Currently browsing: Department for Public Leadership and Social Enterprise
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Alderton, Tony; Bloor, Michael; Kahveci, Erol; Lane, Tony; Sampson, Helen; Thomas, Michelle; Winchester, Nik; Wu, Bin and Zhao, Minghua (2004). The Global Seafarer: Living and Working Conditions in Globalized Industry. Geneva: ILO.
Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew (2008). The Benefits of e-Business Performance Measurement Systems. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Baxter, Jacqueline (2016). School Governing: Policy, Politics and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press.
Blundel, Richard; Lockett, Nigel; Wang, Catherine and Mawson, Suzanne (2021). Exploring Entrepreneurship (third edition). London: SAGE.
Blundel, Richard (2004). Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, Principles and Practices (2nd edition). Harlow: Financial Times / Prentice Hall.
Blundel, Richard (1998). Effective Business Communication: Principles and Practice for the Information Age. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall.
Blundel, Richard and Ippolito, Kate (2008). Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, principles and practices (3rd edition). Financial Times. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Blundel, Richard; Ippolito, Kate and Donnarumma, David (2013). Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, principles and practices (4th edition). Harlow: Pearson.
Blundel, Richard and Lockett, Nigel (2011). Exploring Entrepreneurship: Practices and Perspectives (first edition, 2011). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Blundel, Richard; Lockett, Nigel and Wang, Catherine (2017). Exploring Entrepreneurship (2nd edition). London: SAGE.
Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa (2004). e-Economy: rhetoric or business reality? Routledge eBusiness. UK: Routledge.
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andrés (2017). Social and Solidarity Economy: The World’s Economy with a Social Face. Routledge.
Decker, Carolin (2008). Legitimacy Needs as Drivers of Business Exit. Gabler Verlag / DUV.
Ehren, Melanie and Baxter, Jacqueline (2020). Trust, accountability and capacity in education system reform: Global perspectives in comparative education. London: Routledge, pp. 30–54.
Ferlie, Ewan and Ongaro, Edoardo (2022). Strategic Management in Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Contemporary Issues (Second Edition). Routledge.
Ferlie, Ewan and Ongaro, Edoardo (2015). Strategic Management in Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Contemporary Issues. Routledge.
Gottdiener, Mark and Budd, Leslie (2005). Key concepts in urban studies. Key Concepts Series. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Gottdiener, Mark; Budd, Leslie and Lehtovuori, Panu (2016). Key Concepts in Urban Studies (2nd edition). Key Concepts. London: Sage Publications.
Hill, Inge (2015). Start-Up: A Practice Based Guide For New Venture Creation. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Holloway, J.; Hinton, M.; Francis, G. and Mayle, D. (1999). Identifying best practice in benchmarking. CIMA Research Series. London, U.K.: CIMA Publishing.
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2005). Managing to collaborate: the theory and practice of collaborative advantage. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Ongaro, Edoardo and Tantardini, Michele (2023). Religion and Public administration: An Introduction. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ongaro, Edoardo (2017). Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ongaro, Edoardo (2020). Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction (Second Edition). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Strüder, Inge (1999). Altsein in Deutschland. Ein Beitrag zur raumbezogenen Handlungssteuerung [Performance of being old in Germany: A contribution to place-related action regulation]. Opladen: Leske & Budrich.
Winchester, Nik and Alderton, Tony (2003). Flag State Audit 2003. Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC), Cardiff University.
Edited BookTo Top
Baglioni, Simone and Calò, Francesca eds. (2023). Migrants and Refugees in Europe – Work Integration in Comparative Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press.
Baglioni, Simone; Calò, Francesca; Garrone, Paola and Molteni, Mario eds. (2017). Foodsaving in Europe. At the Crossroad of Social Innovation. Palgrave MacMillan.
Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie eds. (2017). The Political Economy of Brexit. Newcastle: Agenda Publishing.
Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie eds. (2016). Devolution and the UK Economy. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Baxter, Jacqueline ed. (2017). School inspectors: policy implementers, policy shapers in national policy contexts. Accountability and educational improvement. London: Springer.
Baxter, Jacqueline; Callaghan, George and McAvoy, Jean eds. (2018). Creativity & Critique in Online Learning: Exploring and Examining Innovations in Online Pedagogy. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Budd, Leslie; Charlesworth, Julie and Paton, Rob eds. (2006). Making policy happen. London, UK: Routledge.
Budd, Leslie and Harris, Leslie eds. (2009). e-Governance: Managing or Governing? Routledge.
Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa eds. (2008). eGovernance: Managing or Governing? London, UK: Routledge.
Budd, Leslie and Whimster, Sam eds. (1992). Global finance and urban living: a study of metropolitan change. UK: Routledge.
Di Domenico, MariaLaura; Vangen, Siv; Winchester, Nik; Boojihawon, Dev Kumar and Mordaunt, Jill eds. (2011). Organizational Collaboration: Themes and Issues. Abingdon, U.K and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge.
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Stephen eds. (2024). Creative (and cultural) entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 18B. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Ltd (In Press).
Hinton, Matthew ed. (2006). Introducing information management: the business approach. Oxford, UK: Butterworth Heinemann/Elsevier.
Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan and Bell, Emma eds. (2023). Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organisation Studies. Research Handbooks in Business and Management series. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
Mair, John; McCabe, Steven; Budd, Leslie and Fowler, Neil eds. (2019). Brexit and Northern Ireland: Bordering on Confusion? Newcastle: Bite-Sized Books.
Needham, Catherine; Heins, Elke and Rees, James eds. (2018). Social Policy Review 30: Analysis and debate in social Policy. Bristol: Policy Press.
Ongaro, Edoardo ed. (2015). Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages. Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management, 4. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Rees, James and Mullins, David eds. (2016). The Third Sector Delivering Public Services: Developments, Innovations and Challenges. Third Sector Research Series. Bristol: Policy Press.
Scott, David Gordon and Bell, Emma eds. (2025). Envisioning Abolition: Socialism, Anarchism and Penal Abolitionism in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth centuries. Bristol University Press (In Press).
Underwood, Sarah; Blundel, Richard; Lyon, Fergus and Schaefer, Anja eds. (2012). Social and Sustainable Enterprise: Changing the Nature of Business. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 2. Bradford: Emerald.
Bell, Emma; Mangia, Gianluigi; Taylor, Scott and Toraldo, Maria Laura eds. (2018). The Organization of Craft Work: Identities, Meanings, and Materiality. New York: Routledge.
