Currently browsing: Philosophy
2024To Top
Anand, Paul
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace (2024). Trans Figured: on being a transgender person in a cisgender world. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina
Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek (2024). Stones and Lives: The Ethics of Protecting Heritage in War. Oxford University Press.
Hurrell, David
Husbands, Samantha; Mitchell, Paul Mark; Kinghorn, Philip; Byford, Sarah; Bailey, Cara; Anand, Paul; Peters, Tim J; Floredin, Isabella and Coast, Joanna
Jones, Robert M.
Lundberg, Tommy R.; Tucker, Ross; McGawley, Kerry; Williams, Alun G.; Millet, Grégoire P.; Sandbakk, Øyvind; Howatson, Glyn; Brown, Gregory A.; Carlson, Lara A.; Chantler, Sarah; Chen, Mark A.; Heffernan, Shane M.; Heron, Neil; Kirk, Christopher; Murphy, Marie H.; Pollock, Noel; Pringle, Jamie; Richardson, Andrew; Santos‐Concejero, Jordan; Stebbings, Georgina K.; Christiansen, Ask Vest; Phillips, Stuart M.; Devine, Cathy; Jones, Carwyn; Pike, Jon and Hilton, Emma N.
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek; Marino, Alessandra and Treviño, Natalie
Nichols, Ryan; Charbonneau, Mathieu; Chellappoo, Azita; Davis, Taylor; Haidle, Miriam; Kimbrough, Erik O.; Moll, Henrike; Moore, Richard; Scott-Phillips, Thom; Purzycki, Benjamin Grant and Segovia-Martin, Jose
Roupa, Vicky
Roupa, Vicky
Shand, John
Shand, John
Shand, John
Tucker, Ross; Hilton, Emma N.; McGawley, Kerry; Pollock, Noel; Millet, Grégoire P.; Sandbakk, Øyvind; Howatson, Glyn; Brown, Gregory A.; Carlson, Lara A.; Chen, Mark A.; Heron, Neil; Kirk, Christopher; Murphy, Marie H.; Pringle, Jamie; Richardson, Andrew; Santos‐Concejero, Jordan; Christiansen, Ask Vest; Jones, Carwyn; Alonso, Juan‐Manuel; Robinson, Rebecca; Jones, Nigel; Wilson, Mathew; Parker, Michael G.; Chintoh, Arabah; Hunter, Sandra; Senefeld, Jonathon W.; O'Connor, Mary I.; Joyner, Michael; Carneiro, Eva M.; Devine, Cathy; Pike, Jon and Lundberg, Tommy R.
2023To Top
Barber, Alex
Barber, Alex
Barber, Alex and Cordell, Sean eds. (2023). The Ethics of Social Roles. Engaging Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barber, Alex and Cordell, Sean
Bülow, William; Frowe, Helen; Matravers, Derek and Thomas, Joshua Lewis eds. (2023). Heritage and War: Ethical Issues. Oxford Academic.
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Chellappoo, Azita and Baedke, Jan
Chimisso, Cristina
Cordell, Sean
Cross, Jeffrey; Berrar, Daniel; Watson, Ian and Smith, Roderick
Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek
Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek
Koch, Steffen; Löhr, Guido and Pinder, Mark
Latham, Sally and Pinder, Mark
Manning, Lucy Fay
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek; Marino, Alessandra and Trevino, Natalie
Pike, Jon
Pike, Jon
Pinder, Mark
Shand, John
Shand, John
Watson, Ian
Zhang, Yalu; Gao, Qin; Zhai, Fuhua and Anand, Paul
2022To Top
Anand, Paul; Allen, Heidi; Ferrer, Bob; Gold, Natalie; Gonzales Martinez, Rolando; Kontopantelis, Evangelos; Krause, Melanie and Vergunst, Francis
Anand, Paul; Behrman, Jere R; Dang, Hai-Anh H and Jones, Sam
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie-Grace (2022). Epiphanies: an ethics of experience. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Chellappoo, Azita
Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek
Gonzalez Martinez, R.; Wells, J.; Anand, P.; Bergeron, G.; Pelto, G.; Dhansay, A. and Haisma, H.
Hoorani, Bareerah Hafeez; Krishnakumar, Jaya and Anand, Paul
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Morrison, Jo
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Roden, David
Roupa, Vicky
Shand, John (2022). Meaning, Value, Death and God. In Daily Philosophy The Daily Philosophy.
