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Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2013). Aperiodic Order. Vol 1. A Mathematical Invitation. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 149. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2017). Aperiodic Order. Volume 2: Crystallography and Almost Periodicity. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, 166. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Barrow-Green, June; Gray, Jeremy and Wilson, Robin (2019). The History of Mathematics: A Source-Based Approach. Providence, USA: The American Mathematical Society.

Bottazzini, Umberto and Gray, Jeremy J. (2013). Hidden Harmony — Geometric Fantasies: The rise of complex function theory. Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Heidelberg: Springer.

Daly, F.; Hand, D. J.; Jones, M.C; Lunn, A. D. and McConway, K. J. (1995). Elements of Statistics. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Farrington, Paddy; Whitaker, Heather and Weldeselassie, Yonas Ghebremichael (2018). Self-Controlled Case Series Studies:A Modelling Guide with R. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press Biostatistics Series. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Gierl, Lother; Cliff, A. D.; Valleron, A. J.; Farrington, Paddy and Bull, M. (1998). GEOMED '97. Stuttgart, Germany: B.G. Teubner.

Gilbert, John and Jordan, Camilla (2002). Guide to Mathematical Methods (Second Edition). Mathematical Guides. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gill, Nick; Liebeck, Martin W. and Spiga, Pablo (2022). Cherlin’s Conjecture for Finite Primitive Binary Permutation Groups. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2302. Cham: Springer.

Gower, J. C. and Hand, David J. (1995). Biplots. Monographs on statistics and applied probability, 54. London, U.K.: Chapman & Hall.

Gower, John C. and Dijksterhuis, Garmt B. (2004). Procrustes problems. Oxford Statistical Science Series, 30. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Graham, Alan and Duke, Roger (2010). An Applet for the Teacher: Maths for the imagination. St Albans, England: Tarquin.

Gray, Jeremy (2007). Worlds out of nothing: a course in the history of geometry in the 19th Century. Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. London, UK: Springer.

Gray, Jeremy (2008). Plato's Ghost: the modernist transformation of mathematics. Princeton New Jersey, USA: Princeton University Press.

Gray, Jeremy (2010). Worlds out of Nothing: A Course on the History of Geometry in the 19th Century. Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. London: Springer.

Gray, Jeremy (2012). Henri Poincaré: a scientific biography. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Gray, Jeremy J. (2004). Janos Bolyai, non-Euclidean geometry, and the nature of space. Burndy Library Publications (new series), 1. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Burndy Library MIT Press.

Hand, David J.; Daly, Fergus; McConway, K.; Lunn, D. and Ostrowski, E. (1993). A handbook of small data sets. London, U.K.: Chapman and Hall.

Johnston-Wilder, Susan and Mason, John (2004). Fundamental constructs in mathematics education. Routledge Falmer in association with the Open University.

Jordan, C. R. and Jordan, D. A. (1994). Groups. Modular mathematics. Newnes.

Mason, John and Klymchuk, Sergiy (2009). Counter Examples in Calculus. London: Imperial College Press.

Mason, John and Sutherland, R. (2002). Key aspects of teaching algebra in schools. London, UK: QCA.

O'Farrell, Anthony G. and Short, Ian (2015). Reversibility in Dynamics and Group Theory. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 416. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Prestage, Stephanie; Watson, Anne and De Geest, Els (2007). Pocket PAL: Building Learning in Mathematics. Pocket PAL (Network Contimuum). London, U.K.: Network Continuum Education.

Tunnicliffe, W. R. (1991). Mathematics for programmers. Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science. New York: Prentice Hall.

Wand, M. P and Jones, M. C. (1994). Kernel Smoothing. Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability (60). Boca Raton, FL, U.S.: Chapman & Hall.

Watson, Anne; De Geest, Els and Prestage, Stephanie (2003). Deep Progress in Mathematics - The Improving Attainment in Mathematics Project. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford, Department of educational studies.

