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2025To Top

Bell, Emma and Scott, David Gordon (2025). Abolitionism in red and black. In: Scott, David Gordon and Bell, Emma eds. Envisioning Abolition Socialism, Anarchism and Penal Abolitionism in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth centuries. Bristol University Press, (In Press).

Ruel, Stefanie and Brewis, Jo (2025). Menopause at work. In: Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert J.; Williams, Kristen S. and Bendl, Regine eds. Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender in Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (In Press).

2024To Top

Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Stephen eds. (2024). Creative (and cultural) entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 18B. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Ltd (In Press).

Abdellatif, Amal; Gatto, Mark; O'Shea, Saoirse and Yarrow, Emily (2024). Ties that bind: An inclusive feminist approach to subvert gendered “othering” in times of crisis. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(4) pp. 1463–1478.

Adams, Mike; Jiang, Wei and Liu, Siqi (2024). Does risk management moderate the relationship between CEO power and corporate philanthropy? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (Early access).

Ahmad, Sardar; Ullah, Subhan; Akbar, Saeed; Kodwani, Devendra and Brahma, Sanjukta (2024). The impact of compliance, board committees and insider CEOs on firm survival during crisis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 91, article no. 102979.

Ahmed, Rizwan; Yusuf, Fatima and Ishaque, Maria (2024). Green bonds as a bridge to the UN sustainable development goals on environment: A climate change empirical investigation. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 29(2) pp. 2428–2451.

Akponah, Precious; Hassen, Hela and Higgins, Matthew (2024). An Exploration of Dialogue to Promote Assessment Feedback Literacy. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 12 pp. 1–19.

Ali, Waris; Wilson, Jeffrey and Frynas, Jedrzej George (2024). Corporate governance mechanisms and carbon disclosure: A multilevel and multitheory literature survey. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (Early access).

Almubarak, Norah and Bloomfield, Sarah (2024). The lived experience of female angel investors in a Saudi Arabian context. In: British Academy of Management Conference, 02-06 Sep 2024, Nottingham Trent University.

Ashiru, F.; Adegbite, E.; Frecknall-Hughes, J. and Daodu, O. (2024). Reliability of the audit committee in weak institutional environments: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (in press).

Bannink, Duco; Sancino, Alessandro and Sorrentino, Maddalena (2024). Governance without we. Wicked problems and collaborative governance. Public Policy and Administration (early access).

Barros, Amon; Bristow, Alexandra; Contu, Alessia; Wanderley, Sergio and Prasad, Ajnesh (2024). Politicizing and humanizing management learning and education with Paulo Freire. Management Learning, 55(1) pp. 3–16.

Barthold, Charles (2024). Leadership and the promise of democracy. In: Knights, David; Liu, Helena; Smolović-Jones, Owain and Wilson, Suze eds. The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. Routledge Companions in Business and Management. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge, pp. 403–413.

Bell, Emma and Cozza, Michela (2024). Avoiding the ‘God trick’: Internationalism and situated knowing in Scandinavian Journal of Management. Scandinavian Journal of Management (Early access).

Bell, Emma; Sinclair, Amanda and Vachhani, Sheena (2024). A Leadership of Refusal: Remaking the Narrative of the Falling Leader. British Journal of Management (early access).

Benozzo, Angelo; Distinto, Marco and Priola, Vincenza (2024). Matter and Method: The Quest for a New-Materialist Methodology in Management Studies. British Journal of Management, 35(1) pp. 86–98.

Bernardi, Cristiana; Dumay, John and Perkiss, Stephanie (2024). How the biggest chocolate makers and sellers in the UK fare on sustainability. The Conversation.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Marshall, Helen; Timmins, Susan; Reid, Kristen and Myers, Fran (2024). Tension, emotion and altruism: line managers as unsung heroes at the workforce development coalface? In: UALL–SCUTREA Conference 2024: Thinking globally and acting locally for lifelong learning, 1-3 Jul 2024, SOAS, University of London.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Nottingham, Paula; Sutton, Louise; Timmins, Susan and Mao, Yan (2024). Modelling work-based learning on degree apprenticeships as an integrated learning experience. In: 12th Chartered Association of Business Schools Conference on Learning, Teaching and Student Experience, 14-15 May 2024, Birmingham, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Pradies, Camille and Tunarosa, Andrea (2024). Employing a cultural toolkit to work through paradox. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2024(1).

