Student Research for module:A329 The making of Welsh history
2024To Top
Burke, Ronan (2024). The Inflammatory Influence: To what extent did The Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian Newspaper stoke the flames of anti-Irish Hostility in nineteenth-century Cardiff? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Colley, Laura (2024). To what extent did women in South Wales conform to the idealised image of the ‘Welsh Mam’ during the period 1840-1914? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Dani, Sally-Rose (2024). “The human casket of the precious unborn life”: an examination of the causes of high maternal mortality rates in Wales during the interwar period. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Day, Louise (2024). Assessing the Impact of Marriage Bars and the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act (1919) on South Wales's Married Women Teachers 1900 - 1944. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Edwards, Andrew (2024). In what ways did the agency of a growing middle class contribute to the social and urban development of mid-Victorian Knighton? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Everett, Daniel (2024). Dissent on the Coalfield: An Examination into the cause of the 1915 miners’ strike. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Firth, Michelle (2024). Dirty, immoral, and shameless: What was the response to the 1847 Blue Books’ portrayal of Welshwomen, and what legacy did it leave? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Groves, Liam Daniel Robert (2024). “Better provided with daring than with arms”?: Representations of High Medieval Welsh Warfare Re-examined Through a Case Study on Owain Gwynedd. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Hall, Emma (2024). ‘Women of Britain. Come into the factories’: What did it mean to be a working-class woman on the Welsh ‘home front’? Examining the impact the experience of the interwar years and Second World War had on the gender identities and dynamics of the working classes in Urban South Wales, 1939 – 1945. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Hewlett, Gina (2024). A ‘brilliantly exploited’ tourist asset? To what extent did the French landing at Fishguard in 1797 act as an attraction to early tourists in Wales? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Hughes, Angela (2024). Why was Maerdy such fertile ground for the growth of communism in the early twentieth century? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Ireland, Cian Lloyd (2024). ‘The Eyes were Picked out of the Slate Quarries’: Causes of and Responses to Decline of the North Wales Slate Industry, 1900-1970. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Irwin, David (2024). What brought Rebecca to Carmarthen? To what extent should we blame poverty and the New Poor Law for the 1843 attack on Penlan Workhouse? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Johnson, Maisie (2024). The Welsh connection: how important was Welsh support in Henry VII’s rise to the throne? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Phillips, Yvonne (2024). Development of a Proprietary Town: Analysing Key Buildings, Middle Class Activity and Migration: Milford Haven c.1851 – 1910. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Scullion, Paul (2024). D.A.Thomas: Hated coal-owner, miner’s friend or just a businessman? A look at his approach to industrial relations from his time as a Liberal MP to his handling of the Cambrian Combine dispute. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Terry, Ashleigh (2024). ‘Remarkable Conversions Underground’ - An assessment of the influence of anxieties concerning trade union militancy in Western Mail reporting of the Welsh Revival 1904-5. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Tilbury, Thomas (2024). ‘Show Me The Wonder’ – Finding the Welsh National Identity within Manic Street Preachers’ Music. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Venti, Nick (2024). A ‘Knife and Fork, Bread and Cheese’ Question?: Investigating motivations behind the support for Chartism in Llanidloes in 1839. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
White, Marie (2024). The garden village principle and local authority housing 1913-c. 1945: What factors contributed to improved living conditions for the people of Cardiff? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Wood, Deborah (2024). Depraved or deprived? What was the legacy of the 1847 Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the State of Education in Wales on Welsh politics, its culture and educational reform in Wales? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
2023To Top
Atkinson, Tom (2023). The ‘Ruin’ of Wales: Re-evaluating the nature and impact of partible inheritance on the Welsh kingdoms of the twelfth and early-thirteenth centuries. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Burdett, Sarah (2023). Revolutionary or evolutionary? The significance of railway expansion for the development of Rhyl into a popular seaside resort, c. 1794-1880. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Freeman, Paul (2023). Against the odds? The relative importance of the factors involved in the fluctuating fortunes of the Welsh colony in the Lower Chubut Valley of Patagonia, between 1865 and 1895. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Gordon-Clarke, Fiona (2023). ‘Women, drink and sin’: Female philanthropy in Victorian and Edwardian Llandudno. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Jenkins, John (2023). The Cardiff Bay Development Corporation (1987-2000). Regeneration- success or failure? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Kardan, George (2023). ‘A Folk of Strange Origin and Customs’- To What Extent Did Medieval Flemish Settlers Impact Wales and its Culture? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Penny, Steven (2023). The Universal pit of souls – To what extent did human failings result in the deaths of 520 Welsh miners in the two explosions at the Universal Colliery in Senghenydd in 1901 and 1913? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Rattle, Tori (2023). Welsh National Dress- An investigation into its origins, popularisation and legacy. