Indian migrant women in the European Union labour market: beyond stereotypes and current tropes

Raghuram, Parvati and Sondhi, Gunjan (2024). Indian migrant women in the European Union labour market: beyond stereotypes and current tropes. Migration Policy Practice, XIII(1) pp. 25–33.


This article examines the barriers skilled migrant women face in accessing and continuing paid employment in the European Union member States by drawing on the experiences of skilled migrant Indian women in the European Union. The article makes three novel moves. First, it uses an expansive definition of skilled to refer to all migrant women with skills, not only those who enter under skilled worker visa categories. Second, it explores the newer mobility patterns of skilled migrant Indian women in the European Union. Third, it outlines how gender discrimination operates at policy and employer levels. It closes by advising European Union policymakers on a gender-sensitive approach to migration and integration policymaking.

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