Currently browsing: History

Number of items at this level: 840.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 10:43:10 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Grummitt, David (2025). Chivalric Competition, Military Organisation and Edward IV’s French Campaign of 1475. The Ricardian, 35 pp. 95–115.

2024To Top

Beardmore, Carol ed. (2024). Navigating the Nineteenth Century Institution: Workhouse and Asylum. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Houghton, Frances; John, Kesewa; Moss, Eloise; Sanders, Michael; Strange, Julie-Marie and White, Benjamin Thomas (2024). [Book Review] Social History Book Club: Lyonel Trouillot, Antoine of Gommiers. Social History, 49(3) pp. 397–409.

Mombauer, Annika (2024). The Causes of the First World War: The Long Blame Game. Making History. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Mombauer, Annika and Stibbe, Matthew (2024). [Nekrolog] John C. G. Röhl (1938-2023). Historische Zeitschrift, 319(1) pp. 110–122.

Moore, Amy (2024). Oxford Town, Crown and People 1575-1640. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Moss, Eloise; Houghton, Frances; John, Kesewa; Kalayil, Sheena; Pooley, William; Sanders, Michael and White, Benjamin Thomas (2024). Social History Book Club: Zadie Smith, The Fraud. Social History, 49(2) pp. 225–239.

O'Shea, Helen (2024). Politics of the Heart: In Conversation with Porty Pride. Scottish Affairs, 33(1) pp. 36–46.

O'Shea, Helen and Barker, Kim (2024). Guest Editorial. Scottish Affairs, 33(1) pp. 1–3.

Plassart, Anna (2024). Montesquieu, Smith and Burke on the ‘labouring poor’: An eighteenth-century debate. In: O'Flaherty, Niall and Mills, R.J.W. eds. Ideas of poverty in the Age of Enlightenment. Studies in early modern European history. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 128–147.

Slight, John (2024). [Book Reviews] Journey in the Grand Sahara of Africa.. Middle Eastern Studies, 60(3) pp. 519–520.

Slight, John (2024). The Hajj and Colonial South Asia. In: Khan, Qaisra M. and Nassar, Nahla eds. Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage: Essays in Honour of Nasser David Khalili, Volume 2. London: GINGKO, pp. 283–306.

van Wyk, Anna-Mart; Brunet, Luc-Andre and Karamouzi, Eirini eds. (2024). Special issue on New Histories of Anti-Nuclear Activism in Africa, The Thinker, 100(3)

2023To Top

Brunet, Luc-André (2023). Introduction: The Strategic Defence Initiative and the Atlantic Alliance in the 1980s. In: Brunet, Luc-André ed. NATO and the Strategic Defence Initiative: A Transatlantic History of the Star Wars Programme. Cold War History. London: Routledge, pp. 1–11.

Brunet, Luc-André (2023). Canada’s "Polite No" to SDI: A Question of Sovereignty? In: Brunet, Luc-André ed. NATO and the Strategic Defence Initiative: A Transatlantic History of the Star Wars Programme. Cold War History. London: Routledge, pp. 129–145.

Chaplin, Elayne and Chaplin, Melissa (2023). Unresolved – Narrative Strategies in an Unsolved True Crime: Depictions of the JonBenét Ramsey killing. In: Larke-Walsh, George S. ed. True Crime in American Media. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 83–97.

Donington, Katie (2023). Whose Heritage? Slavery, Country Houses, and the “Culture Wars” in England. In: Conerman, Stephan; Rauhut, Claudia; Schneider, Ulrike and Zeuske, Michael eds. Cultural Heritage and Slavery: Perspectives from Europe. Dependency and Slavery Studies, 10. Berlin: De Grutyer, pp. 139–166.

Donington, Katie (2023). Cultivating the world: English country house gardens, 'exotic' plants and elite women collectors, c.1690-1800. In: Stobart, Jon ed. Global Goods and the Country House: Comparative Perspectives, 1650-1800. London: UCL Press, pp. 381–404.

Hazareesingh, S and Maat, H. (2023). Anti-commodities revisited: Food, culture, and resistance. In: Curry-Machado, J.; Stubbs, J.; Clarence-Smith, W. G. and Vos, J. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Commodity History. Oxford University Press, pp. 65–84.

Jack, Gillian (2023). Prostitution, repentance, and civic welfare in Renaissance Florence. In: Fehler, Timothy G. and Thomley, Jared B. eds. Do good unto all: Charity and poor relief across Christian Europe, 1400–1800. Studies in Early Modern European History. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp. 231–249.

Lawrence, Paul (2023). A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Modern Age. In: Emsley, Clive and McDougall, Sara eds. A Global History of Crime and Punishment, Volume 6. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Lawrence, Paul (2023). Crime and its Control in the Twentieth Century. In: Lawrence, Paul ed. A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Modern age. Global History of Crime and Punishment, 6. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 1–22.

Marsden, Richard and Lymberopoulou, Angeliki (2023). The arts and humanities: rejecting the zero-sum game. In HEPI Blog Higher Education Policy Institute.

Trott, V. (2023). Battles. In: Demoor, M.; Van Dijck, C. and Van Puymbroeck, B. eds. Edinburgh Companion To First World War Periodicals. Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 227–243.

Williams, Chris A (2023). Counting and Experiencing Crime in the Twentieth Century. In: Lawrence, Paul ed. A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Modern Age. A Global History of Crime and Punishment, 6. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 23–45.

2022To Top

Beardmore, Carol (2022). Editorial. Family & Community History, 25(1) pp. 1–2.

Hack, Karl (2022). Grand Strategy and Its Layers: Britain and Southeast Asia, 1946–1954. In: Farrell, Brian P.; Long, S.R. Joey and Ulbrich, David J. eds. From Far East to Asia Pacific: Great Powers and Grand Strategy 1900-1954. De Gruyter Studies in Military History, 4. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 183–214.

Hazareesingh, Sandip (2022). Food Heritage for Sustainable Futures: Women's Cultures and Knowledge as Hidden Pillars of Alternative Foodways. In: Cross, Charlotte and Giblin, John D. eds. Critical Approaches to Heritage for Development. Rethinking Development. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 108–123.

Mombauer, Annika (2022). Statesman of Europe: A Life of Sir Edward Grey [Book review]. Diplomacy & Statecraft, 33(2) pp. 406–407.

Plassart, Anna (2022). ‘The Scheme which Began the Calamities of Europe’: Scottish Writers on the First Polish Partition. In: Clure, Graham ed. Rousseau, Poland and Europe. Brill (In Press).

Probert, Thomas (2022). Psychiatric casualties and the British counter-insurgency in Malaya. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 33(3) pp. 528–549.

Reeve, Michael (2022). [Book Review] Beyond Trawlertown: memory, life and legacy in the wake of the Cod Wars by Jo Byrne. International Journal of Regional and Local History, 17(2) pp. 115–116.

Trott, Vincent (2022). The Poetic Marketplace. In: Potter, Jane ed. A History of World War One Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 19–34.

Younger, Neil (2022). Religion and politics in Elizabethan England: The life of Sir Christopher Hatton. Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

2021To Top

Langley, Chris R.; McMillan, Catherine E. and Newton, Russell eds. (2021). The Clergy in Early Modern Scotland. St Andrews Studies in Scottish History, 9. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.

Conway, David and Williams, Chris (2021). The role of trade unions in promoting wellbeing. In: Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference, 1-2 Dec 2021, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.

Hack, Karl (2021). The Malayan Emergency: Revolution and Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire. Cambridge Military Histories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Langley, Chris R. (2021). Anticlericalism in Early Modern Scotland? In: Langley, Chris R.; McMillan, Catherine E. and Newton, Russell eds. The Clergy in Early Modern Scotland. St Andrews Studies in Scottish History, 9. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, pp. 89–110.

McEneaney, Sinead (2021). “Not picketing in front of bra factories...”: Marxism, feminism, and the Weather Underground. In: Phelps, Christopher and Vandome, Robin eds. Marxism and America: New Appraisals. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Plassart, Anna (2021). [Book Review] Parliamentarism: From Burke to Weber. European Journal of Political Theory, 21(4) pp. 836–846.

Plassart, Anna (2021). “Sovereign of the Sea”: Adam Ferguson on Britain’s Empire. In: Brown, Michael and Hill, Jack A. eds. Adam Ferguson Unfurled: re-imagining the moral imperium. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press (In Press).

Plassart, Anna and Mosher, Michael (2021). Introduction: A Cultural History of Democracy in the Age of Enlightenment. In: Plassart, Anna and Mosher, Michael eds. A Cultural History of Democracy in the Age of Enlightenment. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1–16.

Reeve, Michael (2021). 'Something-to-smoke, at the right time, is a godsend': Voluntary Action and the Provision of Cigarettes to Soldiers during the First World War. In: Linch, Kevin and Lord, Matthew eds. Redcoats to Tommies: The Experience of the British Soldier from the Eighteenth Century. Boydell and Brewer.

Watson, Róisín (2021). Shells and Grottoes in Modern Germany. In: Bass, Marisa Anne; Goldgar, Anne; Grootenboer, Hanneke and Swan, Claudia eds. Conchophilia: Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe. New Jersey, USA: Princeton University Press, pp. 127–154.

Wilkinson, Louise J. and Wolfson, Sara J. (2021). Introduction: premodern queenship and diplomacy. Women's History Review, 30(5) pp. 713–722.

2020To Top

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude and Wolfson, Sara eds. (2020). The wedding of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, 1625. Celebrations and controversy. European Festival Studies: 1450-1700 (EFS). Brepols Publishers.