Watson, Anne and Mason, John (2005). Mathematics as a constructive activity: learners generating examples. Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning. Mahwah, New Jersey, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Wilson, Robin (2008). Lewis Carroll in Numberland. London: Allen Lane.

Zazkis, Rina; Mason, John and Kontorovich, Igor’ (2021). The Learning and Teaching of Number: Paths Less Travelled Through Well-Trodden Terrain. London: Routledge.

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Grimm, Uwe and Baake, Michael eds. (1995). Perspectives on Solvable Models. Singapore: World Scientific.

Grimm, Uwe; McGrath, Rónán; Degtyareva, Olga and Sharma, Hem Raj eds. (2010). 6th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (APERIODIC'09). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 226 (1). London: IoP Publishing Ltd.

Johnston-Wilder, Sue; Lee, Clare and Pimm, David eds. (2017). Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (4th Edition). Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School. Routledge.

McConway, Kevin and Davey, Basiro eds. (2001). Studying Health and Disease (colour-enhanced second edition). U205 (2). Buckingham, UK: Open University Press/McGraw Hill Education.

Beineke, Lowell W.; Golumbic, Martin Charles and Wilson, Robin J. eds. (2021). Topics in Algorithmic Graph Theory. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 178. Cambridge University Press.

Nielsen, Frank; Critchley, Frank and Dodson, Christopher T. J. eds. (2017). Computational Information Geometry For Image and Signal Processing. Signals and Communication Technology. Cham: Springer.

Book SectionTo Top

Albers, C. J.; Gower, J. C. and Kiers, H. A. L. (2018). Rank Properties for Centred Three-Way Arrays. In: Mola, F.; Conversano, C. and Vichi, M. eds. Classification, (Big) Data Analysis and Statistical Learning. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, pp. 69–76.

Albers, Casper; Critchley, Frank and Gower, John (2007). Group average representations in Euclidean distance cones. In: Brito, Paula; Bertrand, Patrice; Cucumel, Gucumel and de Carvalho, Francisco eds. Selected Contributions in Data Analysis and Classification. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 445–454.

Allen, Barbara (2004). Pupils’ perspectives on learning mathematics. In: Allen, Barbara and Johnston-Wilder, Sue eds. Mathematics Education: Exploring the culture of learning. UK: Routledge, pp. 233–242.

Allen, Barbara (2009). Pupils’ perceptions of setting. In: Houssart, Jenny and Mason, John eds. Listening Counts: Listening to Young Learners of Mathematics. Trentham Books.

Allen, Barbara (2009). What students want: a friendly mathematics classroom. In: Mason, John and Houssart, Jenny eds. Listening Figures: Listening to Learners of Mathematics at Secondary School and Above. Trentham Books.

Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim; Critchley, Frank; Marriott, Paul and Vos, Paul (2016). Towards the Geometry of Model Sensitivity: An Illustration. In: Nielsen, Frank; Critchley, Frank and Dodson, Christopher T. J. eds. Computational Information Geometry. Signals and Communication Technology. Cham: Springer, pp. 33–62.

Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim; Critchley, Frank; Marriott, Paul and Vos, Paul (2016). On the Geometric Interplay Between Goodness-of-Fit and Estimation: Illustrative Examples. In: Nielsen, Frank; Critchley, Frank and Dodson, Christopher T. J. eds. Computational Information Geometry: For Image and Signal Processing. Signals and Communication Technology. Cham: Springer, pp. 63–77.

Araya, Y. N.; Silvertown, J.; Linder, H. P; Gowing, D. J.; Midgley, G. F. and McConway, K. J. (2008). Evolution of hydrological niches in Restionaceae: a project update. In: Mucina, L.; Kalwij, J. M.; Smith, V. R.; Chytry, M.; White, P. S.; Cilliers, S. S.; Pillar, V. D.; Zobel, M. and Sun, I-Fang eds. Frontiers of Vegetation Science - An evolutionary angle. Somerset West: Keith Phillips Images, pp. 15–16.

