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McCabe, L.; Ashworth, R.; Bellussi, L.; Brown, T.; Calllaghan, J.; Cheung, M.; Crisp, S.; Curreri, A.; Emond, R.; Gibson, G.; Hale, H.; Hamilton, T.; Kelly, C.; Lamont, M.; Oliver, H.; Ormston, R.; Othieno, A.; Priestly, A.; Robertson, J.; Tait, A.; Weeks, S. and Wilson, S. (2021). Creating Better Lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Interim Report. The Life Changes Trust.
Creating Better Lives? is a multi-method evaluation of the work of the Life Changes Trust from its inception in 2013 through to November 2021. The project has three overarching aims:
• to tell the (hi)story of the Trust
• to demonstrate the impact and outcomes for the three beneficiary groups of the Trust
• to demonstrate the place and impact of the Trust in the wider policy and practice context.
Alongside more traditional methods, including surveys and secondary analysis, the project utilises life story and appreciative enquiry methods that encourage meaningful participation and engagement with the different participants to develop a multi-perspective understanding of the work of the LCT. It incorporates both process and summative evaluation techniques. This interim report provides details of activities undertaken up to March 2021, focusing on new findings that were not included in our earlier interim report (submitted in June 2020).