Borgstrom, Erica; Schiff, Rebekah; Khan, Shaheen; Hindley, Esther; Thayabaran, Darmiga; Savage, Emily; Gough, Nicholas and Holti, Richard (2024). Practices, issues and possibilities at the interface between geriatrics and palliative care (InGaP): An exploratory study and knotworking. Health Open Research, 6(12)

Braun, Martin; Dawes, Anita; Jordan, Sally; Wood, Carlton; Andrianova, Olga; Nita, Maria; Gough, Georgina; Calder, Kathleen; Astles, Paul; Meade, Rosie; Cox, Teresa and Elliott, Anna (2024). Developing reflective assessment tasks to engage physics students with the key sustainability competencies. In: Advance HE’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: Future-Focused Education: Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact, 2-4 Jul 2024, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Bristow, Alexandra (2024). In the garden of dreams: Transgressive careers. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 237–240.

Bristow, Alexandra (2024). Haunting careers: the realm of academic ghosts. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 369–373.

Bristow, Alexandra; Ratle, Olivier and Robinson, Sarah (2024). Introduction: Entrance hall and cloakroom. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1–5.

Bristow, Alexandra; Robinson, Sarah and Ratle, Olivier (2024). Doing academia differently: a provocation review. Management Learning (In press).

Callahan, Evelyn; Vincent, Ben and Holti, Richard (2024). "I need to get on with it": Experiences of older trans people navigating healthcare. In: Toze, Michael; Willis, Paul and Hafford-Letchfield, Trish eds. Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts: Research into Practice. Bristol University Press, pp. 41–53.

Calvo Martinez, Sara (2024). The Contribution of Waste Management Social Enterprises to the SDGs: Exploring Case Study Organisations From the Global South. In: Castanho, Rui Alexandre ed. Green Economy and Renewable Energy Transitions for Sustainable Development. IGI Global, pp. 128–143.

Charitaki, Garyfalia; Kourti, Isidora; Gregory, Jess L.; Ozturk, Mesut; Ismail, Zaleha; Alevriadou, Anastasia; Soulis, Spyridon-Georgios; Kypriotaki, Maria; Sakici, Şehnaz and Demirel, Can (2024). A comparative analysis of teachers’ attitudes towards including all students in six countries. Educational Research and Evaluation (Early access).

Chen, Cheng-Hao (Steve); Liu, Gordon; Roushan, Gelareh and Nguyen, Bang (2024). Exploring Information Technology Capabilities from Multiple Aspects of the Resource-Based Theory. Information Systems Frontiers (Early access).

Claes, Björn; Siraz, Sonia S.; De Castro, Julio and Lapeyre, Eléanor M. (2024). What is the quack about? Legitimation strategies and their perceived appropriateness in the foie gras industry. European Management Review (Early Access).

Comfort, Catherine (2024). Evidence-based Good Practice for Youth Mentoring Programmes. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring(18) pp. 195–207.

Comfort, Catherine (2024). Mentoring, social capital and young people. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 22(2) pp. 38–52.

De Pieri, Benedetta and Calò, Francesca (2024). Social innovation and collaborative governance: The case of surplus food redistribution. In: Sinclair, Stephen and Baglioni, Simone eds. Handbook on Social Innovation and Social Policy. Edward Elgar, pp. 235–244.

de Villiers, Charl; Dimes, Ruth and Molinari, Matteo (2024). Determinants, mechanisms and consequences of UN SDGs reporting by universities: conceptual framework and avenues for future research. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management (Early Access).

Dimes, Ruth and de Villiers, Charl (2024). Hallmarks of Integrated Thinking. The British Accounting Review, 56(1), article no. 101281.

Durkin, Mark (2024). From Digital Myopia to Hyperopia. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 23(1) pp. 21–26.

