Currently browsing: Music
2025To Top
Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia eds. (2025). The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond. Routledge Music Companions. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Baird, Kenneth and Hamer, Laura
Baird, Kenneth and Hamer, Laura
Clarke, Martin V.
Grindley, Ann
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia eds. (2025). The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond. New York: Routledge.
Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia
Hamer, Laura; Minors, Helen Julia; Farnham, Alice; Hamilton, Katy; Haughton, Emma; McCabe, Jessy; MacDonald, Sarah; Vencatasamy, Davina and Wilson, Eleanor
Simones, Lilian
2024To Top
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander; Robinson, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam eds. (2024). History as Fantasy in Music, Sound, Image and Media. Music and Visual Culture. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Rowland, David ed. (2024). Clementi Correspondence and Other Documents. Muzio Clementi Opera Omnia, CCE 5. Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni.
Armsby, Heather J
Attah, Tom; Cavett, Esther; Dueck, Byron; Miller, Sue and Redhead, Lauren
Barker, Naomi
Barker, Naomi J. (2024). Music, Medicine and Religion at the Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Rome 1550–1750. Music in Society and Culture, 12. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
Bassler, Samantha Elizabeth
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander; Robinson, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam
da Sousa Correa, Delia and Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Kierzkowski, Maciej
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Morales Tirado, Alba; Carvalho, Jason; Ratta, Marco; Uwasomba, Chukwudi; Mulholland, Paul; Barlow, Helen; Herbert, Trevor and Daga, Enrico
Rowland, David
Thompson, Marie
Thompson, Marie
2023To Top
Blackburn, Manuella
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burton, Natalie
Busk, Michael John
Clarke, Martin V.
Coffey, Helen (2023). Civic and courtly dancing. Musikleben des Spätmittelalters in der Region Österreich, University of Vienna.
Dooley, James (2023). GRAZpatterns. James Dooley.
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Hamer, Laura and Minors, Helen Julia
Harkcom, Tristan
Herbert, Trevor
Kawabata, Maiko
Miller, Malcolm
Miller, Malcolm and Hansen, Jutta Raab
Mulholland, Paul; Stoneman, Adam; Barker, Naomi; Maguire, Mark; Carvalho, Jason; Daga, Enrico and Warren, Paul
2022To Top
Golding, Rosemary ed. (2022). Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Routledge Historical Resources. UK: Routledge.
Herbert, Trevor; Clarke, Martin V. and Barlow, Helen eds. (2022). A History of Welsh Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barlow, Helen
Barlow, Helen and Clarke, Martin V.
Blackburn, Manuella (2022). Instruments INDIA sample pack. Loopmasters, UK.
Blackburn, Manuella; Coutinho, Kevin and Suviste, Hayley (2022). The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Engagement Fellowship Pilot AHRC Funding Scheme Report 2020 - 2022. The Open University.
Blackburn, Manuella and Harkins, Paul
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V. and Hawn, C. Michael
Clarke, Martin V. and Howard, Beverly A.
Clarke, Martin V. and Moore, Geoffrey C.
Coffey, Helen (2022). Music in Medieval Towns and Cities. Oxford University Press.
Drott, Eric and Thompson, Marie
Dueck, Byron and Essele Essele, Kisito
Gale, Michael
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Hamer, Laura
Hawn, C. Michael; Clarke, Martin V. and Howard, Beverly A.
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Lee, Peggy Kyoungwon; Oliveira, Pedro; Osman, Shanti Suki and Thompson, Marie
Mooney, James; Green, Owen and Williams, Sean
Rowland, David
2021To Top
Hamer, Laura ed. (2021). The Cambridge Companion to Women in Music since 1900. Cambridge Companions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Arts & Ideas Podcast (2021). New Thinking: Diverse Classical Music. BBC Radio 3.
