Currently browsing: Department for People and Organisations

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2025To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah and Almubarak, Norah (2025). Investigating the lived experience of a female angel investor support network in the Saudi Arabian context. In: IERC 2025: 1st International Entrepreneurship Research Conference: “The Future of Entrepreneurship, Family Business & Education Research: New Trends & Innovative Practices”, 20-23 Jan 2025, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman College (MBSC), KAEC. Jeddah, KSA.

Bloomfield, Sarah and Almubarak, Norah (2025). Employing a co-interviewing approach to gain insight into female entrepreneurship practices in the Arab world. In: Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), 28 Jan 2025-29 Jan 2025, University of Bath, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Mooney, Evelyn; Salter, Abigail; Reid, Kristen; Marshall, Helen and Smith, Maria (2025). Employing a world-café for research purposes: warts and all. In: Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), 28 Jan 2025-29 Jan 2025, University of Bath, UK.

Bristow, Alexandra; Robinson, Sarah and Ratle, Olivier (2025). Doing academia differently: A provocation review. Management Learning, 56(1) pp. 99–106.

Howard, Kerrie; Bloomfield, Sarah and Almubarak, Norah Mohammad (2025). Duo Interviewing: A means of strengthening data collection and analysis? In: Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), 28 Jan 2025-29 Jan 2025, University of Bath, UK.

Longman, Richard (2025). David Knights, FBA. In: Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert J.; Williams, Kristin S. and Bendl, Regine eds. Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender in Management. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 86–88.

Power-Mason, Phil; Charlton, Helen; Walker-Martin, Francesca and Bloomfield, Sarah (2025). A sector in crisis? Insights from how English higher education apprenticeships are weathering the storm. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning (Early access).

Ratle, Olivier; Bristow, Alexandra and Robinson, Sarah (2025). Misfitting together. In: Hoppe, Magnus; Siegert, Steffi; Temiz, Serdar; Hasselgren, Anton and Seifan, Fatemeh eds. Academic Misfits: Questioned Belongings in Higher Education. London: Routledge [In press].

Ruel, Stefanie and Brewis, Jo (2025). Menopause at work. In: Helms Mills, Jean; Mills, Albert J.; Williams, Kristen S. and Bendl, Regine eds. Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender in Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (In Press).

Smolović Jones, Owain; Smolović Jones, Nela and Carroll, Brigid (2025). Spacing leadership with Greta Thunberg: A materialising ‘story-so-far’. Organization Studies (Early access).

2024To Top

Abdellatif, Amal; Gatto, Mark; O'Shea, Saoirse and Yarrow, Emily (2024). Ties that bind: An inclusive feminist approach to subvert gendered “othering” in times of crisis. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(4) pp. 1463–1478.

Almubarak, Norah and Bloomfield, Sarah (2024). The lived experience of female angel investors in a Saudi Arabian context. In: British Academy of Management Conference, 02-06 Sep 2024, Nottingham Trent University.

Barros, Amon; Bristow, Alexandra; Contu, Alessia; Wanderley, Sergio and Prasad, Ajnesh (2024). Politicizing and humanizing management learning and education with Paulo Freire. Management Learning, 55(1) pp. 3–16.

Barthold, Charles (2024). Resisting the Financialization of corporate governance with Deleuze and Guattari. In: Clarke, Thomas; Khlif, Wafa and Ingley, Coral eds. Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance. Elgar, pp. 23–24.

Barthold, Charles (2024). Leadership and the promise of democracy. In: Knights, David; Liu, Helena; Smolović-Jones, Owain and Wilson, Suze eds. The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. Routledge Companions in Business and Management. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge, pp. 403–413.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2024). Engaging with employers to enhance workplace skills development: Example from the Level 6 Management Degree Apprenticeship. In: Employability Scholarship Network Event, 10 Dec 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Marshall, Helen; Timmins, Susan; Reid, Kristen and Myers, Fran (2024). Tension, emotion and altruism: line managers as unsung heroes at the workforce development coalface? In: UALL–SCUTREA Conference 2024: Thinking globally and acting locally for lifelong learning, 1-3 Jul 2024, SOAS, University of London.

Bloomfield, Sarah and Mooney, Evelyn (2024). Maximising the opportunity provided by the ‘tripartite relationship’ in degree apprenticeships. In: Pan University project dissemination event, 25 Nov 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Nottingham, Paula; Sutton, Louise; Timmins, Susan and Mao, Yan (2024). Modelling work-based learning on degree apprenticeships as an integrated learning experience. In: 12th Chartered Association of Business Schools Conference on Learning, Teaching and Student Experience, 14-15 May 2024, Birmingham, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Pradies, Camille and Tunarosa, Andrea (2024). Employing a cultural toolkit to work through paradox. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2024(1).

Borgstrom, Erica; Schiff, Rebekah; Khan, Shaheen; Hindley, Esther; Thayabaran, Darmiga; Savage, Emily; Gough, Nicholas and Holti, Richard (2024). Practices, issues and possibilities at the interface between geriatrics and palliative care (InGaP): An exploratory study and knotworking. Health Open Research, 6(12)

Braun, Martin; Dawes, Anita; Jordan, Sally; Wood, Carlton; Andrianova, Olga; Nita, Maria; Gough, Georgina; Calder, Kathleen; Astles, Paul; Meade, Rosie; Cox, Teresa and Elliott, Anna (2024). Developing reflective assessment tasks to engage physics students with the key sustainability competencies. In: Advance HE’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: Future-Focused Education: Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact, 2-4 Jul 2024, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Bristow, Alexandra (2024). In the garden of dreams: Transgressive careers. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 237–240.

Bristow, Alexandra (2024). Haunting careers: the realm of academic ghosts. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 369–373.

Bristow, Alexandra; Ratle, Olivier and Robinson, Sarah (2024). Introduction: Entrance hall and cloakroom. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1–5.

Bristow, Alexandra; Robinson, Sarah and Ratle, Olivier (2024). Doing academia differently: a provocation review. Management Learning (In press).

Callahan, Evelyn; Vincent, Ben and Holti, Richard (2024). "I need to get on with it": Experiences of older trans people navigating healthcare. In: Toze, Michael; Willis, Paul and Hafford-Letchfield, Trish eds. Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts: Research into Practice. Bristol University Press, pp. 41–53.

Claes, Björn; Siraz, Sonia S.; De Castro, Julio and Lapeyre, Eléanor M. (2024). What is the quack about? Legitimation strategies and their perceived appropriateness in the foie gras industry. European Management Review (Early Access).

Domingos, Enzo; Pereira, Carla Roberta; Armellini, Fabiano; Danjou, Christophe and Facchini, Francesco (2024). Enabling technologies as a support to achieve resilience in supply chain operations. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Early access).

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Miller, Nicola; Selby-Fell, Helen and Bowles, Benjamin (2024). Policing the pandemic: deciding and acting in the face of uncertainty and the unexpected. In: Dickinson, Helen; Yates, Sophie; O'Flynn, Janine and Smith, Catherine eds. Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19. Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 192–205.

Frobisher, Graham; Price, Deborah and Brewis, Jo (2024). The 7th decade manager: who are you and what do you do? Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (Early access).

Furnham, A.; Cuppello, S. and Fenton-O'Creevy, M. (2024). Correlates of stock market investment. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 17(2) pp. 80–87.

Furnham, Adrian and Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2024). Money attitudes, budgeting and habits. Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, article no. 2450001.

Halfpenny, Andrew; Tahera, Khadija; Thumati, Balaje and Wynn-Jones, Chris (2024). Integration of physical and virtual tests for achieving high confidence in fatigue reliability of automotive battery systems. In: Fatigue 2024: 9th Engineering Integrity Society International Conference on Durability & Fatigue, 19-21 Jun 2024, Cambridge, UK.

Holti, Richard; Callahan, Evelyn; Fletcher, Jamie; Hope, Sam; Moller, Naomi; Vincent, Ben and Walley, Paul (2024). Improving the integration of care for trans adults. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 12(28)

Holti, Richard; Callahan, Evelyn; Fletcher, Jamie; Hope, Sam; Moller, Naomi; Vincent, Ben and Walley, Paul (2024). Improving the integration of care for trans adults: ICTA a mixed-methods study. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 12(28)

Longman, Richard and Mackintosh, Catherine (2024). Critical Theory and Human Resource Management. In: Hutchings, Kate; Michailova, Snejina and Wilkinson, Adrian eds. A Concise Guide to Key Theories for Human Resource Management Research. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 73–79.

Longman, Richard and Segarra, Paulina (2024). Editorial: Unlocking the critical imagination: QROM and the future of organization and management studies. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 19(3) pp. 153–162.

Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary and Glover, Hayley (2024). …You wouldn’t start from here: pandemic and post-pandemic teaching in higher education. In Teaching in Higher Education The blog of the journal Taylor & Francis.

Pereira, Carla; Tahera, Khadija; Mbalyohere, Charles and Matthew, George (2024). Conceptual system dynamics model to analyse the resilience of the energy supply chain. In: EurOMA 2024, 29 Jun - 04 Jul 2024, Barcelona, Spain.

Pereira, Carla Roberta and Yurt, Oznur (2024). Achieving resilience in service supply chains: The role of procurement. Palgrave Studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (PSLSCM). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG..

Pokorny, Helen; Bloomfield, Sarah and Booth, Joanna (2024). The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPeL) – How do we do this? In: UALL-SCUTREA Conference 2024: Thinking globally and acting locally for lifelong learning, 1-3 Jul 2024, SOAS, University of London.