Langley, Chris R. ed. (2020). The National Covenant in Scotland, 1638-1689. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History, 37. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.

Brunet, Luc-André (2020). 'A Bridge to Better Relations between London and Vichy': Jan Smuts, South Africa, and Commonwealth Diplomacy in the Second World War. In: Dubow, Saul and Drayton, Richard eds. Commonwealth History in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series (CIPCSS). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 251–269.

Langley, Chris R. (2020). Deportment, emotion and moderation at the Glasgow Assembly, 1638. Historical Research, 93(261) pp. 466–482.

Langley, Chris R. (2020). Reading John Knox in the Scottish Revolution, 1638-42. In: Langley, Chris R. ed. The National Covenant in Scotland, 1638–1689. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History, 37. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, pp. 89–104.

Mombauer, Annika (2020). Helmuth von Moltke (der Jüngere). In: Grawe, Lukas ed. Die militärische Elite des Kaiserreichs. Darmstadt: wbg Theiss, pp. 227–238.

Vincent, David (2020). A History of Solitude. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Watson, Róisín (2020). Remembering and forgetting the dead in the churches of Reformation Germany. In: Walsham, Alexandra; Cummings, Brian; Law, Ceri and Riley, Karis eds. Remembering the Reformation. Remembering the Medieval and Early Modern Worlds. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 154–172.

Wolfson, Sara J. (2020). The Welcoming Journey of Queen Henrietta Maria and Stuart–Bourbon Relations, 1625–1626. In: Canova-Green, Marie-Claude and Wolfson, Sara J. eds. The Wedding of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, 1625: Celebrations and Controversy. European Festival Studies: 1450-1700. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, pp. 179–204.

2019To Top

Donington, Katie (2019). The bonds of family: Slavery, commerce and culture in the British Atlantic. Studies in Imperialism. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Donington, Katie (2019). Relics of empire: Colonialism and culture wars. In: Ward, Stuart and Rasch, Astrid eds. Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 121–132.

Donnachie, Ian (2019). Catherine Vale Whitwell (1789-1873), educationist and communitarian. In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, OUP.

Goodrich, Amanda (2019). Henry Redhead Yorke, Colonial Radical: Politics and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1772-1813. The Enlightenment World, 33. London and New York: Taylor & Francis, Routledge.

Hack, Karl (2019). Unfinished Decolonisation and Globalisation. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 47(5) pp. 818–850.

Hack, Karl (2019). We Meet Again: Britain and Singapore 1945-1946. In: Koh, Tommy and Wightman, Scott eds. 200 years of Singapore and the United Kingdom. Singapore: Straits Times Press, pp. 118–125.

Lee, Catherine and Logan, Anne (2019). Women’s agency, activism and organisation. Women's History Review, 28(6) pp. 831–834.

Plassart, Anna, ed. Letters of Crito. By John Millar (1796). History of European Ideas 45:2, 148-190 (2019).

Plassart, Anna, ed. Letters of Sidney. By John Millar (1796). History of European Ideas 45:2, 191-231 (2019).

Slight, John (2019). Reactions to the Ottoman Jihad fatwa in the British Empire, 1914-1918. In: Johnson, Robert and Kitchen, James E. eds. The Great War in the Middle East. Routledge.

Vincent, David (2019). ‘The Modern History of Literacy'. In: Rury, John L. and Tamura, Eileen eds. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 507–522.

2018To Top

Caldari, Valentina and Wolfson, Sara J. eds. (2018). Stuart Marriage Diplomacy. Dynastic Politics in their European Context, 1604-1630. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History, 31. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer.

De Renzi, Silvia; Bresadola, Marco and Conforti, Maria eds. (2018). Pathology in Practice: Diseases and Dissections in Early Modern Europe. The History of Medicine in Context. London: Routledge.

Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Arrizabalaga, Jon eds. (2018). It All Depends on the Dose: Poisons and Medicines in European History. Routledge.

Brunet, Luc-André (2018). Jean Monnet et l'organisation des économies alliées pour la guerre (1939-1940). In: Bossuat, Gérard ed. Jean Monnet et l'économie. Euroclio. Bruxelles: Peter Lang.

Brunet, Luc-André (2018). The Role of Algeria in Debates over Post-War Europe within the French Resistance. In: Davis, Muriam Haleh and Serres, Thomas eds. North Africa and the Making of Europe: Governance, Institutions and Culture. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 23–42.

Caldari, Valentina; Questier, Michael and Wolfson, Sara J. (2018). Introduction. In: Caldari, Valentina and Wolfson, Sara J. eds. Stuart Marriage Diplomacy. Dynastic Politics in their European Context, 1604-1630. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History (31). Boydell and Brewer.

Crone, Rosalind; Hoskins, Lesley and Preston, Rebecca (2018). Guide to the Criminal Prisons of Nineteenth-Century England. London Publishing Partnership.

Davis, Caroline and Trott, Vincent (2018). Introduction. Logos, 29(2-3) pp. 6–8.

De Renzi, Silvia (2018). Seats and series: dissecting diseases in the seventeenth century. In: De Renzi, Silvia; Bresadola, Marco and Conforti, Maria eds. Pathology in Practice: Diseases and Dissections in Early Modern Europe. The History of Medicine in Context. London: Routledge, pp. 96–115.

De Renzi, Silvia (2018). Family resemblance in the Old Regime. In: Hopwood, Nick; Flemming, Rebecca and Kassell, Lauren eds. Reproduction. Antiquity to the Present Day. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 241–252.

De Renzi, Silvia; Bresadola, Marco and Conforti, Maria (2018). Pathological dissections in early modern Europe: practice and knowledge. In: De Renzi, Silvia; Bresadola, Marco and Conforti, Maria eds. Pathology in Practice: Diseases and Dissections in Early Modern Europe. The History of Medicine in Context. London: Routledge, pp. 3–19.

Emsley, Clive (2018). ‘Du concept à l’institution: Les spécifités du mot “police” en langue anglaise’. In: Cicchini, Marco and Denis, Vincent eds. Le Nœud gordien. Police et justice: des Lumières à l’État libéral (1750-1850). Chêne-Bourg, Switzerland: Georg, pp. 47–69.

Grell, Ole Peter (2018). Martin Luther on the poison of sexual abstinence and the poison of the pox From Galen to Paracelsus. In: Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Arrizabalaga, Jon eds. It All Depends on the Dose: Poisons and Medicines in European History. Routledge, pp. 103–116.

Langley, Chris R. (2018). ‘So necessarie and charitable a worke’: welfare, identity and Scottish prisoners of war in England, 1650–55. In: Appleby, David and Hopper, Andrew eds. Battle-scarred: Mortality, medical care and military welfare in the British Civil Wars. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 211–229.

Layton-Jones, Katy (2018). Manufactured landscapes: Victorian public parks and the industrial imagination. In: Dick, Malcolm and Mitchell, Elaine eds. Gardens and Green Spaces in the West Midlands since 1700. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, pp. 120–137.

Loftus, Donna (2018). Markets and culture. In: Handley, Sasha; McWilliam, Rohan and Noakes, Lucy eds. New Directions in Social and Cultural History. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 109–128.

Marsden, Richard (2018). Henry Tudor: a Welsh hero...? OpenLearn, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Reeve, Michael (2018). Smoking and Cigarette Consumption. In: Daniel, Ute; Gatrell, Peter; Janz, Oliver; Jones, Heather; Keene, Jennifer; Kramer, Alan and Nasson, Bill eds. 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.

Slight, John (2018). Anglo-French connections and co-operation against ‘Islamic’ resistance, 1914-1917. In: Fichter, James R. ed. British and French Colonialism in Africa, Asia and the Middle East: Connected Empires across the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Centuries. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series. Palgrave Macmillan.

Vincent, David (2018). ‘Social Reform’. In: Patten, Robert L.; Jordan, John O. and Waters, Catherine eds. The Oxford Handbook of Charles Dickens. Oxford University Press, pp. 420–435.

Wolfson, Sara J. (2018). Practical proselytising: the impact of counter-Reformation Catholicism at the Caroline court, 1625-1626. In: Caldari, Valentina and Wolfson, Sara J. eds. Stuart Marriage Diplomacy. Dynastic Politics in their European Context, 1604-1630. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History. Boydell and Brewer.

Younger, Neil (2018). How Protestant was the Elizabethan Regime? The English Historical Review, 133(564) pp. 1060–1092.

2017To Top

Brunet, Luc-André (2017). Forging Europe: Industrial Organisation in France, 1940-1952. Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Crone, Rosalind (2017). Popular education in the British Isles during the nineteenth century. Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle, 55 pp. 139–142.

Hack, Karl (2017). The Art of Counterinsurgency: Phase Analysis with Primary Reference to Malaya (1948-60), and Secondary Reference to Kenya (1952-60). In: Thomas, Martin and Curless, Gareth eds. Decolonization and Conflict: Colonial Comparisons and Legacies. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 177–196.

Holmes, Janice (2017). John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress in Nineteenth-Century Ulster. In: Gudmundsson, David; Maurits, Alexander and Nykvist, Martin eds. Classics in Northern European Church History over 500 Years: essays in honour of Anders Jarlert. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 61–84.

Holmes, Janice (2017). The "Absence" of Family in 19th-Century Irish Presbyterian Clerical Biographies. In: Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Biographies. Research, Results, and Reading (Jarlert, Anders ed.), Konferenser (Conferences), Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities), Stockholm, pp. 105–120.

