Student Research for module:A826 MA History part 2
2024To Top
Anderson, Judith (2024). Dinas Powis 1890 – 1914: Exploring the Impact of Middle Class Growth and Working Class Immigration on Language, Leisure and Religion. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Brown, Margaret (2024). The Tyrant of the Bar: The 1902 Glasgow Licensing Courts and the Barmaid Question. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Collins, Jennifer (2024). “None of those damned Ministerial dog-kennels!” Civic Duty and Innovation: How Newbury Solved the Housing Problem 1918 - 1930. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Cooper, Martina Anne (2024). The Impact of World War Two on the Biscuit Industry in Reading, 1938-48. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Elliott, Garry (2024). To what extent was the borough petty sessions in Wallingford, Berkshire between 1880 and 1891 a source of justice for working-class people? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Erginsoy, Ali (2024). Keeping the faithful: Poverty, welfare and cohesion in the London Sephardic community, 1767-1802. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Heaton, Ian (2024). A Study of Dewsbury Borough Police Force, 1863-1890. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Kane, Clare (2024). Family Involvement in the Care, Control, and Confinement of Pauper Lunatics in Nineteenth-Century Belfast District, 1838-1878. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
McKeown, Thomas William (2024). The foundation, operations and demise of four outer metropolitan prosecution associations: 1810-1840. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Moger, Robert P. (2024). The Trowbridge Chartists: demagogues, the demotic and the semiotics of solidarity. A local study of Chartist dissent in and around the ‘Manchester of the West’ (1838-1842). Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Owen, Sally Kathryn (2024). Ladies Reading Societies and Civic Life: Middle Class Women in Leicester 1869-1914. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Rowlands, Eric (2024). The changing role and policing priorities of the New Police in Chester, from 1856 to 1876. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Rushton, Anne (2024). A ‘Uniformity of Fiddlesticks’? Application of National Penal Policy in Chelmsford, Essex, 1820-1865. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Stokes, Philip (2024). Resistance to Compulsory Vaccination Against Smallpox in Cardiff, 1853-1907. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Wallis, Joanna (2024). Campaigners and Elected Members: Female Activity in the Political Arena in Bristol, 1877 –1914. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Young, Neil (2024). The Alphabet Streets 1881-1937: An Assessment of Typicality. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
2023To Top
Brown, Christopher Martin (2023). The Influence Members of Freemasons’ Lodges in Lancaster had on its Social and Economic Development from 1848-98. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Cairney, Janet Marie (2023). Southern Hampshire Communities Living Through the Wars of 1793-1815: A Neglected Story. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Cochrane, Emma (2023). The Economic Survival Strategies of the Hastings Fishing Community, 1830-1880: The Intersection of Communal Welfare and the Domestic Economy. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Davies, Philip (2023). The Diocese of Newcastle 1882-1903: the best of times? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Davies, Rebecca Jane (2023). How did Gender and Poverty Impact on the Experiences of the Mining Family in Interwar Rhondda, 1918-1939? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Doris, John (2023). Successes and Failures in the Responses to Poverty in Clifden Poor Law Union in 1879/1880. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Iosson-Cops, Catherine (2023). 'The Kitchen is the Key to Victory': Feeding Reading's Working-Class during the First World War, 1914-1918. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Jenkins, Gail Louise (2023). To What Extent Does the Town of Keighley Reflect the General Pattern of Growth, Stagnation and Decline in the West Riding Wool Textile Industry, 1851 to 1881? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Kane, Terence Peter (2023). Ely Industrial Schools and Scattered Homes: Pauper Children in the Cardiff Poor Law Union 1893-1905. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Kent, Joanne Elizabeth (2023). Lightening the darkness: Poverty and deprivation in Bromley, Poplar, London: changes of fortune during the ‘multi-campaign war on pauperism’ 1889 – 1911. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Mathieson, Lynn (2023). Infant and Early Childhood Mortality in Nantyglo and Blaina, Monmouthshire, 1886-1912: A Study of the Role of the Medical Officer of Health. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Mellor, Simon David (2023). Industrialisation of Brick Making in Bracknell, Berkshire: 1870-1898. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Quibell, Elizabeth (2023). Immediate, not gradual Abolition: the role of women in the Birmingham anti-slavery movement 1825-1838. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Radford, Dinah Jane (2023). The Influence of the Church of England on Post War Memorialisation in Shropshire 1900 - 1925. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Tunney, Heidi (2023). Pauper Children in Wallingford Union Cottage Homes, Berkshire, 1900–1915; Tainted or Recovered? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Waters, Ginny (2023). A Female Skilled Trade: Dressmaking in Colchester 1860 - 1914. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Williams, Louise Victoria (2023). The Chobham Common Camps and the Squatters' Movement in Surrey, 1946-1958. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Wittenberg, Axel (2023). The reception of Jewish refugee children in Shrewsbury/Oswestry 1939-1948 and in Otterden Kent 1933-1940. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
