Currently browsing: Geography

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Allen, John (2003). Lost geographies of power. RGS-IBG Book Series. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Allen, John; Massey, Doreen; Cochrane, Allan; Charlesworth, Julie; Court, Gill; Henry, Nick and Sarre, Philip (1998). Rethinking the region. London: Routledge.

Bennett, Robert J.; Smith, Harry; Van Lieshout, Carry; Montebruno, Piero and Newton, Gill (2019). The Age of Entrepreneurship: Business proprietors, self-employment and corporations since 1851. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hinchliffe, Steve; Bingham, Nick; Allen, John and Carter, Simon (2016). Pathological Lives: Disease, Space and Biopolitics. RGS-IBG Book Series. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.

Humphreys, David (2006). Logjam: Deforestation and the crisis of global governance. Earthscan Forestry Library. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd.

Johnson, Nevil and Cochrane, Allan (2017). Economic Policy-Making by Local Authorities in Britain and Western Germany (2nd ed). Routledge Library Editions: The German Economy, 7. Abingdon: Routledge.

Johnson, Richard; Chambers, Deborah; Raghuram, Parvati and Tincknell, Estella (2004). The Practice of cultural studies. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Kofman, Eleonore; Phizacklea, Annie; Raghuram, Parvati and Sales, Rosemary (2000). Gender and International Migration in Europe: Employment, welfare and politics. London, UK: Routledge.

Kofman, Eleonore and Raghuram, Parvati (2015). Gendered Migrations and Global Social Reproduction. Migration Diaspora and Citizenship. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

MacKian, Sara; Bartolini, Nadia; Pile, Steve and Sambo, Daniele (2016). Spiritualism in Stoke-on-Trent. Glasgow: TWTD Press.

Marino, Alessandra (2015). Acts of Angry Writing. Series in Citizenship Studies. Wayne State University Press.

Martin, Vivien; Henderson, Euan and Charlesworth, Julie (2010). Managing in Health and Social Care (2nd ed.). Abingdon: Routledge.

Newsham, Andrew and Bhagwat, Shonil (2016). Conservation and Development. Routledge.

Pile, Steve (2021). Bodies, Affects, Politics: The Clash of Bodily Regimes. RGIS-IBG Book Series. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Pile, Steve (2013). Postcards from the Unconscious: the shifting spaces of Kivland's Rome. Sharon Kivland: Reproductions II. London: Domobaal Editions.

Puwar, Nirmal and Raghuram, Parvati (2003). South Asian women in the diaspora. Oxford, UK: Berg.

Revill, George (2012). Railway. Objekt Series. London: Reaktion.

Edited BookTo Top

Anderson, Kay; Domosh, Mona; Pile, Steve and Thrift, Nigel eds. (2002). Handbook of cultural geography. London, UK: Sage Publications Limited.

Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve eds. (2018). Spaces of Spirituality. Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity. London: Routledge.

Billsberry, Jon; Charlesworth, Julie and Leonard, Pauline eds. (2012). Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management. Charlotte NC: Information Age Publishing.

Budd, Leslie; Charlesworth, Julie and Paton, Rob eds. (2006). Making policy happen. London, UK: Routledge.

Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (1994). Managing Social Policy. London, U.K.: Sage.

Du Gay, Paul and Pryke, Michael eds. (2002). Cultural economy: cultural analysis and commercial life. Culture, Representation and Identity Series. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Ernwein, Marion; Ginn, Franklin and Palmer, James eds. (2021). The work that plants do: Life, labour and the future of vegetal economies. Social and Cultural Geography. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Harrison, Stephan; Pile, Steve and Thrift, Nigel eds. (2004). Patterned ground: entanglements of nature and culture. UK: Reaktion Books Ltd.

Keith, Michael and Pile, Steve eds. (1993). Place and the Politics of Identity. London: Routledge.

Keith, Michael and Pile, Steve eds. (1997). Geographies of Resistance. London: Routledge.