Ashworth, Amanda Pauline
Barker, Naomi J
Blackburn, Manuella
Burrows, Donald
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Sarah
Coffey, Helen (2021). Life as an Emperor's Musician. In Musikleben des Spätmittelalters in der Region Österreich Musikleben des Spätmittelalters in der Region Österreich.
Dooley, James and Hall, Simon
Goh, Annie and Thompson, Marie
Golding, Rosemary (2021). Music and Moral Management in the Nineteenth-Century English Lunatic Asylum. Mental Health in Historical Perspective, 1. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Granieri, Niccolò; Dooley, James and Michailidis, Tychonas
Grey, Christopher Michael
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Howard, Patricia
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kyratsou, Chrysi; McNulty Burrows, Cathrinea; Nguyen, Hoa; Barry, Heather E. and Simones, Lilian
Simones, Lilian (2021). Certificate for Music Educators Guidebook: Teaching Children and Young People. Routledge.
Thompson, Marie
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben
2020To Top
Burrows, Donald; Coffey, Helen; Greenacombe, John and Hicks, Anthony eds. (2020). George Frideric Handel: Collected Documents, Volume 4. 1742-1750. Cambridge University Press.
Barlow, Helen
Barlow, Helen and Herbert, Trevor
Barlow, Helen and Herbert, Trevor eds. (2020) Nineteenth-Century Music Review (17) Special Issue 3: The Experience of Listening to Music in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge University Press.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Golding, Rosemary
Gouly, Daniel
Hamer, Laura
Herbert, Trevor
Hewitt, Thomas William
Kolassa, Alexander
Moohan, Elaine
Pinto, Angelo
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Thompson, Marie
Thompson, Marie
Thompson, Marie
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben
2019To Top
Adamou, Alessandro; Brown, Simon; Barlow, Helen; Allocca, Carlo and d’Aquin, Mathieu
Barker, Naomi J.
Barker, Naomi J.
Barlow, Helen
Blackburn, Manuella
Blackburn, Manuella
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Coffey, Helen (2019). Music and ceremony in Maximilian's Innsbruck. Musikleben des Spätmittelalters in der Region Österreich.
Cradduck, Lucinda
Di Donato, Balandino; Dooley, James and Coccioli, Lamberto
Dueck, Byron
Force, David Robert Stuart
Golding, Rosemary
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Herbert, Trevor
Johnson, Liz; Dooley, James; Hurst, Dane and McNeill, Jack (2019). Scintilla for dancer, clarinet and live electronics. Sound and Music.
Moohan, Elaine and Elliott, Kenneth, eds. Complete Works (Musica Scotica vol. 8). By Robert Johnson . Glasgow, Musica Scotica (2019).
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Simones, Lilian
Simones, Lilian Lima
Thompson, Marie
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean
Winters, Ben
2018To Top
Attfield, Nicholas and Winters, Ben eds. (2018). Music, Modern Culture, and the Critical Ear. Abingdon: Routledge.
Burrows, Donald; Coffey, Helen; Greenacombe, John and Hicks, Anthony eds. (2018). George Frideric Handel: Collected Documents. Volume 3. 1734–1742. Cambridge University Press.
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam eds. (2018). Recomposing the Past: Representations of Early Music on Stage and Screen. Ashgate Screen Music Series. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Golding, Rosemary ed. (2018). The Music Profession in Britain, 1780-1920: New Perspectives on Status and Identity. Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Routledge.
Herbert, Trevor; Myers, Arnold and Wallace, John eds. (2018). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Brass Instruments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hoppe, C.; Goldbeck, M. and Kawabata, M. eds. (2018). Exploring Virtuosities: Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst, Nineteenth-Century Musical Practices and Beyond. Göttingen Studies in Musicology, 10. Olms.
Barker, Naomi J.
Barlow, Helen
Clarke, Martin V.
Clarke, Martin V.