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul eds. (2024). Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 18A. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Daly, Peter; Reid, Kristen; Buckley, Patrick and Doyle, Elaine eds. (2016). Innovative business education design for 21st century learning. Advances in Business Education and Training. Springer.
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andrés eds. (2021). Social Innovation in Latin America: Maintaining and Restoring Social and Natural Capital. Routledge.
Ongaro, Edoardo ed. (2018). Public Administration in Europe: The Contribution of EGPA. Governance and Public Management (GPM). Springer.
Ongaro, Edoardo and Van Thiel, Sandra eds. (2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe. Basingstoke/London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Torfing, Jacob; Ferlie, Ewan; Jukić, Tina and Ongaro, Edoardo eds. (2024). Strategic management of the transition to public sector co-creation. Policy Press.
Book SectionTo Top
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
[International regulation and the practice of flag states: A global comparative analysis].
Baglioni, Simone and Calò, Francesca
Baglioni, Simone; Montgomery, Tom and Calò, Francesca
Baglioni, Simone and Calò, Francesca
Baglioni, Simone; Calò, Francesca; Garrone, Paola and Molteni, Mario
Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Barnes, David; Mieczkowska, Suzanne and Hinton, Matthew
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline; Callaghan, George and McAvoy, Jean
Baxter, Jacqueline; Grek, Sotiria and Segerholm, Christina
Baxter, Jacqueline and Rönnberg, Linda
Bell, Emma and Scott, David Gordon
Bell, Emma and Sengupta, Sunita Singh
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma; Cullen, John and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma; Mangia, Gianluigi; Taylor, Scott and Toraldo, Maria Laura
Bell, Emma; Meriläinen, Susan; Taylor, Scott and Tienari, Janne
Bell, Emma and Shoaib, Haneen
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard; Monaghan, Adrian and Thomas, Christine
Blundel, Richard and Tregear, Angela
Blundel, Richard K.; Spence, Laura J. and Zerbinati, Stefania
Bouckaert, Geert; Jann, Werner; Maron, Fabienne; Ongaro, Edoardo and Sahraoui, Sofiane
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie and Harris, L
Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa
Budd, Leslie and Whimster, Sam
Budd, Leslie Charles and Clear, F.
Burch, Martin; Harding, Alan and Rees, James
Callaghan, George; Baxter, Jacqueline and McAvoy, Jean
Calo, Francesca and Baglioni, Simone
Calo, Francesca; Baglioni, Simone; Montgomery, Tom and Biosca, Olga
Calò, Francesca and Teasdale, Simon
Calvo, Sara
Calvo Martinez, Sara
Calvo Martinez, Sara
Caperchione, Eugenio; Pattaro, Anna Francesca and Sancino, Alessandro
(An international comparison: how some European countries have applied the Internal Stability and Growth Pact).
Carey, Charlotte and Hill, Inge
Cristofoli, Daniela; Maccio, Laura and Sancino, Alessandro
Cucciniello, Maria; Galli, Davide; Guerrazzi, Claudia; Nasi, Greta and Ongaro, Edoardo
Dai, Wenjin
Dai, Wenjin and Tymon, Alex
De Pieri, Benedetta and Calò, Francesca
Decker, C. and van der Velden, R.
Decker, Carolin
Decker, Carolin; Heinrichs, Katharina; Jaskiewicz, Peter and Rau, Sabine B.
Decker-Lange, Carolin
Di Mascio, Fabrizio; Galli, Davide; Natalini, Alessandro and Ongaro, Edoardo
Di Mascio, Fabrizio; Natalini, Alessandro; Ongaro, Edoardo and Stolfi, Francesco
Ehren, Melanie and Baxter, Jacqueline
Ehren, Melanie and Baxter, Jacqueline
Ehren, Melanie and Baxter, Jacqueline
Ferlie, Ewan and Ongaro, Edoardo
García García, María Jesús and Sancino, Alessandro
Hardill, Irene; Benneworth, Paul; Baker, Mark and Budd, Leslie
Harding, Alan; Hazell, Robert; Burch, Martin and Rees, James
Hartley, Jean; Parker, Steven and Beashel, Jim
Hayward, Nick and Ongaro, Edoardo
Hill, Inge
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Stephen
Hill, I. and Scott, J. - with Wahga, A. (2024) Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Sustainability and the Circular Economy. In: Deakins, D. and Scott, J. M. eds. Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary & Global Approach (Second Edition). Sage Publications Ltd.
Hill, Inge and Bass, Tina
Hill, Inge and Scott, Jonathan M.
Hinton, C. M. and Barnes, D. L.
Huxham, C. and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Ince, Rebecca and Marvin, Simon
Jevnaker, Birgit Helene and Hill, Inge
Kale, Dinar; Little, Stephen and Hinton, Matt
Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan and Bell, Emma
Lamptey, Richmond Ordartey; Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh and Blundel, Richard
Lawn, Martin; Baxter, Jacqueline; Grek, Sotiria and Segerholm, Christina
Lingham, Sophia; Hill, Inge and Manning, Louise
Macmillan, Rob and Rees, James
Maron, Fabienne and Ongaro, Edoardo
Mayle, David; Hinton, Matthew; Francis, Graham and Holloway, Jacky
Mellewigt, T. and Decker, C.
Mellewigt, Thomas and Decker, Carolin
Mieczkowska, Suzanne; Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Morales, Andrés and Calvo, Sara
Morales, Andrés and Calvo, Sara
Morales, Andrés and Calvo, Sara
Morales, Andrés; Spear, Roger; Ngoasong, Michael and Sacchetti, Silvia
Mutwarasibo, Fidèle
Mutwarasibo, Fidèle
Needham, C.; Mangan, C.; Bottom, K. and Parker, S.