Holmes, Janice (2017). Methodists and Holiness. In: Larsen, Timothy and Ledger-Lomas, Michael eds. The Oxford History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions Volume III: The Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 124–149.

Marsden, Richard and Bestic, Penni (2017). The Weakness of European Wales. Planet: the Welsh Internationalist, 225 pp. 29–36.

Plassart, Anna and White, Rebekah C. (2017). Théodore Flournoy on synesthetic personification. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical Perspectives, 26(1) pp. 1–14.

Reeve, Michael (2017). “The Darkest Town in England”: Patriotism and Anti-German Sentiment in Hull, 1914–19. International Journal of Regional and Local History, 12(1) pp. 42–63.

Reeve, Michael and McTominey, Andrew (2017). Grim up North?: Northern Identity, History, and Heritage. International Journal of Regional and Local History, 12(2) pp. 65–76.

Slight, John (2017). Pilgrimage to Mecca by British converts to Islam in the interwar period. In: Flaskerud, Ingvild and Natvig, Richard J. eds. Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe. Routledge Studies in Pilgrimage, Religious Travel and Tourism. Routledge, pp. 70–82.

2016To Top

Donington, Katie; Hanley, Ryan and Moody, Jessica eds. (2016). Britain’s History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a ‘National Sin’. Studies in International Slavery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew eds. (2016). Medicine, Natural Philosophy and Religion in Post-Reformation Scandinavia. The History of Medicine in Context. London/New York: Routledge.

Langley, Chris R. ed. (2016). The Minutes of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, 1648-1659. Scottish History Society 6th Series, 11. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.

Allen, Gemma (2016). Women as counsellors in sixteenth-century England: The letters of Lady Anne Bacon and Lady Elizabeth Russell. In: Daybell, James and Gordon, Andrew eds. Women and Epistolary Agency in Early Modern Culture, 1450-1690. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 81–95.

Crone, Rosalind (2016). Education in the working-class home: modes of learning as revealed by nineteenth-century criminal records. In: de Bellaigue, Christina ed. Home Education in Historical Perspective: Domestic pedagogies in England and Wales, 1750-1900. Routledge.

Crone, Rosalind (2016). Literacy. In: John, Juliet ed. Oxford Bibliographies: Victorian Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

den Hollander, A.A. and Grell, Ole Peter (2016). Bibles in the Dutch and Scandinavian vernaculars to c. 1750. In: Cameron, Euan ed. The New Cambridge History of the Bible from 1450 to 1750. The New Cambridge History of the Bible, 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 239–262.

Donington, Katie (2016). Local roots/global routes: slavery, memory and identity in Hackney. In: Donington, Katie; Hanley, Ryan and Moody, Jessica eds. Britain’s History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a ‘National Sin’. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 186–208.

Donington, Katie; Hanley, Ryan and Moody, Jessica (2016). Introduction. In: Donington, Katie; Hanley, Ryan and Moody, Jessica eds. Britain’s History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a ‘National Sin’. Studies in International Slavery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 15–32.

Donnachie, Ian (2016). 'Anything You Want It to Mean'? Scotland's Changing Heritage Landscape. In: Hooper, Glenn ed. Heritage and Tourism in Britain and Ireland. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 145–160.

Emsley, Clive (2016). Crime and Policing in Wartime. In: Knepper, Paul and Johansen, Anja eds. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 519–536.

Grell, Ole Peter (2016). Three seventeenth-century manuals on how and where to study medicine. In: Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew eds. Medicine, Natural Philosophy and Religion in Post-Reformation Scandinavia. London/ New York: Routledge, pp. 136–152.

Grell, Ole Peter (2016). The Creation of a Calvinist identity in the Reformation Period. In: Ingesman, Per ed. Religion as an Agent of Change. Brill's Series in Church History and Religious Culture (72). Leiden: Brill, pp. 149–165.

Grell, Ole Peter (2016). The Dutch and the English in the Baltic, the North Sea and Arctic. In: Kouri, E. I. and Olesen, Jens E. eds. The Cambridge History of Scandinavia, Volume 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 229–245.

Grell, Ole Peter (2016). Religious and Social Regimentation. In: Kouri, E. I. and Olesen, Jens E. eds. The Cambridge History of Scandinavia, Volume 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 416–437.

Grell, Ole Peter (2016). The Reformation in Denmark, Norway and Iceland. In: Kouri, E.I. and Olesen, Jens E. eds. Cambridge History of Scandinavia, Volume 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 44–59.

Hazareesingh, Sandip (2016). 'Your Foreign Plants are Very Delicate': Peasant Crop Ecologies and the Subversion of Colonial Cotton Designs in Dharwar, western India, 1830-1880. In: Hazareesingh, Sandip and Maat, Harro eds. Local Subversions of Colonial Cultures: Commodities and Anti-Commodities in Global History. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Langley, Chris R. (2016). ‘A Sweet Love-Token betwixt Christ and His Church’: Kirk, Communion and the Search for Further Reformation, 1646–1658. In: McCallum, John ed. Scotland's Long Reformation: New Perspectives on Scottish Religion, c. 1500–1660. St Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Leiden: Brill, pp. 87–111.

Lawrence, Paul (2016). The Historiography of Crime and Criminal Justice. In: Knepper, Paul and Johansen, Anja eds. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. The Oxford Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 17–37.

Layton-Jones, Katy (2016). What has the future of urban parks to do with their past? In: von Lunen, Alexander and Griffiths, Sam eds. Spatial Cultures: Towards a New Social Morphology of Cities Past and Present. Design and Built Environment. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 128–138.

Marsden, Richard (2016). Who was St David? OpenLearn, Open University in Wales, Cardiff.

Marsden, Richard A. (2016). Innes, Cosmo Nelson (1798-1874), antiquary. In: Cannadine, David ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McEneaney, Sinead (2016). Righting Women in the 1960s: Gender, Power and Conservatism in the Pages of The New Guard. In: Ritchie, Rachel; Hawkins, Sue; Phillips, Nicola and Kleinberg, S. Jay eds. Women in Magazines: Research, Representation, Production and Consumption. Routledge Research in Gender and History. Routledge, pp. 92–103.

O'Shea, Helen (2016). Irish Legal Geographies in the Era of Emergency: Independent Ireland, Colonial Kenya and the British Colonial Legal Service. Éire-Ireland: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Irish Studies, 51(1 & 2) pp. 243–265.

O'Shea, Helen (2016). Colonial Reparations, Collective Redress and the Colonial Legal Service in the Post-War British Empire. In: 3rd Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (Chhina, Ramandeep ed.), FLE Learning, Oxford, pp. 16–24.

Slight, John (2016). British Colonial Knowledge and the Hajj in the Age of Empire. In: Ryad, Umar ed. The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire. Leiden Studies in Islam and Society. Leiden: Brill, pp. 81–111.

Trott, Vincent (2016). "The market is flooded with them": Richard Aldington's Death of a Hero and the War Books Boom. In: Wilson, Nicola ed. The Book World: Selling and Distributing British Literature, 1900 - 1940. Leiden: Brill, 95 -116.

Vincent, David (2016). Privacy: A Short History. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Vincent, David (2016). Working-class autobiography in the nineteenth century. In: Smyth, Adam ed. A History of English Autobiography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 165–178.

Williams, Chris A. (2016). Risk on the Roads: Police, Motor Traffic and the Management of Space, c. 1900–50. In: Crook, Tom and Esbester, Mike eds. Governing Risks in Modern Britain: Danger, Safety and Accidents, c. 1800–2000. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 195–219.

2015To Top

Crone, Rosalind (2015). Query: Victorian reading. In: Bradley, Matthew and John, Juliet eds. Reading and the Victorians. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 111–126.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2015). Historic New Lanark: The Dale and Owen Industrial Community since 1785 (2nd ed). Edinburgh Classic Editions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Duckett, Richard Anthony (2015). The Special Operations Executive in Burma, 1941-1945. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Goodrich, Amanda (2015). Radical Popular Attitudes to the Monarchy in Britain during the French Revolution. In: Gestrich, Andreas and Schaich, Michael eds. The Hanoverian Succession: Dynastic Politics and Monarchical Culture. Ashgate, pp. 261–278.

Grummitt, David (2015). Henry VI. Routledge Historical Biographies. London: Routledge.

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Hack, Karl (2015). Tropical transitions in colonial counter-insurgency: From Malayan Emergency to post-colonial partnership. In: Johnson, Robert and Clack, Timothy eds. At the End of Military Intervention: Historical, Theoretical, and Applied Approaches to Transition, Handover, and Withdrawal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 61–85.

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2014To Top

Allen, Gemma ed. (2014). The Letters of Lady Anne Bacon. Camden Fifth Series, 44. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crone, Rosalind ed. (2014). Policing Entertainment. The Making of the Modern Police (4). London: Pickering & Chatto.

Godfrey, Barry and Lawrence, Paul eds. (2014). Crime and Justice since 1750 (2nd ed). Abingdon: Routledge.

Lawrence, Paul ed. (2014). Policing the Poor. The Making of the Modern Police, 3. London: Pickering & Chatto.

Donington, Katie (2014). Transforming capital: slavery, family, commerce and the making of the Hibbert family. In: Donington, Katie; Draper, Nicholas; Hall, Catherine; Lang, Rachel and McClelland, Keith eds. Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 203–249.

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Mombauer, Annika (2014). Julikrise und Kriegsschuld - Thesen und Stand der Forschung. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 64(16-17) pp. 10–16.