Kingsbury, Paul and Pile, Steve eds. (2014). Psychoanalytic Geographies. Farnham: Ashgate.

Nast, Heidi and Pile, Steve eds. (1998). Places through the Body. London: Routledge.

Newman, Benjamin; Martin, Peter and Crawford, Laura eds. (2022). Environments, Spaces, Knowledges: New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography. Historical Geography Research Series (47). Historical Geography Research Group.

Pile, Steve and Jordan, Tim eds. (2002). Social Change: Sociology and society. Sociology and Society. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Pile, Steve and Thrift, Nigel eds. (1995). Mapping the Subject: Geographies of cultural transformation. London: Routledge.

Pile, Steve and Thrift, Nigel eds. (2000). City A-Z. London: Routledge.

Thornton, Thomas F. and Bhagwat, Shonil A. eds. (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge. Abingdon: Routledge.

Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. (2024). The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London: Routledge.

Raghuram, Parvati; Sahoo, Ajay; Maharaj, Brij and Sangha, Dave eds. (2008). Tracing an Indian Diaspora: Contexts, Memories, Representations. London, New Delhi: Sage.

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Allen, John (2008). Responsabilité au travail et mondialisation: au-delà du système de sweatshop. In: Benelli, Natalie and Rosende, Magdalena eds. Laboratories du Travail. Lausanne: Antipodes, pp. 93–104.

Allen, John (2008). Powerful geographies: Spatial shifts in the architecture of globalization. In: Clegg, Stewart R. and Haugaard, Mark eds. The SAGE Handbook of Power. UK: Sage, pp. 157–174.

Allen, John (2010). The City and finance: changing landscapes of power. In: Coe, Neil and Jones, Andrew eds. The Economic Geography of the UK. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 49–60.

Allen, John (2018). The Circulation of Financial Elites. In: Coleman, Mat and Agnew, John eds. Handbook of the Geographies of Power. Research Handbooks in Geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 178–202.

Allen, John and Pryke, Michael (2016). Offshoring the Nation's water. In: Raco, Mike ed. Britain For Sale? Perspectives on the Costs and Benefits of Foreign Ownership. London: The Smith Institute, pp. 34–41.

Andersen, Dorte; Gawlewicz, Anna and Yndigegn, Carsten (2011). EU edges and border practices: Slovenian-Croatian and Polish-Ukrainian borders as laboratories of borderwork on a post-national level. In: Jańczak, Jaroslaw ed. De-Bordering, Re-Bordering and Symbols on the European Boundaries. Thematicon, 16. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, pp. 83–96.

Baker, Lucy and Burton, Jesse (2023). From the minerals–energy complex to a just transition? In: Mohamed, Seeraj; Ngoma, Amuzweni and Baloyi, Basani eds. The Evolving Structure of South Africa’s Economy: Faultlines and Futures. Johannesburg: Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA), pp. 270–296.

Baker, L. (2016). Sustainability Transitions and the Politics of Electricity Planning in South Africa. In: Brauch, H. G.; Spring, Ú. O.; Grin, J. and Scheffran, J. eds. Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, 10. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 793–809.

Baker, Lucy (2017). Post-Apartheid Electricity Policy and the Emergence of South Africa’s Renewable Energy Sector. In: Arent, Douglas; Arndt, Channing; Miller, Mackay; Tarp, Finn and Zinaman, Owen eds. The Political Economy of Clean Energy Transitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 371–390.

Baker, Lucy and Burton, Jesse (2018). The politics of procurement and the low-carbon transition in South Africa. In: Goldthau, Andreas; Keating, Michael F. and Kuzemko, Caroline eds. Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources. Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 91–106.

Baker, Lucy; Burton, Jesse and Trollip, Hilton (2020). The Energy Politics of South Africa. In: Hancock, Kathleen J. and Allison, Juliann Emmons eds. The Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford University Press, pp. 711–729.

Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve (2018). Spaces of spirituality: an introduction. In: Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve eds. Spaces of Spirituality. Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity. London: Routledge, pp. 1–20.

Bernstein, Steven; Cashore, Benjamin; Eba'a Atyi, Richard; Maryudi, Ahmad; McGinley, Kathleen; Cadman, Tim; Gulbrandsen, Lars; Goehler, Daniela; Hogl, Karl; Humphreys, David; Kant, Shashi; Kozak, Robert; Levin, Kelly; McDermott, Constance; Purdon, Mark; Scher, Irene; Stone, Michael W; Tacconi, Luca and Yasmi, Yurdi (2010). Examination of the influences of global forest governance arrangements at the domestic level. In: Rayner, Jeremy; Buck, Alexander and Katila, Pia eds. Embracing Complexity: Meeting the Challenges of International Forest Governance. A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series (28). Vienna: International Union of Forest Research Organisations, pp. 111–135.

Bhagwat, Shonil (2022). Afterword: Sacred Forests and the Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals. In: Coggins, Chris and Chen, Bixia eds. Sacred Forests of Asia: Spiritual Ecology and the Politics of Nature Conservation. The Earthscan Forest Library. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 310–312.

Bhagwat, S. A. (2018). Management of Nonnative Invasive Species in the Anthropocene. In: Dellasala, Dominick A. and Goldstein, Michael I. eds. Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene. Elsevier, pp. 409–417.

Bhagwat, S. A. (2017). Management of Nonnative Invasive Species in the Anthropocene. In: Elias, Scott A. ed. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier.

Bhagwat, Shonil (2014). The History of Deforestation and Forest Fragmentation: A Global Perspective. In: Kettle, Chris J. and Koh, Lian Pin eds. Global Forest Fragmentation. Wallingford: CAB International, pp. 5–19.

Bhagwat, Shonil (2018). Non-Native Invasive Species: Nature, Society and the Management of Novel Nature in the Anthropocene. In: Marsden, Terry ed. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. Sage, pp. 986–1012.

Bhagwat, Shonil A. (2012). Sacred groves and biodiversity conservation: a case study from the Western Ghats, India. In: Pungetti, Gloria; Oviedo, Gonzalo and Hooke, Della eds. Sacred Species and Sites: Advances in Biocultural Conservation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 322–334.

Bhagwat, Shonil A.; Cole, Lydia E. S. and Willis, Katherine J. (2012). Biodiversity conservation, rural livelihoods and sustainability of oil palm landscapes: problems and prospects. In: Simonetti, Javier A; Grez, Audrey A and Estades, Christian F eds. Biodiversity Conservation In Agroforestry Landscapes: Challenges And Opportunities. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria, pp. 117–130.

Bingham, N.; Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. (2001). Life around the screen: reframing young people’s use of the Internet. In: Watson, Nick and Cunningham-Burley, Sarah eds. Reframing the body. Explorations in sociology : British Sociological Association Conference volume series. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 228–243.

Bingham, Nick (2002). In the belly of the monster: Frankenstein, food, factisches, and fiction. In: Kitchin, Robert and Kneale, James eds. Lost in space: geographies of science fiction. London, UK: Continuum, pp. 180–192.

Bingham, Nick (2005). Sociotechnical. In: Sibley, David; Jackson, Peter; Atkinson, David and Washbourne, Neil eds. Cultural Geography: a critical dictionary of key ideas. International Library of Human Geography. UK: I.B. Tauris, pp. 200–206.

Bingham, Nick and Hinchliffe, Stephen (2008). Mapping the multiplicities of biosecurity. In: Lakoff, Andrew and Collier, Stephen J. eds. Biosecurity Interventions. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 173–193.

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Carr, Susan; Thomas, Alan; Okpara, Enoch; Mpande, Roger and Humphreys, David (2001). NGO Influence at the International Negotiating Committee for a Convention to Combat Desertification: Perspectives from Zimbabwe and Nigeria. In: Thomas, Alan; Carr, Susan and Humphreys, David eds. Environmental Policies and NGO Influence: Land Degradation and Sustainable Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa. Routledge Research Global Environmental Change. London: Routledge, pp. 39–56.