Nyman, Kristen
Obeng, Bernard and Blundel, Richard
Obeng, Bernard A.; Blundel, Richard K. and Agyapong, Ahmed
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo; Di Mascio, Fabrizio; Melis, Guido and Natalini, Alessandro
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo; Barbieri, Dario; Bellé, Nicola and Fedele, Paola
Ongaro, Edoardo; Ferré, Francesca; Galli, Davide and Longo, Francesco
Ongaro, Edoardo and Van Thiel, Sandra
Ongaro, Edoardo and Van Thiel, Sandra
Ongaro, Edoardo; Van Thiel, Sandra; Massey, Andrew; Pierre, Jon and Wollmann, Hellmut
Parker, Steven; Thompson, Karen and Lishman, Ros
Parker, Steven
Paton, Rob; Blundel, Richard and Nyathi, Nceku
Rees, James
Rees, James
Rees, James and Lord, Alex
Ricciuti, Elisa and Calo, Francesca
Sancino, Alessandro; Budd, Leslie and Pagani, Michela
Sancino, Alessandro; Pagani, Michela; Corvo, Luigi; Braga, Alessandro and Scognamiglio, Fulvio
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro and Budd, Leslie
Sancino, Alessandro; Meneguzzo, Marco and Cristofoli, Daniela
Sancino, Alessandro; Rees, James and Schindele, Irene
Schaefer, A.; Skea, J.; New, S.; Green, K. and Coulson, A.
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja and Crane, A.
Schaefer, Anja and Harvey, Brian
Shand, Rory; Parker, Steven and Elliott, Catherine
Shorrock, Sarah; Parker, Steven; Olive, Phillipa; Addidle, Gareth; Dimelow, Mark; Martin, Douglas and Proctor, Tony
Smith, Anne M. and Wahga, Aqueel Imitiaz (2017) [Case Study] Reducing the negative environmental impact of SMEs in Pakistan’s leather and tanning industry. in Hastings, Gerard and Domegan, Christine, Social Marketing: Rebels with a Cause, Routledge.
Sweeting, D.; Hambleton, R.; Huxham, C.; Stewart, M. and Vangen, Siv
Taylor, Maureen
Underwood, Sarah; Blundel, Richard; Lyon, Fergus and Schaefer, Anja
Van Thiel, Sandra and Ongaro, Edoardo
Vangen, S. and Huxham, C.
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv and Barr, C.
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, C.
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Wahga, Aqueel; Blundel, Richard and Schaefer, Anja
Walmsley, Andreas; Decker-Lange, Carolin and Lange, Knut
Whimster, Sam and Budd, Leslie
Williams, Sarah; Schaefer, Anja and Blundel, Richard
Journal ItemTo Top
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Andrianova, Olga; Schaefer, Anja and Smolovic Jones, Owain
Anessi-Pessina, Eugenio; Barbera, Carmela; Langella, Cecilia; Manes-Rossi, Francesca; Sancino, Alessandro; Sicilia, Mariafrancesca and Steccolini, Ileana
Anner, Mark; Greer, Ian; Hauptmeier, Marco; Lillie, Nathan and Winchester, Nik
Anner, Mark; Greer, Ian; Hauptmeier, Marco; Lillie, Nathan and Winchester, Nik
Atkinson, Simon; Schaefer, Anja and Viney, Howard
Badell, Diego; Di Mascio, Fabrizio; Natalini, Alessandro; Ongaro, Edoardo; Stolfi, Francesco and Ysa, Tamyko
Baglioni, Simone; Calò, Francesca and Numerato, Dino
Bailey, Nick; Winchester, Nik and Ellis, Neil
Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie
Bailey, Nicholas and Winchester, Nik
Bailey, Nicholas and Winchester, Nik
Baker, Keith; Dunlop, Claire A and Ongaro, Edoardo
Bannink, Duco; Sancino, Alessandro and Sorrentino, Maddalena
Barbera, Carmela; Nabatchi, Tina; Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca
Barnes, D.; Halloway, R.; Hinton, M. and Mieczkowska, S.
Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Barnes, David; Hinton, Matthew and Mieczkowska, Suzanne
Barnes, David; Hinton, Matthew and Mieczkowska, Suzanne
Barnes, David; Hinton, Matthew and Mieczkowska, Suzanne
Barnes, David; Mieczkowska, Suzanne and Hinton, Matthew
Bartunek, Jean M.; Elsbach, Kimberly D.; Bell, Emma; Markides, Costas; Christianson, Marlys G.; Sutcliffe, Kathleen M.; Pratt, Michael G.; Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A.-M.; Glynn, Mary Ann; Ocasio, William; Burton, M. Diane and Ventresca, Marc J.
Batista, Luciano; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen; Hinton, Matthew and Analogbei, Mathew
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline and Ehren, Melanie
Baxter, Jacqueline; Floyd, Alan and Jewitt, Katharine
Baxter, Jacqueline and Jewitt, Katharine
Baxter, Jacqueline and John, Anna
Baxter, Jacqueline Aundree and Cornforth, Chris
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline and Clarke, John
Baxter, Jacqueline and Clarke, John
Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Baxter, Jacqueline and Haycock, Jo
Baxter, Jacqueline and Wise, Christine
Baxter, Jacqueline Aundrée
inspectors in a new regulatory regime for education in England.
Baxter, Jacqueline-Aundree
Beebeejaun, Yasminah; Durose, Catherine; Rees, James; Richardson, Jo and Richardson, Liz
Beebeejaun, Yasminah; Durose, Catherine; Rees, James; Richardson, Joanna and Richardson, Liz
Beer, Andrew; Ayres, Sarah; Clower, Terry; Faller, Fabian; Sancino, Alessandro and Sotarauta, Markku
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma and Cozza, Michela
Bell, Emma; Dacin, M. Tina and Toraldo, Maria Laura
Bell, Emma and Ruel, Stefanie
Bell, Emma; Sinclair, Amanda and Vachhani, Sheena
Bell, Emma; Winchester, Nik and Wray-Bliss, Edward
Bell, E.; Taylor, S. and Thorpe, R.
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma
Bell, Emma and Bridgman, Todd
Bell, Emma and Bridgman, Todd
Bell, Emma and Bryman, Alan
Bell, Emma and Clarke, D. W.
Bell, Emma and Davison, Jane
Bell, Emma and de Gama, Nadia
Bell, Emma and King, Daniel
Bell, Emma; Kothiyal, Nivedita and Willmott, Hugh
Bell, Emma and Leonard, Pauline
Bell, Emma; Meriläinen, Susan; Taylor, Scott and Tienari, Janne
Bell, Emma; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma; Panayiotou, Alexia and Sayers, Janet
Bell, Emma and Sinclair, Amanda
Bell, Emma and Sinclair, Amanda
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma and Taylor, Scott
Bell, Emma; Taylor, Scott and Driscoll, Cathy
Bell, Emma; Taylor, Scott and Thorpe, Richard
Bell, Emma; Taylor, Scott and Thorpe, Richard
Bell, Emma; Tienari, Janne and Hansson, Magnus
Bell, Emma and Vachhani, Sheena J.
