The Case of the Missing Cromwell: Ford Madox Ford, Art, Life and Letters in 1899

Haslam, Sara (2022). The Case of the Missing Cromwell: Ford Madox Ford, Art, Life and Letters in 1899. Last Post: A literary journal from the Ford Madox Ford Society, 1(8 & 9) pp. 57–85.


This article solves a long-running biographical mystery set in train when an early Ford biographer had access to a diary, then lost to scholars. Recovered access has allowed investigation of the questions raised by Arthur Mizener - whether Ford ever wrote a novel about Oliver Cromwell? what happened to it if he did? - and suggests answers to them. As the article demonstrates, these answers are also closely tied to the work of Ford's maternal grandfather, the painter Ford Madox Brown, and to the letters that Ford was both writing and receiving during 1899.

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