Currently browsing: History
2025To Top
Grummitt, David
2024To Top
Beardmore, Carol ed. (2024). Navigating the Nineteenth Century Institution: Workhouse and Asylum. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Brownhill, Charlotte
Faire, Lucy; McHugh, Denise and Williams, Chris A.
Grummitt, David (2024). The Wars of the Roses: War and Martial Culture in England 1455-1487. Oxford: Oxford University Press (In press).
Houghton, Frances
Houghton, Frances
Houghton, Frances; John, Kesewa; Moss, Eloise; Sanders, Michael; Strange, Julie-Marie and White, Benjamin Thomas
Langley, Chris R.
Loftus, Donna
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard (2024). What does knowledge exchange look like for a historian? Project Match.
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard and Plassart, Anna (2024). Changing the narrative: Valuing Arts and Humanities degrees. The Learned Society of Wales, Cardiff, UK.
Mombauer, Annika (2024). The Causes of the First World War: The Long Blame Game. Making History. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Mombauer, Annika and Stibbe, Matthew
Moore, Amy
Moss, Eloise; Houghton, Frances; John, Kesewa; Kalayil, Sheena; Pooley, William; Sanders, Michael and White, Benjamin Thomas
O'Shea, Helen
O'Shea, Helen and Barker, Kim
Plassart, Anna
Probert, Thomas
Slight, John
Slight, John
van Wyk, Anna-Mart; Brunet, Luc-Andre and Karamouzi, Eirini eds.
Watson, Róisín
Wells, Elizabeth
2023To Top
Brunet, Luc-André ed. (2023). NATO and the Strategic Defence Initiative: A Transatlantic History of the Star Wars Programme. Cold War History. Abingdon: Routledge.
Brunet, Luc-André
Brunet, Luc-André
Chaplin, Elayne and Chaplin, Melissa
Donington, Katie
Donington, Katie
Hazareesingh, S and Maat, H.
Houghton, Frances
Jack, Gillian
Langley, Chris R.
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Loftus, Donna
Marsden, Richard (2023). Wales REACH Evaluation Report (Development Phase). The Open University.
Marsden, Richard and Lymberopoulou, Angeliki (2023). The arts and humanities: rejecting the zero-sum game. In HEPI Blog Higher Education Policy Institute.
O'Shea, Helen (2023). Η Ιρλανδία και το Τέλος της Βρετανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. Η Ιρλανδική Ανάμειξη στον Αγώνα της ΕΟΚΑ. Nicosia: Aigaion.
Phillips, Claire
Reeve, Michael
Trott, V.
Trott, Vincent
Williams, Chris A
Woodall, Susan (2023). Material Setting and Reform Experience in English Institutions for Fallen Women, 1838-1910. Genders and Sexualities in History. Palgrave Macmillan.
2022To Top
Beardmore, Carol
Beardmore, Carol
Beardmore, Carol Anne
Crone, Rosalind (2022). Illiterate Inmates: Educating Criminals in Nineteenth-Century England. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Donington, Katie
Garrett, Natalee
Garrett, Natalee
Hack, Karl
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Houghton, Frances
Hughes, Frank Arthur
Langley, Chris R.
Mackie, Robin
Mombauer, Annika
O'Shea, Helen
Plassart, Anna
Plassart, Anna and Bonin, Hugo
Probert, Thomas
Reeve, Michael
Reeve, Michael
Sutton-Vane, Angie
Trott, Vincent
Vincent, David
Younger, Neil
Younger, Neil (2022). Religion and politics in Elizabethan England: The life of Sir Christopher Hatton. Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2021To Top
Langley, Chris R.; McMillan, Catherine E. and Newton, Russell eds. (2021). The Clergy in Early Modern Scotland. St Andrews Studies in Scottish History, 9. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
Brunet, Luc-André
Brunton, Deborah
Conway, David and Williams, Chris
Dee, Ashley
Goodrich, Amanda
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl (2021). The Malayan Emergency: Revolution and Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire. Cambridge Military Histories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Layton-Jones, Katy
Mackie, Robin
Mains, Christopher
Marsden, Richard (2021). Blaenau Gwent REACH Summary Report. Open University in Wales, Cardiff.
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard and Ford, Elizabeth (2021). Blaenau Gwent REACH Online Exhibition. The OU in Wales, Cardiff.
McEneaney, Sinead
Michell, Sophie (2021). Historical Infanticide Through An Interdisciplinary Lens. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University.