Bell, Emma and Willmott, Hugh
Bellé, Nicola and Ongaro, Edoardo
Bengo, Irene; Boni, Leonardo and Sancino, Alessandro
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard; Monaghan, Adrian and Thomas, Christine
Blundel, Richard; Smith, David; Ackrill, Robert and Schaefer, Anja
Blundel, Richard and Smith, David J.
Blundel, Richard and Thatcher, Michael
Blundel, Richard and Tregear, Angela
Blundel, Richard K.
Blundel, Richard K. and Hingley, Martin K.
Blundel, Richard K. and Lyon, Fergus
Blundel, Richard K. and Smith, David J.
Bontenbal, Ilona; Calo, Francesca; Montgomery, Tom and Baglioni, Simone
Bothe, Katharina and Decker-Lange, Carolin
Braga, Alessandro and Sancino, Alessandro
Braga, Alessandro; Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca
Brewis, Deborah N and Bell, Emma
Bridgman, Todd and Bell, Emma
Brownlow, Graham and Budd, Leslie
Brownlow, Graham and Budd, Leslie
Bryson, John; Sancino, Alessandro; Benington, John and Sørensen, Eva
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie and Paladini, Stefania
Budd, Leslie; Sancino, Alessandro; Pagani, Michela; Kristmundsson, Ómar and Roncevic, Borut
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie and Harris, Martin
Budd, Leslie and Hirmis, Amer K.
Budd, Leslie and Parr, John
Budd, Leslie and Sancino, Alessandro
Bufali, Maria Vittori; Calò, Francesca; Morton, Alec and Connelly, Graham
Calò, Francesca; Collins, Marissa; Donaldson, Cam and Roy, Michael
Calo, Francesca; Montgomery, Thomas and Baglioni, Simone
Calo, Francesca; Montgomery, Tom and Baglioni, Simone
Calò, Francesca; Numerato, Dino; Bontenbal, Ilona; Kourac, Nikos and Scognamiglio, Fulvio
Calo, Francesca; Roy, Michael; Donaldson, Cam; Teasdale, Simon and Baglioni, Simone
Calò, Francesca; Sancino, Alessandro and Scognamiglio, Fulvio
Calò, Francesca; Scognamiglio, Fulvio; Bellazzecca, Enrico and Ongaro, Edoardo
Calò, Francesca; Teasdale, Simon; Roy, Michael J.; Bellazzecca, Enrico and Mazzei, Micaela
Calo, Francesca; Roy, Michael; Donaldson, Cam; Teasdale, Simon and Baglioni, Simone
Calo, Francesca; Steiner, Artur; Millar, Stephen and Teasdale, Simon
Calò, Francesca; Teasdale, Simon; Donaldson, Cam; Roy, Michael J. and Baglioni, Simone
Calvo, Sara
Calvo, Sara; Celini, Luciano; Morales, Andrés; Martínez, José Manuel Guaita and Núñez-Cacho Utrilla, Pedro
Calvo, Sara; Lyon, Fergus; Morales, Andrés and Wade, Jeremy
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andrés
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andres
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andrés
Calvo, Sara; Morales, Andrés and Wade, Jeremy
Calvo, Sara; Syrett, Stephen and Morales, Andrés
Calvo Martinez, Sara; Morales, Andrés and Gómez, Jefferson Enrique Arias
Calvo Martinez, Sara; Morales, Andrés; Martín Martín, José María and Molina Moreno, Valentín
Calvo Martinez, Sara; Morales, Andrés; Núñez-Cacho Utrilla, Pedro and Guaita Martínez, José Manuel
Campanale, C; Mauro, S G and Sancino, Alessandro
Clark, Peter and Blundel, Richard
Clarke, Jean; Holt, Robin and Blundel, Richard
Clarke, John and Baxter, Jacqueline
Clifton, Jonathan and Dai, Wenjin
Cluley, Victoria; Parker, Steven and Radnor, Zoe
Cluley, Victoria; Parker, Steven and Radnor, Zoe
Corner, Ian and Hinton, Matthew
Cornforth, Chris; Hayes, John Paul and Vangen, Siv
Cornforth, Chris; Hayes, John Paul and Vangen, Siv
Cristofoli, Daniela; Trivellato, Benedetta; Sancino, Alessandro; Maccio’, Laura and Markovic, Josip
Cucciniello, Maria; Guerrazzi, Claudia; Nasi, Greta and Ongaro, Edoardo
Cunliffe, Ann and Bell, Emma
Dadd, Deneise and Hinton, Matthew
Dai, Wenjin; Gilani, Parisa; Rook, Caroline and Oyon, Eva
Dai, Wenjin; Gosling, Jonathan and Pye, Annie
Decker, Carolin
Decker, Carolin and Baade, Annika
Decker, Carolin and Günther, Christina
Decker, Carolin and Günther, Christina
Decker, Carolin and Lange, Knut S. G.
Decker, Carolin and Lange, Knut S.G.
Decker, Carolin and Mellewigt, Thomas
Decker, Carolin and Mellewigt, Thomas
Decker, Carolin; Welpe, Isabell M. and Ankenbrand, Bernd H.
Decker-Lange, Carolin; Lange, Knut; Dhaliwal, Spinder and Walmsley, Andreas
Decker-Lange, Carolin
Decker-Lange, Carolin; Singer, Marie-Noëlle and Schrader, Florian
Dewandre, Nicole and Ongaro, Edoardo
Di Mascio, Fabrizio; Galli, Davide; Natalini, Alessandro; Ongaro, Edoardo and Stolfi, Francesco
Di Mascio, Fabrizio; Natalini, Alessandro; Ongaro, Edoardo and Stolfi, Francesco
Diamond, Janet and Vangen, Siv
Dunlop, Claire A.; Ongaro, Edoardo and Baker, Keith
Durose, Catherine; Needham, Catherine; Mangan, Catherine and Rees, James
Edwards, Michael and Budd, Leslie
Ehren, M.; Paterson, A.; Camphuijsen, M. and Baxter, J.
