Currently browsing: Social Sciences and Global Studies

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2026To Top

Harvey, Sarah and Newcombe, Suzanne (2026). ‘From Tradwives to Red Rebels – a preliminary exploration of the dynamics of gender in contemporary millennialist movements’. In: Strum, Tristan and Crome, Andy eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Millennialism and Apocalypticism. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing (In Press).

2025To Top

Scott, David Gordon ed. (2025). Abolitionist Voices. Bristol University Press (In Press).

Bell, Emma and Scott, David Gordon (2025). Abolitionism in red and black. In: Scott, David Gordon and Bell, Emma eds. Envisioning Abolition Socialism, Anarchism and Penal Abolitionism in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth centuries. Bristol University Press, (In Press).

Chappell, Sophie Grace (2025). Irreversible Enlightenments: A Reading of Plato's Meno. In: Campbell, Michael ed. The Philosophy of Transformative Experience. Routledge, pp. 42–64.

Cole, Matthew (2025). That killing joke isn't funny anymore: Rebranding speciesism after Brexit. In: Browne, Josephine and Sutton, Zoei eds. Human-Animal Relationships in Times of Pandemic and Climate Crisis: Multispecies Sociology for the New Normal. London: Routledge, pp. 151–167.

Coyle, M. and Scott, D. (2025). Questioning the logic of criminalisation and penal policy: abolitionist aspirations and the search for transformative justice. In: Corda, A. ed. Research Handbook on Penal Policy. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, (In Press).

Czajka, Agnes (2025). Reimagining Europe as a Europe of Refugees. In: Tsagdis, Georgios; Uljée, Rozemund and Zantvoort, Bart Frans Willem eds. Reimagining Europe: Thinking in Crisis. State University of New York Press (In press).

Geraghty, Erin (2025). Gender Politics of Class: Exploring the Connections and Collaboration between the Irish Labour Movement and the Irish Women's Franchise League in Dublin, 1908-1916. In: Betts, Oliver; Harrison, Laura and Christine Price, Laura eds. Doing Working-Class History: Research, Heritage, and Engagement. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 95–109.

Maiden, John (2025). ‘Today it is not the Great Saint who is Thundering Forth’: the Laity and Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England. In: Power, Maria and Bush, Jonathan eds. Lay Catholic Societies in Twentieth Century Britain. Cardiff: Catholic Record Society (In Press).

Matravers, Derek (2025). Empathy, the Aesthetic Emotion, and Expression in the Visual Arts. In: Matravers, Derek and Brassey, Vanessa eds. The Expression of Emotion in the Visual Arts. London: Routledge, pp. 10–24.

Matravers, Derek and Brassey, Vanessa (2025). The Expression of Emotion in the Visual Arts. London: Routledge.

Matravers, Derek and Brassey, Vanessa (2025). Introduction. In: Matravers, Derek and Brassey, Vanessa eds. The Expression of Emotion in the Visual Arts. London: Routledge, pp. 1–9.

Newcombe, Suzanne (2025). Where did all the women come from? In: Wildcroft, Theodora and Sojkova, Barbora eds. Yoga Studies in 5 Minutes. Religion in 5 Minutes. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd. (In Press).

Newcombe, Suzanne (2025). What is the relationship between yoga and āyurveda? In: Wildcroft, Theodora and Sojkova, Barbora eds. Yoga Studies in 5 Minutes. Religion in 5 Minutes. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing Ltd. (In Press).

Scott, David Gordon (2025). Libertarian socialism and the struggle for liberative justice. In: Scott, David Gordon ed. Abolitionist Voices. Bristol University Press, (In Press).

Scott, David Gordon (2025). The abolitionist rhizome. In: Scott, David Gordon ed. Abolitionist Voices. Bristol University Press, (In Press).

2024To Top

Abb, Pascal; Boni, Filippo and Karrar, Hasan H. eds. (2024). China, Pakistan and the Belt and Road Initiative: The Experience of an Early Adopter State. Rethinking Asia and international relations. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Makene, Fortunata Songora and Srinivas, Smita eds. (2024). Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Beckerlegge, Gwilym ed. (2024). A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Age of Late Colonialism. A Cultural History of Hinduism, 5. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.

