Where is the meaning? The complexities of oral poetry and beyond

Finnegan, Ruth (2003). Where is the meaning? The complexities of oral poetry and beyond. In: Jannidis, Fortis; Lauer, Gerhard; Martinez, Matias and Winko, Simone eds. Regeln der Bedeutung. Zur Theorie der Bedeutung literarischer Texte. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, pp. 384–400.

URL: http://www.uni-giessen.de/graduiertenzentrum/magaz...


About the book:
The contributions illustrate that the term “meaning” can designate very different circumstances, and strive to give on the one hand as clear a definition of the term as possible and to examine on the other hand integration possibilities from different literature-theoretical beginnings and their meaning meanings to.

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