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam
Cook, James; Kolassa, Alexander and Whittaker, Adam
Dooley, James (2018). rive (moog). Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, UK. [Performance]. (Unpublished)
Dooley, James (2018). colligation (Moog): exploring the confluence of gesture, light and the Moog System 55 analogue synthesiser. Not Set. (Unpublished)
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Golding, Rosemary
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura (2018). Female Composers, Conductors, Performers: Musiciennes of Interwar France, 1919-1939. Abingdon: Routledge.
Hamer, Laura
Hammond, David Brian
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Kolassa, Alexander
Michailidis, Tychonas; Dooley, James; Granieri, Niccolò and Di Donato, Balandino
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Rittstieg, Jessika Ulrike
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Strachan, Martyn Paul Lambert
Thompson, Marie
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean and Green, Owen
2017To Top
Barlow, Helen and Rowland, David eds. (2017). Listening to music: people, practices and experiences. The Open University.
Mera, Miguel; Sadoff, Ronald and Winters, Ben eds. (2017). The Routledge Companion to Screen Music and Sound. New York: Routledge.
Richards, Fiona ed. (2017). The soundscapes of Australia: music, place and spirituality. Aldershot, UK: Routledge.
Attfield, Nicholas and Winters, Ben
Barlow, Helen
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin V. (2017). British Methodist Hymnody: Theology, Heritage, and Experience. Routledge Methodist Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.
Clarke, Martin V.
Coffey, Helen
Coffey, Helen
Dooley, James (2017). rive: splitting sound and light. ZKM_Cube. Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Dooley, James (2017). arK1a. Self-published.
Dueck, Byron
Golding, Rosemary
Mera, Miguel; Sadoff, Ronald and Winters, Ben
Mooney, James; Green, Owen and Williams, Sean
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Sabri, Sonia; Dooley, James and Di Donato, Balandino (2017). NuBody. Not Set.
Simones, Lilian; Rodger, Matthew and Schroeder, Franziska
Thompson, Marie
Thompson, Marie
Thompson, Marie (2017). Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism. New York: Bloomsbury.
Thompson, Marie
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben
2016To Top
Barlow, Helen
Byram-Wigfield, Benjamin
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin V.
Cusworth, Andrew Dominic John
Dooley, James (2016). formuls: performance at sonADA Festival. Not Set.
Dooley, James (2016). entryiseasierthantheexit_entry. Self-published.
Dooley, James (2016). entryiseasierthantheexit_exit. Self-published.
Dooley, James (2016). esthesis. Vimeo.
Dooley, James and Di Donato, Balandino (2016). Equinode II. Integra Lab, Birmingham.
Dueck, Byron
Golding, Rosemary
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Herbert, T.
Herbert, T.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Payne, Emily; Schuling, Floris; Stroud, Rachel and Williams, Sean
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Thompson, Marie
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean and Green, Owen
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben
2015To Top
Burrows, Donald; Coffey, Helen; Greenacombe, John and Hicks, Anthony eds. (2015). George Frideric Handel: Collected Documents: Volume 2: 1725-1734. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Allington, Daniel; Dueck, Byron and Jordanous, Anna
Barker, Naomi J.
Brown, Simon; Barlow, Helen; Adamou, Alessandro and d'Aquin, Mathieu
Burrows, Donald (2015). G. F. Handel: L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato. Novello and Company, London.
Coffey, Helen
Collings, Matthew; Rawlinson, Jules and Williams, Sean (2015). Requiem for Edward Snowden. Sound Scotland.
Collings, Matthew; Rawlinson, Jules and Williams, Sean (2015). Requiem for Edward Snowden. Edinburgh College of Art.
Dooley, James and Di Donato, Balandino (2015). equinode. Not Set.
Green, Owen; Williams, Sean and Murray-Rust, Dave (2015). Concert with Aleks Kolkowski and Grey Area. Edinburgh College of Art.