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Robinson, Pauline (2023). The Women’s Suffrage Movement in Wales c. 1892-1914: a conflict with key values of Wales’ staunchly Liberal society and its views of acceptable womanly conduct? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Sampson, Henry (2023). Profit before people: did the 1894 Albion colliery disaster influence UK government policy in coal mining? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Seery, Michael (2023). What was the extent of socio-economic and cultural integration of Welsh people in Ireland in 1901? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Somerville, Ann (2023). To what extent did industrial expansion influenced by the Penrhyn family during the nineteenth century support the growth of the middle class in Gwynedd? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Wragg, Simon (2023). The anatomy of a navvy community: Blaen-y-Cwm, the Grwyne Fawr reservoir and its builders, 1912-1928. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
2022To Top
Couriel, Jon (2022). The human cost of coal: exploring the impact of the 1890 Llanerch colliery explosion and other major mining disasters in the South Wales coalfields, 1890-1914. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Foord, Lara (2022). Aberfan: Inevitable or preventable disaster? An examination of coal waste management and safety 1800-1967: the mistakes that led to tragedy. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Gibbins, Cheryl (2022). Flying away, immigration and identity: How, and to what extent, did Welsh immigrants to Scranton, Pennsylvania retain their Welsh identity? 1850-1920. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Harkness, Holly (2022). ‘The land of the ever-open door’: To what extent can the experience of childhood evacuation to south Wales during the Second World War be viewed as a beneficial experience for those involved? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Hilton, Lynette (2022). Symbols of Sacrifice, Service and Success. Exploring the design and symbolism of First World War memorials in Wales and the relationship between iconography and the community approach to remembrance and commemoration. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Jones, Simon (2022). ‘Cofiwch Dryweryn’ (meaning: ‘Remember Tryweryn’): To what extent, if any, has this two-word, Welsh phrase, influenced nationalism, politics, language and culture in Wales since the mid-twentieth Century? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Lawes, Ellen (2022). A woman’s place is in the home: To what extent was the ideology of separate spheres challenged amongst the mining communities of south Wales during the interwar period 1918-1939? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Linsell, Sally (2022). ‘whiche thynge ye welchmen heryng ran out of heuyn a gret pace.’ How food stories construct a national identity, or how roasted cheese lured the Welsh out of heaven. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Marsh, Olivia (2022). ‘A sink of thieves and prostitutes.’ To what extent did the notorious reputation of Merthyr Tydfil’s China district truly represent the people who lived there between 1851 and 1871? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
McKay-Smith, William (2022). The Anglo-Welsh Relationship, c.1140–c.1280: A Reappraisal. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
McKenna, Krista (2022). A fleeting ‘little Wales’ in Marsden? The motivations and impact of Welsh miners who migrated to Marsden, Yorkshire in the early 1890s. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Morgan, Charles (2022). Abertillery: a case of urbanisation in the south Wales coalfield. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Pepper, Marie (2022). ‘A controversial and complex man’ . How has Welsh public opinion reflected the rise and fall of Sir Thomas Picton? (1758-1815). From his trial for torture in 1806 to today’s contentious monuments. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Richards, Josephine (2022). Opening the Tin: Women in the South Wales Tinplate Industry c.1880s-1940s. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Stoker, Daniel (2022). ‘For Wales, see England’: An investigation into the lack of a Welsh international cricket team. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Wilson, Timothy M. (2022). Industrial unrest or class war? Remembering the Cambrian Combine strike and Tonypandy riots of 1910-11 through contemporary press coverage. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
2021To Top
Whitefoot, Francis (2021). 'It would be a great impetus to the pastime in Wales': An investigation into why a national association football league did not develop in Wales until 1992. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Manley, John (2021). Owain Glyn Dŵr: How a medieval rebel became the national symbol of modern Wales. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Ashley, Joshua (2021). To What Extent Did Independent Working-Class Institutions Contribute to Working-Class Culture in the Rhondda Valleys 1900-1945? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Barber, Robert (2021). A study of crime and disorder in the early Victorian industrial town of Pontypool from evidence contained within The Monmouthshire Merlin. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Carroll, Helen Frances (2021). “The Conchie,” Enemy or Friend? To what extent did propaganda influence Welsh perceptions of Conscientious Objectors during the First World War (1914-18)? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Chapman, Kimberley (2021). The Welsh Revival of 1904-05: To what extent did it influence mining communities? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Cole, Michael (2021). Pentreclwydau Colliery – Why did the National Coal Board close the Vale of Neath’s ‘hundred-year super pit’ after just over a decade? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Cottle, Wendy (2021). Was Rugby Union in Wales truly ‘A game democratic and amateur’ – Or did middle-class hegemony preclude working-class agency within the sport between 1880 and 1914? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Cresswell, Samantha (2021). Resistance to the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 in North Wales 1834-1865: A Means of Preserving Society and Culture. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