Cashore, Benjamin; Galloway, Glenn; Cubbage, Frederick; Humphreys, David; Katila, Pia; Levin, Kelly; Maryudi, Ahmad; McDermott, Constance and McGinley, Kathleen (2010). Ability of institutions to address new challenges. In: Mery, Gerardo; Katila, Pia; Galloway, Glenn; Alfaro, Rene I; Kanninen, Markku; Lobovikov, Max and Varjo, Jari eds. Forests and Society - Responding to Global Drivers of Change. IUFRO World Series (25). Tampere, Finland: International Union of Forest Research Organizations, pp. 441–485.

Cashore, Benjamin; Leipold, Sina; Cerutti, Paolo Omar; Bueno, Gabriela; Carodenuto, Sophia; Chen, Xiaoqian; de Jong, Wil; Denvir, Audrey; Hansen, Christian; Humphreys, David; McGinley, Kathleen; Nathan, Iben; Overdevest, Christine; Rodrigues, Rafael Jacques; Sotirov, Metodi; Stone, Michael W; Tegene, Yitagesu Tekle; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Winkel, Georg; Yemelin, Valentin and Zeitlin, Jonathan (2016). Global governance approaches to addressing illegal logging: Uptake and lessons learned. In: Kleinschmit, Daniela; Mansourian, Stephanie; Wildburger, Christoph and Purret, Andre eds. Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade - Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses: A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series (35). Vienna: International Union of Forest Research Organisations, pp. 119–131.

Charlesworth, Julie (2002). Managing unpaid workers. In: Reynolds, Jill; Henderson, Jeanette; Seden, Janet; Charlesworth, Julie and Bullman, Anne eds. The Managing Care Reader. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 49–55.

Charlesworth, Julie (2003). Managing across professional and agency boundaries. In: Seden, Janet and Reynolds, Jill eds. Managing care in practice. London, U.K.: Routledge, pp. 139–164.

Charlesworth, Julie and Cochrane, Allan (1998). American dreams and English utopias: it all comes together in Milton Keynes. In: Clapson, M.; Dobbin, M. and Waterman, P. eds. The Best Laid Plans. Milton Keynes since 1967. Luton, U.K.: University of Luton Press, pp. 109–116.

Charlesworth, Julie and Cochrane, Allan (1996). Anglicising the American Dream: tragedy, farce and the post-modern city. In: Westwood, Sallie and Williams, John eds. Imagining Cities: Scripts, signs, and memories. UK: Routledge, pp. 219–234.

Charlesworth, Julie and Humphreys, Wendy (2005). Changing power relations in health policy. In: Prokhovnik, Raia ed. Making policy, shaping lives. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Charlesworth, Julie and Humphreys, Wendy (2005). Challenging centre-periphery relations in health policy. In: Prokhovnik, Raia ed. Making Policy, Shaping Lives. Edinburgh, U.K.: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 43–78.

Chris, Robert (2019). The Paris Agreement—Implications for greenhouse gas removal and zero emissions energy production. In: Letcher, Trevor M. ed. Managing Global Warming: An Interface of Technology and Human Issues. Academic Press, pp. 17–66.

Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene (1994). Mission accomplished or unfinished business? The impact of managerialization. In: Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. Managing Social Policy. London: SAGE, pp. 226–242.

Cochrane, Allan (1997). Central-local relations. In: Alcock, Pete; Erskine, Angus and May, Margaret eds. The Student's Companion to Social Policy. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 184–190.

Cochrane, Allan (2003). The governance of local welfare. In: Alcock, Pete; Erskine, Angus and May, Margaret eds. The Student’s Companion to Social Policy (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 217–224.

Cochrane, Allan (2011). Making up global urban policies. In: Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 738–746.

