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Derry, Caroline (2025). Legal Temporalities of Sexual Consent. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

Herian, Robert (2021). Data: New Trajectories in Law. Routledge Focus. Routledge.

Jones, Emma; Ryan, Francine; Thanaraj, Ann and Wong, Terry (2022). Digital Lawyering: Technology and Legal Practice in the 21st Century. Abingdon: Routledge.

Jones, Emma; Graffin, Neil; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs (2020). Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession. Bristol Shorts Research. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Kelly, David and Slapper, Gary (2006). The English legal system: Q and A 2006-7. Questions and answers series. London, UK: Routledge Cavendish.

Kelly, David and Slapper, Gary (2000). English Law. London: Cavendish.

Kyriakakis, Joanna; Popa, Tina; Rochford, Francine; Szablewska, Natalia; Zhao, Xiaobo; Taliadoros, Jason; O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell (2024). Contemporary Australian Tort Law (2nd Ed). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kyriakakis, Joanna; Popa, Tina; Rochford, Francine; Szablewska, Natalia; Zhao, Xiaobo; Taliadoros, Jason; O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell (2019). Contemporary Australian Tort Law. Cambridge University Press.

Nartey, Emmanuel K. (2021). Accountability and Corporate Human Rights Violations in Tort and International Law. 1-5275-7505-5. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Nartey, Emmanuel K. (2025). Generative AI in Higher Education: Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning. CRC Press Reference Books in Computer Science, 1. Abingdon, UK: Routledge (In Press).

Nartey, Emmanuel Kojo (2023). Ethics and Integrity in the Rule of Law and International Law. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Slapper, Gary (2001). Organisational Prosecutions. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Slapper, Gary (2007). How the Law Works. London: Collins.

Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2001). The English legal system: Q and A. 4th edition. Questions and answers. London: Cavendish Publishing Ltd.

Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2006). English law. 2nd edition. London: Routledge-Cavendish, p. 1088.

Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2010). The English Legal System (11th edition): 2010-2011. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish.

Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2009). English Law. Third edition. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish.

Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2006). English Law. London: Routledge-Cavendish.

Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David (2006). The English Legal System. 8th edition. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish.

Slapper, Gary and Tombs, Steve (1999). Corporate crime. Harlow: Longman.

Wesemann, Anne (2020). Citizenship in the European Union: constitutionalism, rights and norms. Elgar studies in European law and policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Edited BookTo Top

Butler, P.; Lein, E and Salim, R. eds. (2018). Integration and International Dispute Resolution in Small States. Springer.

Cercel, Cosmin; Fusco, Gian Giacomo and Lavis, Simon eds. (2020). States of Exception: Law, History, Theory. Law and Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Fletcher, Roland ed. (2004). Commercial Law (Revision Workbook) (3rd ed.). London: Old Bailey Press.

Fletcher, Roland ed. (2004). Commercial Law: 150 Leading Cases (2nd ed.). London: HLT Publications/Old Bailey Press.

Giles, Jessica; Pin, Andrea and Ravitch, Frank S. eds. (2018). Law, Religion and Tradition. Law and Religion in a Global Context, 1. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Jones, Emma and Cownie, Fiona eds. (2020). Key Directions in Legal Education: National and International Perspectives. Legal pedagogy. London and New York: Routledge.

Madhloom, Omar and McFaul, Hugh eds. (2022). Thinking About Clinical Legal Education: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives. Emerging Legal Education. Routledge.

Sidoli, Julian; Vols, Michel and Kiehl, Marvin Noah Frank eds. (2016). Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law. Studies in Housing Law, 1. The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.

Slapper, Gary and Kelly, David eds. (2004). The English legal system. 7th edition. London: Cavendish Publishing, p. 776.

Vols, Michel and Sidoli, Julian eds. (2017). People and Buildings: Comparative Housing Law. Studies in Housing Law, 2. The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven Publishing.

Yusuf, Hakeem and Van Der Merwe, Hugo eds. (2021). Transitional Justice: Theories, Mechanisms and Debates. Abingdon: Routledge.