De-Winton, Molly (2021). Rebeccaism and Gender: A study in-to the significance of females and the feminine in the Rebecca riots 1839-1844. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Denby, Louise (2021). ‘A world turned upside down’ To what extent were women the scapegoats for moral decline in wartime Wales 1939-45? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Dungate, Katie (2021). “Restore order. Come thyself, valiant Edward, and check the oppressors.” In what ways did the Yorkist kings court Welsh support and how crucial was maintaining this support to their hold on the English crown? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Egan, Oliver (2021). Why was Wales relatively unaffected by the Viking expansion in the British Isles? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Glover, Catherine (2021). The impact of the Denbigh Asylum on the welfare of mentally ill paupers in nineteenth-century North Wales. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Harper, Nicola (2021). A South Wales Ferment: To what extent and why were Spiritualism and Socialism linked in South Wales, 1900-1930? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Holmes, Neil (2021). Mortality in Merthyr: Why were disease mortality rates in Merthyr Tydfil so high during the nineteenth century, c. 1840 to 1890? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Jachmann, Lisa (2021). To what extent do the treatment of adultery and the practice of the ceffyl pren reflect nineteenth century Welsh social values? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Macbeth, Nicola (2021). Mental Health Care in North Wales, 1840 – 1900. How did Wales Respond to the Age of the Asylum? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
McNally, Eryl (2021). The Making of Jim Griffiths M.P. – ‘One of the greatest sons of Wales’. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Purnell, Paul (2021). Civic planning and leadership in Cardigan,1845-65: strategic vision, social responsibility and self interest. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Templeton, Alli (2021). The Abduction of Nest of Deheubarth (1109): A Reappraisal. Assessing female personal agency in twelfth and early thirteenth century Wales. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Twigg, Bethany (2021). To Be A Wits: An Exploration of Witchcraft and Gender in Early Modern Wales. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Ward, Isabella (2021). To what extent did pre-existing Welsh customary practices and laws shape witchcraft trials and accusations in Early Modern Wales? An examination of Witchcraft as Malefice trials in Wales and their outcomes in relation to customary laws during the Seventeenth Century. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Gibson, Emma (2021). Immigration and Identity: How, and to what extent, did Italian immigrants in South Wales retain a distinct national identity? 1870-1939. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Harman, Rachael (2021). Griffith Jones - Wales’s First Evangelical? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Hayles-Holmes, Christina (2021). Abergavenny (Y-Fenni), what caused the growth and improvement of this South Wales market town in size, population and civic improvements in the nineteenth century? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Lloyd, Francis Wayne (2021). On the placement of Edward I's Castles in North Wales: A reconsideration of the evidence for prior foundations on the sites of Flint, Rhuddlan, Conwy, Caernarfon and Harlech. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Montgomerie, Rosemary (2021). Was the birth of the Welsh teenager between 1950-1970? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Parris, Leah (2021). Robert Owen’s Welsh Influence on the Scottish Industrial Community of New Lanark (1800 – 1825). Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Williams, Ruth (2021). To what extent did paid employment and traditional values change for women of the Rhondda between the post war periods of 1918-24 and 1945-51? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
2020To Top
Cochrane, Emma (2020). Identity and Community: The Welsh in Liverpool c. 1850-1900. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Ellis, Anna (2020). ‘There Is Nothing Like a Dame’: To what extent did involvement in the Cardiff Primrose League Habitations shape Conservative women’s national and civic identities between 1885 and 1914? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Rogers, Andrea (2020). ‘Struggle or Starve’: life in the South Wales Coalfield for working-class women c1900-1939. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
2019To Top
Beatson, Siobhan (2019). The White Rose and the Red Dragon: An Analysis of the Jacobite Support in Wales 1688-1746. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Beckingham, Lesley (2019). The fork-tongued dragon: how and why did The Society for the Utilisation of the Welsh Language contribute to a bilingual education policy in the late nineteenth century? A study of the concepts of language agency and linguistic capital in the Victorian era. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Chandler, Martine (2019). The Welsh were 'extremely resistant to an English imposition'. How distinctive was pauper provision in Anglesey and its implementation of 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Dunstan, Frank (2019). Cardiff and its Rivals: Why was Cardiff Successful in Becoming the Capital of Wales? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Ellis, Joseph (2019). 'Conjurations, Enchantments and Witchcrafts': To what extent was the execution of Gwen ferch Ellis (1594) a turning point in the Welsh perception of common magic? An exploration of the 'cunning folk' of Wales at the turn of the seventeenth century. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Frampton, Sundas (2019). Re-opening 'The Old Curiosity Shop': To what extent did the Llangollen Eisteddfod of 1858 fulfil the Ioloic vision of Welsh culture? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Gilbert, Malcolm (2019). Evading constraints? 