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Plassart, Anna (2014). Scottish perspectives on war and patriotism in the 1790s. The Historical Journal, 57(1) pp. 107–129.

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2013To Top

Allen, Gemma (2013). The Cooke sisters: education, piety and politics in early modern England. Politics, Culture & Society in Early Modern Britain. Manchester University Press.

Brunton, Deborah (2013). Health and Wellness in the 19th Century. Health and Wellness in Daily Life. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio.

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De Renzi, Silvia (2013). Tales from cardinals' deathbeds: medical hierarchy, courtly etiquette and authority in the Counter Reformation. In: Andretta, Elisa and Nicoud, Marilyn eds. Être médecin à la cour (Italie, France et Espagne, XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle). Micrologus' Library (52). Florence: Sismel, pp. 235–258.

Gonçalves, Cândido Gonçalo Rocha (2013). Civilizing the Police(man): Police Reform, Culture and Practice in Lisbon, c. 1860-1910. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Goodrich, Amanda (2013). Introduction. In: Goff, Moira; Goldfinch, John; Limper-Herz, Karen and Peden, Helen eds. The Georgians Revealed: Life, Style and the Making of Modern Britain. The British Library.

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Holmes, Janice (2013). The reform of piety in Ireland, 1780-1920. In: Jarlert, Anders ed. Piety and Modernity. The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920 (3). Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 65–98.

Lawrence, Paul (2013). Nationalism and historical writing. In: Breuilly, John ed. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Nationalism. Oxford Handbooks in History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 713–730.

Layton-Jones, Katy (2013). A Legacy of Ambivalence: Industrial Exhibitions, Pleasure Parks and Urban Green Space. In: Itzen, Peter and Muller, Christian eds. The Invention of Industrial Pasts Heritage, Political Culture and Economic Debates in Great Britain and Germany, 1850–2010. Augsburg: Wissner, pp. 132–152.

Layton-Jones, Katy (2013). A Picturesque Port or a Sublime Scene? The Bristol Docks. In: Poole, Steve ed. A City Built Upon the Water: Maritime Bristol 1750-1900. Bristol: Redcliffe, pp. 138–154.

Leigh, Juliet Esme (2013). Early county chief constables in the north of England 1880-1905. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Marsden, Richard (2013). [Book Review] National Museums: New Studies from Around the World. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 13(1) pp. 84–85.

Marsden, Richard; Willis, Martin and Waddington, Keir (2013). Imaginary investments: Illness Narratives Beyond the Gaze. Journal of Literature and Science, 6(1) pp. 55–73.

Mombauer, Annika (2013). The Fischer controversy 50 years on. Journal of Contemporary History, 48(2) pp. 231–240.

O'Shea, Helen (2013). "Cyprus on the Brain": Irish Identity, the Imperial Imagination and the Beginnings of British Cyprus. In: Georgis, Giorgos and Kazamias, Georgios eds. Ireland-Cyprus: Parallel Journeys. Common Aspirations. Nicosia: En tipis Publications, pp. 212–245.

Plassart, Anna (2013). "Scientific Whigs"? Scottish historians on the French Revolution. Journal of the History of Ideas, 74(1) pp. 93–114.

Slight, John (2013). The Hajj and the Raj: From Thomas Cook to Bombay's Protector of Pilgrims. In: Porter, Venetia and Saif, Liana eds. The Hajj: Collected Essays. Research Publication (193). The British Museum Press, pp. 115–121.

Willis, Martin; Waddington, Keir and Marsden, Richard (2013). Off Sick Project Online Exhibition. University of South Wales.

2012To Top

Crone, Rosalind (2012). The great ‘Reading’ experiment: an examination of the role of education in the nineteenth-century gaol. Crime, History and Societies, 16(1) pp. 47–72.

Crone, Rosalind (2012). Publishing courtroom drama for the masses, 1820-1855. In: Lemmings, David ed. Courtrooms and the Public Sphere in Britain, 1730-1840. Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate, pp. 193–216.

Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie (2012). On collecting, cataloguing and collating the evidence of reading: the "RED Movement" and its implications for digital scholarship'. In: Weller, Toni ed. History in the Digital Age. London: Routledge, pp. 95–110.

Donnachie, Ian (2012). Robert Owen: towards a new moral world. History Today, 62(2) pp. 42–48.

Donnachie, Ian (2012). Local history in Scotland. In: Kammen, Carol and Wilson, Amy eds. Encyclopedia of Local History. American Association for State and Local History Book Series. Lanham, Maryland: AltaMira Press, pp. 497–499.

Emsley, Clive (2012). Crucifying Tommy: punishment in the First World War. History Today, 62(11) pp. 29–35.

Emsley, Clive (2012). Marketing the brand: exporting British police models 1829-1950. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 6(1) pp. 43–54.

Gonçalves, Cândido Gonçalo Rocha (2012). Civilizing the police(man) : police reform, culture and practice in Lisbon, c. 1860-1910. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Hack, Karl (2012). Everyone lived in fear: Malaya and the British way of counter-insurgency'. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 23(4-5) pp. 671–699.

Hack, Karl (2012). Decolonization and violence in Southeast Asia: crises of authority and identity. In: Bogaerts, Els and Raben, Remco eds. Beyond Empire and Nation: Decolonizing Societies in Africa and Asia, 1930s-1970s. Leiden: KITLV, pp. 137–166.

Hack, Karl (2012). Framing Singapore's History. In: Tarling, Nicholas ed. Studying Singapore's Past: C.M. Turnbull and the History of Modern Singapore. Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 17–64.

Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin (2012). War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore. Singapore: NUS Press.

Hack, Karl; Brocheux, Pierre; El Mechat, Samia; Frey, Marc; Nanta, Arnaud; Randrianja, Solofo and Regnault, Jean-Marc (2012). Les Décolonisations au XX Siècle: La Fin des Empires Européens et Japonais. Paris: Armand Colin.

Lawrence, Paul (2012). History, Criminology and the 'Use' of the Past. Theoretical Criminology, 16(3) p. 313.

Lawrence, Paul (2012). « They have an admirable police at Paris, but they pay for it dear enough ». La police européenne vue d’Angleterre au XIXe siècle. In: Denys, Catherine ed. Circulations policières, 1750-1914. Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 103–118.

Loftus, Donna (2012). Entrepreneurialism or gentlemanly capitalism. In: Hewitt, Martin ed. The Victorian World. Routledge Worlds. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Marsden, Richard (2012). Gerald of Wales; Welsh patriot or English Imperialist? In: Bowen, H.V. ed. Heroes and Villains in Welsh History: A New History of Wales. Llandysul: Gomer Press, pp. 45–51.

O'Shea, Helen (2012). Irish Law Graduates, the colonial legal service and the Cyprus Emergency, 1955-59. In: Dickson, David; Pyz, Justyna and Shepard, Christopher eds. Irish Classrooms and the British Empire: Imperial Contexts in the Origins of Modern Education. Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 223–230.

Sparks, Mary Winifred Davis (2012). The development of Sarajevo during the period of Austro-Hungarian administration, 1878-1918. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Younger, Neil (2012). War and Politics in the Elizabethan Counties. Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

2011To Top

Emsley, Clive ed. (2011). Theories and Origins of the Modern Police. The History of Policing, 1. Farnham: Ashgate.

Lawrence, Paul ed. (2011). The New Police in the Nineteenth Century. The History of Police, 2. Farnham, U.K.: Ashgate.

Williams, Chris A. ed. (2011). Police and Policing in the Twentieth Century. The History of Policing, 3. Farnham: Ashgate.

Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard (2011). Anglo-Welsh wars (1067-1415). In: Martel, Gordon ed. The Encyclopaedia of War. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 102–106.

Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard (2011). Llywelyn the Great (c.1173-1240). In: Martel, Gordon ed. The Encyclopaedia of War. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 1262–1263.

Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard (2011). Gwynedd, Owain (1137-1170). In: Martel, Gordon ed. The Encyclopaedia of War. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 967–969.

Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard (2011). Rhys ap Gruffudd (1132-1197). In: Martel, Gordon ed. The Encyclopaedia of War. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 1815–1818.

Crone, Rosalind (2011). What readers want: criminal intelligence and the fortunes of the metropolitan press during the long eighteenth century. In: Halsey, Katie and Owens, W. R. eds. The History of Reading, Volume 2: Evidence from the British Isles, c.1750-1950, Volume 2. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 103–120.

Crone, Rosalind (2011). Attempts to (re)shape common reading habits: Bible reading on the nineteenth-century convict ship. In: Palmer, Beth and Buckland, Adelene eds. A Return to the Common Reader: Pring Culture and the Novel, 1850-1900. Farnham, U.K.: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 103–120.

Donnachie, Ian (2011). Robert Owen. Reputations and burning issues. In: Thompson, Noel and Williams, Chris eds. Robert Owen and his Legacy. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 13–31.

Emsley, Clive and Sinclair, Georgina (2011). Bobbies Abroad. History Today, 61(10) pp. 49–51.

Hack, Karl (2011). Negotiating with the Malayan Communist Party, 1948-89. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 39(4) pp. 607–632.

Hack, Karl (2011). Between terror and talking, the place of 'negotiation' in colonial conflict. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 39(4) pp. 539–549.

Laurence, Anne (2011). Exploiting Dante: Dante and his women popularizers, 1850-1910. In: Havely, Nick ed. Dante in the Nineteenth Century: Reception, Canonicity, Popularization. Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts (19). Oxford/Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 281–301.