Shand, John (2022). The Empathy Paradox. In Daily Philosophy Daily Philosophy.
Shand, John (2022). The Wind on Your Face: A reflection. In Daily Philosophy Daily Philosophy.
Shand, John (2022). The Knowledge-Effect. In Daily Philosophy Daily Philosophy.
Shand, John (2022). Kant’s Categories and the Stevenson Screen. In Daily Philosophy Daily Philosophy.
Shand, John
Shand, John (2022). Books that Lead You to Philosophy. Karl Popper: The Open Society and Its Enemies. In Daily Philosophy Daily Philosophy.
Van der Boor, C. F.; Christiansen, P.; Anand, P. and White, R.
2021To Top
Anand, Paul
Anand, Paul; Jones, Sam; Donoghue, Matthew and Teitler, Julien
Barber, Alex and Stainton, Robert J.
Belshaw, Christopher
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chellappoo, Azita
Chimisso, Cristina and Jardine, Nicholas
Frankish, K.
Grey, Christopher Michael
Hurrell, David
Matravers, Derek
Pike, Jon
Pike, Jon
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Roupa, Vicky
Roupa, Vicky
Roupa, Vicky
Shand, John (2021). Assisted Voluntary Euthanasia: The main arguments. In Daily Philosophy Daily Philosophy.
Shand, John (2021). What Are We Responsible For? Intentions, consequences and character. In Daily Philosophy Daily Philosophy.
Shand, John
Shand, John
Shand, John
2020To Top
Anand, Paul; Ferrer, Bob; Gao, Qin; Nogales, Ricardo and Unterhalter, Elaine
Anand, Paul; Roope, Laurence S. J.; Culyer, Anthony J. and Smith, Ron
Anand, Paul; Saxena, Swati; Gonzales Martinez, Rolando and Dang, Hai-Anh H.
Barber, Alex
Barber, Alex
Belshaw, Christopher (2020). The Value and Meaning of Life. Routledge.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Fannin, Maria; Connor, Katy; Roden, David and Meacham, Darian
Hurrell, David
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Pawlett Jackson, Sarah
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Price, Carolyn
Price, Carolyn
Roupa, Vicky (2020). Articulations of Nature and Politics in Plato and Hegel. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Roupa, Vicky
Trani, Jean-Francois; Moodley, Jacqueline; Anand, Paul; Graham, Lauren and Maw, May Thu Thu
2019To Top
Shand, John ed. (2019). A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Anand, Paul; Roope, Laurence and Ross, Andy
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chimisso, Cristina (2019). Hélène Metzger, Historian and Historiographer of the Sciences. Science, Technology and Culture, 1700-1945. Abingdon: Routledge.
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina
Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek (2019). Conflict and Cultural heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection. J. Paul Getty Trust Occasional Papers in Cultural Heritage Policy, No.3, Getty Publications, Los Angeles.
Haisma, Hinke; Pelto, Gretel; Venkatapuram, Sridhar; Yousefzadeh, Sepideh; Kramer, Lybrich and Anand, Paul
Hurrell, David
Pike, Jon
Pike, Jon and Cordell, Sean
Robshaw, Brandon Glyn David
Shand, John
Shand, John
Shand, John
Yorke, Christopher Charles
Zhang, Yalu; Gao, Qin; Zhai, Fuhua and Anand, Paul
2018To Top
Caouette, Justin and Price, Carolyn eds. (2018). The Moral Psychology of Compassion. Moral Psychology of the Emotions. London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
Dries, Manuel ed. (2018). Nietzsche on Consciousness and the Embodied Mind. Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung (MTNF), 70. Boston, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Matravers, Derek and Waldow, Anik eds. (2018). Philosophical Perspective on Empathy: Theoretical Approaches and Emerging Challenges. Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory. London: Routledge.
Anand, Paul; Behrman, Jere R.; Dang, Hai-Anh H. and Jones, Sam
Anand, Paul; Esposito, Lucio and Villaseñor, Adrián
Anand, Paul and Poggi, Ambra
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace and van Ackeren, Marcel (2018). Ethics Beyond the Limits: New Essays on Bernard Williams’ Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Chappell, Sophie-Grace
Cordell, Sean
Dries, Manuel
Dries, Manuel
Jones, Sam; Behrman, Jere; Dang, Hai anh and Anand, Paul (2018). Identifying Catch-Up Trajectories in Child Growth: New Methods with Evidence from Young Lives. In World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 8353 World Bank Group.
