Currently browsing: Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

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Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2006). Fertile and peraluminous granites and related rare-element mineralization in pegmatites, north-central and northeastern Superior Province, Ontario. Open File Report (6195). Sudbury, Canada: Ontario Geological Survey.

Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2008). The Georgia Lake rare-element pegmatite field and related S-type, peraluminous granites, Quetico Subprovince, north-central Ontario. Open File Report (6199). Sudbury, Canada: Ontario Geological Survey.

Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G. (1996). New discovery of rare-element pegmatite mineralization, Separation Lake area, northwestern Ontario. Open File Report (5946). Sudbury, Canada: Ontario Geological Survey.

Carter, S.; Lavranos, J. J.; Newton, L. E. and Walker, C. C. (2011). Aloes – The definitive guide. London: Kew Publishing in association with the British Cactus and Succulent Society.

Coe, Angela L.; Argles, Thomas; Rothery, David and Spicer, Robert (2010). Geological Field Techniques. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell in association with the OU.

Coe, Angela L.; Bosence, Dam W.J.; Church, Kevin D.; Flint, Stephen S.; Howell, John A. and Wilson, R. Chris L. (2003). The Sedimentary record of sea-level change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press and the Open University.

Dolenz, H.; Baldus, H. R.; Feichtinger, D.; Koser, E.; Kunze, C. I.; Schmidt, K.; Schutz, N.; Tindle, A. G. and Williams-Thorpe, O. (2001). Damous-el-Karita. Die österreichisch-tunesischen Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1996 und 1997 im Saalbau und der Memoria südwestlich des Pilgerheiligtumes Damous-el-Karita in Karthago. Wien: Österreichisches Archalogisches Institut.

Drury, S. A. (1998). Images of Earth: A Guide to Remote Sensing (2nd ed.). Oxford Science Publications. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Drury, Stephen (1999). Stepping Stones: The Making of Our Home World. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Drury, S.A. (2001). Image interpretation in Geology. 3rd edition. Cheltenham, UK: Nelson Thornes.

Leinders, Jef; Drury, Stephen and Rothery, David (1989). Remote sensing. The Open University of the Netherlands.

Norris, Richard D.; Wilson, Paul A.; Blum, Peter; Fehr, Annick; Agnini, Claudia; Bornemann, André; Boulila, Slah; Brown, Paul R.; Cournede, Cecile; Friedrich, Oliver; Ghosh, Amit Kumar; Hollis, Christopher J.; Hull, Pincelli M.; Jo, Kyoungnam; Junium, Christopher K.; Kaneko, Masanori; Liebrand, Diederik; Lippert, Peter C.; Liu, Zhonghui; Matsui, Hiroki; Moriya, Kazuyoshi; Nishi, Hiroshi; Opdyke, Bradley N.; Penman, Donald; Romans, Brian; Scher, Howie D.; Sexton, Philip; Takagi, Haruka; Turner, Sandra Kirtland; Whiteside, Jessica H.; Yamaguchi, Tatsuhiko and Yamamoto, Yuhji (2012). Paleogene Newfoundland sediment drifts. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 342, Prelim Rep. La Jolla, CA: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc..

Rothero, Emma; Lake, Sophie and Gowing, David (2016). Floodplain Meadows: Beauty and Utility - A Technical Handbook. Milton Keynes: Floodplain Meadows Partnership, The Open University.

Sheldon, Peter and Tindle, Andrew (2013). Fossil Guide. Open University.

Silvertown, Jonathan (2005). Demons in Eden: the paradox of plant diversity. Chicago, USA: Chicago University Press.

Silvertown, Jonathan (2009). An orchard invisible. A natural history of seeds. Chicago, USA & London, UK: Chicago University Press.

Tindle, A. G. (2008). Minerals of Britain and Ireland. Harpenden, UK: Terra Publishing.

Tindle, A.G. and Breaks, F.W. (2000). Tantalum mineralogy of rare-element granitic pegmatites from the Separation Lake area, northwestern Ontario. Open File Report (Ontario Geological Survey) (6022). Sudbury, Canada: Ontario Geological Survey.