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Ajevski, Marjan (2015). Freedom of Speech as Related to Journalists in the ECtHR, IACtHR and the Human Rights Committee – A Study of Fragmentation. In: Ajevski, Marjan ed. Fragmentation in International Human Rights Law: Beyond Conflict of Laws. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 32–53.

Ajevski, Marjan (2025). Human rights law. In: Hofmann, Mahulena and Blount, P.J. eds. Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Space Law. Elgar, pp. 122–125.

Ajevski, Marjan (2015). Fragmentation in International Human Rights Law - Beyond Conflict of Laws. In: Ajevski, Marjan ed. Fragmentation in International Human Rights Law: Beyond Conflict of Laws. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1–12.

Ajevski, Marjan (2018). Quality of Reasoning in International Criminal Tribunals. In: Bencze, Mátyás and Ng, Gar Yein eds. How to Measure the Quality of Judicial Reasoning. Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice (IUSGENT) (69). Springer, pp. 207–224.

Ajevski, Marjan (2020). The Triumph of International Law: The Clash of Ideas That Shapes International Law. In: Claydon, Lisa and Derry, Caroline eds. Law in Motion: 50 Years of Legal Change. Milton Keynes: Open University Law School, pp. 67–88.

Ajevski, Marjan (2020). The Triumph of International Law: The Clash of Ideas That Shape International Law. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. The Open University Law School, pp. 67–88.

Ajevski, Marjan (2013). Preconditions for Stare Decisis – What International Law Can Learn from Comparative Constitutional Law. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger and Gätzschmann, Ina eds. International Dispute Settlement: Room for Innovations? Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht, 239. Springer, pp. 293–310.

Amanze, Miriam and Eyo, Ama (2023). Financing infrastructure procurement and workers’ rights: the role of regional development banks. In: Martin-Ortega, Olga and Treviño Lozano, Laura eds. Sustainable Public Procurement of Infrastructure and Human Rights: Beyond Building Green. Corporations, Globalisation and the Law. Edward Elgar, pp. 85–109.

Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2021). Text-Based (Sexual) Abuse and Online Violence Against Women: Toward Law Reform. In: Bailey, Jane; Flynn, Asher and Henry, Nicola eds. The Emerald International Handbook of Technology Facilitated Violence and Abuse. Emerald Studies In Digital Crime, Technology and Social Harms. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 247–264.

Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2021). Gender-Based Abuse Online: An Assessment of Law, Policy and Reform in England and Wales. In: Powell, Anastasia; Flynn, Asher and Sugiura, Lisa eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 529–544.

Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2023). The ‘Politics’ of Responsible Social Media Use in Universities: Cautionary Tales for Student Experience? In: Siliquini-Cinelli, Luca and Giddens, Thomas eds. Biopolitics and Structure in Legal Education. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 223–238.

Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2022). Online misogyny as a hate crime: #TimesUp. In: Zempi, Irene and Smith, Jo eds. Misogyny as Hate Crime. Routledge.

Barker, Kim (2013). MMORPGing, Law and Lingo. In: Freeman, Michael and Smith, Fiona eds. Law and Language: Current Legal Issues. Current Legal Issues, 15. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 417–433.

Barker, Kim (2015). Holy Blurring of Core Copyright Principles, Batmobile! In: Giddens, Thomas ed. Graphic Justice: Intersections of Law and Comics. London: Routledge, pp. 19–35.

Barker, Kim (2018). R v Nimmo & Sorley (2014). In: Rackley, Erika and Auchmuty, Rosemary eds. Women's Legal Landmarks: Celebrating 100 Years of Women & the Law in the UK and Ireland. Oxford: Hart, pp. 605–610.

Barker, Kim and Baghdady, Christina (2018). From hybrid to cybrid? The formation and regulation of online ‘hybrid’ identities. In: Lemay-Hébert, Nicolas and Freedman, Rosa eds. Hybridity: Law, Culture and Development. London: Routledge, pp. 218–234.

Berneri, C. (2011). Chen e la cronaca di una rivoluzione: la Cittadinanza dell’Unione Europea. In: Cartabia, M. ed. Dieci Casi sui Diritti in Europa: uno strumento didattico. Bologna: Ed. Il Mulino, pp. 143–157.

