, Renu; Rossiter, Jack and High, Chris
Musgrave, Jackie (2017). Supporting Children's Health and Wellbeing. London: Sage.
Musgrave, Jackie
Musgrave, Jackie; Savin-Baden, Maggi and Stobbs, Nicola eds. (2017). Studying for Your Early Years Degree: Skills and knowledge for becoming an effective early years practitioner. Early Years. St Albans: Critical Publishing.
Okada, Alexandra and Rocha, Ana Karine
Okada, Alexandra; Rocha, Ana Karine; Whitelock, Denise; Furchter, Simone and Zucchi, Sangar
Okada, Alexandra; Whitelock, Denise and Holmes, Wayne
Payler, Jane; Davis, Geraldine; Jarvis, Pam; Georgeson, Jan; Wood, Elizabeth and Lloyd, Eva
Payler, Jane and Georgeson, Jan
Payler, Jane; Wood, Elizabeth; Georgeson, Jan; Davis, Geraldine; Jarvis, Pamela; Rose, Janet; Gilbert, Louise; Hood, Philip; Mitchell, Helena and Chesworth, Liz (2017). BERA-TACTYC Early Childhood Research Review 2003-2017. BERA, London.
Peace, S. M and Darton, R. A.
Peace, Sheila; Gopinath, Manik and Holland, Caroline
Pearson, E.; Hendry, H.; Rao, N.; Aboud, F.; Horton, C.; Siraj, I.; Raikes, A. and Miyahara, J. (2017). Reaching expert consensus on training different cadres in delivering early childhood development: technical report. United Kingdom Department for International Development.
Pearson, E.; Hendry, H.; Rao, N.; Aboud, F.; Horton, C.; Siraj, I.; Raikes, A. and Miyahara, J. (2017). Training early childhood development cadres in low-resource contexts. UK Government Department for International Development.
Pérez-Sanagustín, Mar; Nussbaum, Miguel; Hilliger, Isabel; Alario-Hoyos, Carlos; Heller, Rachelle S.; Twining, Peter and Tsai, Chin-Chung
Power, Tom; Mathew, Rama and Griffiths, Malcolm (2017). How are English language teachers supported to develop professional knowledge and practice, within their schools? Qualitative Study. EIA Research Reports; English in Action (EIA), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Power, Tom; Babu, Rasel and Chowdhury, Tanjeeba (2017). An Evaluation of Computer Aided Learning (BRAC-CAL) in Secondary Schools in Bangladesh. Research Monograph Series (73). Dhaka, Bangladesh: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Power, Tom; McCormick, Robert and Asbeek-Brusse, Elsbeth (2017). A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Classroom Practices of English Language Teachers and the English Language Proficiency of Students, in Primary and Secondary Schools in Bangladesh. EIA Research Reports; English in Action (EIA), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ribeiro, Silvar Ferreira; Pinto, Sonia Maria da Conceicao and Okada, Alexandra Lilavati Pereira
Rix, Jonathan and Parry, John (2017). Using In-the-Picture to Engage With the Child’s Perspective. In Sage Research Methods Cases SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Roelen, Keetie; Devereux, Stephen; Abdulai, Abdul-Gafaru; Martorano, Bruno; Palermo, Tia and Ragno, Luigi Peter (2017). How to Make ‘Cash Plus’ Work: Linking Cash Transfers to Services and Sectors. In Innocenti Working Paper WP-2017-10 UNICEF Office of Research, Florence, Italy.
Seale, Jane; Garcia-Carrizosa, Helena; Rix, Jonathan; Sheehy, Kieron and Hayhoe, Simon (2017). What common design principles can be distilled out from literature in the field of technologies and learning difficulties that might inform the design of technologies within the EU funded ARCHES Project? Jane Seale.
Stewart, S. and Welton, N. (2017). Methodological framework and guide. Erasmus+.
Stutchbury, Kris and Woodward, Clare
Stutchbury, Kris and Woodward, Clare
Torres, Patricia Lupion; Santos, Katia Ethiénne Esteves dos; Kowalski, Raquel Pasternak Glitz and Okada, Alexandra
Twining, P.; Browne, N.; Murphy, P.; Hempel-Jorgensen, A.; Harrison, S. and Parmar, N. (2017). NP3 – New Purposes, New Practices, New Pedagogy: Meta-analysis report. Society for Educational Studies, London.
Wolfenden, Freda; Adinolfi, Lina; Cross, Simon; Lee, Clare; Paranjpe, Sandhya and Safford, Kimberly (2017). Moving towards more participatory practice with Open Educational Resources: TESS-India Academic Review. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Wolfenden, Freda; Auckloo, Pritee; Buckler, Alison and Cullen, Jane
Wolfenden, Freda; Cross, Simon and Henry, Fiona
Wolfenden, Freda; Henry, Fiona and Cross, Simon
2016To Top
Cremin, Teresa ed. (2016). Creativity and Creative Pedagogies in the Early and Primary Years. London: Routledge.