Plassart, Anna
Plassart, Anna
Plassart, Anna and Forbes, Suzanne
Plassart, Anna and Mosher, Michael
Reeve, Michael (2021). Bombardment, Public Safety and Resilience in English Coastal Communities during the First World War. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Reeve, Michael
Reeve, Michael
Reeve, Michael
Sutton-Vane, Angela
Taylor, Jack
Watson, Róisín
Wilkinson, Louise J. and Wolfson, Sara J.
2020To Top
Canova-Green, Marie-Claude and Wolfson, Sara eds. (2020). The wedding of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, 1625. Celebrations and controversy. European Festival Studies: 1450-1700 (EFS). Brepols Publishers.
Langley, Chris R. ed. (2020). The National Covenant in Scotland, 1638-1689. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History, 37. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
Aylett, Samuel Paul Tobias
Brunet, Luc-André
Fisher, Yvonne King
Goodrich, Amanda
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2020). 'I remember when it used to rain well and we could trust the weather'. Women's stories of changing farming lives in southern India. Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Langley, Chris R. (2020). Cultures of Care: Domestic Welfare, Discipline and the Church of Scotland, c. 1600–1689. St Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Leiden: Brill.
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Lawrence, Paul
Lucas, Katherine
Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard
Mombauer, Annika
O'Shea, Helen (2020). Ireland and the End of the British Empire: The Republic and its Role in the Cyprus Emergency. London: Bloomsbury.
O'Shea, Helen
[Book Review] 'Brutality in an Age of Human Rights: Activism and Counterinsurgency at the End of the British Empire by Brian Drohan
Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 2017.
Michigan War Studies Review (MiWSR)
MiWSR, Michigan.
Plassart, Anna
Probert, Thomas
Ryland-Epton, Louise M.
Trott, Vincent
Vincent, David (2020). A History of Solitude. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Watson, Róisín
Wilburn, Elizabeth
Wolfson, Sara J.
2019To Top
Allen, Gemma
Brock, Michelle D. and Langley, Chris R.
Brunet, Luc-André
Donington, Katie (2019). The bonds of family: Slavery, commerce and culture in the British Atlantic. Studies in Imperialism. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Donington, Katie
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian (2019). Catherine Vale Whitwell (1789-1873), educationist and communitarian. In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, OUP.
Emsley, Clive
Faire, Lucy and McHugh, Denise
Goodrich, Amanda (2019). Henry Redhead Yorke, Colonial Radical: Politics and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1772-1813. The Enlightenment World, 33. London and New York: Taylor & Francis, Routledge.
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Harrod, Holly
Lawrence, Paul
Lee, Catherine and Logan, Anne
Marsden, Richard (2019). National histories and national identities: Brexit and devolution, past and future. OpenTALKS History Lecture, Open University.
McBride, Terence
McEneaney, Sinead
Plassart, Anna, ed. Letters of Crito. By John Millar (1796). History of European Ideas 45:2, 148-190 (2019).
Plassart, Anna, ed. Letters of Sidney. By John Millar (1796). History of European Ideas 45:2, 191-231 (2019).
Phillips, Claire
Plassart, Anna
Plassart, Anna
Slight, John
Trott, Vincent
Vincent, David
2018To Top
Caldari, Valentina and Wolfson, Sara J. eds. (2018). Stuart Marriage Diplomacy. Dynastic Politics in their European Context, 1604-1630. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History, 31. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer.
De Renzi, Silvia; Bresadola, Marco and Conforti, Maria eds. (2018). Pathology in Practice: Diseases and Dissections in Early Modern Europe. The History of Medicine in Context. London: Routledge.
Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Arrizabalaga, Jon eds. (2018). It All Depends on the Dose: Poisons and Medicines in European History. Routledge.
Brunet, Luc-André
Brunet, Luc-André
Brunet, Luc-André
Brunet, Luc-André
Caldari, Valentina; Questier, Michael and Wolfson, Sara J.
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind; Hoskins, Lesley and Preston, Rebecca (2018). Guide to the Criminal Prisons of Nineteenth-Century England. London Publishing Partnership.
Davis, Caroline and Trott, Vincent
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia; Bresadola, Marco and Conforti, Maria
Emsley, Clive (2018). A Police Officer and a Gentleman: A.F. 'Michael' Wilcox. London: Blue Lamp Books.
Emsley, Clive
Forbes, Suzanne
Forbes, Suzanne (2018). Print and Party Politics in Ireland, 1689-1714. Palgrave Macmillan.
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Lee, Catherine
Loftus, Donna
Marsden, Richard (2018). Brexit and the mythologies of nationalism: a warning for Wales. In History and Policy History and Policy.
