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2025To Top

Teng, Mark Feng; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Wu, Junjie Gavin eds. (2025). Theory and Practice in Vocabulary Research in Digital Environments. Routledge Studies in Applied Linguistics. New York: Routledge.

Bailey, Sara; Netto, Gina; Islam, Farjana; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and FitzGerald, Elizabeth (2025). ‘Digital Caregiving’ in the Era of Digitalised Public Services: A New Form of Gendered Domestic Labour? In: 10th International Community, Work & Family Conference 2025, 25-28 Mar 2025, Bielefeld, Germany.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Gopalan, Yuveena and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2025). What’s the Value of a Doctoral Consortium? Analysing a Decade of LAK DCs as a Community of Practice. In: LAK '25: Proceedings of the 15th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 3-7 Mar 2025, Dublin, Ireland.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2025). Conclusion: The next generation of studies in multimodal, multilingual and multi-agent vocabulary learning. In: Teng, Mark Feng; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Wu, Junjie Gavin eds. Theory and Practice in Vocabulary Research in Digital Environments. Routledge Studies in Applied Linguistics. New York, NY, USA: Routledge.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2025). Conclusion: The next generation of studies in multimodal, multilingual, and multi-agent vocabulary learning. In: Teng, Mark Feng; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Wu, Junjie Gavin eds. Theory and Practice in Vocabulary Research in Digital Environments. New York: Routledge, pp. 249–256.

Rienties, Bart; Roelen, Keetie; Oakley, Ben; Duncan, Elaine and Pengel, Liset (2025). Multiple and Multi-dimensional Life Transitions of World Transplant Athletes. In: Jindal-Snape, Divya ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Multiple and Multi-Dimensional Educational and Life Transitions. London: Palgrave MacMillan (In Press).

2024To Top

Vohland, Katrin; Dörler, Daniel; Heigl, Florian; Aristeidou, Maria; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Göbel, Claudia; Haklay, Muki; Höhener, Olivia; Kieslinger, Barbara; Klimczuk, Andrzej; Kragh, Gitte; Müller, Moritz; Ostermann, Frank; Piera, Jaume; Prūse, Baiba; Remmers, Gaston; Schade, Sven; Tönsmann, Susanne; Trojan, Jakub and Willis, Kathryn eds. (2024). Change – The transformative power of citizen science: Proceedings of the ECSA2024 and Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2024: Change. ARPHA Proceedings (6). Pensoft.

Albuquerque, Josmario; Cordero, Kristina; Haehnel, Sebastian and Rienties, Bart (2024). Understanding engagement patterns of game-based learning for children in CatnClever using learning analytics. In: Proceedings of the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics, pp. 19–26.

Ameloot, Elise; Rotsaert, Thijs; Ameloot, Thomas; Rienties, Bart and Schellens, Tammy (2024). Supporting students’ basic psychological needs and satisfaction in a blended learning environment through learning analytics. Computers & Education, 209, article no. 104949.

Blanco, Daniel; Rodrigo, Covadonga and Iniesto, Francisco (2024). Análisis generacional de la accesibilidad en los videojuegos. In: Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción '24), 19-21 Jun 2024, A Coruña, Spain.

Blin, Françoise; Dey-Plissonneau, Aparajita and Shrestha, Sagun (2024). Activity theory and CALL. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, 337 -351.

Bossu, Carina and Iniesto, Francisco (2024). Advancing EDI Practices in Open Education: Africa and Latin America Perspectives. In: OER24: Digital Transformation in Open Education, 27-28 Mar 2024, Munster Technological University, Cork, Ireland.

Bozkurt, Aras; Xiao, Junhong; Farrow, Robert; Bai, John Y. H.; Nerantzi, Chrissi; Moore, Stephanie; Dron, Jon; Stracke, Christian M.; Singh, Lenandlar; Crompton, Helen; Koutropoulos, Apostolos; Terentev, Evgenii; Pazurek, Angelica; Nichols, Mark; Sidorkin, Alexander M.; Costello, Eamon; Watson, Steven; Mulligan, Dónal; Honeychurch, Sarah; Hodges, Charles B.; Sharples, Mike; Swindell, Andrew; Frumin, Isak; Tlili, Ahmed; Slagter van Tryon, Patricia J.; Bond, Melissa; Bali, Maha; Leng, Jing; Zhang, Kai; Cukurova, Mutlu; Chiu, Thomas K. F.; Lee, Kyungmee; Hrastinski, Stefan; Garcia, Manuel B.; Sharma, Ramesh Chander; Alexander, Bryan; Zawacki-Richter, Olaf; Huijser, Henk; Jandrić, Petar; Zheng, Chanjin; Shea, Peter; Duart, Josep M.; Themeli, Chryssa; Vorochkov, Anton; Sani-Bozkurt, Sunagül; Moore, Robert L. and Asino, Tutaleni Iita (2024). The Manifesto for Teaching and Learning in a Time of Generative AI: A Critical Collective Stance to Better Navigate the Future. Open Praxis, 16(4) pp. 487–513.

Charitonos, Koula; Khalil, Betul; Ross, Tara; Bonfini-Hotlosz, Cindy; Aristorenas, Miki and Webster, Ben (2024). Crisis‐prompted online language teaching: a qualitative inquiry into autonomy among teachers in refugee settings. ReCALL (In Press).

Charitonos, Koula and Uwihoreye, Chaste (2024). Studying participatory arts-based psychosocial support and peacebuilding at a distance through a topological lens: the case of MAP at Home project in Rwanda. In: Breed, Ananda; Marambio, Helena-Ulrike; Pells, Kirrily and Timalsina, Rajib eds. Children, Youth and Participatory Arts for Peacebuilding: Lessons from Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia and Nepal. Routledge Studies in Development and Society. Abingdon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge.

Chen, Zexuan; Cross, Simon and Rienties, Bart (2024). Empowering Assessors in Providing Quality Feedback with GenAI Assistance: A Preliminary Exploration. In: Technology in Education. Digital and Intelligent Education (Lee, Lap-Kei; Poulova, Petra; Chui, Kwok Tai; Černá, Miloslava; Wang, Fu Lee and Cheung, Simon K. S. eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer, Singapore, pp. 134–148.

Coughlan, Tim (2024). Designing Inclusive Innovations to Facilitate Creativity and Learning. In: Cuesta Sánchez, Ana María and Pazos-López, Ángel eds. Digital humanities for the XXI Century Museum: Best practices, networks, and accessibility. Paris, France: Boleine, pp. 367–387.

Coughlan, Tim; Kubiak, Christopher; Haider, Sharif; Almond, Esther and Wild, Fridolin (2024). Embedding and Evaluating Virtual Reality Sepsis Simulations into Online and Distance Learning across Multiple Healthcare Professions. In: 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, 10-13 Jun 2024, Glasgow, Scotland, Immersive Learning Research Network (ILRN).

Dawadi, Saraswati (2024). Schools as Sites for the Reproduction of Inequalities? Neoliberalism, Dual-Medium Instruction and Social (In)Justice. In: Giri, Ram Ashis; Padwad, Amol and Kabir, Mian Naushaad eds. Equity, Social Justice, and English Medium Instruction. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 107–125.

Divjak, Blaženka; Rienties, Bart; Svetec, Barbi; Vondra, Petra and Žižak, Mirza (2024). Reviewing Assessment in Online and Blended Flipped Classroom. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 21(7)

Ebubedike, Margaret; Dawadi, Saraswati; Alla-Mensah, Joyceline; Kwaibwe, Henry N.; Kamunvi, Eric-Robert; Cingtho, Diana; Mwesi Habagaya, Yosia; Kyaidhi, Lilian and Ngobi, Prossy (2024). Report on stakeholders' consultative engagement on trafficking in persons in Uganda.

Edwards, Chris (2024). Keeping AI generated course text on topic: a two stage approach to confirm subject focus. In: ICERI2024: Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 11-13 Nov 2024, Seville, Spain, IATED.

Farrow, Robert; Ashman, Melissa; Baff, Debbie; Bozkurt, Aras; Dubien, Danielle; Eldridge, Bethany; Elias, Tanya; Iniesto, Francisco; Jacobsen, Michele; Jhangiani, Rajiv; Johnson, Kathryn R.; Johnston, Sonja L.; Katz, Stacy; Khetarpal, Manisha; Mayisela, Tabisa; McGreal, Rory; O’Reilly, Jessica; Peramunugamage, Anuradha; Pete, Judith; Pitt, Rebecca and Vladimirschi, Viviane (2024). The GO-GN Guide to Doctoral Supervision. Global OER Graduate Network / Open Education Research.

Farrow, Robert; Bossu, Carina; Pitt, Rebecca; Weller, Martin; Ashman, Melissa; Bozkurt, Aras; Eldridge, Bethany; Hayman, Jenni; Iniesto, Francisco; Johnson, Kathryn; Nerantzi, Chrissi; Pete, Judith and Schuwer, Robert (2024). GO-GN at 10: Strategic Review. Global OER Graduate Network.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Perryman, Leigh-Anne and Ball, Simon J. (2024). The Importance of Offline Options for Online Learners. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024(1), article no. 16.

Ferguson, Rebecca and Scanlon, Eileen (2024). Open Technology-Enhanced Learning. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME), 2024(1) pp. 1–5.

FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Bailey, Sara and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2024). Minoritised populations' informal learning behaviours in response to the challenges of accessing online services. In: 47th Computers and Learning Research Group Annual Conference (CALRG), 3-5 Jul 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes [online].

Giannakos, Michail; Azevedo, Roger; Brusilovsky, Peter; Cukurova, Mutlu; Dimitriadis, Yannis; Hernandez-Leo, Davinia; Järvelä, Sanna; Mavrikis, Manolis and Rienties, Bart (2024). The promise and challenges of generative AI in education. Behaviour & Information Technology (Early access).

Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Cornock, Matt; Swinnerton, Bronwen; Harris, Lisa; Ferguson, Rebecca and Scanlon, Eileen (2024). Open Learning and Learning at Scale: The Legacy of MOOCs. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024(1), article no. 14.

Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Whitelock, Denise; Cross, Simon and Shakesheff, Kevin (2024). The Open University’s Reach, Methods and Mission: An Open Response to Supporting International Colleagues in the time of COVID-19. In: Xianrui, Fan ed. Towards Digital Education: Cutting-Edge Perspectives on Digital Transformation. Beijing, China: Open University of China Press (In Press), pp. 36–52.

Herodotou, Christothea; Ismail, Nashwa; Lahnstein, A.I. Ana; Aristeidou, Maria; Young, Alison; Johnson, F. Rebecca; Higgins, M. Lila; Khanaposhtani, G. Maryam; Robinson, D. Lucy and Ballard, L. Heidi (2024). Young people in iNaturalist: a blended learning framework for biodiversity monitoring. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 14(2) pp. 129–156.

Herodotou, Christothea; Kenny, Ian and Scanlon, Eileen (2024). Democratising Research Practices through Community Citizen Science. In: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA pp. 68–75.

Herodotou, Christothea; Shrestha, Sagun; Zhang, Feiran; Gkreka, Christina; Girvan, Carina; Papavlasopoulou, Sofia; Grizioti, Marianthi; Scanlon, Eileen; Kynigos, Chronis and Milrad, Marcelo (2024). Teaching and learning with design thinking and emerging digital technologies in K-12: Impact on students and teaching recommendations. In: mis4TEL Conference 2024, 26-28 Jun 2024, Salamanca, Spain.

Hu, Yang; Denier, Nicole; Ding, Lei; Tarafdar, Monideepa; Konnikov, Alla; Hughes, Karen D; Hu, Shenggang; Knowles, Bran; Shi, Enze; Alshehabi Al-Ani, Jabir; Rets, Irina; Kong, Linglong; Yu, Dengdeng; Dai, Hongsheng and Jiang, Bei (2024). Language in job advertisements and the reproduction of labor force gender and racial segregation. PNAS Nexus, 3(12) (Early access).

Iniesto, Francisco and Rodrigo, Covadonga (2024). Understanding Accessibility in MOOCs: Findings and Recommendations for Future Designs. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024(1), article no. 20.

Iniesto, Francisco and Rodrigo, Covadonga (2024). Exploring the accessibility evaluation of city council websites by computer science students using a service-learning approach. In: Interacción '24: Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Flores, Julián; Catalá, Alejandro; Condori-Fernández, Nelly and Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio eds.), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, article no. 13.

Islam, Farjana; Bailey, Sara and Netto, Gina (2024). Digitalised primary care in the UK: The experiences of minoritised ethnic communities. British Journal of General Practice, 74(749) e823-e831.

Knight, Simon; Viberg, Olga; Mavrikis, Manolis; Kovanović, Vitomir; Khosravi, Hassan; Ferguson, Rebecca; Corrin, Linda; Thompson, Kate; Major, Louis; Lodge, Jason; Hennessy, Sara and Cukurova, Mutlu (2024). Emerging technologies and research ethics: Developing editorial policy using a scoping review and reference panel. PLOS ONE, 19(10), article no. e0309715.

Kouvara, Theodora; Aristeidou, Maria; Herodotou, Christothea and Verykios, Vassilios (2024). Enhancing academic success: collaborative development of an adaptive intelligent tutoring system. In: Ubachs, George and Meuleman, Stefan eds. The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities, Volume (nr. 8). European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), pp. 10–13.

Kovanovic, Vitomir; Viberg, Olga; Khosravi, Hassan and Ferguson, Rebecca (2024). Skills and Competencies for Thriving in the Age of Generative AI: The Role of Learning Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 11(3) pp. 1–5.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2024). A hopeful future for mobile language learning. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2024). Educating teachers for mobile learning. In: McCallum, Lee and Tafazoli, Dara eds. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Palgrave (In press).

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Friend Wise, Alyssa; Coughlan, Tim; Biswas, Gautam; Bossu, Carina; Burriss, Sarah K.; Charitonos, Koula; Crossley, Scott A.; Enyedy, Noel; Ferguson, Rebecca; FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Gaved, Mark; Herodotou, Christothea; Hundley, Melanie; McTamaney, Catherine; Molvig, Ole; Pendergrass, Emily; Ramey, Lynn; Sargent, Julia; Scanlon, Eileen; Smith, Blaine E. and Whitelock, Denise (2024). Innovating Pedagogy 2024.

Mittelmeier, Jenna and Rienties, Bart (2024). The Community of Inquiry in international and intercultural settings. In: Cleveland-Innes, Martha F.; Stenbom, Stefan and Garrison, D. Randy eds. The Design of Digital Learning Environments: Online and Blended Applications of the Community of Inquiry. New York, NY, United States: Routledge, pp. 152–171.

Nielsen, Anja; Zimba, John; Field, Joseph; Corlett, Josh; Charitonos, Koula; Martins, Mercy and Miri, Mir Abdullah (2024). Why is Language Critical in Education During Crises?

Parmaxi, Antigoni; Berns, Anke; Adinolfi, Lina; Gruber, Alice; Fominykh, Mikhail; Voreopoulou, Angeliki; Wild, Fridolin; Vassiliou, Paraskevi; Christou, Eirini; Valero‐Franco, Concepción; Aagaard, Tormod and Hadjistassou, Stella (2024). Augmented Reality in Language Learning: Practical Implications for Researchers and Practitioners. In: Zaphiris, Panayiotis and Ioannou, Andri eds. Learning and Collaboration Technologies (HCII 2024). Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, 14724. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 138–154.

Rienties, Bart; Tempelaar, Dirk; Nguyen, Quan and Rogaten, Jekaterina (2024). The Use of Data Analytics to support the development of assessment practices in higher education. In: Evans, Carol and Waring, Michael eds. Research Handbook on Innovations in Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: Implications for Teaching and Learning. Elgar Handbooks in Education. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 194–209.

