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Benozzo, Angelo; Distinto, Marco and Priola, Vincenza
The article offers methodological and theoretical contributions to the field of management at the so-called ‘turn to matter’ postulated within new materialist perspectives. It discusses more-than-human perspectives in management research and provides some methodological directions to support new materialist empirical investigations. Theoretically grounded on new materialism and posthumanism, the paper applies the assemblage approach that focuses on understanding the redistribution of agency to the network of people, things and discourses. In developing three exemplars of assemblages, it shows how it is possible to methodologically encompass the entanglement of the material, the organic, the human and the more-than-human to explore a phenomenon such as working from home. The article concludes by reflecting on what new materialist qualitative research in management could become in order to generate new ways of imagining management, organisations and working lives, as more-than-human entanglements.