Riva, Sara; Campbell, Simon; Whitener, Brian and Medien, Kathryn eds. (2024). Border Abolition Now. London, UK: Pluto Press.

Abb, Pascal; Boni, Filippo and Karrar, Hasan (2024). The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor at Ten: Taking Stock of the Belt and Road’s “Flagship” Project. In: Abb, Pascal; Boni, Filippo and Karrar, Hasan H. eds. China, Pakistan and the Belt and Road Initiative. The Experience of an Early Adopter State. Rethinking Asia and International Relations. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 1–13.

Acharya, Amitangshu; Wong, Liliane; De Waal, Edmund; Campbell, Hugh; Fluker, Roderick; Repair Shop; Karami, Sepideh; Alday, Iñaki; Vinsel, Lee; Millington, Nate; Geraki, Palmyra; Mirra, Hendl; Karachi Urban Lab; Kounkuey Design Initiative and Fraser, Arabella (2024). Field Notes on Repair: 6.

Agunsoye, Ariane; Dassler, Thoralf; Fotopoulou, Eurydice and Mulberg, Jon eds. (2024). Heterodox Economics and Global Emergencies: Voices from Around the World. Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy. Routledge.

Anand, Pallavi; Bots, Pieter; Gagnon, Jessica; Appiah, Francis; Matera, Elena; Bhagwat, Shonil; Little, Susan; Riches, Amy; ChiFru, Ernest; Lawrence, Anya and Ngwenya, Bryne (2024). You can't climb a broken ladder: Examining underrepresentation of multiply-disadvantaged groups in secure and senior roles in UK geochemistry. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4, article no. 10098.

Anand, Pallavi; Bots, Pieter; Gagnon, Jessica; Appiah, Francis; Maters, Elena; Bhagwat, Shonil; Little, Susan; Riches, Amy; ChiFru, Ernest; Lawrence, Anya and Ngwenya, Bryne (2024). You Can’t Climb a Broken Ladder: Examining Underrepresentation of Multiply-Disadvantaged Groups in Secure and Senior Roles in UK Geochemistry. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4, article no. 10098.

Anand, Paul (2024). Artificial Intelligence, Human Development and Impact. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 25(2) pp. 358–361.

Anwar, Nausheen H.; Fraser, Arabella; Mulligan, Joe; Anjum, Gulnaz; Riaz, Nirmal; Saleem, Muhammad Arsam; Sameer, Duaa; Barake, Bosibori; K'Oyoo, Allan Ouko and Wandera, Christine (2024). The 24-Hour Risk City: A Framework for Thinking About Building Infrastructures of Climate Repair in Nairobi and Karachi.

Anwar, Nausheen H.; Fraser, Arabella; Mulligan, Joe; Anjum, Gulnaz and Wakhungu, Mathews (2024). Just and Resilient Infrastructures in Pakistan and Kenya.

Austen, Siobhan; Himmelweit, Susan; Sharp, Rhonda and Costa, Monica (2024). Negotiating assets in a financialised retirement income system: Evidence from older mixed-sex couple households in Australia. In: Bennett, Fran; Avram, Silvia and Austen, Siobhan eds. A Research Agenda for Financial Resources within the Household. Edward Elgar, pp. 209–224.

Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Srinivas, Smita; Chataway, Joanna and Makene, Fortunata Songora (2024). Conclusion: Better Cancer Care and Greater Local Health Security: Lessons, Opportunities and Ways Forward. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Makene, Fortunata Songora and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series (IPES). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 315–326.

Banda, Geoffrey; Wanjala, Cecilia; Manduku, Veronica and Kale, Dinar (2024). Realistic Ambitions: Technology Transfer for Biologics Platform Technologies. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Sogora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series (IPES). Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 215–239.

Banda, Geoffrey; Wanjala, Cecilia; Vanduku, Veronica; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar (2024). Broken Supply Chains and Local Manufacturing Innovation: Responses to Covid-19 and Their Implications for Policy. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Songora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International political economy series. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25–46.