Rodrigo, Covadonga; Iniesto, Francisco; Arnardóttir, Halldora; Sánchez-Elvira, Ángeles; Garcia-Serrano, Ana and Hafsteinsson, Sigurjón (2024). Innovation in inclusive museums education and training through an online pilot course. In: 2024 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), 19-21 Jun 2024, A Coruña, Spain, IEEE.

Scanlon, Eileen and Herodotou, Christothea (2024). Enhancing Participation Through Inquiry Learning and Citizen Science: Science for Everyone. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, SciTePress, Volume 1 pp. 557–563.

Tempelaar, D.; Rienties, Bart and Giesbers, S. (2024). Dispositional learning analytics and formative assessment: an inseparable twinship. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21, article no. 57.

Tessarolo, Felipe; Edwards, Chris; Bektik, Duygu and Whitelock, Denise (2024). Comparing practical use and perceptions of GenAI in higher education with current published insights. In: EDEN 2024 Research Workshop & PhD Schools’ Masterclass, 16-18 Oct 2024, Timisoara, Romania.

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Bektik, Duygu; Edwards, Chris; Herodotou, Christothea and Whitelock, Denise (2024). Generative AI as your course materials writing assistant: Is it useful? In: 47th Computer and Learning Research Group Annual Conference (CALRG), 3-5 Jul 2024, Milton Keynes, UK, The Open University.

Whitelock, Denise (2024). [Editorial]: Innovation and adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 39(1) pp. 1–3.

Whitelock, Denise; Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Pitt, Rebecca; Ferguson, Rebecca and Cross, Simon (2024). [Editorial] Capacity building for digital education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning, 39(2) pp. 105–111.

2023To Top

Gallagher, Margaret and Montiel, Aimée Vega eds. (2023). The Handbook of Gender, Communication, and Women's Human Rights. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.

Alcock, Sarah; Aristeidou, Maria; Rienties, Bart and Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Soraya (2023). How do professional learners engage with learning analytics dashboards? In: Companion Proceedings of the 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK’23), ACM, New York, New York pp. 86–88.

Aristeidou, Maria; Cross, Simon; Rossade, Klaus-Dieter and Wood, Carlton (2023). Students’ experiences of remote online exams at a distance learning university. In: EARLI 2023: The 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 22-26 Aug 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Aristeidou, Maria; Cross, Simon; Rossade, Klaus-Dieter; Wood, Carlton and Paci, Patrizia (2023). Examining university student satisfaction and barriers to taking online remote exams. In: 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), UPV Press, València, Spain, pp. 1–8.

Aristeidou, Maria; Lorke, Julia and Ismail, Nashwa (2023). Citizen Science: Schoolteachers’ Motivation, Experiences, and Recommendations. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21 pp. 2067–2093.

Aristeidou, Maria; Orphanoudakis, Theofanis; Kouvara, Theodora; Karachristos, Christoforos and Spyropoulou, Natalia (2023). Evaluating the usability and learning potential of a virtual museum tour application for schools. In: INTED 2023 Proceedings, 6-8 Mar 2023, Valencia, Spain, pp. 2572–2578.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Kuhn, Caroline and Timmermann, Cristian (2023). Critical Data Literacy in Higher Education: Teaching and Research for Data Ethics and Justice. In: Raffaghelli, Juliana E. and Sangrà, Albert eds. Data Cultures in Higher Education: Emergent Practices and the Challenge Ahead. Higher Education Dynamics (HEDY), 59. Springer, Cham, pp. 293–312.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Rodés, Virginia and Podetti, Manuel (2023). Critical data literacy in praxis: An open education approach for academic development. Edutec. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa(85) pp. 49–67.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo and Timmermann, Cristian (2023). Reframing data ethics in research methods education: a pathway to critical data literacy. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20(1), article no. 11.

Bailey, Sara; FitzGerald, Elizabeth and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2023). Digital Exclusion and Essential Services: The Experiences of Older Adults Who Identify as Asian or Asian-British. In: DIPRC 2023: Digital Inclusion Policy and Research Conference 2023, 20-21 Sep 2023, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.

Balaban, Igor; Rienties, Bart and Winne, Philip H. (2023). Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Education. Applied Sciences, 13(22), article no. 12318.

Bonnin, Geoffray; Bayer, Vaclav; Fernandez, Miriam; Herodotou, Christothea; Hlosta, Martin and Mulholland, Paul (2023). CERSEI: Cognitive Effort Based Recommender System for Enhancing Inclusiveness. In: Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures. EC-TEL 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14200, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, pp. 692–697.

Bossu, C. and Ellis, D. (2023). Open Educational Practice As an Enabler for Virtual Universities. In: Sankey, M. D.; Huijser, H. and Fitzgerald, R. eds. Technology-Enhanced Learning and the Virtual University. University Development and Administration. Singapore: Springer.

Bossu, Carina (2023). [Keynote] The challenge of leading today's students to success. In: University Governance: The High Price of Not Transforming, 21-22 Nov 2023, Medellín, Colombia.

Bossu, Carina and Iniesto, Francisco (2023). Guidelines for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Open Education Centering on Africa and Latin America Contexts. In: EDEN 2023 Annual Conference: “Yes we can!” – Digital Education for Better Futures, 18-20 Jun 2023, Dublin, Ireland.

Bossu, Carina and Iniesto, Francisco (2023). A guide for developing EDI practices in Open Education centred around Africa and Latin America contexts. In: OEGlobal 2023 - Building a Sustainable World through Open Education, 16-18 Oct 2023, Edmonton, Canada.

Bozkurt, Aras; Gjelsvik, Torunn; Adam, Taskeen; Asino, Tutaleni I.; Atenas, Javiera; Bali, Maha; Blomgren, Constance; Bond, Melissa; Bonk, Curtis J.; Brown, Mark; Burgos, Daniel; Conrad, Dianne; Costello, Eamon; Cronin, Catherine; Czerniewicz, Laura; Deepwell, Maren; Deimann, Markus; DeWaard, Helen J.; Dousay, Tonia A.; Ebner, Martin; Farrow, Robert; Gil-Jaurena, Inés; Havemann, Leo; Inamorato, Andreia; Irvine, Valerie; Karunanayaka, Shironica P.; Kerres, Michael; Lambert, Sarah; Lee, Kyungmee; Makoe, Mpine; Marín, Victoria I.; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Mishra, Sanjaya; Naidu, Som; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Nichols, Mark; Olcott, Don; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Otto, Daniel; Padilla Rodriguez, Brenda Cecilia; Paskevicius, Michael; Roberts, Verena; Saleem, Tooba; Schuwer, Robert; Sharma, Ramesh C.; Stewart, Bonnie; Stracke, Christian M.; Tait, Alan; Tlili, Ahmed; Ubachs, George; Weidlich, Joshua; Weller, Martin; Xiao, Junhong and Zawacki-Richter, Olaf (2023). Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices. Open Praxis, 15(2) pp. 76–112.

Bozkurt, Aras; Xiao, Junhong; Lambert, Sarah; Pazurek, Angelica; Crompton, Helen; Koseoglu, Susan; Farrow, Robert; Bond, Melissa; Nerantzi, Chrissi; Honeychurch, Sarah; Bali, Maha; Dron, Jon; Mir, Kamran; Stewart, Bonnie; Costello, Eamon; Mason, Jon; Stracke, Christian; Romero-Hall, Enilda; Koutropoulos, Apostolos; Mae Toquero, Cathy; Singh, Lenandlar; Tlili, Ahmed; Lee, Kyungmee; Nichols, Mark; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Brown, Mark; Irvine, Valerie; Elisa Raffaghelli, Juliana; Santos-Hermosa, Gema; Farrell, Orna; Adam, Taskeen; Li Thong, Ying; Sani-Bozkurt, Sunagul; C Sharma, Ramesh; Hrastinski, Stefan and Jandrić, Petar (2023). Speculative Futures on ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Collective Reflection from the Educational Landscape. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 18(1) pp. 53–130.

Brew, Mavis; Taylor, Stephen; Lam, Rachel; Havemann, Leo and Nerantzi, Chrissi (2023). Towards Developing AI Literacy: Three Student Provocations on AI in Higher Education. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 18(2) pp. 1–11.

Castelló, Montserrat; Kruse, Otto; Rapp, Christian and Sharples, Mike (2023). Synchronous and Asynchronous Collaborative Writing: Theory, Research, and Practice. In: Kruse, Otto ed. Digital Writing Technologies in Higher Education. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 121–139.

Charitonos, Koula; Khalil, Betul; Ross, Tara; Bonfini-Hotlosz, Cindy; Webster, Ben and Aristorenas, Miki (2023). “We have dealt with this situation randomly”: A peer ethnographic approach with teachers in refugee settings in the age of COVID19. Education & Conflict Review Journal, 4 pp. 97–104.

Charitonos, Koula; Littlejohn, Allison; Dawadi, Saraswati; Vaidya, Abhinav; Giri, Santosi; Owusu-Ofori, Alex and Goshtasbpour, Fereshte (2023). Developing Relational Work as a Design Tool in activities with health professionals. In: EARLI2023 Conference, 22-26 Aug 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Cronin, Catherine; Havemann, Leo; Karunanayaka, Shironica P. and McAvinia, Claire (2023). Open Educational Practices. In: Bali, Maha; Bozkurt, Aras; Dickson-Deane, Camille; Kimmons, Royce; Stefaniak, Jill E. and Warr, Melissa eds. EdTechnica: The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. EdTechBooks, pp. 147–153.

Dawadi, Saraswati (2023). Impact of a National English as a Foreign Language Test on Parents in Nepal. In: Khan, Rubina; Bashir, Ahmed; Basu, Bijoy Lal and Uddin, Md. Elias eds. Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. Singapore: Springer, pp. 363–376.

Divjak, Blaženka; Badari, Josipa; Grabar, Darko; Horvat, Damir; Vondra, Petra and Rienties, Bart (2023). Enhancing Learning Design through User Experience Research: Insights from a Survey in Four European Countries. In: Proceedings of the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems pp. 213–221.

Domínguez, Ana; Pacho, Guillermo; Bowers, Lisa; Wild, Fridolin; Alcock, Sarah; Chiazzese, Giuseppe; Farella, Mariella; Arrigo, Marco; Ross, David; Treacy, Rita; Yegorina, Darya; Mangina, Eleni and Masneri, Stefano (2023). Dataset of user interactions across four large pilots on the use of augmented reality in learning experiences. Scientific Data, 10, article no. 823.

Emke, Martina and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2023). Exploring Rhizomatic Learning on Twitter Through Research on Teacher Professional Development. In: Khine, Myint Swe ed. Rhizome Metaphor : Legacy of Deleuze and Guattari in Education and Learning. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 157–172.

Farella, Mariella; Arrigo, Marco; Tosto, Crispino; Seta, Luciano; Chifari, Antonella; Mangina, Eleni; Psyrra, Georgia; Domínguez, Ana; Pacho, Guillermo; Wild, Fridolin; Bowers, Lisa; Hillman, Robert; Goei, Sui Lin; Denaro, Paola; Dhrami, Doriana and Chiazzese, Giuseppe (2023). The ARETE Ecosystem for the Creation and Delivery of Open Augmented Reality Educational Resources: The PBIS Case Study. In: Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer, Cham, pp. 760–775.

Farrow, Robert (2023). A Typology for OER Business Models. In: EDEN 2023 Annual Conference “Yes we can!” – Digital Education for Better Futures, 18-20 Jun 2023, Dublin, Ireland.

Farrow, Robert; Weller, Martin; Pitt, Rebecca; Iniesto, Francisco; Algers, Anne; Almousa, Samia; Baas, Marjon; Bentley, Penny; Bozkurt, Aras; Butler, Walter; Cardoso, Paula; Chtena, Natascha; Cox, Glenda; Czerwonogora, Ada; Dabrowski, Michael T.; Darby, Robert; DeWaard, Helen; Kathy, Essmiller; Johanna, Funk; Jenni, Hayman; Emily, Helton; Huth, Kate; Hutton, Sarah C.; Iyinolakan, Olawale; Johnson, Kathryn R.; Jordan, Katy; Kuhn, Caroline; Lambert, Sarah; Mittelmeier, Jenna; Nagashima, Tomo; Nerantzi, Chrissi; O'Reilly, Jessica; Paskevicius, Michael; Peramunugamage, Anuradha; Pete, Judith; Power, Virginia; Pulker, Hélène; Rabin, Eyal; Rets, Irina; Roberts, Verena; Rodés, Virginia; Sousa, Lorena; Spica, Elizabeth; Vizgirda, Vidminas; Vladimirschi, Viviane and Witthaus, Gabi (2023). The Go-GN Open Research Handbook. Milton Keynes: Global OER Graduate Network.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Khosravi, Hassan; Kovanović, Vitomir; Viberg, Olga; Aggarwal, Ashish; Brinkhuis, Mattheiu; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Chen, Lujie Karen; Drachsler, Hendrik; Guerrero, Valerie A; Hanses, Michael; Hayward, Caitlin; Hicks, Ben; Jivet, Ioana; Kitto, Kirsty; Kizilcec, René; Lodge, Jason M; Manly, Catherine A; Matz, Rebecca L; Meaney, Michael J; Ochoa, Xavier; Schuetze, Brendan A; Spruit, Marco; van Haastrecht, Max; van Leeuwen, Anouschka; van Rijn, Lars; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Weidlich, Joshua; Williamson, Kimberly and Yan, Veronica X (2023). Aligning the Goals of Learning Analytics with its Research Scholarship: An Open Peer Commentary Approach. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(2) pp. 14–50.

Fichten, Catherine S.; Martiniello, Natalina; Asuncion, Jennison; Coughlan, Tim and Havel, Alice (2023). Changing times: Emerging technologies for students with disabilities in higher education. In: Madaus, Joseph W. and Dukes III, Lyman L. eds. Handbook of Higher Education and Disability: International Perspectives. Edward Elgar, pp. 131–148.

Havemann, Leo; Corti, Paola; Atenas, Javiera; Nerantzi, Chrissi and Martinez-Arboleda, Antonio (2023). Making the case: opening education through collaboration. Rivista di Digital Politics, 3(2) pp. 305–326.

Havemann, Leo; Katan, Simon; Anstead, Edward; Gillies, Marco; Stroud, Joanna and Sherman, Sarah (2023). Digitally supported assessment. In: Amrane-Cooper, Linda; Baume, David; Brown, Stephen; Hatzipanagos, Stylianos; Powell, Philip; Sherman, Sarah and Tait, Alan eds. Online and Distance Education for a Connected World. London: UCL Press, pp. 195–210.

Holmes, Wayne; Iniesto, Francisco; Anastopoulou, Stamatina and G. Boticario, Jesus (2023). Stakeholder Perspectives on the Ethics of AI in Distance-Based Higher Education. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 24(2) pp. 96–117.

Iniesto, Francisco; McAndrew, Patrick; Minocha, Shailey and Coughlan, Tim (2023). A mixed-methods study with MOOC learners to understand their motivations and accessibility needs. In: Olivier, Jako and Rambow, Andreas eds. Open Educational Resources in Higher Education A Global Perspective. Future Education and Learning Spaces. Springer, pp. 175–201.

Katsarou, Eirene; Wild, Fridolin; Sougari, Areti-Maria and Chatzipanagiotou, Paraskevi (2023). A Systematic Review of Voice-based Intelligent Virtual Agents in EFL Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(10) pp. 65–85.

Khanal, Jeevan; Gaulee, Uttam and Simpson, Ormond (2023). Higher education initiative challenges based on multiple frames of leadership: the case of Nepal Open University. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 38(4) pp. 366–383.

Khosravi, Hassan; Viberg, Olga; Kovanovic, Vitomir and Ferguson, Rebecca (2023). Generative AI and Learning Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(3) pp. 1–6.