Pokorny, Helen; Bloomfield, Sarah; Booth, Joanna; Rosamond, Victoria and Brown, Trevor A. (2024). Recognising prior experiential learning (in degree apprenticeships): New ways of thinking - why we should, why we aren't, and how we could be doing it. In: UVAC National Conference, 6 Nov 2024, Birmingham, UK.

Ratle, Olivier; Robinson, Sarah and Bristow, Alexandra (2024). Exit via the gift shop. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 417–421.

Rhoden, Maureen; Maguire, Claire; Gallagher, Clora; Tahera, Khadija and Mathur, Sahil (2024). Creating inclusive environments for students with dyslexia studying online in higher education. In: Innovating Higher Education Conference 2024, 23-25 Oct 2024, The Open University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus.

Rigg, Clare (2024). “Unknowingness” as a Route to Distributed Leadership [Video]. Sage Publications, Ltd.

Salter, Abigail and Bloomfield, Sarah (2024). Three’s a Crowd? Navigating the Complexities of Work-Based Learning Among Learners, Employers, and Educators: A Collaborative Approach in Higher Education. In: ISSOTL (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) 24, 28-31 Oct 2024, Indiana, USA.

Salter, Abigail; Bloomfield, Sarah and Smith, Maria (2024). Navigating the complexities of work-based learning among learners, employers, and educators workshop: Three’s a crowd? In: Centre for Policing Research and Learning (CPRL) 10th Anniversary Conference, 13-14 Nov 2024, Milton Keynes, UK.

Segarra, Paulina; Doshi, Vijayta; Śliwa, Martyna; Distinto, Marco and Osorio, Arturo (2024). The Business of (Im)migration: Bodies Across Borders. Journal of Business Ethics, 194 pp. 747–752.

Siraz, Sonia S.; Claes, Björn; Sanchez Preciado, Deycy J. and Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas (2024). Community Socioemotional Wealth as the Glue that Binds Distinct Communities in Enterprising: A Tale of Success from Colombia. Journal of Management Inquiry (Early access).

Smolović-Jones, Nela (2024). Becoming a Feminist-Activist Ethnographer: Generating Gender-Equal Democratic Practice. In Figiel, Kasia ed. Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research SAGE Publications, Inc..

Smolović-Jones, Nela; Johansson, Marjana; Pullen, Alison and Giritli-Nygren, Katarina (2024). Feminism and Social Movements: Notes on hope and despair. Gender, Work and Organization, 31(3) pp. 954–960.

Solovyeva, Olga and Bristow, Alexandra (2024). Business beyond politics? A-political corporate leadership in authoritarian Russia. In: Knights, David; Liu, Helena; Smolović-Jones, Owain and Wilson, Suze eds. The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. Routledge Companions in Business and Management. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Suhomlinova, Olga; O’Shea, Saoirse Caitlin and Boncori, Ilaria (2024). Rethinking gender diversity: Transgender and gender nonconforming people and gender as constellation. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(5) pp. 1766–1785.

Tahera, Khadija; Lockett, Helen and Jowers, Iestyn (2024). Consolidating the role of Digital Twins for integrated digital and physical testing in Product Development. In: 31st EurOMA Conference, 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2024, Barcelona, Spain.

Tyler, Melissa; Butler, Judith; Cutcher, Leanne; Milroy, Talila; Lloyd, Moya; Riach, Kathleen; Kenny, Kate; Al‐Amoudi, Ismael; Guschke, Bontu Lucie; Harding, Nancy and Smolović-Jones, Nela (2024). Strangers in conversation: Judith Butler with gender, work and organization. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(4) pp. 1444–1462.

Yamada Macicieski, Ana Paula Louise; Domingos, Enzo; Hoffmann, Juliana; Leite, Luciana Rosa and Pereira, Carla Roberta (2024). Drives and Barriers for Circular Ion-Lithium Battery Economy: A Case Study in an Automobile Manufacturer. In: Product Lifecycle Management. Leveraging Digital Twins, Circular Economy, and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Innovation. PLM 2023. (Danjou, Christophe; Harik, Ramy; Nyffenegger, Felix; Rivest, Louis and Bouras, Abdelaziz eds.), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (IFIPAICT volume 702), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 50–60.

2023To Top

Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. (2023). Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge.

Bailey, Simon; Lenglet, Marc; Lord, Gemma; Pierides, Dean and Tischer, Daniel (2023). Parasitic universes: Organisational and technological meddling in the social. New Technology, Work and Employment, 38(1) pp. 41–58.

Baralou, Evangelia (2023). Serious Games for Serious Learning in Hospitality Management Higher Education. American Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, 4(5) pp. 47–62.

Beck, Vanessa; Brewis, Jo; Davies, Andrea and Matheson, Jesse (2023). Cis women's bodies at work: co‐modification and (in)visibility in organization and management studies and menopause at work scholarship. International Journal of Management Reviews, 25(3) pp. 495–514.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2023). Alone in the woods with a gun: On the frontline as a Wildlife Ranger. In: EGOS Colloquium, 6-8 Jul 2023, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Horáčková, Clare; Pereira, Carla Roberta and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle (2023). Delivering the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship: what are the challenges and implications for good practice? In: UVAC Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Knowledge Network, 29 Nov 2023, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Pereira, Carla Roberta; Horáčková, Clare and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle (2023). Maximising the work-based learning opportunity provided by the Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA). In: Global Citizenship and Lifelong Learning, 26-28 Jun 2023, Madingley, Cambridge.

Bowles, Ben and Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2023). Investigating the role of ‘uncomfortable knowledge’ in failures to address longstanding problems harming the trustworthiness of UK policing. In: European Group for Public Administration Conference “Steering European Union Through Poly-Crises Storms: The Role of Public Administration", 5-8 Sep 2023, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.

Bristow, Alexandra (2023). I hope your journey is a long one: meandering careers. In: Robinson, Sarah; Bristow, Alexandra and Ratle, Olivier eds. Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 9–12.

Collins, Hilary; Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley (2023). Imaging the pandemic: Higher Education tutors’ narratives and photographs of precarious online living and learning. In: SRHE International Research Conference 2023, 4-8 Dec 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

Fenton‐O'Creevy, Mark and Furnham, Adrian (2023). Personality and wealth. Financial Planning Review, 6(2), article no. e1158.

Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary (2023). Stop all the clocks: Narratives of independence, interdependence, and resistance in digital teaching when the everyday is every day. In: BSA WES2023: British Sociological Association, Work Employment and Society Conference, 13-15 Sep 2023, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK.

Hamdani, Maria Riaz; Wallin, Ann; Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Fenton-O’Creevy, Mark (2023). Common Methodological Issues in Quantitative Management Education Research and Recommendations for Authors. Journal of Management Education, 47(6) pp. 572–588.

Kars-Unluoglu, Selen; Guneri Cangarli, Burcu; Yurt, Oznur and Gencer, Mehmet (2023). Migrants as “dissonant harmony-seekers” and migrant life in “foam”. Journal of Global Mobility, 11(1) pp. 125–144.

Li, Ai Qiang; Lahy, Andrew; Found, Pauline; Kumar, Maneesh and Claes, Björn (2023). Developing PSS business ecosystems in the digital era. Industrial Marketing Management, 109 pp. 121–134.

Liu, Yan and Tahera, Khadija (2023). A fuzzy decision-making approach for testing activity prioritisation and its application in an engine company. Applied Soft Computing, 142(110367)

Martin, Lynn; Dabic, Marina and Lord, Gemma (2023). Talent management in English universities during the coronavirus pandemic. Thunderbird International Business Review, 65(1) pp. 65–75.

Murphy, Victoria L. (2023). Multilevel mixed methods research designs in business and management. In: Cameron, Roslyn and Golenkop, Xanthe eds. Handbook of Mixed Methods Research in Business and Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 275–291.

O'Shea, Saoirse Caitlin and Worst, Steff (2023). Queer analysis. In: Katila, Saija; Meriläinen, Susan and Bell, Emma eds. Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 174–188.

Oliveira, Lucas Lima de; da Silva, Andrea Lago; Pereira, Carla Roberta and Chaudhuri, Atanu (2023). The stakeholder's roles in risk management related to food supply chain recalls: a systematic literature review. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(1) pp. 106–129.

Priola, Vincenza and O'Shea, Saoirse (2023). LGBTQ+ Inclusion. In: Yi, Ilcheong ed. Encyclopedia of Social and Solidarity Economy. Edward Elgar & United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force (UNTFSSE).

Quinones, Cristina (2023). Breast is best “until they say so”. An auto-ethnographic account of breastfeeding. In: 2023 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (ISAN), 2-5 Jan 2023, Online.

Reid, Kristen; Bloomfield, Sarah and Myers, Fran (2023). The straw that broke the camel's back?: a tensions based perspective on the role of Portfolios in aiding and restricting learning on the CMDA. In: UVAC Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Knowledge Network, 29 Nov 2023, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.

Saunders, Mark N. K.; Lewis, Philip; Thornhill, Adrian and Bristow, Alexandra (2023). Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development. In: Saunders, Mark N. K.; Lewis, Philip and Thornhill, Adrian eds. Research Methods for Business Students (9th edition). Harlow: Pearson, pp. 128–174.

Siraz, Sonia; Claes, Björn; De Castro, Julio and Vaara, Eero (2023). Theorizing the Grey Area between Legitimacy and Illegitimacy. Journal of Management Studies, 60(4) pp. 942–962.

Storey, John and Wright, Patrick M. (2023). Strategic Human Resource Management: A Research Overview [2nd Edition]. State of the Art in Business Research. Abingdon Oxon and New York: Routledge.

Suhomlinova, Olga; O’Reilly, Michelle; Ayres, Tammy Colleen; Wertans, Emily; Tonkin, Matthew James and O’Shea, Saoirse Caitlin (2023). “Gripping onto the last threads of sanity”: transgender and non-binary prisoners’ mental health challenges during the covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Mental Health, 52(3) pp. 218–238.