Bartlett, Celia (2024). Gender, ethical consumerism, and political participation. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London: Routledge, pp. 170–175.

Beckerlegge, Gwilym (2024). The Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. In: Coleman, Tracy ed. Hinduism. Oxford Bibliographies.

Bird, Holly; Bryant, Lucy and Kadiri, Habib (2024). Defunding the Police is Good for our Mental Health. The Political Quarterly, 95(3) pp. 474–479.

Blair, Alasdair; Butcher, Charity; Bhasin, Tavishi; Gordon, Elizabeth Ellen; Hallward, Maia Carter; Usherwood, Simon and McCartney, Alison Rios Millett (2024). Teaching Political Science in Times of Conflict: Introducing the Symposium. Journal of Political Science Education, 20(3) pp. 343–346.

Boni, Filippo (2024). China's normative influence in Europe: the case of Sino-Italian relations under the Belt and Road Initiative. In: Roy, Indrajit; Eckhardt, Jappe; Stroikos, Dimitrios and Davidescu, Simona eds. Rising Power, Limited Influence: The Politics of Chinese Investments in Europe and the Liberal International Order. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 82–99.

Braun, Martin; Dawes, Anita; Jordan, Sally; Wood, Carlton; Andrianova, Olga; Nita, Maria; Gough, Georgina; Calder, Kathleen; Astles, Paul; Meade, Rosie; Cox, Teresa and Elliott, Anna (2024). Developing reflective assessment tasks to engage physics students with the key sustainability competencies. In: Advance HE’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: Future-Focused Education: Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact, 2-4 Jul 2024, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Butcher, Charity; Blair, Alasdair; Bhasin, Tavishi; Gordon, Elizabeth; Hallward, Maia Carter; McCartney, Alison Rios Millett and Usherwood, Simon (2024). Looking Back and Looking Forward: Reflections on 20 Years of the Journal of Political Science Education. Journal of Political Science Education, 20(4) pp. 503–506.

Calabrese, Linda; Jenkins, Rhys and Lombardozzi, Lorena (2024). The Belt and Road Initiative and Dynamics of Structural Transformation. The European Journal of Development Research, 36 pp. 515–547.

Carrera, Jennifer and Levidow, Les (2024). Introduction: participatory knowledge co-production. Science as Culture (Early access).

Cavedon-Taylor, Dan (2024). Magic, Alief and Make-Believe. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (In press).

Chappell, Sophie-Grace (2024). Epiphanies: A Brief and Partial History, with Particular Reference to James Joyce. In: Bruno, G. Anthony and Vlasits, Justin eds. Transformation and the History of Philosophy. Rewriting the History of Philosophy. Routledge, pp. 333–344.

Chellappoo, Azita (2024). Postgenomic understandings of fatness and metabolism. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 46(4), article no. 34.

Chimisso, Cristina (2024). Modernity and the Mind of the Other: Lévy-Bruhl, Bachelard, and Metzger. In: Guastamacchia, Giuseppe ed. Il tempo ritrovato. Scritti in onore di Massimo Ferrari. Pisa: ETS, pp. 245–257.

Chimisso, Cristina (2024). Historical epistemology: a broader and more complex view. In: Whistler, Daniel and Sinclair, Mark eds. The Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 201–218.

Chiyemura, Frangton (2024). China-Africa relations in a changing world. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B eds. The Companion to Development Studies. London: Routledge.

Chukwuma, Julia Ngozi (2024). Decolonising global health. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London, UK: Routledge.

Cin, F. Melis; Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime; Walker, Craig; Truter, Lorna; Doğan, Necmettin; Gunter, Ashley and Cin, M. Melih (2024). The politics of co-production and inclusive deliberation in participatory research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology (Early access).

Clark, Norman (2024). Developing technology policy in Africa. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 23(1) pp. 3–10.

Connolly, Emma Anne (2024). An Innovative Methodological Approach to Analysing Social Media Movements. International Journal of Social Media and Online Communities, 16(1) pp. 1–22.

Cross, Charlotte (2024). Policing and development. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandan and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 424–428.