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Pike, Jon
Pike, Jon
Pinder, Mark
Price, Carolyn
Shand, John
Shand, John
2017To Top
Barber, Alexander
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chimisso, Cristina
Cordell, Sean
Dries, Manuel
Matravers, Derek (2017). Empathy. Key Concepts in Philosophy. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Matravers, Derek
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Shand, John
2016To Top
Anand, Paul and Roope, Laurence
Bache, Ian; Reardon, Louise and Anand, Paul
Belshaw, Christopher
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chimisso, C. (2017) Bachelard, Gaston (1884-1962). in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 1-4.
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Price, Carolyn
Shand, John
Shand, John
Shand, John
2015To Top
Chappell, Sophie Grace ed. (2015). Intuition, Theory, and Anti-Theory in Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dries, Manuel and Kail, P. J. E. eds. (2015). Nietzsche on Mind and Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anand, Paul; Gray, Alastair; Liberini, Federica; Roope, Laurence; Smith, Ron and Thomas, Ranjeeta
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Chimisso, Cristina
Coates, Dermot; Anand, Paul and Norris, Michelle (2015). Housing, Happiness and Capabilities: A Summary of the International Evidence and Models. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 81; Economics Department, The Open University.
Coates, Dermot; Anand, Paul and Norris, Michelle (2015). A Capabilities Approach to Housing and Quality of Life: The Evidence from Germany. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 78; Economics Department, The Open University.
Coates, Dermot; Anand, Paul and Norris, Michelle (2015). Capabilities and Marginalised Communities: The Case of the Indigenous Ethnic Minority Traveller Community and Housing in Ireland. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 80; Economics Department, The Open University.
Dries, M.
Dries, Manuel
Dries, Manuel
Dries, Manuel
Dries, Manuel
Dries, Manuel and Kail, P. J. E.
Jackson, Paul Terence Matthias
Matravers, Derek
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Price, Carolyn (2015). Emotion. Key Concepts in Philosophy. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Shand, John
Shand, John
2014To Top
Matravers, Derek and Freeman, Damien eds. (2014). Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings. Abingdon: Routledge.
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher (2014). The Value of Life. The Open University.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy (2014). Knowing What To Do: Imagination, Virtue, and Platonism in Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina
Matravers, Derek (2014). Fiction and Narrative. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Matravers, Derek
Pinder, Mark
Pinder, Mark
Price, Carolyn
Sciortino, Luca
Shand, John
2013To Top
Anand, Paul; d'Ercole, Marco Mira and Low, Hamish
Barber, Alex
Barber, Alex
Bellani, Luna; Hunter, Graham and Anand, Paul
Boyce, Raymond
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina
Coates, Dermot; Anand, Paul and Norris, Michelle
Dries, Manuel
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
McLaughlin, Kenneth and Cordell, Sean
Price, Carolyn
Shand, John
Simon, Judit; Anand, Paul; Gray, Alastair; Rugkåsa, Jorun; Yeeles, Ksenija and Burns, Tom
2012To Top
Frankish, Keith and Ramsey, William eds. (2012). The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Anand, Paul; Thomas, Ranjeeta and Gray, Alastair (2012). Wellbeing Over 50: A Capabilities Approach. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 77; Economics Department, The Open University.
Anand, Paul; Exworthy, Mark; Frossini, Francesca and Jones, Lorelei
Anand, Paul and Leape, Jonathan
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Matravers, Derek (2012). Introducing Philosophy of Art: Eight Case Studies. Durham: Acumen Press.
Matravers, Derek
Pike, Jon
Price, Carolyn
Price, Carolyn
Roden, David
Shand, John
Shand, John
2011To Top
Aguilar, Jesús; Buckareff, Andrei and Frankish, Keith eds. (2011). New Waves in Philosophy of Action. New Waves in Philosophy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Anand, Paul
Anand, Paul; Krishnakumar, Jaya and Tran, Ngoc Bich
Anand, Paul and Lea, Stephen (2011). The economic psychology of poverty. In Journal of Economic Psychology Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(2), p. 205.