Berneri, Chiara (2020). The Court of Justice of the European Union, EU Citizenship and Residence Rights of Third Country National Family Members: An Ongoing Struggle. In: Mantu, Sandra; Minderhoud, Paul and Guild, Elspeth eds. EU Citizenship and Free Movement Rights: Taking Supranational Citizenship Seriously. Leiden, The Netherlands.: Koninklijke Brill NV, pp. 55–73.

Bleasedale, Lydia; Rizzotto, Beverley; Stalker, Rachel; Yeatman, Lucy; McFaul, Hugh; Ryan, Francine; Johnson, Nick and Thomas, Linden (2020). Law Clinics: What, why and how? In: Thomas, Linden and Johnson, Nick eds. The Clinical Legal Education Handbook. University of London Press, pp. 7–56.

Calo, Zachary (2021). The secularity of law and the freedom from religion. In: Durham, W. Cole; Martinez-Torron, Javier and Thayer, Donlu eds. Law, Religion, and Freedom: Conceptualizing a Common Right. London: Routledge, pp. 54–60.

Cercel, Cosmin; Fusco, Gian Giacomo and Lavis, Simon (2020). Introduction: Untimely Considerations on the State of Exception. In: Lavis, Simon; Cercel, Cosmin and Fusco, Gian Giacomo eds. States of Exception: Law, History, Theory. Law and Politics. Routledge, pp. 1–12.

Chambers-Jones, Clare (2021). AI, Big data, Quantum Computing and Financial Exclusion: tempering enthusiasm and offering a human centric approach to policy. In: Lui, A and Ryder, N eds. FinTech, Artificial Intelligence and the law: Regulation and Crime Prevention. Financial Crime Series. London: Routledge, pp. 193–210.

Chambers-Jones, Clare (2018). Money laundering in a Virtual World. In: King, Colin; Walker, Clive and Gurule, Jimmy eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Criminal and Terrorism Financing Law. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 165–182.

Chambers-Jones, Clare (2018). The Financial Crisis and Digital Currencies. In: Ryder, Nicholas ed. White Collar Crime and Risk. Palgrave Studies in Risk, Crime and Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 203–230.

Curryer, Emma and Edwards, Carol (2024). Innovative ways of developing communities and enhancing students employability skills in the online university environment. In: Milmore, Amanda ed. How to Include Employability in the Law School. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 133–146.

Dennis, David and Lee, Simon (2020). Lockdown, Law & the Whirligig of Jurisprudence: The Return of a Realist. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. Milton Keynes: The Open University Law School, pp. 195–209.

Derry, Caroline (2024). Criminal Law Amendment Act 1922. In: Auchmuty, Rosemary; Rackley, Erika and Takayanagi, Mari eds. Women’s Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for the Want of Trying. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Derry, Caroline (2024). Monica Geikie Cobb, First Woman Barrister to Appear in Court, 1922. In: Auchmuty, Rosemary; Rackley, Erika and Takayanagi, Mari eds. Women’s Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for the Want of Trying. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Derry, Caroline (2023). Beyond firsts: feminist biography and early women barristers. In: Barnes, Victoria; Honkala, Nora and Wheeler, Sally eds. Women, Their Lives, and the Law: Essays in Honour of Rosemary Auchmuty. London: Hart Publishing, pp. 43–59.

Derry, Caroline (2023). Sustained identity deceptions. In: Criminal Law Reform Now Network ed. Reforming the Relationship between Sexual Consent, Deception and Mistake. London: Criminal Law Reform Now Network, pp. 19–27.

Derry, Caroline (2018). Criminal Law. In: Auchmuty, Rosemary ed. Great Debates in Gender and Law. Palgrave Great Debates in Law. Palgrave, pp. 37–48.

Derry, Caroline (2020). Consenting to Sexual Activity. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. The Open University Law School, pp. 136–148.

Derry, Caroline (2018). DPP v Jonathan Cape and Leopold Hill (1928). In: Rackley, Erika and Auchmuty, Rosemary eds. Women's Legal Landmarks: Celebrating 100 Years of Women and Law in the UK and Ireland. Hart Publishing.