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard (2018). Henry Tudor: a Welsh hero...? OpenLearn, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Marsden, Richard (2018). Game of Thrones: imagined world combines romantic and grotesque visions of Middle Ages. In The Conversation The Conversation.
Marsden, Richard A.
McEneaney, Sinead
Reeve, Michael
Reeve, Michael
Rennie, Claire Marie
Saunders, Elaine
Slight, John
Slight, John
Vincent, David
Vincent, David
Wolfson, Sara J.
Younger, Neil
2017To Top
Brunet, Luc-André (2017). Forging Europe: Industrial Organisation in France, 1940-1952. Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brunet, Luc-André
Brunet, Luc-André
Campbell, Orfhlaith
Crone, Rosalind
Emsley, Clive (2017). Exporting British Policing during the Second World War: Policing Soldiers and Civilians. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Hack, Karl
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2017). The creation of a conflictual border: India-Pakistan. Open University, Milton Keynes.
Hazareesingh, Sandip and Patent, Volker (2017). Peace movements in contemporary India and Pakistan. Open University, Milton Keynes.
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Hopps, Robert Stephen
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Langley, Chris R.
Lawrence, Paul
Loftus, Donna
Marsden, Richard and Bestic, Penni
Mcbride, Terence
Mombauer, Annika
O'Shea, Helen
Legacies (London, 2015) in Political Studies Review, Vol. 51, Issue 1 (2017).
Plassart, Anna and White, Rebekah C.
Reeve, Michael
Reeve, Michael
Reeve, Michael and McTominey, Andrew
Slight, John
Trott, Vincent (2017). Publishers, Readers and the Great War: Literature and Memory since 1918. Bloomsbury Academic.
Watson, Róisín
2016To Top
Donington, Katie; Hanley, Ryan and Moody, Jessica eds. (2016). Britain’s History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a ‘National Sin’. Studies in International Slavery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew eds. (2016). Medicine, Natural Philosophy and Religion in Post-Reformation Scandinavia. The History of Medicine in Context. London/New York: Routledge.
Langley, Chris R. ed. (2016). The Minutes of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, 1648-1659. Scottish History Society 6th Series, 11. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
Maat, Haaro and Hazareesingh, Sandip eds. (2016). Local Subversions of Colonial Cultures. Commodities and Anti-Commodities in Global History. Palgrave Macmillan.
Allen, Gemma
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
De Renzi, Silvia
den Hollander, A.A. and Grell, Ole Peter
Donington, Katie
Donington, Katie; Hanley, Ryan and Moody, Jessica
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Langley, Chris R.
Lawrence, Paul
Layton-Jones, Katy (2016). Beyond the metropolis: the changing nature of urban Britain, 1780-1880. Manchester University Press.
Layton-Jones, Katy
Marsden, Richard (2016). Who was St David? OpenLearn, Open University in Wales, Cardiff.
Marsden, Richard A.
McEneaney, Sinead
Mombauer, Annika
O'Shea, Helen
O'Shea, Helen
Reeve, Michael
Rennie, Claire
Ridge, Mia
Slight, John
Trott, Vincent
Vincent, David (2016). Privacy: A Short History. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Vincent, David
Williams, Chris A.
Wolfson, Sara
Wolfson, Sara
2015To Top
Brunton, Deborah
Colley, Gerald
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2015). Historic New Lanark: The Dale and Owen Industrial Community since 1785 (2nd ed). Edinburgh Classic Editions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Duckett, Richard Anthony
Goodrich, Amanda
Grummitt, David (2015). Henry VI. Routledge Historical Biographies. London: Routledge.
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Langley, Chris R. (2015). Worship, Civil War and Community, 1638–1660. London: Routledge.
Marsden, Richard
Mombauer, Annika
Plassart, Anna (2015). The Scottish Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Ideas in Context, 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Slight, John (2015). The British Empire and the Hajj, 1865-1956. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vincent, David (2015). I Hope I Don't Intrude: Privacy and its Dilemmas in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Younger, Neil
2014To Top
Allen, Gemma ed. (2014). The Letters of Lady Anne Bacon. Camden Fifth Series, 44. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Crone, Rosalind ed. (2014). Policing Entertainment. The Making of the Modern Police (4). London: Pickering & Chatto.
Godfrey, Barry and Lawrence, Paul eds. (2014). Crime and Justice since 1750 (2nd ed). Abingdon: Routledge.