200 years of uncontrolled pollution by the Swansea copper industry. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Hebden, Colin (2019). The Llanerch Colliery Disaster, February 1890: Why was the adoption of safety lamps delayed in south Wales collieries? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Jones, Gruffydd (2019). The Incredible Adventures of Betsi Cadwaladr: 'Welsh Florence Nightingale' or 'Munchausen in Petticoats'? An evaluation of The Autobiography of Elizabeth Davis as a historical source. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Kemp, Alison (2019). Land of Song- How Was Welsh Identity Articulated Through Popular Music: 1990-2000. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Munyard, Clare (2019). "Deeds not Words": How significant was the militant suffragettes' campaign in promoting the Suffrage Movement in Wales 1907-1914? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Murphy, Margaret (2019). To what extent can the association between Owain Glyndŵr and the Prophetic Tradition be justified or is it the legacy of Tudor propaganda? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Peach, Deborah (2019). Llangollen: Development of an Embryonic Town c.1850-1914. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Saville, Chris (2019). Did John Ogilby complicitly map a route from Aberystwyth to London as part of clandestine plans for a Catholic invasion of England and Wales, at the behest of Charles II? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Skinner, Mark (2019). Cymru am Byth - By exploring the demand for a Welsh regiment of footguards and the nature of the regiment until 1918, to what extent was the formation of the Welsh Guards in 1915 a manifestation of Welsh national identity? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Startup, Jennifer (2019). The wrong track? Neyland and Milford Haven, a study of two towns in competition for success. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Tonks, Andrew (2019). 'Wages, welfare and arbitration': Were the Penrhyn Quarry workers able to express their agency in response to methods of control exerted by English management and ownership pre-unionisation c. 1842-1874? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Turner, Joan (2019). 'All Men Out and All Men In': What does the relationship between the Taff Vale Railway Company and their workforce indicate about industrial relations within this South Wales railway at the end of the nineteenth century? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Willoughby, Caroline (2019). The execution of William de Braose in 1230 and how it illuminates the thirteenth century Welsh political dynamic. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
2018To Top
Barton, Jamie (2018). Medical Methods & The Transmission of Knowledge in Early Modern Wales: The Lady of Yystumcolwyn's Medical Recipe Book. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Bassett, Sarah (2018). The Stepney and Chambers Families of Llanelly House: Exploring the 'Cultivation of Identity' of the Old and New Squirearchy in the Llanelli Landscape, Circa 1706-1855. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Bridle, Kelly (2018). The Welsh seaside resort: growth in population, trade and an emerging tourism industry in the nineteenth-century, c. 1841-1891. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Brodie, Pauline (2018). To what extent was Catholicism in Wales still prevalent during the Reformation period, from its inception in 1536 to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605? A discussion relating to families and martyrs. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Evans, Sian (2018). "A pick in one hand and a spade in the other". To what extent was life in a Carmarthenshire mining area different from one in Glamorgan between 1880 and 1914? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Harward, Rodney (2018). What can the historiology of nineteenth-century Welsh national identity learn from the life of Doctor William Price (1800-1893) and others yet unrecorded? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Howells, Gareth (2018). 'A star-spangled dragon': What was the immediate effect of the McKinley Tariff on the South Wales tinplate industry: 1880-1895? A reassessment of Welsh production and foreign protectionism. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Kniveton, Mark (2018). The impact of medieval fortifications in North Wales throughout the Wars of the three Kingdoms. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Lewis, Ruth (2018). 'Poor Taffy' - Satirical Print of the Welsh during the English Civil War. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Macdonald, Ellie (2018). "A Slave to the Home": Female Labour and Mortality in the Rhondda; 1881 - 1911. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Owen, Lucinda (2018). How significant was the experience of living in rural North Wales in shaping a Welsh identity in the period 1841-1911? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Owsley, Natalie (2018). Did Welsh noblewomen have the ability to act independently in a medieval Welsh patriarchal society? A thematic study of agency in 13th century Wales. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Perkins, Brian (2018). To what extent was the rebellion of 1400 a rebellion of Glyndŵr and the uchelwyr? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Townsley, Oliver (2018). Owain Glyndŵr and the Franco-Welsh alliance, 1405-1406 - a reappraisal. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Watkins, Andrew (2018). Barry on the frontline: To what extent did the civilians of a Welsh town participate in the total war effort of the Second World war? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Watterson, Rebecca (2018). How distinct was the development of County Asylums in Nineteenth Century Wales? Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Weed, Clive (2018). What is a Welshman? Nationalism and R. S. Thomas. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.
Wise, Colin (2018). 'Calon wrth Galon': The Bristol Cambrian Society. A Window on Welsh Migrant Identity: 1869 to 1935. Student dissertation for The Open University module A329 The making of Welsh history.