Vakhrameeva, M.G.; Tatarenko, I. V.; Varlygina, T.I.; Totosyan, G.K. and Zagulskii, M.N. (2008). Orchids of Russia and Adjacent Countries. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G..

Warren, John; Lawson, Clare and Belcher, Kenneth (2007). The Agri-Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wilson, R. C. L.; Drury, S. A. and Chapman, J. A. (2000). The Great Ice Age: Climate Change and Life. London: Routledge The Open University.

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Brandon, Mark A. and Clark, N. H. eds. (2003). Environmental Changes: Global Challenges. Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Worldwide.

Bush, Mark B.; Flenley, John R. and Gosling, William D. eds. (2011). Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change (2nd ed.). Chichester: Springer/Praxis.

Coe, Angela L. ed. (2022). Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. GSL Geoscience in Practice, 1. Bath, UK: The Geological Society of London.

Dodd, M.; Tatarenko, I.; Sortland, A. and Tatarenko, E. eds. (2013). Botanical Excursions on the Northern Soroya (Finnmark, Norway). Hammerfest: Hammerfest Kommune, Grafica AS.

Dodd, Michael; Tatarenko, Irina and Koroleva, Natalia eds. (2015). Bryophytes, lichens and cyanoprocaryotes in surroundings of Pyramiden (Svalbard): a concise guide-book. Apatity, Murmansk: Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute.

Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P. eds. (2018). Volatiles in the Martian Crust. Elsevier.

Gilmour, Iain and Sephton, Mark eds. (2004). An Introduction to Astrobiology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Haythornthwaite, Caroline; Andrews, Richard; Fransman, Jude and Meyers, Eric M. eds. (2016). The SAGE Handbook of E-learning Research (Second Edition). London: Sage.

Widdowson, M. ed. (1997). Palaeosurfaces: Recognition, Reconstruction and Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation. Special Publication, 120. London: Geological Society of London.

Coustenis, Athena; Rodrigo, Rafael; Spohn, Tilman; Hand, Kevin P.; Hayes, Alexander; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Postberg, Frank; Sotin, Christophe; Tobie, Gabriel; Raulin, Francois; Walter, Nicolas and L'Haridon, Jonas eds. Ocean Worlds. Habitability in the Outer Solar System and Beyond. Space Sciences Series of ISSI, 77. Dordrecht, NL: Springer.

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Ansine, Janice (2012). Reaching the public through iSpot: your place to share nature (Case Study 8.5). In: Bowater, Laura and Yeoman, Kay eds. Science Communication: A Practical Guide for Scientists. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 257–259.

Ansine, Janice; Dodd, Michael; Robinson, David and McAndrew, Patrick (2017). Exploring citizen science and inquiry learning through In: Herodotou, Christothea; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising citizen science and inquiry learning. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 83–103.

Araya, Yoseph Negusse (2005). Hydrosphere. In: Lehr, Jay H and Keeley, Jack eds. Water Encyclopedia. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..

Araya, Yoseph Negusse and Garcia-Baquero, Gonzalo (2007). Ecology of Water Relations in Plants. In: ed. Encyclopaedia of life sciences [26 vol. set]. Wiley.

Araya, Y. N.; Silvertown, J.; Linder, H. P; Gowing, D. J.; Midgley, G. F. and McConway, K. J. (2008). Evolution of hydrological niches in Restionaceae: a project update. In: Mucina, L.; Kalwij, J. M.; Smith, V. R.; Chytry, M.; White, P. S.; Cilliers, S. S.; Pillar, V. D.; Zobel, M. and Sun, I-Fang eds. Frontiers of Vegetation Science - An evolutionary angle. Somerset West: Keith Phillips Images, pp. 15–16.

Araya, Yoseph (2020). Using Citizen Science to Raise Public Awareness and Engagement with Water Issues. In: Maurice, Patricia A. ed. Encyclopedia of Water: Science,Technology and Society. John Wiley & Sons Inc. (In Press).

Araya, Yoseph (2020). Hydrosphere. In: Maurice, Patricia A. ed. Encyclopedia of Water: Science,Technology and Society. John Wiley & Sons Inc..

