Currently browsing: Law
BookTo Top
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2022). Violence Against Women, Hate and Law: Perspectives from Contemporary Scotland. Palgrave Hate Studies. Palgrave Macmillan Cham.
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2018). Online Misogyny as Hate Crime: A Challenge for Legal Regulation? Routledge.
Berneri, Chiara (2017). Family Reunification in the EU: The Movement and Residence Rights of Third Country National Family Members of EU Citizens. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing.
Berneri, Chiara (2024). Private Sponsorship of Refugees in Europe. Hart Publishing.
Chambers, Clare (2010). Financial Exclusion and Banking Regulation in the UK: A Template Analysis. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Chambers, Clare (2012). Virtual Economics and Financial Crime: Money Laundering in Cyberspace. London: Edward Elgar.
Chambers-Jones, C. with Hillman, H. (2014) Financial crime and gambling in a virtual world: A new frontier in cybercrime. Edward Elgar, London.
Derry, Caroline (2025). Legal Temporalities of Sexual Consent. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
Derry, Caroline (2020). Lesbianism and the Criminal Law: Three Centuries of Regulation in England and Wales. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Gilbert, Andrew (2018). British Conservatism and the Legal Regulation of Intimate Relationships. Great Britain: Hart/Bloomsbury.
Herian, Robert (2021). Data: New Trajectories in Law. Routledge Focus. Routledge.
Herian, Robert (2021). Capitalism and the Equity Fetish: Desire, Property, Justice. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Herian, Robert (2018). Regulating Blockchain: Critical Perspectives in Law and Technology. Routledge.
Jones, Emma; Ryan, Francine; Thanaraj, Ann and Wong, Terry (2022). Digital Lawyering: Technology and Legal Practice in the 21st Century. Abingdon: Routledge.
Jones, Emma (2019). Emotion in the Law School: Transforming legal education through the passions. Legal Pedagogy. Routledge.
Jones, Emma; Graffin, Neil; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs (2020). Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession. Bristol Shorts Research. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Kelly, David and Slapper, Gary (2006). The English legal system: Q and A 2006-7. Questions and answers series. London, UK: Routledge Cavendish.
Kelly, David and Slapper, Gary (2000). English Law. London: Cavendish.
Kyriakakis, Joanna; Popa, Tina; Rochford, Francine; Szablewska, Natalia; Zhao, Xiaobo; Taliadoros, Jason; O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell (2024). Contemporary Australian Tort Law (2nd Ed). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kyriakakis, Joanna; Popa, Tina; Rochford, Francine; Szablewska, Natalia; Zhao, Xiaobo; Taliadoros, Jason; O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell (2019). Contemporary Australian Tort Law. Cambridge University Press.
Louise, Taylor (2018). Elliot and Quinn's Criminal Law (12th Edition). Harlow, UK: Pearson.
Nartey, Emmanuel K. (2021). Accountability and Corporate Human Rights Violations in Tort and International Law. 1-5275-7505-5. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Nartey, Emmanuel K. (2025). Generative AI in Higher Education: Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning. CRC Press Reference Books in Computer Science, 1. Abingdon, UK: Routledge (In Press).
Nartey, Emmanuel Kojo (2023). Ethics and Integrity in the Rule of Law and International Law. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Slapper, Gary (2001). Organisational Prosecutions. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Slapper, Gary (1999). Blood in the Bank: Social and Legal Aspects of Death at Work. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Slapper, Gary (2007). How the Law Works. London: Collins.
Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2001). The English legal system: Q and A. 4th edition. Questions and answers. London: Cavendish Publishing Ltd.
Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2006). English law. 2nd edition. London: Routledge-Cavendish, p. 1088.
Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2010). The English Legal System (11th edition): 2010-2011. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish.
Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2009). English Law. Third edition. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish.
Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2006). English Law. London: Routledge-Cavendish.
Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2006). The English Legal System. 8th edition. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish.
Slapper, Gary and Tombs, Steve (1999). Corporate crime. Harlow: Longman.