Hamer, Laura
Hughes, Sion
Karass, Alan Michael
Kawabata, Maiko
Kolassa, Alexander
Laney, Robin; Samuels, Robert and Capulet, Emilie
Papathoma, Tina
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
Simones, Lilian; Schroeder, Franziska and Rodger, Matthew
Simones, Lilian Lima
Simones, Lilian Lima; Rodger, Matthew and Schroeder, Franziska
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean (2015). Stockhausen Concerts Database. Edinburgh College of Art.
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean (2015). Orchid House - world of sounds: Sound from around the world, between 3 am and 6 am. In Sound from around the world, between 3 am and 6 am Edinburgh College of Art.
Williams, Sean; Mooney, James and Green, Owen (2015). Celebrating the work of Hugh Davies 3. University of Leeds.
Williams, Sean; Moonie, James; Green, Owen; Green, Owen; Lloyd, Emma; Sturm, Armin and Murray-Rust, Dave (2015). Grey Area Performs: Hugh Davies, Stockhausen, Christian Wolff, Owen Green. In Hugh Davies, Stockhausen, Christian Wolff, Owen Green University of Leeds.
Williams, Sean and Stockhausen, Karlheinz (2015). "Hymnen - electronic music" sound projection. In Karlheinz Stockhausen's 4-channel tape piece Edinburgh College of Art.
Williams, Sean and Stockhausen, Karlheinz (2015). "Kontakte - electronic music" sound projection. Edinburgh College of Art.
2014To Top
Adamou, Alessandro; d'Aquin, Mathieu; Barlow, Helen and Brown, Simon
Blackburn, Manuella
Blackburn, Manuella
Brown, Simon; Adamou, Alessandro; Barlow, Helen and d'Aquin, Mathieu
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Clarke, Martin
Dueck, Byron
Golding, Rosemary
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura and Dingle, Christopher
Kawabata, Maiko
Kawabata, Maiko
Prechtl, Anthony; Laney, Robin; Willis, Alistair and Samuels, Robert
Prechtl, Anthony; Laney, Robin; Willis, Alistair and Samuels, Robert
Rowland, David
Samuels, Robert
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean (2014). "Set Sail for the Sun", from "Aus den Sieben Tagen" by Karlheinz Stockhausen. Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities.
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean (2014). Gemini 8. Artifact Music Limited.
Williams, Sean (2014). Separation/Integration. In Concert of works centred on David C Johnson The University of Edinburgh.
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean and Green, Owen
Williams, Sean and Kolkowski, Aleks (2014). The Exponential Horn: In Search of Perfect Sound: "Spiral for soloist", Karlheinz Stockhausen. In "Spiral for soloist", Karlheinz Stockhausen Science Museum, London.
Williams, Sean and Strang, David (2014). Light Entropy. Contemporary Music Festival, Plymouth.
Winters, Ben (2014). Music, Performance, and the Realities of Film: Shared Concert Experiences in Screen Fiction. Routledge Research in Music. Abingdon: Routledge.
Winters, Ben
2013To Top
Burrows, Donald; Coffey, Helen; Greenacombe, John and Hicks, Anthony eds. (2013). George Frideric Handel: collected documents: volume 1 1609-1725. Cambridge University Press.
Clayton, Martin; Dueck, Byron and Leante, Laura eds. (2013). Experience and Meaning in Music Performance. Oxford University Press.
Thompson, Marie and Biddle, Ian eds. (2013). Sound, Music, Affect: Theorizing Sonic Experience. New York: Bloomsbury.
Barker, Naomi J.
Barker, Naomi J.
Bullock, Jamie; Coccioli, Lamberto; Dooley, James and Michailidis, Tychonas
Rowland, David, ed. Chopin Rondos. By Frederic Chopin . London, Edition Peters (2013).
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron (2013). Musical Intimacies and Indigenous Imaginaries: Aboriginal Music and Dance in Public Performance in Manitoba. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dueck, Byron
Dueck, Byron
Golding, Rosemary (2013). Music and Academia in Victorian Britain. Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Farnham: Ashgate.