Garcia Blesa, Juan J. and Graffin, Neil (2018). Suspending the Rule of Law for Racial Minorities in Border Management: Racial Profiling in the Western Mediterranean and the Post-Brexit Irish Border. In: August Prinz von Sachsen Gessaphe, Karl; Garcia Blesa, Juan J. and Szuka, Nils eds. Legal Implications of Brexit. Hagener Rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften (2). Münster: MV-Wissenschaft, pp. 195–214.

Gilbert, Andrew (2022). Capitalising on Clinical Legal Education: Insights from Bourdieu. In: Madhloom, Omar and Mcfaul, Hugh eds. Thinking About Clinical Legal Education: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 49–68.

Gilbert, Andrew (2015). An Unnatural Union? - British Conservatism and the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. In: Diduck, Alison; Peleg, Noam and Reece, Helen eds. Law in Society: Reflections on Children, Family, Culture and Philosophy. Leiden: Brill, pp. 489–508.

Giles, Jessica (2020). A Theological Justification for Freedom of Religion and Belief as a Universal Right. In: Bunikowski, Dawid and Puppo, Alberto eds. Why Religion? Towards a Critical Philosophy of Law, Peace and God. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Giles, Jessica (2018). Tradition as a Peacebuilding Tool. In: Giles, Jessica; Pin, Andrea and Ravitch, Frank S. eds. Law, Religion and Tradition. Law and Religion in a Global Context. Switzerland: Springer, pp. 153–191.

Graffin, Neil (2020). From the Greek Case to the Present: 50 Years of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. The Open University Law School, pp. 52–66.

Hardie, Liz and Edwards, Carol (2025). How to develop a sense of belonging in online distance learning. In: Baxter, Jacqueline; Selby-Fell, Helen and Gilbert, Andrew eds. Creativity and Critique in Digital Learning and Teaching: Insights for Learning Design in Business and Law. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, (In Press).

Hardie, Liz; Mcfaul, Hugh and Ryan, Francine (2020). 50 years of Clinical Legal Education: Looking Back to the Future. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. The Open University Law School, pp. 212–227.

Hardie, Liz and Ryan, Francine (2024). How to Offer Effective Pastoral Support in a Distance Learning Institution. In: Bleasdale, Lydia ed. How to Offer Effective Wellbeing Support to Law Students. How to guides. Edward Elgar, pp. 88–101.

Hardie, Liz; Ryan, Francine and Baxter, Jacqueline (2025). Every truth has two sides: the impact of ChatGPT on law and business education. In: Baxter, Jacqueline; Selby-Fell, Helen and Gilbert, Andrew eds. Creativity and Critique in Digital Learning and Teaching: Insights for Learning Design in Business and Law. Cham, CH: Palgrave Macmillan [In Press].

Herian, Robert (2022). Techno-Legal Supertoys: Smart Contracts and the Fetishization of Legal Certainty. In: Allen, Jason and Hunn, Peter eds. Smart Legal Contracts: Computable Law in Theory and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Herian, Robert (2021). Technology with legal education. In: rua Wall, Illan; Middleton, Freya and Shah, Sahar eds. The Critical Legal Pocketbook. Oxford: Counterpress, pp. 267–272.

Herian, Rob (2015). Henry Miller: obscene other of the law. In: Decker, James and Männiste, Indrek eds. Henry Miller: New Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 95–108.

Herian, Robert (2020). Desire Lines. In: Claydon, Lisa; Ajevski, Marjan and Derry, Caroline eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. Open University Law School, pp. 90–104.

Herian, Robert (2018). Blockchain and the Distributed Reproduction of Capitalist Class Power. In: Gloerich, Inte; Lovink, Geert and De Vries, Patricia eds. MoneyLab Reader 2: Overcoming the Hype. Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 43–51.

Howard, Matthew (2020). Ownership rhetoric and the question of belonging. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. The Open University Law School, pp. 105–118.

Howells, Carol (2024). Agnes Twiston Hughes, First Welsh Woman to Practise as a Solicitor, 1923. In: Auchmuty, Rosemary; Rackley, Erika and Takayanagi, Mari eds. Women’s Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for Want of Trying. Bloomsbury, pp. 127–131.