Araya, Yoseph; Dorward, Andrew; Gideon, Jasmine; Kock, Richard; Smith, Laurence and Waage, Jeff (2015). Agriculture and food. In: Waage, Jeff and Yap, Chris eds. Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 45–50.

Arneth, Almut; Lehsten, Veiko; Thonicke, Kirsten and Spessa, Allan (2010). Climate–fire interactions and savanna ecosystems: a dynamic vegetation modeling study for the African continent. In: Hill, Michael and Hanan, Niall eds. Ecosystem Function in Savannas: Measurement and Modeling at Landscape to Global Scales. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 463–479.

Balme, M.; Gallagher, C.; Page, D.; Murray, J.; Muller, J.-P. and Kim, J.-R. (2010). The western Elysium Planitia palaeolake. In: Cabrol, Nathalie and Grin, Edmond eds. Lakes on Mars. Elsevier.

Beltran, Cesar; Drouet, Laurent; Edwards, Neil; Haurie, Alain; Vial, Jean-Philippe and Zachary, Daniel (2005). An Oracle method to couple climate and economic dynamics. In: Haurie, Alain and Viguier, Laurent eds. The Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics. Advances In Global Change Research (22). Dordrecht, Netherlands: 2005 Springer, pp. 69–95.

Blake, Stephen (2021). Volcanoes. In: Alderton, David and Elias, Scott A. eds. Encyclopedia of Geology, 2nd edition, Volume 2. London, UK: Academic Press, pp. 258–276.

Blake, S. (2003). Correlations between eruption magnitude, SO2 yield, and surface cooling. In: Oppenheimer, C.; Pyle, D.M. and Barclay, J. eds. Volcanic Degassing. GSL Special Publications, 213. London, UK: Geological Society Publishing House, pp. 371–380.

Brandon, Mark and Smith, Sandy (2003). Water. In: Morris, Dick; Freeland, Joanna R.; Hinchliffe, Steve and Smith, Sandy eds. Changing Environments. Wiley Environment Series. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 185–230.

Brandon, Mark A.; Cottier, Finlo R. and Nilsen, Frank (2009). Sea ice and oceanography. In: Thomas, David N. and Dieckmann, Gerhard S. eds. Sea Ice. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2001). Project Unit 01-304. Fertile peraluminous granites and related rare-element pegmatite mineralization, Superior Province, Northwest and Northeast Ontario. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2001. Open File Report (6070). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, pp. 39–1.

Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2002). Project Unit 02-003. Fertile and peraluminous granites and related rare-element pegmatite mineralization, Superior Province, Northeastern Ontario. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2002. Open File Report (6100). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 6.1-6.42.

Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2003). Project Unit 03-008. Fertile peraluminous granites and related rare-element pegmatite mineralization, Barbara-Gathering-Barbaro Lakes, North-Central Ontario. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2003. Open File Report (6120). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, pp. 14–1.

Breaks, F. W.; Selway, J. B. and Tindle, A. G. (2005). Fertile peraluminous granites and related rare-element pegmatites, Superior Province, Ontario. In: Samson, I. M.; Linnen, R. L. and Martin, R. F. eds. Rare-element geochemistry and mineral deposits. GAC Short Course Notes (17). Ottawa: Mineralogical Association of Canada, pp. 87–125.

Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G. (1994). Project Unit 93-11. Granite-related mineralization in Northwestern Ontario: II. Detailed examination of the Separation Rapids (English River) rare-element pegmatite group. In: Baker, C. L. ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1994. Miscellaneous Paper/Ontario Geological Survey (163). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, pp. 109–112.

Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G. (2002). Rare-element mineralization of the Separation Lake area, northwest Ontario: characteristics of a new discovery of complex-type, petalite-subtype, Li-Rb-Cs-Ta pegmatite. In: Dunlop, S. and Simandl, G. J. eds. Industrial Minerals in Canada, Volume 53. Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, pp. 159–178.

Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G. (1996). Project Unit 93-11. Granite-related mineralization in Northwestern Ontario: IV. New Rare-Element Pegmatite Discoveries in the Separation Lake Area. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1996. Miscellaneous Paper (166). Toronto: Mines and Minerals Information Centre, pp. 19–22.

Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G. (1997). Rare-metal exploration potential of the Separation Lake area: an emerging target for Bikita-type mineralization in the Superior Province of Ontario. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1997. Miscellenous Paper (168). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, pp. 72–88.

Breaks, F. W. and Tindle, A. G. (2004). Project Unit 04-039. Rare-element granitic pegmatites of the Fort Hope Field, North-Central Ontario. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2004. Open File Report (6145). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, pp. 11–1.

Breaks, F. W.; Tindle, A. G. and Smith, S. R. (2000). Geology, mineralogy and exploration potential of the Big Mack pegmatite system: a newly discovered western extension of the Separation Rapids pegmatite group, NW Ontario. In: Ayer, J. A. ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1999. Open File Report (6000). Sudbury, Canada: Ontario Geological Survey, pp. 25–1.

Breaks, F. W.; Tindle, A. G. and Smith, S. R. (2000). The Pakeagama Lake pegmatite: continued field and laboratory investigation of highly evolved, complex-type, petalite-subtype rare-element mineralization in the Berens River-Sachigo Subprovince Boundary Zone. In: Ayer, J. A. ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1999. Open File Report (6000). Sudbury, Canada: Ontario Geological Survey, pp. 26–1.

Breaks, F. W.; Tindle, A. G. and Smith, S. R. (1999). Project Unit 98-001. Rare-metal mineralization associated with the Berens River-Sachigo subprovincial boundary, northwestern Ontario: Discovery of a new zone of complex-type, petalite subtype pegmatite and implications for future exploration. In: Ontario Geological Survey ed. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1998. Miscellenous Paper (169). Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, pp. 168–182.

Bush, M. B.; Gosling, W. D. and Colinvaux, P. A. (2011). Climate and vegetation change in the lowlands of the Amazon Basin. In: Bush, Mark B.; Flenley, John R. and Gosling, William D. eds. Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change (2nd ed.). Heidelberg: Springer/Praxis, pp. 61–84.

Bush, M.B.; Gosling, W.D. and Colinvaux, P.A. (2006). Climate change in the lowlands of the Amazon Basin. In: Flenley, John R. and Bush, Mark B. eds. Tropical Rainforest Response to Climatic Change. Environmental Sciences. USA and UK: Springer, jointly published with Praxis Publishing, UK, pp. 55–79.

Bush, Mark B. and Gosling, William D. (2012). Environmental change in the humid tropics and monsoonal regions. In: Matthews, John A.; Bartlein, Patrick J.; Briffa, Keith R.; Dawson, Alastair G.; de Vernal, Anne; Denham, Tim; Fritz, Sherilyn C. and Oldfield, Frank eds. The SAGE Handbook of Environmental Change: Volume 2. Human Impacts and Responses, Volume 2. London: SAGE, pp. 113–140.

Carr, Jennifer; Whitelegg, Liz; Holliman, Richard; Scanlon, Eileen and Hodgson, Barbara (2009). Investigating gendered representations of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians on UK children’s television. In: Holliman, Richard; Whitelegg, Liz; Scanlon, Eileen; Smidt, Sam and Thomas, Jeff eds. Investigating science communication in the information age: Implications for public engagement and popular media. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 237–252.

Coe, Angela L. (2022). Introduction to Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. In: Coe, Angela L. ed. Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. GSL Geoscience in Practice, 1. Bath, UK: The Geological Society of London, pp. 1–5.

Coe, Angela L. and Ray, David C. (2022). Sequence stratigraphy: using changes in relative sea-level and sediment supply to divide, correlate and understand the stratigraphical record. In: Coe, Angela L. ed. Deciphering Earth's History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. GSL Geoscience in Practice, 1. Bath, UK: The Geological Society of London, pp. 141–160.

Coe, A. L. (1995). A comparison of the Oxfordian successions of Dorset, Oxfordshire and Yorkshire. In: Taylor, P. D. ed. Field Geology of the British Jurassic. GSL Miscellaneous Titles. London, U.K.: The Geological Society, London, pp. 151–172.