Killian, Chad; Osterlie, Ove; Ferriz-Valero, Alberto; Garcia-Jaen, Miguel and Sargent, Julia (2023). A scoping review of flipped learning research conducted in K-12 and university physical education settings. In: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 94(Sup 1) A-84.

Kitto, Kirsty; Manly, Catherine A; Ferguson, Rebecca and Poquet, Oleksandra (2023). Towards more replicable content analysis for learning analytics. In: LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK2023), ACM, New York, NY pp. 303–314.

Lewis, Tim; Rienties, Bart and Rets, Irina (2023). Communication, metacommunication and intercultural effectiveness in virtual exchange: The Evaluate project. In: Potolia, Anthippi and Derivry-Plard, Marine eds. Virtual Exchange for Intercultural Language Learning and Teaching: Fostering Communication for the Digital Age. Routledge Research in Language Education. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 133–155.

Littlejohn, Allison; Charitonos, Koula and Kaatrakoski, Heli (2023). Expanding healthcare practice: forms of meta-work generated when healthcare processes are digitalised. In: EARLI2023 Conference, 22-26 Aug 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Mavrikis, Manolis; Milrad, Marcelo; Kynigos, Chronis; Grizioti, Marianthi; Herodotou, Christothea; Van Langenhove, Lieva; Strubbe, Katrien; Papavlasopoulou, Sofia; Girvan, Carina; Chalvatza, Filothei and Nikolaou, Maria-Stella (2023). Extending Design Thinking with Digital Technologies. In: 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 22-26 Aug 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Milrad, Marcelo; Herodotou, Christothea; Grizioti, Marianthi; Lincke, Alisa; Girvan, Carina; Papavlasopoulou, Sofia; Shrestha, Sagun and Zhang, Feiran (2023). Combining Design Thinking with Emerging Technologies in K-12 Education. In: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops - 13th International Conference., Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Cham, pp. 15–27.

Nicolaou, Anna; Soule, Maria Victoria; Athanasiou, Androulla; Kakoulli Constantinou, Elis; Parmaxi, Antigoni; Fominykh, Mikhail; Perifanou, Maria; Economides, Anastasios; Pedro, Luís; Albó, Laia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia and Wild, Fridolin (2023). Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning: The Perspective of PhD Candidates and Researchers. In: Learning and Collaboration Technologies (HCII 2023) (Zaphiris, Panayiotis and Ioannou, Andri eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 14040), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 333–348.

Outhwaite, Laura A.; Early, Erin; Herodotou, Christothea and Van Herwegen, Jo (2023). Understanding how educational maths apps can enhance learning: A content analysis and qualitative comparative analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 54 pp. 1292–1313.

Patel, Daksha; Parsley, Sally; Cannell, Pete and Havemann, Leo (2023). Practising open education. In: Amrane-Cooper, Linda; Baume, David; Brown, Stephen; Hatzipanagos, Stylianos; Powell, Philip; Sherman, Sarah and Tait, Alan eds. Online and Distance Education for a Connected World. London: UCL Press, pp. 293–319.

Payne, Helen; Cantwell, James and Bristow, Richard (2023). A student-staff partnership conducting research in higher education: An analysis of student and staff reflections. International Journal for Students As Partners, 7(1) pp. 96–109.

Pérez Cavana, Maria Luisa; Edwards, Chris and Luelmo del Castillo, Maria José (2023). Older language learners: 'always too late' vs 'never too late'. A mixed-methods approach. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 25(2) pp. 88–113.

Perryman, Leigh-Anne (2023). Using imagery within a pedagogy of identity for online teaching and learning. In: EADTU ed. The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities. 7th edition. EADTU, pp. 26–29.

Pitt, Rebecca (2023). Open Textbooks in Higher Education Teaching. In: Otto, Daniel; Scharnberg, Gianna; Kerres, Michael and Zawacki-Richter, Olaf eds. Distributed Learning Ecosystems: Concepts, Resources, and Repositories. Springer VA Wiesbaden, pp. 97–113.

Rienties, Bart; Balaban, Igor; Divjak, Blazenka; Grabar, Darko; Svetec, Barbi and Vondra, Petra (2023). Applying and translating learning design and analytics approaches across borders. In: Viberg, Olga and Grönlund, Åke eds. Practicable Learning Analytics. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Cham: Springer, pp. 35–53.

Rienties, Bart; Divjak, Blazenka; Eichhorn, Michael; Iniesto, Francisco; Saunders-Smits, Gillian; Svetec, Barbi; Tillmann, Alexander and Zizak, Mirza (2023). Online professional development across institutions and borders. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20, article no. 30.

Rienties, Bart; Divjak, Blazenka; Iniesto, Francisco; Pazur Anicic, Katarina and Zizak, Mirza (2023). Online work-based learning: a systematic literature review. International Review of Education, 69 pp. 551–570.

Rienties, Bart; Ferguson, Rebecca; Gonda, Dalibor; Hajdin, Goran; Herodotou, Christothea; Iniesto, Francisco; Llorens Garcia, Ariadna; Muccini, Henry; Sargent, Julia; Virkus, Sirje and Isidori, Maria Vittoria (2023). Education 4.0 in higher education and computer science: A systematic review. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 31(5) pp. 1339–1357.

Rizvi, Saman; Rienties, Bart; Rogaten, Jekaterina and Kizilcec, René F. (2023). Are MOOC learning designs culturally inclusive (enough)? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning [Early Access].

Roberts, Verena; Havemann, Leo and DeWaard, Helen (2023). Open learning designers on the margins. In: Jaffer, Tasneem; Govender, Shanali and Czerniewicz, Laura eds. Learning Design Voices. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, pp. 49–64.

Scanlon, Eileen (2023). Learning science at a distance: it can be done. In: 3rd International Conference on Educational Technology and Online Learning – ICETOL 2023: Full Paper Proceedings, 20-23 Jun 2023, Cunda, Ayvalık,Turkey, pp. 102–106.

Scanlon, Eileen; Herodotou, Christothea and McLeod, Kevin (2023). Community Citizen Inquiry: The Case of nQuire. In: Proceedings of the European Distance and eLearning Network Conference 2023, 18-20 Jun 2023, Dublin, pp. 357–362.

Sharples, Mike (2023). John Clark's Latin Verse Machine:19th Century Computational Creativity. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 45(1) pp. 31–42.

Sohrabi, Somaye; Ahmady, Soleiman; Khoshgoftar, Zohreh; Toofaninejad, Ehsan; Kalantarion, Masoumeh and Simpson, Ormond (2023). Identifying dimensions and components of student support system in virtual learning: A scoping review. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 12, article no. 332.

Stagg, Adrian; Partridge, Helen; Bossu, Carina; Funk, Johanna and Nguyen, Linh (2023). Engaging with open educational practices: Mapping the landscape in Australian higher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 39(2)

Stevens, Charlotte and Douce, Christopher (2023). [Editorial] Perspectives on wellbeing, attainment and access. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 38(2) pp. 99–101.

Tempelaar, D; Rienties, Bart; Giesbers, G and Nguyen, Quan (2023). Modelling Temporality in Person- and Variable-Centred Approaches. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(2) pp. 51–67.

Tlili, Ahmed; Garzón, Juan; Salha, Soheil; Huang, Ronghuai; Xu, Ling; Burgos, Daniel; Denden, Mouna; Farrell, Orna; Farrow, Robert; Bozkurt, Aras; Amiel, Tel; McGreal, Rory; López-Serrano, Aída and Wiley, David (2023). Are open educational resources (OER) and practices (OEP) effective in improving learning achievement? A meta-analysis and research synthesis. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20, article no. 54.

Toosy, Fesal; Mehmood, Zarqa; Talib, Maria; Siddiqi, Hafsa; Herodotou, Christothea; Poslad, Stefan and Hamid, Khurram (2023). The Impact of Gender on Female Engineering Students. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2023, Auckland, New Zealand.

Ullmann, Thomas and Edwards, Chris (2023). Understanding student experience feedback of ethnic minority students with learning analytics. In: 46th Computer and Learning Research Group Annual Conference (CALRG), 27-30 Jun 2023, Milton Keynes, UK.

Viberg, Olga and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2023). Fostering Learners' Self-Regulation and Collaboration Skills and Strategies for Mobile Language Learning Beyond the Classroom. In: Reinders, Hayo; Lai, Chun and Sundqvist, Pia eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 142–154.

Viberg, Olga; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Peeters, Ward (2023). Affective Support for Self-Regulation in Mobile-Assisted Language Learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 15(2), article no. 26.

Weller, Martin (2023). Microcredentials: Why, what and how – Editorial. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2023(1), article no. 5.

Weller, Martin (2023). The Rise and Development of Digital Education. In: Zawacki-Richter, Olaf and Jung, Insung eds. Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Springer, pp. 75–91.

Whitelock, Denise (2023). Open and online learning: opportunities and challenges. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 38(4) pp. 297–300.

Østerlie, Ove; Killian, Chad and Sargent, Julia (2023). Flipped Learning in Physical Education: Opportunities and Applications. Routledge Focus on Sport Pedagogy. Routledge.

Østerlie, Ove; Sargent, Julia; Killian, Chad; García-Jaén, Miguel; García-Martínez, Salvador and Ferriz Valero, Alberto (2023). Flipped learning in physical education: A scoping review. European Physical Education Review, 29(1) pp. 125–144.

2022To Top

Alrashidi, H.; Almujally, N.; Kadhum, M.; Ullmann, T. and Joy, M. (2022). Evaluating an Automated Analysis using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Approaches to Classify Computer Science Students' Reflective Writing. In: Pervasive Computing and Social Networking. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 475 (Ranganathan, G.; Bestak, R. and Fernando, X. eds.), pp. 463–477.

Alrashidi, Huda; Almujally, Nouf; Kadhum, Methaq; Quqandi, Ebtihal; Ullmann, Thomas Daniel and Joy, Mike (2022). How to Assess Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education? A Critical Analysis. In: 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), IEEE pp. 677–682.

Aristeidou, Maria (2022). Teachers’ initial views on Citizen Science in the classroom. In: C*Sci 22, 23-26 May 2022, Online, Citizen Science Association.

Aristeidou, Maria; Kouvara, Theodora; Karachristos, Christoforos; Spyropoulou, Natalia; Benavides-Lahnstein, Ana; Vulicevic, Bojana; Lacapelle, Alexis; Orphanoudakis, Theofanis and Batsi, Zoe (2022). Virtual Museum Tours for Schools: Teachers’ Experiences and Expectations. In: 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (Kallel, Ilhem; Kammoun, Habib M. and Hsari, Lobna eds.), 28-21 Mar 2022, Tunis, Tunisia, pp. 201–209.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Cronin, Catherine; Rodés, Virginia; Lesko, Igor; Stacey, Paul; Feliu-Torruella, Maria; Buck, Ellen; Amiel, Tel; Orlic, Davor; Stefanelli, Cristina and Villar, Daniel (2022). Defining and developing 'enabling' Open Education policies in higher education.

Benavides Lahnstein, A.; Ballard, H.; Ghadiri Khanaposhtani, M.; Lorke, J.; Herodotou, Christothea; Miller, A.; Pratt-Taweh, S.; Jennewein, J.; Aristeidou, Maria and Ismail, Nashwa (2022). Youth environmental science learning and agency: A unifying lens across community and citizen science settings. In: NARST International Conference, 27-30 Mar 2022, Vancouver, BC (online).

Boroowa, A. and Herodotou, C. (2022). Learning Analytics in Open and Distance Higher Education: The Case of the Open University UK. In: Prinsloo, P.; Slade, S. and Khalil, M. eds. Learning Analytics in Open and Distributed Learning. SpringerBriefs in Education. Singapore: Springer, pp. 46–62.

Bossu, Carina (2022). Understanding the impact of an online accredited HEA Fellowship scheme on students’ experiences. In: Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success?, 5-7 Jul 2022, Newcastle, UK.

Bossu, Carina (2022). Fostering lifelong learning through professional development and recognition at the Open University UK. In: Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF10), 14-16 Sep 2022, Calgary, Canada, Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Brasher, Andrew; Whitelock, Denise; Holmes, Wayne; Pozzi, Francesca; Persico, Donatella; Manganello, Flavio; Passarelli, Marcello and Sangrà, Albert (2022). Comparing the comparators: How should the quality of education offered by online universities be evaluated? European Journal of Education, 57(2) pp. 306–324.

Charitonos, Koula (2022). Opening spaces of learning: a sociomaterial investigation of object-based approaches with migrant youth in and beyond the heritage language classroom. In: Lytra, Vally; Ros i Solé, Cristina; Anderson, Jim and Macleroy, Vicky eds. Liberating Language Education. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 205–225.

Charitonos, Koula; Khalil, Betul; Bonfini-Hotlosz, Cindy; Webster, Ben; Tara, Ross; Salim, Ahmed; Abu Allan, Ekhlass; Badwi, Wajeeh and Aristorenas, Miki (2022). Researching communicative approaches to English language teaching using peer ethnographic method in Jordan’s refugee settings. In: Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies ed. Teachers in Crisis Contexts: Promising Practices in Teacher Professional Development, Management, and Well-being.

Chaudhari, Vasudha; Littlejohn, Allison and Cross, Simon (2022). Antecedents and consequences of uncertainties perceived by finance professionals. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 237–249.

Ching-Chiang, Lay-Wah Carolina; Fernández-Cárdenas, Juan Manuel; Lotz, Nicole; González-Nieto, Noé Abraham; Gaved, Mark; Jones, Derek; Díaz de León, Alejandra and Machado, Rafael (2022). From Digital Divide to Digital Discovery: Re-thinking Online Learning and Interactions in Marginalized Communities. In: Abdelnour-Nocera, José; Makori, Elisha Ondieki; Robles-Flores, Jose Antonio and Bitso, Constance eds. Innovation Practices for Digital Transformation in the Global South: IFIP WG 13.8, 9.4, Invited Selection. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 645. Springer, Cham, pp. 34–58.

Chua, Shi Min (2022). Discourse practices in MOOC discussions: A corpus linguistic approach. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 76–88.

Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina (2022). Spherical 360-degree video recording and viewing in educational research: a case-study from India. In: Sharpe, Rhona; Bennett, Sue and Varga-Atkins, Tünde eds. Handbook of Digital Higher Education. Elgar Handbooks in Education. Edward Elgar.

Dawadi, Saraswati and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2022). Children’s use of technology for learning English. In: 41st International Annual TESOL France Colloquium, 18-20 Nov 2022, Paris, France.

Dawadi, Saraswati; Shrestha, Sagun; Haque, Safia and Giri, Ram Ashish (2022). Preparations for and practices of online education during the Covid‑19 pandemic: A study of Bangladesh and Nepal. Education and Information Technologies, 27(1) pp. 243–265.

Divjak, Blazenka; Rienties, Bart; Iniesto, Francisco; Vondra, Petra and Zizak, Mirza (2022). Flipped Classrooms in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings and Future Research Recommendations. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19(1), article no. 9.

Edwards, Chris; Whitelock, Denise; Cross, Simon and Wild, Fridolin (2022). Developing automated ways to give essay writing feedback to students. In: INTED2022 Proceedings: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Chova, Luis Gómez; Martínez, Agustín López and Torres, Ignacio Candel eds.), INTED Proceedings, IATED Academy, Valencia, Spain, pp. 5446–5450.

Farrow, Robert; Baas, Marjon; Cardoso, Paula; Cox, Glenda; Czerwonogora, Ada; DeWaard, Helen; Essmiller, Kathy; Helton, Emily; Huth, Kate; Iniesto, Francisco; Johnson, Kathryn; Peramunugamage, Anuradha; Pitt, Rebecca; Sousa, Lorena; Vizgirda, Vidiminas and Weller, Martin (2022). GO-GN Research Review 2022.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Ochoa, Xavier and Kovanović, Vitomir (2022). Learning Analytics: Practitioners, Take Note. Journal of Learning Analytics, 9(3) pp. 1–7.