Eadson, Will; Hampton, Sam; Sugar, Katherine; Blundel, Richard and Northall, Phil (2024). Seven principles of place-based net zero policy for SMEs. South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre & UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), London, UK.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Miller, Nicola; Selby-Fell, Helen and Bowles, Benjamin (2024). Policing the pandemic: deciding and acting in the face of uncertainty and the unexpected. In: Dickinson, Helen; Yates, Sophie; O'Flynn, Janine and Smith, Catherine eds. Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19. Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 192–205.

Filiou, Despoina; Lebreton, Adrien; Bojkova, Viara; Estelle, Nicolas; Reid, Kristen; Deng, Jie; Carli, Giacomo; Kasimati, Aikaterini and Arampatzis, Stratos (2024). UAV-Driven Ecosystems for Sustainable Livestock Management in Rural France: A Case Study. In: R&D Management Conference, 17-19 Jun, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Furnham, A.; Cuppello, S. and Fenton-O'Creevy, M. (2024). Correlates of stock market investment. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics (Early Access).

Furnham, Adrian and Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2024). Money attitudes, budgeting and habits. Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, article no. 2450001.

Galalae, Cristina and Licsandru, Tana (2024). A Post-socialist Reading of Displaced Images from the Global South: The Case of Roma, Eastern Europe’s Oriental Other. In: Das, Arindam; Ozlem, Sandikci Turkdogan and Chaudhuri, Himadri Roy eds. Postcolonial Marketing Communication Images from the Margin. Springer, pp. 137–158.

Gerli, Paolo; Mora, Luca; Zhang, Jun and Sancino, Alessandro (2024). Friends or enemies? Unraveling niche-regime interactions in grassroots digital innovations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 202, article no. 123342.

Halari, Anwar (2024). Books that shook the business world: The Anarchy by William Dalrymple. In The Conversation The Conversation Trust, London, UK.

Halari, Anwar; Bernardi, Cristiana; Dimes, Ruth and Shields, Karin (2024). The concept of capitals. In: Smith, Susan; Murphy, Richard and Rose, Jennifer eds. Principles of Accounting. Ely, UK: Accounting Streams, ch. 10.

Halari, Anwar; Bernardi, Cristiana; Dimes, Ruth and Shields, Karin (2024). The concept of capitals. In: Smith, Susan; Murphy, Richard and Rose, Jennifer eds. Principles of Accounting. Accounting Streams.

Harding, Richard (2024). Training and development in policing. In: Randall, Julian and Burnes, Bernard eds. Agency, Change and Learning. Routledge, pp. 121–140.

Hartley, Jean; Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf and Geuijen, Karin (2024). Debate: Whether and how public innovations create value. Public Money & Management, 44(6) pp. 443–445.

Hartley, Jean; Parker, Steven and Beashel, Jim (2024). Leading and recognizing public value. In: Cook, B. J. ed. Challenges to Public Value Creation: Authority, Process, and Complexity. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 159–182.

Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul (2024). Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century - State of the Art. In: Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul eds. Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 18A. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 1–14.

Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul eds. (2024). Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 18A. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.

Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Stephen (2024). Creative (and cultural) industry entrepreneurship for the 21st century – policy challenges for and by policymakers. In: Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Steve eds. Creative (and cultural) industry entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 18B. London: Emerald Publishing Ltd (In Press), pp. 1–17.

Hill, I. and Scott, J. - with Wahga, A. (2024) Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Sustainability and the Circular Economy. In: Deakins, D. and Scott, J. M. eds. Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary & Global Approach (Second Edition). Sage Publications Ltd.

Holti, Richard; Callahan, Evelyn; Fletcher, Jamie; Hope, Sam; Moller, Naomi; Vincent, Ben and Walley, Paul (2024). Improving the integration of care for trans adults. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 12(28)

Jevnaker, Birgit Helene and Hill, Inge (2024). Heritage craft entrepreneuring in the wild: the role of entrepreneurial placemaking for rural development. In: Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul eds. Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 18B. London, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited (In Press).

King, Helena (2024). Counteracting complex intersectional self-stigmatisation through empathetic group work. In: 20th Biennial Conference of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS), 2-5 Jul 2024, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.