Collins, Trevor; Davies, Sarah and Gaved, Mark (2016). Enabling remote activity: widening participation in field study courses. In: Kennepohl, Dietmar ed. Teaching Science Online: Practical Guidance for Effective Instruction and Lab Work. Sterling, VA, USA: Stylus Publishing, pp. 183–195.

Cooke, Julia (2020). Population Ecology. In: Fellows, Mark and Thomas, Rebecca eds. 30-Second Ecology: 50 key concepts and challenges, each explained in half a minute. The Ivy Press.

Curtis, Vickie; Holliman, Richard; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen (2017). Online citizen science: participation, motivation, and opportunities for informal learning. In: Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 7–24.

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Dickson, Alexander J.; Cohen, Anthony and Davies, Marc (2021). The Osmium Isotope Signature of Phanerozoic Large Igneous Provinces. In: Ernst, Richard E.; Dickson, Alexander J. and Bekker, Andrey eds. Large Igneous Provinces: A Driver of Global Environment and Biotic Changes. Geophysical Monograph Series. Wiley, pp. 229–246.

Dyson, Miranda (2010). Courtship behaviour. In: Mills, Daniel S.; Marchant-Forde, Jeremy N.; McGreevy, Paul D.; Morton, David B.; Nicol, Christine J.; Phillips, Clive J. C.; Sandoe, Peter and Swaisgood, Ronald R. eds. The Encyclopaedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Oxford, UK: CAB International Publishing, pp. 145–148.

Dyson, Miranda L. (2000). Environmental variation: the effects on vertebrate mating systems with special reference to ectotherms. In: Apollonio, Marco; Festa-Bianch, Marco and Mainardi, Danilo eds. Vertebrate Mating Systems: Proceedings of the 14th Course of the International School of Ethology. The Science and Culture Series - Ethology. London: World Scientific, pp. 140–157.

Dyson, Miranda L.; Rheichert, Michael S. and Halliday, Tim R. (2013). Contests in amphibians. In: Hardy, Ian and Briffa, Mark eds. Animal Contests. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 228–257.

Edwards, Neil; Greppin, Hubert; Haurie, Alain and Viguier, Laurent (2005). Linking climate and economic dynamics. In: Haurie, Alain and Viguier, Laurent eds. The Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics: Essays on Integrated Assessment. Advances In Global Change Research (22). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 1–34.

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Edwards, Tamsin (2013). Hydrometeorological hazards under future climate change. In: Rougier, Jonathan; Sparks, Steve and Hill, Lisa J. eds. Risk and Uncertainty Assessment for Natural Hazards. Cambridge University Press, pp. 151–189.

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Ferrucci, F.; Theys, N.; Him, B.; Clarisse, L.; Valks, P.; Laneve, G.; van Der A, R.; Tait, S.; Di Bartola, C. and Brenot, H. (2014). Operational Integration of Spaceborne Measurements of Lava Discharge Rates and Sulphur Dioxide Concentrations for Global Volcano Monitoring. In: Wenzel, F. and Zschau, J. eds. Early Warning for Geological Disasters. Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences (XV). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 307–331.

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Ferrucci, Fabrizio and Hirn, Barbara (2016). Automated monitoring of high-temperature volcanic features: from high-spatial to very-high-temporal resolution. In: Harris, A.J.L.; De Groeve, T.; Garel, F. and Carn, S.A. eds. Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Special Publications (Online First), SP426 (426). London: Geological Society London.

Filiberto, Justin; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Schwenzer, Susanne P. (2018). Conclusions and Implications for Habitability of the Martian Crust. In: Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P. eds. Volatiles in the Martian Crust. Elsevier, pp. 393–399.

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Gilmour, Iain; Jolley, David; Kemp, David; Kelley, Simon; Gilmour, Mabs; Daly, Rob and Widdowson, Mike (2014). The early Danian hyperthermal event at Boltysh (Ukraine): relation to Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary events. In: Keller, Gerta and Kerr, Andrew C. eds. Volcanism, Impacts, and Mass Extinctions: Causes and Effects. Geological Society of America Special Papers (505). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America, pp. 133–146.

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