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Hemming, D. F. (1975). Energy requirements of North Sea oil production (revised edition). ERG Report 10; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
To begin the study, a fairly detailed process analysis of the Forties field was carried out. It is intended to continue the work on the North Sea to include one of the cluster of fields in the northern North Sea east of the Shetlands. The Brent field seems to be a good example to examine in that it will use concrete platforms as opposed to the steel structures used for the Forties field. The Auk field will also be investigated as an example of a marginal field exploited by using a tanker/SBM system as opposed to pipelines which will be used for large fields such as Forties and Brent. The study could be continued to cover fields of different sizes and different production techniques (eg Argyll’s converted drilling rig, or subsea production), but by examining the Forties, Brent and Auk fields it seems that most of the variable of North Sea oil production will be covered.