Cross, Charlotte and Giblin, John D. (2024). Heritage and development. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London, UK: Routledge, pp. 78–81.

Cross, Charlotte; Mokua, Sharon; Ngilangwa, Richard; Santos, Cristina; Ngoma, Twalib and Mujinja, Phares G. M. (2024). Beyond “Late Presentation”: Explaining Delayed Cancer Diagnosis in East Africa. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Makene, Fortunata Songora and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series.. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93–111.

Daniels, Chux; Steenmans, Ine; Makene, Fortunata Songora; Ngilangwa, Richard; Ngoma, Twalib; Santos, Cristina and Mackintosh, Maureen (2024). Innovation and Policy in Cancer Pain Management: Systemic Interactions in Tanzania. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Srinivas, Smita and Makene, Fortunata Songora eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 265–287.

Dauncey, Emil (2024). Youth: Perspectives and paradigms in global development. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London: Routledge, pp. 202–207.

Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. (2024). The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London: Routledge.

Deane, Kevin (2024). Cash Transfers and HIV Prevention in Africa. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies; 4th Edition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 490–494.

Deane, Kevin (2024). Political economy and social epidemiology in the context of the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Primrose, David; Loeppky, Rodney and Chang, Robin eds. The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Health and Healthcare. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190–201.

Dimou, Eleni; Boukli, Avi and Papanikolaou, Georgios (2024). Constructing ‘indigenous people’ reproducing coloniality’s epistemic violence: a content analysis of the U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report. In: Faulkner, Elizabeth A. ed. Modern Slavery in Global Context: Human Rights, Law and Society. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.

Dobson, Rachael; Blomley, Nicholas; Cochrane, Allan; Devlin, Ryan Thomas and Hilbrandt, Hanna (2024). Book review forum: Housing in the Margins. Urban Studies, 61(5) pp. 968–979.

Drake, D.H. and Scott, D.G. (2024). Demystifying murder: Open University pedagogy, social murder and the legacy of Steven Box. In: Scott, D.G and Sim, J. eds. Demystifying Power, Crime and Social Harm: The Work and Legacy of Steven Box. Critical Criminological Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 531–556.

Drake, Deborah H.; Walters, Reece; Wood, Mark A. and Koumouris, Greg (2024). Criminology and Propaganda Studies: Charting New Horizons in Criminological Thought. The British Journal of Criminology, 64(3) pp. 558–575.

Du Gay, Paul; Pryke, Michael and Bennett, Toby (2024). Cultural revolutions: interview with Paul du Gay and Michael Pryke. Journal of Cultural Economy, 17(5) pp. 672–683.

Dwivedi, Yogesh K.; Jeyaraj, Anand; Hughes, Laurie; Davies, Gareth H.; Ahuja, Manju; Albashrawi, Mousa Ahmed; Al-Busaidi, Adil S.; Al-Sharhan, Salah; Al-Sulaiti, Khalid Ibrahim; Altinay, Levent; Amalaya, Shem; Archak, Sunil; Ballestar, María Teresa; Bhagwat, Shonil; Bharadwaj, Anandhi; Bhushan, Amit; Bose, Indranil; Budhwar, Pawan; Bunker, Deborah; Capatina, Alexandru; Carter, Lemuria; Constantiou, Ioanna; Coombs, Crispin; Crick, Tom; Csáki, Csaba; Darnige, Yves; Dé, Rahul; Delbridge, Rick; Dubey, Rameshwar; Gauld, Robin; Gutti, Ravi Kumar; Hattingh, Marié; Haug, Arve; Hendricks, Leeya; Hino, Airo; Hsu, Cathy H.C.; Iivari, Netta; Janssen, Marijn; Jebabli, Ikram; Jones, Paul; Junglas, Iris; Kaushik, Abhishek; Khazanchi, Deepak; Kodama, Mitsuru; Kraus, Sascha; Kumar, Vikram; Maier, Christian; Malik, Tegwen; Matthee, Machdel; McCarthy, Ian P.; Meier, Marco; Metri, Bhimaraya; Micu, Adrian; Micu, Angela-Eliza; Misra, Santosh K.; Mishra, Anubhav; Molin-Juustila, Tonja; Oppermann, Leif; O’Regan, Nicholas; Pal, Abhipsa; Pandey, Neeraj; Pappas, Ilias O.; Parker, Andrew; Pathak, Kavita; Pienta, Daniel; Polyviou, Ariana; Raman, Ramakrishnan; Ribeiro-Navarrete, Samuel; Ritala, Paavo; Rosemann, Michael; Sarker, Suprateek; Saxena, Pallavi; Schlagwein, Daniel; Schultze, Hergen; Sharma, Chitra; Sharma, Sujeet Kumar; Simintiras, Antonis; Singh, Vinay Kumar; Smuts, Hanlie; Soldatos, John; Tiwari, Manoj Kumar; Thatcher, Jason Bennett; Vanberghen, Cristina; Varga, Ákos; Vassilakopoulou, Polyxeni; Venkatesh, Viswanath; Viglia, Giampaolo; Vorley, Tim; Wade, Michael and Walton, Paul (2024). “Real impact”: Challenges and opportunities in bridging the gap between research and practice – Making a difference in industry, policy, and society. International Journal of Information Management, 78, article no. 102750.

