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Banyard, Philip; Underwood, Jean and Twiner, Alison
The assumption tested here is whether the introduction of enhanced communication technologies in the form of high-speed broadband connectivity has removed or ameliorated any of the barriers to efficient and effective teaching and learning.i
Evidence is presented of how enhanced communication technologies have facilitated self-regulated learning. The examples are drawn from a range of subject areas in secondary (11–18 years) and primary (5–11 years) schools in the UK. Evidence is also presented of the new challenges to self-regulated learning that are created by enhanced communication technologies, for example, non-selective searching, plagiarism and issues of filtering.
Case studies were developed in 37 schools in the public sector, from rural and urban areas. Field workers conducted interviews with teachers and made classroom observations. Further interviews were also conducted with headteachers and ICT coordinators.
These studies showed some outstanding examples of students taking ownership of the learning process. However, these enhanced communication technologies raised concerns for school management, for teacher workloads and for the parents. These findings are not parochial. International comparisons indicate that we are studying a trans-national phenomenon. Similarly, costs and benefits of such technologies are not sector specific; the outcomes of this research can inform debate in higher education.