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Swarbrick, Caroline W.; Open Doors; Scottish Dementia Working Group; EDUCATE; Davis, Katie and Keady, John
The involvement of people living with dementia in research has traditionally been located in the realms of ‘subject’ or ‘participant’. However, there has been an increase in demand for greater transparency by academic bidding teams (particularly within the UK) in demonstrating how people with a lived experience have been and will be involved in the research process. Located within the Economic and Social Research Council/National Institute for Health Research (ESRC/NIHR)-funded Neighbourhoods and Dementia Study (2014–2019), led by The University of Manchester (UK), this paper outlines the development of the CO-researcher INvolvement and Engagement in Dementia (COINED) Model, which was co-produced alongside three independent groups of people living with dementia: Open Doors, the Scottish Dementia Working Group and EDUCATE.