Tahera, Khadija; Jowers, Iestyn; Loureiro-Koechlin, Cecilia; Eckert, Claudia and Lockett, Helen (2023). Industrial Perspectives on the Adoption of Virtual Testing. In: Proceedings of the Design Society, 3 pp. 2305–2314.

Yurt, Oznur; Metehan Feridun, Sorkun and Juliana, Hsuan (2023). Modularization of the Front-End Logistics Services in e-Fulfillment. Journal of Business Logistics, 44(4) pp. 583–608.

2022To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah (2022). Researcher vulnerability when organisational anonymity is impossible. In: Qualitative Research Symposium, 1-2 Feb 2022, University of Bath [Online].

Bloomfield, Sarah (2022). Sustaining organizational paradox through collective paradox work within Forestry England. In: EGOS Colloquium, 7-9 Jul 2022, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Vienna, Austria.

Branicki, Layla; Kalfa, Senia and Brammer, Stephen (2022). Surviving Covid‐19: The Role of Human Resource Managers in Shaping Organizational Responses to Societal Paradox. British Journal of Management, 33(1) pp. 410–434.

Clarke, Caroline; Barthold, Charles and Cole, Matthew (2022). COVID-19 and Zoonotic Disease: Manufacturing and Organizing Ignorance Within the Animal-Industrial Complex. In: Tallberg, Linda and Hamilton, Lindsay eds. The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organisation Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 57-C4.P110.

Costa, Flávio Henrique de Oliveira; de Moraes, Camila Colombo; da Silva, Andrea Lago; Delai, Ivete; Chaudhuri, Atanu and Pereira, Carla Roberta (2022). Does resilience reduce food waste? Analysis of Brazilian supplier-retailer dyad. Journal of Cleaner Production, 338, article no. 130488.

de Moraes, Camila Colombo; Costa, Flávio Henrique de Oliveira; da Silva, Andrea Lago; César, Aldara da Silva; Delai, Ivete and Pereira, Carla Roberta (2022). Causes and prevention practices of food waste in fruit and vegetable supply chains: How is Brazil dealing with these issues? Waste Management, 154 pp. 320–330.

De Simone, Silvia and Priola, Vincenza (2022). “Who’s that Girl?” The entrepreneur as a super(wo)man. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 39(1) pp. 97–111.

Gurbuz, Mustafa Cagri; Yurt, Oznur; Ozdemir, Sena; Sena, Vania and Yu, Wantao (2022). Global supply chains risks and COVID-19: Supply chain structure as a mitigating strategy for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of Business Research, 155(Part B), article no. 113407.

Li, Ai Qiang; Claes, Björn; Kumar, Maneesh and Found, Pauline (2022). Exploring the governance mechanisms for value co-creation in PSS business ecosystems. Industrial Marketing Management, 104 pp. 289–303.

Liu, Qi; Yu, Wantao and Yurt, Oznur (2022). Entrepreneurial orientation, supply chain viability, and financial performance: A conceptual framework. In: 29th EurOMA Conference 2022: Brilliance in resilience: operations and supply chain management's role in achieving a sustainable future, 1-6 Jul 2022, Berlin, Germany.

Murphy, Victoria; Iniesto, Francisco and Scanlon, Eileen (2022). Higher Education’s Digitalisation: Past, Present, and Future. In: Kaplan, Andreas ed. Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education. Cambridge University Press.

O'Shea, Saoirse Caitlin (2022). If I knew then what I know now. Gender, Work and Organization, 29(2) pp. 626–638.

Opiyo, M.; Yurt, O.; Mukami, M.; Orina, P.; Yu, W.; Yuce, B. and Jensen, J. (2022). Exploring digital supply chain solutions for improving farmed fish distribution in Kenya. In: LRN (Logistics Research Network) 2022, 7-9 Sep 2022, Birmingham, U.K..

O’Shea, Saoirse (2022). Academic Unfreedom. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 62(4)

Patel, A. R.; Murphy, A.; Summers, J. D. and Tahera, K. (2022). Testing in Engineering Design: What Are We Teaching. In: Proceedings of the Design Society 2022(2) pp. 2363–2372.

Ratle, Olivier; Bristow, Alexandra and Robinson, Sarah K. (2022). Management Education and Early Career Academics: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Fellenz, Martin; Hoidn, Sabine and Brady, Mairead eds. The Future of Management Education. Routledge Advances in Management Learning and Education. London: Routledge, pp. 69–85.

Rigg, Clare; Bloomfield, Sarah and Vince, Russ (2022). When expertise is lacking - Finding value in unknowingness. In: EGOS Colloquium, 7-9 Jul 2022, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Vienna, Austria.

Rigg, Clare; Bloomfield, Sarah and Vince, Russ (2022). “Unknowingness” as a Route to Distributed Leadership. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2022(1).

Ruel, Stefanie; Aaltio, Iiris; Römer-Paakkanen, Tarja and Ozkazanc-Pan, Banu (2022). Guest editorial: Meanings, contexts and future of ageing studies: intersections of age and ageing with organizations. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 17(2) pp. 161–170.

Ruel, Stefanie and Hammel, Kaitlynn C. (2022). Feminist historiography: Reconstructing histories that include women and gender-diverse individuals. In: Ballamingie, P. and Szanto, D. eds. Showing Theory to Know Theory: Understanding social science concepts through illustrative vignettes. Ottawa, Ontario: Showing Theory Press, pp. 161–170.

Siraz, Sonia and Claes, Björn Paul (2022). All Entrepreneurs are Equal but Some are More Equal than Others. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference, 5-9 Aug 2022, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Smolovic Jones, Owain (2022). Creating and contesting space through leadership. In: Carroll, Brigid; Ford, Jackie and Taylor, Scott eds. Leadership: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. London: SAGE, pp. 270–289.

Sorkun, Metehan Feridun; Yurt, Oznur and Hsuan, Juliana (2022). Service modularity in e-learning programs: an analysis from the perceived usefulness perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 42(5) pp. 637–660.

Suhomlinova, Olga; Ayres, Tammy Colleen; Tonkin, Matthew James; O’Reilly, Michelle; Wertans, Emily and O’Shea, Saoirse Caitlin (2022). Locked up While Locked Down: Prisoners’ Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The British Journal of Criminology, 62(2) pp. 279–298.

Tipping, Sarah; Murphy, Vicky; Yeates, Nicola; Montoro, Carlos; Ismail, Gihan and Ismail, Nashwa (2022). Migrant health worker deaths during Covid-19: a methodological exploration and initial estimates. The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Zámborský, Peter; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette; Tisch, Daniel and Branicki, Layla (2022). Antecedents of risk and uncertainty management capabilities: Insights from multinational enterprises in New Zealand. Journal of Management & Organization, 28(3) pp. 632–658.

2021To Top

Moore, Phoebe V. and Woodcock, Jamie eds. (2021). Augmented Exploitation: Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Work. Wildcat: Workers' Movements and Global Capitalism. London: Pluto Press.

Albert, S.; Fulton, D.; Ramanau, R. and Janes, A. (2021). Exploring cross-disciplinary differences in course mode, instructional tools and teaching methods in online courses in business & management. The International Journal of Management Education, 19(3), article no. 100532.

Atkinson, Carol; Beck, Vanessa; Brewis, Joanna; Davies, Andrea and Duberley, Joanne (2021). Menopause and the workplace: new directions in HRM research and HR practice. Human Resource Management Journal, 31(1) pp. 49–64.

Beck, Vanessa; Brewis, Jo and Davies, Andrea (2021). Women’s experiences of menopause at work and performance management. Organization, 28(3) pp. 510–520.

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2020To Top

Vincent, Ben; Erikainen, Sonja and Pearce, Ruth eds. (2020). TERF Wars: Feminism and the fight for transgender futures. The Sociological Review Monograph Series, 68 (4). London: Sage.

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2019To Top

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Tucker, Ian M.; Brown, Steven D.; Kanyeredzi, Ava; Mcgrath, Laura and Reavey, Paula (2019). Living ‘in between’ outside and inside: The forensic psychiatric unit as an impermanent assemblage. Health & Place, 55 pp. 29–36.

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2018To Top

Storey, John; Wright, Patrick M. and Ulrich, David O. eds. (2018). The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management 2018. Routledge Companions. Routledge.

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Branicki, Layla Jane; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Livschitz, Sarah Rachael (2018). How entrepreneurial resilience generates resilient SMEs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(7) pp. 1244–1263.

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Brown, Steven D. and Reavey, Paula (2018). Rethinking function, self and culture in ‘difficult’ Autobiographical Memories. In: Wagoner, Brady ed. Handbook of Culture and Memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 159–181.

Brunnquel, Vanessa; Vitor de Oliveira, Paulo; Bond, Danielle; Leite, Luciana Rosa and Pereira, Carla Roberta (2018). Resiliência na cadeia de suprimentos: estudo de caso em uma indústria metalmecânica. Suma de Negocios, 9(19) pp. 25–35.

Cannella, Salvatore; Dominguez, Roberto; Ponte, Borja and Framinan, Jose M. (2018). Capacity restrictions and supply chain performance: Modelling and analysing load-dependent lead times. International Journal of Production Economics, 204 pp. 264–277.

Chaudhry, Shafaq and Priola, Vincenza (2018). Veiling Careers: Comparing gendered work in Islamic and Foreign Banks in Pakistan. In: Broadbridge, Adelina M. and Fielden, Sandra L. eds. Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers. New Horizons in Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 375–390.