Lawrence, Paul ed. (2014). Policing the Poor. The Making of the Modern Police, 3. London: Pickering & Chatto.
Donington, Katie
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Goodrich, Amanda
Grell, Ole Peter
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2014). The everyday lives of ancient Colombians [Podcast]. Open University, Milton Keynes.
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Layton-Jones, Katy
Loftus, Donna
Marsden, Richard (2014). The real reason Yes Scotland avoids Braveheart nostalgia. The Conversation.
Marsden, Richard A. (2014). Cosmo Innes and the Defence of Scotland's Past c.1825-1875. Farnham: Ashgate.
Mombauer, Annika
Mombauer, Annika (2014). Die Julikrise. Europas Weg in den Ersten Weltkrieg. Beck'sche Reihe Wissen. Munich: C.H. Beck Verlag.
Mombauer, Annika
O'Shea, Helen (2014). Ireland and the End of the British Empire: The Republic and its Role in the Cyprus Emergency. London: I.B. Tauris.
O'Shea, Helen
Plassart, Anna
Slight, John
Trott, Vincent Andrew
Vincent, David
Williams, Chris A. (2014). Police Control Systems in Britain, 1775–1975: From Parish Constable to National Computer. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Wolfson, Sara J.
Wolfson, Sara J.
2013To Top
Mombauer, Annika ed. (2013). The Origins of the First World War: diplomatic and military documents. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Allen, Gemma (2013). The Cooke sisters: education, piety and politics in early modern England. Politics, Culture & Society in Early Modern Britain. Manchester University Press.
Brunton, Deborah (2013). Health and Wellness in the 19th Century. Health and Wellness in Daily Life. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio.
Churchill, David Christopher
De Renzi, Silvia
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive (2013). Soldier, Sailor, Beggarman, Thief: Crime and the British Armed Services since 1914. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Forbes, Suzanne
Gonçalves, Cândido Gonçalo Rocha
Goodrich, Amanda
Goodrich, Amanda
Hack, Karl
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Holmes, Janice
Langley, Chris R.
Lawrence, Paul
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Leigh, Juliet Esme
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard; Willis, Martin and Waddington, Keir
Mombauer, Annika
Mombauer, Annika
O'Shea, Helen
Plassart, Anna
Scannell, Paul
Slight, John
Trott, Vincent Andrew
Willis, Martin; Waddington, Keir and Marsden, Richard (2013). Off Sick Project Online Exhibition. University of South Wales.
2012To Top
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind (2012). Violent Victorians: Popular entertainment in nineteenth-century London. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Gonçalves, Cândido Gonçalo Rocha
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin (2012). War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore. Singapore: NUS Press.
Hack, Karl; Brocheux, Pierre; El Mechat, Samia; Frey, Marc; Nanta, Arnaud; Randrianja, Solofo and Regnault, Jean-Marc (2012). Les Décolonisations au XX Siècle: La Fin des Empires Européens et Japonais. Paris: Armand Colin.
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Loftus, Donna
Mackie, Robin
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard
O'Shea, Helen
Sparks, Mary Winifred Davis
Younger, Neil (2012). War and Politics in the Elizabethan Counties. Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2011To Top
Crone, Rosalind and Towheed, Shafquat eds. (2011). The History of Reading, Volume 3: Methods, Strategies, Tactics. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Emsley, Clive ed. (2011). Theories and Origins of the Modern Police. The History of Policing, 1. Farnham: Ashgate.
Lawrence, Paul ed. (2011). The New Police in the Nineteenth Century. The History of Police, 2. Farnham, U.K.: Ashgate.
Williams, Chris A. ed. (2011). Police and Policing in the Twentieth Century. The History of Policing, 3. Farnham: Ashgate.
Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard
Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard
Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard
Brough, Gideon and Marsden, Richard
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
De Renzi, Silvia
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive (2011). Crime and Society in Twentieth-Century England. Harlow: Longman/Pearson.
Emsley, Clive and Sinclair, Georgina
Grell, Ole Peter (2011). Brethren in Christ. A Calvinist Network in Reformation Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Grell, O. P.
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2011). Plants, power and productivity: the East India Company and cotton imperialism in early nineteenth-century India [Podcast]. Backdoor Broadcasting Company, London, UK.
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul
Loftus, Donna
Loftus, Donna
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard (2011). Gerald of Wales: patriotic Welshman or arrogant agent of English imperialism? Trinity Mirror.
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard
Vincent, David
Vincent, David
Williams, Chris A.