Baake, M.; Coons, M.; Grimm, U.; Roberts, J.A.G. and Yassawi, R. (2021). Aperiodic Order Meets Number Theory: Origin and Structure of the Field. In: Wood, David R.; de Gier, Jan; Praeger, Cheryl E. and Tao, Terence eds. 2019-20 MATRIX Annals. MATRIX Book Series (4). Cham: Springer, pp. 663–667.

Baake, Michael; Birkner, Matthias and Grimm, Uwe (2015). Non-periodic Systems with Continuous Diffraction Measures. In: Kellendonk, Johannes; Lenz, Daniel and Savinien, Jean eds. Mathematics of Aperiodic Order. Progress in Mathematics (309). Basel: Birkhauser, pp. 1–32.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2020). Renormalisation of Pair Correlations and Their Fourier Transforms for Primitive Block Substitutions. In: Akiyama, Shigeki and Arnoux, Pierre eds. Substitution and Tiling Dynamics: Introduction to Self-inducing Structures. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2273. Cham: Springer, pp. 359–395.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2000). A guide to quasicrystal literature. In: Baake, Michael and Moody, Robert V. eds. Directions in Mathematical Quasicrystals. CRM Monograph Series (13). Providence, Rhode Island, USA: American Mathematical Society, pp. 371–373.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2003). Quasicrystalline combinatorics. In: Gazeau, J.-P.; Kerner, R.; Antoine, J.-P.; Metens, S. and Thibon, J.-Y. eds. Group 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries. Institute of Physics Conference Series (173). Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing Ltd, pp. 193–200.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2002). Further Reading: Literature on Quasicrystals. In: Suck, J.-B.; Schreiber, M. and Häussler, P. eds. Quasicrystals: An Introduction to Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications. Springer Series in Materials Science, 55. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 539–544.

Baake, Michael and Grimm, Uwe (2003). Combinatorial problems of (quasi-)crystallography. In: Trebin, Hans-Rainer ed. Quasicrystals: Structure and Physical Properties. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 160–171.

Barrow-Green, June and Royle, Tony (2022). The work of British women mathematicians during the First World War. In: Jones, Claire G.; Martin, Alison E. and Wolf, Alexis eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Women and Science since 1660. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 549–572.

Barth, Karl and Rippon, Philip (2006). Exceptional values and the MacLane class. In: Borichev, Alexander; Hedenmalm, Håkan and Zhu, Kehe eds. Bergman spaces and related topics in complex analysis: proceedings of a conference in honor of Boris Korenblum’s 80th birthday. Contemporary mathematics (404). Providence, RI, USA and Ramat-Gan, Israel: American Mathematical Society and Bar-Ilan University, pp. 41–52.

Bartkowiak, Anna and Trendafilov, Nickolay (2005). Feature extraction by the SCoTLASS: an illustrative example. In: Klopotek, Mieczyslaw A; Wierzchen, Slawomir T. and Trojanowski, Krzysztof eds. Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (31). Berlin: Springer, pp. 3–11.

Berrar, Daniel (2025). Bayes' Theorem and Naive Bayes Classifier. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Cannataro, Mario and Asif, Mohammed eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2nd edition. Elsevier (In Press).

Berrar, Daniel (2025). Cross-validation. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Cannataro, Mario and Khan, Mohammad Asif eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2nd edition. Elsevier (In Press).

Berrar, Daniel (2019). Bayes’ Theorem and Naive Bayes Classifier. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Gribskov, Michael; Nakai, Kenta; Schönbach, Christian and Cannataro, Mario eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Reference Module in Life Sciences, 1. Elsevier, pp. 403–412.

Berrar, Daniel (2019). Cross-validation. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Gribskov, Michael; Nakai, Kenta; Schönbach, Christian and Cannataro, Mario eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Reference Module in Life Sciences, 1. Elsevier, pp. 542–545.

Berrar, Daniel (2019). Performance Measures for Binary Classification. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Gribskov, Michael; Nakai, Kenta; Schönbach, Christian and Cannataro, Mario eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Reference Module in Life Sciences, 1. Elsevier, pp. 546–560.