Lawrence, Paul (2011). The Police and Vagrants in France and England during the Nineteenth Century. In: Antonielli, Livio ed. Polizia, ordine pubblico e crimine tra città e campagna: un confronto comparative. Stato, esercito controllo del territorio. Manelli: Rubbettino, pp. 49–60.

Loftus, Donna (2011). Investigating work in late nineteenth-century London. History Workshop Journal, 71(1) pp. 173–193.

Loftus, Donna (2011). Self-made men and the civic: time, space and narrative in late nineteenth-century autobiography. In: Baggerman, Arianne; Dekker, Rudolph and Mascuch, Michael eds. Controlling Time and Shaping the Self. Developments in Autobiographical Writing since the Sixteenth Century. Egodocuments and History (3). Leiden: Brill.

Marsden, Richard (2011). Jacobite rising (1745–46). In: Martel, Gordon ed. The Encyclopaedia of War. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 1124–1126.

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Vincent, David (2011). Government and the management of information 1844-2009. In: Gunn, Simon and Vernon, James eds. The Peculiarities of Liberal Modernity in Imperial Britain. Berkeley Series in British Studies. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA, USA and London, UK: University of California Press, pp. 165–181.

Williams, Chris A. (2011). Police governance – community, policing, and justice in the modern UK. Taiwan in Comparative Perspective, 3 pp. 50–65.

2010To Top

Hack, Karl and Margolin, Jean-Louis eds. (2010). Singapore from Temasek to the 21st Century: Reinventing the Global City. Singapore: National University of Singapore Publishing.

Towheed, Shafquat; Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie eds. (2010). The History of Reading. Routledge Literature Readers. London: Routledge.

Allen, Gemma (2010). "a briefe and plaine declaration": Lady Anne Bacon’s 1564 Translation of the Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. In: Lawrence-Mathers, Anne. and Hardman, Phillipa eds. Women and Writing, c.1340-c.1650: The Domestication of Print Culture. Manuscript Culture in the British Isles. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, pp. 62–76.

Crone, Rosalind (2010). Reappraising Victorian literacy through prison records. Journal of Victorian Culture, 15(1) pp. 3–37.

Emsley, Clive (2010). A legacy of conflict? The ‘brutalised veteran’ and violence in Europe after the Great War. In: Avdela, Efi; D'Cruze, Shani and Rowbotham, Judith eds. Problems of Crime and Violence in Europe, 1780-2000: Essays in Criminal Justice. UK: Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 43–64.

Grell, Ole (2010). "Like the bees, who neither suck nor generate their honey from one flower": the significance of the peregrinatio academica for Danish medical students of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. In: Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Arrizabalaga, Jon eds. Centres of Medical Excellence? Medical Travel and Education in Europe 1500-1789. History of Medicine in Context. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 171–189.

Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Arriabalaga, Jon eds. (2010). Centres of Medical Excellence? Medical Travel and Education in Europe 1500-1789. History of Medicine in Context. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Hack, Karl (2010). The Malayan trajectory in Singapore's history. In: Hack, Karl; Margolin, Jean-Louis and Delaye, Karine eds. Singapore from Temasek to the 21st Century. Singapore: National University of Singapire Press, pp. 243–291.

Hack, Karl (2010). Remaking Singapore 1990-2004: from disciplinarian development to bureaucratic proxy democracy. In: Hack, Karl; Margolin, Jean-Louis and Delaye, Karine eds. Singapore from Temasek to the 21st Century. Singapore: National University of singpaore Publishing, pp. 345–383.

Hack, Karl and Margolin, Jean-Louis (2010). Singapore: reinventing the global city. In: Hack, Karl; Margolin, Jean-Louis and Delaye, Karine eds. Singapore fromTemasek to the 21st Century. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, pp. 3–36.

Lawrence, Paul (2010). Cop Culture? Les Récits de Vie Oraux et Écrits Des Policiers Anglais. In: Berlière, Jean Marc and Lévy, René eds. Le témoin, le sociologue et l'historien: Quand les policiers se mettent à table. Paris: Nouveau Monde éditions, pp. 227–239.

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Layton-Jones, Katy (2010). Topographical Prints and the Image of Bristol, 1795-1860. The Regional Historian(21) pp. 28–33.

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Plassart, Anna (2010). A Scottish Jacobin: John Oswald on commerce and citizenship. Journal of the History of Ideas, 71(2) pp. 263–286.

Slight, John (2010). British Perceptions and Responses to Sultan Ali Dinar of Darfur, 1915–16. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 38(2) pp. 237–260.

Slight, John P. (2010). British and Somali Views of Muhammad Abdullah Hassan’s Jihad, 1899–1920. Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, 10 pp. 16–35.

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2009To Top

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Desmond, Adrian and Moore, James A. (2009). Darwin's Sacred Cause: Race, Slavery And The Quest For Human Origins. London: Houghton Miffin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Donnachie, Ian (2009). World heritage. In: Harrison, Rodney ed. Understanding the Politics of Heritage. Understanding Global Heritage. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 115–153.

Donnachie, Ian (2009). A New Moral World? International Dimensions of Owenism 1815-1830. In: Russell, Elizabeth ed. Transforming Utopia. Looking Forward to the End, Volume vol 1. Oxford: Peter Lang AG, pp. 185–193.

Donnachie, Ian (2009). Land transport. Roads, 1600-1900. In: Veitch, Kenneth ed. Scottish Life and Society: Transport and Communications. A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology, 8. Edinburgh: John Donald / The European Ethnological Research Centre, pp. 314–338.

Grell, Ole Peter (2009). Social crisis and spiritual renewal: The reformation and attempts to solve the growing problems of poverty, migration and vagrancy in the Sixteenth Century. In: Dahlerup, Troels and Ingesman, Per eds. New Approaches to the History of late medieval and early modern history. Historisk-Filosofiske Meddelelser (104). Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, pp. 416–444.

Hack, Karl (2009). The origins of the Asian Cold War: Malaya 1948. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 40(3) pp. 471–496.

Hack, Karl and Wade, Geoff (2009). The origins of the Southeast Asian Cold War. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 40(3) pp. 441–448.

Laurence, Anne (2009). Using buildings to understand social history: Britain and Ireland in the seventeenth century. In: Harvey, Karen ed. History and Material Culture. Routledge Guides to Using Historical Sources. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 103–122.

Laurence, Anne (2009). Women, banks and the securities market in early eighteenth century England. In: Laurence, Anne; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette eds. Women and their Money 1700-1950: Essays on Women and Finance. Routledge International Studies in Business History. London: Routledge, pp. 46–58.

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Williams, Chris A.; Patterson, James and Taylor, James (2009). Police filming English streets in 1935: the limits of mediated identification. Surveillance and Society, 6(1) pp. 3–9.

2008To Top

Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin eds. (2008). Forgotten Captives in Japanese-Occupied Asia. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia, 48. Abingdon: Routledge.

De Renzi, Silvia (2008). Per una biografia di Paolo Zacchia: nuovi documenti e ipotesi di ricerca. In: Pastore, Alessandro and Rossi, Giovanni eds. Paolo Zacchia. Alle Origini della Medicina Legale 1584-1659. Milan: FrancoAngeli, pp. 50–73.

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Heal, Bridget and Grell, Ole eds. (2008). The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy and people. St. Andrews Studies in reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Grell, Ole Peter (2008). Peder Palladius og eskatologien. In: Jensen, Carsten Selch and Nielsen, Lauge O. eds. Kirkehistorier. Copenhagen: Anis, pp. 159–174.

Grell, Ole Peter (2008). In search of true knowledge: Ole Worm (1588-1654) and the New Philosophy. In: Smith, Pamela H. and Schmidt, Benjamin eds. Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe: Practices, Objects and Texts 1400-1800. Chicago, USA: Chicago University Press, pp. 214–232.

Hack, Karl (2008). The long march to peace of the Malayan Communist Party in southern Thailand. In: Monetesano, Michael J and Jory, Patrick eds. Thai South and Malay North: Ethnic Interactions on a Plural Peninsula. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, pp. 173–200.

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2007To Top

Crone, Rosalind; Gange, David and Jones, Katy eds. (2007). New Perspectives in British Cultural History. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew eds. (2007). Medicine and Religion in Enlightenment Europe. History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Crone, Rosalind (2007). Cries of Murder and Sounds of Bloodshed: The practice of reading cheap fiction in working-class communities in early Victorian London. In: Crone, Rosalind; Gange, David and Jones, Katy eds. New Perspectives in British Cultural History. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 203–213.

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Emsley, Clive (2007). Historical perspectives on crime. In: Maguire, Mike; Morgan, Rod and Reiner, Robert eds. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. 4th edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 122–138.

Godfrey, Barry S.; Williams, Chris A. and Lawrence, Paul (2007). History and Crime. Key approaches to criminology. London, UK: Sage.

Grell, Ole (2007). Faith and early modern ways of making sense of natural disasters. In: Stock, Angela and Stott, Cornelia eds. Representing the unimaginable: narratives of disaster. New York, USA: Peter Lang, pp. 25–42.

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Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin (2007). The Bridge on the River Kwai and King Rat: protest and ex-prisoner of war memory in Britain and Australia. In: Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin eds. Forgotten Captives in Japanese Occupied Asia: National Memories and Forgotten Captivities. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia. Abingdon, Oxon., UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, pp. 147–171.

Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin (2007). Japanese-occupied Asia from 1941 to 1945: one occupier, many captivities and memories. In: Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin eds. Forgotten Captives in Japanese Occupied Asia: National Memories and Forgotten Captivities. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia. Abingdon, Oxon., UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, pp. 1–20.