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Collinson, David; Smolović Jones, Owain and Grint, Keith (2018). ‘No More Heroes’: Critical Perspectives on Leadership Romanticism. Organization Studies, 39(11) pp. 1625–1647.

Cox, Joe; Oh, Eun Young; Simmons, Brooke; Graham, Gary; Greenhill, Anita; Lintott, Chris; Masters, Karen and Woodcock, Jamie (2018). Doing Good Online: The Changing Relationships Between Motivations, Activity, and Retention Among Online Volunteers. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(5) pp. 1031–1056.

Furnham, Adrian and Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2018). Personality and political orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 129 pp. 88–91.

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2016To Top

Storey, John; Hartley, Jean; Denis, Jean-Louis; 't Hart, Paul and Ulrich, Dave eds. (2016). The Routledge Companion to Leadership. Routledge Companions. New York: Routledge.

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2014To Top

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Bloom, Peter (2014). We are all monsters now!: A Marxist critique of liberal organization and the need for a revolutionary monstrous humanism. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 33(7) pp. 662–680.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2014). The brave new world of teaching and learning with digital devices in HE classrooms. In: Workshop in Business, Economics and e-Learning, 2014, BFeL, Spain.

Chhetri, Prem; Butcher, Tim and Corbitt, Brian (2014). Characterising spatial logistics employment clusters. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 44(3) pp. 221–241.

Diaz, Angel; Lorenzo, Oswaldo; Claes, Björn and Koryak, Oksana (2014). IT business value creation in the supply chain through resource orchestration. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 9-13 Aug 2014, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, USA.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Brigham, Lindsay; Jones, Sylvia and Smith, Ann (2014). Students at the academic workplace boundary: tourists and sojourners in practice-based education. In: Wenger-Traynor, Etienne; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Hutchinson, Steve; Kubiak, Christopher and Wenger-Traynor, Beverley eds. Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, Identity, and Knowledgeability in Practice-Based Learning. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 43–63.

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Otaye-Ebede, Lillian; Priola, Vincenza and Yerby, Elaine (2014). Diversity in Organizations: HRM and International Practices. In: Crawshaw, Jonathan R.; Budhwar, Pawan and Davis, Ann eds. Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives. London: Sage, pp. 164–186.

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2013To Top

Barthold, Charles (2013). Corporate social responsibility, collaboration and depoliticisation. Business Ethics: A European Review, 22(4) pp. 393–403.

Bloom, Peter (2013). The power of safe resistance. Journal of Political Power, 6(2) pp. 219–239.

Brannan, M J; Parsons, E and Priola, V (2013). Placing Branding within Organization Theory. In: Brannan, M J; Parsons, E and Priola, V eds. Branded Lives. The Production and Consumption of Meaning at Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 185–196.

Bristow, Alexandra (2013). Milk or wine come rain or shine: Culture and politics in a Dutch-Belgian banking group after an international takeover. In: Fatien Diochon, Pauline; Raufflet, Emmanuel and Mills, Albert J. eds. The Dark Side 2: Critical Cases on the Downside of Business. Greenleaf Publishing in association with GSE Research, pp. 187–196.

Butcher, Tim (2013). Longing to belong. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 8(3) pp. 242–257.

Clarke, Caroline; Kelliher, Clare and Schledlitzki, Doris (2013). Essay: labouring under false pretences? The emotional labour of authentic leadership. In: Ladkin, Donna and Spiller, Chellie eds. Authentic Leadership: Clashes, Convergences and Coalescences. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 75–92.

Floyd, Alan and Preston, Diane (2013). Exploring the role of Associate Dean in UK Universities - Initial Findings. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, 11-13 Dec 2013, Celtic Manor Resort, Wales.

Myers, Fran (2013). Lost in (social) space? - Testing the transition to learning online. In: Proceedings of The 2013 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association Conference: Exploring Spaces for Learning.

Preston, Diane (2013). Being a manager in an English nursery. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 21(3) pp. 326–338.

Quinones-Garcia, Cristina and Clarke, Nicholas (2013). Exploring the differential antecedents of the Emotional Labour strategies: the role of Emotional Intelligence and Emotion Regulation. In: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Conference, 29-31 May 2013, Ashridge.

Quinones-Garcia, Cristina; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel and Clarke, Nicholas (2013). The positive outcomes of deep acting: a comparison between impulsive and institutionally oriented cultures. In: 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 26-29 Jul 2013, Istanbul.

Quiñones-García, Cristina; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel; Clarke, Nicholas and Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo (2013). Development and cross-national validation of the Emotional Effort Scale (EEF). Psicothema, 25(3) pp. 363–369.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Lyubov, Krashenninikova (2013). Becoming an International Distance Learner: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Initial Period Study. In: 20th International EDiNEB Conference: Future Skills for Competitive Business Education, 5-7 Jun 2013, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.

Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel and Quinones-Garcia, Cristina (2013). El trabajo emocional [Emotional labour]. In: Garrosa, Eva and Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo eds. Salud laboral: riesgos laborales psicosociales y bienestar laboral. Madrid: Pirámide.

Smolovic Jones, Owain and Grint, Keith (2013). A game of thrones: power plays and politics in public collaborative leadership. In: 8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies: Extending the Limits of Neo-Liberal Capitalism, 10-12 Jul 2013, Manchester.

Smolovic Jones, Owain; Jackson, Brad and Grint, Keith (2013). The desiring gaze of political leadership. In: NZOZ Political Marketing and Management Mini Conference, 31 Aug 2013, Auckland, NZ.

Smolović Jones, Owain and Grint, Keith (2013). Essay: authentic leadership and history. In: Ladkin, Donna and Spiller, Chellie eds. Authentic Leadership: Clashes, Convergences and Coalescences. New Horizons in Leadership Studies Series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 21–38.

Smolovic Jones, Owain; Grint, Keith and Holt, Clare (2013). Coming up for air: degrees of freedom in local political leadership. In: ILA 2013 Oceania Conference: Building the R&D of Leadership, 22-24 Apr 2013, Auckland, NZ.

Tahera, Khadija; Earl, Chris F. and Eckert, Claudia (2013). Improving overlapping between testing and design in engineering product development processes. In: ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), 4-7 Aug 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA.

2012To Top

Andiç, Esen; Yurt, Oznur and Baltacıoğlu, Tunçdan (2012). Green supply chains: Efforts and potential applications for the Turkish market. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 58 pp. 50–68.

Andrianova, Olga and Yeletskikh, Taisiya (2012). Societal marketing: integration of European experiences into business practices in Belarus. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 7(2) pp. 107–131.

Carroll, Brigid; Smolovic Jones, Owain; Kennedy, Fiona and Francoeur, Joline (2012). Participant perspectives: constructing the experience of leadership development. In: 4th Annual Developing Leadership Capacity Conference: Leadership for New Times: Where now for leadership development?, 28-29 Jun 2012, Exeter, UK.

Claes, Bjorn and Raffoni, Anna (2012). Antecedents to successful delivery of integrated product-services: what have we discovered so far? In: POMS Annual Conference, 20-23 Apr 2012, Chicago, IL, USA.

Claes, Bjorn; Koryak, Oksana; Diaz, Angel and Lorenzo, Oswaldo (2012). The role of trust and control in co-exploitation and co-exploration buyer-supplier relationships. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 3-7 Aug 2012, Boston, MA, USA.

Clarke, Caroline; Knights, David and Jarvis, Carol (2012). A labour of love? Academics in business schools. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 28(1) pp. 5–15.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Conole, Grainne; Lins, Jeffrey; Peffer, Gilbert; Adam, Marc; Lindley, Craig; Smidt, Ale; Clough, Gill and Scanlon, Eileen (2012). A learning design to support the emotion regulation of investors. In: OECD-SEBI International Conference on Investor Education, 3-4 Feb 2012, Goa, India.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Gaved, Mark; Astor, Philipp; Cederholm, Henrik; Davies, Gareth; Eriksson, Jeanette; Jerčić, Petar; Lins, Jeffrey Todd; van Overveld, Marc; Schaaff, Kristina and Smidts, Ale (2012). xDelia: D18-2.4.2 Learning Intervention Package - Development and Evaluation (Year 3). xDelia Consortium, Milton Keynes, UK.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Lins, Jeffrey; Vohra, Shalini; Richards, Daniel; Davies, Gareth and Schaaff, Kristina (2012). Emotion regulation and trader expertise: heart rate variability on the trading floor. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 5(4) pp. 227–237.

Gleadle, Pauline; Hodgson, Damian and Storey, John (2012). 'The ground beneath my feet': projects, project management and the intensified control of R&D engineers. New Technology Work and Employment, 27(3) pp. 163–177.

Goffin, Keith; Raja, Jawwad; Claes, Björn; Szwejczewski, Marek and Martinez, Veronica (2012). Rigor in qualitative supply chain management research: lessons from applying repertory grid technique. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(8/9) pp. 804–827.

Jackson, Brad and Smolovic Jones, Owain (2012). Promoting better public services leadership: an appreciative critique. Policy Quarterly, 8(3) pp. 34–40.

Kelliher, Clare; Clarke, Caroline; Hope Hailey, Veronica and Farndale, Elaine (2012). Going global, feeling small: an examination of managers' reactions to global restructuring in a multinational organisation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(11) pp. 2163–2179.

Myers, Fran (2012). Innovative technology and improving student retention & success in an online environment. In: Association of Business Schools Annual Conference, Apr 2012.

Peffer, Gilbert; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Adam, Marc; Astor, Philip; Cederholm, Henrik; Clough, Gill; Conole, Grainne; Davies, Gareth; Eriksson, Jeanette; Gaved, Mark; Heuer, Stephan; Jercic, Petar; Lindley, Craig; Lins, Jeffrey Todd; van Overveld, Marc; Scanlon, Eileen; Schaaff, Kristina and Smidts, Ale (2012). xDelia: emotion-centred financial decision making and learning (final report). xDelia Consortium, Milton Keynes, UK.

