Embedding critical project management approaches into public entrepreneurship

Parker, Steven; Thompson, Karen and Lishman, Ros (2024). Embedding critical project management approaches into public entrepreneurship. In: Liddle, Joyce and Shutt, John eds. Cases on Public Sector Entrepreneurship: Elgar Cases in Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (In Press).


Projects create the future and come in many shapes and sizes, including large organisational and infrastructure projects, but also smaller, socially focused projects aimed at the public and citizens. This chapter takes a broad view of public entrepreneurship and projects as entrepreneurship for the public good, including a range of individuals and organisations motivated to progress community priorities. The chapter utilises ‘critical project management’ approaches of project studies and responsible project management to inform this context. This is particularly important with the call to integrate citizen stakeholders, co-production and co-creation into project design and delivery. Two real-life community projects provide illustrative examples to identify some connecting themes between public entrepreneurship and community projects, using Geraldi and Söderlund’s (2018) typology of project studies. The last section highlights four aspects crucial for community projects and public entrepreneurship in theory and practice: understanding, connections and future directions. Learning materials are attached to assist academics and practitioners to explore the relationship between critical project management and public entrepreneurship.

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