Wesemann, Anne (2020). Citizenship in the European Union: constitutionalism, rights and norms. Elgar studies in European law and policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Yusuf, Hakeem O. (2010). Transitional justice, judicial accountability and the rule of law. Transitional Justice. London: Routledge.
Yusuf, Hakeem O. (2013). Colonial and post-colonial constitutionalism in the Commonwealth: peace, order and good government. London: Routledge.
Edited BookTo Top
Butler, P.; Lein, E and Salim, R. eds. (2018). Integration and International Dispute Resolution in Small States. Springer.
Cercel, Cosmin; Fusco, Gian Giacomo and Lavis, Simon eds. (2020). States of Exception: Law, History, Theory. Law and Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.
Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. (2020). Law in Motion: 50 Years of Legal Change. Milton Keynes: Open University Law School.
Fletcher, Roland ed. (2004). Commercial Law (Revision Workbook) (3rd ed.). London: Old Bailey Press.
Fletcher, Roland ed. (2004). Commercial Law: 150 Leading Cases (2nd ed.). London: HLT Publications/Old Bailey Press.
Giles, Jessica; Pin, Andrea and Ravitch, Frank S. eds. (2018). Law, Religion and Tradition. Law and Religion in a Global Context, 1. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Jones, Emma and Cownie, Fiona eds. (2020). Key Directions in Legal Education: National and International Perspectives. Legal pedagogy. London and New York: Routledge.
Jurasz, Olga and Mouthaan, Solange eds. (2019). Gender and War: International and Transitional Justice Perspectives. Intersentia.
Madhloom, Omar and McFaul, Hugh eds. (2022). Thinking About Clinical Legal Education: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives. Emerging Legal Education. Routledge.
Sidoli, Julian; Vols, Michel and Kiehl, Marvin Noah Frank eds. (2016). Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law. Studies in Housing Law, 1. The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David eds. (2004). The English legal system. 7th edition. London: Cavendish Publishing, p. 776.
Vols, Michel and Sidoli, Julian eds. (2017). People and Buildings: Comparative Housing Law. Studies in Housing Law, 2. The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven Publishing.
Yusuf, Hakeem and Van Der Merwe, Hugo eds. (2021). Transitional Justice: Theories, Mechanisms and Debates. Abingdon: Routledge.
Ajevski, Marjan ed. (2015). Fragmentation in International Human Rights Law: Beyond Conflict of Laws. Routledge.
Giles, Jessica ed. (2023). The Law and Religion Cases Catchwords List. The Open University School of Law.
Szablewska, Natalia and Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik eds. (2015). Current Issues in Transitional Justice: Towards a More Holistic Approach. Cham: Springer.
Book SectionTo Top
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Amanze, Miriam and Eyo, Ama
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim and Baghdady, Christina
Berneri, C.
Berneri, Chiara
Bleasedale, Lydia; Rizzotto, Beverley; Stalker, Rachel; Yeatman, Lucy; McFaul, Hugh; Ryan, Francine; Johnson, Nick and Thomas, Linden
Calo, Zachary
Cercel, Cosmin; Fusco, Gian Giacomo and Lavis, Simon
Chambers-Jones, Clare
Chambers-Jones, Clare
Chambers-Jones, Clare
Curryer, Emma and Edwards, Carol
Dennis, David and Lee, Simon
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Garcia Blesa, Juan J. and Graffin, Neil
Gilbert, Andrew
Gilbert, Andrew
Giles, Jessica
Giles, Jessica
Graffin, Neil
Graffin, Neil
Hardie, Liz and Edwards, Carol
Hardie, Liz; Mcfaul, Hugh and Ryan, Francine
Hardie, Liz and Ryan, Francine
Hardie, Liz; Ryan, Francine and Baxter, Jacqueline
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Herian, Rob
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Howard, Matthew
Howells, Carol
Howells, Carol
Howells, Carol and Parks, Edwin
Jackson, Abigail and Sidoli, Julian
Jonathan, Doak and Louise, Taylor
Jones, Emma
Jones, Emma and Cownie, Fiona
Jones, Emma; Ryan, Francine; McFaul, Hugh; Vince, David; Kizilkaya, Lawrence and Daniels, Jamie
Jones, Clare and Day, Robert
Jones, Clare and Ryder, Nicholas
Jones, Emma
Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim
Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim
Jurasz, Olga
Jurasz, Olga
Jurasz, Olga
Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim
Jurasz, Olga; Labenski, Sheri; Mouthaan, Solange and Sedman, Dawn
Jurasz, Olga and Szablewska, Natalia
Kubacki, K.; Szablewska, N. and Siemieniako, D.
Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia; Siemieniako, Dariusz and Brennan, Linda
Kubacki, K. and Szablewska, N.
Lavis, Simon
Lavis, Simon
Lavis, Simon
Lavis, Simon
Lee, Simon
Lee, Simon
McFaul, Hugh
McFaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Nartey, Emmanuel Kojo
O'Sullivan, Sarah Bryan and Gatto, Marcus
Ogg, K. and Szablewska, N.
Palmer, Robert and Pontin, Benjamin
Palmer, Robert; Short, Damien and Auch, Ted
Parks, Edwin
Parks, Edwin and Howells, Carol
Pywell, S.
Pywell, Stephanie M
Pywell, Stephanie
Reed, Mark S. and Sidoli Del Ceno, Julian
Rundle-Thiele, S.; Kubacki, K.; Leo, C.; Arli, D.; Carins, J.; Dietrich, T.; Palmer, J. and Szablewska, N.
Ryan, Francine and Mcfaul, Hugh
Sidoli, Julian; Palm, Peter; Balivet, Beatrice and Jingryd, Ola
Sidoli, Julian
Sidoli del Ceno, Julian
Sidoli del Ceno, Julian and Kenna, Padraic
Slade, Sharon; Galpin, Fenella and Prinsloo, Paul
Slapper, Gary
St George, Jill and Sidoli, Julian
Szablewska, N. and Hawksley, C.
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia and Mancini, Clara
Szablewska, Natalia; Ngouv, Muy Seo and Ly, Ratana
Szablewska, N.
Szablewska, N.
Szablewska, N.
Szablewska, N.
Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S-D.
Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S. D.
Szablewska, N. and Bradley, C.
Szablewska, N. and Bradley, C.
Szablewska, N.; Kamin, T. and Kubacki, K.
Szablewska, N. and Karim, S.
Szablewska, N. and Kubacki, K.
Taylor, Louise
Vols, Michel and Sidoli, Julian
Vols, Michel and Sidoli, Julian
Wesemann, Anne
Wesemann, Anne
Wesemann, Anne
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Journal ItemTo Top
Ahdar, Rex and Giles, Jessica
Ahdar, Rex and Giles, Jessica
Ajevski, Marjan; Barker, Kim; Gilbert, Andrew; Hardie, Liz and Ryan, Francine
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Ajevski, Marjan
Amanze, Miriam; Cahill, Dermot and Evans, Ceri
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim; Uribe-Jongbloed, Enrique and Scholz, Tobias
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Barker, Kim; Uribe-Jongbloed, Enrique and Scholz, Tobias
Berneri, Chiara
Berneri, Chiara
Berneri, Chiara
Berneri, Chiara
Berneri, Chiara
Berneri, Chiara
Berneri, Chiara
Berneri, Chiara; Larcom, Shaun; Peng, Congmin and She, Po-Wen
Boparai, Rosie and Darlington, Michelle
Bradley, Clara and Szablewska, Natalia
Calo, Zachary R.
Catley, Paul and Pywell, Stephanie
Catley, Paul; Pywell, Stephanie and Tanner, Adam
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare
Chambers, Clare and Ryder, N.