Cochrane, Allan (1994). Beyond the nation state? building Euroregions. In: Bullmann, Udo ed. Die Politik der dritten Ebene. Regionen im Europa der Union. Baden Baden: Nomos, pp. 393–406.

Cochrane, Allan (1994). Restructuring the local welfare state. In: Burrows, Roger and Loader, Brian D. eds. Towards a Post-Fordist Welfare State? London, U.K.: Routledge, pp. 117–135.

Cochrane, Allan (1998). Globalisation, fragmentation and local welfare citizenship. In: Carter, John ed. Post-Modernity and the Fragmentation of Welfare. London, U.K.: Routledge, pp. 252–266.

Cochrane, Allan (1994). Managing change in local government. In: Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. Managing Social Policy. London, U.K.: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 141–162.

Cochrane, Allan (2008). Cities: urban worlds. In: Daniels, Peter; Bradshaw, Michael; Shaw, Denis and Sidaway, James eds. Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century (3rd ed.). Harlow: Pearson, pp. 205–217.

Cochrane, Allan (2000). New Labour, new urban policy? In: Dean, Hartley; Sykes, Robert and Woods, Roberta eds. Social Policy Review. Social Policy Review, 12. London, U.K.: Social Policy Association, pp. 184–401.

Cochrane, Allan (2012). Spatial divisions and regional assemblages. In: Featherstone, David and Painter, Joe eds. Spatial Politics: Essays for Doreen Massey. RGS-lbg. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 87–98.

Cochrane, Allan (2011). Sustainable communities and English spatial policy. In: Flint, John and Raco, Mike eds. The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 47–63.

Cochrane, Allan (2020). From Brexit to the break-up of...England. Thinking in and beyond the nation. In: Guderjan, Marcus; Mackay, Hugh and Stedman, Gesa eds. Contested Britain. Brexit, Austerity and Agency. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 161–173.

Cochrane, Allan (2006). Looking for the South East. In: Hardill, Irene; Benneworth, Paul; Baker, Mark and Budd, Leslie eds. The Rise of the English Regions? Regions and Cities. UK: Routledge, pp. 227–244.

Cochrane, Allan (2003). The new urban policy: towards empowerment or incorporation? In: Imrie, Rob and Raco, Mike eds. Urban Renaissance? New Labour, Community and Urban Policy. Bristol, U.K.: Policy Press, pp. 223–234.

Cochrane, Allan (1999). Just another failed urban experiment? The legacy of the urban development corporations. In: Imrie, Rob and Thomas, Huw eds. British Urban Policy an Evaluation of the Urban Development Corporations. London, U.K.: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 246–258.

Cochrane, Allan (2008). London: regeneration or rebirth? In: Imrie, Robert; Lees, Loretta and Raco, Mike eds. Regenerating London: Governance, Sustainability and Community in a Global City. London: Routledge, pp. 313–322.

Cochrane, Allan (2018). Looking for the 'urban' in public policy. In: Iossifova, Deljana; Doll, Christopher N. H. and Gasparatos, Alexandros eds. Defining the Urban: Interdisciplinary and Professional Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 97–108.

Cochrane, Allan (1999). Redefining urban politics for the twenty-first century. In: Jonas, Andrew E. G. and Wilson, David eds. Urban Growth Machines: Critical Perspectives Two Decades Later. Urban Public Policy. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, pp. 109–124.

Cochrane, Allan (2012). Re-imagining local politics: territorialisation, economic development and locality. In: Jonas, Andrew E. G. and Wood, Andrew eds. Territory, the State and Urban Politics: a Critical Appreciation of the Selected Writings of Kevin R. Cox. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, pp. 77–88.

Cochrane, Allan (2009). Urban policy. In: Kitchen, Rob and Thrift, Nigel eds. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 84–88.

Cochrane, Allan (2020). Urban Policy. In: Kobayashi, Audrey ed. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 2nd edition, Volume 14. Elsevier, pp. 93–96.