Esposito, Paolo; Braga, Alessandro; Sancino, Alessandro and Ricci, Paolo
Esposito, Paolo; Ricci, Paolo and Sancino, Alessandro
Floyd, Alan; Baxter, Jacqueline; Morales, Andres and Bari, Rehana
Francis, Graham; Hinton, Matthew; Holloway, Jacky and Humphreys, Ian
Garavaglia, Christian; Sancino, Alessandro and Trivellato, Benedetta
Gerli, Paolo; Mora, Luca; Zhang, Jun and Sancino, Alessandro
Giacomini, Davide; Martini, Mattia; Sancino, Alessandro; Zola, Paola and Cavenago, Dario
Giacomini, Davide; Paredi, Diego and Sancino, Alessandro
Giacomini, Davide and Sancino, Alessandro
Giacomini, Davide; Sancino, Alessandro and Simonetto, Anna
Hampton, Sam; Blundel, Richard; Eadson, Will; Northall, Phil and Sugar, Katherine
Hampton, Sam; Blundel, Richard; Wahga, Aqueel; Fawcett, Tina and Shaw, Christopher
Hartley, Jean; Ongaro, Edoardo; Quick, Kathy and Schröter, Eckhard
Hartley, Jean; Parker, Steven and Beashel, Jim
Hartley, Jean; Sancino, Alessandro; Bennister, Mark and Resodihardjo, Sandra L.
Harvey, Brian and Schaefer, Anja
Heslin, Margaret; Jewell, Amelia; Croxford, Sara; Chau, Cuong; Smith, Shubulade; Pittrof, Rudiger; Covshoff, Elana; Sullivan, Ann; Delpech, Valerie; Brown, Alison; King, Helena; Kakaiya, Mina; Campbell, Lucy; Hughes, Elizabeth and Stewart, Robert
Hill, Inge
Hill, Inge
Hill, Inge; Manning, Louise and Frost, Richard
Hill, Inge
Hill, Inge
Hinton, C. M. and Kaye, G. R.
Hinton, C. Matthew
Hinton, C. Matthew and Barnes, David
Hinton, C. Matthew and Tao, Yan
Hinton, Matthew and Barnes, David
Hinton, Matthew and Barnes, David
Holloway, J.; Francis, G.; Hinton, M. and Mayle, D.
Holloway, Jacky; Francis, Graham and Hinton, Matthew
Hoque, Kim; Taylor, Scott and Bell, Emma
Horáčková, Clare; Bloomfield, Sarah; Pereira, Carla Roberta and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle
Horrocks, Ivan and Budd, Leslie
Huxham, C. S. and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Imperiale, Francesca; Sancino, Alessandro; Fasiello, Roberta and Ricci, Paolo
Ince, Rebecca and Marvin, Simon
Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol and Rees, James
Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol; Vangen, Siv; Smolovic Jones, Owain; Haslam, Daniel; Mutwarasibo, Fidèle; Britton, Helen and Logan, Kay
Källström, Lisa; Mauro, Sara; Sancino, Alessandro and Grossi, Giuseppe
Kenny, Kate and Bell, Emma
Kickert, Walter and Ongaro, Edoardo
Kickert, Walter and Ongaro, Edoardo
King, Daniel; Griffin, Martyn and Bell, Emma
King, Helen; Morris, Joe; Graves, Anil; Bradbury, Richard B.; McGinlay, James and Bullock, James M.
King, Helena
Klapper, Rita G.; Upham, Paul and Blundel, Richard K.
Koomen, Philip and Blundel, Richard K.
Kothiyal, Nivedita; Bell, Emma and Clarke, Caroline
Kunter, Aylin and Bell, Emma
Langley, Ann; Bell, Emma; Bliese, Paul; LeBaron, Curtis and Gruber, Marc
Martin, Chris; Upham, Paul and Budd, Leslie
Martín Martín, José María; Calvo Martínez, Sara; Guaita Martínez, José Manuel and Ribeiro Soriano, Domingo Enrique
Martín Martín, José María; Ruiz Martos, María José; Morales Pachón, Andrés and Calvo Martínez, Sara
Mazzei, Micaela; Teasdale, Simon; Calo, Francesca and Roy, Michael
McGreal, S.; Berry, J.; Budd, Leslie and Scales, P.
Meadows, Maureen; Merendino, Alessandro; Dibb, Sally; Garcia-Perez, Alexeis; Hinton, Matthew; Papagiannidis, Savvas; Pappas, Ilias and Wang, Huamao
Meier, Matthias; Lütkewitte, Martina; Mellewigt, Thomas and Decker, Carolin
Mele, Valentina and Ongaro, Edoardo
Mellewigt, Thomas and Decker, Carolin
Mellewigt, Thomas and Decker, Carolin
Mellewigt, Thomas; Decker, Carolin and Eckhard, Björn
Mellewigt, Thomas; Ehrmann, Thomas and Decker, Carolin
Meneguzzo, Marco; Sancino, Alessandro; Guenon, Marcel and Fiorani, Gloria
Mieczkowska, Suzanne; Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Millar, Stephen; Steiner, Artur; Calo, Francesca and Teasdale, Simon
Miller, Robin and Rees, James
Montgomery, Tom; Calo, Francesca and Baglioni, Simone
Morales, Andrés and Calvo, Sara
Morales, Andrés; Calvo, Sara; Guaita Martínez, José Manuel and Martín Martín, José María
Mutwarasibo, Fidèle
Mutwarasibo, Fidèle
Nabatchi, Tina; Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca
Newbigging, Karen; Mohan, John; Rees, James; Harlock, Jenny and Davis, Alex
Newbigging, Karen; Rees, James; Ince, Rebecca; Mohan, John; Joseph, Doreen; Ashman, Michael; Norden, Barbara; Dare, Ceri; Bourke, Suzanne and Costello, Benjamin
O'Donnell, Emily; Thorne, Colin; Ahilan, Sangaralingam; Arthur, Scott; Birkinshaw, Stephen; Butler, David; Dawson, David; Everett, Glyn; Fenner, Richard; Glenis, Vassilis; Kapetas, Leon; Kilsby, Chris; Krivtsov, Vladimir; Lamond, Jessica; Maskrey, Shaun; O'Donnell, Greg; Potter, Karen; Vercruysse, Kim; Vilcan, Tudorel and Wright, Nigel
Obeng, Bernard Aquah and Blundel, Richard K.
