Browse by Partner Institution Thesis

Number of items at this level: 63.
Generated on Mon Jan 13 01:23:01 2025 GMT.

2004To Top

Schuller, Stefan (2004). Helping to make sense : an evaluation of team-based cognitive-behavioural formulation workshops for recent onset psychotic symptoms. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

2003To Top

Küchemann, Christine (2003). An exploratory study of factors associated with therapists offering 26 or more sessions of therapy. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

2002To Top

Beinart, Helen (2002). An exploration of the factors which predict the quality of the relationship in clinical supervision. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Noad, Rupert Francis (2002). The importance of positive cognitive processes in psychological well-being. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Osman, Selen (2002). An investigation into the nature and meaning of spontaneously occurring images in people with body dysmorphic disorder. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Sheppard, Ruth (2002). Theory of planned behaviour, skin care & pressure sores following spinal cord injury. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Ward, Sarah (2002). Investigating obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents : a study of intrusive thoughts in a non-clinical population. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

2001To Top

Bellhouse, Margaret Ruth (2001). Parental discipline style : an investigation into the validity of parents' reports. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Cook, Natalie Clare Louise (2001). Stories people tell : an investigation of the narratives of personal stories told by autistic and non-autistic children and adolescents. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Davies, Felix (2001). Clarifying the clinical concept of "complex case". Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Hawker, David Sidney James (2001). Biased attentional processing of insults and compliments among aggressive and withdrawn children. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Pratt, Daniel (2001). Frightening web sights: imagery and its characteristics in spider phobia. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Watson, Melissa Anne Margaret (2001). Factors affecting the psychological adjustment of children with cystic fibrosis. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

2000To Top

Cotter, Imogen (2000). Trying too hard to be sure? : An investigation of the role of safety-seeking strategies in maintaining obsessional problems. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Detert, Niels Bruce (2000). Assimilation in 2+1 brief therapy. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Simmons, Jane (2000). Cognitive schemata in depressed female adolescents and their mothers : a pilot study. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Tilbrook, David (2000). Attachment,conduct disorder and perspective taking in 7-9 year old boys. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1999To Top

Hinrichsen, Hendrik (1999). Anticipatory processing in social anxiety. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1998To Top

Woolmore, Ashley (1998). Regression periods in infancy and maternal post-natal depression. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

1997To Top

Dendy, Catherine Mary (1997). Cognitive aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Galbraith, Michael (1997). A study of attitudes and belief associated with anorexia nervosa in adolescents and their parents. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Jenkins, Helen (1997). Levels of burnout and distress among care staff and the quality of care provided in a group of residential homes for older people. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

1996To Top

Lewis, Jessica Melanie (1996). The use of emotional language in a diagnosed personality disordered special hospital population, who self harm. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) thesis The Open University.

Newby, Gavin John (1996). Following up the head injured driver: self versus family assessment. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.


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