Erel, Umut (2024). Collaborations Between Academics, Artists and Activists: Transforming Public Understandings and Representations of Migration Issues. In: Sievers, Wiebke ed. Cultural Change in Post-Migrant Societies. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 181–197.

Essex, Stephen; Caprotti, Federico; de Groot, Jiska; Phillips, Jon; Baker, Lucy; Wolpe, Peta and Reddy, Yachika (2024). The ‘capability’ of South African energy governance to deliver urban sustainable transitions. Urban Research and Practice, 17(4) pp. 515–542.

Evans, Jessica; Sibbett, Lorna and Xuereb, Sharon (2024). Academic integrity principles for assessment design: Developing and implementing them. In: Assessment in Higher Education, 20-21 Jun 2024, Manchester, UK.

Frohlich, David M.; Yuan, Haiyue; Corrigan-Kavanagh, Emily; Mameli, Elisa; Scarles, Caroline; Sporea, Radu; Revill, George; Brown, Alan W. and Bober, Miroslaw (2024). A Market-Ready Ecosystem for Publishing and Reading Augmented Books. In: Wei, June and Margetis, George eds. Human-Centered Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications (HCII 2024). Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, 14738. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 58–75.

Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek (2024). Stones and Lives: The Ethics of Protecting Heritage in War. Oxford University Press.

Gaskarth, Jamie (2024). Foreign Policy Analysis and Ethics of Responsibility. In: Kaarbo, Juliet and Thies, Cameron G. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 134–153.

Golding, Berenice; Hamilton,, Sukhbinder and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2024). Complex worlds, complex people: Auto-ethnographic conversations on decolonising the aftermath of death. In: Mallon, Sharon and Towers, Laura eds. Death, Dying and Bereavement: New Sociological Perspectives,. Sociological Futures. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 159–171.

Griffin, Liza; Revill, George and Wellesley-Smith, Claire (2024). What is the potential of creative practice for building community resilience in flood-prone communities in the UK? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 112, article no. 104760.

Gunter, A.; Breines, M.R.; Cin, F.M. and Raghuram, P. (2024). Revisiting Access in Debates on Internationalisation: Transnational Rights? In: Engwall, L. ed. Internationalization in Higher Education and Research: Perspectives, Obstacles, Alternatives. Higher Education Dynamics, 62. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 161–180.

Hanlon, Joseph (2024). Mozambique: Turning a poor country into a rentier state. In: Sanghera, Balihar ed. Global Rentier Capitalism: Theory and Development. London: Routledge, pp. 167–179.

Hu, Ran (2024). State Transformation and China's Belt and Road Initiative. In: Roy, Indrajit; Eckhardt, Jappe; Stroikos, Dimitrios and Davidescu, Simona eds. Rising Power, Limited Influence: The Politics of Chinese Investments in Europe and the Liberal International Order. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 44–64.