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2006To Top

Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias eds. (2006). Colonial armies in southeast Asia. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia. London, UK: Routledge.

Donnachie, Ian (2006). Orbiston:the first British Owenite community 1825-28. Spaces of Utopia: an electronic journal, 2 p. 71.

Emsley, Clive (2006). Recidivists and recidivism: some broad conclusions from the English experience. In: Briegel, Francoise and Porret, Michel eds. Le criminal endurci: Recidive e trecidivists du Moyen Age au XXe siecle. Geneva: Droz, pp. 171–185.

Emsley, Clive (2006). From ex-con to expert: the police detective in 19th-century France. In: Emsley, Clive and Shpayer-Makov, Haia eds. Police Detectives in History, 1750–1950. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 61–78.

Emsley, Clive (2006). Security work: citizens, employees and officials working on crime - a response. In: Levy, Rene; Muchielli, Laurent and Zauberman, Renee eds. Crime et Insecurite: Un Demi-Siecle de Bouleversements. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 281–286.

Emsley, Clive and Shpayer-Makov, Haia eds. (2006). Police Detectives in History, 1750-1950. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias (2006). Imperial systems of power, colonial forces and the making of modern Southeast Asia. In: Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias eds. Colonial Armies in Southeast Asia. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 3–36.

Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias (2006). Demography and domination in Southeast Asia. In: Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias eds. Colonial Armies in Southeast Asia. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 39–73.

Hack, Karl (2006). Imperialism and decolonisation in Southeast Asia: colonial forces and British world power post colonial analyses and residues. In: Rettig, Tobias and Hack, Karl eds. Colonial Armies in Southeast Asia. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 239–266.

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2005To Top

Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Roeck, Bernd eds. (2005). Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th Century Southern Europe. The History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Blackburn, Kevin and Hack, Karl (2005). Did Singapore have to fall? Churchill and the impregnable fortress. London, UK: Routledge.

Donnachie, Ian (2005). Robert Owen and New Lanark: The lessons of history. In: Tsuzuki, C.; Hijikata, N. and Kurimito, A. eds. The Emergence of global citizenship: utopian ideas, co-operative movements and the Third Sector. Tokyo, Japan: Robert Owen Association of Japan, pp. 59–79.

Emsley, Clive (2005). Hard Men: Violence in England since 1750. London, UK: Hambledon Press.

Emsley, Clive (2005). The changes in policing and penal policy in nineteenth-century Europe. In: Godfrey, Barry and Dunstall, Graeme eds. Crime and Empire, 1840-1940 : Criminal Justice in Local and Global Context. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 8–24.

Emsley, Clive (2005). Sergeant Goddard: the story of a rotten apple or a diseased orchard? In: Srebnik, Amy Gilman and Levy, Rene eds. Crime and culture: an historical perspective. Advances in Criminology. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 85–104.

Godfrey, Barry and Lawrence, Paul (2005). Crime and justice 1750-1950. Cullompton, Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.

Goodrich, Amanda (2005). Debating England's Aristocracy in the 1790s: Pamphlets, Polemics and Political Ideas. The Royal Historical Society Studies in History. Woodbridge, U.K.: The Boydell Press.

Grell, Ole (2005). The Reformation in Norway: a political and religious takeover. Nordost-Archiv. Zeitschrift fuer Regionalgeschichte, 8(2004) pp. 121–134.

Grell, Ole Peter (2005). A journey of body and soul: the significance of the hospitals in southern, Catholic Europe for John Howard's views of health care and the creation of the utopian hospital. In: Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Roeck, Bernd eds. Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th Century Southern Europe. History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 289–318.

Holmes, Janice (2005). Irish evangelicals and the British evangelical community, 1820s-1870s. In: Murphy, James H. ed. Evangelicals and Catholics in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 209–222.

Holmes, Janice (2005). Transformation, aberration or consolidation? Explaining the Ulster revival of 1859. In: O Ciosain, Niall ed. Explaining Change in Cultural History. Historical Studies (XXIII - pa). Dublin, Ireland: University College Dublin Press, pp. 120–139.

Holmes, Janice (2005). Gender, public disorder and the Salvation Army in Ireland, 1880-82. In: Raughter, Rosemary ed. Religious women and their history: breaking the silence. Dublin, Ireland: Irish Academic Press Ltd, pp. 63–81.

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Mitchell, Stuart (2005). Resale price maintenance and the character of resistance in the Conservative party: 1949-64. Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire, 40(2) pp. 259–288.

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2004To Top

Chin, C. C. and Hack, Karl eds. (2004). Dialogues with Chin Peng: New light on the Malayan communist party. Singapore: Singapore University Press.

Emsley, Clive; Johnson, Eric and Spierenburg, Pieter eds. (2004). Social Control in Europe 1800-2000. Columbus, OH,: Ohio State University Press.

Lavin, Carmen and Donnachie, Ian eds. (2004). From Enlightenment to Romanticism: Anthology II. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Moore, James and Desmond, Adrian eds. (2004). The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex by Charles Darwin. London: Penguin Classics.

Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James and Browne, Janet (2004). Charles Robert Darwin. In: Matthew, Colin and Harrison, Brian eds. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 15. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 177–202.

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Donnachie, Ian (2004). Robert Wallace. In: Rutherford, Donald ed. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Volume 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, pp. 1258–1259.

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Donnachie, Ian (2004). Alexander Webster. In: Rutherford, Donald; Backhouse, Roger; Brewer, Anthony; Capie, Forrest; Clarkson, Leslie; Eltis, Walter; Gilbert, Geoffrey; Groenewegen, Peter; Harcourt, G. C.; Littlechild, Stephen; Lloyd, T. H.; Maas, Harro; Thompson, Noel and Waterman, A. M. C. eds. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Volume 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, pp. 1265–1266.

Emsley, Clive (2004). Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900. 3rd edition. Themes in British Social History. Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman.

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2003To Top

Donnachie, Ian and Lavin, Carmen eds. (2003). From enlightenment to romanticism. Anthology I. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Godfrey, Barry; Emsley, Clive and Dunstall, Graeme eds. (2003). Comparative Histories of Crime. UK: Willan Publishing.

Mombauer, Annika and Deist, Wilhelm eds. (2003). The Kaiser. New Research on Wilhelm II's role in Imperial Germany. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Brunton, Deborah (2003). The Idea of a germ: [Essay review of] 'Spreading germs: disease theories and medical practice in Britain, 1865–1900' by Michael Worboys. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 34(2) pp. 367–373.

Emsley, Clive (2003). Police, maintien de l'ordre et espaces urbains: une lecture anglaise. Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 50(1) pp. 5–12.

Emsley, Clive (2003). The birth and development of the police. In: Newburn, Tim ed. Handbook of Policing. Willan Publishing, pp. 66–83.

Emsley, Clive (2003). Policemen on a dark continent in an age of extremes. In: Oram, Gerard ed. Conflict and Legality: Policing mid-twentieth-century Europe. London: Francis Boutle, pp. 192–212.

Emsley, Clive (2003). Crime, police and penal policy. In: Wrigley, Chris ed. A Companion to Early Twentieth-Century Britain. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 438–452.

Grell, Ole (2003). John La Motte. In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian eds. Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press in association with the British Academy.

Grell, Ole Peter (2003). John Cruso. In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian eds. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press is association with the British Academy.

Grell, Ole Peter (2003). Baldwin Hamey. In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian eds. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press in association with the British Academy.

Hack, Karl (2003). Theories and approaches to British decolonization in southeast Asia. In: Frey, Marc; Preussen, Ronald W and Tan, Tai Yong eds. The Transformation of Southeast Asia. New York, NY U.S.: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 105–126.

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Lawrence, Paul (2003). The Paris police and the regulation of the poor in late-nineteenth-century Paris. Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, 29 pp. 176–185.

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2002To Top

Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Jütte, Robert eds. (2002). Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th Century Northern Europe. The History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Brunton, Deborah (2002). Power, policy and practice: the public response to public health in the Scottish city. In: Sturdy, Steven ed. Medicine, health and and the public sphere in Britain, 1600-2000. Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine. UK: Routledge, pp. 171–188.

De Renzi, Silvia (2002). Witnesses of the body: medico-legal cases in seventeenth-century Rome. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 33(2) pp. 219–242.

Emsley, Clive (2002). The English police: A unique development? In: Bottoms, Anthony and Tonry, Michael eds. Ideology, Crime and Criminal Justice: A symposium in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 74–93.

Emsley, Clive (2002). La gendarmerie et l'état. In: Luc, Jean-Noël ed. Gendarmerie, État et Société au XIXe Siècle. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, pp. 475–477.

Emsley, Clive and Clapson, Mark (2002). Street, beat and respectability : the culture and self-image of the Victorian and Edwardian policeman. In: Knafla, Louis A. ed. Policing and War in Europe: Criminal Justice History, Volume 16. Greenwood Press, pp. 107–131.

Grell, Ole (2002). Vroomheid en wereldsheid: Johan Radermacher (1538-1617),een humanistisch koopman van de hervormde diaspora. In: ed. Nederland in de wereld: Bronnen en essays. Horizonreeks: Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis. Netherlands: Boom, pp. 157–172.

Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew (2002). General themes: health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th century Northern Europe. In: Grell, Ole. Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Jütte, Robert eds. Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th century Northern Europe. The history of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Holmes, Janice (2002). The role of open-air preaching in the Belfast riots of 1857. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C, 102C(3) pp. 47–66.