King, Helena (2024). Occupational health stigma and the disruption of police officer identity. In: 2nd Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology, 26-28 Jun 2024, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

King, Helena (2024). The organisation of policing occupational health charities. In: BSA Medical Sociology Conference 2024, 11-13 Sep 2024, University of Warwick, UK.

Kipnis, Eva; Pysarenko, Nataliia; Galalae, Cristina; Mari, Carlo; Martín Ruiz, Verónica and Vorster, Lizette (2024). The Role of War-related Marketing Activism Actions in Community Resilience: from the Ground in Ukraine. Journal of Public Policy& Marketing (Early access).

Lampe, F. C.; Smith, C. J.; Pelchen-Matthews, A.; Aghaizu, A.; Kall, M.; Kelly, C.; Kitt, H.; Humphreys, C.; Sparrowhawk, A.; Herieka, E.; Fearnley, N.; King, H.; Nakagawa, F.; Sewell, J. and Rodger, A. R. (2024). Depression and anxiety symptoms among people with HIV in the UK: prevalence, correlates and treatment. Results from the Positive Voices 2022 study. In: HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow, 10-13 Nov 2024, Scottish Events Campus, Glasgow, Scotland.

Lamptey, Richmond Ordartey; Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh and Blundel, Richard (2024). Green finance strategies in Africa: a focus on capital market-based impact investments in small and medium-sized enterprises in Ghana. In: Lehner, Othmar M.; Harrer, Theresa; Silvola, Hanna and Weber, Olaf eds. The Routledge Handbook of Green Finance. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 317–336.

Lei, Xun and Wisniewski, Tomasz Piotr (2024). Democracy and Stock Market Returns. Journal of Financial Research (Early access).

Liddle, Joyce and Parker, Steven (2024). The struggle for linking strategic and front-line outcomes in local government service delivery. Local Government Studies (In press).

Longman, Richard and Mackintosh, Catherine (2024). Critical Theory and Human Resource Management. In: Hutchings, Kate; Michailova, Snejina and Wilkinson, Adrian eds. A Concise Guide to Key Theories for Human Resource Management Research. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 73–79.

McBride, Karen and Verma, Shraddha (2024). Accounting in society: a historical perspective. In: Vollmer, Hendrik ed. Handbook of Accounting in Society. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 29–43.

Mutwarasibo, Fidèle (2024). Equity and the Ubuntu Worldview: Navigating Shared Responsibilities and Fostering Solidarity in the Face of Inequality in Ireland and the United Kingdom. In: Chirongoma, Sophia; Chitando, Ezra; Dube, Musa W. and Okyere-Manu, Beatrice Dedaa eds. Ubuntu, Inequality and Sustainable Development. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (In Press).

Mutwarasibo, Fidèle (2024). Ubuntu Virtues as a Coping Mechanism in the Face of Racism and Discrimination. In: Chirongoma, Sophia; Chitando, Ezra; Dube, Musa W. and Okyere-Manu, Beatrice Dedaa eds. Ubuntu, Inequality and Sustainable Development. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (In Press).

Ngoasong, Michael Z.; Wahga, Aqueel; Muhatiah, Wentland; Kourti, Isidora and Kinyanjui, Nicholas Mwaura (2024). How entrepreneurial universities execute transformational entrepreneurship. In: Maas, Gideon and Johnston, Andrew eds. Cases on Transformational Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar, pp. 46–58.

Ongaro, Edoardo (2024). Integrating the Neo Weberian State and Public Value. International Review of Administrative Sciences (Early Access).

Pandeli, Jenna and Longman, Richard (2024). (Doing) Time Is Money: Confinement, Prison Work, and the Reproduction of Carceral Capitalism. Work, Employment and Society (In press).

Parker, Steven; Thompson, Karen and Lishman, Ros (2024). Embedding critical project management approaches into public entrepreneurship. In: Liddle, Joyce and Shutt, John eds. Cases on Public Sector Entrepreneurship: Elgar Cases in Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (In Press).

Pereira, Carla; Tahera, Khadija; Mbalyohere, Charles and Matthew, George (2024). Conceptual system dynamics model to analyse the resilience of the energy supply chain. In: EurOMA 2024, 29 Jun - 04 Jul 2024, Barcelona, Spain.

