Browse by Partner Institution Thesis

Number of items at this level: 85.
Generated on Sat Oct 5 22:14:35 2024 BST.

DClinPsycholTo Top

Accoroni, Alex (2000). Professionals' beliefs about schizophrenic disorders. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Blumenthal, Stephen B (1997). Cognitive distortion and blame attribution in different groups of sex offenders. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Cohen, Andrea (2000). A study of decision-making about risk of violence in mentally disordered offenders. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Francis, Elizabeth A (1999). Appraisal of memory impairment following brain injury. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Frangoulis, Sandy (1997). The influence of maternal employment on women's emotional well-being after having their first child. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Fuchs, Karen J (2000). Adults with learning disabilities who live with their parents : the decision to live at home. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Geraghty, Wendy Katherine (1996). An investigation into factors associated with psychological health in young lesbians. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

King, David (1998). Understanding delusions : the role of self-esteem and a consideration of metacognition. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Roche, Sine (2000). An exploration of the personal constructs and accounts of young offenders of violent crime. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Strickland-Clark, Lisa (1998). Investigation into child and adolescent perceptions of family therapy : a study of process. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

Watkin, Lalage (2000). Racism and psychosis. DClinPsychol thesis The Open University.

PhDTo Top

Alwan, Claire (2000). The experience of osteoarthritis in older adults. PhD thesis The Open University.

Rosebert, Ché-Louise (2000). The role of clinical psychology for homeless people. PhD thesis The Open University.

Williams, Bryn Thomas Roy (1999). The effects of early 'non attachment' in adulthood. PhD thesis The Open University.


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