Gallastegi, Lore; Gaved, Mark; Woodward, Clare; Stutchbury, Kris and Henry, Fiona (2022). ICT Strengthening Partnership in Zambian schools. In: BAICE 2022: Partnerships in education: collaboration, co-operation and co-optation, 13-15 Sep 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Ferguson, Rebecca; Pitt, Rebecca; Cross, Simon and Whitelock, Denise (2022). Adapting OER: Addressing the Challenges of Reuse When Designing for HE Capacity Development. In: 21st European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL), 27-28 Oct 2022, Brighton, 21st European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL).

Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Swinnerton, Bronwen J. and Pickering, James D. (2022). Twelve tips for engaging learners in online discussions. Medical Teacher, 44(3) pp. 244–248.

Grand, Ann; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Collins, Trevor and Scanlon, Eileen (2022). Alternative fieldwork, “real-world” communities. In: 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference Scholarship Success Stories – Innovation Through Community, 11-12 May 2022, Online.

Hall, Johanna; Herodotou, Christothea and Iacovides, Ioanna (2022). Measuring player creativity in digital entertainment games using the Creativity in Gaming Scale. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. London: Rutledge, pp. 158–170.

Heck, Tamara; Bossu, Carina and Swertz, Christian (2022). Digital and Open Scholarship - Creating Valuable Teaching in Post-Pandemic Times. In: European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) 2022 - ECER Plus, 1-10 Sep 2022, Online.

Herodotou, Christothea; Ismail, Nashwa; Aristeidou, Maria; Miller, Grant; I.Benavides Lahnstein, Ana; Ghadiri Khanaposhtani, Maryam; D.Robinson, Lucy and L. Ballard, Heidi (2022). Online Community and Citizen Science supports environmental science learning by young people. Computers and Education, 184, article no. 104515.

Herodotou, Christothea; Twiner, Alison; Scanlon, Eileen; McLeod, Kevin and Seale, Jane (2022). From participants to creators: Considerations for community-led citizen science. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022 (Chinn, C.; Tan, E.; Chan, C. and Kali, Y. eds.), International Society of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 11–18.

Hillaire, Garron; Rienties, Bart; Fenton-O’Creevy, Mark; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Tempelaar, Dirk (2022). Incorporating student opinion into opinion mining: A student-sourced sentiment analysis classifier. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 171–185.

Howson, Oliver; Charlton, Patricia; Iniesto, Francisco and Holmes, Wayne (2022). INSPIRE: Fourth Industrial Revolution Teaching in the Classroom. In: SIGCSE 2022: Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2, ACM.

Howson, Oliver; Charlton, Patricia; Iniesto, Francisco and Holmes, Wayne (2022). INSPIRE: Fourth industrial revolution teaching in the classroom a multi-disciplinary collaboratively designed pilot project. In: EDULEARN22 Proceedings (Gómez Chova, Luis; López Martínez, Agustín and Lees, Joanna eds.), IATED Academy, Valencia, pp. 8604–8613.

Hu, Yang; Tarafdar, Monideepa; Alshehabi Al-Ani, Jabir; Rets, Irina; Hu, Shenggang; Denier, Nicole; Hughes, Karen D.; Konnikov, Alla and Ding, Lei (2022). Gendered STEM Workforce in the United Kingdom: The Role of Gender Bias in Job Advertising.

Iniesto, Francisco and Hillaire, Garron (2022). UDL and its implications in MOOC accessibility evaluation. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 208–224.

Iniesto, Francisco; McAndrew, Patrick; Minocha, Shailey and Coughlan, Tim (2022). Accessibility in MOOCs: the stakeholders’ perspectives. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open world learning: research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. London: Routledge, pp. 119–130.

Iniesto, Francisco; Pitt, Rebecca; Weller, Martin; Farrow, Robert; Cronin, Catherine; Funk, Johanna; Lambert, Sarah; Nerantzi, Chrissi; Paskevicius, Michael; Pete, Judith; Roberts, Verena; Rodes, Virginia and Vladimirschi, Viviane (2022). The GO-GN Fellowship reflections report.

Ismail, Nashwa and Adams, Anne (2022). Enablers and Barriers of Integrating Game-Based Learning in Professional Development Programmes. In: Bernardes, Oscar; Amorim, Vanessa and Carrizo Moreira, António eds. Handbook of Research on Cross-Disciplinary Uses of Gamification in Organizations. IGI Global, pp. 507–532.

Kent, Carmel; Akanji, Abayomi; du Boulay, Benedict; Bashir, Ibrahim; Fikes, Thomas G.; Rodríguez De Jesús, Sue A.; Ramirez Hall, Alysha; Alvarado, Paul; Jones, Jennifer E.; Cukurova, Mutlu; Sher, Varshita; Blake, Canan; Fisher, Arthur; Greenwood, Juliet and Luckin, Rosemary (2022). Mind the Gap: From Typical LMS Traces to Learning to Learn Journeys. In: Trajkovski, Goran; Demeter, Marylee and Hayes, Heather eds. Applying Data Science and Learning Analytics Throughout a Learner’s Lifespan. IGI Global, pp. 1–26.

Kent, Carmel and du Boulay, Benedict (2022). AI for Learning. CRC Press, Routledge.

Kent, Carmel; du Boulay, Benedict and Cukurova, Mutlu (2022). Keeping the Parents outside the School Gate—A Critical Review. Education Sciences, 12(10), article no. 683.

Konnikov, Alla; Rets, Irina; Hughes, Karen D.; Alshehabi Al-Ani, Jabir; Denier, Nicole; Ding, Lei; Hu, Shenggang; Hu, Yang; Jiang, Bei; Kong, Linglong; Tarafdar, Monideepa and Yu, Dengdeng (2022). Responsible AI for labour market equality (BIAS). In: Hantrais, Linda ed. How to Manage International Multidisciplinary Research Projects. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 75–87.

Korir, Maina; Slade, Sharon; Holmes, Wayne and Rienties, Bart (2022). Eliciting students' preferences for the use of their data for learning analytics: A crowdsourcing approach. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 144–156.

Luckin, R; Cukurova, M; Kent, Carmel and du Boulay, B (2022). Empowering educators to be AI-ready. Computers & Education, 3, article no. 100076.

Mohamud, Khadija; Buckler, Alison; Pitt, Beck and Twining, Peter (2022). Internet kiosks in Uganda: A window of opportunities? In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 131–143.

Murphy, Victoria; Iniesto, Francisco and Scanlon, Eileen (2022). Higher Education’s Digitalisation: Past, Present, and Future. In: Kaplan, Andreas ed. Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education. Cambridge University Press.

Ngatia, David; Kamonjo, Florence and Goshtasbpour, Fereshte (2022). Impact of online teaching capacity building programmes on online teaching: a case of University of Kabianga Kenya. In: Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, 14-16 Sep 2022, Calgary.

Nguyen, Quan; Rienties, Bart and Whitelock, Denise (2022). Informing learning design in online education using learning analytics of student engagement. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 189–207.

Nolan, Eimear; Rienties, Bart; Brady, Mairead and Heliot, YingFei (2022). Adjustments to pandemic enforced constraints: Insights from postgraduate students and educators’ transitions. International Journal of Educational and Life Transitions, 1(1), article no. 3.

Osterlie, Ove; Killian, Chad and Sargent, Julia (2022). Flipped Learning in Physical Education - Opportunities and Applications [oral presentation]. In: New Media Pedagogy: Research trends, methodological challenges and successful implementations, 10-12 Oct 2022, Online.

Papathoma, Tina; Littlejohn, Allison and Ferguson, Rebecca (2022). Enabling online learning: who are the educators? In: Sharpe, Rhona; Bennett, Sue and Varga-Atkins, Tünde eds. Handbook of Digital Higher Education. Elgar Handbooks in Education. Elgar, pp. 99–110.

Pitt, B.; Huynh, T. Q.; Gregson, J.; Seal, T.; Tran, H. H.; Nguyen, H. T.; Bui, T. N. T. and Nguyen, H. M. (2022). Readiness of Digital Transformation in Vietnamese Universities.

Poslad, Stefan; Irum, Tayyaba; Charlton, Patricia; Mumtaz, Rafia; Azam, Muhammad; Zaidi, Hassan; Herodotou, Christothea; Yu, Guangxia and Toosy, Fesal (2022). How IoT-Driven Citizen Science Coupled with Data Satisficing Can Promote Deep Citizen Science. Sensors, 22(9), article no. 3196.

Rets, Irina; Stickler, Ursula; Coughlan, Tim and Astruc, Lluïsa (2022). Simplification of open educational resources in English: Its effect on text processing of English learners. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. London: Routledge, pp. 89–102.

Rienties, Bart (2022). Implementing learning analytics at scale in an online world: lessons learned from the Open University UK. In: Liebowitz, J. ed. Online learning analytics. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, pp. 57–78.

Rienties, Bart (2022). Powers and limitations of open world learning: Experiences from the field of education. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 13–26.

Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise (2022). Introduction to open world learning: Research, innovation and the challenges of high-quality education. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 1–12.

Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise (2022). Reflecting on the main findings and practical applications. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 264–272.

Rienties, Bart and Herodotou, Christothea (2022). Making sense of learning data at scale. In: Sharpe, Rhona; Bennett, Sue and Varga-Atkins, Tünde eds. Handbook for Digital Higher Education. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 260–270.

Rizvi, Saman; Rienties, Bart; Rogaten, Jekaterina and Kizilcec, René (2022). Culturally adaptive learning design: A mixed-methods study of cross-cultural learning design preferences in MOOCs. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 103–115.

Rodés, Virginia and Iniesto, Francisco (2022). Research in Open Education in Latin America: towards an agenda of collaboration between networks. In: 2021 XVI Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 19-21 Oct 2021, Arequipa - Perú (Virtual), IEEE.

Scanlon, Eileen and Herodotou, Christothea (2022). Advancing the Democratization of Research: Citizen Science. In: L@S '22: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 280–283.

Sharples, Mike (2022). Automated Essay Writing: An AIED Opinion. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 32(4) pp. 1119–1126.

Shrestha, Sagun; Gnawali, Laxman and Laudari, Suman (2022). Issues of Participant Retention in an Online Course for English as a Foreign Language Teachers. International Journal of Research in English Education, 7(1) pp. 86–98.

Shrestha, Sagun; Laudari, Suman and Gnawali, Laxman (2022). Exploratory action research: experiences of Nepalese EFL teachers. ELT Journal, article no. ccac029.

Smalley, Alexander; White, Mathew; Ripley, Rebecca; Atack, Timothy X; Lomas, Eliza; Sharples, Mike; Coates, Peter; Groom, Nick; Grand, Ann; Heneberry, Ailish; Fleming, Lora and Depledge, Michael (2022). Forest 404: Using a BBC drama series to explore the impact of nature’s changing soundscapes on human wellbeing and behavior. Global Environmental Change, 74, article no. 102497.

Srisontisuk, Pinsuda (2022). Practitioner's perspective on young children's use of mobile technology. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 225–236.

Stevens, Charlotte and Douce, Christopher (2022). Editorial: ODL research in Iran, language learning and open courseware. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 37(4) pp. 309–311.

Stracke, Christian C.; Burgos, Daniel; Santos-Hermosa, Gema; Bozkurt, Aras; Sharmer, Ramesh C.; Cassafieres, Cécile Swiatek; Inamorato dos Santos, Andreia; Mason, Jonathon; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Shon, Jin Gon; Wan, Marian; Obiageli Agbu, Jane-Frances; Farrow, Robert; Karakaya, Özlem; Neranzti, Chrissi; Ramírez-Montoya, María Soledad; Conole, Grainne; Cox, Glenda and Truong, Vi (2022). Responding to the Initial Challenge of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of International Responses and Impact in School and Higher Education. Sustainability, 14(3), article no. 1876.

Stracke, Christian M.; Sharma, Ramesh Chander; Bozkurt, Aras; Burgos, Daniel; Swiatek Cassafieres, Cécile; Inamorato dos Santos, Andreia; Mason, Jon; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Santos-Hermosa, Gema; Shon, Jin Gon; Wan, Marian; Agbu, Jane-Frances Obiageli; Farrow, Robert; Karakaya, Özlem; Nerantzi, Chrissi; Ramírez-Montoya, María Soledad; Conole, Grainne; Truong, Vi and Cox, Glenda (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on Formal Education: An International Review of Practices and Potentials of Open Education at a Distance. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 23(4)

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Tessarolo, Felipe; Aristeidou, Maria and Coughlan, Emily (2022). From face-to-face environments to distance learning universities: the transition period of first-year students. In: 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia pp. 917–924.

Toosy, Fesal; Arif, Arslan; Ahmad, Ali; Herodotou, Christothea; Poslad, Stefan and Hamid, Khurram (2022). How do Final Year Projects of Engineering Students Relate to Myer-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment? In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), IEEE pp. 684–687.

Toosy, Fesal; Raza, Farah Naz; Zafar, Maria; Zaheer, Ayesha and Herodotou, Christothea (2022). On Gender Disparity in Engineering Academia. In: 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE.

Tynan, Belinda; Bossu, Carina and Leitch, Shona (2022). Academic Professional Development to Support Mixed Modalities. In: Zawacki-Richter, Olaf and Jung, Insung eds. Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Singapore: Springer.

Vogiatzis, Dimitrios; Charitonos, Koula; Giaxoglou, Korina and Lewis, Tim (2022). Can WhatsApp facilitate interaction? A case study of adult language learning. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 44–62.

Weiser, O.; Kalman, Y.M.; Kent, Carmel and Ravid, G. (2022). 65 Competencies: Which Ones Should Your Data Analytics Experts Have? Communications of the ACM, 65(3) pp. 58–66.

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Weller, Martin (2022). The Rise and Development of Digital Education. In: Zawacki-Richter, Olaf and Jung, Insung eds. Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1–17.

Whitelock, Denise (2022). Deliberations about digital learning: finding a way forward. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 37(3) pp. 215–218.

Østerlie, Ove; Sargent, Julia and Killian, Chad (2022). Editorial: Digital technology in physical education – pedagogical approaches. Frontiers in Education, 7, article no. 1095881.

2021To Top

Hitchcock, Colleen, Vance-Chalcraft, Heather and Aristeidou, Maria. eds. (2021) Citizen Science in Higher Education. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice [Special Collection].

Laxman, Gnawali; Laudari, Suman and Shrestha, Sagun eds. (2021). Exploratory Action Research: Stories of Nepalese EFL Teachers. Kathmandu: Nepal English Language Teachers' Association.

Morgana, Valentina and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes eds. (2021). Mobile Assisted Language Learning Across Educational Contexts. Routledge Focus on Applied Linguistics. Routledge.

Shah, Mahsood; Richardson, John T. E.; Pabel, Anja and Oliver, Beverley eds. (2021). Assessing and Enhancing Student Experience in Higher Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Adhikari, Bal Ram and Shrestha, Sagun (2021). Translation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal: Performance without recognition. Bridge: Trends and traditions in translation and interpreting studies, 2(2) pp. 4–28.

Aristeidou, Maria (2021). Transition and support experiences of first-year STEM students in distance learning universities. In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference Proceedings, The Open University pp. 72–73.

Aristeidou, Maria (2021). First-Year University Students in Distance Learning: Motivations and Early Experiences. In: Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World: 16th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2021 Bolzano, Italy, September 20–24, 2021 Proceedings (De Laet, T.; Klemke, R.; Alario-Hoyos, C.; Hilliger, I. and Ortega-Arranz, A. eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, pp. 110–121.