Anand, Paul and Lea, Stephen
Anand, Paul; Martine, Durand and Heckman, James (2011). The Measurement of Progress - Some Achievements and Challenges. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Barber, Alex
Barber, Alexander
Belshaw, Christopher
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina
Cordell, Sean
Cordell, Sean
Cordell, Sean; Bellivier, Florence; Widdows, Heather and Noiville, Christine
Cordell, Sean and Widdows, Heather
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Hepburn, Winthrop Brent
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek and Coplan, Amy
Shand, John
Shand, John
Shand, John
Widdows, Heather and Cordell, Sean
Williams, Anthony George
2010To Top
Belshaw, Christopher
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy (2010). Bernard Williams. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina
Cordell, Sean and Widdows, Heather
Dries, Manuel
Frankish, K. and Kasmirli, M.
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith and Kasmirli, Maria
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Price, Carolyn
Roden, David
Roden, David
Shand, John
Shand, John
Shand, John
Wulff, Elsebeth
2009To Top
Barber, Alex and Stainton, Robert J. eds. (2009). Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
Belshaw, Christopher and Kemp, Gary eds. (2009). 12 Modern Philosophers. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Chappell, Timothy ed. (2009). The Problem of Moral Demandingness: New Philosophical Essays. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Evans, Jonathan and Frankish, Keith eds. (2009). In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Shand, John ed. (2009). Central Issues of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Anand, Paul and Gray, Alistair
Anand, Paul and Santos, Cristina
Belshaw, Christopher (2009). Annihilation: the sense and significance of death. Stocksfield, UK: Acumen Publishing.
Belshaw, Christopher
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan
Chappell, Timothy (2009). Ethics and Experience: Life Beyond Moral Theory. Durham: Acumen Publishing.
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy (2009). Knowledge in the Theaetetus. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith and Evans, Jonathan St. B. T.
Frankish, Keith and Kasmirli, Maria
Shand, John
Vallance, Grant Douglas
2008To Top
Dries, Manuel ed. (2008). Nietzsche on Time and History. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.
Anand, Paul; Santos, Cristina and Smith, Ron
Barber, Alex
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina (2008). Writing the History of the Mind: Philosophy and Science in France, 1900 to 1960s. Science, Technology and Culture 1700-1945. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Chimisso, Cristina
Crilly, Nathan; Good, David; Matravers, Derek and Clarkson, P. John
Dries, Manuel
Dries, Manuel
Shand, John
Shand, John
Sludds, Kevin
2007To Top
Anand, Paul; Hunter, Graham; Carter, Ian; Dowding, Keith; Guala, Francesco and Van Hees, Martin (2007). Measurement of Human Capabilities. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 53; Economics Department, The Open University.
Anand, Paul and Santos, Cristina
Anand, Paul; Santos, Cristina and Smith, Ron (2007). The Measurement of Capabilities. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 67; Economics Department, The Open University.
Barber, Alex
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Pike, Jon (2007). Political Philosophy A-Z. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Rowe, Matthew
Shand, John
Shand, John
Shand, John
2006To Top
Chappell, Timothy ed. (2006). Values and Virtues: Aristotelianism in contemporary ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Shand, John ed. (2006). Central Works of Philosophy v4: Twentieth Century: Moore to Popper. Central Works of Philosophy, 4. London: Routledge.
Shand, John ed. (2006). Central Works of Philosophy v5: Twentieth Century: Quine and After. Central Works of Philosophy, 5. London: Routledge.
Anand, Paul and Santos, Cristina (2006). Violent Crime, Gender Inequalities and Well-Being: Models based on a Survey of Individual Capabilities and Crime Rates for England and Wales. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 56; Economics Department, The Open University.
Anand, Paul and Clark, Andrew
Anand, Paul and van Hees, Martin
Barber, A.
Belshaw, Christopher
Chappell, T. D. J.
Chimisso, Cristina
Dries, Manuel
Frankish, Keith
Knott, David
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Price, Carolyn
Price, Carolyn
2005To Top
Shand, John ed. (2005). Central Works of Philosophy v2: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Central Works of Philosophy, 2. London: Routledge.
Shand, John ed. (2005). Central Works of Philosophy v3: Nineteenth Century. Central Works of Philosophy, 3. London: Routledge.
Anand, P.
Anand, P. and Dolan, P
Anand, Paul
Anand, Paul
Anand, Paul; Hunter, Graham and Smith, Ron
Barber, A.
Belshaw, Christopher (2005). 10 good questions about life and death. Blackwell Publishing.
Chappell, Timothy (2005). Reading Plato's Theaetetus. Indianapolis, USA: Hackett Publishing Company.