2010To Top
Hack, Karl and Margolin, Jean-Louis eds. (2010). Singapore from Temasek to the 21st Century: Reinventing the Global City. Singapore: National University of Singapore Publishing.
Towheed, Shafquat; Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie eds. (2010). The History of Reading. Routledge Literature Readers. London: Routledge.
Allen, Gemma
Crone, Rosalind
Crone, Rosalind
De Renzi, Silvia
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Arriabalaga, Jon eds. (2010). Centres of Medical Excellence? Medical Travel and Education in Europe 1500-1789. History of Medicine in Context. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl and Margolin, Jean-Louis
Knowles, Susan Anne
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Layton-Jones, Katy
Liddle, Dryden Grant
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Richard (2010). Time to consign this view of the past to the history books. Trinity Mirror.
Matheson, Julia
Mombauer, Annika
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Paul, Diane B. and Moore, James
Plassart, Anna
Pledger, Trew Richard Stretton
Slight, John
Slight, John P.
Towheed, Shafquat; Crone, Rosalind and Halsey, Katie
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris A.
2009To Top
Laurence, Anne; Maltby, Josephine and Rutterford, Janette eds. (2009). Women and their money 1700-1950: Essays on women and finance. London: Routledge.
Colclough, Stephen and Vincent, David
Crone, Rosalind
Cross, Myra Lesley
Desmond, Adrian and Moore, James A. (2009). Darwin's Sacred Cause: Race, Slavery And The Quest For Human Origins. London: Houghton Miffin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive (2009). The Great British Bobby: A History of British Policing from the 18th Century to the Present. London: Quercus.
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl and Wade, Geoff
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Hazareesingh, Sandip and Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, A.; Maltby, J. and Rutterford, J.
Laurence, Anne
Loftus, Donna
Marsden, Richard
Moore, James (2009). Darwin's Cambridge [essay]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Moore, James
Moore, James
Plassart, Anna
Swinfin, Stephen Thomas
Vincent, David
Williams, Chris A.; Patterson, James and Taylor, James
Woodall, Susan
2008To Top
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin eds. (2008). Forgotten Captives in Japanese-Occupied Asia. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia, 48. Abingdon: Routledge.
Brunton, Deborah (2008). The Politics of Vaccination: Practice and Policy in England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, 1800-1874. Rochester, New York: Rochester University Press.
Clark, Janet
Crone, Rosalind
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia and Conforti, Maria
Desmond, Adrian and Moore, James (2008). Darwin. Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam.
Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James and Browne, Janet (2008). Charles Darwin : - Kurz und bündig[German ed]. Heidelberg: Spektrum.
Donovan, Pamela and Lawrence, Paul
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Heal, Bridget and Grell, Ole eds. (2008). The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy and people. St. Andrews Studies in reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl
Holmes, Janice and McCracken, Philippa (2008). A century of service: celebrating the role of deaconesses in the church. Belfast: 10Publishing.
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul; Williams, Chris and Godfrey, Barry (2008). History and Crime. Key Approaches to Criminology. London: Sage.
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy
Layton-Jones, Katy and Lee, Robert (2008). Places of Health and Amusement: Liverpool’s Historic Parks and Gardens. Informed Conservation. Swindon: English Heritage.
Lee, Catherine Theresa
Mackie, Robin
Mackie, Robin
Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn
Moore, James
O'Day, Rosemary
Oswald, Janet
Plassart, Anna
Russell, Bruce
Smale, David Martin
Williams, Chris A.
Williams, Chris A.
2007To Top
Crone, Rosalind; Gange, David and Jones, Katy eds. (2007). New Perspectives in British Cultural History. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew eds. (2007). Medicine and Religion in Enlightenment Europe. History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Crone, Rosalind
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia and Sparti, Donatella Livia
Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James and Browne, Janet (2007). Charles Darwin. Very Interesting People. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2007). The Birlinn companion to Scottish history. Edinburgh, UK: Birlinn Limited.
Donnachie, Ian and Mooney, Gerry
Emsley, Clive (2007). Crime, police and penal policy: European experiences 1750-1940. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Godfrey, Barry S.; Williams, Chris A. and Lawrence, Paul (2007). History and Crime. Key approaches to criminology. London, UK: Sage.
Goodrich, Amanda
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin
Hack, Karl and Blackburn, Kevin
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay city (1900-1925). Orient Longman.
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). Chasing commodities over the surface of the globe: shipping, port development and the making of networks between Glasgow and Bombay, c.1850-1880. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Hazareesingh, Sandip (2007). The colonial city and the challenge of modernity: Urban hegemonies and civic contestations in Bombay (1900-1925). New Perspectives in South Asian History, 18. Andhra Pradesh, India: Orient Longman.
