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Bhandari, Renu
Educating children with the just reading, writing and related knowledge is not sufficient in the 21st century. Parents need to make a muilt fold effort to layer knowledge and literacies in children that make them competent in finding creative, collaborative solutions to not only their problems but the issues and problems of the world. This layering of literacies that makes children competent in skills where diverse, conflicting views are not perceived as challenges but as additional practices that make equitable society and humanity. Parenting in the 21st century has to focus on Identifying With All Humanity (IWAH). The multi layering of the present generation of children with multiple literacies and equipping them to think creatively, problem solving, inclusively and collaboratively taking the whole view of the world as one. Globalism, openness to experiences, empathy and universalism are key components of identifying with all humanity (Hamer et al., 2019),Multi-cultural experiences are correlated to identifying with all humanity (IWAH) (Sparkman and Hamer, 2020).Parents who facilitate positive parenting interactions creating these multiple literacies to facilitate children identifying with all humanity are able to raise global citizens who are responsible not only for themselves, their families but also the world as one family. This approach to education can go a long way in making inclusive equitable and just societies. Children of the world should be open to cultures, views, values, varied perspectives and possess the critical and creative evaluation to sieve the aspects of the global living that will not only work for them their families and but also the world as whole.