Cochrane, Allan (2002). Thinking about the English regions. In: Marshall, Tim; Glasson, John and Headicar, Peter eds. Contemporary Issues in Regional Planning. Urban and regional planning and development. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, pp. 23–34.

Cochrane, Allan (2018). Placing the university: thinking in and beyond globalization. In: Meusburger, Peter; Heffernan, Michael and Sursana, Laura eds. Geographies of the University. Knowledge and Space. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 605–616.

Cochrane, Allan (2018). Relational thinking and the region. In: Paasi, Anssi; Harrison, John and Jones, Martin eds. Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories. Research Handbooks in Geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 79–88.

Cochrane, Allan (2011). Post-suburbia in the context of urban containment: the case of the South East of England. In: Phelps, Nicholas A. and Wu, Fulong eds. International Perspectives on Suburbanization. A Post Suburban World? Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 192–210.

Cochrane, Allan (2010). Alternative approaches to local and regional development. In: Pike, Andy; Rodriguez-Pose, Andrés and Tomaney, John eds. Handbook of Local and Regional Development. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 97–105.

Cochrane, Allan (2013). Breaking down the walls of heartache: reflections on the ordinary spaces of division and unification in Berlin. In: Pullan, Wendy and Baillie, Britt eds. Locating Urban Conflicts: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Everyday. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 214–232.

Cochrane, Allan (2006). Urban policy. In: Ritzer, George ed. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell.

Cochrane, Allan (1996). From theories to practice. Looking for local democracy in Britain. In: Stoker, Gerry and King, Desmond S. eds. Rethinking Local Democracy. Government Beyond the Centre. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 193–213.

Cochrane, Allan (2013). Interviews. In: Ward, Kevin ed. Researching the City: a Guide for Students. London: Sage, pp. 38–53.

Cochrane, Allan (2020). Interviews. In: Ward, Kevin ed. Researching the City: A Guide for Students (2nd Edition). London: Sage Publications, pp. 40–56.

Cochrane, Allan (2018). Here, there and everywhere: rethinking the urban of urban politics. In: Ward, Kevin; Jonas, Andrew E.G.; Miller, Byron and Wilson, David eds. The Routledge Handbook on the Spaces of Urban Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 14–25.

Cochrane, Allan (2000). The social construction of urban policy. In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. A Companion to the City. Blackwell Companions to Geography. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 531–542.

Cochrane, Allan (2018). Where is London? The (more than) local politics of a global city. In: Werner, Marion; Peck, Jamie; Lave, Rebecca and Christophers, Brett eds. Doreen Massey. Critical Dialogues. Newcastle: Agenda, pp. 189–200.

Cochrane, Allan; Peck, Jamie and Tickell, Adam (2002). Olympic dreams: visions of partnership. In: Peck, Jamie and Ward, Kevin eds. City of Revolution: Restructuring Manchester. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 95–115.

Cooke, David; Gillman, Michael; Humphreys, David and Wilson, Gordon (2009). Scientific, social science, and technological approaches to understanding environmental change. In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford: The Open University/Oxford University Press, pp. 265–274.

Dauncey, Emil (2024). Youth: Perspectives and paradigms in global development. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). London: Routledge, pp. 202–207.

Davenport, Deborah; Bulkan, Janette; Hajjar, Reem; Hardcastle, Patrick; Assembe Mvondo, Samuel; Eba'a Atyi, Richard; Humphreys, David and Maruudi, Ahmad (2010). Forests and sustainability. In: Rayner, Jeremy; Buck, Alexander and Katila, Pia eds. Embracing Complexity: Meeting the Challenges of International Forest Governance. A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series (28). Vienna: International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), pp. 75–91.

