Hannah More and the Blagdon Controversy, 1799-1802

Stott, Anne (2004). Hannah More and the Blagdon Controversy, 1799-1802. In: Smith, Mark and Taylor, Stephen eds. Evangelicalism in the Church of England, c.1790-c.1890. Church of England Record Society, 12. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, pp. 1–50.

URL: http://www.boydell.co.uk/titlesaz.htm


The Blagdon Controversy arose when the Evangelical laywoman, Hannah More, established a school for poor children in a Somerset parish. A few years later the school was closed down because of a quarrel between the teacher and the curate. This item edits her correspondence on the subject, and is the first time these important manuscript sources have been printed. It provides an important insight into the frequently tense relations between Anglican Evangelicals and 'Orthodox' clergy in the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries.

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