Berrar, Daniel (2019). Introduction to the Non-Parametric Bootstrap. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Gribskov, Michael; Nakai, Kenta; Schönbach, Christian and Cannataro, Mario eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Reference Module in Life Sciences, 1. Elsevier, pp. 766–773.

Berrar, Daniel (2025). Performance Measures for Binary Classification. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Mario, Cannataro and Asif, Mohammad eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2nd edition. Elsevier (In Press).

Berrar, Daniel (2025). Introduction to the Non-Parametric Bootstrap. In: Ranganathan, Shoba; Mario, Cannataro and Asif, Mohammad eds. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2nd edition. Elsevier (In Press).

Beswick, Kim; Watson, Anne and De Geest, Els (2007). Describing Mathematics departments: the strengths and limitations of complexity theory and activity theory. In: Watson, J. and Beswick, K. eds. Mathematics: Essential Research, Essential Practice, Volume 1. Adelaide, Austalia: MERGA, pp. 113–122.

Biedermann, Stefanie and Yang, Min (2015). Designs for selected non-linear models. In: Dean, Angela; Morris, Max; Stufken, John and Bingham, Derek eds. Handbook of Design and Analysis of Experiments. Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 515–548.

Bonte, M.; Ivinson, G.; Merkley, R.; Bain, P.; Castles, A.; Cheung, P.; Clements, D.; Cook, C.; Cristia, A.; Day-Hess, C.; Dowker, A.; Draper, C.; Flewitt, R.; Germein, S.; Grigorenko, E.; Grotzer, T.; Hackett, A.; Kathotia, V.; Kievit, R.; McBride, C.; O'Brien, K.; Sarama, J.; Sommerville, M.; Strader, S. and Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden, C. (2022). Foundations of academic knowledge. In: Duraiappah, A.K.; Atteveldt, N.M.; Bugden, S. and Borst, G. eds. Reimagining education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment. New Delhi, India: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, pp. 282–355.

Bove, Giuseppe; Critchley, Frank; Sabolova, Radka and Van Bever, Germain (2015). On ANOVA-Like Matrix Decompositions. In: Nordhausen, Klaus and Taskinen, Sara eds. Modern Nonparametric, Robust and Multivariate Methods. Springer International Publishing, pp. 425–439.

Brignall, Robert (2010). A survey of simple permutations. In: Linton, Steve; Ruškuc, Nik and Vatter, Vincent eds. Permutation Patterns. London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series (376). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 41–65.

Chicot, Katie M. and Truss, John K. (2017). Countable 1-transitive trees. In: Droste, Manfred; Fuchs, László; Goldsmith, Brendan and Strüngmann, Lutz eds. Groups, Modules and Model Theory - Surveys and Recent Developments, in Memory of Rüdiger Göbel. Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 225–268.

Christiansen, Colette; Potier, Louis and Bell, Jordana T (2021). Twins and family epigenetic studies of Type 2 Diabetes. In: Li, Shuai and Hopper, John L eds. Twin and Family Studies of Epigenetics. Translational Epigenetics, 27. Elsevier, pp. 105–118.

Cooper, Martyn; Lowe, Tim and Taylor, Mary (2008). Access to mathematics in web resources for people with a visual impairment: Considerations and developments in an open and distance learning context. In: Miesenberger, Klaus; Zagler, Wolfgang; Klaus, Joachim and Karshmer, Arthur eds. Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (5105/2008). Berlin: Springer, pp. 926–933.

Critchley, F. (2000). On an framework for dissimilarity analysis. In: Gaul, Wolfgang; Optiz, Otto and Schader, Martin eds. Data Analysis: Scientific Modelling and Practical Application. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, pp. 121–134.

Critchley, Frank (2000). On a framework for dissimilarity analysis. In: Gaul, Wolfgang; Opitz, Otto and Schader, Martin eds. Data Analysis: Scientific Modeling and Practical Application. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp. 121–134.