Okkonen, Ida; Takala, Tuomo and Bell, Emma
Oluyadi, Lydia and Dai, Wenjin
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo; Di Mascio, Fabrizio and Natalini, Alessandro
Ongaro, Edoardo; Gong, Ting and Jing, Yijia
Ongaro, Edoardo; Gong, Ting and Jing, Yijia
Ongaro, Edoardo and Longo, Francesco
Ongaro, Edoardo and Sancino, Alessandro
Ongaro, Edoardo; Sancino, Alessandro; Pluchinotta, Irene; Williams, Hannah; Kitchener, Martin and Ferlie, Ewan
Ongaro, Edoardo and Tantardini, Michele
Ongaro, Edoardo and Tantardini, Michele
Ongaro, Edoardo and Tantardini, Michele
Ongaro, Edoardo and Tantardini, Michele
Ongaro, Edoardo and Tantardini, Michele
Ongaro, Edoardo and Yang, Yi
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo
Ongaro, Edoardo and Ferlie, Ewan
Ongaro, Edoardo and Ferlie, Ewan
Ongaro, Edoardo; Ferré, Francesca and Fattore, Giovanni
Ongaro, Edoardo; Gong, Ting and Jing, Yijia
Ongaro, Edoardo and Kickert, Walter
Ozga, Jenny; Baxter, Jacqueline; Clarke, John; Grek, Sotiria and Lawn, Martin
Pagani, Michela; Sancino, Alessandro and Budd, Leslie
Parker, Steven; Cluley, Victoria and Radnor, Zoe
Parker, Steven; Hartley, Jean; Beashel, Jim and Vo, Quoc
Parker, Steven and Liddle, Joyce
Parker, Steven
Parker, Steven
Parker, Steven
Parr, John B. and Budd, Leslie
Patel, Taran and Schaefer, Anja
Pérez, Laura Pamela; Castanho, Rui Alexandre; Calvo Martinez, Sara and Morales Pachón, Andrés
Potluka, Oto; Sancino, Alessandro; Diamond, John and Rees, James
Potter, Karen and Vilcan, Tudorel
Pykett, Jessica; Saward, Michael and Schaefer, Anja
Rees, James
Rees, James; Sancino, Alessandro; Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol and Pagani, Michela
Rees, James; Whitworth, Adam and Carter, Elle
Rees, James; Miller, Robin and Buckingham, Heather
Rees, James and Rose, Nigel
Reid, Kristen; Butler, Diane; Comfort, Catherine and Potter, Andrew
Reid, Kristen and Griffith, Jon
Ricciuti, Elisa and Calo, Francesca
Richardson, Liz; Purdam, Kingsley; Cotterill, Sarah; Rees, James; Squires, Graham and Askew, Rebecca
Ridding, Lucy E; Redhead, John W; Oliver, Tom H; Schmucki, Reto; McGinlay, James; Graves, Anil R; Morris, Joe; Bradbury, Richard B; King, Helen and Bullock, James M
Rienties, Bart; Calò, Francesca; Corcoran, Suz; Chandler, Kathy; FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Haslam, Daniel; Harris, Claire A.; Perryman, Leigh-Anne; Sargent, Julia; Suttle, Martin and Wahga, Aqueel
Roy, Michael; Katsunori, Sato and Calo, Francesca
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro; Braga, Alessandro; Corvo, Luigi and Giacomini, Davide
Sancino, Alessandro; Carli, Giacomo and Giacomini, Davide
Sancino, Alessandro; Garavaglia, Christian; Sicilia, Mariafrancesca and Braga, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro; Scognamiglio, Fulvio; Corvo, Luigi; Imperiale, Francesca and Pasi, Giulio
Sancino, Alessandro; Stafford, Max; Braga, Alessandro and Budd, Leslie
Sancino, Alessandro and Tasselli, Stefano
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro
Sancino, Alessandro and Castellani, Lorenzo
Sancino, Alessandro; Grossi, Giuseppe and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca
Sancino, Alessandro and Hudson, Lorraine
Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca
Sancino, Alessandro and Turrini, Alex
Sayers, Janet; Martin, Lydia and Bell, Emma
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja and Crane, Andrew
Schaefer, Anja and Harvey, Brian
Schaefer, Anja and Harvey, Brian
Schaefer, Anja and Kerrigan, Finola
Schaefer, Anja; Williams, Sarah and Blundel, Richard
Schröter, Eckhard; Quick, Kathy; Ongaro, Edoardo and Hartley, Jean
Schüßler, Elke; Decker, Carolin and Lerch, Frank
Scognamiglio, Fulvio; Sancino, Alessandro; Calo, Francesca; Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol and Rees, James
Sepulveda, Leandro; Syrett, Stephen and Calvo, Sara
Shand, Rory; Parker, Steven; Liddle, Joyce; Spolander, Gary; Warwick, Lisa and Ainsworth, Susan
Sicilia, Mariafrancesca; Guarini, Enrico; Sancino, Alessandro; Andreani, Martino and Ruffini, Renato
Sicilia, Mariafrancesca; Guarini, Enrico; Sancino, Alessandro; Andreani, Martino and Ruffini, Renato
Sicilia, Mariafrancesca; Sancino, Alessandro; Nabatchi, Tina and Guarini, Enrico
Smith, David J. and Blundel, Richard
Smolović Jones, Owain; Smolovic-Jones, Sanela; Haslam, Daniel and Barthold, Charles
Smolovic-Jones, Sanela; Winchester, Nik and Clarke, Caroline
Smolovic-Jones, Nela; Smolovic Jones, Owain; Winchester, Nik and Grint, Keith
Steiner, Artur; Calò, Francesca and Shucksmith, Mark
Strüder, Inge
Sutherland, Callum; Calo, Francesca; Steiner, Artur and Vanderhoven, Ellen
Tabares, Sabrina; Morales, Andrés; Calvo, Sara and Molina Moreno, Valentín
Tasselli, Stefano and Sancino, Alessandro
Taylor, Rebecca; Rees, James and Damm, Christopher
Taylor, Scott; Bell, Emma and Cooke, Bill
Taylor, Scott; Bell, Emma; Grugulis, Irene; Storey, John and Taylor, Lee
Terry, Vita; Rees, James and Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol
Torfing, Jacob; Ferlie, Ewan; Jukić, Tina and Ongaro, Edoardo
Vachhani, Sheena and Bell, Emma
Vanderhoven, Ellen; Steiner, Artur; Calo, Francesca and Teasdale, Simon
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv; Hayes, John Paul and Cornforth, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik
Velez‐Ospina, Jorge A.; Siepel, Josh; Hill, Inge and Rowe, Frances
Vilcan, Tudorel
Vilcan, Tudorel and Potter, Karen
Wahga, Aqueel; Blundel, Richard and Schaefer, Anja
Weller, Ingo; Mellewigt, Thomas and Decker, Carolin
Wessel, Stephan; Decker, Carolin; Lange, Knut S.G. and Hack, Andreas
Williams, Sarah and Schaefer, Anja
Winchester, N.