Aristeidou, Maria and Cross, Simon (2021). The impact of the Covid-19 disruption on distance learning higher education students and activities. In: Seventh International Conference on Higher Education Advances proceedings (HEAd'21), UPV Press, València, Spain, pp. 695–702.

Aristeidou, Maria; Herodotou, Christothea; Ballard, Heidi L.; Higgins, Lila; Johnson, Rebecca F.; Miller, Annie E.; Young, Alison N. and Robinson, Lucy D. (2021). How Do Young Community and Citizen Science Volunteers Support Scientific Research on Biodiversity? The Case of iNaturalist. Diversity, 13(7), article no. 318.

Aristeidou, Maria; Herodotou, Christothea; Ballard, Heidi L.; Young, Alison N.; Miller, Annie E.; Higgins, Lila and Johnson, Rebecca F. (2021). Exploring the participation of young citizen scientists in scientific research: The case of iNaturalist. PLoS ONE, 16(1), article no. e0245682.

Aristeidou, Maria; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen (2021). Technologies for citizen inquiry: participatory research in online communities. In: Burns, Danny; Howard, Joanna and Ospina, Sonia M. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research and Inquiry. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 496–512.

Beavers, Sian and Warnecke, Sylvia (2021). Audience perceptions of historical authenticity in visual media. In: Alvestad, Karl and Houghton, Robert eds. The Middle Ages in Modern Culture: History and Authenticity in Contemporary Medievalism. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 74–89.

Bossu, Carina (2021). Keynote: Perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education in England and Europe. In: International Congress of Higher Education CESMAC, 10 to 14 Jan, Alagoas, Brazil.

Bossu, Carina; Cuffe, Paige and Refaat, Malik (2021). Working and writing in the presence of a peer in an online space: facilitating submissions to achieve HEA accreditation? In: ALT Annual Conference: Shared Experience, Different Perspectives, 7-9 Sep 2021, UK/Online, Association for Learning Technologies.

Bossu, Carina; Sargent, Julia; Ismail, Nashwa and Wilson, Jane (2021). Sharing experiences of an online HEA Fellowship scheme and its impact on learning and teaching. In: ALT Annual Conference: Shared Experience, Different Perspectives, 7-9 Sep 2021, UK/Online, Association for Learning Technologies.

Bossu, Carina and Vladimirschi, Viviane (2021). Links between Open Education and DEI – findings from a Latin American study. In: OER21 xDomains Conference, 21-22 Apr 2021, Online.

Cerratto Pargman, Teresa; McGrath, Cormac; Viberg, Olga; Kitto, Kirsty; Knight, Simon and Ferguson, Rebecca (2021). Responsible learning analytics: creating just, ethical, and caring. In: Companion Proceedings 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK21).

Charitonos, Koula; Littlejohn, Allison and Kaatrakoski, Heli (2021). Design considerations for a systemic approach to technology-supported professional learning. In: 19th Biennial EARLI Conference EARLI 2021, 23-27 Aug 2021, Sweden.

Ching-Chiang, Lay-Wah Carolina; González-Nieto, Noé Abraham; Gaved, Mark; Jones, Derek; Lotz, Nicole; Díaz de León, Alejandra; Machado, Rafael and Fernández-Cárdenas, Juan Manuel (2021). Hyperlocal Learning Network ‘La Campana-Altamira’: Using low-cost technologies to support maker education during lockdown times. In: Proceedings of Communities and Technologies 2021, 20-25 Jun 2021, Seattle, USA (online).

Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina; Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Ramchand, Mythili; Sen, Sohini; Paltiwale, Sumegh; Coughlan, Emily; Shende, Satej; Sarkar, Durba; Chatterjee, Ananya and Balli, Omkar (2021). Teachers’ professional learning during and after Covid: A role for open digital badges.

Earle, Rod; Mehigan, James; Pike, Anne and Weinbren, Daniel (2021). The Open University and Prison Education in the UK – the first 50 years. Journal of Prison Education and Reentry, 7(1)

Farrow, Robert; Iniesto, Francisco; Weller, Martin; Pitt, Rebecca; Algers, Anne; Bozkurt, Aras; Cox, Glenda; Czerwonogora, Ada; Elias, Tanya; Essmiller, Kathy; Funk, Johanna; Lambert, Sarah; Mittelmeier, Jenna; Nagashima, Tomo; Rabin, Eyal; Rets, Irina; Spica, Elizabeth; Vladimirschi, Viviane and Witthaus, Gabi (2021). GO-GN Guide to Conceptual Frameworks.

Havemann, Leo; Atenas, Javiera and Nascimbeni, Fabio (2021). A tale of two OEPs? Looking at open educational practices from a policy viewpoint. In: OERxDomains21, 19-27 Apr 2021, Online.

Havemann, Leo and Roberts, Verena (2021). Pivoting Open? Pandemic Pedagogy and the Search for Openness in the Viral Learning Environment. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2021(1), article no. 27.

Herodotou, Christothea (2021). MAD Learn: An Evidence-based Affordance Framework to Assessing Learning Apps. In: Proceedings of 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2021, Immersive Learning Research Network, article no. 9459325.

Hitchcock, Colleen; Vance-Chalcraft, Heather and Aristeidou, Maria (2021). Citizen Science in Higher Education. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), article no. 22.

Hlosta, Martin; Herodotou, Christothea; Fernandez, Miriam and Bayer, Vaclav (2021). Impact of Predictive Learning Analytics on Course Awarding Gap of Disadvantaged students in STEM. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education: 22nd International Conference, AIED 2021, Utrecht, the Netherlands, June 14-18, 2021, Proceedings, Part II (Roll, Ido; McNamara, Danielle; Sosnovsky, Sergey; Luckin, Rose and Dimitrova, Vania eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Cham, pp. 190–195.

Huang, Xinyu and Wild, Fridolin (2021). A new metric scale for measuring trust towards holographic intelligent agents. In: Proceedings of the 34th British HCI Workshop and Doctoral Consortium 2021, BCS Learning and Development Ltd.

Huang, Xinyu; Wild, Fridolin and Whitelock, Denise (2021). Design Dimensions for Holographic Intelligent Agents: A Comparative Analysis. In: 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in- Education, MAIED 2021, 14 Jun 2021, Online.

Iniesto, Francisco; Sargent, Julia; Rienties, Bart; Llorens, Ariadna; Adam, Araceli; Herodotou, Christothea; Ferguson, Rebecca and Muccini, Henry (2021). When industry meets Education 4.0: What do Computer Science companies need from Higher Education? In: TEEM'21: Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 367–372.

Iniesto, Francisco; Tabuenca, Bernardo; Rodrigo, Covadonga and Tovar, Edmundo (2021). Challenges to Achieving a More Inclusive and Sustainable Open Education. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2021(1), article no. 28.

Jordan, Katy and Jones, Ann (2021). Editorial: Learning from Lockdown Special Collection. Editorial: Learning from Lockdown Special Collection. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1(6) pp. 1–3.

Kaatrakoski, Heli; Littlejohn, Allison and Charitonos, Koula (2021). Antimicrobial resistance challenging professional learning in three LMICs. Journal of Workplace Learning, 33(6) pp. 446–459.

Kaliisa, Rogers; Gillespie, Anna; Herodotou, Christothea; Kluge, Anders and Rienties, Bart (2021). Teachers’ Perspectives on the Promises, Needs and Challenges of Learning Analytics Dashboards: Insights from Institutions Offering Blended and Distance Learning. In: Sahin, Muhittin and Dirk, Ifenthaler eds. Visualizations and Dashboards for Learning Analytics. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Cham: Springer, pp. 351–370.

Kent, Carmel; Chaudhry, M. A.; Cukurova, M.; Bashir, I.; Pickard, H.; Jenkins, C.; Du Boulay, B. and Luckin, R. (2021). On how Unsupervised Machine Learning Can Shape Minds: a Brief Overview. A poster. In: International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2021), Apr 2021, Online.

Kent, Carmel; Chaudhry, Muhammad Ali; Cukurova, Mutlu; Bashir, Ibrahim; Pickard, Hannah; Jenkins, Chris; du Boulay, Benedict; Moeini, Anissa and Luckin, Rosemary (2021). Machine learning models and their development process as learning affordances for humans. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2021., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.

Kuhn, Caroline; Havemann, Leo and Atenas, Javiera (2021). Understanding Data: Praxis and Politics [webinar]. In: Bath Spa University, School of Education Research Seminar, 22 Oct 2021, Bath / online, Bath Spa University.

Kuhn, Caroline; Havemann, Leo; Koseoglu, Suzan and Bozkurt, Aras (2021). Three Lenses on Lurking: Making Sense of Digital Silence. In: Hoffman, Jaime and Blessinger, Patrick eds. International Perspectives in Online Instruction. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 83–93.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2021). Moving Language Teaching and Learning from the Known to the Unknown. In: Miller, Lindsay and Wu, Junjie Gavin eds. Language Learning with Technology: Perspectives from Asia. Singapore: Springer, pp. 3–12.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2021). Conclusions: A Lifelong Perspective on Mobile Language Learning. In: Morgana, Valentina and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes eds. Mobile Assisted Language Learning Across Educational Contexts. Routledge Focus on Applied Linguistics. Routledge, pp. 122–133.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Arús-Hita, Jorge and García Laborda, Jesús (2021). Mobile, Open and Social Language Learning Designs and Architectures. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 27(5) pp. 413–424.

Law, Effie L-C.; Thanydait, Santawat; Heintz, Matthias; Campbell, Abey and Wild, Fridolin (2021). Beyond Questionnaires: Innovative Approaches to Evaluating Mixed Reality. In: Proceedings of the 34th British HCI Workshop and Doctoral Consortium 2021, BCS Learning and Development Ltd.

Littlejohn, Allison; Hood, Nina; Rehm, Martin; McGill, Lou; Rienties, Bart and Highton, Melissa (2021). Learning to become an online editor: the editathon as a learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(8) pp. 1258–1271.

Minocha, Shailey; Murphy, Victoria and Scanlon, Eileen (2021). Designing Ethical Assessment. In: CALRG Annual Conference 2021, 15-16 Jun 2021, The Open University, UK (online).

Nolan, Eimear; Brady, Mairead; Rienties, Bart and Héliot, YingFei (2021). Once more on the rollercoaster: Loses and gains from the rapid shift to online delivery during Covid. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1) p. 15358.

Papathoma, Tina; Ferguson, Rebecca and Vogiatzis, Dimitrios (2021). Accessible learning, accessible analytics: a virtual evidence café. In: Companion Proceedings 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK21).

Read, Timothy; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Bárcena, Elena (2021). Supporting listening comprehension by social network-based interaction in mobile assisted language learning. Porta Linguarum. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning(35) pp. 295–309.

Read, Timothy; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Barcena, Elena and Traxler, John (2021). Mobile Open Social Learning for Languages (MOSL4L). Journal of Universal Computer Science, 27(5) pp. 425–436.

Richardson, John T. E. (2021). A closer look at the lady tasting tea. Significance, 18(5) pp. 34–37.

Richardson, John T. E. (2021). Muriel Bristol Roach: A corrigendum. Significance, 18(6) pp. 46–47.

Rienties, Bart; Balaban, Igor; Ferguson, Rebecca; Herodotou, Christothea; Iniesto, Francisco; Muccini, Henry; Sargent, Julia and Virkus, Sirje (2021). Education 4.0 and Computer Science: A European perspective. In: Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS), Oct 13-15, Varazdin, Croatia.

Robinson, L.D.; Miller, A.E.; Burton, V.J.; Herodotou, Christothea; Higgins, L.; Miller, G.R.M.; Young, A.N.; Ghadiri Khanaposhtani, M.; Benavides Lahnstein,, A.I.; Sanghera, H.K.; Johnson, R.F.; Aristeidou, Maria; Ballard, H.L.; Jennewein, J.; Lorke, J.; Pratt-Taweh, S.; Wardlaw, J.; Ismail, Nashwa; Pauly, G.B.; Papathoma, Tina and Swanson, R.D. (2021). Enhancing youth learning through Community and Citizen Science: a guide for practitioners.

Rodrigo, Covadonga and Iniesto, Francisco (2021). AIED: raising awareness on risks of biases in sexism and discrimination. In: Ubachs, George ed. The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities.

Rogaten, Jekaterina and Rienties, Bart (2021). A Critical Review of Learning Gains Methods and Approaches. In: Hughes, Christina and Tight, Malcolm eds. Learning Gain in Higher Education. International Perspectives on Higher Education Research, 14. Emerald, pp. 17–31.

Sargent, Julia and Calderón, Antonio (2021). Technology enhanced learning in physical education? A critical review of the literature. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 41(4) pp. 689–709.

Sargent, Julia and Casey, Ashley (2021). Using digital technologies to enhance your teaching of physical education. In: Capel, Susan; Cliff, Joanne and Lawrence, Julia eds. A practical guide to teaching physical education in the secondary school, Volume 3rd ed. London: Routledge.

Sharples, Mike (2021). Foreword to Mobile Education: Personalised Learning and Assessment in Remote Education: A Guide for Educators and Learners. In: McCartney, Kieran ed. Mobile Education: Personalised Learning and Assessment in Remote Education: A Guide for Educators and Learners. Digital Learning and the Future, 1. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang Ltd, International Academic Publishers, xi-xiv.

Simpson, Ormond (2021). Distance education futures: What are the factors that will affect how distance education develops in the future? In: Bordoloi, R. and Das, P. eds. Open Higher Education in the 21st Century. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 47–65.

Tempelaar, Dirk; Rienties, Bart and Nguyen, Quan (2021). The contribution of dispositional learning analytics to precision education. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 24(1) pp. 109–122.

Tempelaar, Dirk; Rienties, Bart and Nguyen, Quan (2021). Enabling Precision Education by Learning Analytics Applying Trace, Survey and Assessment Data. In: 2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE, pp. 355–359.

Thomas, Laura; Rienties, Bart; Tuytens, Melissa; Devos, Geert; Kelchtermans, Geert and Vanderlinde, Ruben (2021). Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to beginning teachers’ job attitudes. Research Papers in Education, 36(5) pp. 611–636.

Toetenel, Lisette and Rienties, Bart (2021). The Virtuous Circle of Learning Design and Learning Analytics to Develop Student Centred Online Education. In: Klemenčič, Manja and Hoidn, Sabine eds. Routledge International Handbook on Student-Centred Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge.

Ullmann, Thomas and Rienties, Bart (2021). Using text analytics to understand open-ended student comments at scale: Insights from four case studies. In: Shah, Mahsood; Richardson, John T. E.; Pabel, Anja and Oliver, Beverley eds. Assessing and Enhancing Student Experience in Higher Education. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 211–233.

Viberg, Olga; Wasson, Barbara and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2021). Developing a Framework for Mobile Assisted Language Learning through Learning Analytics for Self-Regulated Learning. In: Companion Proceedings 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK21), Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR).

Wild, Fridolin; Marshall, Lawrence; Bernard, Jay; White, Eric and Twycross, John (2021). UNBODY: A Poetry Escape Room in Augmented Reality. Information, 12(8), article no. e295.

Zhang, Jingjing; Gao, Ming; Holmes, Wayne; Mavrikis, Manolis and Ma, Ning (2021). Interaction patterns in exploratory learning environments for mathematics: a sequential analysis of feedback and external representations in Chinese schools. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(7) pp. 1211–1228.

2020To Top

Alrashidi, Huda; Joy, Mike; Ullmann, Thomas and Almujally, Nouf (2020). Educators' Validation on a Reflective Writing Framework (RWF) for Assessing Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Kumar, Vivekanandan and Troussas, Christos eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 316–322.

Alrashidi, Huda; Joy, Mike; Ullmann, Thomas and Almujally, Nouf (2020). Validating the Reflective Writing Framework (RWF) for Assessing Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education Through Manual Annotation. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Kumar, Vivekanandan and Troussas, Christos eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 323–326.