Denvir, Audrey; Caro, Paloma; Humphreys, David; Yin, Daphne; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Cashore, Ben; McDermott, Connie and Auld, Graeme (2016). Scope interventions for following pathways. In: Caro Torres, Paloma; de Jong, Wil; Denvir, Audrey; Humphreys, David; McGinley, Kathleen; Auld, Graeme; Lupberger, Sarah; McDermott, Constance; Sax, Sarah and Yin, Daphne eds. Can Legality Verification enhance local rights to forest resources?: Piloting the policy learning protocol in the Peruvian forest context. International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), pp. 63–77.

Divall, Colin and Revill, George (2009). Les cultures du transport: représentation, pratique et technologie. In: Flonneau, Mathieu and Guigueno, Vincent eds. De l’Histoire des Transports à l’Histoire de la Mobilité ? Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 57–74.

Dudley, Nigel; Bhagwat, Shonil; Higgins-Zogib, Liza; Lassen, Barbara; Verschuuren, Bas and Wild, Robert (2010). Conservation of biodiversity in sacred natural sites in Asia and Africa: a review of the scientific literature. In: Verschuuren, Bas; Wild, Robert; McNeely, Jeff and Oviedo, Gonzalo eds. Sacred Natural Sites: conserving nature and culture. London: Earthscan, pp. 19–32.

Ebrahim, Naazia; Pravat, Poshendra; Humphreys, David and Rayner, Jeremy (2014). Bridging Certification and Community Forestry through NTFPs: A Case Study from Nepal. In: Cashore, Benjamin ed. Forest Governance Scholarship for the Real World: Building Strategic Insights through Policy Learning. IUFRO Occasional paper (24). Vienna: IUFRO, pp. 13–28.

Endfield, Georgina and Van Lieshout, Carry (2017). Contested subterranean waterscapes: lead mining sough disputes in Derbyshire’s Derwent Valley. In: Vallerani, Francesco and Visentin, Francesco eds. Waterways and the cultural landscape. London: Routledge.

Frohlich, David M.; Yuan, Haiyue; Corrigan-Kavanagh, Emily; Mameli, Elisa; Scarles, Caroline; Sporea, Radu; Revill, George; Brown, Alan W. and Bober, Miroslaw (2024). A Market-Ready Ecosystem for Publishing and Reading Augmented Books. In: Wei, June and Margetis, George eds. Human-Centered Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications (HCII 2024). Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, 14738. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 58–75.

Gabay, Monica; Oldekop, Johan A.; Humphreys, David; Kamoto, Judith; Mutta, Doris N.; Rai, Nitin; Song, Conghe; Timko, Joleen; Rasmussen, Laura Vang; Cheek, Jennifer Zavaleta; Devkota, Dikshya and Stoian, Dietmar (2020). Contextual Factors Shaping Forest-Poverty Dynamics. In: Miller, Daniel C.; Mansourian, Stephanie and Wildburger, Christoph eds. Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations - A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series (39). Vienna: International Union of Forest Research Organisations, pp. 95–122.

Gawlewicz, Anna (2019). Translation in Qualitative Methods. In: Atkinson, PA; Delamont, S; Williams, R; Cernat, A and Sakshaug, J eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations: an Encyclopedia. SAGE Publications.

Gawlewicz, Anna and Yndigegn, Carsten (2012). The (in)visible wall of fortress Europe? Elite migrating youth perceiving the sensitive Polish-Ukrainian border. In: Jagetić Andersen, Dorte; Klatt, Martin and Sandberg, Marie eds. The Border Multiple: The Practicing of Borders Between Public Policy and Everyday Life in a Re-scaling Europe. Ashgate, pp. 179–199.

Glück, Peter; Angelsen, Arild; Appelstrand, Marie; Assembe Mvondo, Samuel; Auld, Graeme; Hogl, Karl; Humphreys, David and Wildburger, Christoph (2010). Core components of the international forest regime complex. In: Rayner, Jeremy; Buck, Alexander and Katila, Pia eds. Embracing Complexity: Meeting the Challenges of International Forest Governance. A global assessment report prepared by the Global Forest Expert Panel on the International Forest Regime. IUFRO World Series (28). Vienna: International Union of International Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), pp. 37–55.

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