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan eds. (2016). Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language, literacy, and classroom culture. London and New York: Routledge.
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry eds. (2016). Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing. London and New York: Routledge.
Baker, Sally and Cremin, Teresa
Bamber, Philip; Bullivant, Andrea; Glover, Alison; King, Betsy and McCann, Gerard
Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn (2016). Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice (2nd edition). Ideas in practice. Leicester: UKLA.
Beavers, Sian; Brasher, Andrew; Buckler, Alison and Iniesto, Francisco
Bird, T. and Fox, A.
Britton, Helen
Canning, Natalie; Payler, Jane and Horsley, Karen
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz (2016). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Exeter: Sage Publications.
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz
Clifton, Grace
Cremin, Teresa; Swann, Joan; Colvert, Angela and Oliver, Lucy (2016). Evaluation Report of Prospero’s Island: an Immersive Approach to Literacy at Key Stage 3. Hackney Learning Trust, London.
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa and Flewitt, Rosie
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan
Cremin, Teresa; Lillis, Theresa; Myhill, Debra and Eyres, Ian
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
Darmody, Julie
Davis, Geraldine and Payler, Jane
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah; Ballans, Jane; Bowie, Marie; Humphries, Sally and Stones, Sandra
Evans, Jessica; Jordan, Sally and Wolfenden, Freda
Eyres, Ian
Flewitt, Rosie; Cremin, Teresa and Mardell, Ben
Fox, A. and Bird, T.
Fox, Alison
Georgeson, Jan; Røn Larsen, Maja and Payler, Jane
Hallawell, Bob
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Henry, Fiona and Seal, Tim
Hopkins, Elizabeth; Hendry, Helen; Garrod, Frank; McClare, Siobhan; Pettit, Daniel; Smith, Luke; Burrell, Hannah and Temple, Jennifer
Horsley, Karen
Jones, Philip Charles
Kooken, Janice; Welsh, Megan E.; McCoach, D. Betsy; Johnston-Wilder, Sue and Lee, Clare
Kurcikova, Natalia; Audain, Jon and Chamberlain, Liz (2016). Jumpstart! Apps: Creative learning, ideas and activities for ages 7-11. Jumpstart!. London: Routledge.
Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Okada, Alexandra; Correa, Andre and Scott, Peter
Milne, Ian and Cremin, Teresa
Moon, Bob and Villett, Charmaine (2016). Digital Learning: Reforming Teacher Education to Promote Access, Equity and Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver.
Moon, Bob ed. (2016). Do Universities Have a Role in the Education and Training of Teachers? An International analysis of policy and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Moon, Bob and Pontefract, Caroline
Moore, Rhiannon (2016). The Design of the 2016-17 Young Lives School Survey in India. Technical Note 37; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Morgan, Deborah Catherine
Okada, Alexandra (2016). Innovative Teaching for Responsible Citizenship: Policy Report. The Open University.
Okada, Alexandra (2016). Engaging Science: Innovative Teaching for Responsible Citizenship. ENGAGE. Milton Keynes: The Open University UK.
Owen, Nathaniel; Fox, Alison and Bird, Terese
Payler, Jane
Payler, Jane; Georgeson, Jan and Wong, Sandie
Power, Tom; Cullen, Jane; Woodward, Clare; Mathew, Rama; Payler, Jane and McCormick, Robert (2016). English Speaking and Listening Assessment Project - Baseline. Bangladesh. The British Council, Dhaka.
Raghuram, Parvati; Bornat, Joanna and Henry, Leroi
Sofocleous, Andros Kyriakou
Stutchbury, Kris
Teszenyi, Eleonora
Twining, Peter; Rix, Jonathan and Sheehy, Kieron (2016). Developing Point of Learning : an innovative approach to enhancing professional learning. Imagine Education, London.
Watkins, Philippa and Glover, Alison
2015To Top
Chappell, Kerry; Cremin, Teresa and Jeffrey, Robert eds. (2015). Creativity, Education and Society: Writings of Anna Craft. London: Trentham Books.
Cremin, Teresa ed. (2015). Teaching English Creatively (2nd edition). Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series. Abingdon: Routledge.
Albino, Gabriel
Austin, Nicholas James
Banks, Frank and Chikasanda, Vanwyk K. M.
Bartlett, Robin Frederick
Bird, T. and Fox, A.