2022To Top
Bailey-Gibson, Rachael (2022). A Hospital and a Home? Evaluating the practice of 'moral treatment' on women in Essex Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Warley [Hospital] from 1853 to 1884. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Cooper, Louise (2022). 'By her Labour': Working women in Victorian Oxford 1851-1891. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Emmerson, John (2022). Poverty, Exploitation and Fish? Grimsby Pauper Apprentices 1860-1900. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Fry, Shaun (2022). Infidels and Revolutionaries: A Study of the Hodsonian Intentional Community at Manea Fen 1838-1841. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Fryar, Geoffrey John (2022). Suffering or Fallen Angels? Wife-Beating in Victorian Liverpool 1850-1889: Class, Cause and Community Response. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Goldberg, Dov (2022). Deindustrialisation and Rural Depopulation in the East Allen Valley 1871-1891. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Gordon, John Edward (2022). Moral Improvement and Education in the Working Men's Clubs of the Seaton Delaval District of Northumberland between 1902 and 1922. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Holmes, Nicola Marie (2022). The Impact of the Cotton Famine on the Lace Industry in Nottingham: Economy, Poverty and Global Connections 1861-1865. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Hullin, David Andrew (2022). 'A Lowly Sort?': Cardiff's Medical Men, 1836-1858. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Ophield, Michael (2022). The Impact of World War Two on Crime and Policing in Cambridge. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
2021To Top
Barnes, Stephen (2021). The Survival of the Macclesfield Silk Industry 1825-1865. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Davidson, Carol (2021). What do wills reveal about kinship in the rural Heaton area of Lancashire between 1750-1858? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Lamb, John Terence (2021). Manchester’s Ragged Schools 1847 to c.1890. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Leah, Alison Margaret (2021). Sedition or Saturnalia: What were the Causes and Effects of the Riots in the Staffordshire Potteries in August 1842? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Malcolm, Alexander (2021). 1831 Reform Riots: Attitudes and Impacts surrounding Rioting and Reform in Nottingham. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
McKenzie, Matthew (2021). Edward Lloyd, Shoreditch to Fleet Street, 1836–1856: Popular Print and the Working Classes. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Southerington, Sarah Helen (2021). The Water Supply in Wakefield from Ranger’s Report of 1852 to Radcliffe’s Report of 1869: How Far Were Contemporary Criticisms of the Local Board of Health Fair? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Thorpe, Amy Charlotte (2021). Peaceful Protest: Suffrage and the Great Pilgrimage in Yorkshire, 1913. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Todd, Andrew (2021). The Courtauld silk mills in north Essex and their effects on the local population 1841-1901. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Warner, Michael (2021). The role of Blackpool Corporation's Advertising Committee in the development of Blackpool as a tourist resort between 1890 and 1930. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Washbrook, Ruth (2021). Poverty and the Poorhouse: The Impact of Gender, Family and Migration on the Provision of Welfare in Highland Perthshire 1864 – 1884. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Willis, Louise (2021). Influences on Institutional Care for Insane Women in Surrey 1885 to 1919: Social Construction, Family Agency, and Medical Control. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
2020To Top
Bennett, Diana Gillian (2020). Poor Relief, Gender and Life-cycle Poverty in two Oxfordshire communities under the Old Poor Law: Charlbury and Spelsbury, 1799-1815. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Bowden Conner, Nicola Jane (2020). Municipal Government and Urban Decline in Downpatrick, 1829-1888. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Bylett, Robert (2020). ‘In Times of War, the Law Falls Silent’. The Impact of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939 on the Police and Policing in Norwich During the Second World War. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Denley, Christian Sean (2020). The Churches and the Working Class in the Dings, Bristol, c.1880-1910. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Flatman, Christopher John (2020). The Origins of the Riots in Littleport and Ely in May 1816 and the Reaction of the Establishment to the Disturbances. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Gough, Sarah Jane (2020). The Role of the Cheltenham Charity Organisation Society, 1905-1929. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Higson, Charlotte (2020). How did the First World War influence crime in Somerset? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Hollis, Katarzyna
Lifecycle Poverty and Women’s Experience of the Farnborough Workhouse
(Bromley, Kent), 1845-1881.
Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Jewell, Tina Patricia (2020). To what extent did ‘medical evaluations’ influence the journey of the pauper insane? An appraisal of the roles of the poor law medical officer and the medical superintendent at the Hailsham Union and the Sussex County Lunatic Asylum, (1859-1882). Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Kaddey, Laura Anne (2020). From Parish Constable to County Constabulary: An examination into the changing role of police constables in Dorset 1835-1875. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
King, Paul Anthony (2020). Police reform: A study of the Dover New Police (1830-1860). Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Lally, Kevin (2020). Attitudes and responses to the influx of ethnic immigrants into the East End of London 1840 to 1905: A local study of Irish and Jewish immigration into the East London districts of Whitechapel and St George-in-the-East. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
McIntosh, Martine Leigh (2020). “The Cave Dwellers of Puritanism” An examination of the social class and political stance of the members of the Seceding Churches in Leith 1820 -1845. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Moore, Wes (2020). The Social and Economic Effects of Migration to New Zealand on the people of Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk 1853-71. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Purvis, Keith (2020). Southend-on-Sea 1891 to 1911: The Emergence of a Commuter Town? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Ryan, Sharon Louise (2020). Divorce and Bigamy in Liverpool, 1857-1912. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Tembe, Julia (2020). The Asylum as Utopia: A Case Study of Worcester County and City Lunatic Asylum from 1852 to 1885. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Tucker, Adam John (2020). Manchester’s Black Market, 1939 – 1945. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
2019To Top
Baxter, Adam (2019). Great Marlow 1835-1891, the Impact of the Railways and Industrialisation. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Bryant, Nina (2019). Remaking the Pauper: The Efficacy of the Scattered Children's Homes of the Camberwell St Giles' Poor Law Union, 1898-1914. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Carr, Laura (2019). Delivering Justice in Hull: 1835-1879. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Clayton, Michael Robert (2019). Huntingdonshire 1851-1901: changes in population and poor relief with particular reference to the St. Ives Poor Law Union. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Davis, Hilary Anne (2019). The Mormon Mission in Herefordshire and Neighbouring Counties, 1840 to 1841. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Donald, Amanda (2019). Miners' Health and Welfare: Care and Compensation in the Durham Coalfield, 1870 to 1920. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Flanagan, Louise (2019). Saltburn-by-the-Sea 1860 - 1890: A Vision Realised? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Gooch, Daniel James (2019). 'A town built on migration'? The human capital value of migration to Reading, 1851-71. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Hayes, Siobhan Mary (2019). West Monmouthshire, a Community in Crisis: To What Extent Was the Extreme Poverty Experienced in West Monmouthshire During the Inter-War Years Affected by Changing Local and National Attitudes Towards Relief, and Itself an Influence on Public Perception of Welfare Issues? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Hobbs, Karen (2019). The Implementation of the Poor Law in the Basingstoke Union, North Hampshire, c.1870 - 1900. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Laverick, Carrie (2019). Pauper insanity within Victorian Leicester: the Experience of the Leicester Borough Lunatic Asylum, 1870 to 1890. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Locke, Rosalind (2019). Middle Class Women and the Public Life of an English Market Town: Banbury 1844-1894. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Pirrie, Robert (2019). Edinburgh's Urban Enlightenment and George IV: Staging North Britain, 1752-1822. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Rees, Edward (2019). The East London Women Ropemakers' Union: 1888-1898. A Case Study in Victorian Female Unionisation: 'Desperate Women' and 'Irresponsible Advisers'? Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Shelton, Abbie (2019). From Cradle to Early Grave: Death, Burial and Mourning for Infants and Children in Glossopdale, 1890 - 1911. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.
Turner, Malcolm John (2019). A time of challenge and change: An analysis of Birmingham's industries during the 'Great Depression' of 1873 to 1896. Student dissertation for The Open University module A826 MA History part 2.