Chappell, Timothy (2005). The Inescapable Self: an Introduction to Western Philosophy since Descartes. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina
Davies, Celia; Anand, Paul; Artigas, Lidia; Holloway, Jacky; McConway, Kevin; Newman, Janet; Storey, John and Thompson, Grahame (2005). Links between Governance, Incentives and Outcomes: a Review of the Literature. National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO), London, UK.
Domanov, Oleg
Frankish, Keith (2005). Consciousness. Milton Keynes, U.K.: The Open University.
Frankish, Keith (2005). The anti-zombie argument for physicalism. Not Set.
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek and Levinson, Jerrold
Roden, David
Wailoo, Allan and Anand, Paul
2004To Top
Shand, John ed. (2004). Central Works of Philosophy v1: Ancient and Medieval. Central Works of Philosophy, 1. London: Routledge.
Anand, Paul; Hunter, Graham and Smith, Ron (2004). Capabilities and Wellbeing: Evidence Based on the Sen-Nussbaum Approach to Welfare. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 47; Economics Department, The Open University.
Barber, Alex
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy
Chappell, Timothy and Oderberg, David S.
Chimisso, Cristina
Frankish, Keith (2004). Mind and supermind. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Proud, David
Roden, David
Shand, John
Shand, John
2003To Top
Barber, Alex ed. (2003). Epistemology of language. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Shand, John ed. (2003). Fundamentals of Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Anand, Paul
Anand, Paul
Anand, Paul
Barber, Alex
Barber, Alex
Belshaw, Chris
Belshaw, Christopher
Brown, Stuart
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina and Freudenthal, Gad
Edmonds, David
Fox, Nicholas James
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Price, Carolyn
van Hees, Martin and Anand, Paul
2002To Top
Matravers, Derek and Pike, Jon eds. (2002). Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. London: Routledge.
Anand, Paul (2002). The Integration of Claims to Health-Care: a Programming Approach. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 45; Economics Department, The Open University.
Anand, Paul (2002). Social Choice, Health and Fairness. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 44; Economics Department, The Open University.
Anand, Paul
Belshaw, Christopher
Bousfield, Ann
Chappell, Timothy
Frankish, Keith
Price, Carolyn
Shand, John
Shand, John (2002). Philosophy and philosophers: An introduction to Western philosophy. Routledge.
2001To Top
Barber, Alex
Belshaw, Christopher (2001). Environmental philosophy: reason, nature and human concern. UK, Canada: Acumen and McGill-Queens University Press.
Chappell, Timothy
Chimisso, Cristina
Chimisso, Cristina (2001). Gaston Bachelard: critic of science and the imagination. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy, 9. London and New York: Routledge.
Pendlebury, Gary
Price, Carolyn (2001). Functions in mind: a theory of intentional content. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Shand, John
Shand, John
2000To Top
Anand, Paul (2000). Procedural Fairness in Economic and Social Choice: Evidence from a Survey of Voters. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 27; Economics Department, The Open University.
Anand, Paul and Wailoo, Allan (2000). Utilities vs. Rights to Publicly Provided Goods: Arguments and Evidence from Health-Care Rationing. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 14; Economics Department, The Open University.
Barber, Alex
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher
Chimisso, Cristina
Matravers, Derek
Price, Carolyn
Shand, John (2000). Arguing Well. London: Routledge.
1999To Top
Glassford, John
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Pike, Jonathan (1999). From Aristotle to Marx: Aristotelianism in Marxist Social Ontology. Avebury Series in Philosophy. London: Ashgate.
1998To Top
Barber, Alex
Belshaw, Christopher
Frankish, Keith
Frankish, Keith
Hodgson, Michael John Christopher
Matravers, Derek (1998). Art and Emotion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Shand, John and Seedhouse, David
Watt, Stephen John
1997To Top
Barber, Alex
Belshaw, Christopher
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
1996To Top
Frankish, Keith
Matravers, Derek
McGowan, Anthony J
McGowan, Anthony John
Shand, John
Taylor, Richard
1995To Top
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
1994To Top
Matravers, Derek
1993To Top
Belshaw, Christopher
Chappell, Timothy
Matravers, Derek
1991To Top
Matravers, Derek
Matravers, Derek
Senior, Michael
1990To Top
Disbrey, Claire
1989To Top
Belshaw, Christopher
Belshaw, Christopher
Dickenson, Donna
Shand, John
1987To Top
Rodd, Rosemary Anne
1986To Top
Scarre, Geoffrey Francis
Shand, John
1983To Top
Mayor, Jennifer Louise
Moon, Arnold Charles
1980To Top
Millar, Roderick David Gartley