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Lovatt, Peter (2002). The radio war waged by the Royal Air Force against Germany, 1940-1945. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Mackie, Robin (2002). The Educational paths and career choices of chemists in Britain, 1918-1943. In: Despy-Meyer, A ed. Institutions and Societies for Teaching, Research and Popularisation: Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science (Liège, 20-26 July 1997) Vol. XIX, Volume 19. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 125–134.

2001To Top

Barker, Hannah and Vincent, David eds. (2001). Language, print and electoral politics, 1790-1832. Parliamentary History Record Series. UK: The Boydell Press/The Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust.

Marwick, Arthur; Emsley, Clive and Simpson, Wendy eds. (2001). Total War and Historical Change: Europe 1914-1955. Buckinghamshire: Open University Press.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2001). Collins Dictionary of Scottish history. London and Glasgow, UK: Collins.

Grell, Ole Peter (2001). From God to Devil: self-presentation and performance by early modern physicians and surgeons. Ludica, annali di storia e civilta del gioco, 5-6(2000) pp. 127–143.

Holmes, Janice (2001). Religious revivals in Britain and Ireland, 1859-1905. Dublin, Ireland: Irish Academic Press.

Laurence, Anne (2001). 'Begging pardon for all mistakes in this writeing I being a woman and doeing itt myselfe': family narratives in some early eighteenth-century letters. In: Daybell, James ed. Early modern women’s letter writing, 1450-1700. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 194–206.

Laurence, Anne (2001). The child is mother to the woman. In: Hudson, Pat ed. Living Economic and Social History. Glasgow: Economic History Society, pp. 204–208.

Lawrence, Paul; Baycroft, Timothy and Grohmann, Carolyn (2001). 'Degrees of foreignness' and the construction of identity in French border regions during the inter-war period. Contemporary European History, 10(1) pp. 51–71.

Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn K. (2001). Un secteur à part? Les chimistes industriels et la Society of Chemical Industry dans le contexte de la communauté chimique britannique. In: Fell, Ulrike ed. Chimie et Industrie en Europe: L’apport des sociétés savantes industrielles du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Paris, France: Editions des archives contemporaines, pp. 127–147.

Mombauer, Annika (2001). Helmuth von Moltke and the origins of the First World War. New Studies in European History. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

O'Day, Rosemary (2001). Tudor and Stuart women: their family lives through their letters. In: Daybell, James ed. Early modern women's letter writing 1450-1700. Early Modern literature in history. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127–142.

2000To Top

Bessel, Richard and Emsley, Clive eds. (2000). Patterns of Provocation: Police and Public Disorder. UK: Berghahn Books.

Laurence, Anne; Bellamy, Joan and Perry, Gillian eds. (2000). Women, Scholarship and Criticism: Gender and Knowledge, c.1790-1900. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Cunningham, Andrew and Grell, Ole (2000). The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse : Religion, War, Famine and Death in reformation Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

De Renzi, Silvia (2000). Instruments in Print: Books from the Whipple Collection. Cambridge, U.K.: Whipple Museum for the History of Science.

De Renzi, Silvia (2000). Writing and talking of exotic animals. In: Frasca-Spada, Marina and Jardine, Nick eds. Books and the Sciences in History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 151–170.

De Renzi, Silvia (2000). Accademia dei Lincei; Academia del Cimento. In: Hessenbruch, Arne ed. Reader's Guide to the History of Science. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, pp. 2–5.

Emsley, Clive (2000). The Policeman as worker: a comparative survey c. 1800-1940. International Review of Social History, 45(1) pp. 89–110.

Emsley, Clive (2000). The Pop-Gun Plot, 1794. In: Davis, Michael T. ed. Radicalism and Revolution in Britain, 1775-1848: Essays in Honour of Malcolm I. Thomis. London: Macmillan, pp. 56–68.

Emsley, Clive (2000). The best way to keep the peace in a country : Napoleon's gendarmes and their legacy. In: Laven, David and Riall, Lucy eds. Napoleon's Legacy: Problems of Government in Restoration Europe. Oxford: Berg, pp. 257–274.

Emsley, Clive; Levy, Rene and Rousseaux, Xavier (2000). The theory and practice of justice: laws, norms, deviance. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, pp. 155–166.

Issitt, John (2000). The life and works of Jeremiah Joyce. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Laurence, Anne (2000). Women historians and documentary research. In: Laurence, Anne; Bellamy, Joan and Perry, Gillian eds. Women, Scholarship and Criticism: Gender and Knowledge c. 1790-1900. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 125–141.

Loftus, Donna (2000). Industrial conciliation, class co-operation and the urban landscape in mid-Victorian England. In: Morris, Robert J. and Trainor, Richard H. eds. Urban Governance: Britain and Beyond Since 1750. Historical Urban Studies Series. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 182–198.

Mombauer, Annika (2000). Helmuth von Moltke: a general in crisis? In: Hughes, Mathew and Seligmann, Matthew S. eds. Leadership in Conflict 1914-1918. Barnsley, UK: Pen and Sword, pp. 95–116.

O'Day, Rosemary (2000). The professions in Early Modern England, 1450-1800: servants of the commonweal. Themes In British Social History. London: Longman / Pearson Education.

O'Day, Rosemary (2000). Women and 19th century education. In: Bellamy, Joan ed. Women, scholarship and criticism : gender and knowledge c.1750-1900. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 91–109.

Riddington Young, John (2000). Medical Ideas In English Poetry To The End Of The Seventeenth Century. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Williams, Chris (2000). Expediency, authority and duplicity: reforming Sheffield’s police 1832-1840. In: Morris, Robert J. and Trainor, Richard H. eds. Urban Governance: Britain and Beyond since 1750. Historical Urban Studies. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 115–127.

1999To Top

Brunton, Deborah (1999). The problems of implementation: the failure and success of public vaccination against smallpox in Ireland, 1840-1873. In: Jones, Greta and Malcolm, Elizabeth eds. Medicine, Disease and the State in Ireland 1650-1940. Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 138–157.

De Renzi, Silvia (1999). 'A fountain for the thirsty' and a bank for the Pope: charity, conflicts, and medical careers at the Hospital of Santo Spirito in 17th Century. In: Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Arrizabalaga, Jon eds. Health Care and Poor Relief in Counter-Reformation Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 99–130.

Emsley, Clive (1999). A typology of nineteenth-century police. Crime, History and Societies, 3(1) pp. 29–44.

Emsley, Clive (1999). The origins of the modern police. History Today, 49(4) pp. 8–14.

Emsley, Clive (1999). P.C. Dixon and Commissaire Maigret: some myths and realities in the development of English and continental police. In: Howell, David W. and Morgan, Kenneth O. eds. Crime, Protest and Police in Modern British Society: essays in memory of David J. V. Jones. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 97–117.

Emsley, Clive (1999). La historia de la delincuencia y la justicia penal (1750-1914): una relexion sobre los estudios actuales. In: Paniagua, J; Piqueras, J.A. and Sanz, V eds. Cultura social y politica en el mundo del trabajo. Biblioteca Historia Social (3). Valencia: Fundación Instituto de Historia Social, pp. 85–103.

Emsley, Clive (1999). Law reform and penal reform in England in the age of the French Revolution. In: Rousseaux, Xavier; Bouchat, Marie-Sylvie Dupont and Vael, Claude eds. Revolutions et justice penale. Modeles francais et traditions nationales. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 319–331.

Emsley, Clive and Phillips, Sabine (1999). The Habsburg gendarmerie: a research agenda. German History, 17(2) pp. 241–250.

Gray, Robert and Loftus, Donna (1999). Industrial regulation, urban space and the boundaries of the workplace: mid-Victorian Nottingham. Urban History, 26(2) pp. 211–229.

Hack, Karl (1999). Iron claws on Malaya: the historiography of the Malayan emergency. Journal of Southeast Asian Stdies, 30(1) pp. 99–125.

Laurence, Anne (1999). This sad and deplorable condition: an attempt towards recovering an account of the sufferings of northern clergy families in the 1640s and 1650s. In: Wood, Diana ed. Life and Thought in the Northern Church c. 1100-c. 1700: Essays in honour of Claire Cross. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, pp. 465–488.

O'Day, Rosemary (1999). A bishop, a patron and some preachers; a problem of presentation. In: Wood, Diana ed. Life and Thought in the Northern Church c. 1100-c 1700. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, pp. 421–434.

Simpson, Ormond; Asbee, Sue and Woodall, Sue (1999). Student-student mentoring in distance education. Journal of Access and Credit Studies, 2(2) pp. 220–232.

Wilkin, Felicity Susan (1999). The application of emerging new technologies by Portsmouth Dockyard 1790-1815. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1998To Top

Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Wahtley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). Major Documents. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 5. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.

Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Whatley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). The Transformation of Scotland, 1707-1850. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 1. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.

Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Whatley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). The Modernisation of Scotland, 1850 to the Present. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 2. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.

De Renzi, Silvia (1998). Between the market and the Academy: Robert S Whipple (1871-1953) as a collector of science books. In: Myers, Robin and Harris, Michael eds. Medicine, Mortality and the Book Trade. Publishing pathways. Winchester: St. Paul Bibliographies, pp. 87–108.

Donnachie, Ian (1998). Following the flag: Scottish brewers and beers in imperial and international markets, 1850-1939. In: Wilson, R. G. and Gourvish, T. R. eds. The Dynamics of the International Brewing Industry since 1800. Routledge International Studies in Buisness History (3). London: Routledge, pp. 123–141.