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik and Bailey, Nicholas
Wu, Bin and Winchester, Nik
Wu, Ting; Daniel, Elizabeth; Hinton, Matthew and Quintas, Paul
Wynen, Jan; Verhoest, Koen; Ongaro, Edoardo; van Thiel, Sandra and in cooperation with the COBRA netwo
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Alderton, T. and Winchester, N.
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Alderton, Tony and Winchester, Nik
Anner, M.; Greer, I.; Hauptmeier, M.; Lillie, N. and Winchester, N.
Anner, Mark; Greer, Ian; Hauptmeier, Marco; Lillie, Nathan and Winchester, Nik
Aslam, Raees; Blundel, Richard and Wahga, Aqueel
Barnes, David and Hinton, Matthew
Batista, Luciano; Hinton, Matthew; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen
Batista, Luciano; Meadows, Maureen; Dibb, Sally; Hinton, Matthew and Analogbei, Mathew
Baxter, J A; Floyd, A and Jewitt, Katharine
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline
Baxter, Jacqueline; Cornforth, Chris and Stansfield, Annette
Baxter, Jacqueline and Ehren, Melanie
Baxter, Jacqueline and Farrell, Catherine
Baxter, Jacqueline and Haycock, Jo
Baxter, Jacqueline and Ozga, Jenny
Baxter, Jacqueline-Aundree
Bloomfield, Sarah; Horáčková, Clare; Pereira, Carla Roberta and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle
Bloomfield, Sarah; Marshall, Helen; Timmins, Susan; Reid, Kristen and Myers, Fran
Bloomfield, Sarah; Mooney, Evelyn; Marshall, Helen; Salter, Abigail; Reid, Kristen; Smith, Maria and Abbott, Christine
Bloomfield, Sarah; Pereira, Carla; Mutwarasibo, Fidèle; Horáčková, Clare; McArthur, Marni and Phillips, Mike
Bloomfield, Sarah; Pereira, Carla Roberta; Horáčková, Clare and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard
Blundel, Richard; Baldock, Robert; Dadd, Deneise; Schaefer, Anja and Williams, Sarah
Blundel, Richard; Fawcett, Tina; Shaw, Chris; Hampton, Sam and Westall, Andrea
Blundel, Richard; Killip, Gavin and Fawcett, Tina
Blundel, Richard; Koomen, Philip and Bell, Emma
Blundel, Richard; Lyon, Fergus and Spence, Laura J.
Blundel, Richard and Monaghan, Adrian
Blundel, Richard and Monaghan, Adrian
Blundel, Richard; Monaghan, Adrian and Thomas, Christine
Blundel, Richard; Obeng, Bernard and Agyapong, Ahmed
Blundel, Richard and Spence, Laura J.
Blundel, Richard; Spence, Laura J. and Zerbinati, Stefania
Blundel, Richard and Winchester, Nik
Blundel, Richard K.; Lyon, Fergus and Spence, Laura J.
Borgonovi, Elio and Sancino, Alessandro
Budd, L.; Barry, J.; McGreal, S. and Scales, P.
Budd, Les and Horrocks, Ivan
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie
Budd, Leslie and Hirmis, Amer
Budd, Leslie and Tyrrall, David
Budd, Leslie and Woods, Adrian
Charitonos, K.; Gillespie, M.; Dancu, L.; O'Malley, O.; Al-Rashid, A.; Martin, S.; Wilding, C.; Graffin, N.; Mutwarasibo, F. and Babjak, M.
Corner, Ian and Hinton, Matthew
Corner, Ian and Hinton, Matthew
Dadd, Deneise and Hinton, Matthew
Dadd, Deneise and Hinton, Matthew
Dai, Wenjin
Dai, Wenjin
Dai, Wenjin
Dai, Wenjin; Gosling, Jonathon and Pye, Annie
Dai, Wenjin and Hennig, Alicia
Decker, Carolin
Decker, Carolin and Günther, Christina
Decker, Carolin and Günther, Christina
Decker, Carolin and Günther, Christina
Decker, Carolin and Günther, Christina
Decker, Carolin and Günther, Christina
Decker, Carolin and Lange, Knut
Decker, Carolin; Singer, Noëlle and Schrader, Florian
Decker, Carolin; Singer, Noëlle and Schrader, Florian
Decker, Carolin; Singer, Noëlle and Schrader, Florian
Decker-Lange, Carolin
Ehren, Melanie; Paterson, Andrew and Baxter, Jacqueline
Ehren, Melanie; Paterson, Andrew and Baxter, Jacqueline
Emberson, Caroline; Gould, Nick; Hearne, Pam; Huxham, Chris; Knight, Louise; Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik
Filiou, Despoina; Lebreton, Adrien; Bojkova, Viara; Estelle, Nicolas; Reid, Kristen; Deng, Jie; Carli, Giacomo; Kasimati, Aikaterini and Arampatzis, Stratos
Hampton, Sam; Blundel, Richard; Fawcett, Tina and Shaw, Chris
Hayes, John Paul; Cornforth, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Hayes, John Paul; Cornforth, Chris and Vangen, Siv
Hinton, Matthew
Hinton, Matthew
Hinton, Matthew and Corner, Ian
Hinton, Matthew and Dadd, Deneise
Hinton, Matthew; Francis, G. A. and Holloway, Jacky
Hinton, Matthew and Tao, Yan
Holloway, Jacky; Hinton, Matthew and Mayle, David
Holloway, Jacky; Hinton, Matthew and Mayle, David
Huxham, C. and Vangen, Siv
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
King, Helena
King, Helena
King, Helena
King, Helena
King, Helena
King, Helena; Harrison, Virginia and Pike, Graham
King, Helena and Witney, Thomas
King, Helena and Witney, Thomas
King, Helen; Harrison, Virginia and Pike, Graham
King, Helena and Burgess, Paul
King, Helena and Graves, Anil
King, Helena; Stojanovic, Tim and Church, Andrew
Lampe, F. C.; Smith, C. J.; Pelchen-Matthews, A.; Aghaizu, A.; Kall, M.; Kelly, C.; Kitt, H.; Humphreys, C.; Sparrowhawk, A.; Herieka, E.; Fearnley, N.; King, H.; Nakagawa, F.; Sewell, J. and Rodger, A. R.