Critchley, Frank (2003). On ziggurats and dendrograms. In: Schader, Martin; Gaul, Wolfgang and Vichi, Maurizio eds. Between data science and applied data analysis: Proceedings of the 26th annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V. Studies in classification, data analysis, and knowledge organization. Springer, pp. 191–200.

Critchley, Frank and Marriott, Paul (2016). Information Geometry and Its Applications: An Overview. In: Nielsen, Frank; Critchley, Frank and Dodson, Christopher T. J. eds. Computational Information Geometry: For Image and Signal Processing. Signals and Communication Technology. Cham: Springer, pp. 1–31.

Critchley, Frank; Marriott, Paul and Salmon, Mark (2000). An elementary account of Amari's expected geometry. In: Marriott, Paul and Salmon, Mark eds. Applications of Differential Geometry to Econometrics. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 294–315.

Critchley, Frank; Schyns, Michael; Haesbroeck, Gentiane; Kinns, David; Atkinson, Richard A. and Lu, Guobing (2004). The case sensitivity function approach to diagnostic and robust computation: a relaxation strategy. In: Antoch, Jaromir ed. Proceedings in Computational Statistics : 16th Symposium Held in Prague, Czech Republic, 2004. Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, pp. 113–125.

De Geest, Els; Joubert, Marie; Back, Jenni; Sutherland, Rosamund and Hirst, Christine (2011). Researching effective continuing professional development in mathematics education. In: Bednarz, Nadine; Fiorentini, Dario and Huang, Rongjin eds. The Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers: Experiences and Approaches Developed in Different Countries. Ottowa, Canada: Ottowa University Press, pp. 223–231.

De Geest, Els and Lee, Clare (2019). Promoting a Positive Learning Environment. In: Lee, Clare and Ward-Penny, Robert eds. A Practical Guide to Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School Second Edition. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 90–103.

Despeaux, Sloan and Stenhouse, Brigitte (2023). Mathematical Men in Humble Life: Philomaths from north-west England as Editors of ‘Questions for Answer’ Journals. In: Beeley, Philip and Hollings, Christopher eds. Beyond the Learned Academy: The Practice of Mathematics, 1600-1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 139–157.

Durran, Richard; Neate, Andrew; Truman, Aubrey and Smolyanov, Oleg (2012). A Burgers-Zeldovich Model for the Formation of Planetesimals via Nelson's Stochastic Mechanics. In: Zhao, Huaizhong and Truman, Aubrey eds. New Trends in Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, 12. World Scientific, pp. 127–139.

Faria, Álvaro E. and Smith, Jim Q. (1996). Conditional external Bayesianity in decomposable influence diagrams. In: Bernardo, J. M.; Berger, J. O.; Dawid, A. P. and Smith, A. F. M. eds. Bayesian Statistics 5: Proceedings of the Fifth Valencia International Meeting, June 5-9, 1994. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 551–560.

Farrington, C Paddy; Whitaker, Heather and Hocine, Mounia (2007). Statistical issues in vaccine safety evaluation. In: Ruggeri, Fabrizio; Kenett, Ron and Faltin, Frederick W eds. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, pp. 1888–1894.

Farrington, C. P. (1999). Interval-censoring. In: Kotz, Samuel; Read, Campbell B.; Balakrishnan, N. and Vidakovic, Brani eds. Encyclopedia of Statistical Science Update, Volume 3. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. 371–376.

Farrington, C. P. and Beale, A. D. (1998). The detection of outbreaks of infectious disease. In: Gierl, L.; Cliff, A. D.; Valleron, A. J.; Farrington, Paddy; Bull, M. and Teubner, B. G. eds. GEOMED '97, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geomedical Systems. Stuttgart, Germany: B. G. Teubner, pp. 97–117.

Farrington, Paddy (2005). Communicable diseases. In: Armitage, Peter and Coulton, Theodore eds. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2nd Edition, Volume 1. John Wiley and Sons.

