Student Research for module:E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth
2024To Top
Al Ruhaimi, Rafif (2024). Rethinking inclusivity and traditional Western education for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children: an exploration of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller student and teacher perceptions of inclusivity in secondary schooling. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Alexander, Roy (2024). The impact of socio-economic status on primary literacy and dyslexia pedagogy: a case study. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Hamey, Jayne Margaret (2024). Exploring how supervision supports practitioner wellbeing and professional development in early years provision in England. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Hooper, Ruby J. (2024). Young People with Epilepsy’s Illustrations of Their Narratives: An Arts-Based Approach. What connections can be made between their narratives in the context of these three perspectives? seizures, anti-seizure medications and social perceptions. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Hosegood, Caroline (2024). A Case Study Exploring School Leaders’ Perspectives of Flexible Working: Implications for Teacher Retention and Career Progression in a Secondary School in England. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
McIntosh, Zoë (2024). The Reconceptualization of Dialogic Pedagogy for Early Years to Support Communication Development: an extended literature review and case study proposal. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Mears, Kim (2024). Speech and language therapists’ reflections on the concept of semi-speaking: a critical discourse analysis. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Percy, Emma (2024). An autoethnographic study: challenges in redeveloping a primary school library for reading for pleasure. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Richardson, Fleur (2024). Make it meaningful: a mixed methods investigation exploring participation and how it impacts voice and agency in culturally diverse children. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Robertson, Richard (2024). What Scholarship Boarders Really Need: A Case Study in an Elite South African School. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Taylor, Louise (2024). Exploring the role of Learning for Sustainability within the Curriculum for Excellence: a literature review and action research proposal into the disconnect between Learning for Sustainability ideology and practical application in Scottish Primary Schools. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Tongue, William (2024). Bridging the Mathematics Gender Divide: A Mixed Methods Study of Teacher Biases and Their Impact on Female Students. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Williams, Connor (2024). A qualitative case study that explores primary school middle leaders in Wales supporting school improvement through distributed leadership. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Yeomans, Elizabeth (2024). RE-Imagining an Image: A participatory study exploring monologic and dialogic approaches in Primary RE. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Young, Emily (2024). An action research project into a parent translanguaging workshop in a monolingual primary school. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
2023To Top
Bratchell, Rowan (2023). Risk, resilience and resistance: exploring the situated agency of LGBTQ+ youth. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Brennan, Jennifer (2023). A small-scale qualitative study to explore Scottish mainstream teachers’ engagement with identifying Additional Support Needs. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Catlow, Emma (2023). An investigation into women’s perceptions of leadership and the factors that influence aspiration and progression into secondary school senior leadership. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Crompton-Muir, Jennifer (2023). An Action Research project exploring pedagogical approaches to reduce misconceptions in Year 4 primary physics. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Finnemore, Lisa (2023). Practitioner narratives of supporting children from disadvantaged backgrounds with their early language development in a mainstream early years setting. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Hancock, Susannah (2023). Understanding the impact of whiteness on academic advising in UK Higher Education, using critical discourse analysis. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Heredge, Emma (2023). Using narrative interviews to elicit core subject teachers’ perceptions of Key Stage 2 (KS2) children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in independent prep schools. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Johnson, Emma (2023). Inside out: a case study on the impact of Forest School learning for pupils in a Secondary school specialist SEND class. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Kenyon-Jones, Cordelia (2023). A qualitative study exploring whether standardised assessment results offer a true reflection of English Additional Language (EAL) learners’ ability in primary education in Wales. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Moriarty, Harry (2023). Exploring identity and aspiration in the narratives of children with dyslexia through critical discourse analysis. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