Lyon, Fergus and Blundel, Richard
Mayle, David; Hinton, Matthew and Holloway, Jacky
Mellewigt, Thomas; Hoetker, Glenn and Decker, Carolin
Monaghan, Adrian; Blundel, Richard and Thomas, Christine
Mordaunt, Jill and Reid, Kristen
Mordaunt, Jill and Reid, Kristen
Myers, Fran; Reid, Kristen and Bloomfield, Sarah
Reid, Kristen; Bloomfield, Sarah and Myers, Fran
Reid, Kristen
Reid, Kristen
Reid, Kristen and Mordaunt, Jill
Robinson, Sarah; Ramanau, Ruslan; Reid, Kristen and Honnor, Keith
Robinson, Sarah; Reid, Kristen and Schmidt, Gerald
Ruffini, Renato; Tuca, Mihaela; Sancino, Alessandro and Andreani, Martino
Rutter, Sarah; King, Helena and Josh, Jo
Sancino, Alessandro; Carli, Giacomo; Giacomini, Davide and Pagani, Michela
Schaefer, Anja
Schaefer, Anja; Pardo, Eva and Roloff, Julia
Schaefer, Anja and Preuss, Lutz
Schaefer, Anja; Williams, Sarah and Blundel, Richard
Sharp, Marie-Louise; Harrison, Virginia; Soloman, Noa; King, Helen; Fear, Nicola and Pike, Graham
Singer, Noëlle; Brüning, Hendrikje and Decker-Lange, Carolin
Singer, Noëlle; Brüning, Hendrikje and Decker-Lange, Carolin
Smith, David and Blundel, Richard
Smolovic-Jones, S.; Smolovic Jones, O.; Winchester, N. and Grint, K.
Syrett, Stephen; Baldock, Rob and Blundel, Richard
Tao, Sophia Yan and Hinton, Matthew
Tao, Yan; Hinton, Matthew and Little, Stephen Edgar
Vangen, S. and Huxham, C.
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, C
Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris
Vangen, Siv and McGuire, Michael
Vangen, Siv; Potter, Karen and Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol
Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik
Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik
Wahga, Aqueel; Blundel, Richard and Schaefer, Anja
Wahga, Aqueel Imtiaz; Blundel, Richard and Schaefer, Anja
Williams, Sarah and Schaefer, Anja
Williams, Sarah; Schaefer, Anja and Blundel, Richard
Winchester, N. and Lillie, N.
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik
Winchester, Nik and Bailey, Nicholas
Winchester, Nik James and Bailey, Nicholas
Wishart, Maria; Schaefer, Anja and Reid, Kristen
ThesisTo Top
Adeyemi, Adewale A.
Andrianova, Olga
Calvo, Sara
Conway, Steve
de los Ángeles Gómez Benítez, María
Khalil, Loua
Kutlu, Gizem
Lamptey, R.O.
Mendy, Sampierre
Morales, Andrés
Pagani, Michela
Puranik, Akash
Puranik, Akash Nitin
Siqueira Machado, Pedro
Smolovic-Jones, Sanela
Vivyan, Sally
Williams, Sarah
Wishart, Maria
OtherTo Top
Baxter, Jacqueline (2011). Public sector professional identities: a review of the literature. The Open University, UK, The Open University, UK.
Blundel, Richard (2023). SMEs and Net Zero: how to get there (from here). In Entrepreneurship Policy and Practice Insights Vol.1 (3) Entrepreneurship Policy and Practice Insights Vol.1 (3). Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Blundel, Richard (2023). Getting to grips with ESG: environmental, social and governance priorities for SMEs. SME Today, The Great British Expos Ltd, Rugely, Staffordshire, UK.
Blundel, Richard (2023). How Smaller Businesses can Become Net-Zero Influencers and Enablers. UKERC.
Blundel, Richard and Hampton, Sam (2021). How Can SMEs Contribute to Net Zero?: An Evidence Review. State of the Art Reviews 51; In State of the Art Review series Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick.
Blundel, Richard and Hampton, Sam (2021). Eco-innovation and Green Start-ups: An Evidence Review. Enterprise Research Centre.
Blundel, Richard; Ramirez, Matias and Nye, Sheridan (2010). Climate Solidarity: A Review of Methodologies to Monitor and Evaluate Workplace Engagement. Defra, London.
Blundel, Richard and Smith, David (2001). Business networks SMEs and inter-firm collaboration: a review of the research literature with implications for policy. The Small Business Service, Sheffield.
Blundel, Richard Kenneth (2003). The growth of 'connected' firms: a re-appraisal of Penrosian theory and its application to artisanal firms operating in contemporary business networks. Richard Blundel.
Budd, Leslie (2001). Regional convergence in the EU: the Commission's view. In Regions Newsletter of the Regional Studies Association.
Budd, Leslie; Grimsley, Mike; Horrocks, Ivan; Meehan, Anthony; Minocha, Shailey and Walker, Steve (2012). eGovernment for You: Impact Evaluation Framework. The Open University.
Budd, Leslie; Grimsley, Mike; Horrocks, Ivan; Meehan, Anthony; Minocha, Shailey and Walker, Steve (2012). eGovernment for You: Work Package 7: Impact Evaluation: Training and Support Materials, Schedules and Methods. The Open University.
Budd, Leslie and Sancino, Alessandro (2016). Sport as a system of city leadership: comparing the case of Milton Keynes (UK) and Brescia (Italy). In Regions Regions Magazine, Regional Studies Association.
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andrés (2014). Exploring complementary currencies in Europe: a comparative study of local initiatives in Spain and the United Kingdom. Living In Minca.
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andrés (2013). Exploring the Dynamics of Social Enterprises in Tanzania. Living In Minca.
Calvo, Sara and Morales, Andrés (2013). The Social and Solidarity Economy in Ecuador: opportunities and challenges. Living In Minca.
Centre for Policing Research and Learning (2018). Implementing the Transformation of Police Learning and Development. Dream: the vision for the project. The Open University Business School.
Centre for Policing Research and Learning (2018). Implementing the Transformation of Police Learning and Development. Deliver: the outcomes of the project. The Open University Business School.
Centre for Policing Research and Learning (2018). Implementing the Transformation of Police Learning and Development. Design: the approach taken by the project. The Open University Business School.
Centre for Policing Research and Learning (2018). Implementing the Transformation of Police Learning and Development. Dialogue: engaging with the project. The Open University Business School.
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