Hamer, Laura and Murray, Christopher Brent
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Barlow, Helen (2013). Music and the British Military in the Long Nineteenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
King, Richard David
Poole, Adrian Ian
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
Williams, Sean, ed. Elektronische Studie II. By Karlheinz Stockhausen (1954). Universal Editions (2013).
Williams, Sean (2013). Making and Writing about Music: Spotlight on Practice-led Research. In Royal Musical Association Student Blog, Royal Musical Association Student Blog The Royal Musical Association, London.
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean (2013). Noise and Fidelity. Syndicate.
Williams, Sean
Williams, Sean; Currie, Colin; Hodges, Nicolas and Stockhausen, Karlheinz (2013). Kontakte with piano and percussion. Glasgow Life.
Williams, Sean; Stockhausen, Karlheinz; Smith, Simon and Ligeti, György (2013). Ligeti and Stockhausen: A concert of piano and electronics works from the 195. In A concert of piano and electronics works from the 1950s Edinburgh College of Art.
Wright, Seymour Bevan
2012To Top
Clarke, Martin ed. (2012). Music and Theology in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Music in Ninteenth-Century Britain. Farnham: Ashgate.
Barlow, Helen
Burrows, Donald (2012). Handel. New York: Oxford University Press.
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin V.
Dueck, Byron
Golding, Rosemary
Green, Helen
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Hamer, Laura
Herbert, Trevor (2012). Music in Words: A Guide to Researching and Writing about music. London: ABRSM Publishing.
Herbert, T. and Barlow, H.
Herbert, Trevor (2012). Music in words: a guide to researching and writing about music (2nd edition). London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
Hill, Andrew John
Moohan, Elaine
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
Simones, Lilian (2012). The dynamics of expectations in music performance modules in Higher Education: Changing attitudes among students, part-time tutors and fulltime staff. Enhancing learning and teaching in higher education in Northern Ireland; Higher Education Academy.
Thompson, Marie
Williams, Sean (2012). Lachenmann's "Toccatina'' performed by Emma Lloyd: Sound Projection. In Sound projection Edinburgh College of Art.
Williams, Sean
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben (2012). 'Music and Narrative', Music, Sound, and the Moving Image Special Issue Vol. 6 Issue 1 (Spring 2012). Liverpool University Press.
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben
2011To Top
Clayton, Martin; Herbert, Trevor and Middleton, Richard eds. (2011). The Cultural Study of Music: a Critical Introduction (2nd ed.). Abingdon: Routledge.
Toynbee, Jason and Dueck, Byron eds. (2011). Migrating Music. CRESC. Abingdon: Routledge.
Blackburn, Manuella
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald (2011). G. F. Handel: Te Deum in A Major. Novello and Company, London.
Burrows, Donald (2011). G. F. Handel: Let God arise (Chapel Royal version). Novello and Company, London.
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Chornik, Katia Marcela
Burrows, Donald, ed. Canticles and anthems with orchestra. By William Croft . London, Stainer and Bell (2011).
Green, Helen
Hamer, Laura
Herbert, Trevor (2011). Brass instruments. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Music.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Rees, Jonathan
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Samuels, Robert
Samuels, Robert
Toynbee, Jason and Dueck, Byron
Winters, Ben
2010To Top
Rowland, David ed. (2010). The Correspondence of Muzio Clementi. Muzio Clementi Opera Omnia. Critical Edition, 14. Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni.
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Clarke, Martin
Clarke, Martin
Grant, David
Hamer, Laura
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Myers, Arnold
McGuiness, Andrew
Millar, Jennifer Janice
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Samuels, Robert
Samuels, Robert
Winters, Ben
2009To Top
Burrows, Donald ed. (2009). Georg Friedrich Händel, ‘Messiah’. Documenta Musicologica, Zweite Reihe, Handschriften, xl. Kassel, Germany: Barenreiter.
