Postural stability of adults with down syndrome – differences between women and men

Daďová, Klára; Tláskalová, Marie; Szabóová, Veronika; Křivánková, Markéta; Vařeková, Jitka; Šteffl, Michal; Pappas, Yannis and Všetečková, Jitka (2023). Postural stability of adults with down syndrome – differences between women and men. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (Early access).



Objective: This study aimed to analyse differences in postural stability (PS) between adults with Down syndrome (DS) and adults without DS of the same age and to compare the PS between men and women with DS.
Methods: Twenty-six individuals with DS (mean age 38.4 ± 8.7 yrs.) and 26 individuals without DS (mean age 38.8 ± 9.2 yrs.) participated in the study. Postural stability was measured using a pressure sensing platform MobileMat 3140 (Tekscan) in these modifications of the bipedal stance: a. wide base of support with the eyes open (WO); b. wide base of support with the eyes closed (WC); c. narrow base of support with the eyes open (NO). Six parameters of PS were compared in the statistical analysis: centre of pressure (COP) path length, COP excursion front-back, COP excursion left-right, COP velocity average, time to boundary (TTB) front-back, and TTB left-right.
Results: Most PS variables (COP path length, COP excursion left-right, COP velocity average, TTB front-back) indicate significantly lower PS of adults with DS than that of the reference group (p < 0.05). Some PS variables (COP path length and COP velocity average in WC, COP excursion front-back and COP excursion left-right in NO) showed differences between men and women in more demanding conditions, indicating lower PS in men with DS.

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