Mackie, Robin
Mombauer, Annika
Moore, James
Moore, James
O'Day, Rosemary (2007). Women's Agency in Early Modern Britain and the American Colonies: Patriarchy, partnership and patronage. Themes in Social History. London, UK: Pearson/Longman.
O'Day, Rosemary (2007). Cassandra Brydges (1670-1735), First Duchess of Chandos: Life and Letters. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press.
O'Day, Rosemary
Scollan, Maureen Janet
Sinclair, Georgina and Williams, Chris
Whitfield, James
Williams, Chris A.
2006To Top
Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias eds. (2006). Colonial armies in southeast Asia. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia. London, UK: Routledge.
Crone, Rosalind
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Shpayer-Makov, Haia eds. (2006). Police Detectives in History, 1750-1950. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias
Hack, Karl and Rettig, Tobias
Hack, Karl
Holmes, Janice
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Loftus, Donna
Mackie, Robin L. and Roberts, Gerrylynn K. (2006). Biographical Database of the British Chemical Community, 1880-1970. 2nd edition. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Mitchell, Stuart (2006). The brief and turbulent life of modernising conservatism. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Mombauer, Annika
Mombauer, Annika
Mombauer, Annika
Moore, James
Vincent, David
Waymark, Peter Astley Grosvenor
Whitfield, James
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris and Emsley, Clive
Wray, Lesley
2005To Top
Emsley, Clive ed. (2005). The Persistent Prison: Problems, Images and Alternatives. London: Francis Boutle.
Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Roeck, Bernd eds. (2005). Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th Century Southern Europe. The History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Blackburn, Kevin and Hack, Karl (2005). Did Singapore have to fall? Churchill and the impregnable fortress. London, UK: Routledge.
Brunton, Deborah
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian (2005). Robert Owen: social visionary. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, UK: Birlinn.
Donnachie, Ian
Duncan, John Stuart
Emsley, Clive (2005). Hard Men: Violence in England since 1750. London, UK: Hambledon Press.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Godfrey, Barry and Lawrence, Paul (2005). Crime and justice 1750-1950. Cullompton, Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.
Goodrich, Amanda (2005). Debating England's Aristocracy in the 1790s: Pamphlets, Polemics and Political Ideas. The Royal Historical Society Studies in History. Woodbridge, U.K.: The Boydell Press.
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Holmes, Janice
Lawrence, Paul (2005). Nationalism: history and theory. Pearson Longman.
Lawrence, Paul
Layton-Jones, Katy
Mitchell, Stuart
Mitchell, Stuart
Mombauer, Annika
Mombauer, Annika
Moore, James
Vincent, David
2004To Top
Chin, C. C. and Hack, Karl eds. (2004). Dialogues with Chin Peng: New light on the Malayan communist party. Singapore: Singapore University Press.
Emsley, Clive; Johnson, Eric and Spierenburg, Pieter eds. (2004). Social Control in Europe 1800-2000. Columbus, OH,: Ohio State University Press.
Lavin, Carmen and Donnachie, Ian eds. (2004). From Enlightenment to Romanticism: Anthology II. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Moore, James and Desmond, Adrian eds. (2004). The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex by Charles Darwin. London: Penguin Classics.
Williams, Chris ed. (2004). Giving the past a future: preserving the heritage of the UK's Criminal Justice System. London, UK: Francis Boutle.
Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James and Browne, Janet
Donnachie, Ian (2004). Industry and Technology: Food, Drink and Tobacco, Early Times to the Present Day. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive (2004). Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900. 3rd edition. Themes in British Social History. Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl
Hack, Karl and Chin, C. C.
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul
Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn K.
Marsden, Richard
Mombauer, Annika
Moore, James and Desmond, Adrian
Morris, Robert Matthew
O'Day, Rosemary
O'Day, Rosemary
Simmons, Anna Elizabeth
Whitfield, James (2004). Unhappy Dialogue: The Metropolitan police and black Londoners in post-war Britain. England: Willan Publishing.
Williams, Chris A.
2003To Top
Donnachie, Ian and Lavin, Carmen eds. (2003). From enlightenment to romanticism. Anthology I. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Godfrey, Barry; Emsley, Clive and Dunstall, Graeme eds. (2003). Comparative Histories of Crime. UK: Willan Publishing.
