Currently browsing: Film and Media

Number of items at this level: 53.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 00:40:20 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Davies Hayon, Kaya (2024). The Sexually and Politically Dissident Stardom of Lubna Azabal. In: Davies Hayon, Kaya and Van de Peer, Stefanie eds. Transnational Arab Stardom: Glamour, Performance and Politics. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 133–148.

Davies Hayon, Kaya and Van de Peer, Stefanie eds. (2024). Transnational Arab Stardom: Glamour, Performance and Politics. London: Bloomsbury.

Fryers, Mark (2024). Ghosts (Nick Broomfield - 2006) The Sea as Death. In: Bronk-Bacon, Katarzyna and Bacon, Simon eds. Death in the 21st Century: A Companion. Genre Fiction and Film Companions, 12. Oxford UK: Peter Lang Group AG, pp. 135–142.

Harrison, Rebecca (2024). I Won’t Look: Refusing to Engage with Gender-Based Violence in Women-Led Screen Media. In: Berridge, Susan and Boyle, Karen eds. Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence. London: Routledge.

2023To Top

Harrison, Rebecca and Bimm, Morgan (2023). Spotlight: Gender and Feminisms Caucus. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 63(1) pp. 1–4.

Lalot, Fanny; Abrams, Dominic; Heering, Maria S.; Babaian, Jacinta; Ozkececi, Hilal; Peitz, Linus; Davies Hayon, Kaya and Broadwood, Jo (2023). Distrustful Complacency and the COVID ‐19 Vaccine: How Concern and Political Trust Interact to Affect Vaccine Hesitancy. Political Psychology, 44(5) pp. 983–1011.

Lalot, Fanny; Abrams, Dominic; Heering, Maria S.; Babaian, Jacinta; Ozkececi, Hilal; Peitz, Linus; Davies Hayon, Kaya and Broadwood, Jo (2023). Distrustful Complacency and the COVID‐19 Vaccine: How Concern and Political Trust Interact to Affect Vaccine Hesitancy. Political Psychology, 44(5) pp. 983–1011.

2022To Top

Donald, Stephanie Hemelryk and Davies Hayon, Kaya (2022). Green Hell: Detention, art, and activism in an English landscape. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 9(1), article no. 2.

Fryers, Mark (2022). Children’s maritime television in Britain: Environment, representation and identity. In: Olson, Debbie and Schober, Adrian eds. Children, Youth and International Television. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 91–110.

Lalot, Fanny; Abrams, Dominic; Broadwood, Jo; Davies Hayon, Kaya and Platts‐Dunn, Isobel (2022). The social cohesion investment: Communities that invested in integration programmes are showing greater social cohesion in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32(3) pp. 536–554.

Shail, Andrew and Harrison, Rebecca (2022). Editorial. Early Popular Visual Culture, 20(4) pp. 291–292.

2021To Top

Davies, Ben; Lalot, Fanny; Peitz, Linus; Heering, Maria S.; Ozkececi, Hilal; Babaian, Jacinta; Davies Hayon, Kaya; Broadwood, Jo and Abrams, Dominic (2021). Changes in political trust in Britain during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: integrated public opinion evidence and implications. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8, article no. 166.

Davies Hayon, Kaya (2021). Framing fundamentalism in contemporary European film. In: Gergely, Gábor and Hayward, Susan eds. The Routledge Companion to European Cinema. Routledge, 307–315.

Davies Hayon, Kaya (2021). Embodying the White (Colonial) Woman: Isabelle Huppert’s Roles in Postcolonial Film. In: Rees-Robert, Nick and Waldron, Darren eds. Isabelle Huppert: Stardom, Performance, Authorship. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 157–176.

Fryers, Mark (2021). ‘It’s not ghosts, it’s history’: The Sonic Tradition of British Horror Television. In: Abbott, Stacey and Jowett, Lorna eds. Global TV Horror. Cardiff: The University of Wales Press, pp. 33–48.

2020To Top

Davies Hayon, Kaya (2020). 3 Questions of Gender and Embodiment in the Intimiste Films of Rachid Bouchareb. In: Gott, Michael and Kealhofer-Kemp, Leslie eds. ReFocus: The Films of Rachid Bouchareb. ReFocus: The International Directors Series. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 64–81.

Fryers, Mark (2020). Thalassophobia: Jaws (1975) and the Nautical Spaces of Horror. In: Pascuzzi, Francesco and Waters, Sandra eds. The Spaces and Places of Horror. Critical Media Studies. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, pp. 127–144.

Fryers, Mark (2020). ‘An Impulse of Anger, Instantly Regretted’: Rebellion and Reaction in the early 1960s Naval Film. In: Petrie, Duncan; Williams, Melanie and Mayne, Laura eds. Sixties British Cinema Reconsidered. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 209–222.

Harrison, Rebecca (2020). The Empire Strikes Back. BFI Film Classics. Bloomsbury.

2019To Top

Fryers, Mark (2019). 'I will not fight for my country...for my King...or Captain': Redefining Imperial Masculinities in To the Ends of the Earth. In: Byrne, Katherine; Leggott, James and Taddeo, Julie Anne eds. Conflicting Masculinities: Men in Period Television Drama. London; New York: I. B. Tauris, pp. 35–51.

Hemelryk Donald, Stephanie; Davies Hayon, Kaya and Sorbera, Lucia (2019). Refugee filmmaking: Editorial. Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, 18 pp. 3–11.

2018To Top

Davies Hayon, Kaya (2018). Sensuous Cinema: The Body in Contemporary Maghrebi Film. Thinking Cinema, 7. London: Bloomsbury.

Fryers, Mark (2018). Songs of the sea: sea beasts and maritime folklore in global animation. In: Hackett, John and Harrington, Seán eds. Beasts of the Deep: Sea Creatures and Popular Culture. East Barnet: John Libbey Publishing Ltd, pp. 185–198.

Harrison, Rebecca (2018). From Steam to Screen: Cinema, the Railways and Modernity. Cinema and Society. London: I B Tauris.

Richard, Wallace; Harrison, Rebecca and Brunsdon, Charlotte (2018). Toward a History of Women Projectionists in Post-war British Cinemas. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 15(1) pp. 46–65.

2017To Top

2016To Top

2015To Top

2014To Top

Fryers, Mark (2014). "It’s not the navy—we don’t stand backwards to stand upwards": The Onedin Line and the Changing Waters of British Maritime Identity. In: Leggott, James and Taddeo, Julie eds. Upstairs and Downstairs: British Costume Drama Television from The Forsyte Saga to Downton Abbey. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 139–151.

2010To Top

Chamarette, Jenny and Higgins, Jennifer (2010). Introduction. In: Chamarette, Jenny and Higgins, Jennifer eds. Guilt and Shame: Essays in French Literature, Thought and Visual Culture. Modern French Identities, 79. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 1–14.

Chamarette, Jenny and Higgins, Jenny eds. (2010). Guilt and Shame: Essays in French Literature, Thought and Visual Culture. Modern French Identities, 79. Oxford: Peter Lang.

2009To Top

2001To Top

Bennion-Nixon, Lee-Jane and Bell, David (2001). The Popular Culture of Conspiracy/The Culture of Popular Conspiracy. In: Parish, Jane and Parker, Martin eds. The Age of Anxiety: Conspiracy Theory and the Human Sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 133-152..


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