Howells, Carol (2018). Cyfraith Hywel (The Laws of Hywel Dda), c. 940. In: Rackley, Erika and Auchmuty, Rosemary eds. Women's Legal Landmarks: Celebrating the history of women and law in the UK and Ireland. Hart Publishing.

Howells, Carol and Parks, Edwin (2020). Devolution, debate and change: Changing the UK's constitutional settlements. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. The Open University Law School, pp. 17–36.

Jackson, Abigail and Sidoli, Julian (2019). Privacy, Participation and the City. In: Davidson, Nestor M. and Tewari, Geeta eds. Global Perspectives in Urban Law: The Legal Power of Cities. London: Routledge.

Jonathan, Doak and Louise, Taylor (2014). Hearing the voices of victims and offenders: the role of emotion in criminal sentencing. In: Brooks, Thom ed. Sentencing. Crime and Punishment: Critical Essays in Legal Philosophy. London: Routledge.

Jones, Emma (2021). “…You don’t pay £100,000 to a lawyer unless you care about something”. The role of emotion in contract law. In: Bandes, Susan A.; Madeira, Jody Lynée; Temple, Kathryn D. and White, Emily Kidd eds. Research Handbook of Law and Emotion. Research Handbooks in Legal Theory. Edward Elgar.

Jones, Emma and Cownie, Fiona (2020). Introduction - Entanglements and entrapments in the law school: Legal education, change and relationality. In: Jones, Emma and Cownie, Fiona eds. Key Directions in Legal Education: National and International Perspectives. Legal pedagogy. London and New York: Routledge.

Jones, Emma; Ryan, Francine; McFaul, Hugh; Vince, David; Kizilkaya, Lawrence and Daniels, Jamie (2023). Using virtual reality to enhance the law school curriculum. In: Tharanj, Ann and Gledhill, Kris eds. Teaching Legal Education in the Digital Age: Pedagogical Practices to Digitally Empower Law Graduates. Routledge.

Jones, Clare and Day, Robert (2017). Exploring accountability in bribery and corruption disclosures by UK listed defence companies. In: Steckle, Rudolf ed. Theorie und Praxis aus Rechnungswesen und Wirtschaftsprufung - Nationale and Internationale Enterwicklunge. Germany: LexisNexis, pp. 123–175.

Jones, Clare and Ryder, Nicholas (2010). The credit crunch and mortgage fraud- too little too late? A comparative analysis of the policies adopted in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. In: Kis, Szilárd and Balogh, Istvan eds. Housing, Housing Costs & Mortgages: Trends, Impact and Prediction. Housing Issues, Laws and Programs. America: Nova Science Publishers.

Jones, Emma (2019). Connectivity, socialization and identity formation. Exploring mental well-being in online distance learning law students. In: Field, Rachael and Strevens, Caroline eds. Educating for Well-Being in Law. Positive Professional Identities and Practice. Emerging Legal Education. London: Routledge, pp. 103–116.

Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim (2023). Online Text-Based (Sexual) Abuse. In: Ali, Parveen and Rogers, Michaela eds. Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide. Springer, pp. 541–554.

Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim (2023). Women, Violence and Protest in Times of COVID-19. In: Stychin, Carl F. ed. Law, Humanities and the Covid Crisis. Reimagining Law and Justice. London: University of London Press, pp. 183–205.

Jurasz, Olga (2019). Reparations for Gendered Harm at the International Criminal Court: Towards Transformative and Gender-Just Reparations? In: Jurasz, Olga and Mouthaan, Solange eds. Gender and War: International and Transitional Justice Perspectives. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 235–258.

Jurasz, Olga (2013). Women of the Revolution- the future of women's rights in post-Gaddafi Libya. In: Panara, Carlo and Wilson, Gary eds. The Arab Spring: New Patterns for Democracy and International Law. Nijhoff Law Specials (ISSN: 0924-4549) (82). Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 123–144.

Jurasz, Olga (2018). Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015. In: Rackley, Erika and Auchmuty, Rosemary eds. Women's Legal Landmarks: Celebrating the history of women and law in the UK and Ireland. Hart.