Mombauer, Annika and Deist, Wilhelm eds. (2003). The Kaiser. New Research on Wilhelm II's role in Imperial Germany. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Brunton, Deborah
Donnachie, I (2003). William Maclure: Science, Pestalozziansim and Reform in Europe and the United States. Not Set, London, UK.
Donnachie, Ian (2003). Education in Robert Owen's New Society: The New Lanark Institute and Schools. Not Set, London, UK.
Emsley, Clive (2003). Napoleon: Conquest, Reform and Reorganisation. UK: Longman.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul
Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn
Martin, Claire J. L.
Nicolson, Margaret and Donnachie, Ian
Vincent, D.M.
Vincent, David
Whitfield, James
Wilkinson, Anne
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris A.
Williams, Chris A.
2002To Top
Grell, Ole Peter; Cunningham, Andrew and Jütte, Robert eds. (2002). Health care and poor relief in 18th and 19th Century Northern Europe. The History of medicine in context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Brunton, Deborah
De Renzi, Silvia
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Clapson, Mark
Grell, Ole
Grell, Ole Peter and Cunningham, Andrew
Hack, Karl A.
Holmes, Janice
Laurence, Anne
Loftus, Donna
Lovatt, Peter
Mackie, Robin
Mombauer, Annika (2002). The origins of the First World War: controversies and consensus. UK: Pearson.
2001To Top
Barker, Hannah and Vincent, David eds. (2001). Language, print and electoral politics, 1790-1832. Parliamentary History Record Series. UK: The Boydell Press/The Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust.
Marwick, Arthur; Emsley, Clive and Simpson, Wendy eds. (2001). Total War and Historical Change: Europe 1914-1955. Buckinghamshire: Open University Press.
De Renzi, Silvia
Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (2001). Collins Dictionary of Scottish history. London and Glasgow, UK: Collins.
Grell, Ole Peter
Hack, Karl (2001). Defence and decolonisation in southeast Asia: Britain, Malaya and Singapore, 1941-1968. Richmond, UK: Curzon.
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Holmes, Janice (2001). Religious revivals in Britain and Ireland, 1859-1905. Dublin, Ireland: Irish Academic Press.
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne
Lawrence, Paul
Lawrence, Paul; Baycroft, Timothy and Grohmann, Carolyn
Mackie, R.
Mackie, Robin
Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn K.
Mombauer, Annika (2001). Helmuth von Moltke and the origins of the First World War. New Studies in European History. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
O'Day, Rosemary
2000To Top
Bessel, Richard and Emsley, Clive eds. (2000). Patterns of Provocation: Police and Public Disorder. UK: Berghahn Books.
Laurence, Anne; Bellamy, Joan and Perry, Gillian eds. (2000). Women, Scholarship and Criticism: Gender and Knowledge, c.1790-1900. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Cunningham, Andrew and Grell, Ole (2000). The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse : Religion, War, Famine and Death in reformation Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
De Renzi, Silvia (2000). Instruments in Print: Books from the Whipple Collection. Cambridge, U.K.: Whipple Museum for the History of Science.
De Renzi, Silvia
De Renzi, Silvia
Emsley, Clive (2000). Britain and the French Revolution. UK: Longman.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive; Levy, Rene and Rousseaux, Xavier
Eynon, Gavin Thomas
Gosling, Sally Catherine
Hazareesingh, Sandip
Issitt, John
Laurence, Anne
Loftus, D.
Loftus, Donna
Mackie, Robin
Mombauer, Annika
O'Day, Rosemary (2000). The professions in Early Modern England, 1450-1800: servants of the commonweal. Themes In British Social History. London: Longman / Pearson Education.
O'Day, Rosemary (2000). The Professions in Early Modern Britain 1500-1750, Servants of the Commonwealth. Themes in British Social History. Harlow: Longman.
O'Day, Rosemary
Oram, Gerard Christopher
Riddington Young, John
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris
1999To Top
Brunton, Deborah
De Renzi, Silvia
Emsley, Clive (1999). Gendarmes and the State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. UK: Oxford University Press.
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive and Phillips, Sabine
Gray, Robert and Loftus, Donna
Hack, Karl
Laurence, Anne
Mombauer, Annika
O'Day, Rosemary
Simpson, Ormond; Asbee, Sue and Woodall, Sue
Wilkin, Felicity Susan
1998To Top
Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Wahtley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). Major Documents. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 5. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.
Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Whatley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). The Transformation of Scotland, 1707-1850. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 1. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.