Husbands, Samantha; Mitchell, Paul Mark; Kinghorn, Philip; Byford, Sarah; Bailey, Cara; Anand, Paul; Peters, Tim J; Floredin, Isabella and Coast, Joanna (2024). Is well-becoming important for children and young people? Evidence from in-depth interviews with children and young people and their parents. Quality of Life Research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, 33 pp. 1051–1061.

Husbands, Samantha; Mitchell, Paul Mark; Kinghorn, Philip; Byford, Sarah; Breheny, Katie; Bailey, Cara; Anand, Paul; Peters, Tim J.; Floredin, Isabella and Coast, Joanna (2024). The development of a capability wellbeing measure in economic evaluation for children and young people aged 11-15. Social Science & Medicine, 360, article no. 117311.

Ilori, Ayobami E.; Dery, Cosmas; Murgia, Lucia M. and Nsafoah, Dennis (2024). Monetary policy and heterogeneous price effects in the United Kingdom. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 71(5) pp. 705–719.

Jakimow, Malgorzata; Boni, Filippo and Turcsányi, Richard (2024). Does Populism Matter in EU–China Relations? The Cases of Italy and Czechia. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies (Early access).

Joshi, Pallavi and Kale, Dinar (2024). Navigating the institutional gaps, mismatch, and neglect. In: Dauncey, Emily; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London: Routledge, pp. 532–536.

Joshi, Pallavi; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2024). Novel approaches for scaling up engineering-based inclusive innovation. In: 31st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024, 9-11 Jul 2024, University College London, London, UK.

Joshi, Pallavi; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2024). Novel Approaches for Scaling up Engineering-Based Inclusive Innovation. In: Cooper, Adam; Trigos, Federico; Stjepandić,, Josef; Curran, Richard and Lazar, Irina eds. Engineering for Social Change. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 60. IOS Press, pp. 632–641.

Kale, Dinar; Srinivas, Smita and Banda, Geoffrey (2024). Emerging Business Models in Cancer Diagnostic Startups in India and Lessons for African Countries. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Songora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series (IPES). Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 191–213.

Katsinas, Philipp and Soudias, Dimitris (2024). Constructing a governmental vision of happiness: Insights from Greece. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space (Early access).

Keith, Michael; Cramer-Greenbaum, Susannah; Murji, Karim; Pile, Steve; Solomos, John; Yazici, Eda and Wang, Ying (2024). Entanglements of race and migration in the (open) city: Analytical and normative tensions of the sociological imagination. The Sociological Review (Early access).

Knight, Sara; Coates, Janine Kim; Lathlean, Judith and Perez-del-Aguila, Rossana (2024). The development of an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for Forest School in the United Kingdom. British Educational Research Journal, 50(2) pp. 905–922.

Lambin, Roosa and Nyyssölä, Milla (2024). Incorporating Informal Workers into Social Insurance in Tanzania. In: Yi, Ilcheong; Kaasch, Alexandra and Stetter, Kelly eds. Emerging Trends in Social Policy from the South: Challenges and Innovations in Emerging Economies. Policy Press, pp. 161–185.

Lambin, Roosa Amanda and Nyyssölä, Milla (2024). Tanzanian social policy in the new millennium – a cross-sectoral analysis from a gender perspective. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 44(13/14) pp. 49–67.

Lightowlers, Carly; Bryant, Lucy and Horsefield, Olivia (2024). Obscured by Its Omnipresence? Conceptual and Practical Issues around Measuring Alcohol-Related Crime in England and Wales. In: Huey, Laura and Buil-Gil, David eds. The Crime Data Handbook. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press, pp. 139–151.

Lorne, Colin; Papanastasiou, Natalie and Griggs, Steven (2024). The whereabouts of politics and policy in troubling times. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 42(2) pp. 171–178.

Lowe, Jonquil (2024). The Retirement Challenge. In: Ring, Patrick; Lowe, Jonquil and Luu, Lien. Global Pension Challenges: Pensions, Saving and Retirement in the Twenty-First Century. Contemporary issues in finance. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 36–73.