Pereira, Carla Roberta and Yurt, Oznur (2024). Achieving resilience in service supply chains: The role of procurement. Palgrave Studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (PSLSCM). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG..

Petratos, Pythagoras; Smith, Clara and Kassem, Rasha (2024). Resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Alstom Bombardier transportation acquisition. In: Gupta, Suraksha; Gupta, Ashish and Kumar, Jitender eds. Building Resilience in Global Business During Crisis: Perspectives from Emerging Markets. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 232–249.

Pokorny, Helen; Bloomfield, Sarah and Booth, Joanna (2024). The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPeL) – How do we do this? In: UALL-SCUTREA Conference 2024: Thinking globally and acting locally for lifelong learning, 1-3 Jul 2024, SOAS, University of London.

Priola, Vincenza and Shafaq, Chaudhry (2024). Spatial modesty: The everyday production of gendered space in segregated and assimilative organisations. Journal of Management Studies

Puntil, Donata; Vackova, Petra; Cooke, Carolyn; Caton, Lucy and Dowdeswell, Emily (2024). What Is Care?: Bio-digital collaborative writing towards conferencing otherwise. In: 7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, 10-12 Jan 2024, Helsinki, Finland.

Ratle, Olivier; Robinson, Sarah and Bristow, Alexandra (2024). Exit via the gift shop. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 417–421.

Rempoutsika, Lemonia M.; Chronopoulos, Dimitris K.; Nguyen, Linh and Wilson, John O.S. (2024). Deposit insurance and credit union earnings opacity. The British Accounting Review, 56(6, Part A), article no. 101486.

Rhoden, Maureen and Kinchington, Francia (2024). Hitting the Ground Running: Helping International Master’s Students to Succeed in Higher Education. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(1) pp. 127–135.

Rhoden, Maureen; Maguire, Claire; Gallagher, Clora; Tahera, Khadija and Mathur, Sahil (2024). Creating inclusive environments for students with dyslexia studying online in higher education. In: Innovating Higher Education Conference 2024, 23-25 Oct 2024, The Open University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus, (In press).

Rigg, Clare (2024). “Unknowingness” as a Route to Distributed Leadership [Video]. Sage Publications, Ltd.

Rutter, Sarah; King, Helena and Josh, Jo (2024). Standards for Psychological Support for Adults Living with HIV 2024. In: BHIVA Autumn Conference 2024, 29 Nov 2024, London, UK, (In press).

Sancino, Alessandro; Scognamiglio, Fulvio; Corvo, Luigi; Imperiale, Francesca and Pasi, Giulio (2024). Institutionalizing Experimental Places for Inclusive Social Innovation: From Utopias to Heterotopias. Voluntas : international journal of voluntary and nonprofit organizations, 35 pp. 240–252.

Segarra, Paulina; Doshi, Vijayta; Śliwa, Martyna; Distinto, Marco and Osorio, Arturo (2024). The Business of (Im)migration: Bodies Across Borders. Journal of Business Ethics (Early access).

Selby-Fell, Helen and Newton, Andrew (2024). Embedding Evidence-Based Policing (EBP): A UK case study exploring organisational challenges. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 97(1) pp. 73–91.

Shoham, Amir; Frynas, George; Arslan, Ahmad; Bazel-Shoham, Ofra; Lee, Sang Mook; Khan, Zaheer and Tarba, Shlomo (2024). The interrelationships between Corporate Political Activity and corporate environmental performance: The role of language diversity. Journal of International Business Studies (In press).

Shorrock, Sarah; Parker, Steven; Olive, Phillipa; Addidle, Gareth; Dimelow, Mark; Martin, Douglas and Proctor, Tony (2024). Multi-Agency Safeguarding as a form of Public Entrepreneurship. In: Liddle, Joyce and Shutt, John eds. Cases on Public Sector Entrepreneurship: Elgar Cases in Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (In Press).

Siraz, Sonia, S.; Claes, Björn; Sanchez-Preciado, Deycy and Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas (2024). Community Socioemotional Wealth as the Glue that Binds Distinct Communities in Enterprising: A Tale of Success from Colombia. Journal of Management Inquiry (In press).