Burrows, Donald ed. (2009). Handel's Will: Facsimiles and Commentary. London: Gerald Coke Handel Foundation.
Burrows, Donald (2009). Händel: Arienalbum, Frauenrollen für hohe Stimme aus Händels opern. Bärenreiter, Kassel.
Burrows, Donald (2009). G. F. Handel, Ode for St Cecilia's Day - the New Novello Choral edition. Novello & Company.
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Butlin, Roy Norman
Clarke, Martin
da Sousa Correa, Delia; Chornik, Katia and Samuels, Robert
Doffman, Mark Russell
Golding, Rosemary
Green, Helen
Hall, Mark M. and Hamer, Laura A.
Herbert, Trevor (2009). Music in Words: A Guide to Researching and Writing about Music. UK: Oxford University Press.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Rowland, David
Shepherd, Sara L.
Winters, Ben
Winters, Ben and Mera, Miguel
Wollston, Silas
2008To Top
Burrows, Donald (2008). Handel and the English Chapel Royal (revised paperback edition). Oxford Studies in British Church Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Clarke, Martin
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor (2008). The Robert Minter collection: a handlist of seventeenth and eighteenth century trumpet repertory. The Open University.
Samuels, Robert
Vickers, David
Winters, Ben
2007To Top
Barker, Naomi
Burrows, D.
Clarke, Martin V.
Dueck, Byron
Kawabata, Maiko
Richards, Fiona
Winters, Ben (2007). Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s The Adventures of Robin Hood: A Film Score Guide. Scarecrow Film Score Guides, 6. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Winters, Ben
2006To Top
Bagust, Susan Jennifer
Dueck, Byron
Herbert, Trevor (2006). The Trombone. Yale Musical Instrument Series. Yale University Press.
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
Samuels, Robert
Samuels, Robert
2005To Top
Decroupet, Pascal and Samuels, Robert [trans.] eds. (2005). Pierre Boulez. Le marteau sans maître: facsimile of the draft score and the first fair copy of the full score. Publications from the Paul Sacher Foundation. Mainz; London: Schott.
Munro, Gordon; Campbell, Stuart; Hair, Greta-Mary; MacKay, Margaret A.; Moohan, Elaine and Hair, Graham eds. (2005). Notis Musycall: Essays on Music and Scottish Culture in Honour of Kenneth Elliott. Historical studies of Scottish music. Glasgow, UK: Musica Scotica Trust.
Best, Terence (2005). An edition with preface of G.F. Handel, Riccardo primo, HWV 23. Bärenreiter, Kassel, Germany.
Buckley, Linda Jean
Burrows, Donald (2005). Handel and the English Chapel Royal. Oxford Studies in British Church Music. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald (2005). An edition with preface of G. F. Handel, Samson. Novello & Co. Ltd., London, UK.
Clarke, Martin
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Moohan, Elaine
Rowland, David
Rowland, David
Weber, William and Burrows, Donald
2004To Top
Boulez, Pierre and Samuels, Robert [trans.]
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Donald
Herbert, Trevor
Kawabata, Maiko
Kawabata, Maiko
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
2003To Top
Clayton, Martin; Herbert, Trevor and Middleton, Richard eds. (2003). The Cultural study of music: A critical introduction. Abingdon, UK,: Routledge.
Barker, Naomi Joy
Best, Terence (2003). An edition with preface of G.F. Handel, Serse, HWV 40. Bärenreiter, Kassel, Germany.
Carroll, Mora
Ward Jones, Peter and Burrows, Donald
2002To Top
Best, Terence (2002). An edition with preface of G.F. Handel, Orgelkonzerte I, Sechs Konzerte für Orgel und Orchester Opus 4, HWV 289-294, Konzert für Harfe und Orchester, HWV 294. Bärenreiter, Kassel, Germany.