Cooke, Anthony; Donnachie, Ian; MacSween, Ann and Whatley, Christopher A. eds. (1998). The Modernisation of Scotland, 1850 to the Present. Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present, 2. East Linton, East Lothian: Tuckwell Press.
Claus, Peter Mark
De Renzi, Silvia
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive
Mackie, R. L.
McGregor, John Alexander
Miller, Vivien Mary Louise
Neville, Peter Edmund John
1997To Top
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
Emsley, Clive
McGowan, John
O'Day, Rosemary
1996To Top
Donnachie, Ian ed. (1996). Studying Scottish History, Literature & Culture. Edinburgh: The Open University in Scotland.
Emsley, Clive and Knafla, Louis A. eds. (1996). Crime Histories and Histories of Crime: Studies in the Historiography of Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern History. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
De Renzi, Silvia
Emsley, Clive
Harding, Albert William
O'Day, Rosemary
1995To Top
Bailey, Keith Alan
Bretas, Marcos Luiz
Clericuzio, Antonio and De Renzi, Silvia
Donnachie, Ian
Emsley, Clive
Lawson, Frank
O'Day, Rosemary (1995). The Longman Companion to the Tudor Age. Longman companions to history. London: Longman.
O'Day, Rosemary
1994To Top
Donnachie, Ian
Stark, Hilary Margaret
1993To Top
Cooper, Ann
Cranstoun, James G. M.
Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (1993). Historic New Lanark: the Dale and Owen Industrial Community since 1785. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Donnachie, Ian (1993). History Bibliography: Industrial Archaeology. Curriculum support series, 16 (3). Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.
Dove, Henry Mervyn
Ward, Jennifer
1992To Top
Donnachie, Ian and Whatley, Christopher eds. (1992). The Manufacture of Scottish History. Determinations. Edinburgh: Polygon.
Bridgeman, Ian Robert
Desmond, Adrian and Moore, James (1992). Darwin. London: Penguin.
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian L.
Moore, James
1991To Top
Courtenay, Adrian Hugh
Emsley, Clive (1991). The English Police: A Political and Social History. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Gough-Yates, Kevin
Jones, Edmund Eric
Morton, Vanessa
1990To Top
Englander, David; Norman, Diana; O'Day, Rosemary and Owens, William eds. (1990). Culture and Belief in Europe 1450-1600: An Anthology of Sources. Oxford, U.K.: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Laurence, Anne; Owens, W. R. and Sim, Stuart eds. (1990). John Bunyan and his England 1628-88. London: The Hambledon Press.
Bryson, Christine Anne
Ley, Anthony James
McGilvary, George Kirk
1989To Top
Donnachie, Ian; Harvie, Christopher and Wood, Ian S. eds. (1989). Foward! Labour Politics in Scotland 1888-1988. Determinations. Edinburgh: Polygon.
Barker-Read, Mary
Donnachie, Ian and Hewitt, George (1989). A Companion to Scottish History from the Reformation to the Present. London: B.T.Batsford Ltd.
Harrison, Andrew John
Humphreys, Valerie
Welford, John Anthony
1988To Top
Cooper, Christopher John
Donnachie, Ian; Graves, Adrian; Howe, Alexia and Richards, Eric (1988). That Land of Exiles: Scots in Australia. Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
Etherington, James Edward
Hallas, Christine Sarah
Tatton, Derek
1987To Top
D'Sena, Peter A. M.
Donnachie, Ian
Erskine, Fiona
Kekewich, Margaret Lucille
Rae, A.B.
Smith, John Ernest
1986To Top
Anderson, John Cooper
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian
Hunt, William Michael
Summers, Anne
1985To Top
Graham-Leigh, John David
McKay, John Henderson
Wilson, Stephen Roger
1984To Top
Donnachie, Ian
Glaister, Robert T.D.
Holden, L.T.
Smales, M. B.
1983To Top
Henry, John Christopher
Smith, Paul
1982To Top
Donnachie, Ian
Wyncoll, Peter Harold
1981To Top
Betts, David Charles
Blake-Coleman, Barrie Charles
1980To Top
Stanley, Michael
1979To Top
Butt, John and Donnachie, Ian (1979). Industrial Archaeology in the British Isles. London: Paul Elek Ltd.
Donnachie, Ian
Donnachie, Ian (1979). A History of the Brewing Industry in Scotland. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd.
Hewitt, George R.
Hunt, William Michael
O'Day, Rosemary and Berlatsky, Joel
1977To Top
Donnachie, I.
Farr, Alfred Derek
1976To Top
Jones, Goronwy John
1975To Top
Hughes, Albert Colin