O'Brien, Naomi (2023). An ethnographic small-scale investigation into engagement of excluded students in science. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Price, Philip (2023). A critical theory analysis of exams within higher education and the support provided for students with dyslexia. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Rice, Anne (2023). Exploring the continued professional development needs of early years practitioners in SureStart Northern Ireland. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Saunders, Donna (2023). A qualitative study exploring how a child’s gender influences their play choices in an early year setting. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Scott, Rebecca (2023). Teachers’ interpretations and classroom practices in relation to ‘mastery’ teaching in mathematics: a case study of one English secondary school. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Tray, Louise (2023). A case study: investigating how leaders implement a system of instructional coaching to meet the professional learning needs of teachers in a mainstream, all-through academy in the UK. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Vasquez, Ruth (2023). A qualitative study exploring how low-attaining, socially-disadvantaged children in year three dialogue about their mathematical learning. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Wardle, Mike (2023). A Case Study of the experiences of ethnic diversity in leadership in an Outdoor Education Centre. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Weir, Janet (2023). ‘Love’ in the care system: A narrative review from care leavers in Scotland. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Worgan, Lisa (2023). Leadership of primary school foundation subjects: a mixed-methods case study of perceptions. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
2022To Top
Adams, Katherine (2022). A mixed-methods case study to investigate the professional development needs of aspiring middle leaders in an independent secondary school. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Attard Degiorgio, Denise (2022). A qualitative study among students aged 13-15 on the Relational aspect of teaching in a dynamic Maltese senior school context. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Bassett, Emma (2022). Further Educating Rita: Exploring the experiences of working-class women in Further Education. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Bird, James Nicholas (2022). An autoethnography: How does the influence from government policy and parental stakeholders shape a headteacher’s strategic decision-making, and impact on role identity, in a Southeast Asian independent school. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Burdett, Michael (2022). A Study of How Trust, by Teachers, in Middle Leaders Affects the Perceived Practice of Middle Leadership in an English Primary School. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Clark, Alexandra Frances (2022). A qualitative study exploring the barriers to reading attainment for socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Flynn, Caroline (2022). Children of the Pandemic: A narrative inquiry exploring how children in England aged four-to seven-years perceive the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact upon their lives. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Grand, Sophie (2022). Critical Agency and SEBD Pupils: Narratives from a Specialist Provision Classroom in England. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Higgins, Mark (2022). A case study exploring the opportunities and possibilities of inclusive practice in a practical curriculum. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Hughes-Neske, Joanne (2022). Combatting deficit perceptions: Uncovering Funds of Knowledge at the junction of primary to secondary school in Germany: A case study approach. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Kester, Catherine (2022). Assessing changing identities of Middle Leaders within an expanding Academy Trust. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Lassu, Amanda (2022). A Critical Analysis of the Leadership and Management of Change Resistance in a Virtual Team within a Higher Education Department. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Lo, Cybele (2022). An investigation on leadership diversity within international schools based on a thematic discourse analysis of job descriptions and interviews. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
O'Connor, James (2022). Leadership, school culture and staff turnover: an exploratory case study of an international school in UAE. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Ruiz Martínez, Alejandro Tomás (2022). The impact of a ‘flipped classroom’ approach to teaching on the students’ self-reported engagement in physics. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Sankey, Rachel (2022). The impact of the 2021 Autumn Phonics Screening Check on teaching and learning with a focus on reading for pleasure. A small-scale case study in an English primary school. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Williams, Katharine (2022). Using Assistive Technology (AT) with children aged 7- 11 who have specific learning differences (SpLDs) in an independent prep school: a qualitative case study of pupil and teacher perceptions. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
2021To Top
Burrell, Susannah (2021). A mixed methods study exploring lower key stage 2 children’s self-concept and risk taking in mathematics. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Goodman, Joanne (2021). Disrupting disadvantage in schools: An exploration of the factors that shape practitioner’s pedagogic responses to educational inequality within widening participation. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Henderson, Janey (2021). A Mixed Method Study Which Explores the Effect of ‘Talk Moves’ on Whole Class Discussion. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Kagoya, Anne (2021). Advancing beyond familiar territory: mapping educators’ scepticism of mixed attainment grouping in primary mathematics teaching. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Marsh, James (2021). A critical investigation into the influence of neoliberal education reform on pedagogy, freedom, and agency in a mainstream UK secondary school. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
McGuinness, Oliver (2021). Investigating the assessment of soft skills development within STEAM based learning. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
McMillan, Anne (2021). A critical analysis of middle leaders’ perceptions of professional agency in an English academy secondary school. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Myatt, Tanya (2021). Exploring online gaming use by young people in a paediatric setting: An ethnographic approach. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.
Wyllie, Antoinette (2021). Student Voice / A descriptive case study of student voice in an international French school: power issues in a complex, real-life setting. Student dissertation for The Open University module E822 Masters multi-disciplinary dissertation: education, childhood and youth.