Alrashidi, Huda; Ullmann, Thomas; Ghounaim, Samiah and Joy, Mike (2020). A Framework for Assessing Reflective Writing Produced Within the Context of Computer Science Education. In: Companion Proceedings 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20, 24/03/2020, Frankfurt, Germany.

Aristeidou, Maria; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike (2020). Learning outcomes in online citizen science communities designed for inquiry. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 10(4) pp. 277–294.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Neumann, Jan and Stefanelli, Cristina (2020). Open Education Policies: Guidelines for co-creation. London: Open Education Policy Lab.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo and Timmermann, Cristian (2020). Critical literacies for a datafied society: academic development and curriculum design in higher education. Research in Learning Technology, 28, article no. 2468.

Beavers, Sian M. (2020). The Representation of Women in 'Ryse: Son of Rome'. In: Rollinger, Christian ed. Classical Antiquity in Video Games: Playing with the Ancient World. Imagines. London: Bloomsbury.

Berendt, Betina; Littlejohn, Allison and Blakemore, Mike (2020). AI in Education: learner choice and fundamental rights. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(3) pp. 312–324.

Bossu, Carina and Heck, Tamara (2020). [Editorial] Special Issue: Engaging with Open Science in Learning and Teaching. Education for Information, 36(3) pp. 211–225.

Bossu, Carina and Vladimirschi, Viviane (2020). Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Latin America in the Context of an Open Education Initiative. In: Open Education Global Conference 2020, 16-20 Nov 2020, Online.

Bruckermann, T; Lorke, J; Rafolt, S; Scheuch, M; Aristeidou, Maria; Ballard, H; Bardy-Durchhalter, M; Carli, E; Herodotou, Christothea; Kelemen-Finan, J; Robinson, L; Swanson, R; Winter, S and Kapelari, S (2020). Learning Opportunities and Outcomes in Citizen Science: A Heuristic Model for Design and Evaluation. In: Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2019 Conference. The Beauty and Pleasure of Understanding: Engaging With Contemporary Challenges Through Science Education (Levrini, O and Tasquier, G eds.), University of Bologna, pp. 889–898.

Coughlan, Tim (2020). The use of open data as a material for learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1) pp. 383–411.

Cross, Simon; Adinolfi, Lina; Charania, Amina; Ramchand, Mythili; Wolfenden, Freda; Sen, Sohini; Paltiwale, Sumegh; Balli, Omkar and Chatterjee, Ananya (2020). Digital Badges for Teacher Professional Development in India: Interim Project Report.

Cukurova, Mutlu; Luckin, Rosemary and Kent, Carmel (2020). Impact of an Artificial Intelligence Research Frame on the Perceived Credibility of Educational Research Evidence. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 30(2) pp. 205–235.

Dawadi, Saraswati (2020). High-stakes test impact on student motivation to learn. European Journal of Educational & Social Sciences, 5(2) pp. 59–71.

de Jong, Peter; Pickering, James; Swinerton, Bronwen; Hendriks, Renée; Goshtasbpour, Fereshte and Reinders, Marlies (2020). Twelve tips for integrating massive open online course content into classroom teaching. Medical Teacher, 42(4) pp. 393–397.

de Waard, Inge and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2020). A conceptual framework for learners self-directing their learning in MOOCs: components, enablers and inhibitors. In: Yu, Shengquan; Ally, Mohamed and Tsinakos, Avgoustos eds. Emerging Technologies and Pedagogies in the Curriculum. Bridging Human and Machine: Future Education with Intelligence. Singapore: Springer, pp. 377–397.

Douglas, Heather E.; Rubin, Mark; Seevak, Jill; Southgate, Erica; Macqueen, Suzanne and Richardson, John T. E. (2020). Older women, deeper learning: Age and gender interact to predict learning approach and academic achievement at university. Frontiers in Education: Educational Psychology, 5, article no. 158.

Edwards, Chris and Gaved, Mark (2020). The student study experience – analysing student study choices. In: 29th EDEN (European Distance Education Network) Annual Conference 2020 - Human and Artificial Intelligence for the Society of the Future, 21-24 Jun 2020, Politehnica University, Timisoara, Romania.

Edwards, Chris and Gaved, Mark (2020). Understanding student experience: a pathways model. In: L@S '20: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 12-14 Aug 2020, Virtual event, USA, pp. 265–268.

Farrow, Robert and Mathers, Bryan (2020). Conceptualising Research Methodology for Doctoral Researchers in Open Education (with penguins). International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 7(3) pp. 349–359.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Childs, Mark; Okada, Alexandra; Sheehy, Kieron; Tatlow-Golden, Mimi and Childs, Anna (2020). Creating a Framework of fun and Learning: Using Balloons to Build Consensus. In: 14th European Conference on Games Based Learning - ECGBL 2020, 23-25 Sep 2020, Brighton (held virtually due to COVID).

FitzGerald, Elizabeth (2020). The promises and pitfalls of personalised eLearning. In: Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2020), 24-25 Sep 2020, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade Metropolitan University.

Fominykh, Mikhail; Wild, Fridolin; Klamma, Ralf; Billinghurst, Mark; Costiner, Lisandra S.; Karsakov, Andrey; Mangina, Eleni; Molka-Danielsen, Judith; Pollock, Ian; Preda, Marius and Smolic, Aljosa (2020). Model Augmented Reality Curriculum. In: ITiCSE-WGR '20: Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ACM.

Fullagar, Simone; Petris, Sandra; Sargent, Julia; Allen, Stephanie; Aktar, Muhsina and Ozakinci, Gozde (2020). Action research with parkrun UK volunteer organisers to develop inclusive strategies. Health Promotion International, 35(5) pp. 1199–1209.

Gaved, Mark; Hanson, Rachel and Stutchbury, Kris (2020). Mobile offline networked learning for teacher Continuing Professional Development in Zambia. In: Proceedings of mLearn2020: the 19th World Conference on Mobile, Blended and Seamless Learning.

Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Swinerton, Bronwen and Morris, Neil Peter (2020). Look who’s talking: Exploring instructors’ contributions to Massive Open Online Courses. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(1) pp. 228–244.

Greyling, Linda; Huntley, Belinda; Reedy, Katharine and Rogaten, Jekaterina (2020). Improving distance learning mathematics modules in South Africa: a learning design perspective. South African Journal of Higher Education, 34(3) pp. 89–111.

Hall, Johanna; Stickler, Ursula; Herodotou, Christothea and Iacovides, Ioanna (2020). Player conceptualizations of creativity in digital entertainment games. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26(5-6) pp. 1226–1247.

Havemann, Leo (2020). Open in the Evening: Openings and Closures in an Ecology of Practices. In: Conrad, Dianne and Prinsloo, Paul eds. Open(ing) Education: Theory and Practice. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Sense, pp. 329–344.

Herodotou, Christothea; Aristeidou, Maria; Miller, Grant; Ballard, Heidi and Robinson, Lucy (2020). What Do We Know about Young Volunteers? An Exploratory Study of Participation in Zooniverse. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5(1) pp. 1–14.

Herodotou, Christothea; Papathoma, Tina; Aristeidou, Maria; Miller, Grant; Ghadiri, Maryam; Lorke, Julia and Ballard, Heidi (2020). What do young volunteers learn from participation in online crowdsourced citizen science? Environmental science learning through Zooniverse. In: ECSA conference 2020, 7-10 Sep 2020, Trieste, Italy.

Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen (2020). Can technology empower the public to think scientifically? The case of nQuire. In: International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2020), 19-23 Jun 2020, Nashville, TN, USA.

Hlosta, Martin; Papathoma, Tina and Herodotou, Christothea (2020). Explaining Errors in Predictions of At-Risk Students in Distance Learning Education. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, pp. 119–123.

Hlosta, Martin; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Bayer, Vaclav and Herodotou, Christothea (2020). Why Predictions of At-Risk Students Are Not 100% Accurate? Showing Patterns in False Positive and False Negative Predictions. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK20), 23-27 Mar 2020, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Iniesto, Francisco (2020). [Book Review] Open education: from OERs to MOOCs, edited by Mohamed Jemni and Mohamed Koutheair Khribi, Springer, 2016. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 35(2) pp. 196–198.

Ismail, Nashwa; Harris, Alma; Jones, Michelle; Evans, Ceryn and Knight, Cathryn (2020). An International Review of Incentives into Teacher Education: Implications for Policy and Practice. In: 33rd International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, 6-10 Jan 2020, Marrakesh, Morocco.

Jesionkowska, Joanna; Wild, Fridolin and Deval, Yann (2020). Active Learning Augmented Reality for STEAM Education—A Case Study. Education Sciences, 10(8), article no. 198.

Kent, Carmel and Rechavi, Amit (2020). Content-Structure Proxies for Remote Interactive Learning. In: Content Meets Structure - Integrating Different Perspectives on Social Networks (CoMeS), 28-30 Sep 2020, Heidelberg, Germany.

Kent, Carmel and Rechavi, Amit (2020). Deconstructing Online Social Learning: Network Analysis of the Creation, Consumption and Organization Types of Interaction. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 43(1) pp. 16–37.

Koseoglu, Suzan; Bozkurt, Aras and Havemann, Leo (2020). Critical Questions for Open Educational Practices. Distance Education, 41(2) pp. 153–155.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2020). Mobile and Personal Learning for Newcomers to a City. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 17(1) pp. 93–103.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2020). Intelligent Assistants in Education: Capabilities and Limitations. In: 19th World Conference on Mobile, Blended and Seamless Learning (mLearn2020), mLearn Conference Proceedings, International Association for Mobile Learning, pp. 123–124.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Lee, Helen (2020). Mobile Collaboration for Language Learning and Cultural Learning. In: Dressman, Mark and Sadler, Randall William eds. The Handbook of Informal Language Learning. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 169–180.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Lee, Helen (2020). Intelligent assistants in language learning: an analysis of features and limitations. In: CALL for Widening Participation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2020 (Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete; Larsen, Sanne; Bradley, Linda and Thouësny, Sylvie eds.),, pp. 172–176.

Masneri, Stefano; Dominguez, Ana; Wild, Fridolin; Pronk, Jeroen; Heintz, Matthias; Tiede, Jennifer; Nistor, Adina; Chiazzese, Giuseppe and Mangina, Eleni (2020). Work-in-progress—ARETE - An Interactive Educational System using Augmented Reality. In: 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), IEEE, pp. 283–286.

Neumann, Michelle and Herodotou, Christothea (2020). Evaluating YouTube videos for young children. Education and Information Technologies, 25(5) pp. 4459–4475.

Neumann, Michelle M. and Herodotou, Christothea (2020). Young Children and YouTube: A global phenomenon. Childhood Education, 96(4) pp. 72–77.

Pammer-Schindler, Viktoria; Wild, Fridolin; Fominykh, Mikhail; Ley, Tobias; Perifanou, Maria; Soule, Maria Victoria; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Kalz, Marco; Klamma, Ralf; Pedro, Luís; Santos, Carlos; Glahn, Christian; Economides, Anastasios A.; Parmaxi, Antigoni; Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina; Gillet, Denis and Maillet, Katherine (2020). Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Europe. Frontiers in Education, 5, article no. 150.

Papathoma, Tina; Ferguson, Rebecca; Iniesto, Francisco; Rets, Irina; Vogiatzis, Dimitrios and Murphy, Victoria (2020). Guidance on how Learning at Scale can be made more accessible. In: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, Aug 12-14, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, pp. 289–292.

Perryman, Leigh-Anne (2020). Evaluating MOOCs' Long-Term Impact: A Theory of Change Approach. In: Mishra, Sanjaya and Panda, Santosh eds. Technology-Enabled Learning: Policy, Pedagogy and Practice. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning. Vancouver, Canada: Commonwealth of Learning, pp. 143–164.

Pratt-Taweh, S.; Jennewein, J.N.; Miller, A.E.; Robinson, L.D.; Burton, V; Ballard, H.L.; Ghadiri Khanaposhtani, M.; Lorke, J.; Wardlaw, J; Higgins, L.M.; Young, A.N.; Johnson, R.F.; Herodotou, Christothea; Aristeidou, Maria; Miller, G.; Sanghera, H.; Benavides-Lahnstein, A.I. and Ismail, N. (2020). Perspectives on a researcher-practitioner partnership: Our role as practitioner researchers studying youth learning through participation in NHM-led citizen science. In: European Citizen Science Association, 9-11 Sep 2020, Trieste, Italy.

Raffaghelli, Juliana; Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2020). Open Data as driver of critical data literacies in Higher Education. In: OER20: The care in openness, 1-2 Apr 2020, Online.

Rets, Irina (2020). What if ‘eye’ find it too difficult? English L2 users’ response to text simplification. In: SIG27: Sharpening the facets of online measures: Research at the cutting edge, 14 Dec - 16 Dec 2020, [Online].

Rodrigo, Covadonga; Iniesto, Francisco and García-Serrano, Ana (2020). Reflections on Instructional Design Guidelines from the MOOCification of Distance Education: A Case Study of a Course on Design for All. In: Mendoza-González, Ricardo; Huizilopoztli, Luna-García and Alfredo, Mendoza-González eds. UXD and UCD Approaches for Accessible Education. Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design. Hershey PA, USA: IGI Global, pp. 21–37.

Rogaten, Jekaterina; Clow, Doug; Edwards, Chris; Gaved, Mark and Rienties, Bart (2020). Are Assessment Practices Well Aligned Over Time? A Big Data Exploration. In: Bearman, M; Dawson, P; Ajjawi, R.; Tai, J. and Boud, D. eds. Re-imagining University Assessment in a Digital World. The Enabling Power of Assessment, 7. Cham: Springer, pp. 147–164.

Sargent, Julia (2020). [Book Review] Debates in physical education. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 11(3) pp. 282–284.

Scanlon, Eileen; Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and McLeod, Kevin (2020). nQuire: citizens acting as scientists in massive open online learning. In: L@S '20: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 12-14 Aug 2020, Virtual event, USA, ACM, pp. 257–260.

Scanlon, Eileen and Papathoma, Tina (2020). Citizen science as interdisciplinary working. In: Networked Learning Conference, 2020, 18-20 May 2020, Kolding, Denmark.

Secretan, Joshua; Wild, Fridolin and Guest, William (2020). Learning Analytics in Augmented Reality. In: Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), IEEE Asia Pacific, Singapore, article no. 20073739.

Sher, Noa; Kent, Carmel and Rafaeli, Sheizf (2020). Creativity is Connecting Things: The Role of Network Topology in Fostering Collective Creativity in Multi-Participant Asynchronous Online Discussions. In: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Bui, Tung X. ed.), HICSS Conference Office, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tempelaar, Dirk; Nguyen, Quan and Rienties, Bart (2020). Learning Analytics and the Measurement of Learning Engagement. In: Ifenthaler, Dirk and Gibson, David eds. Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Cham: Springer, pp. 159–176.

Tempelaar, Dirk T.; Rienties, Bart and Nguyen, Quan (2020). Feedback Preferences of Students Learning in a Blended Environment: Worked Examples, Tutored and Untutored Problem-Solving. In: Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1220 (Lane, H. C.; Zvacek, S. and Uhomoibhi, J. eds.), pp. 51–70.

Tur, Gemma; Havemann, Leo; Marsh, J. Dawn; Keefer, Jeffrey M. and Nascimbeni, Fabio (2020). Becoming an open educator: towards an open threshold framework. Research in Learning Technology, 28

Tur, Gemma; Marin, Victoria; Havemann, Leo; Nascimbeni, Fabio and Marsh, J. Dawn (2020). Openness in Teachers’ Digital Competence Frameworks: Looking for the Open Educator. In: OER20: The care in openness, 1-2 Apr 2020, Online.