Chambers, Clare and Ryder, Nicholas
Chambers, Clare and Ryder, Nicholas
Chambers, Clare and Shufflebottom, Mark
Chambers, Clare and Shufflebottom, Mark
Cheney, Thomas; Newman, Christopher; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Steele, Scott; Pearson, Victoria and Lee, Simon
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Myers, Fran
Curryer, Emma and Edwards, Carol
Curryer, Emma and Mawdsley, Gillian
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Derry, Caroline
Doak, Jonathan and Taylor, Louise
Doherty, Sophie
Doherty, Michael and Fletcher, Roland
Edwards, Carol; Gregory, Lorraine and Hardie, Liz
Edwards, Carol and Hardie, Liz
Ellison, Lyn and Szablewska, Natalia
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland and Doherty, Michael
Fletcher, Roland and Doherty, Michael
Fletcher, Roland and Doherty, Michael
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland and Doherty, Michael
Gardiner, Simon; Morrison, Douglas and Robinson, Simon
Gilbert, Andrew
Gilbert, Andrew
Giles, Jessica
Giles, Jessica
Giles, Jessica
Giles, Jessica
Giles, Jessica
Giles, Jessica
Giles, Jessica and Lee, Simon
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
Graffin, Neil
Graffin, Neil
Graffin, Neil
Graffin, Neil; Howard, Matthew and Vincett, Joanne
Graffin, Neil and Jones, Emma
Graffin, Neil
Graffin, Neil
Graffin, Neil
Graffin, Neil and Garcia Blesa, Juan J.
Hardie, Liz
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Herian, Robert
Hill, Mark
Hough, Christine Victoria; Abbott-Halpin, Edward; Mahmood, Tariq and Giles, Jessica
Howard, Matt
Howard, Matthew
Isaac, Maike and Jurasz, Olga
Johnson, Kara
Johnson, Kara
Jones, Emma; Mcfaul, Hugh and Ryan, Francine
Jones, Emma; Ryan, Francine and Mcfaul, Hugh
Jones, Emma; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs
Jones, Emma Jane; Pride, Mychelle; Edwards, Carol and Tumilty, Rob
Jones, Clare
Jones, Clare
Jones, Clare
Jones, Clare
Jones, Clare
Jones, Clare and Doherty, M
Jones, Clare and Ryder, Nicholas
Jones, Emma
Jones, Emma
Jones, Emma
Jones, Emma
Jones, Emma and Kawalek, Anna
Jones, Emma; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs
Jones, Emma Jane
Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim
Jurasz, Olga
Jurasz, Olga
Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim
Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia; Siemieniako, Dariusz and Brennan, Linda
Kubacki, Krzysztof and Szablewska, Natalia
Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia and Kennedy, Ann-Marie
Lavis, Simon
Lavis, Simon
Lee, Simon
Lee, Simon
MacDonald, Fiona
Mbah, Miriam and Eyo, Ama
Mbah-Amanze, Miriam
McFaul, Hugh
McFaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh and FitzGerald, Elizabeth
Mcfaul, Hugh and FitzGerald, Elizabeth
McFaul, Hugh; FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Ryan, Francine and Byrne, David
McFaul, Hugh; Hardie, Liz; Ryan, Francine; Lloyd Bright, Keren and Graffin, Neil
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Mcfaul, Hugh
Motson, Fred
Motson, Fred
Motson, Fred
Munro, James; Motson, Fred; Turner, Jim; Frumkin, Lara A. and Curley, Lee John
Myers, Frances; Glover, Hayley and Stephens, Carey
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Watson, Mor
Nartey, Emmanuel
Nartey, Emmanuel
Nartey, Emmanuel
Nartey, Emmanuel K
Nartey, Emmanuel K.
Nartey, Emmanuel K.
Nartey, Emmanuel K.