Jurasz, Olga and Barker, Kim (2014). Gender, human rights and cybercrime: are virtual worlds really that different? In: Asimow, Michael; Brown, Kathryn and Papke, David Ray eds. Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 79–100.

Jurasz, Olga; Labenski, Sheri; Mouthaan, Solange and Sedman, Dawn (2019). AFRC Trial Judgement (Prosecutor v. Brima, Kamara, Kanu), Special Court for Sierra Leone. In: Hodson, Loveday and Lavers, Troy eds. Feminist Judgments in International Law. Hart Publishing, pp. 373–406.

Jurasz, Olga and Szablewska, Natalia (2019). Towards transformative gender equality: the importance of addressing economic violence against women in Cambodia. In: Gámez Fuentes, María José; Núñez Puente, Sonia and Gómez Nicolau, Emma eds. Re-writing Women as Victims: From Theory to Practice. Interdisciplinary Research in Gender. Routledge, pp. 68–82.

Kubacki, K.; Szablewska, N. and Siemieniako, D. (2021). Ethical tension in working with stakeholders. In: Knox, K.; Kubacki, K. and Rundle-Thiele, S. eds. Stakeholder Involvement in Social Marketing: Challenges and Approaches to Engagement. Routledge, pp. 25–38.

Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia; Siemieniako, Dariusz and Brennan, Linda (2023). Vulnerable Communities and Behaviour Change: A Case of Modern Slavery in Supply Chains. In: Brennan, Linda; Parker, Lukas; Garg, Divya; Kubacki, Krzysztof; Jackson, Michaela and Chorazy, Ella eds. Beyond the Dark Arts: Advancing Marketing and Communication Theory and Practice. World Scientific, pp. 167–190.

Kubacki, K. and Szablewska, N. (2020). Ethics of Social Marketing and Non-profit/Charity Marketing. In: Eagle, L.; Dahl, S.; De Pelsmacker, P. and Taylor, C. R. eds. SAGE Handbook of Marketing Ethics. London: SAGE, pp. 248–258.

Lavis, Simon (2021). The Exception of the Norm in the Third Reich: (Re)Reading the Nazi Constitutional State of Exception. In: Cercel, Cosmin; Fusco, Gian Giacomo and Lavis, Simon eds. States of exception: law, history, theory. Law and politics: continental perspectives. Routledge, pp. 92–116.

Lavis, Simon (2023). The Constitutive Role of Nazi Law: Constructing Complicity in the Third Reich. In: Fulbrook, Mary; Willems, Bastiaan; Bird, Stephanie and Rauch, Stefanie eds. Perpetration and Complicity under Nazism and Beyond: Compromised Identities? London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 145–158.

Lavis, Simon (2020). Nazi Law as Pure Instrument: Natural Law, (Extra-)Legal Terror, and the Neglect of Ideology. In: Klimaszewska, Anna and Gałędek, Michał eds. Modernisation, National Identity, and Legal Instrumentalism: Studies in Comparative Legal History (Vol. II: Public Law), Volume 36. Brill, pp. 192–216.

Lavis, Simon (2019). Nazi Law as Non-law in Academic Discourse. In: Skinner, Stephen ed. Ideology and Criminal Law: Fascist, National Socialist and Authoritarian Regimes. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 59–76.

Lee, Simon (2020). Open and Shut Cases. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. Milton Keynes: The Open University Law School, pp. 2–15.

Lee, Simon (2015). The cardinal rule of religion and the rule of law: a musing on Magna Carta. In: Griffith-Jones, Robin and Hill, Mark eds. Magna Carta, Religion and the Rule of Law. Cambridge University Press, pp. 314–333.

McFaul, Hugh (2022). Towards a Capability Approach to Clinical Legal Education. In: Madhloom, Omar and McFaul, Hugh eds. Thinking About Clinical Legal Education. London, UK: Routledge.

McFaul, Hugh (2018). Freedom of Religion and the Invention of Tradition. In: Giles, Jessica; Pin, Andrea and Ravitch, Frank S. eds. Law, Religion and Tradition. Law and Religion in a Global Context, 1. Springer, pp. 119–133.