Farrington, Paddy and Andrews, Nick (2003). Outbreak detection: application to infectious disease surveillance. In: Brookmeyer, Ron and Stroup, Donna F. eds. Monitoring the Health of Populations: Statistical Principles and Methods for Public Health Surveillance. New York, NY, USA: OUP USA, pp. 203–231.

Farrington, Paddy and Miller, Elizabeth (2001). Meningococcal vaccine trials. In: Pollard, Andrew J. and Maiden, Martin C. J. eds. Meningococcal Vaccines: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology (66). Totowa, New Jersey, USA: Humana Press, pp. 371–393.

Farrington, Paddy and Miller, Elizabeth (2003). Clinical trials. In: Robinson, Andrew; Hudson, Michael J. and Cranage, Martin P. eds. Vaccine Protocols (Second Edition). Methods in Molecular Medicine: (4). Totowa, New Jersey, USA: Humana Press, pp. 335–351.

Fortune, Joyce and Peters, Geoff (2006). Systems analysis of failures as a quality management tool. In: Smith, Denis and Elliott, Dominic eds. Key readings in crisis management: systems and structures for prevention and recovery. Routledge.

Gill, Nick; Gillespie, Neil; Praeger, Cheryl and Semeraro, Jason (2017). Conway’s groupoid and its relatives. In: Bhargava, Manjul; Guralnick, Robert; Hiss, Gerhard; Lux, Klaus and Tiep, Pham Huu eds. Finite Simple Groups: Thirty Years of the Atlas and Beyond. Contemporary Mathematics, 694. American Mathematical Society, pp. 91–110.

Gower, J. C. (2001). Procrustes analysis. In: Smelser, N. J. and Baltes, P. B. eds. International Encyclodpedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, Volume 18. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 12141–12143.

Gower, John (1998). Classification, overview. In: Armitage, P. and Coulton, Theodore eds. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Volume 1. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. 656–667.

Gower, John (1998). Principal coordinates analysis. In: Armitage, P. and Coulton, Theodore eds. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Volume 5. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. 3514–3518.

Gower, John (1998). Similarity, dissimilarity, and distance measure. In: Armitage, P. and Coulton, Theodore eds. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Volume 5. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. 4097–4100.

Gower, John (1996). Multivariate and multidimensional analysis. In: Armitage, Peter and David, Herbert A. eds. Advances in Biometry. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. New York, U.S.: Wiley.

Gower, John (2005). Biplot. In: Everitt, Brian and Howell, David eds. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Sciences, Volume 1. New York: Wiley, pp. 163–164.

Gower, John (2006). Divided by a Common Language: Analyzing and visualizing two-way arrays. In: Greenacre, Michael and Blasius, Joerg eds. Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods. Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Science (1). Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman and Hall, pp. 77–105.

Gower, John (1999). Discussion of contrast between psycometric and statistical approaches to multiway data analysis. In: International Statistical Insitute ed. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Volume 58. Helsinki: International Statistical Institute, pp. 101–102.

Gower, John (1995). A general theory of biplots. In: Krzanowski, W.J. ed. Recent Advances in Descriptive Multivariate Statistics. Royal Statistical Society Lecture Notes, 2. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 283–303.

Gower, John (1995). Orthogonal and projection procrustes analysis. In: Krzanowski, W.J. ed. Recent Advances in Descriptive Multivariate Statistics. Royal Statistical Society Lecture Notes, 2. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 113–134.

Gower, John (2008). Asymmetry analysis: The place of models. In: Shigemasu, K.; Okada, A.; Imaizuma, T. and Hodhina, T. eds. New Trends in Psychometrics. Universal Academy Press, pp. 69–78.

Gower, John; Hand, D. J. and Ngouenet, R. F. (1997). The development of interactive graphical software for a unified biplot methodology. In: Wegman, E. J. and Azen, S. P. eds. Computing Science and Statistics, Volume 29. International Association for Statistical Computing, pp. 22–27.

Gower, John and Harding, Simon A. (1998). Prediction regions for categorical variables. In: Blasius, Jörg and Greenacre, Michael eds. Visualization of Categorical Data. Elsevier Inc., pp. 405–419.

