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Brunton, Deborah
Budelmann, Felix
Budelmann, Felix
Budelmann, Felix
Buongiovanni, Claudio and Hughes, Jessica
Burke, Victoria E. and Gibson, Jonathan
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Butcher, John and Clarke, Anactoria
Caldari, Valentina; Questier, Michael and Wolfson, Sara J.
Calver, Kay and Michael-Fox, Bethan
Campbell, Siobhan
Campbell, Siobhan
Campbell, Siobhan
Carter, Warren
Carter, Warren
Carter, Warren
Carter, Warren
Carter, Warren
Chambers, Helen
Chambers, Helen
Chambers, Helen
Chambers, Helen
Chaplin, Elayne and Chaplin, Melissa
Charlesworth, Amy and Begonia, Marissa
Charnley, Kim
Charnley, Kim
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, K.
Christian, K.
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen
Christian, Kathleen W.
Christian, Kathleen Wren
Christian, Kathleen Wren
Clark, Leah
Clark, Leah
Clark, Leah R. and Campbell, Caroline
Clark, Leah R
Clark, Leah R.
Clark, Leah R.
Clark, Leah R.
Clark, Leah R.
Clarke, Anna
Clarke, Anna
Clarke, Anna
Clarke, Anna
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V. and Hawn, C. Michael
Clarke, Martin V. and Howard, Beverly A.
Clarke, Martin V. and Moore, Geoffrey C.
Clarke, Elizabeth and Gibson, Jonathan
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clayton, Martin
Clayton, Martin
Clayton, Martin
Clayton, Martin
Clayton, Martin
Clayton, Martin
Clayton, Martin
Clericuzio, Antonio and De Renzi, Silvia
Coatalen, Guillaume and Gibson, Jonathan
Coffey, Helen
Coffey, Helen
Coffey, Helen
Colclough, Stephen and King, Edmund G. C.
Colclough, Stephen and Vincent, David
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander; Robinson, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam
Crisp, Lindsay Polly
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
da Sousa Correa, Delia
De Ornellas, Kevin and Mac Cathmhaoill, Dónall
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia; Bresadola, Marco and Conforti, Maria
De Renzi, Silvia and Conforti, Maria
De Renzi, Silvia and Sparti, Donatella Livia
den Hollander, A.A. and Grell, Ole Peter
Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James and Browne, Janet
Dohmen, Renate
Dohmen, Renate
Dohmen, Renate
Dohmen, Renate
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Doloughan, Fiona J.
Donington, Katie
Donington, Katie
Donington, Katie
Donington, Katie
Donington, Katie
Donington, Katie; Hanley, Ryan and Moody, Jessica
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian L.
Drábek, Pavel and Katritzky, M. A.
Drábek, Pavel and Katritzky, M. A.
Dudgeon, Ralph T.; Eastop, Phillip; Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Edwards, Stephen
Edwards, Stephen
Edwards, Stephen
Edwards, Stephen
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve
Edwards, Steve; Fusco, Maria and O, Steve
Emlyn-Jones, Chris
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Clapson, Mark
Fallas, Rebecca
Fear, Trevor
Fear, Trevor
Fentress, Elizabeth; Fontana, Sergio; Hitchner, R. Bruce and Perkins, Philip
Fentress, Elizabeth and Perkins, Phil
Filonik, Jakub; Plastow, Christine and Zelnick-Abramovitz, Rachel
Finkelstein, David and Johnson, David
Florian, Stadtler
Foka, Anna; Barker, Elton; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Mostofian, Nasrin; Kiesling, Brady; Talatas, Linda; Cenk Demiroglu, O. and Palm, Kajsa
Foka, Anna; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Talatas, Linda; Mostofian, Nasrin; Kiesling, John Brady; Barker, Elton; Demiroglu, Cenk O.; Palm, Kajsa; McMeekin, David and Vekselius, Johan
Foka, Anna; McMeekin, David A.; Konstantinidou, Kyriaki; Mostofian, Nasrin; Barker, Elton; Demiroglu, O. Cenk; Chiew, Ethan; Kiesling, Brady and Talatas, Linda
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, R.