Mcfaul, Hugh (2018). Brexit and the Environment. In: Prinz von Sachsen Gessaphe, Karl August; Garcia Blesa, Juan J. and Szuka, Nils eds. Legal Implications of Brexit. Hagener Rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften, 2. Münster: MV-WISSENSCHAFT, pp. 351–364.

Nartey, Emmanuel Kojo (2025). Metamorphic Frontiers: The Influence of Generative AI on Enhancing Student Employability within Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom. In: Caton, Lucy and Baker, Geoff eds. AI-Powered Pedagogy and Curriculum Design: Practical Insights for Educators, Volume 1. Abingdon, UK: Routledge (In press).

O'Sullivan, Sarah Bryan and Gatto, Marcus (2021). Care versus Crime: Safe Drug Injection Sites as a Legal Crossroads in Ireland. In: Lynch, Orla; Windle, James and Ahmed, Yasmine eds. Giving Voice to Diversity in Criminological Research: ‘Nothing about Us without Us’. Bristol University Press, pp. 185–208.

Ogg, K. and Szablewska, N. (2015). A Feminist Legal Analysis of the Interface Between Refugee Law and the Mandates of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions. In: Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S. eds. Current Issues in Transitional Justice. Springer, pp. 209–234.

Palmer, Robert and Pontin, Benjamin (2019). Injunctions through the lens of nuisance. In: Halson, Roger and Campbell, David eds. Research Handbook on Remedies in Private Law. Research Handbooks in Private and Commercial Law. Edward Elgar, pp. 294–310.

Palmer, Robert; Short, Damien and Auch, Ted (2019). The Human Right to Water and Unconventional Energy. In: Buono, Regina M.; López Gunn, Elena; McKay, Jennifer and Staddon, Chad eds. Regulating Water Security in Unconventional Oil and Gas. Water Security in a New World. Cham: Springer, pp. 39–67.

Parks, Edwin (2018). The European Unified Patent Court and UK assumptions on its post-Brexit patent litigation. In: Prinz von Sachsen Gessaphe, Karl August; Garcia Blesa, Juan J. and Szuka, Nils eds. Legal Implications of Brexit. Hagener Rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften, 2. Münster: MV-WISSENSCHAFT, pp. 245–276.

Parks, Edwin and Howells, Carol (2018). The repatriation of exclusive competences from EU in post-Brexit United Kingdom. In: Prinz von Sachsen Gessaphe, Karl August; Garcia Blesa, Juan J. and Szuka, Nils eds. Legal Implications of Brexit. Hagener Rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften, 2. Münster: MV-WISSENSCHAFT, pp. 69–93.

Pywell, S. (2015). Potential legal implications of advances in neuroimaging techniques for the clinical management of patients with disorders of consciousness. In: Sturma, D.; Honnefelder, L. and Fuchs, M. eds. Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik. Band 19. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 115–146.

Pywell, Stephanie M (2005). Infant vaccination: a conflict of ethical imperatives? In: Garwood-Gowers, Austen; Tingle, John and Wheat, Kay eds. Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, pp. 213–232.

Pywell, Stephanie (2001). Particular issues of public health: vaccination. In: Martin, Robyn and Johnson, Linda eds. Law and the Public Dimension of Health. London: Cavendish Publishing, pp. 299–327.

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Wesemann, Anne (2015). The CJEU – A Constitutional Court holding the EU together. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2015, 1-4 Sep 2015, York.

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Wolfreys, Allison (2019). Shaping a New Type of Hearing: Training Future Lawyers in Online Mediation - insights from a pilot Project. In: International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference 2019, Jul 2019, Bratislava - Slovakia.

ThesisTo Top

Doherty, Sophie (2020). Visualising Justice: Sexual Violence, Law and Art. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis Durham University.

McFaul, Hugh (2024). University Engagement: policy, practice and the public good. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis Lancaster University.

OtherTo Top

Barker, Kim; Jongbloed-Uribe, Enrique and Scholz, Tobias (2021). Online Copyright Lessons from Europe: A Note of Warning for Latin American Creative Expression, Memes and Parody. In Consideraciones sobre el derecho de autor en el entorno de Internet de América Latina. Volumen especial, abril 2021 Universidad de San Andrés and CETyS.