Gower, John C. and Ross, Gavin J. S. (1998). Non-probabilistic classification. In: Rizzi, Alfredo; Vichi, Maurizio and Bock, Hans Hermann eds. Advances in Data Science and Classification. New York, NY U.S.: Springer, pp. 21–28.

Graham, Alan and Duke, Roger (2009). Matchbox Algebra. In: Houssart, Jenny and Mason, John eds. Listening Figures: listening to learners of mathematics at secondary school and above. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books, pp. 25–38.

Grannell, Mike and Griggs, Terry (2007). Designs and topology. In: Hilton, A. and Talbot, J. eds. Surveys in Combinatorics 2007. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 346, London Mat (346). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 121–174.

Grannell, Mike and Griggs, Terry (2009). Embeddings and designs. In: Wilson, Robin and Beineke, LW eds. Topics in Topological Graph Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 268–288.

Gray, Jeremy (2023). Reflections. In: Chemla, Karine; Ferreirós, José; Ji, Lizhen; Scholz, Erhard and Wang, Chang eds. The Richness of the History of Mathematics: A Tribute to Jeremy Gray. Archimedes (ARIM), 66. Springer, Cham, pp. 677–691.

Gray, Jeremy (2022). Some Problems in the History of Modern Mathematics. In: Morel, Jean-Michel and Teissier, Bernard eds. Mathematics Going Forward : Collected Mathematical Brushstrokes. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2313. Springer, pp. 315–323.

Gray, Jeremy (2010). Poincaré and complex function theory. In: Bour, Pierre; Rebuschi, Manuel and Rollet, Laurent eds. Construction: Festschrift for Gerhard Heinzmann. Tributes (14). London: College Publications, pp. 3–22.

Gray, Jeremy (2006). A History of Prizes in Mathematics. In: Carlson, J.; Jaffe, A. and Wiles, A. eds. The Millennium Prize Problems. Cambridge, Mass. USA, and Providence, Rhode Island, USA: CMI/AMS, pp. 3–30.

Gray, Jeremy (2011). Overstating their case? Reflections on British pure mathematics in the 19th century. In: Flood, Raymond; Rice, Adrian and Wilson, Robin eds. Mathematics in Victorian Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 397–414.

Gray, Jeremy (2002). Languages for mathematics and the language of mathematics in a world of nations. In: Parshall, Karen Hunger and Rice, Adrian C eds. Mathematics unbound: the evolution of an international mathematical research community, 1800-1945. History of mathematics (23). Providence, Rhode Island USA: American Mathematical Society and London Mathematical Society, pp. 210–228.

Gray, Jeremy (2009). Nineteenth century analysis as philosophy of mathematics. In: Van Kerkhove, Bart ed. New Perspectives on Mathematical Practice. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 138–149.

Griggs, T. S. and Grannell, M. J. (2007). Designs and topology. In: Hilton, Anthony and Talbot, John eds. Surveys in Combinatorics 2007. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 346 (346). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 121–174.

Grimm, Uwe (2003). Duality and conformal twisted boundaries in the Ising model. In: Gazeau, J.-P.; Kerner, R.; Antoine, J.-P.; Métens, S. and Thibon, J.-Y. eds. Group 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetry. Institute of Physics Conference Series (173). Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing Ltd, pp. 395–398.

Grimm, Uwe and Schreiber, Michael (2023). Electronic structure of quasicrystals. In: Chakraborty, Tapash ed. Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (2nd ed), Volume 5. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 290–297.

Grimm, Uwe (2017). Aperiodic Order. In: Bullett, Shaun; Fearn, Tom and Smith, Frank eds. Dynamical and Complex Systems. LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series (5). London: World Scientific Europe, pp. 41–80.

Grimm, Uwe (2002). Aperiodicity and Disorder - Do They Play a Role? In: Hoffmann, K.-H. and Schreiber, Michael eds. Computational Statistical Physics: From Billiards to Monte-Carlo. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 191–210.

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