Smolović-Jones, Nela (2024). Becoming a Feminist-Activist Ethnographer: Generating Gender-Equal Democratic Practice. In Figiel, Kasia ed. Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research SAGE Publications, Inc..

Smolović-Jones, Nela; Johansson, Marjana; Pullen, Alison and Giritli-Nygren, Katarina (2024). Feminism and Social Movements: Notes on hope and despair. Gender, Work and Organization (early access).

Solovyeva, Olga and Bristow, Alexandra (2024). Business beyond politics? A-political corporate leadership in authoritarian Russia. In: Knights, David; Liu, Helena; Smolović-Jones, Owain and Wilson, Suze eds. The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. Routledge Companions in Business and Management. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Solovyeva, Olga and Yablokov, Ilya (2024). Putin’s Technological Deluge: Techno-Populism, Anti-Westernism, and the Strive for Global Leadership. Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Early Access).

Sondhi, Arun; Maguire, Linda; Leidi, Alessandro and Weston, Claire (2024). Exploring Reasons for Non-Engagement From a Peer-Led Diversionary Intervention for Veterans in Police Custody. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (Early access).

Suhomlinova, Olga; O’Shea, Saoirse Caitlin and Boncori, Ilaria (2024). Rethinking gender diversity: Transgender and gender nonconforming people and gender as constellation. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(5) pp. 1766–1785.

Torfing, Jacob; Ferlie, Ewan; Jukić, Tina and Ongaro, Edoardo eds. (2024). Strategic management of the transition to public sector co-creation. Policy Press.

Tyler, Melissa; Butler, Judith; Cutcher, Leanne; Milroy, Talila; Lloyd, Moya; Riach, Kathleen; Kenny, Kate; Al‐Amoudi, Ismael; Guschke, Bontu Lucie; Harding, Nancy and Smolović-Jones, Nela (2024). Strangers in conversation: Judith Butler with gender, work and organization. Gender, Work & Organization (early access).

Vachhani, Sheena and Bell, Emma (2024). The (academic) chair: Embodied relations of arrival, place, and hospitality. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies (early access).

van Hilten, Adriana and Ruel, Stefanie (2024). The Chihuahua and the Space Princess writing in the margins: Antenarratives of two (older) women early career academics. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(5) pp. 2066–2094.

Wilkinson, Krystal; Lennie, Sarah-Jane and Duddin, Keely (2024). Perinatal Mental Health and Employment: Exploring the Work-Illness Intersection in the Context of UK Policing. In: Wilkinson, Krystal and Woolnough, Helen eds. Work-Life Inclusion: Broadening Perspectives Across the Life-Course. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 95–108.

Wisniewski, Tomasz; Polasik, Michal; Kotkowski, Radoslaw and Moro, Andre (2024). Switching from Cash to Cashless Payments during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. International Journal of Central Banking, 20(3) pp. 303–371.

Yamada Macicieski, Ana Paula Louise; Domingos, Enzo; Hoffmann, Juliana; Leite, Luciana Rosa and Pereira, Carla Roberta (2024). Drives and Barriers for Circular Ion-Lithium Battery Economy: A Case Study in an Automobile Manufacturer. In: Product Lifecycle Management. Leveraging Digital Twins, Circular Economy, and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Innovation. PLM 2023. (Danjou, Christophe; Harik, Ramy; Nyffenegger, Felix; Rivest, Louis and Bouras, Abdelaziz eds.), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (IFIPAICT volume 702), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 50–60.

Yusuf, Fatima; Yousaf, Amna; Ishaque, Maria and Umrani, Waheed Ali (2024). Conceptualising Silence in External Corporate Communication: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Management Inquiry, 33(3) pp. 300–318.

2023To Top

Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan and Bell, Emma eds. (2023). Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organisation Studies. Research Handbooks in Business and Management series. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. (2023). Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge.

Ahmad, Sardar; Akbar, Saeed; Kodwani, Devendra; Halari, Anwar and Shah, Syed Zubair (2023). Compliance or non‐compliance during financial crisis: Does it matter? International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28(3) pp. 2348–2366.