Barker, Kim and Jurasz, Olga (2020). Northern Ireland Independent Review of Hate Crime Consultation Response (2020). In Expert Response - Northern Ireland Independent Review of Hate Crime Consultation (2020) Committee on the Administration of Justice.

Derry, Caroline (2018). Ashford, Ethel Bright (1883–1980). In Cannadine, David ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press.

Derry, Caroline (2018). Clapham, Olive Catherine [married name Miles] (1898–1973). In Cannadine, David ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press.

Derry, Caroline (2018). Cobb, Monica Mary Geikie (1891–1946). In Cannadine, David ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press.

Giles, Jessica (2016). Lee v McArthur: a proportionate restriction on religious freedom rights? PILARS Case Comment 2016 (3); In PILARs Case comments The Open University Law School.

Herian, Robert; Di Bernardino, Claudia; Chomczyk Penedo, Andres; Ellul, Joshua; Ferreira, Agata; von Goldbeck, Axel; Siadat, Alireza and Siedler, Nina-Luisa (2021). NFT – Legal Token Classification. EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum.

Jones, Emma (2016). What constitutes a belief? PILARS Case Comment 2016 (2); The Open University Law School.

Lee, Simon (2016). Dicey Sentiments. UK Constitutional Law Association.

Lee, Simon (2018). Judicial Power: What is Left Unsaid? Judicial Power Project.

Lloyd Bright, Keren and Taylor, Louise (2020). Five reasons why coercive control has increased during Covid-19. In Business and Law in the time of Covid-19 blog The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Michalec, Ola; Barker, Kim; Coopamootoo, Kovila; Coventry, Lynne; Duppresoir, Francois; Edwards, Matthew; Johnson, Shane; Johnstone, Emily; Jurasz, Olga; Mehrnezhad, Maryam; Moncur, Wendy; Ridout, Frances; Stevens, Francesca; Strothmayer, Angelika and Tanczer, Leonie (2023). Towards a research agenda: tackling violence against women and girls online. REPHRAIN White Paper. REPHRAIN.

Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary and Glover, Hayley (2024). …You wouldn’t start from here: pandemic and post-pandemic teaching in higher education. In Teaching in Higher Education The blog of the journal Taylor & Francis.

Naysmith, Fiona (2023). Space Resources Extraction: The Case for a Moratorium. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.

Probert, Rebecca; Akhtar, Rajnaara; Blake, Sharon and Pywell, Stephanie (2022). The impact of Covid-19 on legal weddings and non-legally binding ceremonies. The Nuffield Foundation; University of Warwick School of Law.

Pywell, Stephanie and West, Tom (2023). Delegated Legislation: What types are there, and how are they made? The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Democracy, London.

Szablewska, Natalia (2022). Business and human rights, modern slavery and sustainable development. Open University Law School Blog, The Open University.

Szablewska, Natalia (2024). The vulnerability of refugees and asylum seekers to modern slavery. In OpenLearn The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Szablewska, Natalia; Kingi, Rebecca; Armstrong, Rebekah and Lake, Quintin (2022). An opportunity for impact: Recommendations for regulating modern slavery in supply chains in Aotearoa New Zealand. Institute of Directors New Zealand.

Szablewska, Natalia (2017). The end of ISIS : what it means for justice. Przeglad Prawa Miedzynarodowego.

Szablewska, Natalia (2015). The Politics of Anti-Trafficking Efforts. Australian Institute of International Affairs. Australian Outlook.

Taylor, Louise (2019). Independent legal representation for crime victims. In Open Justice Blog The Open University.

Taylor, Louise (2019). Developing a coercive control defence. In Sociology Lens Wiley.

Taylor, Louise (2015). True justice? In Solicitors Journal Solicitors Journal.

Taylor, Louise (2014). Why is avoiding maths so common in the profession? In Solicitors Journal Solicitors Journal.

Wolfreys, Allison (2020). COVID-19 and International Child Abduction: Children's Stories. University of Liverpool, School of Law and Social Justice. COVID-19 Briefing Papers No.9.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. (2017). Nigeria: The Colonial Legacy and Transitional Justice. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, South Africa.


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