Wardlaw, J.; Ballard, H.; Robinson, L.; Johnson, R.; Young, A.; Higgins, L.; Herodotou, Christothea; Lorke, J.; Ghadiri Khanaposhtani, M.; Miller, G.; Pratt-Taweh, S.; Jennewein, J.; Aristeidou, Maria; Burton, V; Papathoma, T. and Miller, G. (2020). Partnering science education research and citizen science practice: lessons from using a design-based research approach in the informal learning setting of natural history museums. In: ECSA conference 2020, 7-10 Sep 2020, Trieste, Italy.

Weller, Martin (2020). 25 Years of Ed Tech. Canada: Athabasca University Press.

Weller, Martin (2020). Open and Free Access to Education for All. In: Burgos, D ed. Radical Solutions and Open Science. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology.. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1–15.

Wild, Fridolin; Perey, Christine; Hensen, Benedikt and Klamma, Ralf (2020). IEEE Standard for Augmented Reality Learning Experience Models. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), IEEE.

2019To Top

Froehlich, Dominik E.; Rehm, Martin and Rienties, Bart C. eds. (2019). Mixed Methods Social Network Analysis: Theories and Methodologies in Learning and Education. London: Routledge.

Littlejohn, Allison; Jaidmark, Jimmy; Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy and Nijland, Femke eds. (2019). Networked Professional Learning: Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development. Research in Networked Learning. Cham: Springer.

Adams, Anne; Hart, Jennefer; Iacovides, Ioanna; Beavers, Sian; Olivera, Manuel and Margoudi, Maria (2019). Co-created Evaluation: identifying how games support police learning. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 132 pp. 34–44.

Alrashidi, Huda; Joy, Mike and Ullmann, Thomas (2019). A Reflective Writing Framework for Computing Education. In: ITiCSE '19 Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ACM, New York, NY, USA p. 295.

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2019). Open Data Sectors and Communities: Education. In: Davies, Tim; Rubinstein, Mor; Walker, Stephen B. and Perini, Fernando eds. The State of Open Data: Histories and Horizons. Cape Town and Ottawa: African Minds and International Development Research Centre, pp. 91–102.

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2019). Education. In: Davies, Tim; Walker, Stephen B.; Rubinstein, Mor and Perini, Fernando eds. The State of Open Data. Cape Town: African Minds, pp. 91–102.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Villar-Onrubia, Daniel and Orlic, Davor (2019). Fostering Openness in Education: Considerations for Sustainable Policy-Making. Open Praxis, 11(2) pp. 167–183.

Ballard, Heidi; Herodotou, Christothea; Lorke, Julia; Aristeidou, Maria; Robinson, Lucy; Johnson, Rebecca; Young, Alison; Higgins, Lila; Jennewein, Jessie; Miller, Annie; Pratt-Taweh, Sasha; Sanghera, Harpreet; Miller, Grant and Pauly, Greg (2019). Characterizing Youth Participation in Natural History Museum-led Citizen Science: Online and in the Field. In: Citizen Science Association, 13-17 Mar 2019, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Baroni, Alice; Dooly, Melinda; Garcés García, Pilar; Guth, Sarah; Hauck, Mirjam; Helm, Francesca; Lewis, Tim; Mueller-Hartmann, Andreas; O’Dowd, Robert; Rienties, Bart and Rogaten, Jekaterina (2019). Evaluating the impact of virtual exchange on initial teacher education: a European policy experiment.

Bektik, Duygu (2019). Issues and challenges for implementing writing analytics at higher education. In: Ifenthaler, Dirk; Mah, Dana-Kristin and Yau, Jane Yin-Kim eds. Utilizing Learning Analytics to Support Study Success. Springer International Publishing, pp. 143–155.

Bossu, Carina; Pete, Judith; Prinsloo, Paul and Agbu, Jane-Frances (2019). How to Tame a Dragon: Scoping Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in the Context of an OER Project. In: Ninth Pan-Commonwealth Forum (PCF9) on Open Learning, 9-12 Sep 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Boulton, Chris A.; Hughes, Emily; Kent, Carmel; Smith, Joanne R. and Williams, Hywel T. P. (2019). Student engagement and wellbeing over time at a higher education institution. PLoS ONE, 14(11), article no. e0225770.

Buckingham Shum, Simon; Ferguson, Rebecca and Martinez-Maldonado, Roberto (2019). Human-Centred Learning Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, 6(2) pp. 1–9.

Charitonos, Koula (2019). Crossing over settings, practices and experiences: connecting learning in museums and classrooms. In: Looi, Chee-Kit; Wong, Lung-Hsiang; Glahn, Christian and Cai, Su eds. Seamless Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Springer, pp. 111–137.

Charitonos, Koula and Littlejohn, Allison (2019). Ways of working in uncertain times: a Teaching and Learning Framework development within a large-scale transformation programme on digital innovation in Higher Education. In: CSCL2019 Workshop “Theories and Methods for Researching Interdisciplinary Learning”, 17-21 Jun 2019, Lyon, France.

Chaudhari, Vasudha; Murphy, Vicky and Littlejohn, Allison (2019). The Educational Intelligent Economy – Lifelong Learning – A vision for the future. In: Jules, Tavis D. and Salajan, Florin D. eds. The Educational Intelligent Economy: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things in Education. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 38. Emerald, pp. 109–126.

Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate and Freear, Nick (2019). Our Journey: Designing and utilising a tool to support students to represent their study journeys. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) 2019 pp. 3140–3147.

Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin (2019). Accessible Inclusive Learning: Foundations. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity press, pp. 51–73.

Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin (2019). Accessible Inclusive Learning: Futures. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity press, pp. 75–91.

Cukurova, Mutlu; Kent, Carmel and Luckin, Rosemary (2019). Artificial intelligence and multimodal data in the service of human decision-making: A case study in debate tutoring. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6) pp. 3032–3046.

Cukurova, Mutlu; Kent, Carmel and Luckin, Rosemary (2019). The value of multimodal data in classification of social and emotional aspects of tutoring. In: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education -- AIED 2019: Artificial Intelligence in Education, 25-29 Jun 2019, Chicago, IL, Springer, pp. 46–51.

Dalsgaard, Annette; Chaudhari, Vasudha and Littlejohn, Allison (2019). Professional learning in open networks: How midwives self-regulate their learning in Massive Open Online Courses. In: Littlejohn, Allison; Jaldemark, Jimmy; Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy and Nijland, Femke eds. Networked Professional Learning: Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development. Research in Networked Learning. Springer, pp. 15–36.

Dawadi, Saraswati (2019). Effects of task repetition on EFL oral performance. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 170(1) pp. 3–23.

de Waard, I. and Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2019). Learners Self-directing Learning in FutureLearn MOOCs: A Learner-Centered Study. In: Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies. EC-TEL 2019. (Scheffel, M; Broisin, J; Pammer-Schindler, V; Ioannou, A and Schneider, J eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 11722, Springer, Cham, pp. 127–141.

Edwards, Chris; Whitelock, Denise; Brouns, Francis; Rodríguez, M. Elena; Okada, Alexandra; Baneres, David and Holmes, Wayne (2019). An embedded approach to plagiarism detection using the TeSLA e-authentication system. In: TEA 2018 Technology Enhanced Assessment Conference, 10-11 Dec 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Edwards, Chris; Whitelock, Denise and Okada, Alexandra (2019). Did you really do this? E-authentication raising confidence in e-assessment. In: 9th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning - Innovations for Quality Education and Lifelong Learning (PCF9), 9-12 Sep 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Farrow, Robert (2019). [Book review] The cynical educator. British Journal of Educational Studies, 67(1) pp. 134–136.

Ferguson, Rebecca (2019). Teaching and Learning at Scale: Futures. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 33–50.

Froehlich, Dominik; Rehm, Martin and Rienties, Bart (2019). Reviewing mixed methods approaches using Social Network Analysis for learning and education. In: Peña-Ayala, A. ed. Educational Networking: A Novel Discipline for Improved Learning Based on Social Networks. Lecture Notes in Social Networks. Heidelberg: Springer.

Gaved, Mark; Calderón Lüning, Elizabeth; Unteidig, Andreas; Davies, Gareth and Stevens, James (2019). Power, roles and adding value: reflecting on the challenges of bridging across research and action on an international community networking project. In: Proceedings of the 17th CIRN Conference 2019, Monash University, Prato, Italy.

Gregson, Jon; Pitt, Rebecca and Seal, Timothy (2019). Developing a Digital Strategy for Distance Education in Myanmar. In: Pan-Commonwealth Forum 9 (PCF9), 2019, Commonwealth of Learning.

Harris, Alma; Jones, Michelle; Ismail, Nashwa and Nguyen, Dong (2019). Middle leaders and middle leadership in schools: exploring the knowledge base (2003–2017). School Leadership & Management, 39(3-4) pp. 255–277.

Havemann, Leo; Charles, Elizabeth; Sherman, Sarah; Rodgers, Scott and Barros, Joana (2019). A multitude of modes: considering ‘blended learning’ in context. In: CDE RIDE conference 2019, 15 Mar 2019, London.

Havemann, Leo; Neumann, Jan and Atenas, Javiera (2019). Fostering policy making in Open Education: The OER policy registry. In: ALT Online Winter Conference 2019, 11-12 Dec 2019, Online.

Herodotou, Christothea; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise (2019). STEM Learning: Futures. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: Lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 139–150.

Holmes, Wayne and Anastopoulou, Stamatina (2019). What do students at distance universities think about AI? In: Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale - L@S '19, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, article no. 45.

Holmes, Wayne; Bektik, Duygu; Woolf, Beverly and Luckin, Rose (2019). Ethics in AIED: Who cares? In: 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED'19), 25-29 Jun 2019, Chicago.

Holmes, Wayne; Bialik, Maya and Fadel, Charles (2019). Artificial Intelligence In Education: Promises and Implications for Teaching and Learning. Boston, MA: Center for Curriculum Redesign.

Holmes, Wayne; Iniesto, Francisco; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen (2019). ETHICS in AIED: Who Cares? An EC-TEL workshop. In: EC-TEL 2019 Fourteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 16-19 Sep 2019, Delft (Netherlands).

Iacovides, Ioanna; Cox, Anna; Furniss, Dominic; Stawarz, Katarzyna; Jennett, Charlene and Adams, Anne (2019). Supporting engagement in research through a game design competition. Research for All, 3(1) pp. 25–41.

Iniesto, Francisco (2019). Understanding the design of MOOCs for ESL learners: language as an enabler or barrier to learning. In: International Conference: MOOCs, language learning and mobility, 25-26 Oct 2019, Milton Keynes.

Iniesto, Francisco; McAndrew, Patrick; Minocha, Shailey and Coughlan, Tim (2019). Auditing the accessibility of MOOCs: a four-component approach. In: EC-TEL 2019: Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies, Springer, 11722 pp. 650–654.

Iniesto, Francisco and Rodrigo, Covadonga (2019). YourMOOC4all: a recommender system for MOOCs based on collaborative filtering implementing UDL. In: EC-TEL 2019: Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies, Springer, 11722 pp. 746–750.

Iniesto, Francisco; Rodrigo, Covadonga and Hillaire, Garron (2019). Applying UDL Principles in an Inclusive Design Project Based on MOOCs Reviews. In: Gronseth, Susie and Dalton, Elizabeth Dalton eds. Universal access through inclusive instructional design: International perspectives on UDL. New York: Routledge, pp. 197–207.

Ismail, Nashwa and Kinchin, Gary (2019). Can Online Collaborative Works Offer a Solution to the Over Crowded Classes in Egyptian Universities? International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 6(2) pp. 48–67.

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Johnson Drew, Liz and Havemann, Leo (2019). They’re Not Going to Give it to You. In: OER19: Recentering Open, 10-11 Apr 2019, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Jones, Ann; Rienties, Bart and Blake, Canan (2019). Evidence-based Learning: Foundations. In: Ferguson, Amy; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 93–108.

Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Ferguson, Rebecca (2019). Introduction. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: Lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 1–12.

Kali, Yael; Tabak, Iris; Ben-Zvi, Dani; Hoadley, Christopher; Abramsky, Hava; Angel, Dror; Aridor, Keren; Atias, Osnat; Baram-Tsabari, Ayelet; Benichou, Maya; Golan, Oren; Golumbic, Yaela N.; Hod, Yotam; Kent, Carmel; Kidron, Adi; Manor, Hana; Mishol-Shauli, Nakhi; Pion, Carmit; Rafaeli, Sheizaf; Rechavi, Amit; Shacham, Maika; Schejter, Amit; Tirosh, Noam; Weiss, Patrice L. and Zuckerman, Oren (2019). A wide lens on learning in a networked society: What can we learn by synthesizing multiple research perspectives? In: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL 2019, 17-21 Jun 2019, Lyon, France.

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Korir, Maina; Mittelmeier, Jenna and Rienties, Bart C. (2019). Is Mixed Methods Social Network Analysis Ethical? In: Froehlich, Dominik E.; Rehm, Martin and Rienties, Bart C. eds. Mixed Methods Approaches to Social Network Analysis. Routledge.

Kruger, M.; Aal, K.; Bustamante, A.; Tachtler, F.M.; Talhouk, R.; Fisher, K.; Yafi, E.; Charitonos, Koula and Wulf, V. (2019). Technology at/of the border: a workshop about stories and experiences. In: ACM Communities & Technologies 2019, 3-4 Jun 2019, Vienna, pp. 336–342.

Kuhn, Caroline; Havemann, Leo; Kozeoglu, Suzan; Bozkurt, Aras and Watling, Sue (2019). Recentering open for those at the margins: three lenses on lurking. In: OER19: Recentering Open, 10-11 Apr 2019, Galway, Ireland.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2019). Intelligent assistants in language learning: friends or foes? In: Proceedings of World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2019 (Glahn, Christian; Power, Rob and Tan, Esther eds.), IAmLearn: World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, LearnTechLib, pp. 127–131.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2019). Assistance for Mobile Language Learners. In: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on e-Learning (Trebinjac, Bojana and Jovanović, Slobodan eds.), Belgrade Metropolitan University, Belgrade, pp. 9–11.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Traxler, John (2019). Design principles for learning with mobile devices. In: Beetham, Helen and Sharpe, Rhona eds. Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing for 21st Century Learning. 3rd edition. Routledge, pp. 181–196.

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Littlejohn, Allison; Charitonos, Koula; Kaatrakoski, Heli and Seal, Timothy (2019). Professional Learning to Tackle Global Development Challenges. In: Pan-commonwealth Forum 2019, 9-12 Sep 2019, Edinburgh.

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Lorke, Julia; Ballard, Heidi L.; Aristeidou, Maria; Herodotou, Christothea; Ghadiri, Maryam; Swanson, Rebecca D. and Robinson, Lucy D. (2019). “Don’t step on the volcanoes!” – Developing Environmental Science Agency through participation in Museum-Led Citizen Science Projects. In: The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education (Proceeding of ESERA 2019), 26-30 Aug 2019, Bologna, Italy.

Martins, Maria João; Reis Marques, Tiago; Laíns, Inês; Leal, Inês; Pessanha, Inês; Brochado, Bruno; Oliveira Santos, Manuel; Pinto Teixeira, Pedro; Fernandes, Diogo Hipólito; Silva, João Carlos; Sampaio, Filipa Almeida; Brandão, Mariana; Morais, Inês; Laranjinha, Inês; Teixeira, Nelson; Fernandes, Tiago; Carneiro, Diogo; Calvão, Joana; Pratas, Miguel; Palmela, Carolina; Lima, António; Pires, Guilherme; Reis, Joel; Raimundo, Miguel; Afonso, Raquel Rocha; Costa e Silva, Miguel; Quintas, Catarina; Rodrigues, Tiago M.; Coelho, Nuno Henriques; Ramos, Sónia Afonso; Policiano, Catarina; Rato, Catarina; Faria, Daniel Candeias; Lopes, Alice; Rodrigues, Joana Ramos; Ferreira, Afonso Nunes; Costeira, Filipa de Sousa; Marques, Renata; Cordeiro, Hugo and Richardson, John T. E. (2019). The National Student Survey: validation in Portuguese medical students. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(1) pp. 66–79.