Emsley, Clive (1998). Les gendarmes et les paysans: vers une histoire institutionnelle et sociale comparée. In: Chauvaud, Frédéric and Petit, Jacques-Guy eds. L'histoire comtemporaine et les usages des archives judiciaires (1800-1939). Histoire et Archives, revue semestrielle de la Société des Amis des Archives de France (2). Paris: Honoré Champion, pp. 305–315.

Mackie, R. L. (1998). Industry in Kirkcaldy: Mapping the Structure of Business in Twentieth-Century Scotland. Scottish Economic and Social History, 18(1) pp. 61–84.

Miller, Vivien Mary Louise (1998). Violent crime, sexual deviancy and executive clemency in Florida, 1889-1918. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Neville, Peter Edmund John (1998). The diplomacy of Sir Nevile Henderson 1937-9. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1997To Top

Emsley, Clive (1997). The regulation of motor traffic in Britain. In: Kellens, Georges and Perez Dias, Claudine eds. Le Contrôle de la Circulation Routière dans les Pays de la CEE. Logiques sociales. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 77–89.

Emsley, Clive (1997). Political police and the European nation-state in the nineteenth century. In: Mazower, Mark ed. The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century: Historical Perspectives. Providence, RI: Berghahn Books, pp. 1–25.

Emsley, Clive (1997). The nation-state, the law and the peasant in nineteenth-century Europe. In: Rousseaux, Xavier and Lévy, René eds. Le pénal dans tous ses États: justice, États et sociétés en Europe (XIe-XXe siècles). Publications des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (74). Brussels: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, pp. 153–178.

O'Day, Rosemary (1997). Police and social inquiry in late-Victorian London. In: Steele, Jess ed. The Streets of London: the Booth Notebooks. South East. London: Deptford Forum.

1996To Top

Donnachie, Ian ed. (1996). Studying Scottish History, Literature & Culture. Edinburgh: The Open University in Scotland.

De Renzi, Silvia (1996). Courts and conversions: Intellectual battles and natural knowledge in counter-reformation Rome. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 27(4) pp. 429–449.

Emsley, Clive (1996). Albion's fatal attractions: Reflections upon the history of crime in England. In: Emsley, Clive and Knafla, Louis A eds. Crime History and Histories of Crime: Studies in the Historiography of Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern History. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, pp. 67–85.

Harding, Albert William (1996). War and Social Change: A study of a Scottish Burgh, 1910-1922. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

O'Day, Rosemary (1996). An educated society. In: Morrill, John ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of Tudor and Stuart Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 119–138.

1995To Top

Bretas, Marcos Luiz (1995). You can't! The daily exercise of police authority in Rio de Janeiro : 1907-1930. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Clericuzio, Antonio and De Renzi, Silvia (1995). Arcanarum Sagacissimi Indagatores Scientiarum; medicine, chemistry and alchemy in the early Accademia dei Lincei. In: Chambers, David and Quivigier, Francois eds. Italian Academies of the Sixteenth Century. Warburg Institute Colloquia (1). London: The Warburg Institute, pp. 175–194.

Emsley, Clive (1995). The archives of the English and Welsh police forces: a survey. In: Knafla, Louis A. and Binne, Susan W.S. eds. Law, Society and the State: Essays in Modern Legal History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 465–476.

O'Day, Rosemary (1995). The Longman Companion to the Tudor Age. Longman companions to history. London: Longman.

O'Day, Rosemary (1995). Women and social investigation: Clara Collet and Beatrice Potter. In: Englander, David and O'Day, Rosemary eds. Retrieved Riches: Social Investigation in Britain 1840-1914. Aldershot: Scolar Press, pp. 165–200.

1994To Top

Donnachie, Ian (1994). A tour of the works: early Scottish industry observed 1790-1825. In: Cummings, A. J. G. and Devine, T. M. eds. Industry, Business and Society in Scotland since 1700: Essays Presented to Professor John Butt. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd, pp. 43–57.

1993To Top

Cranstoun, James G. M. (1993). The impact of the Great War on a local community: the case of East Lothian. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (1993). Historic New Lanark: the Dale and Owen Industrial Community since 1785. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Donnachie, Ian (1993). History Bibliography: Industrial Archaeology. Curriculum support series, 16 (3). Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.

1992To Top

Donnachie, Ian and Whatley, Christopher eds. (1992). The Manufacture of Scottish History. Determinations. Edinburgh: Polygon.

Desmond, Adrian and Moore, James (1992). Darwin. London: Penguin.

Donnachie, Ian (1992). 'Utterly irreclaimable': Scottish convict women and Australia 1787-1852. In: Swan, Philip and Foster, David eds. Essays in Regional and Local History: in Honour of Eric M. Sigsworth. Beverley: Hutton Press, pp. 99–116.

Donnachie, Ian L. (1992). The making of 'Scots on the Make': Scottish settlement and enterprise in Australia, 1830-1900. In: Devine, T. M. ed. Scottish Emigration and Scottish Society. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd, pp. 135–153.

Moore, James (1992). Geologists and Interpreters of Genesis in the Nineteenth Century. In: Lindberg, David and Numbers, Ronald L. eds. God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter between Christianity and Science. University of California Press.

1991To Top

Gough-Yates, Kevin (1991). The European Filmmaker in Exile in Britain 1933-1945. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Morton, Vanessa (1991). Quaker politics and industrial change c.1800-1850. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1990To Top

Englander, David; Norman, Diana; O'Day, Rosemary and Owens, William eds. (1990). Culture and Belief in Europe 1450-1600: An Anthology of Sources. Oxford, U.K.: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

Laurence, Anne; Owens, W. R. and Sim, Stuart eds. (1990). John Bunyan and his England 1628-88. London: The Hambledon Press.

Bryson, Christine Anne (1990). Riot and its control in Liverpool, 1815-1860. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Ley, Anthony James (1990). Building control: its development and application 1840-1936. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

McGilvary, George Kirk (1990). East India patronage and the political management of Scotland 1720-1774. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1989To Top

Donnachie, Ian; Harvie, Christopher and Wood, Ian S. eds. (1989). Foward! Labour Politics in Scotland 1888-1988. Determinations. Edinburgh: Polygon.

Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (1989). A Companion to Scottish History from the Reformation to the Present. London: B.T.Batsford Ltd.

Harrison, Andrew John (1989). Scientific naturalists and the government of the Royal Society 1850-1900. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1988To Top

Cooper, Christopher John (1988). Electoral politics in Grimsby 1818-1835. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Donnachie, Ian; Graves, Adrian; Howe, Alexia and Richards, Eric (1988). That Land of Exiles: Scots in Australia. Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Etherington, James Edward (1988). The sociology of recurrent ceremonial drama: Lewes Guy Fawkes Night, 1800-1913. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Tatton, Derek (1988). The tension between political commitment and academic neutrality in the W.E.A. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1987To Top

D'Sena, Peter A. M. (1987). Perquisites And Pilfering In The London Docks, 1700-1795. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Donnachie, Ian (1987). The textile industry in south west Scotland 1750-1914. In: Butt, John and Ponting, Kenneth eds. Scottish Textile History. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, pp. 19–36.

Erskine, Fiona (1987). Darwin in context: the London years, 1837-1842. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Rae, A.B. (1987). Visitors by railway to the Great Exhibition of 1851. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Smith, John Ernest (1987). Transport and suburban development in Battersea, Wandsworth, & Putney - 1830 to 1914. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

1986To Top

Anderson, John Cooper (1986). A history of wear and wear prevention 1700-1940. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

Donnachie, Ian (1986). The convicts of 1830: Scottish criminals transported to New South Wales. Scottish Historical Review, 65(1) pp. 34–47.

Donnachie, Ian (1986). Economy and society in the seventeenth century in the Highlands. In: Maclean, Loraine ed. The Seventeenth Century in the Highlands. Inverness: Inverness Field Club, pp. 52–59.

Summers, Anne (1986). Women as voluntary and professional military nurses in Great Britain, 1854-1914. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1985To Top

Graham-Leigh, John David (1985). The Transformation Of London's Water Supply, 1805-1821. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

McKay, John Henderson (1985). The social history of the Scottish shale oil industry 1850-1914. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Wilson, Stephen Roger (1985). The County Bench and Crime in Sussex 1775-1820. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

1984To Top

Donnachie, Ian (1984). Scottish criminals and transportation to Australia 1786-1852. Scottish Economic and Social History, 4 pp. 21–38.

Glaister, Robert T.D. (1984). Education in the presbytery of Jedburgh in the eighteenth century. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Smales, M. B. (1984). Class, estate and status in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1938. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1983To Top

1982To Top

Wyncoll, Peter Harold (1982). The Labour movement in Nottingham 1880-1918. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1981To Top

Blake-Coleman, Barrie Charles (1981). The Rise Of Copper Wire, Its Manufacture And Use To 1900: A Case Of Industrial Circumspection. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

1980To Top

Stanley, Michael (1980). The chemical work of Thomas Graham. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1979To Top

Butt, John and Donnachie, Ian (1979). Industrial Archaeology in the British Isles. London: Paul Elek Ltd.

Donnachie, Ian (1979). A History of the Brewing Industry in Scotland. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd.

Hewitt, George R. (1979). The regency and administration of James Douglas, fourth earl of Morton. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Hunt, William Michael (1979). A History Of The Sleaford Navigation. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis The Open University.

O'Day, Rosemary and Berlatsky, Joel (1979). The letter book of Bishop Thomas Bentham 1560-1561. Camden Fourth Series, 22, pp. 113–238.

1977To Top

1976To Top

1975To Top


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