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Robert and Mary, Hammond
Gaiger, Jason
Gaiger, Jason
Gaiger, Jason
Gaiger, Jason
Gaiger, Jason
Gaiger, Jason
Gaiger, Jason
Gerschel, Liz and Nasta, Susheila
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan
Gibson, Jonathan; Norbrook, David and Barbour, Reid
Gibson, Jonathan and Wright, Gillian
Gilles, Greg; Frank, Karolina; Plastow, Christine and Webb, Lewis
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Goodrich, Amanda
Goodrich, Amanda
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne
Graham, Emma-Jayne and Carroll, Maureen
Graham, Emma-Jayne and Draycott, Jane
Graham, Emma-Jayne and Hope, Valerie M.
Granieri, Niccolò; Dooley, James and Michailidis, Tychonas
Green, Monica and King, Helen
Green, Helen
Greenwell, Bill
Greenwell, Bill
Greenwell, Bill
Greenwell, Bill
Greenwell, Bill
Greenwell, Bill
Greenwell, Bill
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Griffiths, Andrew
Grindley, Ann
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman
Gupta, Suman and Katsarska, Milena
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias
Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin
Hack, Karl and Chin, C. C.
Hack, Karl and Margolin, Jean-Louis
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia
Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia
Hamer, Laura; Minors, Helen Julia; Farnham, Alice; Hamilton, Katy; Haughton, Emma; McCabe, Jessy; MacDonald, Sarah; Vencatasamy, Davina and Wilson, Eleanor
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura and Murray, Christopher Brent
Hammond, Mary
Hammond, Mary
Hammond, Mary
Hammond, Mary
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Hardwick, Lorna
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Jill
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara; Miller, Jesse and Cantwell-Jurkovic, Laureen
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara
Haslam, Sara and Saunders, Max
Haslam, Sara and Saunders, Max
Haslam, Sara; Saunders, Max and Skinner, Paul
Hawn, C. Michael; Clarke, Martin V. and Howard, Beverly A.
Haywood, Jan
Haywood, Jan
Haywood, Jan
Hazareesingh, S and Maat, H.
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, T.
Herbert, T. and Barlow, H.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John
Hewings, Ann and Prescott, Lynda
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona
Hobden, Fiona and Tuplin, Christopher
Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda
Hogan, Edward
Hogan, Edward
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie M.
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie M.
Hope, Valerie M.
Hope, Valerie M.
Hope, Valerie M.
Howell, Anthony
Hughes, Jessica
Hughes, Jessica
Hughes, Jessica
Hughes, Jessica
Hughes, Jessica
Hughes, Jessica
Hughes, Jessica and Flemming, Rebecca
Huskinson, Janet
Huskinson, Janet
Huskinson, Janet
Huskinson, Janet
Huskinson, Janet
Huskinson, Janet
Huskinson, Janet
Hyde, Colin and Barnes, Amy Jane
Jack, Gillian
James, P.
James, Paula
James, Paula
James, Paula
James, Paula
James, Paula
James, Paula
James, Paula
James, Paula and O'Brien, Maeve
Jarrett-Macauley, Delia and Nasta, Susheila
Jensen, Meg and Campbell, Siobhan
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David; Nieftagodien, Noor and Van der Walt, Lucien
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David
Johnson, David and Hutchison, David
Jones, Richard J
Jones, Richard J
Jones, Richard J
Katritzky, M A
Katritzky, M A
Katritzky, M A and Drábek, Pavel
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A. and Heck, Thomas F.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M .A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M. A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Katritzky, M.A.
Kawabata, Maiko
King, Edmund and Smialkowska, Monika
King, Edmund G. C.
King, Edmund G.C.
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Catherine
King, Edmund
King, Edmund
King, Edmund G. C.
King, Edmund G. C.
King, Edmund G. C.
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen
King, Helen and Brown, Jo
King, Helen and Toner, Jerry
King, Helen and Zuccolin, Gabriella
Knight, Lania
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kraamer, Malika and Barnes, Amy Jane
Kynan-Wilson, William
Kynan-Wilson, William and Munns, J. M.
Kynan-Wilson, William
Kynan-Wilson, William
Kynan-Wilson, William
Kynan-Wilson, William
Kynan-Wilson, William
Kynan-Wilson, William
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, A.; Maltby, J. and Rutterford, J.
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Leante, Laura
Lee, Peggy Kyoungwon; Oliveira, Pedro; Osman, Shanti Suki and Thompson, Marie
Loftus, Donna
Loftus, Donna
Loftus, Donna
Loftus, Donna
Loftus, Donna
Loftus, Donna
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki; Harrison, Lynne and Ambers, Janet
Lymberopoulou, Angeliki and Panou, Eirini
Mac Cathmhaoill, Dónall
Mackie, Robin
Mackie, Robin