Al Mahameed, Muhammad; Riaz, Umair; Salem Aldoob, Mohammad and Halari, Anwar (2023). The implementation of sustainability practices in Arab higher education institutions. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting (Early Access).

Baglioni, Simone and Calò, Francesca (2023). Introduction. In: Baglioni, Simone and Calò, Francesca eds. Migrants and Refugees in Europe. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 1–11.

Baglioni, Simone; Montgomery, Tom and Calò, Francesca (2023). Social partners: barriers and enablers. In: Baglioni, Simone and Calò, Francesca eds. Migrants and Refugees in Europe. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 101–119.

Bailey, Nick; Winchester, Nik and Ellis, Neil (2023). What is your intention? Tacit knowledge and community-based learning for collision avoidance in the global maritime industry. Journal of Vocational Education & Training (Early Access).

Bailey, Simon; Lenglet, Marc; Lord, Gemma; Pierides, Dean and Tischer, Daniel (2023). Parasitic universes: Organisational and technological meddling in the social. New Technology, Work and Employment, 38(1) pp. 41–58.

Barakat, Mahmoud Ramadan; Tipi, Nicoleta and Wu, Jialin Snow (2023). Sustainable supply chain clusters: an integrated framework. Management Decision, 61(3) pp. 786–814.

Barbera, Carmela; Nabatchi, Tina; Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca (2023). Monetary and symbolic rewards: do they matter for fostering co-commissioning and co-delivery of public services? Public Management Review [Early Access].

Beck, Vanessa; Brewis, Jo; Davies, Andrea and Matheson, Jesse (2023). Cis women's bodies at work: co‐modification and (in)visibility in organization and management studies and menopause at work scholarship. International Journal of Management Reviews, 25(3) pp. 495–514.

Bell, Sean and Kealey, Nick (2023). Policing and Occupational Cultures. In: Corteen, Karen; Steele, Rachel; Cross, Noel and McManus, Michelle eds. Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates. Bristol: Policy Press, Bristol University Press, pp. 277–282.

Bezuidenhout, Stefan; de Villiers, Charl and Dimes, Ruth (2023). How management control systems can enable, constrain, and embed integrated reporting. Accounting & Finance, 63(4) pp. 4251–4273.

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2022To Top

Agha, Kakul; Zhu, Xia and Chikwa, Gladson (2022). Towards Academic Integrity: Using Bloom’s Taxonomy and Technology to Deter Cheating in Online Courses. In: Hamdan, A; Hassanien, A. E.; Mescon, T and Alareeni, B. eds. Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning Post-COVID-19. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Studies in Computational Intelligence (1019). Cham: Springer, pp. 447–466.

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Ataullah, Ali; Le, Hang; Wang, Zilong and Wood, Geoffrey (2022). Corporate diversification and downsizing decisions: International evidence from sharp and sudden performance shocks. International Review of Financial Analysis, 82, article no. 102203.

Baglioni, Simone; Calò, Francesca and Numerato, Dino (2022). The Role of Civil Society in the Labour Market Integration of Migrants in Europe: An Introduction. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 33(5) pp. 851–861.

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Bell, Emma and Sengupta, Sunita Singh (2022). Empowering Methodologies in Organisational and Social Research. In: Bell, Emma and Sengupta, Sunita Singh eds. Empowering Methodologies in Organisational and Social Research. New Delhi, India: Routledge, pp. 1–18.

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Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2022). Co-production: theoretical roots and conceptual frameworks. In: Ansell, Christopher and Torfing, Jacob eds. Handbook on Theories of Governance. Political Science and Public Policy 2022. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 446–461.

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Calo, Francesca and Baglioni, Simone (2022). Examining Non-EU Migrants and Refugees’ Agency When Navigating the British Labour Markets. In: Isaakyan, Irina; Triandafyllidou, Anna and Baglioni, Simone eds. Immigrant and Asylum Seekers Labour Market Integration upon Arrival: NowHereLand. A Biographical Perspective. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham, pp. 55–73.

Calo, Francesca; Montgomery, Thomas and Baglioni, Simone (2022). Marginal players? The Third Sector and Employability Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations, 33(5) pp. 872–885.

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2019To Top

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