Mittelmeier, Jenna; Rienties, Bart; Rogaten, Jekaterina; Gunter, Ashley and Raghuram, Parvati (2019). Internationalisation at a Distance and at Home: Academic and social adjustment in a South African distance learning context. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 72 pp. 1–12.

Mittelmeier, Jenna; Rogaten, Jekaterina; Sachikonye, Mwazvita; Gunter, Ashley; Prinsloo, Paul and Rienties, Bart (2019). Understanding the adjustment of first-year distance education students in South Africa: Factors that impact students' experiences. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(3)

Murphy, Victoria; Littlejohn, Allison and Rienties, Bart C. (2019). Social network analysis and activity theory: A symbiotic relationship. In: Froehlich, Dominik E.; Rehm, Martin and Rienties, Bart C. eds. Mixed methods social network analysis: Theories and methodologies in learning and education. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 113–125.

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Okada, Alexandra; Noguera, Ingrid; Aleksieva, Lyubka; Rozeva, Anna; Kocdar, Serpil; Brouns, Francis; Whitelock, Denise and Guerrero-Roldán, Ana-Elena (2019). Pedagogical approaches for e-assessment with authentication and authorship verification in Higher Education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6) pp. 3264–3282.

Okada, Alexandra and Whitelock, Denise (2019). An Evaluation Methodology Applied to Trust-Based Adapted Systems for e-Assessment: Connecting Responsible Research and Innovation with a Human-Centred Design Approach. In: Besora, David; Guerrero Roldán, Ana Elena and Rodríguez González, M. Elena eds. Engineering Data-Driven Adaptive Trust-based e-Assessment System: Challenges and Infrastructure Solutions. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 34. Springer, pp. 239–265.

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Pozzi, Francesca; Manganello, Flavio; Passarelli, Marcello; Persico, Donatella; Brasher, Andrew; Holmes, Wayne; Whitelock, Denise and Sangrà, Albert (2019). Ranking Meets Distance Education: Defining Relevant Criteria and Indicators for Online Universities. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(5) pp. 42–63.

Priestnall, Gary; FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Meek, Sam; Sharples, Mike and Polmear, Gemma (2019). Augmenting the landscape scene: students as participatory evaluators of mobile geospatial technologies. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 43(2) pp. 131–154.

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Ravagnolo, Liliana; Helin, Kaj; Musso, Ivano; Sapone, Rosa; Vizzi, Carlo; Wild, Fridolin; Vovk, Alla; Limbu, Bibeg Hang; Ransley, Mark; Smith, Carl H. and Rasool, Jazz (2019). Enhancing Crew Training for Exploration Missions: The WEKIT Experience. In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, International Astronautical Federation, Paris, 2019.

Richardson, John T. E. (2019). Who introduced Western mathematicians to Latin squares? British Journal for the History of Mathematics, 34(2) pp. 95–103.

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Rienties, Bart C. (2019). Powers and Limitations of MMSNA: Critical Reflections and Moving Forward. In: Froehlich, Dominik E.; Rehm, Martin and Rienties, Bart C. eds. Mixed Methods Approaches to Social Network Analysis: Theories and Methodologies in Learning and Education. Routledge.

Rizvi, Saman; Rienties, Bart and Khoja, Shakeel Ahmed (2019). The role of demographics in online learning; A decision tree based approach. Computers & Education, 137 pp. 32–47.

Scanlon, Eileen; Herodotou, Christothea; Whitelock, Denise and Edwards, Chris (2019). STEM Learning: Foundations. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: Lessons from 40 years of innovation. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 127–138.

Sharples, Mike; Aristeidou, Maria; Herodotou, Christothea; McLeod, Kevin and Scanlon, Eileen (2019). Inquiry learning at scale: pedagogy-informed design of a platform for citizen inquiry. In: Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale - L@S '19, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, article no. 29.

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Sie, Rory L. L.; Delahunty, Janine; Bell, Kenton; Percy, Alisa; Rienties, Bart; Cao, Trinh and de Laat, Maarten (2019). Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Learning Design in UOW Online, a Unified Approach to Fully Online Learning. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), IEEE, pp. 761–767.

Tempelaar, Dirk; Nguyen, Quan and Rienties, Bart (2019). Learning Feedback Based on Dispositional Learning Analytics. In: Virvou, Maria; Alepis, Efthimios; Tsihrintzis, George A. and Jain, Lakhmi C. eds. Machine Learning Paradigms: Advances in Learning Analytics. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 158. Cham: Springer, pp. 69–89.

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Traxler, John; Timothy, Read; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Barcena, Elena (2019). Paradoxical paradigm proposals - Learning languages in mobile societies. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics (AJAL), 7(2) pp. 89–109.

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Weller, Martin; Farrow, Robert and Pitt, Rebecca (2019). GO-GN: Lessons in Building an Open Research Community. In: Pan Commonwealth Forum 9 (PCF9), 9-12 Sep 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland, Commonwealth of Learning.

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Whitelock, Denise (2019). Moving forward with both theory and practice. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 34(3) pp. 219–220.

Zhang, Jingjing; Shan, Li; Mavrikis, Manolis; Holmes, Wayne; Ma, Ning and Gao, M (2019). Use of Feedback According to Students’ Affective State during Problem Solving. In: The 9th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference: Innovative problem solving assessment with learning analytics, 4-8 Mar 2019, Tempe, Arizona, USA.

2018To Top

Aristeidou, Maria and Herodotou, Christothea (2018). Tomorrow’s World nQuire: young people’s requirements for engaging with inquiry-led, civic engagement technologies. In: Proceedings of 17th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2018) (Parsons, D; Power, R; Palalas, A; Hambrock, H and MacCallum, K eds.), LearnTechLib, pp. 51–53.

Baume, David and Scanlon, Eileen (2018). What the research says about how and why learning happens. In: Luckin, Rosemary ed. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: what the research says. London: UCL IOE Publishing.

Baume, David and Scanlon, Eileen (2018). A contemporary digital capabilities framework. In: Luckin, Rosemary ed. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: what the research says. London: UCL IOE Publishing.

Beavers, Sian and Jayemanne, Darshana (2018). ToDIGRA Diversity Workshop Special Issue: Introduction. Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association, 4(1) ix-xv.

Bektik, Duygu (2018). XIPIt: Updating the XIP Dashboard to Support Educators in Essay Marking at Higher Education. In: L@S '18: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, ACM, New York, article no. 38.

Bossu, Carina; Brown, Natalie and Warren, Vanessa (2018). Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education: An Introduction. In: Bossu, Carina and Brown, Natalie eds. Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education. University Development and Administration. Singapore: Springer, Singapore, pp. 1–8.

Bossu, Carina; Brown, Natalie and Warren, Vanessa (2018). Career Progression and Development of Professional Staff in Higher Education. In: Bossu, Carina and Brown, Natalie eds. Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education. University Development and Administration. Singapore: Springer, Singapore, pp. 347–356.

Bossu, Carina; Brown, Natalie and Warren, Vanessa (2018). Future Considerations for Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education. In: Bossu, Carina and Brown, Natalie eds. Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education. University Development and Administration. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 455–462.

Bossu, Carina and Meier, Marineli (2018). Exploring Initiatives for Open Educational Practices at an Australian and a Brazilian University. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2018(1), article no. 16.

Boulton, Chris A.; Kent, Carmel and Williams, Hywel T. P. (2018). Virtual learning environment engagement and learning outcomes at a 'bricks-and-mortar' university. Computers & Education, 126 pp. 129–142.

Brown, Natalie; Bossu, Carina and Denman, Brian (2018). Responding to a Changing Higher Education Sector: The Role of Professional and Support Staff. In: Bossu, Carina and Brown, Natalie eds. Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education. University Development and Administration. Singapore: Springer, Singapore, pp. 129–138.

Charitonos, Koula; Anastopoulou, Stamatina; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Albuerne, Carolina (2018). Evaluating the Frontline Immigration Advice Project. In: CALRG 2018 Conference Proceedings, The Open University, Milton Keynes p. 24.

Charitonos, Koula and Littlejohn, Allison (2018). Learning in uncertain situations: an examination of tensions within a large-scale transformation programme in a HE institution. In: 9th International conference of the EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development: Interaction, learning and professional development, 12-14 Sep 2018, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Chua, Shi-Min (2018). Why did Nobody Reply to Me? A Keyword Analysis of Initiating Posts and Lone Posts in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Discussions. In: the 6th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Social Media Corpora (Vandekerckhove, Reinhild; Fišer, Darja and Hilte, Lisa eds.), pp. 21–26.

Clough, Gill (2018). Geocaching: Inquiry Learning with a Sense of Adventure. In: Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning. Routledge.

Coughlan, Tim and Lister, Katharine (2018). The accessibility of administrative processes: Assessing the impacts on students in higher education. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (Web4All 2018), ACM Press, New York.

Curtis, Vickie (2018). Online Citizen Science and the Widening of Academia: Distributed Engagement with Research and Knowledge Production. Palgrave Studies in Alternative Education. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dawadi, Saraswati (2018). The Impact of the School Leaving Certificate Examination on English Language Teaching and Student Motivation to Learn English. In: Hayes, David ed. English Language Teaching in Nepal: Research, Reflection and Practice. British Council, pp. 133–164.

de los Arcos, Beatriz and Weller, Martin (2018). A Tale of Two Globes: Exploring the North/South Divide in Engagement with Open Educational Resources. In: Schöpfel, Joachim and Herb, Ulrich eds. Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books, pp. 147–155.

du Boulay, Ben; Poulovasillis, Alexandra; Holmes, Wayne and Mavrikis, Manolis (2018). Artificial Intelligence And Big Data Technologies To Close The Achievement Gap. In: Luckin, Rose ed. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology. London: UCL Institute of Education Press, pp. 256–285.

Edwards, C.; Whitelock, D.; Okada, A. and Holmes, W. (2018). Trust in online authentication tools for online assessment in both formal and informal contexts. In: ICERI2018 Proceedings (Gómez Chova, L.; López Martínez, A. and Candel Torres, I. eds.), 12-14 Nov 2018, Seville, Spain, IATED Academy, pp. 3754–3762.

Edwards, Chris; Holmes, Wayne; Whitelock, Denise and Okada, Ale (2018). Student Trust in e-Authentication. In: L@S '18: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, ACM, New York, article no. 42.

Farley, Helen and Pike, Anne (2018). Research on the Inside: Overcoming Obstacles to Completing a Postgraduate Degree in Prison. In: Padró, Fernando F.; Erwee, Ronel; Harmes, Meredith; Harmes, Marcus and Danaher, Patrick Alan eds. Postgraduate Education in Higher Education. University Development and Administration. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1–24.

Farrow, Robert (2018). MOOC and the workplace: key support elements in digital lifelong learning. In: International Entrepreneurship as the Bridge between International Economics and International Business: Conference Proceedings of the 9th ENTRE Conference – 5th AIB-CEE Chapter Annual Conference, International Entrepreneurship | Przedsiębiorczość Międzynarodowa, Cracow University of Economics, Kraków, pp. 139–150.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Herodotou, Christothea; Coughlan, Tim; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike (2018). MOOC development: priority areas. In: Luckin, Rosemary ed. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: What the Research Says. London: UCL IOE Press.

Gaved, Mark; Peasgood, Alice and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2018). Learning when out and about. In: Luckin, Rose ed. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: What the research says. London: UCL Institute of Education Press, pp. 76–80.

Guest, William; Wild, Fridolin; Vovk, Alla; Lefrere, Paul; Klemke, Roland; Fominykh, Mikhail and Kuula, Timo (2018). A Technology Acceptance Model for Augmented Reality and Wearable Technologies. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 24(2) pp. 192–219.

Harris, Alma; Jones, Michelle; Ismail, Nashwa; Adams, Donnie and Sumintono, Bambang (2018). Leading Turnaround and Improvement in Low-Performing Schools in Malaysia and Indonesia. In: Coby, Meyers and Marlene, Darwin eds. International Perspectives on Leading Low-Performing Schools. Contemporary Perspectives on School Turnaround and Reform. Information Age Publishing, 267 -287.

Havemann, Leo and Atenas, Javiera (2018). Enacting critical civic education through the Open Government Partnership commitments. In: OER18: Open to All, 18-19 Apr 2018, Bristol. (Unpublished)

Havemann, Leo; Charles, Elizabeth; Sherman, Sarah; Rodgers, Scott and Barros, Joana (2018). From under the radar to under review: digital learning in a 'face-to-face university'. In: ALT-C 2018: 25th Annual Conference, 11-13 Sep 2018, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Havemann, Leo and Marsh, J. Dawn (2018). On the map: towards a multidimensional understanding of Open Educational Practices. In: OER18: Open to All - 9th annual conference for Open Education research, practice and policy, 18-19 Apr 2018, Bristol, UK, Association for Learning Technology.

Havemann, Leo and Marsh, J.D. (2018). Putting Open Educational Practices on the map. In: SOTEL Symposium 2018, 15-16 Feb 2018, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Hawkridge, David; Newton, Wendy and Hall, Carole (2018). Computers in Company Training. Routledge Library Editions: The Economics and Business of Technology, 19. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Herman, Clem and Kirkup, Gill (2018). Combining feminist pedagogy and transactional distance to create gender-sensitive technology-enhanced learning. In: Aneja, Anu ed. Gender and Distance Education: Indian and International Contexts. Routledge India, pp. 10–29.

Herodotou, Christothea; Aristeidou, M.; Scanlon, E. and Kelley, S. (2018). Best Practice in Teaching with the Virtual Microscope: A Comparative Study of Blended and Online Learning. In: 7th eSTEeM Annual Conference, 25-26 Apr 2018, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Herodotou, Christothea (2018). Empowering citizens to participate in scientific endeavours: Tools and approaches from the Citizen Inquiry group. In: European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) Conference, 3-5 Jun 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

Herodotou, Christothea (2018). Citizen science and informal learning: A brief commentary. In: Luckin, Rosemary ed. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: What the Research Says. London: UCL Institute of Education Press.

Holliman, Richard; Davies, Gareth; Ford, Diane; Russell, Mark; Steed, Anthony; Brown, Helen; Pearson, Victoria; Collins, Trevor; Stutchbury, Kris; Squires, Andrew; Scanlon, Eileen; Whitelegg, Liz; Ansine, Janice; Braithwaite, N St.J; Swithenby, Stephen; Dommett, Ellie; Sumner, Janet; Lee, Clare; Kendall, Joe; Green, Penny; Sharp, Damien; Bullivant, Mike; Devine, Peter and Hawthorne, Val (2018). Engaging Opportunities: Connecting young people with contemporary research and researchers.

Holmes, Wayne (2018). Digital games-based learning. Time to adoption: two to three years? In: Sheehy, Kieron and Holliman, Andrew eds. Education and New Technologies: Perils and Promises for Learners. Routledge, pp. 196–212.

Holmes, Wayne; Bektik, Duygu; Whitelock, Denise and Woolf, Beverly (2018). Ethics in AIED: Who cares? In: 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED'18), 27-30 Jun 2018, London.

Hood, Nina and Littlejohn, Allison (2018). Disruptive democratisers? The complexities and incongruities of scale, diversity and personalisation in MOOCs. In: Ossiannilsson, Ebba ed. Ubiquitous Inclusive Learning in a Digital Era. IGI Global, pp. 1–28.

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