Peffer, Gilbert; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Adam, Marc; Astor, Philipp; Cederholm, Henrik; Clough, Gill; Conole, Gráinne; Davies, Gareth; Eriksson, Jeanette; Gaved, Mark; Heuer, Stephan; Jerčić, Petar; Lindley, Craig; Todd Lins, Jeffrey; van Overveld, Mark; Scanlon, Eileen; Schaaff, Kristina and Smidts, Ale (2012). xDelia final report: emotion-centred financial decision making and learning. Open University, CIMNE, Milton Keynes UK.

Quinones-Garcia, Cristina; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel and Clarke, Nicholas (2012). Faking emotions in customer interactions and burnout: a cross-validation study of the resources depletion-recovery model. In: BAM2012 Conference: Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice, 11-13 Sep 2013, Cardiff.

Quinones-Garcia, Cristina; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel and Clarke, Nicholas (2012). The Emotional Effort construct: development and cross-national validation of the Perceived Emotional Effort Scale (PEES). In: Eighth International Conference on Emotion and Worklife (EMONET VIII), 2-3 Jul 2012, Helsinki.

Quinones-Garcia, Cristina; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel and Clarke, Nicholas (2012). The emotional effort of “service with a smile” as predictor of employees’ burnout. In: Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference (British Psychology Society), 11-13 Jan 2012, Chester.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Krasheninnikova, Lyubov (2012). Contextualizing Distance Business and Management Education: a Case of the UK Open University and IIM LINK in Russia. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Learning (Beldhuis, Hans ed.), Academic Publishing International Limited, Reading, pp. 645–649.

Rhodes, Carl and Bloom, Peter (2012). The Cultural Fantasy of Hierarchy: Sovereignty and the Desire for Spiritual Purity. In: Diefenbach, Thomas and Todnem, Rune eds. Reinventing Hierarchy and Bureaucracy – from the Bureau to Network Organizations. Research in the Sociology of Organizations (35). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 141–169.

Storey, John and Grint, Keith (2012). Will GPs “lead” or “govern” the new Clinical Commissioning Groups? Leadership in Health Services, 25(4) pp. 263–272.

Tahera, K.; Earl, C. and Eckert, C. (2012). Integrating physical and virtual testing to improve confidence in product design. In: Workshop on Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes, 29-30 Nov 2012, Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

The Open University Business School eds. (2012). Special topic: education, training and skills development, Quarterly Survey of Small Business in Britain, 28(3)

Wilson, David and Thomas, Howard (2012). The legitimacy of the business of business schools: what's the future? Journal of Management Development, 31(4) pp. 368–376.

2011To Top

Brannan, Matthew J.; Parsons, Elizabeth and Priola, Vincenza eds. (2011). Branded Lives: The Production and Consumption of Meaning at Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Bloom, Peter and Dallyn, Sam (2011). The paradox of order: reimagining ideological domination. Journal of Political Ideologies, 16(1) pp. 53–78.

Christopher, Martin; Mena, Carlos; Khan, Omera and Yurt, Oznur (2011). Approaches to managing global sourcing risk. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(2) pp. 67–81.

Diaz, Angel; Claes, Bjorn and Lorenzo, Oswaldo (2011). A theoretical and empirical investigation of inventory practices. In: EurOMA 2012, 3-6 Jul 2011, Cambridge, UK.

Diaz, Angel; Claes, Bjorn and Solis, Luis (2011). Improving logistics and supply chain management practices in Spain: an analysis of current practises and future requirements. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 9(2) pp. 150–169.

Díaz, Angel; Lorenzo, Oswaldo; Solís, Luis and Claes, Björn (2011). Benchmarking logistics and supply chain practices in Spain. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 12(2)

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Gooderham, Paul; Cerdin, Jean-Luc and Rønning, Rune (2011). Bridging roles, social skill and embedded knowing in multinational organisations. In: Dörrenbächer, Christoph and Geppert, Mike eds. Politics and Power in the Multinational Corporation: The Role of Institutions, Interests and Identities. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 101–138.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Soane, Emma; Nicholson, Nigel and Willman, Paul (2011). Thinking, feeling and deciding: the influence of emotions on the decision making and performance of traders. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(8) pp. 1044–1061.

Holti, Richard (2011). Understanding institutional change in project-based organizing. Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, 47(3) pp. 360–394.

Hurrell, Scott .A and Priola, Cinzia (2011). Organizational Design, Structure and Work Organisation. In: Butler, Michael and Rose, Edward eds. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour. London: CIPD, pp. 323–348.

Maybin, Jo; Addicott, Rachael; Dixon, Anna and Storey, John (2011). Accountability in the NHS: Implications of the Government's Reform Programme. London: The King's Fund.

Mena, Carlos; Adenso-Diaz, B. and Yurt, Oznur (2011). The causes of food waste in the supplier–retailer interface: Evidences from the UK and Spain. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(6) pp. 648–658.

Myers, Fran (2011). Embedding employability in distance learning education. In: Third Annual ESCalate Student Conference: Employability and Enterprise in Education, 11 Apr 2011, Liverpool Hope University.

Priola, Cinzia and Hurrell, Scott A. (2011). Organizational Culture and Change Management. In: Butler, Michael and Rose, Edward eds. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour. London: CIPD, pp. 349–373.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Tyler, Sheila (2011). International management learning: comparative study of the Open University students. In: Proceedings of the European Humanities University Conference: Social Sciences, Humanities and Higher Education in Eastern Europe after 1991, Vilnius, Lithuania, 14-16 Jun 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Tyler, Sheila (2011). International management learning: comparative study of The Open University students. In: The Higher Education Academy Business Management Accountancy and Finance Network Conference 2011, 10-11 May 2011, Bournemouth, UK, The Higher Education Academy Annual BMAF (Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance) Network.

Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel; van Dierendonck, Dick; Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo; de Rivas Hermosilla, Sara and Quinones-Garcia, Cristina (2011). Positive psychology at work: the servant leader. In: 9th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, 19-22 May 2011, Florida.

Smolovic Jones, Owain (2011). An exploration of the value of individualism within a critically-focused process of leadership development. In: 3rd Developing Leadership Capacity Conference: Leadership Development and Life Experience: Reflections on Becoming Leaders, 14-15 Jul 2011, Bristol, UK.

Storey, John (2011). Steering whilst rowing: governing and managing health services from the centre. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 25(6) pp. 625–644.

Storey, John (2011). Governance and organizational change. In: Boje, David; Burnes, Bernard and Hassard, John eds. The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change. Routledge Companions in Business, Managment and Accounting. London: Routledge, pp. 389–402.

Storey, John (2011). The changing theories of leadership and leadership development. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends (2nd ed.). Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 14–37.

Storey, John; Fortune, Joyce; Johnson, Michael and Savory, Clive (2011). The adoption and rejection patterns of practitioner-developed technologies: a review, a model and a research agenda. International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(5) pp. 1043–1067.

Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Branicki, Layla (2011). Creating resilient SMEs: Why one size might not fit all. International Journal of Production Research, 49(18) pp. 5565–5579.

Van Dierendonck, Dirk; Álvarez-Bejarano,, Abraham; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel; Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo; de Rivas, Sara and Quinones-Garcia, Cristina (2011). Goal integration and well-being: self-regulation through inner resources. In: 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology, 23-26 Jun 2010, Copenhagen.

Wilson, David and McKiernan, Peter (2011). Global mimicry: putting strategic choice back on the business school agenda. British Journal of Management, 22(3) pp. 457–469.

2010To Top

Buchanan, David A. and Storey, John (2010). Don't stop the clock: the manipulation of hospital waiting lists. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 24(4) pp. 343–360.

Claes, Bjorn and Martinez, Veronica (2010). Servitization ecology: changing product-centric manufacturers to become product-service providers. In: Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice and Research, 6-10 Aug 2010, Montreal, Canada.

Claes, Björn and Martinez, Veronica (2010). Challenges in transforming manufacturers into product-service providers. In: POMS Annual conference, 7-10 May 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Collinson, Simon; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Wilson, David (2010). Extending the integration-responsiveness framework: delivering a global service strategy at British Airways. Strategic Innovators(4)

De Rivas, Sara; Álvarez-Bejarano, Abraham; Fernández-Dols, José Miguel; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel and Quinones-Garcia, Cristina (2010). 3 to 1 and the importance of the 1. In: 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology, 23-26 Jun 2010, Copenhagen.

Demirbag Kaplan, Melike; Yurt, Oznur; Guneri, Burcu and Kurtulus, Kemal (2010). Branding places: applying brand personality concept to cities. European Journal of Marketing, 44(9/10) pp. 1286–1304.

Diaz, Angel; Claes, Björn; Solis, Luis and Lorenzo, Oswaldo (2010). Benchmarking logistics and supply chain practices in Spain. In: The 8th International Conference on Logistics and SCM Research (RIRL 2010), 29 Sep - 1 Oct 2010, Bordeaux, France.

Díaz, Angel; Lorenzo, Oswaldo and Claes, Björn (2010). ERP implementation strategies: the importance of process modelling and analysis. In: Barjis, Joseph ed. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (63). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp. 95–112.

Dixon, Anna; Storey, John and Alvarez Rosete, Arturo (2010). Accountability of foundation trusts in the English NHS: views of directors and governors. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 15(2) pp. 82–89.

Emberson, Caroline and Storey, John (2010). The reconfiguration of practical knowledge in competitive alliances. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 4(2) pp. 114–131.