Buckler, Alison (2015). Quality Teaching and the Capability Approach: Evaluating the Work and Governance of Women Teachers in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Routledge Research in Education, 140. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Buckler, Alison
Charalambous, Arsinoe
Clifton, Grace
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa
Cremin, Teresa; Glauert, Esme; Craft, Anna; Compton, Ashley and Styliandou, Fani
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Dennis, Carol Azumah
Fox, A.; Poultney, V.; Brown, A.; Rawes, N. and Silverthorne, J.
Fox, Alison R. C. and Wilson, Elaine G.
Georgeson, Jan and Payler, Jane
Gilchrist, Rosemary Martine
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammersley, Martyn
Inglis, Michael
Johnson, Gay Brianna
Kitto, Eleanor
Kontopoulou, Konstantina and Fox, Alison
Li, Nai; McCormick, Robert; Power, Tom; Burton, Sonia; Siddique, Ashraf and Rahman, Shajedur (2015). Classroom Practices of Primary and Secondary Teachers Participating in English in Action: Third Cohort (2014). English in Action (EIA), Dhaka.
Li, Nai; McCormick, Robert; Power, Tom; Siddique, Ashraf; Burton, Sonia and Rahman, Shajedur (2015). English Proficiency Assessments of Primary and Secondary Teachers and Students Participating in English in Action: Third Cohort (2014). English in Action (EIA), Dhaka.
Li, Nai; McCormick, Robert; Power, Tom; Siddique, Md. Ashraf; Burton, Sonia and Rahman, Md. Shajedur (2015). English Proficiency Assessments of Primary and Secondary Students Participating in English in Action: Third Cohort (2014) Large-Scale Quantitative Study. English in Action.
Malik, Altaf ur Rehman
McCullouch, Judith Mary
Millward, Christine Vanessa
Musgrave, Jackie and Stobbs, Nicola (2015). Early Years Placements: A Critical Guide to Outstanding Work-based Learning. Early Years. Northwich: Critical Publishing.
Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter and Mendonca, Murilo
Okada, Alexandra; Serra, Antonio Roberto Coelho; Ribeiro, Silvar and Pinto, Sonia
Okada, Alexandra; Wolff, Annika and Mikroyannidis, Alexander
Parry, John
Poultney, V.; Fox, A.; Brown, A.; Rawes, N. and Silverthorne, J.
Power, Tom; Mathew, Rama and Siddique, Ashraf
Rix, Jonathan (2015). Must Inclusion be Special? Rethinking Educational Support Within a Community of Provision. Current Debates in Educational Psychology. London: Routledge.
Rix, Jonathan; Sheehy, Kieron; Fletcher-Campbell, Felicity; Crisp, Martin and Harper, Amanda
Russell, Sonia Veronica
Sarkar, Sumita
Sharpe, Gemma
Solly, Michael; Rahman, Shajedur and Eyres, Ian (2015). English language and social and economic opportunity: Case studies of underprivileged school-leavers. Cambridge Education, Cambridge.
Teszenyi, Eleonora and Hevey, D
Twining, Peter; Davis, Niki; Charania, Amina; Chowfin, Aleta; Henry, Fiona; Nordin, Hasniza and Woodward, Clare (2015). Developing New Indicators To Describe Digital Technology Infrastructure In Primary And Secondary Education. Background Paper for ICT in Education Statistics; UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal.
Waters, Jane and Payler, Jane
Wolfenden, Freda
Yáñez, Cristina; Okada, Alexandra and Palau, Ramon
2014To Top
Bornat, Joanna and Jones, Rebecca eds. (2014). Imagining Futures: Methodological Issues for Research into Ageing. The Representation of Older People in Ageing Research, 13. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing.
Cremin, Teresa and Arthur, James eds. (2014). Learning to Teach in the Primary School (3rd edition). London: Routledge.
Moyles, Janet; Payler, Jane and Georgeson, Jan eds. (2014). Early years foundations: Critical issues (second edition). Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Okada, Alexandra; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Sherborne, Tony eds. (2014). Knowledge Cartography: Software Tools and Mapping Techniques (2nd ed). Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing. London: Springer.
Banks, Frank and Barlex, David (2014). Teaching STEM in the Secondary School: helping teachers meet the challenge. Abingdon: Routledge.
Banks, Frank and Barlex, David Michael
Bornat, Joanna and Jones, Rebecca L.
Bornat, Joanna; Raghuram, Parvati and Henry, Leroi
Buckler, Alison; Perryman, Leigh-Anne; Seal, Timothy and Musafir, Shankar
Buckler, Alison
Buckler, Alison; Perryman, Leigh-Anne; Seal, Timothy and Musafir, Shankar
Burton, Sonia and Moore, Rhiannon