Statutory Assessment of the class? Supporting the additional needs of the learning context

Rix, Jonathan (2009). Statutory Assessment of the class? Supporting the additional needs of the learning context. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13(3) pp. 253–272.



This paper considers issues of funding of support for students facing difficulties in learning, and the role of assessment and labelling within this process. It explores the tensions within this process using a Foucauldian framework, and from the key perspectives of social justice and rights. Drawing on a range of literature it identifies the focus upon the individual within assessment processes around the world, and then considers in detail the strengths and weaknesses of the current form of Statutory Assessment of Special Educational Needs within England. The paper proposes an alternative funding system that resolves shortcomings within the individual approach and the English system. It suggests that a Class Funding Approach could build on a notion of justice for all, reduce the opportunities for wide variations in provision, and minimise the negative impact of current dividing practices.

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