Koyuncu, Burak; Firfiray, Shainaz; Claes, Björn and Hamori, Monika (2010). CEOs with a functional background in operations: reviewing their performance and prevalence in the top post. Human Resource Management Journal, 49(5) pp. 869–882.

McGee, John; Wilson, David and Thomas, Howard (2010). Strategy: Analysis And Practice (2nd ed.). London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Nutt, P. C. and Wilson, David (2010). Handbook Of Decision Making. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Priola, Vincenza (2010). Masculinity and Femininity. In: Mills, Albert J.; Durepos, Gabrielle and Wiebe, Elden eds. Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Case Study & Narrative Analysis. London: Sage, pp. 547–548.

Priola, Vincenza (2010). Multimethod Research Program. In: Mills, Albert J.; Durepos, Gabrielle and Wiebe, Elden eds. Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Case Study & Narrative Analysis. London: Sage, pp. 580–582.

Robinson, Sarah; Ramanau, Ruslan; Reid, Kristen and Honnor, Keith (2010). Going global: considerations and challenges in designing a 'global' MBA. In: Networked Learning Conference 2010, 3-4 May 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Rodríguez-Carvajal, R.; Quinones-Garcia, C.; Clarke, N.; Moreno-Jiménez, B.; De Rivas Hermosilla, S. and Alvarez-Bejarano, A. (2010). The development and validation of the Perceived Emotional Effort Scale. In: Book of Proceedings, Nottingham University Press.

Rodríguez-Carvajal, R.; Quinones-Garcia, C.; Clarke, N.; Moreno-Jiménez, B. and De Rivas-Hermosilla, S. (2010). Resources depletion model of emotional labour: perceived emotional effort as key factor in Spanish-English samples. In: 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 29-31 Mar 2010, Rome.

Storey, John (2010). Signs of change: 'damned rascals' and beyond. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends (2nd ed.). Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge, pp. 3–13.

Storey, John; Bullivant, John and Corbett-Nolan, Andrew (2010). Governing the New NHS: Issues and Tensions in Health Service Management. London: Routledge.

Wilson, David; Branicki, Layla; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Wilson, Alexander D. (2010). Extreme events, organizations and the politics of strategic decision making. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 23(5) pp. 699–721.

Woldesenbet, Kassa and Storey, John (2010). Processes of senior managers' sensemaking and learning in a transitional economy. Human Resource Development International, 13(5) pp. 501–518.

Yurt, Oznur; D. Kaplan, Melike; Yumurtaci, Işık Özge and Baltacioğlu, Tunçdan (2010). Brand elevation in supply chains. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 25(291) pp. 79–94.

2009To Top

Storey, John; Ulrich, Dave and Wright, Patrick eds. (2009). The Routledge Companion to Strategic HRM. Oxford, UK and New York, USA: Routledge.

Benfield, Greg; Ramanau, Ruslan and Sharpe, Rhona (2009). Student learning technology use: preferences for study and contact. Brookes E-Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2(4)

Bloom, Peter and Cederstrom, Carl (2009). “The sky's the limit”: fantasy in the age of market rationality. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22(2) pp. 159–180.

Bristow, Alexandra (2009). Management Research. In: Wankel, Charles ed. Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World. London: Sage.

Clarke, Caroline A.; Brown, Andrew D. and Hope Hailey, Veronica (2009). Working identities? Antagonistic discursive resources and managerial identity. Human Relations, 62(3) pp. 323–353.

Guneri, Burcu; Yurt, Oznur and Kaplan, Melike Demirbag (2009). The Influence of Children on Family Purchasing Decisions in Turkey. Asian Journal of Marketing, 3 pp. 20–32.

Jones, Chris and Ramanau, Ruslan (2009). The Net Generation enters university: What are the implications for Technology Enhanced Learning? In: M-2009: Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference, 7-10 Jun 2009, Maastricht, NL.

Ozcam Adivar, Burcu and Yurt, Oznur (2009). Line‐haul optimization of OFLT Inc. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 6(2) pp. 206–219.

Priola, Vincenza and Brannan, Matthew J. (2009). Between a rock and a hard place: Exploring women’s experience of participation and progress in managerial careers. Equal Opportunities International, 28(5) pp. 378–397.

Quinones-Garcia, Cristina; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel and Clarke, Nicholas (2009). Testing a resources depletion-recovery model of Emotional Labour. In: Eastern Academy of Management Meeting: 46th Annual Meeting Program: Facing the Future with Heart and Mind, 13-16 May 2009, Hartford, CT.

Ramanau, Ruslan (2009). Distance study with the Open University: Views from Russia. In: International Online Conference, Internet in Education, 12 Oct 2009, Moscow, Russia.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Geng, Fawei (2009). Researching the use of Wikis to facilitate group work. In: World Conference on Educational Sciences, New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, 04-07 Feb 2009, Nicosia, North Cyprus.

Storey, John and Holti, Richard (2009). Sense-making by clinical and non-clinical executive directors within new governance arrangements. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 23(2) pp. 149–169.

Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Wilson, David (2009). Managing the threat of terrorism in British travel and leisure organizations. Organization Studies, 30(2/3) pp. 251–276.

Wilson, David (2009). Organizational change management. In: Clegg, Stewart R. and Cooper, Cary L. eds. The SAGE handbook of organizational behavior: macro approaches, Volume 2. London: Sage, pp. 409–423.

Yusof, Siti Rohani Md (2009). Institutional barriers to the transnational transfer of safety and health practices. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

2008To Top

Storey, John; Wright, Patrick and Ulrich, David eds. (2008). The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management. London and New York: Routledge.

Balogun, Julia; Clarke, Caroline and Hope Hailey, Veronica (2008). Case Study 2: BCP Aerospace. In: Balogun, Julia and Hope Hailey, Veronica eds. Exploring Strategic Change, 3rd Edition. Harlow, UK: Financial Times / Prentice Hall, pp. 265–281.

Butcher, Tim; Claes, Björn and Grand, David (2008). Supply chain work organizations: can structuration theory offer new solutions? In: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, 10-12 Sep 2008, Liverpool, UK.

Claes, Björn (2008). Contracting for success: aligning managers’ compensation contracts with the supply chain strategy. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 8-13 Aug 2008, Anaheim, CA, US.

Claes, Björn; Koryak, Oksana and Diaz, Angel (2008). A test of the moderated relation between trust and control mechanisms and alliance success. In: POM 2008 19th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 9-12 May 2008, La Jolla, CA, USA.

Claes, Bjorn (2008). Contracting for success in the era of globalisation: aligning the supply chain manager’s compensation contract with the company’s supply chain strategy. In: Gomez-Mejia, Luis and Werner, Steve eds. Global Compensation: Foundations and Perspectives. Global HRM. London: Routledge, pp. 57–71.

Diaz, Angel; Claes, Björn and Revilla, Elena (2008). Logistics and supply chain practices in Spain; a methodological approach. In: 7th International Meeting for Research in Logistics, 24-26 Sep 2008, Avignon, France.

Emberson, Caroline and Storey, John (2008). The politics of simulation: actors' information system use. In: 3rd International Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, 28-30 Apr 2008, University of Aarhus Copenhagen.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Gooderham, Paul and Nordhaug, Odd (2008). Human resource management in US subsidiaries in Europe and Australia: centralisation or autonomy? Journal of International Business Studies, 39(1) pp. 151–166.

Holti, Richard and Storey, John (2008). Sense-making by clinical and non-clinical executive directors with new governance arrangements. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting: the questions we ask, 8-13 Aug 2008, Anaheim, CA, USA, Open University Business School.

Lorenzo, O.; Diaz, A. and Claes, B. (2008). A descriptive analysis of the antecedents of ERP implementation. In: 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference, 15-18 Jun 2008, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Miller, Susan; Hickson, David and Wilson, David (2008). From strategy to action: involvement and influence in top level decisions. Long Range Planning, 41(6) pp. 606–628.

Ramanau, Ruslan; Sharpe, Rhona and Benfield, Greg (2008). Exploring patterns of student learning technology use in their relationship to self-regulation and perceptions of learning community. In: Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning, 5-6 May 2008, Halkidiki, Greece.

Salaman, Graeme and Storey, John (2008). Understanding Enterprise. Organization, 15(3) pp. 315–323.

Salaman, John and Storey, John (2008). Reply to Fenwick. Organization, 15(3) pp. 333–334.

Storey, John and Buchanan, David (2008). Healthcare governance and organizational barriers to learning from mistakes. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 22(6) pp. 642–651.

Storey, John; Salaman, Graeme and Holti, Richard (2008). Executive directors' knowledge. In: Scarbrough, Harry ed. The Evolution of Business Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 51–70.

2007To Top

Baltacioglu, Tuncdan; Ada, Erhan; Kaplan, Melike D.; Yurt, Oznur and Cem Kaplan, Y. (2007). A New Framework for Service Supply Chains. The Service Industries Journal, 27(2) pp. 105–124.

Buchanan, David; Caldwell,, Raymond; Meyer, Julienne; Storey, John and Wainwright, Charles (2007). 'Leadership transmission': a muddled metaphor? Journal of Health Organization and Management, 21(3) pp. 246–258.

Claes, Björn; Koryak, Oksana and Diaz, Angel (2007). Control as a key success factor in supply chain alliances. In: 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 3-8 Aug 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Clarke, Caroline; Hope-Hailey, Veronica and Kelliher, Clare (2007). Being real or really being someone else?: change, managers and emotion work. European Management Journal, 25(2) pp. 92–103.

