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Number of items at this level: 28.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 12:09:22 2025 GMT.

2017To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2017). Beyond the Nation State: How Can Regional Social Policy Contribute to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? UNRISD Issue Brief 5; United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland.

Yeates, Nicola and Riggirozzi, Pia (2017). Global social regionalism: the case of the Union of South American Nations’ health policy. PRARI Working Paper 15-10; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Penfold, Erica (2017). Regionalism in the Southern African Development Community: Integration for better health? PRARI Working Paper 15-11; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2015To Top

Penfold, Erica (2015). Southern African Development Community Health Policy: Under Construction. PRARI Policy Brief 7; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Amaya, Ana B.; Bagapi, Khuteletso; Choge, Isaac; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Kingah, Stephen; Kwape, Irene; Luwabelwa, Mubita; Mathala, Onkemetse; Mhehe, Enock; Moeti, Themba; Mookodi, Lillian; Ngware, Zubeda and Phirinyane, Molefe (2015). Monitoring Pro-Poor Health-Policy Success in the SADC Region. PRARI Policy Brief 7; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Amaya, Ana B.; Bagapi, Khuteletso; Choge, Isaac; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Kingah, Stephen; Kwape, Irene; Luwabelwa, Mubita; Mathala, Onkemetse; Mhehe, Enock; Moeti, Themba; Mookodi, Lillian; Ngware, Zubeda and Phirinyane, Molefe (2015). Monitoreo del éxito de las políticas de salud en favor de los pobres en la región de la SADC. Resumen de políticas de PRARI/REPIR Núm. 7; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Amaya, Ana B.; Cabral, Cesar; Coitiño, Andrés; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Faria, Mariana; Herrero, M. Belen; Kingah, Stephen; Riggirozzi, Pia; Rojas Mattos, Marcelo; Pippo, Tomás; Tobar, Katherine and Ueleres, José (2015). Monitoring Pro-Poor Health-Policy Success in UNASUR. PRARI Policy Brief 6; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Amaya, Ana B.; Cabral, Cesar; Coitiño, Andrés; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Faria, Mariana; Herrero, M. Belen; Kingah, Stephen; Riggirozzi, Pia; Rojas Mattos, Marcelo; Pippo, Tomás; Tobar, Katherine and Ueleres, José (2015). El Monitoreo de Políticas en Salud en UNASUR. Resumen de políticas de PRARI/REPIR Núm. 6; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Riggirozzi, Pia (2015). Strengthening Rights and Equity through Health Diplomacy: The role of UNASUR. PRARI Policy Brief 3; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Riggirozzi, Pia (2015). Comparing SADC and UNASUR regional health governance and policy. PRARI Working Paper 15-2; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Amaya, Ana B.; Kingah, Stephen and de Lombaerde, Philippe (2015). Multi-level pro-poor health governance, statistical information flows, and the role of regional organizations in South-America and Southern Africa. PRARI Working Paper 15-1; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Amaya, Ana B. and Yeates, Nicola (2015). Participatory Action Research: new uses, new contexts, new challenges. PRARI Working Paper 15-6; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Bianculli, Andrea C. and Ribeiro Hoffman, Andrea (2015). Health and regional integration: health governance challenges in MERCOSUR. PRARI Working Paper 15-7; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Saguier, Marcelo and Brent, Zoe (2015). Regional Policy Frameworks of Social and Solidarity Economy in South America: MERCOSUR and UNASUR compared. PRARI Working Paper 15-4; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2014To Top

Riggirozzi, Pia (2014). Human rights to health: a case for regional pro-poor approaches. PRARI Policy Brief 2; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Riggirozzi, Pia (2014). Derechos humanos a la salud: enfoques regionales en favor de los pobres. Resumen de políticas de PRARI/REPIR Núm. 2; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

PRARI (2014). Poverty reduction and regional integration SADC and Unasur health policies. PRARI Policy Brief 2; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

PRARI, RePIR (2014). Poverty reduction and regional integration: SADC and Unasur health policies. PRARI Policy Brief 1; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.


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