Burrows, Donald (2002). An edition with preface of G. F. Handel, Imeneo, HWV 41. Bärenreiter, Kassel, Germany.
Burrows, Donald and Dunhill, Rosemary (2002). Music and theatre in Handel's world : the family papers of James Harris 1732-1780. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Richards, Fiona
Richards, Fiona
Rowland, David
2001To Top
Herbert, Trevor and Stead, Peter eds. (2001). Hymns and Arias: Great Welsh Voices. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Best, Terence (2001). An edition with preface of G.F. Handel, Deidamia, HWV 42. Bärenreiter, Kassel, Germany.
Fleming, Michael Jonathan
Herbert, Trevor (2001). Baltic Brass. Deux-Elles.
Richards, Fiona (2001). The music of John Ireland. UK: Ashgate.
Sayce, Lynda
2000To Top
Herbert, Trevor ed. (2000). The British Brass Band: a Musical and Social History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barker, Naomi Joy
Herbert, Trevor (2000). Hammered Brass. Linn.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John
Kawabata, Maiko
1999To Top
Gates, Bernard
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
McGrattan, Alexander
1998To Top
Herbert, Trevor
Salter, Frank William
1997To Top
Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John eds. (1997). The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments. Cambridge Companions to Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dudgeon, Ralph T.; Eastop, Phillip; Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John
Herbert, Trevor (1997). Virtuosi: Ian Bousfield. EMI.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Sarkissian, Margaret
1996To Top
Barker, Naomi
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor (1996). The Origin of the Species: The Cyfarthfa Repertory on Period Instruments. Nimbus.
Herbert, Trevor (1996). The Victorian Christmas. JVC.
Robarts, Leslie Michael Martyn
1995To Top
Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1995). Post-War Wales. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Channon, Merlin George Charles
Samuels, Robert (1995). Mahler's Sixth Symphony: a Study in Musical Semiotics. Cambridge Studies in Music Theory and Analysis, 6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Whitelock, Denise; Holland, Simon and Howard, Patricia
1994To Top
Birkett, James Gordon
Eydmann, Stuart Anthony
Samuels, Robert
1993To Top
Nattiez, Jean-Jacques and Samuels, Robert [trans.] eds. (1993). The Boulez-Cage Carrespondence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Herbert, Trevor
Potter, John
1992To Top
Barker, Naomi
Davis, Michael Russell
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Wilson, Paul William
1991To Top
Herbert, Trevor ed. (1991). Bands: the Brass Band Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Popular Music in Britain. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Burrows, Donald (1991). Handel's Messiah (Korean edition). Cambridge music handbooks. Seoul: Imprima Korean Agency.
Herbert, Trevor
1990To Top
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Myers, Arnold (1990). Catalogue of the European Wind and Percussion Instruments in the Cyfarthfa Castle Museum Collection. Merthyr Tydfil: Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and Art Gallery.
Huckvale, David
Lomas, Michael John
1989To Top
Herbert, Trevor (1989). The trombone in 19th-century Italian opera. Welsh National Opera.
Samuels, Robert
Sondheim, Stephen and Herbert, Trevor
Whiteley, Sheila Margaret
1988To Top
Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Tudor Wales. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Wales 1880-1914. Welsh History adnd its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). People and Protest: Wales 1815-1880. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Wales Between the Wars. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). The Remaking of Wales in the Eighteenth Century. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Herbert, Trevor and Jones, Gareth Elwyn eds. (1988). Edward I and Wales. Welsh History and its Sources. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Herbert, Trevor
Herbert, Trevor and Myers, Arnold
Herbert, Trevor and Wallace, John (1988). Divertimento in D: (Trumpet and Piano) by Josef Fiala. Faber Music, London.
1984To Top
Herbert, Trevor
1983To Top
Hall, Monica
1982To Top
Baker, Richard Foxwell
1981To Top
Burrows, Donald James