The Influence of Procedural Justice and Maladaptive Police Behaviour on Citizen Compliance: A Body-Worn Camera Analysis

Philpot, Richard; Walkington, Zoe; Taylor, Olivia; Reid, Sian; Pike, Graham; Popple, Dan; Richards, Jenny; Levine, Mark and Kahn, Sukhbir (2024). The Influence of Procedural Justice and Maladaptive Police Behaviour on Citizen Compliance: A Body-Worn Camera Analysis. In: 2024 Conference of The European Association of Psychology and Law, 10-12 Jul 2024, Caparica, Portugal.


This study analyses police-citizen interactions captured on body-worn camera (BWC) footage, focusing on procedural justice behaviour, maladaptive behaviour, and their impact on citizen compliance. Through systematic observation of 157 videos, distinctions between interactions involving arrested and non-arrested individuals were examined. Specifically, we focused on police displays of procedural justice behaviours—Participation, Fairness and Neutrality, Dignity and Respect, and Trustworthy Motives—and maladaptive behaviour. Chi-square tests revealed significant differences in displays of Participation and Maladaptive behaviour by the police toward those arrested and those not. Additionally, we investigated the influence of police behaviour on citizen compliance levels during interactions with arrested individuals. Employing mixed-effects ordinal logistic regressions, we found that while Dignity and Respect were initially negatively associated with verbal non-compliance, the introduction of maladaptive behaviour as a model predictor attenuated this effect. Maladaptive behaviour was significantly associated with increased levels of both physical and verbal non-compliance during arrests, while procedural justice behaviours had limited impact. These findings underscore the significance of addressing maladaptive behaviour in police training and highlight the intricate interplay between police behaviour and citizen compliance. The implications of the research are discussed within the context of enhancing law enforcement practices and fostering positive police-citizen relations.

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