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Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; McAlister-Wilson, Sam; Roberts, Lois; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison (2023). Research on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales: Wave 2 report. Social Research Number: 88/2023; Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
This report presents findings of the second wave (Wave 2) of qualitative research with 62 senior leaders in schools and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) carried out by Arad Research and the Open University in Wales. The aim of this research was to undertake two waves of qualitative research during academic year 2022/23 to understand how the curriculum and assessment reforms were working for practitioners and learners in schools and settings, and the barriers and facilitators to successful implementation. This report follows on from the Wave 1 report, which presented findings of the first round of interviews with senior leaders. In addition to presenting findings from follow-up interviews with senior leaders, it also presents evidence from fieldwork with groups of learners in primary and secondary schools, outlining their experiences of curriculum delivery during the academic year 2022/23.