Nartey, Emmanuel Kojo
Nartey, Emmanuel Kojo
O'Sullivan, Sarah Bryan
O'Sullivan, Sarah Bryan
O'Sullivan, Sarah Bryan
O'Sullivan, Sarah Bryan
Omoteso, Kamil and Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Palmer, Robert; Short, Damien and Auch, Walter E. Ted
Parker, Lukas; Kubacki, Krzysztof; Brennan, Linda; Reid, Mike and Szablewska, Natalia
Parker, Stephen and Devine, Lauren
Peers, Steve and Berneri, Chiara
Prinsloo, Paul; Slade, Sharon and Galpin, Fenella
Probert, Rebecca and Pywell, Stephanie
Probert, Rebecca; Pywell, Stephanie; Akhtar, Rajnaara; Blake, Sharon; Barton, Tania and Vora, Vishal
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie and Probert, Rebecca
Pywell, Stephanie M.
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie
Pywell, Stephanie and Probert, Rebecca
Reed, Mark S.; Vella, Steven; Challies, Edward; de Vente, Joris; Frewer, Lynne; Hohenwallner-Ries, Daniela; Huber, Tobias; Neumann, Rosmarie K.; Oughton, Elizabeth A.; Sidoli del Ceno, Julian and van Delden, Hedwig
Rienties, Bart; Calò, Francesca; Corcoran, Suz; Chandler, Kathy; FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Haslam, Daniel; Harris, Claire A.; Perryman, Leigh-Anne; Sargent, Julia; Suttle, Martin and Wahga, Aqueel
Ritchie, Kate
Roncallo-Dow, Sergio; Uribe-Jongbloed, Enrique; Barker, Kim and Scholz, Tobias
Ryan, Francine
Ryan, Francine
Ryan, Francine
Ryan, Francine and Hardie, Liz
Ryder, Nicholas and Jones, Clare
Samra, Rajvinder and Jones, Emma
Sidoli, Julian
Sidoli, Julian and Jackson, Abigail
Sidoli, Julian; Kenna, Padraic and Spencer, Giles
Sidoli del Ceno, Julian
Sidoli del Ceno, Julian
Sidoli del Ceno, Julian; George, Hannah and Vols, Michel
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary
Slapper, Gary and Hatchard, John
Steele, Scott Michael
Steele, Scott Michael
Steele, Scott Michael
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia and Kubacki, Krzysztof
Szablewska, N.
Szablewska, N.
Szablewska, N.
Szablewska, N. and Ly, R.
Szablewska, Natalia and Jurasz, Olga
Szablewska, Natalia and Kubacki, Krzysztof
Szablewska, Natalia and Kubacki, Krzysztof
Szocik, Konrad and Herian, Robert
Tacheva, Blagovesta; Brown, Garrett Wallace and Bohm, Alexandra
Taylor, Louise and Justice, Lucy
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise and Boylan-Kemp, Jo Ann
Troop, Paul
Vols, Michel; Kiehl, Marvin and Sidoli del Ceno, Julian
Welsh, Lucy and Howard, Matt
Westaby, Chalen and Jones, Emma
Wolfreys, A.
Wolfreys, Allison
Wolfreys, Allison
Wolfreys, Allison
Yusuf, Hakeem and Omoteso, Kamil
Yusuf, HO
Yusuf, Hakeem
Yusuf, Hakeem and Ismail, Adelopo
Yusuf, Hakeem and Tanzil, Chowdhury
Yusuf, Hakeem O
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O.
Yusuf, Hakeem O. and Adelopo, Ismail
Yusuf, Hakeem O. and Chowdhury, Tanzil
Yusuf, Hakeem O. and Omoteso, Kamil
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga
Boparai, Rosie; Ngoasong, Michael; Kourti, Isidora and Bloomfield, Sarah
Charitonos, K.; Gillespie, M.; Dancu, L.; O'Malley, O.; Al-Rashid, A.; Martin, S.; Wilding, C.; Graffin, N.; Mutwarasibo, F. and Babjak, M.
Collins, Hilary; Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Jones Myers, Fran
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Watson, Mor
Collins, Hilary; Jones Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Fletcher, Roland
Giles, Jessica; Schipper, Vicki; Smith, Amanda; Knight, Jon-Paul and Watson, Jo
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
Glover, H.; Collins, H. and Myers, F.