Coombs, C. R.; Arnold, John; Loan-Clarke, John; Wilkinson, Adrian; Park, Jenny and Preston, Diane (2007). Improving the recruitment and return of nurses and allied health professionals: a quantitative study. Health Services Management Research, 20(1) pp. 22–36.

Diaz, Angel; Claes, Björn and Borla, Gabriele (2007). Streamlining humanitarian relief operations: the case of United Nations Peace Keeping Operations. In: 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 4-7 May 2007, Dallas, TX, USA.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark and Wood, Stephen (2007). Diffusion of human resource management systems in UK headquartered multinational enterprises: integrating institutional and strategic choice explanations. European Journal of International Management, 1(4) pp. 329–349.

Holti, Richard; Smalley, Mark and Smith, Katy (2007). Advancing the integration of the supply chain in construction: The challenges for commercial practice. Constructing Intelligence, London, UK.

Legge, Karen; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Wilson, David (2007). Management learning and the corporate MBA: situated or individual? Management Learning, 38(4) pp. 440–457.

Salvador, Fabrizio; Forza, Cipriano and Claes, Björn (2007). Effectiveness of the product configuration task: theory formalization and test. In: 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 4-7 May 2007, Dallas, TX, USA.

2006To Top

Arnold, John; Loan-Clarke, John; Coombs, Crispin; Wilkinson, Adrian; Park, Jennifer and Preston, Diane (2006). How well can the theory of planned behavior account for occupational intentions? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69(3) pp. 374–390.

Collinson,, Simon and Wilson, David C. (2006). Inertia in Japanese organizations: knowledge management routines and failure to innovate. Organization Studies, 27(9) pp. 1359–1387.

Emberson, Caroline and Storey, John (2006). Negotiating the inter-organizational information systems space. In: The First International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, 20-22 Mar 2006, University of Warwick, UK.

Emberson, Caroline A.; Storey, John; Godsell, Janet and Harrison, Alan (2006). Managing the supply chain using in-store supplier employed merchandisers. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(6) pp. 467–481.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Knight, Peter and Margolis, Judith (2006). A Practice-Centered Approach to Management Education. In: Wankel, Charles and DeFillippi, Robert eds. New Visions of Graduate Management Education. Research in Management Education and Development. Greenwich, CT: Information Age, pp. 103–123.

Godsell, J.; Harrison, A.; Emberson, Caroline and Storey, John (2006). Customer responsive supply chain strategy: an unnatural act? International Journal of Logistics: research and applications, 9(1) pp. 47–56.

Holti, Richard (2006). Understanding social capital in developing collaboration for project-based organising. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Aug 11-16, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ramanau, Ruslan (2006). Perceptions of Interaction and Learner Autonomy - A Cross-Cultural Inquiry into Distance Learning Experiences in the Context of the UK and Russia. In: E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation - "E" is more! E-learning Enabling Education in Evolving Europe. Proceedings of EDEN (European Distance Education Network) 2006 Annual Conference (Szucs, Andras and Bo, Ingeborg eds.), Vienna Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria, pp. 387–393.

Storey, John; Emberson, Caroline; Godsell, Janet and Harrison, Alan (2006). Supply chain management: theory, practice and future challenges. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 26(7) pp. 754–774.

Var, Turgut; Kaplan, Melike Demirbag and Yurt, Oznur (2006). Challenges and Opportunities of Developing Wine Tourism in a Small Community in Turkey. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 4(1) pp. 9–18.

Willman, Paul; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Nicholson, Nigel and Soane, Emma (2006). Noise trading and the management of operational risk; firms, traders and irrationality in financial markets. Journal of Management Studies, 43(6) pp. 1357–1374.

2005To Top

Storey, John ed. (2005). Adding value through information and consultation. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Davies, Celia; Anand, Paul; Artigas, Lidia; Holloway, Jacky; McConway, Kevin; Newman, Janet; Storey, John and Thompson, Grahame (2005). Links between Governance, Incentives and Outcomes: a Review of the Literature. National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO), London, UK.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Gooderham, Paul and Nordhaug, Odd (2005). Diffusion of HRM to Europe and the Role of US MNCs: Introduction to the special issue. Management Revue: The International Review of Management Studies, 16(1) pp. 5–11.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark and Wood, Stephen (2005). Benefitting from a multi-channel approach. In: Storey, John ed. Adding Value Through Information and Consultation. London, UK: Palgrave McMillan, pp. 59–68.

Nicholson, Nigel; Soane, Emma; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark and Willman, Paul (2005). Personality and domain-specific risk-taking. Journal of Risk Research, 8(2) pp. 157–176.

Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott (2005). Corporate universities as strategic learning initiatives. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott eds. Handbook of corporate university development: managing strategic learning initiatives in the public and private domains. London, UK: Gower Publishing, pp. 5–16.

Salaman, Graeme; Storey, John and Billsberry, Jon (2005). Strategic human resource management: defining the field. In: Salaman, Graeme; Storey, John and Billsberry, Jon eds. Strategic human resource management: theory and practice. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Storey, John (2005). Human resource policies for knowledge work. In: Little, Stephen and Ray, Tim eds. Managing knowledge: an essential reader (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Storey, John (2005). What next for strategic level leadership research? Leadership, 1(1) pp. 89–104.

Storey, John (2005). New organisational forms and their link with HR. In: Salaman, John; Storey, John and Billsberry, Jon eds. Strategic human resource management: theory and practice (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications.

Storey, John (2005). Introductory overview. In: Storey, John ed. Adding value through information and consultation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Storey, John and Bungartz, Beate (2005). Using a corporate university initiative to drive strategic change. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott eds. Handbook of Corporate University Development: Managing Strategic Learning Initiatives in the public and private domains. London: Gower Publishing.

Storey, John; Emberson, Caroline and Reade, David (2005). The barriers to customer-responsive supply chain management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25(3) pp. 242–260.

Storey, John and Salaman, Graham (2005). Managers of innovation: insights into making innovation happen. Management, Organizations and Business Series. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, p. 250.

Storey, John and Salaman, John (2005). The knowledge work of general managers. Journal of General Management, 31(2) pp. 57–73.

Taylor, Scott; Rogers, John and Storey, John (2005). Evolution and experimentation: the Barclays University case. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott eds. Handbook of corporate university development: managing strategic learning initiatives in the public and private domains. London, UK: Gower Publishing, pp. 71–82.

Wood, Stephen J. and Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark P. (2005). Direct involvement, representation and employee voice in UK multinationals in Europe. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11(1) pp. 27–50.

2004To Top

Storey, John ed. (2004). The Management of innovation. The International library of critical writings on business and management series (2). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Baruch, Yehuda; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Hind, Patricia and Vigoda-Gadot, Eran (2004). Pro-social behavior and job performance: does the need for control and the need for achievement make a difference? Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 32(4) pp. 399–412.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Nicholson, Nigel; Soane, Emma and Willman, Paul (2004). Traders: risks, decisions, and management in financial markets. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Priola, V; Smith, J. L. and Armstron, S.J. (2004). Group Work and Cognitive Style: A Discursive Investigation. Small Group Research, 35(5) pp. 565–595.

Storey, John (2004). Leadership development through corporate universities. Training & Management Development Methods, 18(4) pp. 41–49.

Storey, John (2004). Changing theories of leadership and leadership development. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in organizations: current issues and key trends. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 11–37.

Storey, John and Emberson, Caroline (2004). The Realities of Supply Chain Management. The Icfaian Journal of Management Research, 3(6) pp. 45–58.

Wilson, David C. and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2004). Thinking and acting strategically: new challenges for interrogating strategy. European Management Review, 1(1) pp. 14–20.

2003To Top

Arnold, John; Coombs, Crispin; Wilkinson, Adrian; Loan-Clarke, John; Park, Jennifer and Preston, Diane (2003). Corporate images of the United Kingdom National Health Service: implications for the recruitment and retention of nursing and allied health professional staff. Corporate Reputation Review, 6(3) pp. 223–238.

Coombs, C.R.; Park, J.R.; Loan-Clarke, J.; Arnold, J.; Preston, D. and Wilkinson, A.J. (2003). Perceptions of radiography and the National Health Service: a qualitative study. Radiography, 9(2) pp. 109–122.

Fenton-O'Creevy, M.; Nicholson, N.; Soane, E. and Willman, P. (2003). Trading on illusions: unrealistic perceptions of control and trading performance. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 76(1) pp. 53–68.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2003). The Diffusion of HR practices within the multi-national firm: towards a research agenda. Beta: Scandinavian Journal of Business Research, 17(1) pp. 36–47.

Park, J. R.; Coombs, Crispin; Wilkinson, A. J. and Preston, D. (2003). Attractiveness of physiotherapy in the National Health Service as a career choice: qualitative study. Physiotherapy, 89(10) pp. 575–583.

Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott and Storey, John (2003). Corporate universities and leadership development. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: current issues and key trends. UK: London: Routledge, pp. 103–124.

Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott; Storey, John and Peters, Geoff (2003). Designing and delivering leadership education and development: the role of corporate universities (2nd edition). In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: Current issues and key trends. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 93–113.

Storey, John (2003). La legitimite strategique de la GRH. In: Allouche, Jose; Bernoux, Philipe; Gazier, Bernard; Huault, Isabelle; Louart, Pierre; Schmidt, Géraldine and Trognon, Alain eds. Encyclopedie des ressources humains. Paris: Vuibert.

Storey, John (2003). When companies become networks. In: Gooderham, P.M and Nordhaug, O. eds. International Management. Management, Organizations and Business. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 388–394.

Storey, John (2003). The Elements of leadership. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in organizations: current issues and key trends. London: Routledge, pp. 39–40.

Storey, John and Mangham, I. (2003). Bringing the strands together. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in organizations: current issues and key trends. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 339–344.