Lowe, Jonquil (2024). The state and pensions. In: Ring, Patrick J.; Lowe, Jonquil and Luu, Lien eds. Global Pension Challenges: Pensions, Saving and Retirement in the Twenty-First Century. Contemporary issues in finance. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 74–103.

Lundberg, Tommy R.; Tucker, Ross; McGawley, Kerry; Williams, Alun G.; Millet, Grégoire P.; Sandbakk, Øyvind; Howatson, Glyn; Brown, Gregory A.; Carlson, Lara A.; Chantler, Sarah; Chen, Mark A.; Heffernan, Shane M.; Heron, Neil; Kirk, Christopher; Murphy, Marie H.; Pollock, Noel; Pringle, Jamie; Richardson, Andrew; Santos‐Concejero, Jordan; Stebbings, Georgina K.; Christiansen, Ask Vest; Phillips, Stuart M.; Devine, Cathy; Jones, Carwyn; Pike, Jon and Hilton, Emma N. (2024). The International Olympic Committee framework on fairness, inclusion and nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex variations does not protect fairness for female athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 34(3), article no. e14581.

Mackintosh, Maureen; Banda, Geoffrey; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Srinivas, Smita and Makene, Fortunata Sangora (2024). The Cancer Care Challenge in the Light of Pandemic Experience. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Srinivas, Smita and Makene, Fortunata Sangora eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3–23.

Mackintosh, Maureen; Chaudhuri, Sudip; Mohamed, Nazeem; Wangwe, Samuel; Ngoma, Twalib and Manduku, Veronica (2024). Oncology Drug Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Challenge and Opportunity, with Evidence from India. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy; Srinivas, Smita and Makene, Fortunata Sangora eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 163–188.

Maheshwari, Aishwarya; Bhagwat, Shonil; Hoang, Lam Van and Karpate, Yogita (2024). How can faith-based approaches protect biodiversity? Journal for Nature Conservation, 78, article no. 126578.

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2023To Top

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2022To Top

Cross, Charlotte and Giblin, John D. eds. (2022). Critical Approaches to Heritage for Development. Rethinking Development. Abingdon: Routledge.

Czajka, Agnes and O'Brien, Aine eds. (2022). Art, Migration and the Production of Radical Democratic Citizenship. Frontiers of the Political. Rowman and Littlefield International.

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Wastnidge, Edward and Mabon, Simon eds. (2022). Saudi Arabia and Iran: The struggle to shape the Middle East. Identities and Geopolitics in the Middle East. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. (2022). Understanding Global Social Policy (3rd ed). Understanding welfare: social issues, policy and practice. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Amigud, Alexander and Pell, David (2022). Virtue, Utility and Improvisation: A Multinational Survey of Academic Staff Solving Integrity Dilemmas. Journal of Academic Ethics, 20 pp. 311–333.

Anand, Pallavi; Appiah, Francis; Lawrence, Anya; Bots, Pieter; Gagnon, Jessica; Bhagwat, Shonil; Riches, Amy J. V; Little, Susan; Maters, Elena; Chi Fru, Ernest and Ngwenya, Bryne (2022). Assessing diversity and inclusion within the UK’s geochemistry academic workforce. In: European Geoscience Union 2022, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Anand, Paul; Allen, Heidi; Ferrer, Bob; Gold, Natalie; Gonzales Martinez, Rolando; Kontopantelis, Evangelos; Krause, Melanie and Vergunst, Francis (2022). Work-Related and Personal Predictors of COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence from the UK and US. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 76 pp. 152–157.

Anand, Paul; Behrman, Jere R; Dang, Hai-Anh H and Jones, Sam (2022). Decomposing Learning Inequalities in East Africa: How Much Does Sorting Matter? The World Bank Economic Review, 36(1) pp. 219–243.

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Ashe, Teresa and Poberezhskaya, Marianna (2022). Russian climate scepticism: an understudied case. Climatic Change, 172(3-4), article no. 41.

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Bhagwat, Shonil (2022). Reconnecting food, culture and the environment. The Geographer, 2022(Autumn) pp. 28–29.

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