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
Glover, Hayley; Jones Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
Glover, Hayley; Jones Myers, Fran; Power, Bronagh; Stephens, Carey and Hardwick, Jane
Hardie, Liz and Wesemann, Anne
Jones Myers, F.; Glover, H. and Collins, H.
Jurasz, Olga
Jurasz, Olga and Szablewska, Natalia
Kadry, Ahmed; Ryan, Francine; Knight, Jon-Paul and Hull, Simon
Kear, Karen; Donelan, Helen; Rosewell, Jonathan; Mooney, Allan; Cuffe, Paige; Sheehy, Kieron; Amor, Kevin; Elder, Tracey; Edwards, Carol; Okada, Alexandra and King, David
Kubacki, K. and Szablewska, N.
Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia; Siemieniako, Dariusz and Brenan, Linda
Kubacki, K. and Szablewska, N.
Kubacki, K.; Szablewska, N.; Forbes, S. and Palmedo, C.
McCann, Michael and Louise, Taylor
Morgan, Patricia and Szablewska, Natalia
Motson, Fred
Prinsloo, Paul; Slade, Sharon and Galpin, Fenella
Prinsloo, Paul; Slade, Sharon and Galpin, Fenella
Ryan, Francine
Siemieniako, Dariusz; Kubacki, Krzysztof and Szablewska, Natalia
Siemieniako, Dariusz; Kubacki, Krzysztof and Szablewska, Natalia
Slade, Sharon and Galpin, Fenella
Slade, Sharon; Galpin, Fenella and Prinsloo, Paul
Slade, Sharon; Galpin, Fenella and Prinsloo, Paul
Slade, Sharon and Galpin, Fenella
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, N. and Kubacki, K.
Szablewska, N. and Kubacki, K.
Szablewska, N. and Kubacki, K.
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Szablewska, Natalia
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Louise and Boyes, Simon
Taylor, Louise and Boyes, Simon
Taylor, Louise and Boylan Kemp, Jo Ann
Taylor, Louise and McCann, Michael
Wesemann, Anne
Wesemann, Anne
Wesemann, Anne
Wesemann, Anne
Wesemann, Anne
Wesemann, Anne
Wolfreys, Allison
ThesisTo Top
Adeosun, Adedamola
Doherty, Sophie
Ismail, Nashwa
Lavis, Simon
McFaul, Hugh
Murray, Alexandra Harriet Elisabeth
Noakes, Laura
Samuda, Leona
Sidoli, Julian Silvano
Tanner, Adam
Tudosie, Elena-Roxana
OtherTo Top
Ajevski, Marjan (2014). Unstable Identities: The European Court of Human Rights and the Margin of Appreciation. SSRN, Oslo.
Ajevski, Marjan (2012). Interpretation and the Constraints on International Courts. In SSRN Electronic Journal PluriCourts.
Bakina, Ksenia and Pavon Perez, Angel (2025). Response to the College of Policing consultation on data ethics and data driven technologies authorised professional practices. Centre for Protecting Women Online.
Barker, Kim; Jongbloed-Uribe, Enrique and Scholz, Tobias (2021). Online Copyright Lessons from Europe: A Note of Warning for Latin American Creative Expression, Memes and Parody. In Consideraciones sobre el derecho de autor en el entorno de Internet de América Latina. Volumen especial, abril 2021 Universidad de San Andrés and CETyS.
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2017). Submission of Evidence on Online Violence Against Women to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, its Causes and Consequences, Dr Dubravka Šimonović. United Nations.
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2017). Submission of Evidence to Scottish Government Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation (Bracadale Review). Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation in Scotland.
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2018). Online Violence Against Women: The Limits & Possibilities of Law. Stirling Law School & Open University Law School.
Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2018). Written Submission of Evidence to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into sexual harassment of women and girls in public spaces. Stirling Law School & Open University Law School.
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