2002To Top

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2002). Seeking success by involving workers. In: Pickford, J. ed. Mastering People Management. London, UK: Prentice Hall, pp. 165–170.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2002). HR practice: vive la difference. In: Pickford, James ed. Mastering people management. London, UK: Prentice Hall, pp. 143–148.

Loan-Clarke, John and Preston, Diane (2002). Tensions and benefits in collaborative research involving a university and another organization. Studies in Higher Education, 27(2) pp. 169–185.

Salaman, Graeme and Storey, John (2002). Managers' theories about the process of innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 39(2) pp. 147–165.

Storey, J. (2002). What are the key General Manager issues in 'Supply Chain Management'? Journal of General Management, 27(4) pp. 15–28.

Storey, John (2002). When internal boundaries become network relationships. In: Pickford, James ed. Mastering People Management. London, UK: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall.

Storey, John; Quintas, Paul; Taylor, Phil and Fowle, Wendy (2002). Flexible employment contracts and their implications for product and process innovation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13(1) pp. 1–18.

Willman, Paul; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Soane, Emma and Nicholson, Nigel (2002). Traders, managers and loss aversion in investment banking: a field study. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 27(1/2) pp. 85–98.

2001To Top

Armstrong, Steven J. and Priola, Vincenza (2001). Individual Differences in Cognitive Style and their effects on task and social orientations of Self-Managed Work Teams. Small Groups Research, 32(3) pp. 283–312.

Barnett, Elizabeth and Storey, John (2001). Narratives of learning, development and innovation: evidence from a manufacturing SME. Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 2(2) pp. 83–101.

Coombs, C.R.; Park, J.R.; Loan-Clarke, J.; Arnold, J.; Preston, D. and Wilkinson, A.J. (2001). The attractiveness of working for the NHS as a radiographer: a review of the literature. RAD Magazine, 27(312) pp. 67–68.

Coombs, Crispin; Park, Jennifer; Loan-Clarke, John; Arnold, John; Preston, Diane and Wilkinson, Adrian (2001). Who would be a radiographer in the NHS? Synergy News p. 12.

Emberson, Caroline; Godsell, Janet; Harrison, Alan and Storey, John (2001). Customer responsive supply chains: an exploratory view of concepts and definitions. In: Logistics Research Network Conference, 13-14 Sep 2001, Edinburgh, UK.

Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (2001). Employee involvement and the middle manager: saboteur or scapegoat? Human Resource Management Journal, 11(1) pp. 24–40.

Morris, Timothy; Storey, John; Wilkinson, Adrian and Cressey, Peter (2001). Industry change and trade union mergers in British retail finance. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 39(2) pp. 237–256.

Nicolini, Davide; Holti, Richard and Smalley, Mark (2001). Integrating project activities: the theory and practice of managing the supply chain through clusters. Construction Management and Economics, 19(1) pp. 37–47.

Schuler, Randall S.; Jackson, Susan E. and Storey, John (2001). HRM and its link with strategic management. In: Storey, John ed. Human resource management: a critical text. London: Thomson Learning EMEA.

Thomson, Andrew; Mabey, Christopher; Storey, John; Gray, Colin and Iles, Paul (2001). Changing Patterns of Management Development. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell.

Willman, Paul; Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Nicholson, Nigel and Soane, Emma (2001). Knowing the risks: theory and practice in financial markets. Human Relations, 54(7) pp. 887–910.

2000To Top

Bacon, Nicholas and Storey, John (2000). New employee relations strategies in Britain: towards individualism or partnership? British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38(3) pp. 407–427.

Sisson, Keith and Storey, John (2000). The Realities of Human Resource Management: Managing the Employment Relationship. Managing Work and Organizations. Buckingham, U.K. and Philadelphia, PA U.S.: Open University Press.

Storey, John (2000). The Management of Innovation Problem. International Journal of Innovation Management, 4(3) pp. 347–369.

Storey, John and Barnett, Elizabeth (2000). Knowledge management initiatives: learning from failure. Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(2) pp. 145–156.

1999To Top

Storey, John and Harrison, Alan (1999). Coping with world class manufacturing. Work, Employment and Society, 13(4) pp. 643–664.

1998To Top

Storey, John (1998). Do human resources really have a role in strategy? Financial Times Mastering Management, 9 pp. 14–18.

Thomson, Andrew; Mabey, Chris and Storey, John (1998). The Determinants of Management Development: Choice or Circumstance? International Studies of Management and Organization, 28(1) pp. 91–113.

1997To Top

Fenton-O'Creevy, M.P.; Winfrow, P.; Lydka, H. and Morris, T. (1997). Company Prospects and Employee Commitment: an Analysis of the Dimensionality of the BOCS and the Influence of External Events on Those Dimensions. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 35(4) pp. 593–608.

Raper, Paula; Ashton, David; Felstead, Alan and Storey, John (1997). Towards the learning organisation? explaining current trends in training practice in the UK. International Journal of Training and Development, 1(1) pp. 9–21.

Storey, John; Cressey, Peter; Morris, Tim and Wilkinson, Adrian (1997). Changing employment practices in UK banking: case studies. Personnel Review, 26(1/2) pp. 24–42.

Storey, John; Edwards, Paul and Sisson, Keith (1997). Managers in the Making: Careers, Development and Control in Corporate Britain and Japan. Industrial management series and Issues in Marketing series, 1. London, U.K., Thousand Oaks, U.S. and New Delhi, India: Sage.

Storey, John; Mabey, Chris and Thomson, Andrew (1997). What a difference a decade makes. People Management, June pp. 28–30.

1996To Top

Bacon, Nicolas; Ackers, Peter; Storey, John and Coates, David (1996). It's a small world: managing human resources in small business. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(1) pp. 82–100.

Harrison, Alan and Storey, John (1996). New wave manufacturing strategies: Operational, organizational and human dimensions. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 16(2) pp. 63–76.

Keep, Ewart; Storey, John and Sisson, Keith (1996). Managing the Employment Relationship in Higher Education: Quo Vadis? In: Cuthbert, Rob ed. Working in Higher Education. Open University Press, pp. 34–46.

Morris, Timothy J. and Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark (1996). Opening up the black box: a UK case study of top managers' attitudes to tbeir performance related pay. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(3) pp. 708–720.

Storey, John (1996). From personnel management to HRM: The implications for Teaching. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 33(3) pp. 4–14.

1995To Top

Storey, John (1995). Is HRM catching on? International Journal of Manpower, 16(4) pp. 3–10.

Storey, John (1995). Employment Policies and Practices In UK Clearing Banks: an Overview. Human Resource Management Journal, 5(4) pp. 24–43.

1994To Top

Storey, John (1994). How new-style management is taking hold. Personnel Management pp. 32–35.

1993To Top

Bacon, Nicolas and Storey, John (1993). Individualization of the Employment Relationship and the Implications for Trade Unions. Employee Relations, 15(1) pp. 5–17.

Storey, John (1993). The take-up of human resource management by mainstream companies: key lessons from research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 4(3) pp. 529–553.

Storey, John (1993). Executive development. Executive Development, 6(3) pp. 16–20.

Storey, John and Bacon, Nicolas (1993). Individualism and collectivism: into the 1990s. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 4(3) pp. 665–684.

Storey, John; Bacon, Nicolas; Edmonds, John and Wyatt, Phil (1993). The ‘New Agenda’ and Human Resource Management: A Roundtable Discussion With John Edmonds. Human Resource Management Journal, 4 pp. 63–70.

Storey, John and Sisson, Keith (1993). Managing Human Resources and Industrial Relations. Managing work and organizations. Milton Keynes, U.K. and Philadephia, U.S.: Open University Press.

1992To Top

Storey, John (1992). Management development in Britain and Japan. Management Development Review, 5(3)

Storey, John (1992). HRM in Action: The Truth is Out at Last. Personnel Management, April pp. 28–31.

1991To Top

Storey, John (1991). Do the Japanese make better managers? Personnel Management, August pp. 24–28.

Storey, John; Okazaki-Ward, Lola; Gow, Ian; Edwards, P.K. and Sisson, Keith (1991). Managerial Careers and Management Development: A Comparative Analysis of Britain and Japan. Human Resource Management Journal, 1(3) pp. 33–57.

1990To Top

Storey, John and Fenwick, Neil (1990). The Changing Face of Employment Management in Local Government. Journal of General Management, 16(1) pp. 14–30.

Storey, John and Sisson, Keith (1990). Limits to transformation: human resource management in the British context. Industrial Relations Journal, 21(1) pp. 60–65.

Storey, John and Sisson, Keith (1990). Making Managers in Britain: a progress report. Public Money & Management, 10(1) pp. 9–15.

1989To Top

Storey, John (1989). Human Resource Management in the Public Sector. Public Money and Management, 9(3) pp. 19–24.

Storey, John and Fenwick, Neil (1989). Bradford′s Two Revolutions: Political, Organisational and Human Resource Management Change in a Large Local Authority. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2(1) pp. 35–39.

1988To Top

Sisson, Keith and Storey, John (1988). Developing Effective Managers: A review of the issues and an agenda for research. Personnel Review, 17(4) pp. 3–8.

1987To Top

Hopper, Trevor; Storey, John and Willmott, Hugh (1987). Accounting for accounting: Towards the development of a dialectical view. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 12(5) pp. 437–456.

1985To Top

Storey, John (1985). The Means of Management Control. Sociology, 19(2) pp. 193–211.

Storey, John (1985). Management Control as a Bridging Concept. Journal of Management Studies, 22(3) pp. 269–291.

1983To Top

Storey, John (1983). Managerial Prerogative and the Question of Control. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

1980To Top


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